Syllabus General Module

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Nepal Telecom
Nepal Doorsanchar Company Ltd.
Part I: (General Module) Compulsory Subject
(Common subject for Electronics & Communications, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical
and Civil Engineer Level 7 Tech.)

Time: 2 hours Full Marks: 100

Pass Marks: 40
Part I: (General Module) All the Questions are Compulsory
Types of question Section Section Number Marks Total Remarks
A B of Marks
Objective Questions 20 10 30 1 30 1/4 marks will
be deducted for
each incorrect
Short Questions 6 4 10 4 40
Long Questions 2 1 3 10 30
Use of non-programmable calculator is permitted in the examination hall.

Section "A" (Technical)

1 Mathematics and Statistics: (Weightage 5% -15%)
Function and Limit, Maxima and Minima, Differentiation and Integration and
their interpretation, Equations of straight lines, circle, parabola, hyperbola,
spheres, cylinders and cones, Linear differential equations (up to second order),
Fourier series, Fourier Transforms, Fourier integral, inverse Fourier integral
formula, odd and even function, Laplace transforms, Line, surface and volume
integral, Tayler series, Zeros and Poles, Z-transforms
Introduction of statistics and descriptive statistics, Mean, Mode, Variance,
Dispersion, Probability, Discrete random variables and probability distribution,
continuous random variables and probability distributions, Samples, Sampling
theorems, Linear regression, Population mean & sample mean and accuracy, pi &
bar diagrams, error functions.

2 Applied Mechanics and Thermodynamics (Weightage 15%-25%)

Concept of equilibrium of particles, Force and position vectors, Conditions for
equilibrium of a particles and a rigid body, Free body diagram, Moment of force
and couple, Laws of friction, Simple trusses, Center of Gravity and Centroid,
Moments of Inertia, Newton’s laws and equation of motion, Translation, pure
rotation and general plane motion of rigid body.
Boyles and Charles law of gases, Zeroth, First and second law of
thermodynamics, Introduction to Entropy and enthalpy, Viscosity, specific
gravity, specific volume, bulk modulus, Turbulent and laminar flow,
Configurations and characteristics of centrifugal pumps and blowers, Viscous
flow, The Bernoulli energy equation, the momentum equation and their
applications. Internal combustion Engine, Refrigeration Systems, Heat transfer,
Types of heat transfer.

3 Basic Electricity and Electronics (Weightage 15%-25%)

Circuit elements, series & parallel circuits, resistance, resistivity, Ohm’s laws,
Kirchoff’s laws, Single phase & three phase circuit analysis, Measurement of
current, voltage, power, energy, insulation resistance, Primary & Secondary cells,
Cells in series & parallel, star & delta connections, Fundamentals of transformers,
Generators and Induction motors, Electrical shock hazards, Earthing and shielding
techniques for telecom equipments, Lightning protections.
Diode, Zener diode, LEDs, Transistors, PNP, NPN, FET, MOSFETS, Op-Amps,
Integrated circuits, NMOS, CMOS, MOSFET amplifiers, Junction field effect
transistor, quadratic characteristics, JFET Amplifiers, The bipolar transistor and
its configurations, Load line biasing in CE configuration, Number systems, power
supplies & voltage regulators, Half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, Bridge
rectifier, Logic gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR

4 Information and Communications Technology Basics(Weightage 10%-20%)

Computer architecture, Microprocessor fundamentals, Microcomputer systems:
Bus structure, Memory systems (main, auxiliary, virtual, cache, I/O devices,
parallel and serial interfaces, RS-232 standards, Flow charts, algorithms,
variables, constants, data types, arithmetic expression, arrays, Concept of ROM,
RAM., MS-DOS, windows, MS-office packages, basic concept on internet and
Communication systems: Amplitude Modulation, Frequency Modulation, Phase
Shift Keying, Frequency Shift Keying, Data transmission over radio.
(End of Section "A")
Section "B" (Management, Finance & Rules Regulation)

1 Project Management (Weightage 5%-15%)

Definitions, the project life cycle, Setting project objectives & goals, Network
model: CPM & PERT, Gant chart, Project scheduling, Resource leveling, Systems
of Project control, Cost control, Preparation of operational budget, Introduction to
budgetary control, Planning the quality, time & cost dimensions, Negotiating for
Materials, Supplies & Services, Bringing the project to a Successful conclusion.

2 Economics and General Accounting Principles (Weightage 5%-15%)

Essential business & accounting terminology, Cost classification & analysis,
Interest & time value of money, Basic methodology of engineering economic
studies, cost and benefit analysis, risk analysis, investment decisions, demand
analysis and sales forecasting, Basic knowledge of trial balance & Balance sheet,
income statements, revenue and capital expenditure, budgeting and capitalization,
depreciation and subsidy, Procurement procedures (FOB, CIF, Liquidated
Damage, Letter of Credit, Insurance, Invoice, Bid security, performance bond),
Competitive bidding.

3 Management Concepts (Weightage 3%-7%)

Vision, Mission, Goal, Objectives, Targets, Strategies, Organization structure,
Authority and Power delegation, Leadership, Motivation, Group dynamics, Time
management, Conflict Management, MIS, Customer care, Decision support
system, Out sourcing, Inventory control, Job description, training, service port
folio and tariff structure of Nepal Telecom.

4. P]g, ljlgodfjln, gLlt lgod (Weightage 5%-15%)

g]kfn b'/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld^]*sf] sd{rf/L ljlgodfjnL 2061 sf]

kl/R%]b-6 labf, kl/R%]b-8 cfr/)F tyf cg'zf;g, kl/R%]b-10 ;hf+o /
k'g/fj]bg .

g]kfn b'/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld^]*sf] cfly{s lalgodfjln 2061 sf] kl/R%]b-

2 jflif{s sfo{qmd / ah]^, kl/R%]b-3 sDkgLsf] ;DklQsf] lhDdf,
To;sf] nut, ;+/If)f / a/a'emf/y, kl/R%]b-5- v/Lb / k|fKtL, kl/R%]b
- 6 af]nkq ;DalGw sfo{ljlw .

sDkgL P]g 2053 sf] kl/R%]b-2 sDkgLsf] :yfkgf, klR%]b-6 ;+rfns

;ldlt .

b'/;+rf/ lgtL 2060 .

b'/;+rf/ P]g 2053 sf] kl/R%]b–7 b'/;+rf/ nfOgsf] h*fg / /]vb]v,

kl/R%]b–8 ;]jf z'Ns lgwf{/)f tyf c;'nL, kl/R%]b-11 ljljw, bkmf 49
/]l*of] lk|mSj]lG; gLlt lgwf{/)f ;DalGw Joj:yf .

;'rgf k|ljlw gLlt .

b|i^JoM k|Zgx?;+u ;DjlGwt lgtL, P]g, lgod, ljlgodfanLx? k/LIff ldlt eGbf
3 dlxgf cl# ;Dd ;+zf]wg eO{ sfod /x]sf] Joa:yf nfu" x"g]%

(End of Section "B")

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