Iso TC135

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The document reports on the structure and activities of ISO/TC 135 Non-Destructive Testing including its subcommittees, work programs, and established standards.

The main subcommittees are SC2-SC9 which cover areas like surface methods, ultrasonic testing, eddy current methods, etc. Each subcommittee may have working groups focused on more specific technical areas.

Some of the projects and stages listed include a NP on penetrant testing (stage 10.60), DIS on performance based qualification (stage 40.60), WD on an acoustic emission TR (stage 20.20), etc.

ICNDT General Assembly Meeting

Report of ISO/TC 135

Non-destructive testing

10 June 2010

Hajime Hatano, Prof., Dr. Takeo Tsuchiya

Chairman, TC 135 Secretary, TC 135
Contents page

1. Structure ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
2. Membership ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
3. Chairmen, Conveners, and Secretaries ------------------------------ 2
4. Liaisons ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
5. Established Standards ---------------------------------------------------- 2
6. Work Program -------------------------------------------------------------- 2
7. Activity Report -------------------------------------------------------------- 3
Annex A Contact Information ------------------------------------------------ 7
Annex B Established Standards ------------------------------------------- 11
Annex C Project Stages and Associated Documents ---------------- 14
Annex D Work Program ----------------------------------------------------- 15
ISO/TC 135 Plenary meeting, Buenos Aires, October 2007

ISO/TC 135/SC 8 Meeting, Shanghai, October 2008

ISO/TC 135/SC 7/WG 7 Meeting, Shanghai, October 2008

ISO/TC 135/SC 9 Meeting, Salvador, May 2009

1. Structure
TC 135 Non-destructive testing Japan (JISC)

TC 135/WG 3 Harmonization of personnel certification standards -

Study of EN 473:2008 and ISO 9712:2005 Japan (JISC)
SC 2 Surface methods South Africa (SABS)
SC 3 Ultrasonic testing Germany (DIN)
SC 4 Eddy current methods France (AFNOR)
SC 5 Radiation methods Germany (DIN)
SC 6 Leak detection methods Japan (JISC)
SC 7 Personnel qualification Canada (SCC)
SC 7/WG 7 Performance based qualification and certification USA (ANSI)
SC 8 Infrared thermography for non-destructive testing Korea (KATS)
SC 8/WG 1 Terminology and vocabulary Korea (KATS)
SC9 Acoustic emission testing Brazil (ABNT)
SC 9/WG 1 Metallic materials Austria (ASI)
SC 9/WG 2 Composite materials Brazil (ABNT)
SC 9/WG 3 Leak detection Argentina (IRAM)
SC 9/WG 4 Acoustic emission technology Japan (JISC)

2. Membership

(1) P-members (29)

Argentina (IRAM), Austria (ASI), Barbados (BNSI), Belgium (NBN), Brazil (ABNT), Bulgaria (BDS),
Canada (SCC), China (SAC), Czech Republic (UNMZ), France (AFNOR), Germany (DIN),
India (BIS), Indonesia (BSN), Iran, Islamic Republic of (ISIRI), Italy (UNI), Japan (JISC),
Kazakhstan (KAZMEMST), Kenya (KEBS), Korea, Republic of (KATS), Malaysia (DSM)(*),
Norway (SN)(*), Philippines (BPS), Poland (PKN), Portugal (IPQ), Romania (ASRO),
Russian Federation (GOST R), South Africa (SABS), Sweden (SIS), United Kingdom (BSI)
(*) Participated as P-member after the plenary meeting in October 2007.
Former P-members Denmark and Venezuela became Non-member.
Ukraine and New Zealand changed their status from P-member to O-member.

(2) O-members (37)

Australia (SA), Belarus (BELST), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BAS)(**), Colombia (ICONTEC),
Croatia (HZN), Cuba (NC), Ecuador (INEN), Egypt (EOS), Estonia (EVS), Finland (SFS),
Greece (ELOT), Hong Kong, China (ITCHKSAR), Hungary (MSZT), Iraq (COSQC), Israel (SII),
Jamaica (BSJ), Korea, Democratic People’s Rep. (CSK), Mauritius (MSB), Mexico (DGN),
Moldova, Republic of (INSM), Mongolia (MASM), Netherlands (NEN), New Zealand (SNZ)(**),
Saudi Arabia (SASO), Serbia (ISS), Singapore (SPRING SG)(**), Slovakia (SUTN), Spain (AENOR),
Sri Lanka (SLSI), Thailand (TISI), Trinidad and Tobago (TTBS), Tunisia (INNORPI), Turkey (TSE),
Ukraine (DSSU)(**), USA (ANSI), Viet Nam (STAMEQ), Zimbabwe (SAZ)
(**) Participated as O-member after the plenary meeting in October 2007.
Former O-member Ireland became Non-member.
Malaysia and Norway changed their status from O-member to P-member.

3. Chairmen, Conveners, and Secretaries
The Chairmen, Conveners, and Secretaries of TC 135 and its SCs are listed in Annex A.
During the reported period, secretaries of SC 2, SC 4 and SC 9 were replaced. The term of office of
the chair person of SC 2, Mrs. Westhuizen will expire by the end of 2010 and SC 2 chair country
South Africa (SABS) nominated Mr. Agostinho as a new SC 2 chairman.
This nomination will be casted for voting in the election of subcommittee chairmen in the TC 135
plenary in Moscow.

4. Liaisons

(1) Special liaison to comply with the Vienna agreement (1)

CEN/TC 138

(2) Liaisons (internal and with IEC) (17)

ISO/TC (15) : ISO/TC 11, ISO/TC 17, ISO/TC 20, ISO/TC 26,
ISO/TC 42, ISO/TC 44, ISO/TC 58, ISO/TC 67,
ISO/TC 79, ISO/TC 85, ISO/TC 107, ISO/TC 108/SC 5,
ISO/TC 112, ISO/TC 119, ISO/TC 155
IEC/TC (1) : IEC/TC 87

(3) Liaisons with other organizations (7)

Liaison A (4): CEOC International, ICNDT, IIW, INLAC

Liaison B (3): EC, IAEA, WCO

The previous B liaison between ISO/TC and non-intergovernmental organization was terminated at
the year end of 2008, in accordance with ISO/TMB resolution. The organizations of the liaison A
mentioned above were requested ISO/CS to establish new liaison (A liaison) with TC 135.
According to the information from ISO/CS on this matter, TC 135 secretariat started CIB on the
establishment A liaison with respective organization. The balloting result was in favor of
establishment of liaison with respective organization and the liaisons with above organizations were
established. The organizations of the liaison B are intergovernmental organizations and they
remained to be in liaison B.

5. Established Standards
International Standards, Technical Specifications and Technical Reports established by TC 135
are summarized in Annex B.

6. Work Programme

Work Program for TC 135 is summarized in Annex C.

7. Activity Report
7.1 Establishment of Joint Working Group with CEN/TC 138
Aiming at the complete harmonization of ISO 9712 and EN 473, ISO/TC 135 and CEN/TC 138
established ISO/TC 135/WG 3 and CEN/TC 138/AHG 9 to act as the Joint Working Group (JWG).
The first meeting was held in September 2009 at the office of AENOR in Madrid. At the meeting
harmonization plan to resolve the discrepancy between ISO 9712 and EN 473 was deliberated.
The chairman and the secretary of ISO/TC 135 were installed respectively as the convener and the
secretary of ISO/TC 135/WG 3 “Harmonization of personnel certification standards – Study of EN
473: 2008 and ISO 9712: 2005”
Since this is the most significant event of TC 135, the report and the discussion related to ISO/TC
135/WG 3 activity are given by the convener of WG 3, separately from TC 135 secretariat report.
From the next 7.2 and after, the events are described in chronological order.
7.2 ISO Committee Chairs’ Conference in Geneva
The chairman and the secretary of ISO/TC 135 attended ISO Committee Chairs’ Conference held
in June 2008 in Geneva. In the session of group discussion the chairman introduced the attendants
that, in connection with the harmonization between EN 473 and ISO 9712, European countries
have a sense of unfairness that ISO standards can be tailored to the circumstance of a country in
accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 21, whereas the modification of CEN standards are prohibited.
Mr. Ziethen (DIN); the session chairman, responded to this and asked Prof. Hatano for the detailed
situation as EN is not necessarily a mandatory standard.
At the conference TC 135 chairman and secretary met Mr. Guerreiro; the secretary of TC 135/SC 9
at the time and participated in the Conference as TC 34 secretary, and consulted with him on the
SC 9 meeting, which was once planned to be held in Shanghai, but cancelled.
7.3 Discussion on Harmonization of Certification Standards with CEN/TC 138 in Paris
ISO/TC 135 chairman and secretary visited AFNOR office in Paris in June 2008, and had a talk with
Mr. Kozlowski; CEN/TC 138 chairman, and Mr. Tanguy; CEN/TC 138 secretary at the time, about
the harmonization of EN 473 and ISO 9712, in general.
We also exchanged opinions about the revised contents of EN 473. In EN 473 revised in 2008, the
minimum training hours were increased considerably compared with its previous edition and ISO
9712. The chairman Hatano expressed the concern that it was possible for main countries
participating in CEN to deal with it, but in ISO, which was composed of various countries in different
circumstances, these countries were affected greatly by the rapid and big change in training hours,
and added that the members of not only ISO/TC 135 but also ICNDT were perplexed.
Mr. Kozlowski explained that the training hours defined in EN 473 was revised in accordance with
common technical report “CEN ISO/TR 25107: Guidelines for NDT training syllabuses”, which was
prepared by ISO in collaboration with CEN, and that the training hours in EN was a minimum
requirement for the practice of the level requested by CEN. Prof. Hatano refuted the explanation
pointing out that it is considered inappropriate to adopt the contents of Technical Report into CEN
standards, because the Technical Report has the binding force weaker than that of ISO standards,
and adoption of TR into standard will result to give TR the same binding force of ISO standards. He
also introduced the case of Japan, where Japan casted an affirmative vote in the balloting of CEN
ISO/TR 25107 because that the balloting was on TR with weak binding force, but not on the ISO
standard with binding force, and added that not a few member bodies might agree for the same

7.4 CEN/TC 138 meeting in Paris
ISO/TC 135 chairman attended the CEN/TC 138 meeting held in October 2008, as the
representative of ISO/TC 135 in accordance with Vienna Agreement. He reported the activities of
ISO/TC 135 and consulted with CEN participants in the meeting about the harmonization of EN 473
and ISO 9712, of which preparatory discussion was made at AFNOR in June.
Concerning the establishment of JWG, he explained that ISO/TC 135 would consult with ISO
members at the opportunities of ISO/TC 135/SC 8 and SC 7/WG 7 meetings in Shanghai in
October 2008 and make the decision of TC 135. Mr. Kozlowski agreed it.
Mr. Kozlowski, who has long been working as the chairman of CEN/TC 138, resigned after the
meeting. Prof. Hatano appreciated him for his long contribution to NDT at the farewell party.
7.5 ISO and ICNDT meetings with 17th WCNDT in Shanghai
The following meetings were held in October 2008 in Shanghai in conjunction with 17th WCNDT
and TC 135 chairman and secretary attended the meetings:
(1) ISO/TC 135/SC 8 Infrared thermography for non-destructive testing,
(2) ISO/TC 135/SC 7/WG 7 Performance based qualification and certification,
(3) ICNDT Workshop on Harmonization of third-party NDT Personnel Certification to ISO9712
and aligned standards
(4) ICNDT General Assembly Meeting

(1) At SC 8 meeting, TC 135 chairman reported the progress of JWG establishment to the
attendants of the meeting. TC 135 chairman held a reception after the meeting.

(2) At SC 7/WG 7 meeting, the future procedure was discussed. After the meeting, TC 135
chairman, Mr. Turnbow; the convener of SC 7/WG 7, and some members had a talk.

(3) Prof. Hatano was invited to ICNDT Workshop as a member of the panel. He explained the
necessity of harmonization between ISO 9712 and EN 473 and related issues, and reported
how and why the JWG of ISO and CEN was established. After the explanation, Dr. Farley; the
session chair of the workshop, asked attendants whether they were in favor of the establishment
of the JWG. Most attendants supported the policy of TC 135.
Prof. Klyuev; the president of 10th ECNDT participated in this Workshop. TC 135 chairman
appreciated for their invitation of TC 135 plenary and associated meetings to Moscow.

(4) At ICNDT General Assembly Meeting, TC 135 chairman and secretary reported TC 135
activities to the attendants and expressed gratitude to Dr. Rong Sheng Geng; the President of
17th WCNDT, and Ms. Zhu Ya Qing; the Exhibition Chair for their invitation of ISO-related
meetings to Shanghai.
7.6 SC 9 Meeting with 10th Conference on Equipment Technology in Salvador
The meeting of ISO/TC 135/SC 9 Acoustic emission testing was held in May 2009 in Salvador,
Brazil in conjunction with 10th Conference on Equipment Technology (10th COTEQ) and TC 135
chairman attended the meeting. In the meeting he gave advices on SC 9 meeting and the duties of
chair country. He also made a complementary speech at the opening ceremony of 10th COTEQ
and appreciated their invitation of TC 135/SC 9 meeting to 10th COTEQ. TC 135 chairman would
like to express profound gratitude to Mr. João Antonio Conte of Brazilian Society for Non-
Destructive Testing and Inspection for his cooperation.

7.7 CEN/TC 138 Meeting in Madrid
CEN/TC 135 meeting was held in September 2009 in the same place of the 1st JWG meeting on the
following day.
ISO/TC 135 chairman and secretary attended the meeting as the representative of ISO/TC 135 in
accordance with Vienna Agreement and reported the activities of ISO/TC 135.

7.8 ISO and ICNDT meetings with 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on NDT in Yokohama
ISO/TC 135/SC 8 was held in November 2009 in Yokohama, Japan in conjunction with the 13th
Asia-Pacific Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (APCNDT 2009). TC 135 chairman and
secretary attended the meeting. The chairman was also invited to the Policy and General Purposes
Committee (PGPC) meeting of ICNDT and reported the background of JWG establishment of
ISO/TC 135 and CEN/TC 138 and its first meeting held in September in Madrid.

7.9 Chair’s Visitation to Chennai on Invitation of Indian Nuclear Society

20th Annual Conference of Indian Nuclear Society (20th INSAC) was held in January 2010 in
Chennai, India. TC 135 chairman was invited to the meeting by Indian Nuclear Society, attended
the meeting and reported ISO/TC 135 activities. He was also invited by Indira Gandhi Centre for
Atomic Research (IGCAR) and Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing, Chennai Chapter and
made invited lecture respectively. TC 135 chairman would like to express profound gratitude to Dr.
Baldev Raj and Dr. Venkatraman of IGCAR for the invitation.

7.10 Background of TC 135 Moscow meetings

The 17th ISO/TC 135 plenary and associated meetings were originally planned to be held
concurrently with the 10th ECNDT. However, in the last autumn when ECNDT program and the
venue of its conference were fixed, we realized that information about a series of SC meetings to be
held with the TC 135 plenary has not been conveyed to ECNDT. It is unable to hold only TC 135
plenary meeting without associated SC meetings. But TC 135 could hold its plenary and its
associated SC meetings one week prior to 10th ECNDT conference at the Hotel Belgrad by
courtesy of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology. As the result, the second
JWG was changed to be held on September 14, 2010 in Vienna. Concerning that TC 135 could
hold the related meetings, ISO/TC 135 deeply appreciates the Federal Agency on Technical
Regulating and Metrology. To avoid the recurrence of this kind of problem, TC 135 chairman
decided to handle the communication with the host and adjustment the meeting since last autumn.
We, the secretariat of ISO/TC 135, would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Elkin; the
Head of the Federal Agency, and Mr. Krutikov; the Deputy Head, and Prof. Klyuev; the President of
10th ECNDT, for their kind invitation. Our deepest thanks are extended to Ms. Morozova, Dr.
Muravskaya, Dr. Pushkina, and their colleagues for every arrangement for the Moscow meetings.

8. ISOTC Server/ISO Global Directory

In the previous plenary meeting in Buenos Aires, it was recommended to use ISOTC Server and
ISO Global Directory to expedite standardization activity.
Responding to the recommendation, most TC 135 member bodies registered their personnel in
charge of communication with ISO server.
However, there are several countries remaining unable to view the information posted to ISO server
because that none is registered to ISO GD. These countries are recommended to register the

appropriate person and notify TC 135 secretariat of the email address.
The current status of the use of ISOTC Server by the member bodies is as below.
Countries of the following b) are kindly requested to register with ISOGD.

P-Members (29)
a) The countries already registered with ISOGD
Argentina (IRAM), Austria (ASI), Belgium (NBN), Brazil (ABNT), Bulgaria (BDS),
Canada (SCC), China (SAC), Czech Republic (CNI), France (AFNOR), Germany (DIN),
India (BIS), Indonesia (BSN), Iran, Islamic Republic of (ISIRI), Italy (UNI), Japan (JISC),
Kenya (KEBS), Korea, Republic of (KATS), Malaysia (DSM), Norway (SN),
Philippines (BPS), Poland (PKN), Portugal (IPQ), Romania (ASRO),
Russian Federation (GOST R), South Africa (SABS), Sweden (SIS), United Kingdom (BSI)
b) The countries not registered with ISOGD (Countries in correspondence with TC 135 by email)
Barbados (BNSI), Kazakhstan (KAZMEMST)

O-members (37)
a) The country already registered with ISOGD
Belarus (BELST), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BAS), Croatia (HZN), Ecuador (INEN),
Egypt (EOS), Estonia (EVS), Finland (SFS), Greece (ELOT),
Hong Kong, China (ITCHKSAR), Hungary (MSZT), Iraq (COSQC), Israel (SII),
Korea, Dem. P. Rep. (CSK), Mauritius (MSB), Mexico (DGN), Netherlands (NEN),
New Zealand (SNZ), Serbia (ISS), Singapore (SPRING SG), Slovakia (SUTN),
Spain (AENOR), Sri Lanka (SLSI), Thailand (TISI), Trinidad and Tobago (TTBS),
Turkey (TSE), Ukraine (DSSU), USA (ANSI), Zimbabwe (SAZ)
b) The country not registered with ISOGD (Countries in correspondence with TC 135 by email)
Australia (SA), Colombia (ICONTEC), Cuba (NC), Jamaica (JBS),
Moldova, Rep. of (MOLDST), Mongolia (MASM), Saudi Arabia (SASO), Tunisia (INNORPI),
Viet Nam (STAMEQ)

Respectfully submitted by

Takeo Tsuchiya
Secretary, ISO/TC 135

Annex A

Contact Information of ISO/TC 135 (As of 2009-04-28)

Chairman / Convener Secretary

TC Prof. Hajime Hatano Mr. Takeo Tsuchiya
135 Chairman of ISO/TC 135 Secretary of ISO/TC 135
Tokyo University of Science Toshiba Documents Corporation
Department of Applied Electronics Toshiba Fuchu Complex
2641 Yamazaki 1, Toshiba-machi, Fuchu-shi
Noda, 278-8510 Tokyo 183-8511
Japan Japan
TEL : +81 4 7122 9646 TEL : +81 42 333 6850
FAX : +81 4 7122 9831 FAX : +81 42 340 8084
Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected]
TC Prof. Hajime Hatano (*) Mr. Takeo Tsuchiya (*)
135/ Convener of ISO/TC 135/WG 3 Secretary of ISO/TC 135/WG 3
WG 3 Tokyo University of Science Toshiba Documents Corporation
Department of Applied Electronics Toshiba Fuchu Complex
2641 Yamazaki 1, Toshiba-machi, Fuchu-shi
Noda, 278-8510 Tokyo 183-8511
Japan Japan
TEL : +81 4 7122 9646 TEL : +81 42 333 6850
FAX : +81 4 7122 9831 FAX : +81 42 340 8084
Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected]
TC Mrs. Amanda Van der Westhuizen Mr. Patrick Qwabe (*)
135/ Chairman of ISO/TC 135/SC 2 Secretary of ISO/TC 135/SC 2
SC 2 African NDT Centre (Pty) LTD South African Bureau of Standards
P.O. Box 68253, Highveld, Centurion 0169 1 Dr Lategan Rd, Groenkloof
14 Pieter Street, Techno Park Private Bag X191
Centurion, Tshwane ZA-Pretoria 0001
South Africa South Africa
TEL : +27 82 773 7572 TEL : +27 12 428 6169
FAX : +27 86 653 7265 FAX : +27 12 428 6111
Email : [email protected] Email: [email protected]
TC Mr. Udo Schlengermann Dipl.-Phys. Lars Gallasch (*)
135/ Chairman of ISO/TC 135/SC 3 Secretary of ISO/TC 135/SC 3
SC 3 Am Ludwigsacker 19 DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung
50374 Erftstadt Materials Testing Standards Committee (NMP)
Germany Burggrafenstrasse 6
DE-10787 Berlin
TEL : +49 2235 42759 TEL : +49 30 2601 2068
FAX : FAX : +49 30 2601 42068
Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected]
( )
* Appointed since the last plenary meeting in October 2007.

Chairman / Convener Secretary
TC Mr. Robert Lévy Ms. Nathalie Geslin-Levasseur (*)
135/ Chairman of ISO/TC 135/SC 4 Secretary of ISO/TC 135/SC 4
SC 4 10 Chemin des Senillieres Chef de Projet Normalisation
91700 Villiers sur Orge Association Française de Normalisation
11, rue Francis de Pressensé
FR-93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex
France France
TEL : +33 609 94 2630 TEL : +33 1 41 62 84 29
Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected]
TC Prof. Heinrich Heidt Dipl.-Phys. Lars Gallasch (*)
135/ Chairman of ISO/TC 135/SC 5 Secretary of ISO/TC 135/SC 5
SC 5 Federal Institute for Materials Research DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung
and Testing (BAM) Materials Testing Standards Committee (NMP)
Unter den Eichen 87 Burggrafenstrasse 6
D-12205 Berlin DE-10787 Berlin
Germany Germany
TEL : +49 30 8104 1800 TEL : +49 30 2601 2068
FAX : +49 30 8104 1807 FAX : +49 30 2601 42068
Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected]
TC Dr. Norikazu Ooka Mr. Takeo Tsuchiya
135/ Chairman of ISO/TC 135/SC 6 Secretary of ISO/TC 135/SC 6
SC 6 The Japan Welding Engineering Society Toshiba Documents Corporation
1-11, Kanda Sakuma-cho, Chiyoda-ku Toshiba Fuchu Complex
Tokyo 101-0025 1, Toshiba-machi, Fuchu-shi
Japan Tokyo 183-8511
TEL : +81 332 57 1522 TEL : +81 42 333 6850
FAX : +81 332 55 5196 FAX : +81 42 340 8084
Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected]
TC Dr. Richard Murphy Ms. Patricia Wait
135/ Chairman of ISO/TC 135/SC 7 Secretary of ISO/TC 135/SC 7
SC 7 NRCan/CAMET Canadian General Standards Board
568 Booth Street Place du Portage, Phase III, 6B1
Ottawa, ON K1A 0G1 11 Laurier Street, Gatineau, PQ, K1A 1G5
Canada Canada
TEL : +1 613 943 0583 TEL : +1 819 956 0777
FAX : +1 613 943 8297 FAX : +1 819 956 5740
Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected]
TC Mr. Rick Robichaud (*)
135/ Acting Chairman of ISO/TC 135/SC 7
SC 7 Team Industrial Services
389 Davis Rd, Oakville, ON L6J 2X2
TEL : +1 905 845 9542 x128
FAX : +1 905 845 9551
Email : [email protected]
( )
* Appointed since the last plenary meeting in October 2007.
Chairman / Convener Secretary
TC Mr. Michael L. Turnbow Ms. Patricia A. Wait
135/ Convener of ISO/TC 135/SC 7/WG 7 Secretary of ISO/TC 135/SC 7
SC 7/ Manager Canadian General Standards Board
WG 7 Inspection Services Organization (ISO) Place du Portage, Phase III, 6B1
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) 11 Laurier Street, Gatineau, PQ, K1A 1G5
P.O. Box 2000, STC 1I-SQN Canada
Soddy Daisy, TN 37379
TEL : +1 423 843 4303 TEL : +1 819 956 0777
FAX : + 1 423 843 4266 FAX : +1 819 956 5740
Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected]
TC Dr. Seung-Seok Lee Dr. Man Yong Choi
135/ Chairman of ISO/TC 135/SC 8 Secretary of ISO/TC 135/SC 8
SC 8 Center for Environment and Safety Smart Measurement Group
Measurement Korea Research Institute of Standards and
Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS)
Science (KRISS) P.O.Box 102, Yuseong, Daejeon, 305-600
P.O.Box 102, Yuseong, Daejeon, 305-600 Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea
TEL : +82 42 868 5025 TEL : +82 42 868 5251
FAX : +82 42 868 5027 FAX : +82 42 868 5650
Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected]
TC Mr. Won Tae Kim (*)
135/ Convener of ISO/TC 135/SC 8/WG 1
SC 8/ Major of Mechanical System Engineering
WG 1 CheonAn Campus
Kongju National University
275 Budae-dong, Seobuk-gu, Cheonan
Republic of Korea
TEL : +82 41 521 9289
FAX : +82 41 555 9123
Email : [email protected]
TC Mr. Pedro Feres Ms. Carolina Figueiredo
135/ Chairman of ISO/TC 135/SC 9 Secretary of ISO/TC 135/SC 9
SC 9 Physical Acoustics South America Coordinator of International Standardization
R. Joaquim Antunes 574 Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas
CEP 05415-001, São Paulo, SP (ABNT)
Brazil Av. 13 de Maio, n° 13, 28° andar
BR-20003-901 - Rio de Janeiro-RJ
TEL : +55 11 3082 5511 TEL : +55 21 3974 2329
FAX : +55 11 3064 0713 FAX : +55 21 3974 2317
Email : [email protected] Email : [email protected]
( )
* Appointed since the last plenary meeting in October 2007.

Chairman / Convener Secretary
TC Mr. Peter Tscheliesnig (*)
135/ Convener of ISO/TC 135/SC 9/WG 1
SC 9/ TÜV Austria Services GmbH
WG 1 Institute for Technical Physics
Krugerstrasse 16, 1015 Vienna
TEL : +43 664 33 66 543
FAX : +
Email : [email protected]
TC Dr. Sergio Damasceno Soares (*)
135/ Convener of ISO/TC 135/SC 9/WG 2
WG 2 Technical Consultant
Av Horácio Macedo, 950 - Cidade Universitária -
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 21941-915
TEL : +55 21 3865 6934
FAX : +55 21 3865 6790
Email : [email protected]
TC Dra. María Isabel López Pumarega (*)
135/ Convener of ISO/TC 135/SC 9/WG 3
SC 9/ Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
WG 3 Av. General Paz 1499, 1650 San Martín
Buenos Aires
TEL : +54 11 6772 7498
FAX : +55 11 6772 7355
Email : [email protected]
TC Dr. Shigenori Yuyama (*)
135/ Convener of ISO/TC 135/SC 9/WG 4
SC 9/ Nippon Physical Acoustics Ltd.
WG 4 8F, Okamoto LK Bldg., 2-17-10, Higasi
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0011
TEL : +81 03 3498 3570
FAX : +81 03 3498 8450
Email : [email protected]
( )
* Appointed since the last plenary meeting in October 2007.

- 10 -
Annex B
ISO/TC 135 International Standards (51), Technical Specifications (3) and Technical Reports (2)

WG 1 General terms and definitions

Title CEN Documents
Publication Date Stage
ISO/TS 18173:2005 General terms and definitions
2005-01-15 90.60

WG 2 Training guidelines
Title CEN Documents
Publication Date Stage
ISO/TR 25107:2006 Guidelines for NDT training syllabuses CEN ISO/TR
2006-07-01 60.60 25107:2006
ISO/TR 25108:2006 Guidelines for NDT personnel training organizations CEN ISO/TR
2006-07-01 60.60 25108:2006

SC 2 Surface methods
Title CEN Documents
Publication Date Stage
ISO 3057:1998 Metallographic replica techniques of surface examination
1998-03-15 90.93
ISO 3058:1998 Aids to visual inspection - Selection of low-power magnifiers
1998-03-15 90.93
ISO 3452:1984* Penetrant inspection - General principles
Withdrawn 95.99
ISO 3452-2:2006 Penetrant testing - Part 2: Testing of penetrant materials EN ISO 3452-2
2006-08-15 90.60
ISO 3452-3:1998 Penetrant testing - Part 3: Reference test blocks EN ISO 3452-3
1998-12-15 90.60
ISO 3452-3:1998/Cor Penetrant testing - Part 3: Reference test blocks - Technical Corrigendum
1:2001 1
2001-02-01 60.60
ISO 3452-4:1998 Penetrant testing - Part 4: Equipment EN ISO 3452-4
1998-12-15 90.93
ISO 3452-5:2008 Penetrant testing - Part 5: Penetrant testing at temperatures higher than 50 EN ISO 3452-5
2008-12-01 60.60 °C
ISO 3452-6:2008 Penetrant testing - Part 6: Penetrant testing at temperatures lower than 10 EN ISO 3452-6
2008-12-01 60.60 °C
ISO 9934-1:2001 Magnetic particle testing - Part 1: General principles EN ISO 9934-1
2001-12-01 90.60
ISO 9934-2:2002 Magnetic particle testing - Part 2: Detection media EN ISO 9934-2
2002-12-01 90.60
ISO 9934-3:2002 Magnetic particle testing - Part 3: Equipment EN ISO 9934-3
2002-07-15 90.60
ISO 12706:2000** Terminology - Terms used in penetrant testing
Withdrawn 95.99
ISO 12706:2009 Penetrant testing — Vocabulary [Revision of ISO 12706:2000] EN ISO 12706
2009-10-01 60.60
* Withdrawn August 2008 , ** Withdrawn October 2009

SC 3 Ultrasonic testing
Title CEN Documents
Publication Date Stage
ISO 2400:1972 Welds in steel -- Reference block for the calibration of equipment for
1972-06-15 90.93 ultrasonic examination
ISO 5577:2000 Ultrasonic inspection - Vocabulary EN 1330-4
2000-05-01 90.20
ISO 7963:2006 Ultrasonic testing - Specification for calibration block No. 2
2006-09-15 90.60
ISO 10375:1997 Ultrasonic inspection - Characterization of search unit and sound field EN 12268-2
1997-04-15 90.93

- 11 -
SC 3 Ultrasonic testing
Title CEN Documents
Publication Date Stage
ISO 12710:2002 Ultrasonic inspection - Evaluating electronic characteristics of ultrasonic
2002-09-15 90.93 test instruments
ISO 12715:1999 Reference blocks and test procedures for the characterization of contact EN 12223
1999-08-15 90.60 search unit beam profiles
ISO 18175:2004 Non-destructive testing - Evaluating performance characteristics of
2004-03-15 90.93 ultrasonic pulse-echo testing systems without the use of electronic

SC 4 Eddy current methods

Title CEN Documents
Publication Date Stage
ISO 12718:2008 Eddy current testing - Terminology EN ISO 12718
2008-08-15 60.60
ISO 15548-1:2008 Equipment for eddy current examination - Part 1: Instrument characteristics EN ISO 15548-1
2008-09-15 60.60 and verification
ISO 15548-1:2008 Equipment for eddy current examination - Part 1: Instrument characteristics EN ISO 15548-1:
/Cor 1:2010 and verification - Technical Corrigendum 1 2008/AC:2010
2010-03-01 60.60
ISO 15548-2:2008 Equipment for eddy current examination - Part 2: Probe characteristics and EN ISO 15548-2
2008-09-15 60.60 verification
ISO 15548-3:2008 Equipment for eddy current examination - Part 3: System characteristics EN ISO 15548-3
2008-09-15 60.60 and verification
ISO 15549:2008 Eddy current examination - General principles
2008-08-01 60.60

SC 5 Radiation methods
Title CEN Documents
Publication Date Stage
ISO 5576:1997 Industrial X-ray and gamma-ray radiology - Vocabulary EN 1330-3
1997-08-01 90.93
ISO 5579:1998 Radiographic examination of metallic materials by X- and gamma rays - EN 444
1998-07-01 90.60 Basic rules
ISO 5580:1985 Industrial radiographic illuminators -- Minimum requirements
1985-03-15 90.93
ISO 11537:1998 Thermal neutron radiographic testing - General principles and basic rules
1998-07-15 90.60
ISO 11699-1:1998*** Industrial radiographic films -- Part 1: Classification of film systems for
Withdrawn 95.99 industrial radiography
SO 11699-1:2008 Industrial radiographic film — Part 1: Classification of film systems EN 584-1
2008-09-15 60.60 for industrial radiography (Revision of ISO 11699-1:1998)
ISO 11699-2:1998 Industrial radiographic films - Part 2: Control of film processing by means EN 584-2
1998-07-01 90.60 of reference values
ISO 12721:2000 Thermal neutron radiographic testing - Determination of beam L/D ratio
2000-04-15 90.93
ISO 14096-1:2005 Qualification of radiographic film digitisation systems - Part 1: Definitions, EN 14096-1
2005-06-15 90.93 quantitative measurements of image quality parameters, standard reference
film and qualitative control
ISO 14096-2:2005 Qualification of radiographic film digitisation systems - Part 2: Minimum EN 14096-2
2005-06-15 90.93 requirements
ISO 15708-1:2002 Radiation methods - Computed tomography - Part 1: Principles
2002-06-01 90.93
ISO 15708-2:2002 Radiation methods - Computed tomography - Part 2: Examination practices
2002-07-01 90.93
ISO 19232-1:2004 Image quality of radiographs - Part 1: Image quality indicators (wire type) - EN 462-1
2004-07-01 90.93 Determination of image quality value
ISO 19232-1:2004 Image quality of radiographs - Part 1: Image quality indicators (wire type) -
/Cor 1:2007 Determination of image quality value - Technical Corrigendum 1
2007-07-15 60.60
*** Withdrawn September 2008

- 12 -
SC 5 Radiation methods
Title CEN Documents
Publication Date Stage
ISO 19232-2:2004 Image quality of radiographs - Part 2: Image quality indicators (step/hole EN 462-2
2004-07-01 90.93 type) - Determination of image quality value
ISO 19232-2:2004 Image quality of radiographs - Part 2: Image quality indicators (step/hole
/Cor 1:2007 type) - Determination of image quality value - Technical Corrigendum 1
2007-07-15 60.60
ISO 19232-3:2004 Image quality of radiographs - Part 3: Image quality classes for ferrous EN 462-3
2004-07-01 90.93 metals
ISO 19232-4:2004 Image quality of radiographs - Part 4: Experimental evaluation of image EN 462-4
2004-07-01 90.93 quality values and image quality tables
ISO 19232-5:2004 Image quality of radiographs - Part 5: Image quality indicators (duplex wire EN 462-5
2004-07-01 90.93 type) - Determination of image unsharpness value
ISO/TS 21432:2005 Test methods for determining residual stresses by neutron diffraction CEN ISO TS 21432
2005-07-15 90.60
ISO/TS 21432:2005 Test methods for determining residual stresses by neutron diffraction - CEN ISO TS 21432:
/Cor 1:2008 Technical Corrigendum 1 2005/AC:2009
2008-01-15 60.60

SC 6 Leak detection methods

Title CEN Documents
Publication Date Stage
ISO 3530:1979 Vacuum technology - Mass-spectrometer-type leak-detector calibration
1979-09-01 90.93

SC 7 Personnel qualification
Title CEN Documents
Publication Date Stage
ISO 9712:2005 Qualification and certification of personnel EN 473:2000
2005-02-15 90.93
ISO 9712:2005 Qualification and certification of personnel - Technical Corrigendum 1
/Cor 1:2006
2006-11-01 60.60
ISO 20807:2004 Qualification of personnel for limited application of non-destructive testing
2004-03-01 90.93

SC 7/WG 8 Personnel qualification / Specimens

Title CEN Documents
Publication Date Stage
ISO/TS 22809:2007 Discontinuities in specimens for use in qualification examinations CEN/TS 15053
2007-11-15 60.60

SC 9 Acoustic emission testing

Title CEN Documents
Publication Date Stage
ISO 12713:1998 Acoustic emission inspection - Primary calibration of transducers
1998-07-15 90.93
ISO 12714:1999 Acoustic emission inspection - Secondary calibration of acoustic emission
1999-07-15 90.60 sensors
ISO 12716:2001 Acoustic emission inspection - Vocabulary
2001-06-15 90.93

- 13 -
Annex C

Project Stages and Associated Documents

Code Stage
00. * * Preliminary stage
10. * * Proposal stage
20. * * Preparatory stage (WD)
30. * * Committee stage (CD)
40. * * Enquiry stage (DIS)
50. * * Approval stage (FDIS)
60. * * Publication stage (ISO)
90. * * Review stage
95. * * Withdrawal stage

- 14 -
Annex D

Work Program (9)

SC 2 Surface methods
Title CEN Documents
Stage Date Stage
NP Calibration and assessment of opticcal strain measurement systems
2009-02-06 10.60 Part 1 - Reference material for optical methods of strain measurement
NP i l
d assessment
f i of opticcal strain measurement systems
2009-02-06 10.60 Part 2 - Standardised TestMaterials for Optical Methods of Strain
NP 3452-1 Penetrant testing - Part 1: General principles(Revision of ISO EN 571-1
2010-02-16 10.20 3452:1984)
NP 3059 Penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing - Viewing conditions EN ISO 3059
2010-02-19 10.20 (Revision of ISO 3059:2001)

SC 5 Radiation methods
Title CEN Documents
Stage Date Stage
NP Industrial computed radiography with storage phosphor imaging plates EN 14784-1
2010-03-27 10.20 — Part 1: Classification of systems

SC 6 Leak detection methods

Title CEN Documents
Stage Date Stage
Reinstate of AWI 20521 Terminology on leak testing

SC 7/WG 7 Personnel qualification / Performance based qualification and certification

Title CEN Documents
Stage Date Stage
DIS 11774 Non-destructive testing personnel - Performance based qualification
2010-02-26 40.60

SC 8 Infrared thermography for non-destructive testing

Title CEN Documents
Stage Date Stage
DIS 10878 Infrared thermography - Vocabulary and terminology
2009-11-04 40.60
NP 14381 General Requirements for standard specimen in infrared thermography
2009-09-09 10.60 - Metallic reference block

SC 9 Acoustic emission testing

Title CEN Documents
Stage Date Stage
NP 13112 Acoustic Emission Inspection on Metallic Pressure Vessles During
2009-05-12 10.98 Pressure Test
NP 13113 Acoustic Emission Continuous Monitoring
2008-12-04 10.98
NP 13114 Acoustic Emission Test on Fiber Reinforced Plastic Tanks
2008-12-04 10.98
WD TR 13115 Methods for absolute calibration of acoustic emission transducers by
2010-01-29 20.20 reciprocity technique

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