Welding - Fusion-Welded Joints in Steel, Nickel, Titanium and Their Alloys (Beam Welding Excluded) - Quality Levels For Imperfections
Welding - Fusion-Welded Joints in Steel, Nickel, Titanium and Their Alloys (Beam Welding Excluded) - Quality Levels For Imperfections
Welding - Fusion-Welded Joints in Steel, Nickel, Titanium and Their Alloys (Beam Welding Excluded) - Quality Levels For Imperfections
Fourth edition
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified , o r required in the context o f its implementation, n o part o f this
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including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can
be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester.
Published in Switzerland
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
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different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see www.iso.org/directives).
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 44, Welding and allied processes,
Subcommittee SC 10, Quality management in the field of welding, in collaboration with the European
Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee CEN/TC 121, Welding and allied processes, in
accordance with the Agreement on technical cooperation between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 5817:2014), which has been technically
editorial updates;
actual throat thickness aA, used in Table 1, nos 1.3, 1.4, 1.16 and 3.2;
figures for Table 1, nos 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.11, 1.14, 1.16, 1.19, 2.12, 2.13 and 4.1 changed or added;
Table 1, no. 4.1: exclusion of several imperfections and change of acceptance criteria;
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user's national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www.iso.org/members.html. Official interpretations of
ISO/TC 44 documents, where they exist, are available from this page:
https: //committee.iso.org/sites/tc44/home/interpretation.html.
This document is intended to be used as a reference in the drafting of application codes and/or other
application standards. It contains a simplified selection of fusion weld imperfections based on the
designations given in ISO 6520-1.
Some of the imperfections described in ISO 6520-1 have been used directly and some have been grouped
together. The basic numerical referencing system from ISO 6520-1 has been used.
The purpose of this document is to specify dimensions of typical imperfections which might be expected
in normal fabrication. It may be used within a quality system for the production of welded joints. It
provides three sets of dimensional values from which a selection can be made for a particular application.
The quality level necessary in each case should be specified by the application standard or the responsible
designer in conjunction with the manufacturer, user and/or other parties concerned. The quality level
shall be prescribed before the start of production, preferably at the enquiry or order stage. For special
purposes, additional details may be prescribed. If the welds will be subsequently coated with a protective
coating, lining or paint, the welds might require more thorough post weld treatment or surface finishing
to achieve the requirements in ISO 8501-3.
The quality levels given in this document provide basic reference data and are not specifically related to
any particular application. They refer to types of welded joint in fabrication and not to the complete
product or component itself. It is possible, therefore, that different quality levels are applied to individual
welded joints in the same product or component.
The main part of the document takes no account for fitness or design for purpose. Annex B gives a
possibility to address design for purpose for fatigue applications.
It would normally be expected that for a particular welded joint the dimensional limits for imperfections
can all be covered by specifying one quality level. In some cases, it can be necessary to specify different
quality levels for different imperfections in the same welded joint. The choice of quality level for any
application should take account of design considerations, subsequent processing (e.g. surfacing), mode
of stressing (e.g. static, dynamic), service conditions (e.g. temperature, environment) and consequences
of failure. Economic factors are also important and should include not only the cost of welding but also of
inspection, testing and repair.
Although this document includes types of imperfection relevant to the fusion welding processes listed in
Clause 1, only those which are applicable to the process and application in question need to be
Imperfections are quoted in terms of their actual dimensions, and their detection and evaluation can
require the use of one or more methods of non-destructive testing. The detection and sizing of
imperfections is dependent on the testing methods and the extent of testing specified in the application
standard or contract.
This document does not address the methods used for the detection of imperfections. However,
ISO 17635 contains a correlation between the quality level and acceptance level for different NDT
This document is directly applicable to visual testing of welds and does not include details of
recommended methods of detection or sizing by non-destructive means. It should be considered that
there are difficulties in using these limits to establish appropriate criteria applicable to non-destructive
testing methods, such as ultrasonic testing (UT), radiographic testing (RT), eddy current testing (ET),
penetrant testing (PT) and magnetic particle testing (MT) and that these will possibly need to be
supplemented by requirements for inspection, examining and testing.
The values given for imperfections are for welds produced using normal welding practice. Requirements
for smaller (more stringent) values as stated in quality level B may include additional manufacturing
processes, e.g. grinding, TIG dressing.
Annex B gives additional requirements for welds subject to fatigue.
1 Scope
This document specifies quality levels of imperfections in fusion-welded joints (except for beam welding)
in all types of steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys. It applies to material thickness � 0,5 mm. It covers
fully penetrated butt welds and all fillet welds. Its principles can also be applied to partial-penetration
butt welds.
Quality levels for beam-welded joints in steel are presented in ISO 13919-1.
Three quality levels are given in order to permit application to a wide range of welded fabrication. They
are designated by symbols B, C and D. Quality level B corresponds to the highest requirement on the
finished weld.
Several types of loads are considered, e.g. static load, thermal load, corrosion load, pressure load.
Additional guidance on fatigue loads is given in Annex B.
The quality levels refer to production and good workmanship.
This document is applicable to:
a) non-alloy and alloy steels;
t) all types of welds, e.g. butt welds, fillet welds and branch connections;
g) the following welding processes and their sub-processes, as defined in ISO 4063:
Metallurgical aspects, such as grain size and hardness, are not covered by this document.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 25901 (all parts), Welding and allied processes - Vocabulary
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in the ISO 25901 series and the
following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.org/obp
quality level
description of the quality of a weld on the basis of type, size and amount of selected imperfections
short imperfection
<welds 100 mm long or longer> imperfection whose total length is not greater than 25 mm in the 100 mm
of the weld which contains the greatest number of imperfections
short imperfection
< welds less than 100 mm long> imperfection whose total length is not greater than 25 % of the length of
the weld
systematic imperfection
imperfection that is repeatedly distributed in the weld over the weld length to be tested, the size of a
single imperfection being within the specified limits
projected area
area where imperfections distributed along the volume of the weld under consideration are imaged two
Note 1 to entry: In contrast to the cross-sectional area, the occurrence of imperfections is dependent on the weld
thickness when exposed radiographically (see Figure 1).
•1 •1
/ 3 4 5 6
"/ /. ."/ /
."/ /
. . .
. . .· . .
� ·. . ·. · .·
Figure 1 - Radiographic films of specimens with identical occurrence of pores per volume unit
smooth transition
even surface with no irregularities or sharpness at the transition between the weld bead and the parent
material and/or the adjacent welding bead(s)
fatigue class
classification reference to S-N curve
Note 2 to entry: Fatigue properties are described by S-N curves (stress-number of cycle-curves).
4 Symbols
GA actual throat thickness (throat thickness of the finalized weld) (see ISO/TR 25901-1)
A area surrounding the gas pores
b width of weld reinforcement
d diameter of gas pore
5 Assessment of imperfections
Limits for imperfections in accordance with ISO 6520-1 are given in Table 1.
If, for the detection of imperfections, macro-examination is used, only those imperfections shall be
considered which can be detected with a maximum of tenfold magnification. Excluded from this are micro
lack of fusion (see Table 1. 1.5) and microcracks (see Table 1, 2.2).
Systematic imperfections are only permitted in quality level D, provided the other requirements of
Table 1 are fulfilled.
A welded joint should usually be assessed separately for each individual type of imperfection (see Table 1.
1.1 to 3.2).
©ISO 2023 - All rights reserved 3
ISO 5817:2023(E)
Different types of imperfection occurring at any cross-section of the joint need special consideration (see
multiple imperfections in Table 1, 4.1).
The limits for multiple imperfections (see Table 1) are only applicable for cases where the requirements
for a single imperfection are not exceeded.
Any two adjacent imperfections separated by a distance smaller than the major dimension of the smaller
imperfection shall be considered as a single imperfection.
1 Surface imperfections
1.1 100 Crack � 0,5 Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
1.2 104 Crater crack � 0,5 Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
1.3 2 0 17 Surface pore On the weld face or the weld root 0 , 5 to 3 Butt welds Not permitted Not permitted
M aximum dimension of a single pore d :5
0,3 s
fillet welds
d :5 0,3 GA
1.4 2025 End crater pipe - butt welds 0 , 5 to 3 Butt welds Not permitted Not permitted
h :5 0 ,2 s
�H �
d:5 0,3 s
fillet welds
h :5 0 ,2 GA,
d:5 0,3 GA
h :5 0 , 1 S, but
max. 2 mm max. 1 mm
d:5 0,3 s, but d:5
0 ,2 s, but
I// xx A.I max. 3 mm max. 2 mm
� fillet welds fillet welds
h :5 0 ,2 GA, but h :5 0 , 1 GA, but
max. 2 mm max. 1 mm
d :5 0,3 GA, but d :5
0 ,2 GA, but
max. 3 mm max. 2 mm
1.5 401 Lack of fusion ;:: 0 , 5 Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
4014 Micro lack of Only detectable by micro examination (<:50 x ) ;:: 0 , 5 Permitted Permitted Not permitted
1.6 4021 Incomplete Only for single side butt welds (full penetration) ;:: 0 , 5 Short Not permitted Not permitted
root imperfections:
penetration h :5 0 ,2 tbut
max . 2 mm
1.7 5 0 11 Continuous
Smooth transition is required. 0 , 5 to 3 Short Short Not permitted
undercut This is not regarded as a systematic imperfection. imperfections: imperfections:
h :5 0 ,2 t h :5 0 , 1 t
5 0 12 Intermittent >3 h :5 0 ,2 t, but h :5 0 , 1 t, but h :5 0 ,0 5 t, but
undercut (short max. 1 mm max. 0 , 5 mm max. 0,5 mm
>3 Short Short Short
imperfections: imperfections: imperfections:
h:5 0 ,2 t, but h:5 0 , 1 t, but h:5 0,05 t, but
max. 2 mm max . 1 mm max. 0 ,5 mm
1.9 502 Excess weld Smooth transition is required between the capping run(s) and the ;:: 0 , 5 h :5 0 ,25 b+ l h :5 0 , 1 5 b+ lm h :5 0 ,1 b+ 1 mm
metal (butt plate surface and/or the adjacent welding bead(s) mm, but max. m, but max . , but max . 5 mm
weld) lO mm 7 mm
�,· "··
1.1 504 Excessive 0 , 5 to 3 h :5 0 , 6 b + 1 m h :5 0,3 b + 1 mm h :5 0, 1 b + 1 mm
1 penetration m
>3 h :5 1,0 b+ 1 m h :5 0 ,4 5 b+ 1 m h :5 0 ,2 b+ 1 mm
m, but max. m, but max. , but max . 3 mm
5 mm 4 mm
�'I � I
1.1 505 Incorrect weld - butt welds ;:: 0 , 5 a;:: 90 ° a;:: 1 10 ° a;:: 150 °
2 toe cJ.
Not applicable for the root
rliJ �
ai � a and az � a
1. 1 506 Overlap � 0,5 h :5 0 ,2 b Not permitted Not permitted
512 I n cases where an asymmetric fillet weld has not been prescribed. � 0,5
(excessive I V/�W/,StU,l
unequal leg
1 \.
h = IZ1 - Zzl
1. 1 515 Root concavity Smooth transition is required. 0 , 5 to 3 h :5 0 , 1 t + 0 ,2 Short Not permitted
7 mm imperfections:
�� , �1
>3 Short Short Short
imperfections: imperfections: imperfections:
---- -.c:: h:50,2 t, but h:5 0 , 1 t, but h:5 0,05 t, but
h max. 2 mm max. 1 mm max. 0,5 mm
''-'"-"-.1 • .._I
�r I
1. 1 516 Root porosity Spongy formation at the root of a weld due to bubbling of the weld � 0,5 Acceptance Not permitted Not permitted
8 metal at the moment of solidification (e .g. lack of gas backing) depends on
application, e .g .
1.1 5 17 Poor restart ;:: 0 , 5 Permitted Not permitted Not permitted
9 The limit
depends on the
type of
I imperfection
which occurred
P3 due to the
1.2 5 213 Insufficient Not applicable to processes with proof of greater depth of penetration 0 , 5 to 3 Short Short Not permitted
0 throat imperfections: imperfections:
thickness h :5 0 , 1 a+ 0 ,2 h :5 0 ,2 mm
>3 Short Short Not permitted
imperfections: imperfections:
h:5 0 , 1 a+ 0,3 h:5 0 , 1 a+ 0,3 m
mm, but max. m, but max.
2 mm lmm
1.2 5 214 Excessive The actual throat thickness of the fillet weld is too large. ;:: 0 , 5 Permitted h:5 0 ,2 a+ 1 mm, h:5 0, 15 a+ 1m
1 throat but max. 4 mm m, but max.
thickness 3 mm
2 Internal imperfections
2. 1 100 Crack All types of cracks except microcracks and crater cracks ;::: 0 ,5 Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
2.2 100 1 Microcrack A crack usually only visible under the microscope (2:50 x ) ;::: 0,5 Permitted Acceptance Acceptance
depends on type depends on type
of parent metal of parent metal
with particular with particular
reference to reference to
crack sensitivity crack sensitivity
2.3 20 11 Gas pore The following conditions and limits for imperfections shall be fulfilled.
2012 Uniformly See also Annex A for information.
distributed al) Maximum dimension of the area of the imperfections (inclusive of ;::: 0 ,5 For single For single For single
porosity systematic imperfection) related to the projected area . The porosity in layer: :5 2, 5 % layer: :5 1 ,5 % layer: :5 1 %
the project area depends on the numbers of layers (volume of the For multi- For multi- For multi-
weld). layer: :5 5 % layer: :5 3 % layer: :5 2 %
a2) Maximum dimension of the cross-sectional area of the ;::: 0 , 5 :5 2,5 % :5 1,5 % :5 1 %
imperfections (inclusive of systematic imperfection) related to the
fracture area (only applicable to test pieces: production test, welder or
procedure qualification tests)
©ISO 2023 -
All rights reserved 11
ISO 5817:2023(E)
. .
·i ?-:-,11 �_. A,
A, _
� [I '-"'
, _.
Systematic cluster porosity is not permitted.
dA corresponds to dA1, dA2 or dAc, whichever is applicable.
·i 6 � 0 d
- I-
Case 2 (D <dz)
- I---
·i b 1 0 0 (
.!!!__,, -
2.6 2015 Elongated - butt welds ;:: 0 , 5 h :5 0 ,4 s, but h :5 0,3 s, but h :5 0 ,2 s, but
2016 cavity max. 4 mm max. 3 mm max. 2 mm
Worm hole I :5 s, but max. I :5 s, but max. I :5 s, but max.
75 mm 5 0 mm 25 mm
2.8 2024 Crater pipe 0 , 5 to 3 h or I :5 0 ,2 t Not permitted Not permitted
2.9 300 Solid inclusion - butt welds ;:: 0 , 5 h :5 0 ,4 S , but h :5 0,3 S, but h :5 0,2 S, but
max. 4 mm max. 3 mm max. 2 mm
301 Slag inclusion
I :5 s, but max. I :5 s, but max. I :5 s, but max.
75 mm 5 0 mm 25 mm
302 Flux inclusion - fillet welds ;:: 0 , 5 h :5 0 ,4 a, but h :5 0,3 a, but h :5 0,2 a, but
max. 4 mm max. 3 mm max. 2 mm
303 Oxide inclusion
I :5 a, but max. I :5 a, but max. I:5 a, but max.
75 mm 5 0 mm 25 mm
2. 1 304 Metallic - butt welds ;:: 0 , 5 h :5 0 ,4 S , but h :5 0,3 S, but h :5 0,2 S, but
0 inclusion other max. 4 mm max. 3 mm max. 2 mm
than copper
- fillet welds ;:: 0 , 5 h :5 0 ,4 a, but h :5 0,3 a, but h :5 0 ,2 a, but
max. 4 mm max. 3 mm max. 2 mm
2. 1 3 042 Copper -
;:: 0 , 5 Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
1 inclusion
2. 1 401 Lack of fusion ;:: 0 , 5 Short Not permitted Not permitted
2 (incomplete imperfections
fusion) permitted:
4012 Lack of inter- fillet welds:
run fusion h :5 0 ,4 a but
max. 4 mm
4013 Lack of root
2. 1 4021 Incomplete > 0 ,5 Short Not permitted Not permitted
3 root imperfections:
h :5 0 ,2 a, but
max. 2 mm
T-joint (fillet weld)
402 Lack of ;:: 0 , 5 Short Short Not permitted
penetration imperfections: imperfections:
h :5 0 ,2 s or h :5 0 , 1 s or
�r% � h :5 0 ,2 i, but h :5 0 , 1 i, but
max. 2 mm max. 1,5 mm
I �1 � jI � 1
� 0,5 Short Not permitted Not permitted
h :5 0 , 2 t, but
max. 2 mm
Butt joint (full penetration)
T-joint (full penetration)
3.1 507 Linear The limits relate to deviations from the correct position. Unless
misalignment otherwise specified , the correct position is that when the centrelines
coincide (see also Clause 1). t refers to the smaller thickness.
-I Wa(&� 1 1
5071 Linear 0 , 5 to 3 h :5 0 ,25 t+ 0 ,2 h :5 0 ,15 t+ 0 ,2 m h :5 0 ,1 t+ 0 ,2 m
misalignment -
mm m m
between plates �
S072 Linear ;:: O,S
misalignment max. 4 mm max. 3 mm max. 2 mm
between tubes
3 .2 6 17 Incorrect root Gap between the parts to be joined. Gaps exceeding the appropriate O,S to 3 h :5 0 , 1 GA+ 0,S h:5 0 , 1 GA+ h:5 0 , 1 GA+
gap for fillet limit may, in certain cases, be compensated for by a corresponding mm 0,3 mm 0,2 mm
welds increase in the throat thickness.
>3 h:5 0,3 GA+ 1 m h:5 0 ,2 GA+ 0,S m h:5 0 , 1 GA+ 0 ,S
m, m, mm,
but max. 4 mm but max. 3 mm but max. 2 mm
4 Multiple imperfections
4.1 None Multiple S02 Excess weld metal S03 Excessive convexity S04 Excessive O,S to 3 Not permitted Not permitted Not permitted
imperfections penetration , SOS Incorrect weld toe, S06 Overlap, S12 Excessive >3 Maximum total Maximum total Maximum total
in any cross- asymmetry of fillet weld (excessive unequal leg length) and S214 height of height of height of
section which Excessive throat thickness are excluded imperfections: imperfections: imperfections:
reduce the
:Eh :5 0 ,4 t :Eh :5 0,3 t :Eh :5 0 ,2 t
or :5 0,4 G or :5 0,3 G or :5 0 ,2 G
hi + hz + h3 + h4 = L,h
Wfl?X(L20 'b
hi + hz + h 3 = L,h
h1 x 11 + h2 x 12 + h3 x 13 =Eh x l
Case 2 (D <fa)
hz + h3
h1 x 11 + h2 x 12 +( ) x D+ h3 x 13 = Eh x l
Figures A.1 to A.9 give a presentation of different percentage porosities. This should assist the assessment
of porosity on projected areas (radiographs) or cross-sectional areas.
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B.1 General
This annex gives additional criteria to meet fatigue class (FAT) levels.
In several areas of application, the codes refer to mean minus two standard deviations, which
corresponds to a survival probability of 97,7 %. Referring to a survival probability of 95 % at a two-sided
confidence level of the mean of 75 % (one-sided 87,5 %, sometimes 95 %), considering the usual scatter
of fatigue tests, the difference in terms of stress is less than 2 % and thus may be neglected.
For welds subject to fatigue load, Table 1 should be supplemented with additional criteria according to
B.2 to B.5.
Table B.1 contains additional criteria for levels C and B for welds subject to fatigue load. In the column
for level B125, additional criteria to level B are presented. If no limits are presented, level B125 equals
the level B.
For the quality levels to apply to FAT, the penetration depth of the inner side of the weld (root side),
which is governed by information on the drawing, should be determined by appropriate analysis methods
and in later stages assessed using inspection.
B.5 Designation
To indicate that the quality criteria include the criteria in Annex B, the designation for levels B and C is
supplemented with the character FAT.
EXAM PLE 1 ISO 5817-C63 .
Table B.1 - Additional criteria to Table 1 for welds subject to fatigue load
Excessive convexity a a b
1. 10 503 2': 0 ,5
(fillet weld)
1.11 504 Excessive penetration 0,5 to a
h :5 0,2 mm + 0,05 b
>3 a a
h :5 0,2 mm + 0,05 b,
but max. 1 mm
a a a
1. 12 505 Incorrect weld toe, 2': 0 ,5
weld toe angle for
fillet welds
b r 2': 4 mm
5052 Incorrect weld toe, >3 r 2': l mm
weld toe radius
1. 14 509
Sagging >3 a a
Not permitted
5 11 Incompletely filled
a a b
1. 16 5 12 Excessive asymmetry 2': 0 ,5
of fillet weld
(excessive unequal leg
a a
1. 17 5 15 Root concavity >3 Not permitted
a a
1.2 3 602 Spatter 2': 0 ,5 Not permitted
2 0 16 Wormholes max. h = 2 mm
stress relieved:
/ ::; 20 mm
b Not specified.
c Values identical with IIW-Doc. XIII-2 3 2 3-10. The values are proved by IIW for a material t hickness of 10 mm and above. Lower
material thicknesses may be applicable.
ct The limit of imperfection corresponds to the ratio between the sum of the different pore areas and the evaluation area. If the
distance between two pore areas is less than the diameter of the smallest pore area, an envelope surrounding b oth pore areas
is relevant as one area of imperfection. If the distance between two pores is smaller than the diameter of one of the neighbouring
pores, the full connected area of two pores is the sum of the imperfection areas.
[1] ISO 2553, Welding and allied processes - Symbolic representation on drawings - Welded joints
[2] ISO 4063, Welding and allied processes - Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers
[3 ] ISO 6520-1, Welding and allied processes - Classification of geometric imperfections in metallic
materials - Part 1 : Fusion welding
[ 4] ISO 8501-3, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products -
Visual assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 3: Preparation grades of welds, edges and other
areas with surface imperfections
[5] ISO 13919-1, Electron and laser-beam welded joints - Requirements and recommendations on
quality levels for imperfections - Part 1 : Steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys
[6] ISO 17635, Non-destructive testing of welds - General rules for metallic materials
[7] IIW-Catalogue. Reference radiographs for the assessment of weld imperfections in accordance with
ISO 581 7. Diisseldorf: DVS Media Verlag
[8] Hobbacher, A., ed. Recommendations for fatigue design of welded joints and components. IIW
document XIII-1823-0. Welding Research Council New York, WRC-Bulletin 520, 2009
[9] Hobbacher, A., Kassner, M. On relation between fatigue properties of welded joints, quality criteria
and groups in ISO 581 7. IIW-document XIII-2323-10
[10] Karlsson, N., Lenander, P.H. Analysis of fatigue life in two weld class systems. Master thesis in Solid
Mechanics, LITH-IKP-EX-05/2302-SE, Linkopings University, Sweden, 2005