Systematically Repairing Key Relationships That Were Strained During Eisner's Reign As CEO
Systematically Repairing Key Relationships That Were Strained During Eisner's Reign As CEO
Systematically Repairing Key Relationships That Were Strained During Eisner's Reign As CEO
Answer: Initially it was felt stage of conflict which ended up being manifest. Conflict was
perceived by Job because of Eisner’s negative comment about Apple computer and he
took it personally. This felt conflict passed to the manifest stage when Job retaliated and
posed threat to the renewal of Disney-Pixer partnership.
Q.3. Which of the following best describes Michael Eisner’s and Bob Iger’s
approaches to resolving conflict: dominating, problem solving, avoiding, or
accommodating? Explain
Answer: Einsner used the avoiding approach for conflict resolution. It is proved by the
fact that all conflicts remained unresolved that Iger had to settle afterwards. On
contrary, Iger used problem solving approach to resolve the conflicts and it resulted in
sthe goodwill of the company. He reconciled company’s difference with the key
members and through win-win negotiations acquired Miramex films and Pixel Studios.
Q.4.To what degree do you think Iger’s calmer and less confrontational approach
to running Disney has helped the company position itself to survive a major
economic recession?
Answer: Iger’s demeanor helped the company to a great extent. Through his
composure he managed to reconcile with the conflicting parties and collaborated with
them through win-win negotiations. The goodwill created by Iger helped in rebuilding the
lost trust among the key members and he acquired different businesses that helped in
surviving the economic recession.