SRF CRP MB Cucumber 25062024 240626 123425
SRF CRP MB Cucumber 25062024 240626 123425
SRF CRP MB Cucumber 25062024 240626 123425
Walk-in-interview for one post of Senior Research Fellow (SRF) under Project - CRP on Molecular
Breeding (Cucumber) : ICAR funded will be held on 23.07.2024 at 02.30 PM onwards in the Division of
Vegetable Science, ICAR - Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi -110012. Eligible candidates
should mail their complete CV as per the attached format giving full details of academic records and
experience along with self-attested photocopy(s) of the supporting documents. Email for sending the
application is [email protected]. Applications should reach at this email ID by 19.07.2024. The post
is purely on contractual basis, and co-terminus with the completion of the project.
The original documents will be verified at the time of appointment. If any candidate is found to have
submitted false claims at later stage, their candidature will be summarily rejected. Details of the posts are
as below:
1. Age limit: Maximum age is 35 years for SRF (age relaxation of five years for SC/ST & women
and three years for OBC).
2. The above post is purely temporary, time bound and co-terminus with the project. Appointment
will be yearly based on the progress and fund availability.
3. The selected candidates shall not claim for regular appointments at the Institute as the position is
co-terminus with the project.
4. The interview of eligible candidates will be held according to schedule given above.
5. The candidates will have to compulsorily bring the filled in application form (as per the format
annexed), all the original certificates from matriculation onwards, date of birth certificate,
NET/equivalent certificate, degree certificate either original or provisional and one set of the self-
attested photocopies of all the required certificates from matriculation onwards and an attested
copy of recent passport size photograph pasted onto the application form. Proof of experience and
publications also need to be submitted.
6. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
7. Only the candidates having essential qualifications would be interviewed.
8. Concealing of facts or canvassing in any form shall lead to disqualification or termination of
such candidates.
9. The candidates are required to submit the application at the time of interview as per the format
annexed along with the declaration.
10. The candidate intending to attend the interview, if any of his/her near or distant relative is an
employee of the ICAR/IARI, have to declare his/her name, designation, nature of duties,
relationship in advance in writing so as to reach the Head Division of Vegetable Science, ICAR-
IARI, New Delhi ([email protected]) by 19.07.2024. If on the date of interview such
declaration is furnished and found that his relative is an employee of ICAR/IARI, such candidates
will not be allowed for interview.
11. All the other candidates are also required to compulsorily furnish the declaration duly signed and
submitted on the date of interview.
12. The candidates have to strictly submit the form annexed (typed/filled) duly signed and submit on
the date of interview.
13. Reporting time for interview: 23.07.2024 Time: 02.00 PM at the Division of Vegetable Science,
ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110012;
Copy to:
1. All Project Director/ Head of Division/ MOHR/ In-charge of ICAR-IARI Guest Houses.
2. PA to the Director/JD (R) / JD (E) / JD (A), ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-12.
3. In-charge, AKMU to upload on IARI website for wider publicity.
4. Notice board, Division of Vegetable Science, ICAR-IARI, NewDelhi-110012.
Application Form
b. For communication
6. Mobile No.
7. Email address
8. Sex
9. Marital status
15.Additional information
Signature of Candidate
I also hereby declare that none of my near or distant relative is an employee of the Indian Council of
Agricultural (ICAR)/Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI). If found otherwise and in the
event of non-declaring the same as prescribed in the advertisement, my candidature to the Interview and
my selection to the post may be cancelled.
I ____________________ hereby declare that all statements made in the application form are true/ correct
to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of any information being found false or incorrect, my
candidature/appointment may be cancelled.
Name :
Designation :
Nature of duties :
Relationship :