Weekly Lesson Log Sheet Covid Time
Weekly Lesson Log Sheet Covid Time
Weekly Lesson Log Sheet Covid Time
Department of Education
Burgos integrated school
Burgos, basey, samar
Subject: Science 9 Grade Level: Grade 9 School: Burgos Integrated School District: Basey 1
Code Competency Module No. Topic/Activities Evaluation Tools Remarks
1. Paper pencil test
Differentiate basis features and importance of 2. Identification
S9LT-Ig-j-31 photosynthesis and respiration 8 Photosynthesis and Respiration
3. 15 item test
Subject: Science 9 Grade Level: Grade 9 School: Burgos Integrated School District: Basey 1
Code Competency Module No. Topic/Activities Evaluation Tools Remarks
1. Paper pencil test
Differentiate basis features and importance of 2. Concept Map
S9LT-Ig-j-31 photosynthesis and respiration 7 Photosynthesis and Respiration
3. Word Map
Day 1-4 Objective: Will be able to picture out how 4. Venn Diagram
plants are utilizing the sugar they have created
during the process of photosynthesis to perform Activity 1: Getting to know
other functions Cellular Respiration
Subject: Science 9 Grade Level: Grade 9 School: Burgos Integrated School District: Basey 1
Code Competency Module No. Topic/Activities Evaluation Tools Remarks
1. Completion Test
Differentiate basis features and importance of 2. Identification
S9LT-Ig-j-31 photosynthesis and respiration 6 Photosynthesis and Respiration
3. Paper pencil test
Day 1-4 Objective: Summarize the differences 4. Venn Diagram
between photosynthesis and respiration through Activity 1: Getting to know
the Venn Diagram Photosynthesis
Subject: Science 9 Grade Level: Grade 9 School: Burgos Integrated School District: Basey 1
Code Competency Module No. Topic/Activities Evaluation Tools Remarks
1. Paper pencil test
Relate species extinction to the failure of
S9LT-Ie-f-30 populations of organisms to adopt to abrupt 5 Biodiversity and Evolution 2. Completion Test
changes in the environment 3. Completion Test
Subject: Science 9 Grade Level: Grade 9 School: Burgos Integrated School District: Basey 1
Code Competency Module No. Topic/Activities Evaluation Tools Remarks
1. Word search Puzzle
Explain the different patterns of non-Mendelian 2. Completion Test
S9LT-Id-29 4 Non-Mendelian Inheritance
inheretance 3. Completion Test
Subject: Science 9 Grade Level: Grade 9 School: Burgos Integrated School District: Basey 1
Code Competency Module No. Topic/Activities Evaluation Tools Remarks
Explain the different patterns of non-Mendelian 1. Completion Test
2. Completion Test
S9LT-Id-29 3 Non-Mendelian Inheritance
3. Completion Test
Day 1 Objective:Differentiate Mendelian and Activity 1: What's My Phenotype 4. Short Answer Question
Non-Mendelian Inheritance. and Genotype? 5. Formative Test
Day 2 Ojective: Describe the three Non- Activity
Mendelian Inheritance. Activity 2:
3: Codominance
What's your Blood
Subject: Science 9 Grade Level: Grade 9 School: Burgos Integrated School District: Basey 1
Code Competency Module No. Topic/Activities Evaluation Tools Remarks
Infer how one's lifestyle can affect the 1. Pancil tool
functioning of respiratory and circulatory systems Respiratory and Circulatory 2. Appherension
S9LT-Ic-27 2 systems Working with the Other
Organ Systems 3. Identification
4. Formative Test
Day 1 Objective: Infers how one's lifestyle can
affect the functioning of respiratory and Activity 1: Respiratory Diseases
circulatory systems
Day 3-4 Objective: Identify the heart-healthy Activity 3: Who's Doing Good or
foods according to health-line.com ( Pictures are Bad for the lungs and heart?
given) Activity 4: Negative vs. Positive
Day 5 Objective: Conduct of Assessment Impact
Subject: Science 9 Grade Level: Grade 9 School: Burgos Integrated School District: Basey 1
Code Competency Module No. Topic/Activities Evaluation Tools Remarks
Explain how the respiratory and circulatory 1. Identification
systems work together to transport nutrients, Respiratory and Circulatory
gases, and other molecules to and from the 2. Feedback test
S9LT-Ia-B-26 1 systems Working with the Other
different parts of the body. Organ Systems 3. Visualization
4. Paper and Pencil Tool
Day 1 Objective; Identify the key parts of the
breathing system Activity 1: Identify Parts of the 5.Formative test
Circulatory System
Activity 2: My Pulse Rate
Day 2 Ojective: Explain how the lungs work and
describe how the movement of the diaphragm Acivity 3: Breath In and Breath
helps the air go in and out of the lungs. Out
Day 3 Objective: Identify the components of the Activity 4: Pump It Up
circulatory system and expalain the different
types of circulation. Activity 5: The Pulmonary and
Systemic Circulations
Day 4 Objective: Describe how the heart
functions and explain how blood is pumped by
the heart.
Day 5 Objective: Conduct Assessment