6 NMC SAF Form 2 PG Microbiology
6 NMC SAF Form 2 PG Microbiology
6 NMC SAF Form 2 PG Microbiology
1. Please read the Standard Assessment Form (SAF) carefully before filling. You will NOT be allowed
to make any changes in the Data after it has been submitted.
2. Do NOT leave any section of the SAF or part thereof unanswered. Incompletely filled up forms shall
be summarily rejected without any intimation to the college/institution.
3. Do NOT edit or modify any part of the SAF. Tampering with the format of these forms will render
your submission invalid.
4. Do NOT attach Annexures or enclosures. All the information furnished should be in the appropriate
sections of the SAF. Annexures and Enclosures will NOT be considered.
5. Do NOT attach experience certificates with SAF. It is mandatory to submit Experience certificate/s
issued by the competent authority from place/s of work (from the office of the DGAFMS in case of
personnel of the Indian armed forces) along with the Faculty declaration forms, failing which
information about work experience will not be considered.
6. In case of faculty/residents with DNB qualification, full Name of the hospital/institution where DNB
training was obtained and year of passing should clearly be mentioned failing which they shall NOT
be considered. Merely mentioning National Board of Examinations, New Delhi, shall not suffice.
7. The Dean/Principal is responsible for filling up the entire form and signing at appropriate places.
8. If promotions are after the cut-off dates (21/07/2013 for Professors; 21/07/2014 for Associate
Professors) and benefit of publications has been given in promotion before the cut-off dates, list the
publications immediately below the name of faculty in the format: Title of Paper, Authors, Citation of
Journal, details of Indexing in the faculty table. Photocopies of published articles should be attached
with the Faculty declaration forms failing which they will not be considered. Please provide details of
full/original articles ONLY. Case reports, review articles and abstracts shall NOT be considered.
9. Do NOT use abbreviations for names of Medical Colleges in the SAF and Declaration Forms.
10. Please follow all instructions carefully. Instructions marked NOTE: are repeated in various sections
of the SAF to ensure compliance for the sake of consistency and uniformity.
11. Only Faculty members and Resident doctors who sign the attendance sheet by 11:00 A.M., present
themselves for subsequent verification and are found eligible must be considered. In addition, all
those who are on NMC permitted leave, or on NMC/Court duties are to be considered. Please ensure
that signatures of faculty members and resident doctors are obtained in the Faculty table.
12. OPD attendance up to 2:00 P.M. and Bed occupancy till 10:00 A.M. must be considered, without
any exceptions. Please adhere to instructions regarding time very strictly.
13. Data for Radiodiagnosis investigations, Central Clinical Laboratories, Blood Bank etc., entered
in the SAF must be verified with physical records/registers.
14. Information regarding Births and Deaths to be verified from Birth/Death registration forms sent by
hospital to the Registrar of Births/Deaths.
15. Assessors may write confidential remarks not shown in the assessment report on the page marked
“Remarks of Assessor”. Do NOT send/attach separate confidential letter/s.
3. Institutional Information:
A. Particulars of the Institution/College
Pin Code
Phone Nos.
Mobile No.
Pin Code
Phone Nos.
Mobile No.
Date of Assessment: _ _ /_ _ /_ _ _ _. Name of Assessor: _______________________
3 (b) UG PG
Date of last assessment Purpose: Purpose:
Result: Result:
4. Total Teachers available in the Department:
Addl/Assoc Professor
Asst Professor
Senior Resident
Entire Hospital
On Day of Assessment Avg of 3 Days Random
OPD attendance up to 2:00 P.M.
Total number of new admissions
Total Beds occupied at 10:00 A.M.
Total no. of Required Beds
Bed Occupancy at 10:00 A.M. (%)
No. of Major Operations
No. of Minor Operations
No. of Day Care Operations
Total no. of Deliveries
Total no. of Caesarean Sections
Total no. of Deaths
Casualty attendance
i. OPD attendance to be considered only up to 2:00 P.M. and Bed occupancy till 10:00 A.M.
ii. Verify data from Birth/Death registration forms sent by hospital to the Registrar of
Entire Hospital
On day of assessment Avg of 3 random days
Radio-diagnosis MRI
Plain X-rays
IVP/Barium etc.
CT guided FNAC
USG guided FNAC
Any other
Pathology Histopathology
Units of blood consumed
i. Data to be verified with physical records/registers for Radiodiagnosis, Central Clinical
Laboratory and Blood Bank.
7. Year-wise available clinical material of the department of Microbiology (past 3 calendar years).
14. Library:
Number of Journals
UG PG Interns
Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls
Number of Students
Number of Rooms
Status of Hygiene/Cleanliness
Recognized Date of
Permitted seats Date of permission
seats recognition
18. Year wise PG students admitted (in the department inspected) during the preceding 5 years
and available number of PG teachers
Year Stipend in Govt. Colleges paid by State Govt. Stipend paid by the Institution*
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
* Stipend shall be paid by the institution as per Government rates shown above.
21. List of Departmental Faculty appointed / relieved after the last Assessment:
Associate Prof.
Assistant Prof.
Teaching Experience
2. Central Library
Equipment available
4. Blood Bank
(vii) Average number of units utilized daily and on the day of the assessment in the entire
hospital (various specialty wise distribution)
Average daily utilization Utilization on the day of assessment Verified / Not verified
a) Administrative control:
b) Staff:
c) Equipment:
d) Workload:
6. Central Laboratory:
− Controlling Department:
− Working Hours:
− Investigative workload: (Approximate number of investigations done daily in entire hospital).
UG PG Interns
Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls
Number of Students
Number of Rooms
Status of Hygiene/Cleanliness
1. Department inspected: MICROBIOLOGY
2. Particulars of HOD
Teaching Experience
8. If course has already started, year-wise number of PG students admitted, and number with
names of available PG teachers in the department during the last 5 years:
i. FILL ALL COLOUMNS. Do NOT modify any part of the above table. Tampering with the format of the table will render your submission invalid.
ii. If BENEFIT OF PUBLICATIONHAS BEEN GIVEN, list only original articles in indexed Journals published during the period of assessment for promotion here. Annexure will NOT be considered.
iii. In case of persons with DNB qualifications, the name of the hospital/institution where DNB training was obtained and the year of passing should clearly be mentioned failing which she/he shall NOT be
considered. Merely mentioning National Board of Examinations, New Delhi shall not suffice.
iv. Experience of Defense services personnel must be supported by certificate/s from the competent authorities of the office of the DGAFMS, to be attached with the Faculty declaration forms failing which it
shall not be considered.
I have verified the eligibility of all faculty members for the posts they are holding based on experience certificates issued by competent authorities of their place of working. The details of
their working and teaching experience while holding different Designations is furnished in the table above.
12. Have any of these faculty members been considered in PG/UG Assessment at any other colleges
or for any other subject in this college or other colleges in the last 2 years? If yes, give details.
13. List of Departmental Faculty members appointed / relieved after the last Assessment:
Number of specimens
Number of charts / diagrams
Department Office
Space (Adequate) Yes/No
Staff (Steno /Clerk) Yes/No
Computer/ typewriter Yes/No
Storage space for files Yes/No
Telephone / Intercom Yes/No
23. Equipment: List of important equipment* available and their functional status.
(Please fill out the details of the list here below. NO annexure to be attached)
(Only at the time of recognition Assessment)
4. Whether the candidates appearing in the examination have submitted their thesis six months before
appearing in examination as per PG Regulations2000:
5. Whether the thesis submitted by the candidates appearing in the examination been accepted:
10. Year of passing out of the 1stbatch of PG students (mention name of previous/existing University)
i. Retired/Superannuated/re-employed faculty members should not be appointed as External Examiner.
ii. There should be two internal and two external examiners.
iii. Three external examiners should be appointed if two internal examinersare not available inthe department.