Discrepancies in Leader and Follower Ratings of Transformational Leadership: Relationship With Organizational Culture in Mental Health
Discrepancies in Leader and Follower Ratings of Transformational Leadership: Relationship With Organizational Culture in Mental Health
Discrepancies in Leader and Follower Ratings of Transformational Leadership: Relationship With Organizational Culture in Mental Health
DOI 10.1007/s10488-015-0672-7
Abstract The role of leadership in the management and Keywords Leadership Discrepancy Organizations
delivery of health and allied health services is often dis- Management Public sector Mental health
cussed but lacks empirical research. Discrepancies are
often found between leaders’ self-ratings and followers’
ratings of the leader. To our knowledge no research has Introduction
examined leader–follower discrepancies and their associa-
tion with organizational culture in mental health clinics. Multi-source feedback about leadership is common in
The current study examines congruence, discrepancy, and organizational research and applied practice (London and
directionality of discrepancy in relation to organizational Smither 1995; Tornow 1993) and is thought to overcome
culture in 38 mental health teams (N = 276). Supervisors biases and limitations inherent in using only self-ratings
and providers completed surveys including ratings of the (Ashford 1993; Hanser and Muchinsky 1978; Podsakoff and
supervisor transformational leadership and organizational Organ 1986). Although self-ratings can provide important
culture. Polynomial regression and response surface anal- insight into how leaders perceive their own abilities and
ysis models were computed examining the associations of behaviors, follower ratings are particularly useful in that they
leadership discrepancy and defensive organizational cul- provide a different perspective on leader behavior. Follower
ture and its subscales. Discrepancies between supervisor ratings may be more reliable (greater number of data points)
and provider reports of transformational leadership were and may offer additional information that is not available to
associated with a more negative organizational culture. supervisors’ own supervisors (Riggio and Cole 1992). For
Culture suffered more where supervisors rated themselves example, follower reports may be less subject to self-per-
more positively than providers, in contrast to supervisors ceptual biases that may influence leader self-report (Mar-
rating themselves lower than the provider ratings of the tinko and Gardner 1987; Yammarino and Atwater 1993).
supervisor. Leadership and leader discrepancy should be a Interpreting multi-source feedback can become com-
consideration in improving organizational culture and for plicated when discrepant ratings emerge. The authors’
strategic initiatives such as quality of care and the imple- anecdotal experience and other published studies suggest
mentation and sustainment of evidence-based practice. that discrepancies between self- and other-ratings of lead-
ers are not uncommon (Ostroff et al. 2004) and can lead to
strong emotional responses from those receiving discrepant
& Gregory A. Aarons feedback. Leaders tend to overrate their own leadership
[email protected]
abilities relative to ratings provided by followers (Atwater
Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San and Yammarino 1992; Fleenor et al. 1996). Where dis-
Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive (0812), La Jolla, CA 92093-0812, crepancies are present, leaders may express surprise, con-
USA sternation, disbelief, or emotional distress upon learning of
San Diego State University, San Diego, USA such discrepancies. In the present study, we use quantita-
Child & Adolescent Services Research Center, San Diego, tive data to examine the degree to which such leader–
USA follower discrepancies exist, the directionality of
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discrepancies (i.e., leader more positive ratings compared may not have received from followers. Further, they are
to followers or leader less positive ratings relative to fol- likely to discount negative feedback (Taylor and Brown
lowers), and the degree to which discrepancies are related 1988). For example, leaders may discount or reinterpret
to organizational culture. negative feedback in a way that is less threatening to their
Also consistent with our anecdotal experience, a number self-esteem. Consistent with self-verification theory, lead-
of previous investigations have found poor agreement ers are more likely to attend to feedback that is consistent
between self- and other-ratings (e.g., Atwater and Yam- with their self-opinion, whether that opinion is positive or
marino 1992; Harris and Schaubroeck 1988; Mabe and negative (Swann and Read 1981). Leaders may acknowl-
West 1992; Ostroff et al. 2004). In a review of 22 studies, edge the validity of their followers’ feedback, but may
Thornton (1980) found that leader self-ratings did not rationalize it as the inevitable result of a difference in
correlate strongly with ratings from other sources, and that perspective.
self-ratings tended to be more positive and less variable. As Discrepancies in ratings may provide insight into both
another example, Harris and Schaubroeck (1988) con- individual performance and organizational context. Several
ducted a meta-analysis of discrepancy studies and found investigators have found that degree of discrepancy is
lower agreement on self-supervisor and self-peer rating related to job performance (Atwater et al. 1995; Bass and
comparisons than on peer-supervisor comparisons. Simi- Yammarino 1991; Church 1997; Fleenor et al. 1996). One
larly, Mount (1984) found that agreement was higher for reason for this may be that accurate self-perceptions are
supervisor-follower (other–other) ratings than for self-other important to social adjustment and functioning (Jourard
(self-supervisor or self-follower) ratings. and Landsman 1980; Schulz 1977). Self-awareness mod-
Several factors may give rise to self-other discrepancies. erates the relationship between transformational leadership
The formation of accurate self-perceptions is a delicate behavior and managerial performance (Sosik and Megerian
process, particularly for individuals in management or 1999). Metacognitive skill (Kruger and Dunning 1999), the
supervisory roles which are often ambiguous and fluid ability to recognize one’s own errors, may be a precursor to
(London 2002). Bias in self-ratings may arise in several the development of a skill as complex as leadership.
ways. First, leaders may fail to adequately receive or seek Individuals who are unable to identify their own weak-
out feedback from followers thus limiting confirmation or nesses or incompetencies are unable to make the behavioral
disconfirmation. Second, some leaders may judge super- changes necessary to improve (Atwater et al. 2005).
visee feedback to be relatively unimportant, particularly if Leadership is an important predictor of organizational
their own performance evaluations do not depend on their culture and climate (Aarons and Sawitzky 2006a, b; Ash-
followers’ perceptions. Third, although leaders may value kanasy et al. 2000; Ehrhart 2004; Ehrhart et al. 2014;
follower feedback, they may fail to seek it out for fear that Litwin and Stringer 1968; Tsui et al. 2006; Zohar and
this would communicate uncertainty (Ashford 1986; Ash- Tenne-Gazit 2008). Although individual characteristics are
ford and Tsui 1991). Fourth, leaders may arrive at inac- likely to explain some of the variance in discrepancies, it is
curate self-perceptions by gathering or attending to worth considering whether discrepancies are related to
information from a biased sample. For example, because organizational characteristics. There is a small literature
receiving negative feedback may be a threat to one’s self- examining the relationship between culture and discrep-
perception, leaders may seek more feedback from follow- ancies in leadership ratings. For example, Atwater et al
ers they believe to hold a favorable opinion of them. (2009) examined self- and follower-ratings of leadership in
Even if leaders are able to obtain adequate and accurate a sample of 964 managers from 21 countries. They found
information regarding their followers’ opinions on an that the relationship between self- and follower-ratings was
ongoing basis, they may fail to effectively integrate this more strongly positive in countries that are marked by
information and make the necessary behavioral changes higher levels of assertiveness. In another example, Atwater
where discrepancies exist. More general biases may also et al. (2005) examined the relationship between self-other
exist. For example, social psychological studies have found discrepancies and managerial performance in the U.S. and
that when evaluating themselves on general abilities, five European countries and found that the impact of self-
individuals tend to rank themselves above the median, other discrepancies varied across countries. In the U.S.,
indicating that most people hold unrealistically positive consideration of both self- and other-ratings were impor-
views of themselves (Buunk and Van Yperen 1991; Taylor tant for the prediction of performance, whereas in Europe,
and Brown 1988). Consistent with research on self-en- only follower ratings were predictive of performance.
hancement (Sedikides and Gregg 2008), leaders are likely In this paper, we examine the relationship between
to have overly positive self-ratings at baseline (Podsakoff leader–follower discrepancies in transformational leader-
and Organ 1986), independent of feedback they may or ship and culture. Summarizing Bass’s (1985) theory of
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than when provider ratings of transformational leadership than when providers’ ratings of transformational leadership
are greater than supervisor ratings. Table 5 shows results were high combined with low supervisor self-ratings of
from all polynomial and response surface analyses. transformational leadership.
Graphical representations of response surfaces are pre- The pattern of results assessing the relationship between
sented in Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4. congruence/incongruence between supervisor self-ratings
Surface tests assessing the relationship between con- and provider ratings of supervisor transformational lead-
gruence/incongruence between supervisor self-ratings and ership and subservience culture followed a similar pattern
provider ratings of supervisor transformational leadership to that of conformity culture. Results demonstrated that
and consensus culture were examined first. Results sug- agreement between supervisors and providers’ ratings of
gested that agreement between supervisors and providers’ transformational leadership significantly influenced sub-
ratings of transformational leadership did not influence servience (a1 = -0.46, t = -2.906, p = 0.006). Specifi-
consensus (a1 = -0.13, t = -1.071, p = 0.291). How- cally, the greatest level of subservience was when
ever, incongruence between supervisors and providers’ supervisor and providers’ similarly rated transformational
ratings of transformational leadership had a significant leadership low. Subservience decreased as both supervisor
curvilinear relationship with consensus (a4 = 1.18, and providers’ ratings of transformational leadership
t = 3.281, p = 0.002), such that as ratings between increased. Incongruence between supervisors and provi-
supervisors and providers became increasingly discrepant, ders’ ratings of transformational leadership had a signifi-
ratings of a consensus culture increased. Further analysis cant curvilinear relationship with subservience (a4 = 1.45,
revealed that the direction of discrepancy between super- t = 3.142, p = 0.003), such that as ratings between
visor and providers’ ratings of transformational leadership supervisors and providers became increasingly discrepant,
significantly influenced consensus culture (a3 = 0.51, ratings of a subservient culture increased. Further analysis
t = 2.741, p = 0.010). Consistent with our third hypothe- revealed that the direction of discrepancy between super-
sis, consensus culture was greater when providers’ ratings visor and providers’ ratings of transformational leadership
of transformational leadership were low and supervisor significantly influenced subservience culture (a3 = 0.62,
self-ratings of transformational leadership were high than t = 2.668, p = 0.011). Consistent with our third hypothe-
when providers’ ratings of transformational leadership sis, subservience culture was greater when providers’ rat-
were high combined with low supervisor self-ratings of ings of transformational leadership were low and
transformational leadership. supervisor self-ratings of transformational leadership were
A mostly similar pattern emerged when assessing the high than when providers’ ratings of transformational
relationship between congruence/incongruence between leadership were high combined with low supervisor self-
supervisor self-ratings and provider ratings of supervisor ratings of transformational leadership.
transformational leadership and conformity culture. Unlike This same pattern of results emerged when assessing the
the results regarding a consensus culture, results suggested relationship between congruence/incongruence between
that agreement between supervisors and clinicians’ ratings supervisor self-ratings and provider ratings of supervisor
of transformational leadership significantly influenced con- transformational leadership and overall defensive culture.
formity (a1 = -0.42, t = -3.021, p = 0.005). Specifically, Results suggested that agreement between supervisors and
the greatest level of conformity was when supervisor and providers’ ratings of transformational leadership signifi-
providers’ similarly rated transformational leadership low. cantly influenced overall defensive culture (a1 = -0.34,
Conformity decreased as both supervisor and clinicians’ t = -2.620, p = 0.013). Specifically, the greatest level of
ratings of transformational leadership increased. Similar to defensive culture was when supervisor and providers’
the results with consensus culture, incongruence between similarly rated transformational leadership low. Defensive
supervisors and providers’ ratings of transformational lead- culture decreased as both supervisor and providers’ ratings
ership had a significant curvilinear relationship with con- of transformational leadership increased. Incongruence
formity (a4 = 0.96, t = 2.381, p = 0.023), such that as between supervisors and providers’ ratings of transforma-
ratings between supervisors and providers became increas- tional leadership had a significant curvilinear relationship
ingly discrepant, ratings of a conformity culture increased. with overall defensive culture (a4 = 1.20, t = 3.120,
Further analysis revealed that the direction of discrepancy p = 0.004), such that as ratings between supervisors and
between supervisor and providers’ ratings of transforma- providers became increasingly discrepant, ratings of over-
tional leadership significantly influenced conformity culture all defensive culture increased. Further analysis revealed
(a3 = 0.42, t = 2.032, p = 0.050). Consistent with our third that the direction of discrepancy between supervisor and
hypothesis, conformity culture was greater when provides’ providers’ ratings of transformational leadership influenced
ratings of transformational leadership were low and super- defensive culture (a3 = 0.52, t = 2.605, p = 0.013).
visor self-ratings of transformational leadership were high Consistent with our third hypothesis, overall defensive
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Table 5 continued
Overall defensive culture and overall transformational leadership
Variable regressed onto defensive culture b (se)
4.0 4.0
3.5 3.5
3.0 3.0
2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0
1.5 2 1.5 2
1.0 1.0
Ratin rvisor
1 1
Rati e r v is o r
0.5 0 0.5 0
ngs o
gs o f
2 -1 2 -1
1 1
f TL
0 0
-1 -2 -1 -2
-2 -2
Provider Ratings of TL Provider Ratings of TL
Fig. 1 Consensus predicted by discrepancy between supervisor and Fig. 2 Conformity predicted by discrepancy between supervisor and
provider ratings of Transformational Leadership (TL). a1: The line of provider ratings of Transformational Leadership (TL). a1: The line of
perfect agreement (solid black line on floor) as related to consensus perfect agreement (solid black line on floor) as related to conformity
(CNS) has a non-significant slope. Thus, agreement between super- (CON) has a negative slope. Thus, agreement between supervisors
visors and provider’s TL ratings are not related to CNS. a4: Moving and provider’s TL ratings matters such that the greatest level of CON
along the line of incongruence (dashed line on floor) away from the is at the front corner of the graph where supervisor and provider TL
center of the graph to either the left or right shows how the degree of are both low, and decreases toward the back of the graph where both
discrepancy between supervisors and provider’s TL has a significant supervisors and provider’s TL are both in agreement and high. a4:
curvilinear relationship with CNS. The graph shows that toward the Moving along the line of incongruence (dashed line on floor) away
left and right of the graph, where ratings become more and more from the center of the graph to either the left or right shows how the
discrepant, CNS increases. a3: The direction of discrepancy matters. degree of discrepancy between supervisors and provider’s TL has a
At the bottom right corner of the graph (where provider ratings of TL significant curvilinear relationship with CON. The graph shows that
is low combined with high supervisor ratings of TL), CNS is very toward the left and right of the graph, where ratings become more and
high. At the bottom left corner of the graph (where provider ratings of more discrepant, CON increases. a3: The direction of discrepancy
TL is high combined with low supervisor ratings of TL), CNS is high, matters. At the bottom right corner of the graph (where provider
though not as high as when supervisor rating of TL are high and ratings of TL is low combined with high supervisor ratings of TL),
provider ratings are low CON is very high. At the bottom left corner of the graph (where
provider ratings of TL is high combined with low supervisor ratings
of TL), CON is high, though not as high as when supervisor rating of
culture was greater when providers’ ratings of transfor- TL are high and provider ratings are low
mational leadership were low and supervisor self-ratings of
transformational leadership were high than when provi- We also found that the magnitude and direction of this
ders’ ratings of transformational leadership were high discrepancy were associated with decrements in organiza-
combined with low supervisor self-ratings of transforma- tional culture. That is, greater discrepancy between super-
tional leadership. visors and providers was associated with a more defensive
(i.e., more negative) organizational culture. This effect was
more pronounced where supervisors rated themselves more
Discussion positively than did providers as compared to supervisors
rating themselves less positively than the providers they
Our primary findings were that supervisor and provider supervised. These findings are consistent with the literature
ratings of supervisors in the organizational context of and with our anecdotal experience in working with public
public mental health service organizations do indeed differ. sector mental health and social service organizations.
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4.0 4.0
2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0
1.5 2 1.5 2
1.0 1 1.0 1
Rati ervisor
Rati ervisor
0.5 0.5
S up
0 0
ngs o
0.0 0.0
2 -1 2 -1
of T
1 1
f TL
0 0
-1 -2 -1 -2
-2 -2
Provider Ratings of TL Provider Ratings of TL
Fig. 3 Subservience predicted from discrepancy between supervisor Fig. 4 Defensive culture predicted from discrepancy between super-
and provider ratings of Transformational Leadership (TL). a1: The visor and provider ratings of Transformational Leadership (TL). a1:
line of perfect agreement (solid black line on floor) as related to The line of perfect agreement (solid black line on floor) as related to
subservience (S) has a negative slope. Thus, agreement between overall Defensive Culture (PDC) has a negative slope. Thus,
supervisors and provider’s TL ratings matters such that the greatest agreement between supervisors and provider’s TL ratings matters
level of S is at the front corner of the graph where supervisor and such that the greatest level of PDC is at the front corner of the graph
provider TL are both low, and decreases toward the back of the graph where supervisor and provider TL are both low, and decreases toward
where both supervisors and provider’s TL are both in agreement and the back of the graph where both supervisors and provider’s TL are
high. a4: Moving along the line of incongruence (dashed line on floor) both in agreement and high. a4: Moving along the line of incongru-
away from the center of the graph to either the left or right shows how ence (dashed line on floor) away from the center of the graph to either
the degree of discrepancy between supervisors and provider’s TL has the left or right shows how the degree of discrepancy between
a significant curvilinear relationship with S. The graph shows that supervisors and provider’s TL had a significant curvilinear relation-
toward the left and right of the graph, where ratings become more and ship with PDC. The graph shows that toward the left and right of the
more discrepant, S increases. a3: The direction of discrepancy matters. graph, where ratings become more and more discrepant, PDC
At the bottom right corner of the graph (where provider ratings of TL increases. a3: The direction of discrepancy matters. At the bottom
is low combined with high supervisor ratings of TL), S is very high. right corner of the graph (where provider ratings of TL is low
At the bottom left corner of the graph (where provider ratings of TL is combined with high supervisor ratings of TL), PDC is very high. At
high combined with low supervisor ratings of TL), S is high, though the bottom left corner of the graph (where provider ratings of TL is
not as high as when supervisor rating of TL are high and provider high combined with low supervisor ratings of TL), PDC is high,
ratings are low though not as high as when supervisor rating of TL are high and
provider ratings are low
We found that discrepancy in either direction (i.e.,
supervisor rating themselves higher than did providers, or additional questions. First, if supervisors have difficulty
supervisors rating themselves lower than did providers) accurately assessing their own behaviors, do they also have
was associated with more negative organizational culture. biases in perceptions of their providers or of organizational
Thus, helping leaders develop self-perceptions that are social context? For example, some supervisors may avoid
more consistent with followers perceptions of the leader, accurate introspection, and may also avoid or be unable to
may help to mitigate negative effects of such discrepant make accurate assessments or interpretations of the orga-
perceptions on organizational culture. Consistent with our nizational culture and climate in which they operate
anecdotal experience and reports from mental health pro- (Ashkanasy et al. 2000). Furthermore, their own behavior
gram supervisors, supervisors often ascend from providing (based on bias or misperception) may contribute to less
clinical services to supervising services and other providers than optimal organizational context. Common-source bias
while receiving very little training on supervision, man- could also account for this finding; however, a number of
agement and leadership (Aarons et al. 2015). Indeed, when factors decrease the likelihood of this explanation and we
management training does occur, it is often focused on discuss this issue in the limitations section.
day-to-day issues such as time management, billing The very act of seeking feedback from providers may
requirements, and completing appropriate documentation lead to improved perceptions of a supervisor’s competence.
for service contracts or insurance reimbursements. There is Ashford and Tsui (1991) found that leaders willing to seek
little to no training on effective leadership or how to negative feedback have a better understanding of the cri-
appraise and develop one’s own leadership knowledge, teria by which followers judge their work. Leaders who
skills, and abilities. sought negative feedback tended to be more positively
The finding that discrepancies between supervisor and rated by followers, whereas leaders seeking positive feed-
provider ratings of transformational leadership were related back were rated more negatively. Thus, organizations
to provider ratings of organizational culture raises some might use feedback mechanisms to seek out and provide
Adm Policy Ment Health
both positive and negative feedback in order to facilitate However, the GLOBE project focused on top management
leader development and promote a more positive organi- leadership. Future research should continue the examina-
zational culture. tion of first level leadership (Petkevičiūt_e and Giedraitis
2013; Priestland and Hanig 2005) across contexts and
Clinical and Organizational Practice Implications culture.
Although the GLOBE project looked at top management
It is important to note that supervisors/leaders often respond leadership, current work in first-level strategic leadership for
emotionally and with distress when their self-ratings of implementation of evidence-based health and allied health is
leadership are highly discrepant, particularly when their a new area of study. For example, the newly developed
own ratings are more positive than their provider/supervisee Implementation Leadership Scale assess four dimensions of
ratings. This raises the issue of how supervisors respond to leader characteristics including the degree to which the
negatively discrepant feedback. Attributional biases may leader is knowledgeable, proactive, supportive, and perse-
impact the degree to which supervisors experience distress verant in regard to a strategic initiative (Aarons et al. 2014).
or emotional stress related to negatively discrepant feed- Future studies should examine the impact of both transfor-
back. Anecdotally, supervisors generally appear to wonder mational and implementation leadership discrepancy on
about the causes of positively discrepant feedback, but do organizational and implementation climate, and evidence-
not dwell on it or experience negative emotionality or affect based practice implementation and sustainment.
as a result. There may even be a sense of relief that their
own moderate or negative self-evaluation is disconfirmed
by relatively objective observers. Conclusions
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