Evaluation of Marketing Planning Process

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Critically evaluate the marketing planning process for an organization of your

choice. Your report should reference an appropriate planning model and explain
how well (or not) the organization follows both the individual steps in the process
and the process overall.

Marketing Planning process at Company XXX
This is a study and report of the marketing planning process adopted at company xxx. The report
evaluates the marketing process and model in place in a comparative form to that of modern marketing
planning processes.

Marketing planning model
The marketing planning model chosen as a base guide to evaluate the current practice at company xxxx
is the McDonalds (2010) The 10 steps of the strategic marketing planning process.

The frame work adopted by McDonald as wells as Beamish & Ashford (2008) APIC frame work has four
steps or processes. APIC framework places a separate process for control whereas McDonald has placed
resource allocation or detail implementation program and monitoring at the same level. Overall both
has placed great importance on monitoring and measuring results.

Common to both of these models are the emphasis placed in the audit and analysis as the basis to
formulate the plan and monitoring and control to make revisions and adjustments at the required levels
depending on the outcome of the results.

The selected model in comparison to the 8 synergistic planning processes outlined by Beamish &
Ashford (2008), places mission and corporate objective as phase 1 of the planning process, an element
that would help the planners create a better coordination or help planners focus on the overall
objectives and mission of the organization if the process is a result of a revision of a previous planning
activity or help reassess or reevaluate its mission and objective by the end of the planning process, thus
encompassing the synergistic approach to a wider level.

In addition to the above, McDonalds 10 step planning process has being structured in phases and steps,
helping beginners as well as non-Marketers understand the process. This will be of great help at the
stages where other departments of the organization involve in the exercise.
Phase 1: Goal Setting
1. Mission
The mission statement of the company is in place, however it is unclear how the statement has
being generated. The statement encompasses the direction of the company, but does not
provide the required mission to work towards to. Mission statements are never referred to in
the planning process and is not used as the purpose of the plan.
2. Corporate Objectives

There is just one corporate objective which is a sales target benchmark. The target is not set
with a specific time frame to achieve and as a result neither the strategic nor the tactical
marketing plans are formulated specifically to achieve this objective. In addition to this, other
objectives are unclear.
Phase 2: Situation Review
3. Market Audit
Marketing Audits are not carried out based on any specific method or framework. Competition
analysis is carried out quarterly, though is not used or referred to neither at a strategic nor
tactical level. The marketing department as a function carries out the competitor analysis and
distributes it at quarterly meetings as a reference document.
4. Market Overview

The understanding in the organization on the market overview is limited to the industry which it
operates in. As market segmentation is not carried out, the target audience is merely an
assumption based on the products it serves. As a sporting goods retailer, the identification of a
specific group such as footballers is the extent of the target audience. Target audience is at a
very broad level and the size of the market is unknown.

5. SWOT Analysis
The SWOT analysis is not done other than as a training activity. I believe this is mainly due to
Company xxx being in a comfort zone as a monopoly of branded sporting goods. Interestingly,
competition to smaller categories like badminton has seeped into the market and created
competitive advantage through focus.

Phase 3: Strategy Formulation
6. Assumptions
Assumptions are basically a healthy economy with expected economic growth. Without the
situation review and a market audit as guided in this model, there will be no reference to make
a meaningful assumption.
7. Marketing Objectives and Strategies

The marketing objectives of the company xxxx is very much limited to sales targets taken on the
basis of sales growth levels out of expectation rather than an analyzed forecast. Strategies are
not formulated as gaps and directions are not being identified.

8. Estimation of Expected results & Identifying alternative Plans & mixes

Alternative plans & mixes are not considered
Phase 4: Resource Allocation & Monitoring
9. Budget
Annual budgets including for marketing is done. The process does create a control on the
expenses especially on Marketing and does provide a guideline.
10. First year detailed implementation program
A detailed implementation program is created for each year. However, these programs are not
done for any strategic reasons. Mainly the implementation program focuses on brand and
product advertising.
Measurement & Review
Measurement & reviewing activities does not take place, especially as marketing programs does not
include KPIs and success metrics. As a result, the quality of programs are not controlled and marketing
has little or no motivation to deliver a quality program as a result of not being able to measure the
outcome of a specific activity.
Marketing planning is carried out on a very basic program level and am on the opinion that company xxx
does not carry out Marketing planning. This conclusion is on the grounds that modern marketing
planning models from some of the best marketing gurus of our time, like McDonald, Beamish & Ashford
all prove the importance of formulating the marketing plan on the foundation of a strong Marketing
Audit & analysis, which is not the case at company xxxx.
Company xxxx is doing very well in business with a healthy growth rate. The reason for its success can be
attributed to the market being in a growth stage and the monopoly it has established on the sporting
goods industry by acquiring the sole distributorship of both Nike and Adidas. In a small Market like
Maldives, with football and running taking the center stage and armed with the biggest 02 brands for
the category, entry to the market with another brand is extremely difficult at this moment. Company
xxxx has created and is enjoying a huge competitive advantage.

Company xxxx does understand that competition is inevitable and is gearing itself to incorporate best
practices and better planning methods for the coming years.

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