Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion Quarter 2 - Module 3: Sharing Your Research (Presenting and Revising A Research Report)
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion Quarter 2 - Module 3: Sharing Your Research (Presenting and Revising A Research Report)
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion Quarter 2 - Module 3: Sharing Your Research (Presenting and Revising A Research Report)
1. T
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
Additional Tasks:
Practice Task 1: Bulls Eye the Problem
Title: Every Second Count: Determining The Root Cause Of Sleep Deprivation By Appraising Daily Routine
And Its Link To Academic Performance
Statement of the Problem:
1. What are the participants’ socio-demographic characteristics along:
1.1 age,
1.2 sex,
1.3 strand,
1.4 monthly family income and
1.5 residence?
2. How much time spent by academic track Grade 12 students for the following daily activities:
2.1 household chores
2.2 recreation,
2.3 part time job,
2.4 use of gadgets for modular learning
2.5 use of gadgets for other purposes other than learning,
2.6 passing of modules and
2.7 other daily activities?
3. What are their sleep patterns during a typical school day and the date before the passing of the modules?
4. How did the student respondents perform at the end of the first quarter of school year 2020-2021?
5. Is there is a significant correlation between:
5.1 the student-respondents’ socio-demographic characteristics and their daily routine,
5.2 the student-respondents’ socio-demographic characteristics and their sleeping patterns,
5.3 the student-respondents’ daily routine and their sleeping patterns,
5.4 the student-respondents’ daily routine and their academic performance and,
5.5 the student-respondents’ sleeping patterns and their academic performance?
6. Is there a significant difference in the:
6.1 degree of sleep deprivation of the student-respondent in terms of the profile and the root causes?
6.2 academic performance of the student-respondents in terms of the profile and the degree of sleep
B. Related Study:
According to the repair and restoration theory of sleep, sleeping is essential for revitalizing and restoring
the physiological forms that keep the body and intellect solid and properly working. This theory suggest that
NREM sleep is vital for reestablishing physiological capacities, whereas REM sleep is essential in mental
Practice Task 2: Strike my Abstract
The global impact of Covid-19 is multifaceted and is manifested in almost all sectors. The field of
education is one of the most affected and it needed a lot of flexible methods to get through this pandemic
without sacrificing the health of students. Implementation of different learning modalities such as Online,
Modular and Blended Learning became the solution to continue learning despite the height of the pandemic.
But this is not the end of the problem. Many challenges emerged while studying in a modular type of modality.
Learning coincides with other children's responsibilities and cases of sleep deprivation are also increasing. So
this research aims to determine what causes sleep deprivation base on the daily routine of the students and if it
has a significant correlation to academic performance. There are 210 respondents from various sections of the
Grade 12 Academic Track of Speaker Eugenio Perez National Agricultural School.
Majority of the respondents are female 18 years old students whose family earns a monthly income of
9,520 or lower. There is a significant correlation between daily activities and sleep deprivation and there is also
a significant correlation between the sleep deprivation and academic performance of the respondents.
Keywords: Daily routine, Sleep deprivation, Academic Performance, Academic Track
1. T 6. T
2. F 7. T
3. T 8. F
4. T 9. T
5. F 10.T
Task 1: What is revising and editing of research paper?
1. Revision literally means to “see again,” to look at something from a fresh, critical perspective. It is an
ongoing process of rethinking the paper: reconsidering your arguments, reviewing your evidence, refining your
purpose, reorganizing your presentation, reviving stale prose.
2. Editing is about making changes to your sentences and surface features in your research paper. When you
edit, you should check for things like grammatical errors, punctuation errors, spelling, and issues related to
Task 2: What are the tips in revising and editing your research paper?
1. Revising
A. Avoid any informational gaps
B. Acknowledge sources used
C. Check for logical progression of arguments, consistency of tone and expression, and the development of
2. Editing
A. Check your grammar, spelling, punctuation, and typographical errors.
B. Rewrite unclear statements.
C. Avoid using irrelevant words and sentence