Manual Business English 2
Manual Business English 2
Manual Business English 2
Credit: 2 credits
/BGS031: Produce Business Documents in English with Confidence (Business English 2) page 1 out of 7 pages
What you need to produce (evidence requirements)
1) All written, flat surface visual materials and reports are to be computer generated,
unless otherwise stated for reasons of authenticity.
2) If producing certain types of evidence creates difficulties through disability or for any
other valid reason, other ways to show competence or achievement may be used. The
tutor or programme leader should be contacted for further information.
/BGS031: Produce Business Documents in English with Confidence (Business English 2) page 2 out of 7 pages
This part of the module specification is offered as guidance.
Purpose statement
The a im of this pa rt module is to provide lea rners with the es s entia ls of writing a
memo in Englis h a s a s tep to become a bus ines s profes s iona l.
Know the meaning of "memo".
Know the use of the memo
Know the style of language for writing a memo
§ Brief
§ Accurate
§ Clear
§ Suitable tone to the readers' position like authoritarian tone
Know the format of a memo
§ Header
§ Purpose
/BGS031: Produce Business Documents in English with Confidence (Business English 2) page 3 out of 7 pages
§ Summary
§ Discussion
§ Action
Assessment procedure
The assessor will examine all the documentation provided by you in your portfolio. The
assessor may ask and record questions to confirm that the evidence is authentic and that
all the evidence requirements have been met, particularly with regard to underpinning
A memo prepared by the learner
A feedback from an assessor/supervisor
Knowledge, style of language for writing a memo in this part of the module can be used
in any other module during the learners study as well as in real, business life.
o Computer
o Projector
§ Prescribed textbooks
§ Recommended reading
§ Recommended web-sites
/BGS031: Produce Business Documents in English with Confidence (Business English 2) page 4 out of 7 pages
Learning outcome: BGS031.2 Writing an official business letter
This part of the module specification is offered as guidance.
Purpose statement
The a im of this pa rt of the module is to provide lea rners with the neces s a ry
knowledge a nd la ngua ge to produce well orga nized written documents for
Both pers ona l us e a s CV &a pplica tion letters , a s well a s for officia l bus ines s us e
s uch a s inquiry letter.
Produce a well written CV.
Types :
§ Chronologica l CV.
§ Ta rgeted CV.
§ Invertory CV.
§ Functiona l CV.
Components s uch a s
§ Conta ct informa tion.
§ Pers ona l informa tion.
§ Employment his tory.
§ Educa tion.
§ Profes s iona l qua lifica tion a nd Skills .
§ Interes ts .
/BGS031: Produce Business Documents in English with Confidence (Business English 2) page 5 out of 7 pages
Characteris tics s uch a s ,
§ Nea tnes s .
§ Vis ua lly a ppea ling.
§ Cons is tency.
Produce a well written letters (application & inquiry letters).
§ Business letters format (Block format).
§ Characteristics, (neat, clear, official language use ...etc).
Parts/ components.
§ Letter head or senders address.
§ Date.
§ Recipient's address.
§ Salutation or greeting.
§ Body (message).
§ Closing.
§ Signature, printed name and position.
§ Optional information.
Assessment procedure
The assessor will examine all the documentation provided by you in your portfolio. The
assessor may ask and record questions to confirm that the evidence is authentic and that
all the evidence requirements have been met, particularly with regard to underpinning
Different versions of learners' produced documents (CV, Application and Inquiry letters).
Different samples of good and bad documents.
Knowledge, skills and use of language acquired and practiced in this part of the module
can be used for other modules and throughout career life of the learners.
/BGS031: Produce Business Documents in English with Confidence (Business English 2) page 6 out of 7 pages
Kelly,Joan M and Volz-patton,Ruth.(1987).Carreer Skills.United States of
America:Glencoe Division,Macmillan/McGraw-Hill.
§ Recommended web-sites (no date) Curriculum Vitae. [Online].Available: [2008.July.5].
Curriculum Vitae Zone (no date).Your Curriculum Vitae may look exceptional, in five
minutes. [online].Available: [2008.July.5].
/BGS031: Produce Business Documents in English with Confidence (Business English 2) page 7 out of 7 pages