2014 Annual 4question...
2014 Annual 4question...
2014 Annual 4question...
Message from the Dean
How Can This Medical
School Help Change the
World for the Better?
How Do We Enable
Faculty and Students To
Reach Their Peak Potential?
How Do We Advance
Biomedical Science and
Launch the Next Big
How Can We Best
Contribute to the
Community of Which
We Are a Part?
Administration and
HAS NOT ONLY PLACED remains committed to the grand visions that have brought
us this far. Jonas Salks polio vaccine, which was developed
US ON AN UNPARALLELED right here on Pitts campus, left an indelible mark on the
UPWARD TRAJECTORY, 20th century. In much the same way, we at Pitt are committed
to being a part of the next big advancements in American
IT HAS ALSO POSITIONED medicine. I invite you to join us and to learn more about our
he University of Pittsburgh has
created a new institute to unlock
the mysteries of brain function
and develop novel treatments and
cures for brain disorders. Like a
Bell Labs for brain research, the
Brain Institute aims to enable investigators to
perform high-risk, high-impact neuroscience
that will transform lives.
Centers supported by Pitts Brain Institute
will focus on neurotechnology, neurogenetics,
AND SCIENTISTS FOR the brain works, making this a very exciting time
to conduct research in neuroscience.
THE 21ST CENTURY AND The Universitys long history of neuroscience
PITT RECRUITS NOTED resulting from this disease,
SICKLE CELL EXPERTS for which there is only one
Food and Drug Administration-
hree national leaders
approved drug.
in the research and
Katos research focuses
treatment of sickle cell
on biomarkers and mediators
disease have joined the Depart-
of vascular dysfunction in sickle DEPARTMENT OF
ment of Medicine, Division of
cell disease, particularly those IMMUNOLOGY ADDS
Hematology/Oncology, marking
a major commitment to improve
associated with pulmonary TOP INVESTIGATOR
hypertension and leg ulceration.
the care of patients with this
He has also led early-phase
devastating genetic disease
testing of investigational drugs
and promote research
for sickle cell disease. Prior
toward a cure.
to joining NHLBI, Kato was
The recruitment of
associate professor of pediatrics
Solomon F. Ofori-Acquah, PhD,
at Johns Hopkins University and
Laura De Castro, MD, MHSc,
of pediatric oncology at Johns
and Gregory J. Kato, MD,
Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center.
comes nearly a year after the
His 2014 publication in the
Universitys Heart, Lung, Blood,
journal Blood describes a new
and Vascular Medicine Institute
mechanistic role for excess iron
(VMI) and UPMC helped to
in promoting the development
launch the Ryan Clark Cure
of pulmonary hypertension,
League in partnership with the
a life-limiting complication of
former Steelers defenseman.
sickle cell disease.
Kato, visiting professor of
Ofori-Acquah formerly
medicine, and De Castro, visiting
served as assistant professor
associate professor of medicine, DARIO A.A. VIGNALI, PHD
of pediatrics at Emory
are clinically associated with Professor and Vice Chair of Immunology; Coleader,
University in the Division of
the UPMC Adult Sickle Cell Cancer Immunology Program; and Codirector, Tumor
Hematology/Oncology, where
Disease Program. Ofori-Acquah, Microenvironment Center, both at the University of
he also was founding director
associate professor of medicine, Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
of the Center for Endothelial
is a research scientist.
Biology. His November 2013
Kato, former head of the
publication in the Journal Significance: Vignali is an immunology researcher
Sickle Cell Vascular Disease
of Clinical Investigation who is internationally known for his investigations into
Section at the National Heart,
demonstrated a paradigm tumor immunology, autoimmune disease, molecular and
Lung, and Blood Institute
shift in scientific understanding cellular aspects of regulatory T cell function, and immune
(NHLBI) of the National Institutes
of a life-threatening disease regulation by inhibitory receptors. He has written more than
of Health (NIH), will lead the
complication called acute 130 peer-reviewed publications and holds multiple patents
UPMC Sickle Cell Disease
chest syndrome; this research related to immunoregulatory molecules.
Research Center of Excellence.
focused on hemin, a byproduct
Ofori-Acquah will lead a newly
of hemolysis. He has received
created Center for Translational Notable: Vignali was recruited from St. Jude Childrens
a major, five-year NIH grant to
and International Hematology, Research Hospital, where he was professor of pathology
continue this line of investigation.
part of VMI, which will guide new and vice chair of immunology. He received a PhD in
Prior to joining the School
research programs and partner- immunology of infectious diseases from the London
of Medicine, De Castro was
ships with sickle cell disease School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and completed
associate professor of medicine
programs in Africa. De Castro postdoctoral fellowships at the German Cancer Research
in the Division of Hematology
will lead efforts to develop novel Center and Harvard University.
at Duke University. De Castros
clinical and translational research
research interests include
programs, along with several
investigations of sickle cell- Quotable: We currently focus on identifying and dissecting
related clinical services.
related psychosocial issues negative regulatory pathways that limit anticancer immunity.
Sickle cell disease causes
and end-organ damage. She has In moving to Pittsburgh, we hope to enhance our discovery-
abnormally shaped red blood
been a principal or coprincipal based platforms, expand our human tumor immunology
cells that can block the flow of
investigator on more than 20 programs, and gain a better mechanistic understanding of
healthy, oxygenated blood to
NIH- and industry-sponsored the tumor microenvironment.
the bodys organs and tissues.
clinical studies focusing on sickle
An estimated 2 million
cell disease as well as other
Americans carry one of the
sickle cell genes. Millions of
people worldwide suffer from
sickle cell disease, anemia, or
pain and other symptoms
PITTS FACULTY by the three-protein CBM (CARMA, Bcl10, and MALT1) complex.
invigorating the Universitys heart and
homas E. Starzl, MD, PhD, known kidney transplant programs. In 1989, Starzl
as the father of transplantation, introduced the anti-rejection medication
joins 84 new members and FK-506, which markedly increased survival
21 foreign associates elected rates for liver and other organ transplants
to the National Academy of and led the way to other successful types
Sciences (NAS) in 2014 in recog- of organ transplants, including pancreas,
nition of his distinguished and continuing lung, and intestine.
achievements in original research. He remains active in research,
Starzl, who received the National mapping the relationship between donor
Medal of Science in 2006, is Distinguished and recipient cells and developing new
Service Professor of Surgery in the School therapeutic strategies to achieve immune
of Medicine. tolerance after transplantation with a much
Dr. Starzls contributions to science and lower risk of side effects from immunosup-
medicine are extraordinary, said Arthur S. pressive therapy.
Levine, MD, senior vice chancellor for the Known today as the nations foremost
health sciences and John and Gertrude scientific body, NAS was established in
Petersen Dean of Medicine. He is a 1863 by President Abraham Lincoln to
physician-scientist of the highest caliber. provide independent advice to the
Starzl performed the worlds first government on matters related to science
successful liver transplant in 1967 while at and technology. Election is one of the
the University of Colorado. In 1981, Starzl highest honors accorded to scientists,
joined the University of Pittsburgh School and academy members are considered
of Medicine and led the team of surgeons pioneers in their fields.
who performed the citys first liver
media outlets GLOBALLY. THE GOAL
were abuzz IS NOT ONLY TO DO
news of an BUT ALSO TO DO
unprecedented THE KIND OF SCIENCE
clinical trial THAT WILL LEAD TO
that aims to THE EMERGENCE
patient with severe
quickly bleeding wound? The O F PIT T S SCH OO L O F M EDICI N E AN D
arrest? Emergency medicine TH E SCI ENTI FIC DI R EC TO R O F B R BC
physicians and trauma
surgeons could use a few
extra minutes. THE 334,000-SQUARE-FOOT
The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is expanding its
global reach in multiple ways. Two ongoing projects with interna-
tional partners are bringing Pitt expertisein biomedical research,
medical education, and clinical trainingto Italy and Kazakhstan.
partnership that includes Pitt, UPMC, and
the Italian government brought solid-organ
transplantation to Sicily in 1999. That project AN ARTISTS RENDERING
got a permanent home in 2004, when a
70-bed hospital opened in Palermo. SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, WHICH
In the coming years, a similar public-private partnership IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN
will result in the construction of the Ri.MED (Ricerca
Mediterranea or Mediterranean Research) Biomedical
Research and Biotechnology Center (BRBC) in nearby ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN
Carini. The 334,000-square-foot research facility is expected n 2013, the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
to open in 2016. Pitts School of Medicine will be responsible was selected to guide the Republic of Kazakhstans
for the scientific direction and staffing of the center. BRBC Nazarbayev University (NU) as it establishes its own
will include a corporate incubator to shepherd its discoveries medical school, which aims to educate physician-scientists
to market. Ri.MED investigators who train in research at to become that nations next leaders in health care, medical
Pitt will ply the fields of structural biology, computational education, and biomedical research. Pitt will partner with
biology, drug discovery, vaccine development, biomedical NU to institute a U.S.-style curriculum; design and develop
device development, regenerative medicine, tissue teaching facilities; recruit and mentor school leadership and
engineering, molecular imaging, and neuroscience. faculty; plan organizational and administrative structures,
policies, and procedures; and develop courses, syllabi, and
clinical experiences with the participation of physician-
educators from hospitals in Kazakhstan.
Massimo Pignatelli, MD, PhD, a distinguished
pathologist and biomedical scientist, was recruited through
an international search process to serve as founding dean
of Nazarbayev University School of Medicine (NUSOM),
which will open with its first class of students in August 2015.
Previously, Pignatelli was at the University of Glasgow in
Scotland, where he served as head of the School of Medicine.
He is a noted physician-scientist whose research focuses on
epithelial adhesion molecules. He is also a Pitt adjunct
professor of pathology.
My hope is that NUSOM will become a model for every
medical school in the nation, said Pignatelli. This is the
goal of the projectto create the hub of medical education
and biomedical research in Central Asia. The project has
all the necessary components, including infrastructure,
resources, and political stability.
HISTORIC and said, Scientific thinking,
PITT-TSINGHUA of course, but also just talking
about science in English. In my
PROGRAM lab, I have learned to explain
CELEBRATES my research process and
TWO YEARS discuss.
Program director Jeremy M.
n August 2012, Pitts School Berg, PhD, Pittsburgh
of Medicine welcomed the Foundation Professor of
arrival of 21 students from Personalized Medicine and
Tsinghua University School associate senior vice chancellor
of Medicine in Beijing. This for science strategy and
most prestigious of Chinese planning, health sciences, has
scientific institutions had seen strong improvement in
recently entered into a the scholars ability to think
first-of-its kind agreement like researchers. Many have
with our own medical school really learned to not only take
to have its students undergo a technical challenges in stride
rigorous, two-year biomedical but also to approach a problem,
research training program in overcome obstacles, and
Pittsburgh. That first cohort ask the right questions to
of Tsinghua students arrived achieve results.
with a great deal of excitement The Pitt-Tsinghua program
and enthusiasm, plus a welcomed its third group of
measure of trepidation at students in August 2014.
the impending immersion in Also in 2012, the School of
various Pitt research labs Medicine began a collaboration
and a foreign language. with Chinas prestigious
That was two years ago. Central South University
At a spring 2014 scientific Xiangya School of Medicine.
program, 51 Tsinghua scholars Under the five-year agreement,
(the original 21, plus a second Pitt provides two years of
cohort that arrived in rigorous biomedical research
August 2013) displayed training to medical students,
posters describing their latest most of whom have already
scientific work exploring topics undergone six years of medical
fellow, and recent inductees to complete medical school
to the Institute of Medicine. after their two years in
projects to Pitt faculty and
students mingling in front
JEREMY M. BERG, PHD of their posters. When asked
what he has gained from the
program, one student laughed
TOTAL OF $375,000 AWARDED PInCh is a celebration of the pioneering and entrepreneurial
TO SIX TEAMS OF INVESTIGATORS spirit of some of the brightest, most enterprising teams of visionary
thinkers in and around the Pittsburgh region, said CTSI director
SUCCESS A CINCH Steven E. Reis, MD, associate vice chancellor for clinical research,
vast bank of creativity, talent, and drive available in Western
hat happens when smart individuals get Pennsylvania.
challenged to dream up creative new ways Organizers were pleased by the large and diverse response
to help people stay healthyand have just for the first competition. They also hope that the interdisciplinary
three months to do it? At Pitt, smartphone teams that did not winmany of whom connected with each other
applications that will alert people with because of PInChcontinue brewing innovations together.
Parkinsons disease that its time to take As researchers, were not trained to think about how we
another dose of medicine and support smokers as they try to kick disseminate the discoveries that we makehow to make them
the habit and a bioactive bandage designed to hasten the healing sustainable, or scale them up so they can have a population-level
of diabetic skin ulcers have been awarded $100,000 prizes as the impact, said Ellen Beckjord, PhD, MPH, assistant professor of
first winners of the Pitt Innovation Challenge (PInCh). psychiatry, whose project is one of three $100,000 award winners.
Three additional teams of investigators received $25,000 awards She added that PInCh and commercialization-focused programs
to help advance their plans to reduce hospital readmissions, monitor offered through Pitts Innovation Institute are changing those
prescription drug adherence, and develop a text-based helpline attitudes.
focused on sexual health for teens. Were in the business to help people, and if what I do only
More than 90 teams participated in the challenge, which was helps the 100 people Ive had in my trial, I havent done my job,
sponsored by the University of Pittsburghs Clinical and Translational Beckjord said.
Science Institute (CTSI), Office of the Provost, and Innovation In addition to the cash prize, Beckjords group and the other
Institute. Each team submitted a video entry during the first phase winning teams get the assistance of a project manager to begin
of the competition. Twenty-nine teams were then asked to provide implementing their ideas.
a written description of their projects, and 10 finalists were asked
to present during the showcase, a live, Shark Tank-style judging $100,000 AWARDS:
event held in May 2014.
QuitNinja: A smartphone application to encourage smoking
cessation with real-time interventions when the urge to smoke hits
Ellen Beckjord, PhD, MPH, assistant professor of psychiatry
ail to Pitts newest Turks, a bakers dozen of faculty members
tapped to join the prestigious Association of American Physicians
(AAP/Old Turks) and the American Society for Clinical
Investigation (ASCI/Young Turks).
New AAP members from the School of Medicine are
Yuan Chang, MD, Distinguished Professor of Pathology and
UPMC Professor of Cancer Virology Research; David Hackam, MD, PhD, former
Watson Family Professor of Surgery and associate dean for medical student
research; David A. Lewis, MD, Thomas Detre Professor of Academic Psychiatry SADOVSKY GETS NOD
and chair of psychiatry; Patrick S. Moore, MD, MPH, Distinguished Professor of
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Pittsburgh Foundation Professor of oel Sadovsky, MD, Elsie Hilliard Hillman
Innovative Cancer Research, and director (with Chang) of the Cancer Virology Professor of Womens Health Research;
Program, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute; and Sally E. Wenzel, MD, professor and vice chair (research) of
professor of medicine and director of the University of Pittsburgh Asthma obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive
Institute at UPMC and the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. sciences; professor of microbiology and molecular
Founded in 1885, AAP is dedicated to the pursuit of medical knowledge, genetics; and director of the Magee-Womens
experimentation and discovery in basic and clinical science, and the applica- Research Institute, has been elected to the
tion of new findings to clinical medicine. Each year, 60 people are nominated Institute of Medicine (IOM), an honor that is
for membership in recognition of excellence in their fields. Today, the considered among the highest in the field.
Sadovskys research focuses on the develop-
association represents the best medical minds and provides a forum to
ment of the placenta and the function of
promote collegiality, create and disseminate knowledge, and provide role
specialized placental cells called trophoblasts.
models for generations of upcoming physician-scientists.
Using human placental cells as well as mouse
ASCI inductees are Cristian Apetrei, MD, PhD, professor of microbiology models, he studies molecular pathways that
and molecular genetics; Carlton M. Bates, MD, professor of pediatrics and govern placental development and adaptive
chief, Division of Nephrology; Hlya Bayr, MD, professor of critical care response to stress. Primary areas of research
medicine; Peter C. Lucas, MD, PhD, associate professor of pathology; include placental uptake and processing of
Linda McAllister-Lucas, MD, PhD, associate professor of pediatrics and metabolic fuels, the role of microRNA in
chief, Division of Hematology/Oncology; Mary L. Phillips, MD, MD (Cantab), placental function, and placental injury and
Pittsburgh Foundation-Emmerling Professor of Psychotic Disorders and adaptation. Sadovsky completed his MD at
professor of psychiatry and of clinical and transla- Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School
tional science; Aleksandar Rajkovic, MD, PhD, Marcus in Jerusalem, his residency in obstetrics and
Allen Hogge Professor of Reproductive Genetics and gynecology at Washington University in St.
Louis, and his postdoctoral training at the
4 professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive
1 5 University of California, San Francisco.
3 6 sciences; and Yutong Zhao, MD, PhD, associate
Other prestigious honors accorded to
professor of medicine, Division of Pulmonary,
8 7 Sadovsky during 2014 were his election to
Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine.
10 9 the presidency of the Society for Gynecologic
13 The University received special recognition for Investigation for the 2016-17 term and his
11 12
its eight new inducteesat 10 percent of the total, acceptance of the Cozzarelli Prize in biomedical
more than any other single school in 2014during sciences for a paper published in the July 2013
Meet the honorees
(pictured left)
a dual ASCI/AAP meeting in Chicago. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
The eight join 41 other Pitt colleagues on the (PNAS) that demonstrated that trophoblasts
1. Chang may have a unique ability to not only block viral
membership rolls of ASCI, an organization of more
2. Hackam transmission from mother to baby, but also to
than 2,800 physician-scientists who have achieved
3. Lewis confer the trait upon other cell types.
notable success relatively early in their careers.
4. Moore The annual Cozzarelli Prize recognizes the top
Founded in 1908, ASCI is a medical honor society
5. Wenzel
with a clear preference for celebrating up-and-coming PNAS-published papers in six scientific categories
6. Apetrei that reflect excellence and originality. Sadovsky
scholarly achievement in biomedical research. New
7. Bates shares the prize with senior coauthor Carolyn
members must be 50 or younger at the time of
8. Bayr Coyne, PhD, associate professor of microbiology
their election.
9. McAllister-Lucas and molecular genetics, and colleagues from
10. Lucas the School of Medicine and the Graduate
11. Phillips School of Public Health.
12. Rajkovic
13. Zhao
from Bostons Tufts University School of Medicine in 1974.
In 2003, she received a masters degree in health care policy
few of Pitts leading medical educators
and management from Carnegie Mellon University.
brought home hardware from recent
conferences of the Association of
American Medical Colleges (AAMC).
Cynthia Lance-Jones, PhD, assistant dean
for medical education, was honored with Q&A WITH A TOP MEDICAL EDUCATOR,
the 2013 Alpha Omega Alpha Robert J. Glaser Distinguished STEVEN KANTER, MD
Teacher Award, a singular honor recognizing her role in both
curricular design and basic science education. As block How do you describe Pitts
director of the first-year basic science core curriculum, approach to medical education?
Lance-Jones oversees six courses covering principles of
We want our students to become creative and critical
anatomy, biochemistry, genetics, cell biology and pathology, thinkers. We want them to be good, collaborative problem solvers.
immunology, and microbiology. John Mahoney, MD, So weve developed different experiences around that. For example,
associate dean of medical education, earned an Outstanding we blend lectures with other types of teaching modalities like
Reviewer Award for his work on AAMCs MedEdPORTAL small-group learning and team-based learning.
publications section. The Scholarly Project is a great example. People say that medical
Finally, former vice dean of the medical school Steven school is a mile wide but only an inch deep. In some ways, it does
need to be a survey of a very broad set of information. But if thats all
Kanter, MD, was honored with the Merrell Flair Award in
you do, then youve missed opportunities. If you give med students a
Medical Education, the highest honor for medical education
few opportunities to go deep on something, they come face-to-face
awarded by AAMC. The award recognizes an individual with unanswered questions in medicine. Students ask themselves,
How do scientists even develop a question that is answerable?
Thats actually very difficult, and the students have a chance to
grapple with that in the Scholarly Project. They focus on an area
that intrigues them, and they design and execute meaningful,
hypothesis-driven research on that topic. [For more on the
Scholarly Project, see page 24.]
and the type of patients they were seeing. But somehow, seeing es not just senior interdisciplinary collaborations.
patients and their problems helped students make connections and vice chancellor for the At the event, Levine gave a
see a clear purpose to what they were doing in class. On some level, health sciences and dean lecture recounting both his
it made the science overall more compelling and relevant. of the med school anymore. and the School of Medicines
Arthur S. Levine, MD, is now histories, referring back to
Med students at Pitt often say that, while med school is
the John and Gertrude Petersen his great-grandfather and the
challenging and rigorous, they havent found the cutthroat
Dean of Medicine; he holds the first diploma granted by
competition they anticipated.
first endowed deanship in the the school in 1887.
history of this medical school. Levine attributed his
Why is that? Chancellor Emeritus Mark A. and the schools strengths, in
Nordenberg conferred the part, to stellar faculty, donors
Our curriculum leaders have worked hard to create a honor at a ceremony this May like the Petersens, and first-rate
collaborative, cooperative work environment. Small-group learning with a proud handshake, staff like his assistant, Gina
is a part of that. The students, to their credit, have responded by a little ribbing, and a medal Deible. He said hes a catalyst
developing a welcoming, supportive ethos. Also, we recently moved worthy of an Olympian. dependent upon substrate.
to a different grading system in the first two years. We Levine, dean since 1998, has His portrait, painted by Greg
used to have three options: honors, pass, and fail. Weve moved led the med school into the Kavalec, was unveiled after the
to just the pass/fail option for those years because, with the work ranks of the top five institutions lecture and now hangs in the
thats done in the first two years, theres a certain competency receiving NIH funding. He has Scaife Hall auditorium.
appointed 30 of 31 department
that students need to develop. But memorizing every minute detail
chairs, created 10 new depart-
may not be better than spending the evening at the theater and
ments, and lured five National
coming back refreshed.
Academy of Sciences members
to join the faculty.
The institution transcends
departments, Levine said
of the present-day school,
increasingly known for its
hirty-five years ago, as an
obstetrics/gynecology resident,
Carey Andrew-Jaja, MD, worked
with an attending physician who
loved to sing and occasionally
serenaded newborn babies
as he worked.
Andrew-Jaja, a Pitt clinical professor
of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive
sciences who is known for going about his own
work with an infectious joy and an engaging
smile, recalls what his singing colleague said
when he retired: He asked me, Andy, do you
sing to your babies? And I said, No, thats
your stuff. He said, Go ahead. Do it. And
so I took it over. He passed the baton to me.
I started to sing to my babies ever since then,
and I do it every single time.
Andrew-Jaja was just appointed president
of the medical staff at Magee-Womens Hospital
of UPMC. But he has been a memorable
influence on Pitt medical students and
residents for many years. And in summer
2014, he became a YouTube sensation when
a video from the previous year went viral.
In it, he croons Happy Birthday and What a
Wonderful World to newborns at Magee. The
video has been watched more than a million
times and was covered by news outlets around
the world. Scores of colleagues and patients
families responded with personal stories of
their meaningful interactions with the singing
doctor, as he is known around the hospital.
Of the infants he welcomes into the world,
Andrew-Jaja says, They are special. Each
of them is an individual, and Ive delivered
thousands and thousands of babies. When
Im singing to those babies, I think: Im singing
to a future important person. Thats the credit
I give to them.
NORTHERN Pa. ed students choose Pitt for a lot of different reasons,
including the elite academic medical center and
EXPOSURE hospital system, top-notch biomedical research,
and the urban campus in one of Americas most livable
cities. They generally dont anticipate exposure to a
small-town medical practice or the charms of rural
America. But perhaps they should.
The best med schools offer a breadth of unexpected discoveries
for the future physician, whether through varied research opportunities
or diverse clinical experiences. At Pitt, all students complete a four-week
family practice clerkship in the third or fourth year. Most students
complete this rotation in Pittsburgh, but those who elect to do so
through Dr. Jill Owens family practice in Bradford get an uncommon
experience along Pennsylvanias bucolic northern border. With fewer
than 9,000 citizens, Bradford is the largest town in McKean County,
TELEMEDICINE IS ONE which includes more than 130,000 acres of the Allegheny National
Forest, 25,000 acres of state game lands, and an extensive patchwork
TOOL THAT CAN MAKE of private farms, fields, and forests. Working and playing outdoors is a
A DIFFERENCE, AND way of life for many locals here. People fish. They hunt deer, black bear,
turkey, grouse, and other small game. Industry centers around
The setting and the culture translate to a unique patient has developed curricular elements to supplement the clinical
population with its own set of ailments, not to mention a particular experience, which she delivers via webcam.
way of practicing medicine. With assistance from the Center for Telemedicine is one tool that can make a difference, says Maier,
Rural Health Practice on Pitts Bradford campus, students are and this clerkship may be the one in which students learn the most
immersed in the family practice run by Owens, a 1997 graduate of about that. They live it.
the School of Medicine who returned to her hometown of Bradford With a very large rural population in Pennsylvania, Maier sees
to practice family medicine. With very few specialists close by, Owens the rotation as an important training ground for future doctors and
does more than most family docs in Pittsburgh, including assisting even an opportunity for valuable research that asks, How can we
on neonatal resuscitation after other doctors perform C-sections. better deliver health care to rural areas, where outcomes for many
With no easy access to a catheter lab or cardiologist, the protocol conditions are not as good? These are important, compelling,
for handling heart attack victims is different too. She and a few and complex questions that funding organizations such as the
emergency medicine docs collectively run the small intensive care Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute are interested in
unit in Bradford. answering. A student looking for a niche in translational research
When not working, students have the chance to explore the can find more than one kind of inspiration in rural Pennsylvania.
outdoors and the unique social setting. Bradford as a community They also just get a taste of a different way to practice,
has been great, says one. Im here in summertime, so I get to be adds Maier. They frequently come back and tell us that Jill Owens
outside, which is wonderful. I imagine that those here in the winter is a rock star in that community.
will get to cross-country ski and things of that nature. But for me, I get
to see deer on my morning run. I get to go hiking on the weekends.
The program began in 2011 when Pitt was awarded a Health
Resources and Services Administration grant for education in rural
medicine. Included in the grant were resources to set up telecommu
nications with rural sites. The family medicine clerkship director,
Robin Maier, MD, from Pitts Department of Family Medicine,
13 20
14 13 12 11 10 09 08 14 13 12 11 10 09 08
42 46
14 13 12 11 10 09 08 14 13 12 11 10 09 08
Investigating the Radioprotective Nature of
SCHOLARS JP4-039 on Human Foreskin Cell Lines Isolated
from Patients with Fanconi Anemia and
DAY Establishing the Drugs Mechanism of Action
he best physicians have a solid grounding Joel S. Greenberger, MD, Claude Worthington
Benedum Foundation Professor and Chair of
in the scientific method. They dont have to
Radiation Oncology
be scientists, but they must understand how
research works and how scientific discoveries
Radiation Oncology, UPMC Medical Education
become clinical medicine. At Pitt, we challenge
Program, Pittsburgh
medical students to contribute to scholarly
research during their med school years. In each graduating
class, without fail, we find med students who seize this STEPHANIE DREIFUSS, MD
opportunity and produce some stunning results. Prevalence of Endogenous CD34+ Adipose
Stem Cells Predicts Human Fat Graft Retention
Pitts innovative Scholarly Project requirement was
in a Xenograft Model
introduced a decade ago, when the Class of 2008 entered
medical school. At the time, some said it would drive away
J. Peter Rubin, MD, UPMC Professor and
applicants (who didnt want to do research, presumably),
Chair of Plastic Surgery
but the opposite has proven true. Today, the Scholarly
Project is being emulated at some of the nations other
Plastic Surgery, UPMC Medical Education
top medical schools.
Program, Pittsburgh
In 10 years of refining this element of Pitts medical
curriculum, a few key features have become critical to the
programs success. First, every med student is invited to AMANDA GELMAN, MD
take part in summer research between the first and second Racial Disparities in Awareness of HPV
and HPV Vaccine Uptake
years of medical school. Roughly 75 percent of the Class of
2014 accepted, with many students building mentoring MENTOR:
Sonya Borrero, MD, Associate Professor
relationships and exploring research topics that would
of Medicine
eventually lead to their scholarly projects.
Students are paired with established scientists,
Primary Internal Medicine, University of
including some of our most accomplished faculty members.
Colorado School of Medicine, Denver
Depending on their interests, med students delve into
everything from wet-bench laboratory research to compu
tational biology; others explore the subtleties of the DANIEL LUDWIG, MD
doctor-patient relationship or mine public health data for Development of Magnetic Resonance
new insights into disease trends. In these and scores of other Imaging To Identify Conduction Dyssynchrony
in the Presence of Left Ventricular Scar
ways, med students build their own scientific knowledge
and become the type of clinicians who can make a difficult
David Schwartzman, MD, Professor of Medicine
diagnosis and help patients make the best decisions based
on the evidence. RESIDENCY MATCH:
Diagnostic Radiology, Barnes-Jewish Hospital at
(TOP) BERHANE, Washington University Medical Center, St. Louis
Improving Early Detection of Melanoma
Laura K. Ferris, MD, PhD, Associate Professor
of Dermatology
Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital,
diverse research opportunities, and areas of
concentration, med students at Pitt are able
BEST RESIDENTS to explore their medical interests in depth.
a talent for clinical research. Select students whose
mentored scholarly projects meet the NIH definition of
clinical research are invited to delve deeper into their
research during a fifth year of training. Interested students
apply to the CSTP in January of the year they plan to commit
to full-time research (typically between the third and fourth
years of medical school). Selected students are appointed as
Jacqueline Moreau chose Pitt largely because of
the Clinical Scientist Training Program (CSTP), which
research fellows for the research year, during which they
provided her with a full year of support to conduct receive a living stipend, research funds, travel funds,
research between her second and third years of health insurance, and tuition toward the graduate certificate
medical school. But her research portfolio wasnt the in clinical research. After successful completion of the
only thing that caught the attention of the dermatology fellowship year, they receive a CSTP scholarship toward
residency program directors at Massachusetts the final year of medical school. By providing formal
General Hospital (MGH). research training and partial tuition assistance, the CSTP
Some of the best residents we get come from
seeks to increase the number of Pitt graduates who choose
Pittsburgh, they told her during her interview.
clinical research careers and contribute to the vital
Why is that?
Pittsburghers are the salt of the earth, says work of translating biomedical science into clinical care.
Moreau. They are hard working. They believe
Graduates from 2014 matched to the following
in community. And they dont come in with a sense residency programs:
of entitlement. She noticed early on that the city
welcomed newcomers. (Shes originally from JAYSHIV BADLANI, MD
New England, but five years at the med school Jackson Memorial Hospital, Fla./Internal Medicine
makes you a Pittsburgher in our book.)
Moreau has no doubt that her research experience Johns Hopkins Hospital/General Surgery
helped her land the residency she wanted. I presented
my research at a few conferences and had program IAN JOEL, MD
directors approach me afterwards to ask me to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center/Internal Medicine
interview, she says. SIMIAO LI, MD
In addition to her solid presentation skills, Moreau McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University/
graduated with a list of publications, including a few Emergency Medicine
with Martin Weinstock, MD, PhD. Currently at Brown
University, Weinstock trained in internal medicine CONSTANTINOS MICHAELIDIS, MD
Brigham and Womens Hospital/Internal Medicine
at Pitt in the 1980s, moved to MGHs dermatology
residency program (speaking of great dermatology JACQUELINE MOREAU, MD
residents from the Burgh), and is now one of the Massachusetts General Hospital/Dermatology
worlds foremost authorities on the epidemiology
of melanoma.
The Physician-Scientist Training Program (PSTP) very year, medical
is a five-year program for exceptionally talented students students seek to continue
their training at institutions
who, in addition to the regular curriculum, undertake
across the country. University
two summers and a dedicated year of laboratory-based of Pittsburgh students joined
research training, as well as enrichment courses, to more than 16,000 others in the
prepare for careers in academic medicine. Those selected 2014 Main Residency Match,
for the program receive partial tuition assistance for the which is administered by the
National Resident Matching
four years of medical school plus a stipend during the
two research summers and the research year. At Pitt, 148 graduating med
The Class of 2014 included six graduating PSTP students matched to programs
students who matched to top residency programs in in 24 states, including the District
some of the most competitive medical specialties, of Columbia and Hawaii. Nearly
every top residency program
including internal medicine at Tufts Medical Center,
in the country welcomes one
emergency medicine at the Hospital of the University of or more new MDs from Pitts
Pennsylvania, otolaryngology at Vanderbilt University Class of 2014, including those
Medical Center, orthopaedic surgery at UPMC, at Brigham and Womens,
diagnostic radiology at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, and Massachusetts General, and
Beth Israel Deaconess Hospitals,
orthopaedic surgery at the University of New Mexico
School of Medicine. Collectively, these six graduates
have published 17 papers (four as first author),
received five national or international awards
(best poster, best talk, or travel awards), one
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
research fellowship, and filed two patents.
atch Day is a big deal for all graduating med
students, but for those in the Medical Scientist
Training Program (MSTP), our combined MD/PhD
program, the anticipation has been building for
an especially long time. Most classmates they
entered med school with are long gone because
MSTP students begin with two years of MD training then break for
several years of PhD research before returning to complete their
clinical work. At some point, they watch the MD students they
entered with celebrate Match Day and move on to residency
positions. Match Day for MSTP students typically arrives about
seven years after they begin medical school. In 2014, Pitt said
farewell to 11 of these budding physician-scientists.
The match went quite well this year, says Richard Steinman,
MD, PhD, associate dean for the MSTP and associate professor
of medicine and of pharmacology and chemical biology. This is
a great group, and we are both proud of them and sorry to lose
them. So many could have gone to any program in the country
they wanted. They strategically chose programs that would give
them the best skills to continue the careers they want as
academic investigators.
Other MSTP bragging points include Pitts enviable success rate Pitts MSTP has 71 students currentlybig enough to maintain
in winning F30 awards from the National Institutes of Health. Also a lively and diverse group dynamic but small enough that nobody is
known as Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards, getting lost in the mix.
F30s are granted to MSTP students who demonstrate the potential to To help everyone stay on course, we have a monthly meeting
become highly trained, productive, independent physician-scientists. with the entire MSTP student body, says Steinman. Its in a
NIHs ultimate goal with this program is to increase the number of workshop setting, with senior through beginning students mixed
future investigators with both clinical knowledge and skills in basic, together around tables. The topics may be research, or ethics, or
translational, or clinical research. Nearly two-thirds of Pitts MSTP maybe how to pick the best mentors.
students are successful in their F30 applications. We have students involved in all facets of the program.
Student reps meet regularly with me. We have students organizing
RECENT AWARDS INCLUDE: the scientific retreat. Others play a role in admissions, organize our
second look visit for accepted applicants, and help to frame the
research ethics course we run. Having students in all those roles
Defining the Role of Integrins Phosphoinositol-3-Kinase
makes for a very coherent program.
in IL-23-Dependent Intestinal Signaling and Pik3ca: Critical
Immunity Mitogenic Drivers in Head
INSTITUTE: National Institute of
and Neck Squamous Cell
Diabetes and Digestive and Carcinoma
Kidney Diseases INSTITUTE: National Cancer
MENTOR: Mandy McGeachy, PhD, Institute
Assistant Professor of Medicine MENTOR: Jennifer Grandis, MD,
and of Immunology UPMC Professor of Head
and Neck Surgical Research,
LAUREN BRILLI Distinguished Professor of
Elucidating the Mechanisms Otolaryngology
of Kidney Regeneration and
Therapeutic Augmentation ELIZABETH OCZYPOK
after Acute Kidney Injury Receptor for Advanced
Institute Glycation End Products (RAGE)
of Diabetes and Digestive and as an Upstream Activator of
Kidney Diseases the Th2 Inflammatory Immune
Response in Asthma
MENTOR: NeilHukriede, PhD,
INSTITUTE: National Institute of
Associate Professor and Vice
Chair of Developmental Biology Environmental Health Sciences
MENTOR: Tim Oury, MD, PhD,
TAYLOR EDDENS Professor of Pathology
Pneumocystis Antigen Discovery
and Vaccine Development JOSHUA STURM
Intrinsic Connectivity of APPROXIMATELY
INSTITUTE: NationalInstitute of the Auditory Midbrain in a TWO-THIRDS
Allergy and Infectious Diseases Mouse Model of Tinnitus OF PITTS MSTP
MENTOR: Jay Kolls, MD, Visiting STUDENTS ARE
INSTITUTE: National Institute
Professor of Pediatrics on Deafness and Other SUCCESSFUL
Communication Disorders IN THEIR F30
Effects of Preconception MENTOR: Karl Kandler, PhD, APPLICATIONS.
Alcohol on Epigenetics and Professor of Otolaryngology
Offspring Drinking and of Neurobiology
MEDICAL SCHOOL ISNT JUST FOR MDS Taylor, a bioengineering PhD candidate in Pitts Swanson
School of Engineering, won the Michael G. Wells Student
n addition to approximately 600 students in the Health Care Entrepreneurship Competition. The $10,000
four-year MD program, there are nearly 300 students award from Pitts Innovation Institute enables the team, with
pursuing PhD degrees in 12 programs that include their mentor Alan Wells, MD, DMS, the Thomas Gill Professor
neuroscience, biomedical informatics, computational of Pathology, to continue with research and commercialization
biology, molecular biophysics and structural biology, of their biotech innovation, an advanced wound-healing gel.
and clinical and translational science. The size and Curostem is a topical wound gel aimed at curing chronic
scope of Pitts research enterprise are significant enough that wounds that otherwise consume billions of dollars of ineffec-
graduate students in this wide a range of disciplines receive tive care that results in poor clinical outcomes. Curostem
training that allows them to work at the cutting edge of incorporates human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) into a
biomedical science. space-filling bioengineered gel that can be topically applied
A longstanding program in integrative molecular to wounds in most clinical care settings. This bioactive product
biology has recently been updated to reflect an increasing responds to dynamic cues from the wound itself, providing
emphasis on integrative systems biology. The goal is to the necessary components to complete the healing process.
train students in emerging transformative methodologies
that emphasize genomics, proteomics, complex cellular
pathways, and the dynamics of cellular and organismal
function. Students in this program operate at the exciting THE $10,000 MICHAEL G.
interface between basic bench-top biology, computational SUPPORT FURTHER
analysis of big data sets, and the emergence of 21st century DEVELOPMENT OF THE
clinical translation. TEAMS INNOVATIVE
Other PhD candidates spend the first year in the inter
disciplinary biomedical graduate program before committing
to one of six participating programs. Many of these students
have interests in areas like cancer biology and infectious
diseases that lie at the intersection of multiple disciplines,
while others use the interdisciplinary program to explore
distinct scientific interests.
Its like an umbrella program, says Austin Nuschke, a PhD
candidate in pathology. You have 30 or 35 students every
year who take an introductory, interdisciplinary course called
Foundations of Biomedical Science, which covers everything
under biomedical science. During that first year, you rotate
through labs in any of the six programs under this umbrella.
The six programs are cell biology and molecular
physiology, cellular and molecular pathology, immunology,
molecular genetics and developmental biology, molecular
pharmacology, and molecular virology and microbiology. ALAN WELLS, MD, DMS
Nuschke was interested in pathology coming in, but he
appreciated the freedom of that first year, during which
he worked with three different mentors in laboratory
settings. A critical element of the program is its emphasis
on laboratory research from day one. While classroom
activities are important, the real goal is to train professional
laboratory scientists who will become the research leaders
of tomorrow.
Nuschke and Taylor say that no product on the market has
this dynamic wound-healing capability because no other team
has mastered the ability to keep MSCs alive and functioning
for enough time to promote wound closure and healing. The
team has already patented core aspects of this technology
and has an additional patent pending.
Curostem is aimed at patients with chronic wounds such
as pressure and diabetic ulcersa population of six million
I WOULD SAY THE BREADTH American patients annually. When Nuschke delivers his pitch
to potential investors and other partners, he says that if the
OF OPPORTUNITIES AT product reaches 10 to 20 percent of the $5 billion pressure
PITT IS EXCELLENT, SAYS ulcer wound care market in this country, that would
represent a market opportunity of $500 million$1 billion.
NUSCHKE. THERE IS A LOT Commercialization is a long road, however. Along the way
OF DIFFERENT RESEARCH to finishing his PhD around the end of 2015 (four and a half
years is pretty average for a PhD in our lab), Nuschke and his
GOING ON, AND ALL OF colleagues continue to refine the components of the product,
IT IS PRETTY HIGH QUALITY. research wound healing in animal models, explore good
manufacturing practices, work on establishing the company,
YOU CANT GO WRONG and court potential investors.
riveting new documentary film
directed by Ryan McGarry, MD
(Class of 2009), Code Black, brings
the emergency department of a
major hospital serving Americas
second largest city to life in
vividsometimes jarringdetail. If youre an
outsider, this looks like total chaos, says McGarry
in a voiceover of one scene. But as a doctor, I see
unity in that chaos. Theres a team here in all that
coming together to save someones life.
As a med student at Pitt, McGarry participated
in an emergency medicine clerkship and research
rotation at Los Angeles County General. I had
no intentions of coming to LA to make a film,
McGarry told Pitt Med. It was accidental, really,
which is often how documentary films get started.
Having studied English at Penn as an undergrad
and read cinematography journals since childhood,
McGarry saw the cinematic potential of the hectic
ED environment. A few weeks into his LA rotation,
he began lugging around a 40-pound camera.
Then, when his clerkship was nearing an end, Pitt
gave him an extension to continue filming and
thereby gave the project a big boost. After earning
his MD, McGarry arrived at LA County as an
emergency medicine resident intent on completing
the film. Now, hes an assistant professor of
emergency medicine at Cornell University who
is on staff at NewYorkPresbyterian Hospital
in Manhattan.
The feature-length documentary is now
sweeping the festival circuit and earning top prizes
nationwide, including Best Documentary Feature
at both the 2013 Los Angeles Film Festival and the
2013 Hamptons International Film Festival.
he National Institutes of
Health (NIH) has awarded
the University of Pittsburgh
an $11 million, four-year
grant to lead a Center
of Excellence for Big Data
Computing, which will help scientists
capitalize more fully on large amounts
of available data and make data science
AND OPPORTUNITIES. EVEN grants under the new NIH Big Data to
Knowledge initiativeknown as BD2K
AS WE MAINTAIN AN ENVIABLE attracted proposals from 136 institutions
around the nation. Pitts Center for
POSITION IN RESEARCH Causal Modeling and Discovery, one
said Gregory Cooper, MD, PhD, professor and vice chair of the
Department of Biomedical Informatics, School of Medicine,
and principal investigator on the project. Our goal is to make
it much easier for researchers to analyze big data to discover
causal relationships in biomedicine.
The new center is a multidisciplinary collaboration of
researchers from Pitt, Carnegie Mellon University, the
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, and Yale University.
Within its successful application, Pitt proposed innovative COOPER
collaborations with multiple universities.
As part of a national consortium, this Center of Excellence will put Pitt
on the map as a home of big data science, said Arthur S. Levine, MD, senior
vice chancellor for the health sciences and
John and Gertrude Petersen Dean of
THE FUTURE OF BIOMEDICAL Medicine. Our strengths in this field have
RESEARCH IS ABOUT ASSIMILATING stimulated collaborations with leading
institutions, including Harvard and Stanford,
DATA ACROSS BIOLOGICAL SCALES and now we will be able to further develop
FROM MOLECULES TO POPULATIONS. such partnerships in many more
meaningful ways.
AS SUCH, THE HEALTH OF EACH The center includes a team that will
ONE OF US IS A BIG DATA PROBLEM. develop and implement causal modeling
and discovery algorithms, or processes, to
ENSURING THAT WE ARE GETTING support the data analyses of three separate
THE MOST OUT OF THE RESEARCH investigative groups, each focusing on a
distinct biomedical problem whose answer
DATA THAT WE FUND IS A HIGH lies in a sea of data: cell signals that drive the
development of cancer, the molecular basis
of lung disease susceptibility and severity,
and the functional connections within the
human brain (the connectome).
Each project will act as a test bed for the development, rigorous testing,
and refinement of analytic tools. When successful, the algorithms and software
likely can be applied to other biomedical research questions. The center will
provide free, open-source software that scientists all over the world can use with
their own datasets to uncover causal biomedical relationships. Their feedback will
further enhance the algorithms and software.
The good news is that we have so much data. But the bad news is that we
have so much data, said Jeremy M. Berg, PhD, codirector of the center, Pitts
associate senior vice chancellor for science strategy and planning in the health
sciences, and Pittsburgh Foundation Professor of Personalized Medicine. Our
challenge is to find strategies that enable us to sort through all this collected
information efficiently and effectively to find meaningful relationships that
lead us to new insights in health and disease.
The center also will be a training ground for the next generation of data
scientists who will advance and accelerate the development and broader use
of big data science models and methods, said center codirector Ivet Bahar, PhD,
who is Distinguished Professor, John K. Vries Professor, and chair of the Depart-
ment of Computational and Systems Biology, School of Medicine. We will create
new educational materials as well as workshops and online tutorials to facilitate
the use of causal modeling and discovery algorithms by the broader scientific
community and to enable efficient translation of knowledge between basic
biological and applied biomedical sciences.
GRANTS The Pittsburgh Center for Kidney The Microbicide Trials Network (MTN)
OF NOTE Research was awarded a five-year, received funding of $70 million to support
$5.8 million grant from the National its research into 2021, and it will continue
Early-career scientists have a lot to Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and to develop and test products that reduce
learn. Practical problems like finding Kidney Diseases. The center supports the spread of HIV. The MTN was created
the best reagents and the business four research facilities encompassing in 2006 with funding from the National
end of a pipette might be a cinch, cellular physiology, single nephron and Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
metabolomics, kidney imaging, and model (NIAID). The new funding means the
but the bottom line is this: The search
organisms at the University of Pittsburgh. MTN will continue to serve as one of five
for funding is perpetual.
Our Center for Kidney Research is NIAID HIV/AIDS clinical trials networks
Over the years, Pitt School of
designed to facilitate research that for the next seven years. The research,
Medicine researchers have been
advances our understanding of how the based at the University of Pittsburgh and
extraordinarily successful in scoring kidney works, with a goal of improving Magee-Womens Research Institute, is
financial support from many sources, how we diagnose and treat kidney diseases, focused on the development and evaluation
including foundations, industry, said Thomas Kleyman, MD, Sheldon of promising microbicides, which are
and individual philanthropy. The Adler Professor of Medicine, chief of the products applied inside the vagina or
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Renal-Electrolyte Division, and center rectum to prevent HIV transmission. Two
provides the lions share, however, director. The grant will support research groups continue to have high rates of new
with an alphanumeric soup of grants facilities, educational programs, and pilot infectionsyoung women and men who
that correspond to scientific career projects to enhance kidney-focused have sex with men, according to principal
advancement. Here are a few research at Pitt and related institutions. investigators Sharon Hillier, PhD, Richard L.
snapshots of active Pitt grants that Sweet Professor of Reproductive Infectious
Diseases and professor of obstetrics,
range from training initiatives to
PITT SCIENTISTS RECEIVE gynecology, and reproductive sciences,
independent investigations and $3.5 MILLION FOR
and Ian McGowan, MD, PhD, professor of
multicenter collaborations. BRAIN RESEARCH FROM
DSF CHARITABLE FOUNDATION medicine, Division of Gastroenterology,
Hepatology, and Nutrition. The MTN
In 2014, Pitt officials announced the network is affiliated with more than
inception of the University of Pittsburgh 25 clinical research sites in Africa, North
Brain Institute (UPBI), which will enable America, South America, and Asia.
investigators to perform high-risk,
PITT EXPERTS TO EVALUATE high-impact neuroscience, with the aim of
CARE FOR PEDIATRIC transforming lives. With a $1.75 million gift PITT STUDY EXAMINES
from the DSF Charitable Foundation, BENEFITS OF DEPRESSION
Researchers at Childrens Hospital of UPBI researchers will establish a Neuro TREATMENT FOR
Pittsburgh of UPMC and Pitts Graduate Discovery Center, akin to a Bell Labs for
School of Public Health were selected neuroscience, and hunt for new drugs Can treating depression in patients
by the National Institute of Neurological for the treatment of neurodegenerative with heart failure help them live longer?
Disorders and Stroke to lead a $16.5 million diseases, like amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Thats one of the questions that University
international study to evaluate treatments Huntingtons disease, and Parkinsons of Pittsburgh researchers hope to answer
for pediatric traumatic brain injuries (TBI). disease. Scientific director Peter L. Strick, with a new five-year, $7.3 million grant
The effort is being led by Michael J. Bell, MD, PhD, Distinguished Professor and chair, from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
professor of critical care medicine and Department of Neurobiology, will use Institute. Nearly six million Americans
of neurological surgery, and director of $750,000 of the DSF gift for a pilot fund live with heart failure, and studies confirm
Pediatric Neurocritical Care and Neuro to support especially innovative basic and that about a quarter of them suffer from
trauma at Childrens Hospital, and Stephen translational research. Another $1.8 million depression. Evidence-based depression
Wisniewski, PhD, senior associate dean, DSF gift will be used to explore the treatments clearly improve health-related
professor of epidemiology, and codirector application of a new imaging technology, quality of life, yet it is presently unknown
of the Epidemiology Data Center at Pitt high definition fiber tracking, to traumatic whether they also reduce morbidity
Public Health. The study will provide data brain injury, particularly in wounded and mortality, particularly in patients
for improved TBI research protocols that veterans of the U.S. armed forces, and to with heart failure. This trial will help us
will reduce variability in treatments and fund a project that will look for drugs that find out, said principal investigator
evaluate the effectiveness of six different can affect the function of mitochondria, Bruce L. Rollman, MD, MPH, professor of
therapies, including strategies to lower the so-called powerhouses of cells. medicine, of psychiatry, of biomedical
intracranial pressure, treat secondary informatics, and of clinical and
injuries, and deliver nutrients. translational science.
developing ovarian cancer. One of five
ovarian cancerfocused SPORE grants
NCI GRANTS TO FOSTER awarded nationally, this is the only one CANCER PATHWAYS
CANCER RESEARCH focused exclusively on immunotherapies.
Our clinical trial will explore the roles of NIH has renewed a grant for more than
The University of Pittsburgh Cancer $2 million for Patrick Moore, MD, MPH,
chronic inflammation, cancer development
Institute (UPCI) has been awarded two Distinguished Professor of Microbiology
and the bodys immune response, and
grants from the National Cancer Institute and Molecular Genetics and director of
how the immune response can be used
(NCI) that will help bring the latest the Molecular Virology Program at the
to immunize the patient against her own
research from bench to bedside. The first, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
cancer, said Robert P. Edwards, MD,
an NCI Experimental Therapeutics-Clinical (UPCI), who will use the money to continue
professor of obstetrics, gynecology, and
Trials Network with Phase I Emphasis research into the newest human cancer
reproductive sciences and director of the
grant, will be led by UPCI deputy director virus causing most Merkel cell carcinomas.
Ovarian Cancer Center for Excellence at
Edward Chu, MD, professor of medicine A team led by Moore and Yuan Chang, MD,
Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC.
and of pharmacology and chemical Distinguished Professor of Pathology,
biology, and is a $4.25 million, five-year discovered the Merkel cell polyomavirus
project that funds early-phase clinical $2 MILLION GRANT TO STUDY in 2008, the seventh human cancer virus
research of novel agents and drug NOVEL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY identified and the second discovered by
combination regimens. DRUG THAT MAY BE USEFUL the Moore/Chang group. The new grant
The second grant, a Lead Academic IN SEPSIS
will fund the research through March 2019.
Participating Site (LAPS) grant, is part Rama K. Mallampalli, MD, professor of Moore, Chang, and colleagues identified a
of the new National Clinical Trials Network medicine and director of the Acute Lung protein that allows the usually harmless
(NCTN), designed to accelerate the time it Injury Center of Excellence, received a polyomavirus to transform healthy cells
takes research to move from the lab to $2 million R01 grant from the National into Merkel cell carcinoma, a rare but deadly
patients through technological advances Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to study skin cancer. They hope their workwhich
and enhanced cooperation. The nearly the preclinical development of a novel emphasizes the importance of fundamental
$5 million award is led by Adam Brufsky, anti-inflammatory drug that may be useful research to medical progresscan soon be
MD, PhD, professor of medicine and UPCIs in sepsis. Mallampalli is internationally translated into human clinical trials.
associate director for clinical investigation. recognized in the area of lipid metabolism
The grant will fund the costs of maintaining and proteolysis as it relates to acute lung
a clinical trials infrastructure that permits injury from pneumonia and sepsis. His $6 MILLION NIH GRANT TO
patients to enroll in national trials led by ESTABLISH A NATIONAL INSTITUTE
laboratory has investigated the funda-
NCTN at more than a dozen sites across mental regulation of enzymes needed for EXCELLENCE FOR COMPUTATIONAL
the UPMC CancerCenter network. UPCI surfactant lipids and previously discovered DRUG ABUSE RESEARCH
is one of only 12 centers in the country to that the mitochondrial-specific phospho-
receive the NCI Experimental Therapeutics- Ivet Bahar, PhD, Distinguished Professor
lipid, cardiolipin, is an important mediator
Clinical Trials Network with Phase I and John K. Vries Professor and chair of
of pneumonia. His research program
Emphasis grant and the only center in computational and systems biology, and
characterized the molecular behavior
Pennsylvania to receive a LAPS grant. Xiang-Qun Xie, PhD, MBA, professor of
of orphan ubiquitin E3 ligases that target
pharmacy in the School of Pharmacy, along
key proteins for their degradation
with Carnegie Mellon associate professor
and examined how they affect the
NEW OVARIAN CANCER Eric Xing, PhD, received a five-year,
pathobiology of sepsis and pneumonia.
PROGRAM FUNDED $6 million NIH grant to establish a National
Recently, his team discovered a new class
More than 14,000 women in the U.S. died Institute of Drug Abuse Center of Excellence
of ubiquitin-based small molecule
last year from ovarian cancer, a disease for Computational Drug Abuse Research,
therapeutics that is effective in preclinical
that often isnt detected until later stages as a joint initiative between the University
models of inflammation. Mallampalli is the
when it is significantly more difficult to of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon Univer-
principal investigator of an NIH Program
treat. Now, the University of Pittsburgh sity. The investigators aim to advance and
Project Grant, four R01 grants, and a
Cancer Institute and Roswell Park Cancer implement state-of-the-art computational
Veterans Association Merit Review Award,
Institute will join forces, thanks to an chemical genomics technologies to
all of which investigate mechanisms
$11 million grant from the National Cancer facilitate drug abuse prevention and
involved in inflammatory lung injury.
Institute (NCI), to develop a deeper treatment research and to centralize the
understanding of the disease and identify chemical genomics knowledge base
ways to prevent and cure it. The five-year through a cloud computing server platform;
grant, from NCIs Specialized Program of to enable efficient information exchange
Research Excellence (SPORE), will fund among drug abuse researchers; and to
four studies examining strategies to reduce accelerate the development of novel
risk in women considered at high risk for interventions for preventing and treating
drug abuse and addiction.
Optic tr.
( B) (C )
CLINICAL INSIGHTS called optic radiation fibers had been pushed
FROM HIGH DEFINITION aside butmost criticallyremained intact.
FIBER TRACTOGRAPHY Using HDFT, surgeons planned an
intricate surgical approach to remove the
It started because a 66-year-old man tumor while preserving the optic radiation
could see only half of what he looked at. fibers, as shown in a postsurgical MRI (D).
Magnetic resonance imaging (A) revealed Patients with occipital lobe tumors are
a tumor in the left occipital lobe, displacing typically counseled not to expect much,
large portions of the visual cortex, says if any, lost vision to return after surgery.
Robert M. Friedlander, MD, Walter E. Dandy In this case, thanks to successful
Professor and chair of neurological surgery. HDFT-guided surgery, postoperative visual
Preoperative testing (B) indicated assessment and HDFT confirmed marked
partial visual field loss (black areas) in visual field improvement (E) and preserva-
both eyes consistent with the tumor location tion of optic radiation fibers (F).
and (C) high definition fiber tractography
(HDFT) technology, developed at Pitt to
enhance existing brain imaging techniques,
confirmed that important connections
Optic tr.
( D)
Optic rad.
( E) ( F)
THE HISTORY OF The field of public health data compilation has been
fraught with redundancies. Most projects are focused on
DISEASE, IN COLOR specific questions; a researcher might toil for years answering
PITT SHARES A DATABASE THAT HELPS SCIENTISTS a question like, What effects do condom distribution programs
UNDERSTAND CONTAGION have on the rate of HIV infection in the rural United States?
In search of answers, investigators painstakingly build data
he Danish nobleman Tycho Brahe was among sets that often are not shared. And it can be difficult to get
the last great naked-eye observers of the funding to create archives with no specific research questions
cosmos. Before his death in 1601, Brahe passed in mind.
along his lifes work30 years of detailed Happily, both the National Institutes of Health and
observations of the night skyto his assistant, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation saw value in creating
Johannes Kepler, urging him not to let the a massive digital archive and funded Project Tycho.
fruit of his labors languish. The Project Tycho team has also been inventing new
They did not. Brahes careful observations became the methods to process and analyze public health data. In a
basis for Keplers laws of planetary motion, which would, November 2013 New England Journal of Medicine paper,
in turn, contribute to Isaac Newtons law of universal Project Tycho researchers (from Pitts public health, medicine,
gravitation. and information sciences schools, with collaborators from
Four centuries later, the Pitt researchers who created Johns Hopkins University) revealed that vaccination
Project Tycho, a digital database that provides open access programs for polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis A,
to U.S. disease surveillance data, hope they have created a diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough) have prevented
similar foundation for discovery. The newly built epidemio- more than 100 million cases of serious childhood infectious
logical archive chronicles reports of 56 infectious diseases in diseases since 1924. Still, some of these pathogens are
every state before, during, and after vaccination licensure reemerging. Pertussis vaccines, for example, have been
from 1888 to recent times. available since the 1920s, but the worst whooping cough
It took almost three years and more than 200 million epidemic since 1959 occurred in 2012, with more than
keystrokes to create the Project Tycho archive. Many of those 48,000 cases nationwide reported by December of that year.
workers were University of Pittsburgh undergrads as well as Parents who question the risk-benefit balance of vaccina-
students from Digital Divide Data, a social enterprise that tion may refuse or delay immunization of their children, the
provides jobs and education to young people in Cambodia, Project Tycho team reports, which leads to local variations
Laos, and Kenya. These clerks standardized and organized in vaccine coverage and increased risk of disease outbreaks.
almost 90 million cases from weekly public health records Van Panhuis admits he hopes the project will introduce
(paper and PDFs) from all U.S. states and territories, new evidence into the debate about vaccination.
including more than 3,000 American cities. What they The next big step for Project Tycho is to go global. But,
wrought: the largest centralized bank of digitized disease van Panhuis says, technological, economic, and political
surveillance data ever assembled. barriers can hinder cooperation. For instance, developing
And access to it is free, says Wilbert van Panhuis, MD, PhD, countries that rely on tourism might be wary of releasing
assistant professor of epidemiology at Pitts Graduate School information about epidemics. And they may not even
of Public Health and lead investigator for the project. Our have the means to collect data, let alone analyze them.
vision was that not only us but everybody should be able to Whats in it for us?, the gatekeepers may wonder.
use this public data for analysis and models. For instance, Well, perhaps the lives of millions. Van Panhuis remains
anybody with enough interest and access to the Interneta optimistic. He says understanding a diseases narrative,
scientist at a university or pharmaceutical company, a journalist, locally and globally, can help move the scientific field forward
an undergradcan easily track where and when the polio in developing theories about causationand then, ways to
vaccine was implemented and its efficacy in those cities. control or prevent disease.
We hope there are epidemiological, disease-curing
Keplers today who will be able to use these data to derive
important laws and insights on how epidemics arrive, leave,
and interact, says co-investigator Donald S. Burke, MD, who,
in addition to being a professor of medicine and of infectious
E. C
leverages the Universitys expertise in teaching and
supporting entrepreneurship and transforming research
n the past year, the University of Pittsburgh Drug into innovation with commercial potential.
Discovery Institute (UPDDI) established two programs One recent example of scientific discoveries moving from
that utilize quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) Pitt labs to the marketplace is the start-up company Complexa
to develop therapeutics for metastatic breast cancer Inc., which raised more than $8 million of venture capital to
and Huntingtons disease. QSP has emerged as a license and develop molecules discovered and patented by
powerful and increasingly affordable means of scientific advisor Bruce A. Freeman, PhD, the Irwin Fridovich
addressing the inherent complexity of human disease Professor and chair of the Department of Pharmacology and
through the integration of what have traditionally been Chemical Biology. Using naturally occurring nitro-fatty acids,
two distinct fields: pharmacology and systems biology. Freeman and his team of Pitt researchers hope to develop
Pitt is on the cutting edge of this effort to fully illuminate anti-inflammatory drugs that could reverse the effects of
the therapeutic applications of new and existing drugs for diseases such as diabetes by regulating inflammatory and
personalized medicine. A QSP approach combines computa- anti-inflammatory pathways.
tional and experimental methods to investigations and is a
major theme of UPDDIs partnership with academics and
industry. By taking a systems-level approach to translational PITT IS ON THE
science, the institute ensures that laboratory discoveries CUTTING EDGE OF
contribute to functional knowledge and improved drug
efficacy and safety. THIS EFFORT TO
The first of two UPDDI programs announced in FULLY ILLUMINATE
February is a collaboration between the Womens Cancer
Research Center of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer THE THERAPEUTIC
Institute, Magee-Womens Research Institute, and the APPLICATIONS OF
Institute for Personalized Medicine that hopes to address the
ongoing risk for relapse that faces breast cancer survivors. NEW AND EXISTING
An unbiased and comprehensive molecular profiling of DRUGS FOR
primary and metastatic tumors will help identify what drives
breast cancer growth and metastasis and why some breast PERSONALIZED
cancers produce life-threatening metastases.
The implementation of QSP for personalized medicine
is expected to increase the likelihood of discovering novel
therapeutics and diagnostic tests for metastatic breast
Stem cells derived from human muscle tissue were able to repair
nerve damage and restore function in an animal model of sciatic nerve
injury. To date, treatments for damage to peripheral nerves have not
been very successful, often leaving patients with impaired muscle
control and sensation, pain, and decreased function, according to
senior author Johnny Huard, PhD, professor of orthopaedic surgery
and Henry J. Mankin Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Research.
This study indicates that placing adult human muscle-derived
stem cells at the site of peripheral nerve injury can help heal the
lesion, Huard said. The stem cells were able to make non-neuronal
support cells to promote regeneration of the damaged nerve fiber.
The researchers found that, with prompting from specific nerve-
growth factors, the stem cells could differentiate into neurons and
glial support cells, including Schwann cells that form the myelin sheath
around the axons of neurons, to improve conduction of nerve
impulses. The findings suggest that cell therapy for certain nerve
diseases, like multiple sclerosis, might one day be feasible.
JUN 2014 | VOL 17 | ISSUE 6 |
2014 MAR | VOL 1 | ISSUE 74 |
A M ER IC AN JO U R N AL OCT 2013 | VOL 502 | ISSUE 7471 |
DENDRITIC CELL THERAPY William L. Bigbee, PhD, professor of pathology and outgoing chair
of the NIH Cancer Biomarkers Study Section, is coauthor of an article
A single dose of treated dendritic cells (DCs) prevented rejection for that includes a proposed 30-point checklist of criteria for the use of
almost four months in a preclinical animal model of kidney transplan- omics-based predictors in clinical trials. The predictors are derived
tation, according to senior investigator Angus W. Thomson, PhD, DSc, from computational modeling of multidimensional genomic and
Distinguished Professor of Surgery and professor of immunology. proteomic data derived from bodily samples that is used to recommend
That finding could lay the foundation for eventual human trials of the a clinical course of action, such as cancer therapy or preventive surgery.
technique. The donor kidney was rejected after about 40 days among Omics-based tests are very powerful tools that are revolutionizing
monkeys that got only immunosuppressive drugs but survived for medicine, said Bigbee. However, there are many variables and
about 113 days in the group that had a prior infusion of treated DCs. opportunities for error, including study design, patient selection,
This study shows it is possible to prepare the patients immune biological sample integrity, and data analysis and management. The
system for a donor kidney by administering treated dendritic cells checklist is intended to provide clear expectations and guidelines for
from the donor in advance of the transplant, Thomson said. the development and implementation of omics-based tests and will
hopefully eliminate unintentional errors.
JAN 2014 | VOL 20 | ISSUE 1 | AUG 2014 | VOL 7 | ISSUE 8 |
The lung lesions in an individual infected with tuberculosis (TB) Broccoli sprouts are a rich source of glucoraphanin, which creates the
are surprisingly variable, independent of whether the patient compound sulforaphane when chewed or swallowed. Corresponding
has clinically active or latent disease. The research team, author Thomas W. Kensler, PhD, professor of pharmacology and
co-led by senior investigator JoAnne L. Flynn, PhD, professor chemical biology, found that daily consumption of a broccoli
of microbiology and molecular genetics, carefully tracked sprout-derived beverage enhanced detoxification of some airborne
granulomas (lesions created by the bodys immune response pollutants in participants from the Yangtze River delta region of
in an attempt to wall off the TB bacteria) that developed in the China, an area characterized by substantial pollutant levels. The
lungs of monkeys infected with TB. The researchers found research may provide a frugal means to attenuate long-term risks,
that each granuloma starts with only one bacterium and that including lung cancer and cardiopulmonary diseases, associated
bacterial replication continues for about four weeks before the with airborne pollution.
body counters with an adaptive immune response to kill off
the invaders. Even an animal with a severe, active infection had
some sterile granulomas, indicating that the immune system A RTH RI TI S A ND RH EUM ATI SM
was capable of killing bacteria, the researchers found. To our AUG 2013 | VOL 65 | ISSUE 8 |
surprise, infected individuals have a collection of granulomas,
some containing live bacteria and some that are sterile because
the immune system has killed all the bacteria, said Flynn.
She adds, The next step is to understand how the body The joints of children with the most common form of chronic
sterilizes some granulomas and not others and build on the inflammatory arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, or JIA, contain
successful response for the development of more effective immune cells that resemble those of 90-year-olds, according to a
vaccines against TB. new study led by researchers at the School of Medicine and Childrens
Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC. JIA affects one of every 1,000 children
in the U.S., said senior researcher Abbe N. de Vallejo, PhD, associate
professor of pediatrics and of immunology. About one-third of the
FEB 2014 | VOL 506 | ISSUE 7487 | T cells of children with JIA had shortened telomeres (the tip region
on chromosomes), and the cells had reduced or completely lost the
capacity to proliferate. It is thought that aging occurs when the
telomeres become too short for DNA replication and cell division to
proceed normally. Much more must be learned about the development
A mosquito-borne virus that causes a rare but deadly disease, of JIA, de Vallejo said, but these findings could point the way to
eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV), hijacks a regulatory new therapies.
system of its hosts to suppress immunity. Senior author
William B. Klimstra, PhD, associate professor of microbiology
and molecular genetics at Pitts Center for Vaccine Research,
and his colleagues discovered that EEEV has a binding site in its MAY 2014 | VOL 82 | ISSUE 4 |
RNA that fits perfectly with a microRNA present in the immune
cells of the invaded organism. When the virus binds the EARBRAIN COMMUNICATION
microRNA in immune cells, it restricts its own replication, thus A precise rhythm of electrical impulses transmitted from cells
evading an immune response. Meanwhile, the virus is able to in the inner ear coaches the brain how to hear, according to
replicate and spread undetected in the hosts neurological a new study led by Pitt researchers. To investigate the importance
system and cause disease. When a manufactured mutant of the impulses, senior investigator Karl Kandler, PhD, professor of
version without the microRNA binding site was tested in the otolaryngology and of neurobiology, and his team used genetically
laboratory, the researchers found that the hosts immune engineered mice that lack a key receptor on the inner hair cells,
system was able to mount an effective response to the mutant which causes them to change their beat. The data showed that when
virus. The results suggest that the mutant virus could be the inner ear beats in a different rhythm, the brain doesnt get the
used as an EEEV vaccine and that microRNA blockers may instructions it needs to wire itself correctly. The mice can detect
have potential as a therapeutic treatment for sound, but they have problems perceiving the pitch of sounds. In
EEEV-infected patients. humans, such subtle hearing deficits are associated with central
auditory-processing disorders (CAPD), which relate to how the
brain processes sounds. The causes underlying CAPD have remained
obscure, and Kandler postulates that the findings suggest that an
abnormal rhythm of electrical impulses early in life may be an
important contributing factor in the development of CAPD.
appointment with a health care
provider once (yes, even doctors
occasionally get sick), when a staff
person casually asked, Where
do you work? What do you do?
Oh, I work at this place called re:solve Crisis
Network, he replied.
ENGAGED / RESPONSIVE / DYNAMIC She got kind of quiet for a moment, recalls
Rozel, a Pitt assistant professor of psychiatry.
Then, she teared up a bit and said, Thank you.
A few years earlier, she was going through a really
PITTSBURGH IS UNPRETENTIOUS. bad domestic violence situation and was trying
to get out of that situation. She had some mental
ITS A CITY THAT BELIEVES IN health struggles, as well, and we were able to
ITSELF. IF YOURE WILLING TO work with her. We were able to steer her toward
the right domestic violence resources, help her get
WORK HARD ALONGSIDE YOUR into mental health treatment, and help her get out
NEIGHBORSWHETHER ITS of that bad situation. Now shes doing great. She
was able to go to technical school to get the job
SHOVELING SNOW OR RUNNING skills to be the independent person that she
AREAS OF NEED, CONTRIBUTE was to build a new model for crisis intervention.
Since opening in 2008, the clinic has provided more
OUR EXPERTISE AND ENERGY, than one million services to county residents.
AND HELP MAKE A MOST LIVABLE It was a very competitive process to win this
contract, says Rozel, the crisis networks medical
CITY EVEN BETTER. director since 2010. And what UPMC and WPIC
did was spend a lot of time doing focus groups
with people living with mental health issues, with their you support and help you find your strength. If you think
family members, with inpatient and outpatient providers, its time to get back into treatment, we can work with you on
first responders, EMS, and law enforcement, to determine that. You dont necessarily need to fill an emergency depart-
what a crisis center had to be. ment slot for that.
As one of Rozels colleagues is fond of saying, The Re:solve offers 24/7 call-in, mobile, walk-in, and overnight
community designed re:solve, and UPMC built it. services, delivered with a large component of whats called
One of the questions they asked was, If you had a crisis, peer involvement.
where would you go? The number-one answer was the We have three times as many peers on our staff as we do
emergency department, says Rozel. Now, an emergency physicians, says Rozel. Our first line answering is always
department is great if you have a full-blown emergency or a one of our clinicians, but we have a peer in the phone center
life-threatening situation. But when youre feeling really who does a lot of long-term support for some of our more
stressed out and just need to be away from home because frequent callers. Peers are not at a clinician level, but they
youre so angry at someone, you can come to re:solve and are valuable members of the team. One of the job criteria is
hang out with us for a little bit. You can meet with us to talk that they are in recovery from some type of significant mental
about what is going on and how we can help. We can give health or addiction issue. They have the very challenging role
of using their own experiences in working with others.
Rozel knows of no crisis network in the country with all
THE GOAL WAS TO BUILD these services and resources in one place. We do crisis
psychiatry, he says. We encounter the full rangeup to and
A NEW MODEL FOR CRISIS including people who are acutely suicidal, acutely homicidal,
INTERVENTION. SINCE or are unable to care for themselves. But we also want to
support the people who are having a bad day at work, having
OPENING IN 2008, THE trouble in their relationships, having trouble with neighbors,
CLINIC HAS PROVIDED or who just arent feeling right. One of the original slogans we
had as we rolled out the program was, Call before a crisis
MORE THAN ONE MILLION becomes a crisis.
ental illness is fairly WPICs programs offer a
A SAFETY NET SCHWEITZER FELLOWS medical students, which doesnt
PROMOTE TEEN HEALTH make sense to me. If youre
interested in pediatrics and dont
n a chilly Tuesday night,
know how a school nurses office
onathan R. Pletcher, MD, associate professor of the school gym is filled
works or what they can offer to
pediatrics, recalls talking with a patient at Allegheny with middle school-aged
students, youre missing a huge
Countys Shuman Juvenile Detention Center. This girls, moving from table
chunk of what the childs life is.
young adult had hearing loss, but he did not have to table in a scavenger hunt.
Several months later, Fang and
The game helps them learn
access to hearing aids or support for accommoda- collaborators hosted a Boys
about different health topics
tions, Pletcher says. His peers would sneak up Night Out, with a similar focus
relevant to their age group like
behind him and try to scare him. One time, this kid saw on health and growing boys.
healthy lifestyles, relationships,
someone out of the corner of his eye and knocked the person Third-year medical students
and puberty. Theyre partici-
out before he could taunt him. He was charged with assault Afshan Rizvi and Daniel Suter
pating in a community program
and sent to Shuman. This is only one example of how a young were also interested in health
called Girls Night Out, an event
education and tailored their
adult could really benefit from comprehensive services organized by third-year medical
shared Schweitzer fellowship to
counseling, help with his hearing and communication, and student Nancy Fang and school
be an interactive community
support for learning accommodations. nurses from the district. The
project. Both were familiar with
These services come as part of care provided by Pletcher and program is a portion of Fangs
community work before being
a team of health care workers at Shuman. The Pennsylvania Schweitzer fellowship project,
awarded their fellowships.
Department of Public Welfare mandates that young adults in part of the U.S. Albert Schweitzer
Among other experiences, Rizvi
detention centers receive routine medical and mental health Fellows Program.
had worked in the Birmingham
Since 1997, the Pittsburgh
services. Pletcher, along with Elizabeth Miller, MD, PhD, division Free Clinic (a walk-in clinic on
Schweitzer Fellows Program,
chief and associate professor of pediatrics, is clinical director Pittsburghs South Side run by a
one of 13 program sites across the
of the Division of Adolescent Medicine. The division has community partnership between
U.S., has been involving students
provided health care services at Shuman for the past 20 years. the Division of General Internal
from various local schools in
For medical students and residents, Shuman is a place to test Medicines Program for Health
serving vulnerable individuals
their new skills. Working with experts from Pitt and Western Care to Underserved Populations
and communities and developing
and the Salvation Army) for three
Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of UPMC, they receive training students leadership skills and
years prior to medical school,
in areas like adolescent mental health and learn how social commitments to community
and Suter worked with young
services and the juvenile justice system operate. service. Competitively chosen
adults who were homeless in
With med students and other trainees at his side, Pletcher from health-focused graduate
Montral. They decided to create
tries to help young adults consider behaviors that affect their student applicants in a variety
health education sessions for
health in the short term as well as chronic health concerns like of fields, each Schweitzer fellow
beneficiaries of the residential
seizure disorders, hearing loss, diabetes, sickle cell disease, receives a $2,000 stipend
rehabilitation program at the
to create and implement a
and long-term mental health problems. He says its not unusual Salvation Army Adult Rehabilita-
program to benefit underserved
for young men at the facility to be evaluated for hypertension, tion Center (ARC), which offers a
populations in the Pittsburgh
which is a clue to how stressful their lives have been before residential work therapy program
area over the course of one year.
coming to Shuman. Pletcher credits Miller with putting an for men ages 2165 who choose
Fang and others are part of a
emphasis on trauma-informed careunderstanding the impact to seek rehabilitation for drug
many-year history of Pitt medical
of trauma and how it affects the way these young people engage and alcohol addiction. The ARC
students receiving Schweitzer
also welcomes homeless men
with the world and health care professionals in particular. fellowships for diverse projects.
into its program.
Prior trauma in this population is almost universal, and it Fang was working on
We did a needs assessment
permeates every part of their lives, says Pletcher. Many youths community-based projects with
and asked them what topics they
have intergenerational family problems, including parents Elizabeth Miller, MD, PhD,
were interested in us covering
who are missing for a variety of reasons. associate professor of pediatrics
and used that as a basis for our
Pletcher and the health care team at Shuman do their and chief, Division of Adolescent
curriculum, says Suter. We go
best to connect young adults to a safety net of services in Medicine at Childrens Hospital of
one evening a week and give
Allegheny County. Many young people at Shuman have relied Pittsburgh of UPMC, and
one-hour sessions on different
considering different ideas for
on emergency rooms for health care and have had trouble health issues. We dont claim to
her fellowship. When Miller
accessing routine care for things like chronic conditions, know all the answers, but we try
mentioned to Fang that a
mental illness, and even hearing aids. to connect them with resources
local school district needed
Working with these young adults is challenging, but it is or information.
to redevelop a curriculum on
one of the most gratifying aspects of my career, says Pletcher. puberty, Fang found her project.
The challenges they face are immense, but they respond well My main focus was to develop
to support. These kids are true heroes whose strength as a relationship with the school
survivors of trauma can be developed so that they stay out nurses and school health
of the adult prison system. programs, says Fang. I think
there are few programs that
connect school nurses with
CLINICIANS. he Birmingham Free Clinic (BFC) holds a special place
in the hearts and minds of faculty, students, and alumni of
the School of Medicine. Founded in 1994, BFC is the only
free, walk-in health clinic in Pittsburgh. It offers acute and
primary care, diagnostics, specialty care, Spanish-lan-
guage clinics, medications, health education, and
smoking cessation programs to uninsured and vulnerable people. All
clinical services at BFC are provided by a volunteer staff consisting of
University of Pittsburgh faculty, UPMC staff and residents, and
students from the Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy. The clinic is
run by Pitts Program for Health Care to Underserved Populations
(a program administratively housed within the Division of General
Internal Medicine) and the Salvation Army of Pittsburgh.
Medical students can volunteer for clinic-related duties at any
time during med school. Most students in each first-year class
volunteer. As they matriculate through med school, many students
come to feel a depth of gratitude to the patients and staff at BFC.
For many, the clinic comes to represent a sort of touchstone in their
development as physiciansa place where they are entrusted with
an opportunity to develop into skilled and compassionate clinicians.
BFC regularly hosts a traveling clinic known as the Guerrilla Eye
Service (GES), which is funded by foundation grants and UPMC
SECOND-YEAR MED and run by Evan Jake Waxman, MD, PhD, associate professor and
STUDENT PATRICK vice chair for medical and resident education in the Department of
POLSUNAS TALKS WITH A Ophthalmology. Wherever GES pops up, a rotating cadre of medical
PATIENT AT BIRMINGHAM students and ophthalmology residents offers free vision care to
underserved populations. They test for cataracts and glaucoma, and
they even fill eyeglass prescriptions for free. Taking care of people
who otherwise wouldnt get eye care is very important, says
Waxman, adding that its also important for med students and
residents to get involved in community outreach.
their children in high-risk situations when
hile searching caregivers needed emergency care; of
for a topic for her those children left in high-risk situations,
Scholarly Project, a 10 percent suffered an injury or
signature feature of experienced behavioral problems; and
the Pitt curriculum, 81 percent of caregivers said they would
then-medical use a crisis nursery if one were available.
student Anna Marie Lewarchik, MD, Lewarchik, Williams, and Murdock wanted
happened to be on a pediatric rotation. the crisis nursery to be a part of the
In the outpatient clinic, a mother of three community, a place where families felt
was exhausted and in obvious distress supported and where theyd receive
about how to care and provide for her nonjudgmental help in times of crisis.
children. One of the clinics pediatricians, They wanted it to be not only a safe place
who had recently moved from Minnesota, for children but a place where parents or
recommended that Lewarchik call a crisis caregivers could receive referrals to address
nursery for help. Intrigued and eager to chronic concerns to protect the long-term
help, Lewarchik learned that a crisis stability of their families.
nursery is a safe place for children to stay In April 2014, Jeremiahs Place opened
while their families negotiate tough times, (named after a child in foster care who
whether its the hospitalization of a wouldve benefited from a crisis nursery),
child and no friends or family to watch cofounded by Williams, Murdock, and Eileen
the siblings, needing to work when child Sharbaugh, educational consultant with
care arrangements fall through at the the Homeless Childrens Education Fund.
last minute, or, as in this mothers case, The nursery is free for children ages 6 and
physical and emotional exhaustion. When under and is open 24 hours a day, seven
Lewarchik discovered that Pittsburgh days a week at the Kingsley Association in
had no crisis nursery, she found both her Pittsburghs Larimer neighborhood.
Scholarly Project and a personal mission. The crisis nursery is all about protecting
Lewarchik was happy to match in children, says Murdock. We know from
Pittsburgh for a combined four-year research that toxic stress, which is sustained,
internal medicine and pediatrics residency severe stress, is not only difficult for children
so she could continue working on the to experience, but it leads to higher risks
nursery. She met with local physicians of diabetes and other diseases and changes
Lynne L. Williams, MD, PhD, and Tammy in epigenetics and the brain, among
Murdock, MD, both School of Medicine other effects.
alumnae, who helped develop the idea Im glad that my Scholarly Project
into a reality. With the help of three fellow resulted in a crisis nursery. I wish I could
residents and a Community Access to find that woman from the clinic and let her
Child Health grant from the American know we have one now, says Lewarchik,
Academy of Pediatrics, Lewarchik now chief of the combined internal
completed a needs assessment and medicinepediatrics program at UPMC.
With grateful appreciation for their generosity, we
acknowledge the following individual, corporate, and
foundation donors whose contributions of $500 or more
to the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine,
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, and Western
Psychiatric Institute and Clinic of UPMC between
July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013, have supported us in
our academic, research, and clinical missions.
he University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine is a WE ARE DEEPLY
dynamic institution that strives to not only keep but
also to set the pace in the field of medicine. GRATEFUL FOR
We are truly grateful for the generous support of THIS SUPPORT AND
our donors and the lasting impact that their gifts will
have on this institution. The mission of the School of PLEASED TO RECOGNIZE
Medicine is to educate the finest clinicians and investigators THOSE WHO HAVE
and to conduct cutting-edge biomedical research. To be successful
requires nothing less than outstanding creativity and leadership. We CONTRIBUTED
think strategically in order to make the most of student scholarship SO GENEROUSLY.
support and research funding. C LY D E B . J O N E S I I I
We invite you to join us as we strive to make the future brighter.
By partnering with the School of Medicine, contributors play a vital
role in the development of the medical school and the success of
students and faculty.
he days rain and clouds soften the light passing pathology at UPMC Presbyterian for 34 years and especially
through the living room where Howard and Carol enjoyed the study and treatment of swallowing disorders.
Lang stand in front of a piano. Theyre narrating I enjoyed doing the testing and the therapy and working
the details of several photographs on the wall. with stroke patients, she says. I worked in every unit in the
They pause at a portrait of a bride sitting in a hospital, but my primary assignment was neurology and
stunning white dress and long veil and remark neurosurgical services.
that the print shows no signs of aging. Shes a frustrated neurologist, Dr. Lang teases.
As they talk, the couple radiates a quiet adoration for Both attribute their career successes to the quality of
each other. They met at the University of Pittsburgh as education they received, and they want to support others
graduate studentshe in medical school and she in speech who seek the same outstanding education. They are
pathology and audiologyafter Dr. Lang and his best friend long-time donors to Pitt and have endowed scholarships in
switched lists of potential girlfriends. The name Carol both the Schools of Medicine and of Health and Rehabilita-
was at the top. tion Sciences for students from Southwestern Pennsylvania.
They married, graduated, and eventually moved to We were fortunate to attend grad school when we did,
New York City. There, Dr. Lang finished his residency and says Mrs. Lang. Its such an expensive proposition now.
Mrs. Lang worked with stroke patients as a speech patholo- Dr. Lang agrees and says, It was the right thing for
gist at New York Universitys Rusk Institute. Dr. Lang then us to do.
served in the U.S. Air Force Strategic Air Commands medical In the meantime, the Langs will continue pursuing their
corps in Plattsburgh, N.Y., and after leaving the service, love of travel, spending time with familyand their devotion
moved his family back to Pittsburgh. to each other.
The Langs have lived and worked in Pittsburgh ever since,
enjoying rewarding careers. Dr. Lang, an internist, joined a
practice with an active allergy program, and after further
specialized training, he became board certified in that area.
When I started out, we still made house calls, he says.
I enjoyed the interaction with patients. I practiced for so
long that Id take care of generations of families. Thats a
very satisfying experience.
Dr. Lang was on the staff of UPMC Presbyterian and
Montefiore and was a clinical associate professor of medicine
at the University of Pittsburgh. When her daughter was
4 and her son was a year-and-a-half, Mrs. Lang returned
to work outside the home. She and her husband sometimes
ran into each other at the hospital. She worked in speech
Susan Lynn Greenspan, MD, and Stewart Sell, MD Susan R. Stewart and George L. Friends of Kathy Vetere
Neil M. Resnick, MD Thomas J. Semanchik Stewart II Jay Vetere
Alene G. Reynolds Trust Katherine A. Servich Mary N. Stewart RoxAnne and David K. Voelker
Barry R. Reznick, MD Michael Sewell Marcia M. Stewart and Mervin S. Ryan Vogel
James H. Rice Stewart, MD
Patricia A. Shaffer Kathryn and William Voss
Anthony R. Ricottone, MD Glenn E. Stinson
Joan D. Shanahan Justin J. Vujevich, MD
Harold Riggle Bertrand L. Stolzer, MD
William Guy Sharra, MD Christopher J. Walsh, MD
C. Daniel Riggs Kerry B. Stone, MD, and Frank Stone
Michael A. Shay Teri R. Walsh and Daniel Bernard
Estate of Paul M. Rike, MD H. Donald Stork Walsh, MD
Barbara S. Shear and Herbert S.
Robert C. Douthitt Shear, Trustee Carol A. Strausbaugh Deborah A. Walsh
Julie S. Roberts Stanley E. Shearer John W. Struzziery Mason Walsh Jr.
Jennifer G. Gotto, MD, and Jason P. Sheehan, MD Laura A. Sudarsky, MD, FACS Dean E. Walters
Mark Roberts, MD Bonnie E. Shelkrot and Joel W. Brian Sukitch Anne L. Washburn, MD, and W.
Marc B. Robertshaw Shelkrot, MD Nancy Nan-Szu Sun, MD Kenneth Washburn Jr., MD
Janet C. Rocco Gracia Venetos Sheptak and Peter E. Elizabeth Lindsay and John P. Surma Jonathan H. Waters
David M. Roderick Jr. Sheptak, MD Robert J. Swansiger, MD Lee A. Wawrzynski and Paul E.
Roesch Family Charitable Trust Gene V. Sherman, MD David P. Swanson Wawrzynski II, MD
Jane Roesch Cynthia M. Shestak and Kenneth C. Nancy M. Swensen, MD, and Harold E. Jonathan T. Webber
Shestak, MD Swensen, MD Lawrence R. Wechsler, MD
Ann A. Rogers
Paul R. Shine Christine A. Sypien Janet F. Wei and Lawrence M.
Sandra B. Rogers
Mercedes G. Shoemaker Bradley Taback Wei, MD
Sharon C. and James Edward Rohr
Ivan A. Shulman, MD Cynthia L. Talmadge Jesse Allen Weigel, MD
Stefania Ferrarese Romoff and
Jeffrey A. Romoff William J. Siar, MD Rita J. Tansky and Burton M. Tansky, Joan I. Weinstein and Sheldon A.
Rachel M. Sideman-Kurtz Trustee Weinstein, MD
Greta Rooney and Arthur J. Rooney II
Estate of Judith E. Siegel Baum Judith Tapper and Alan James Judith Weintraub
Maxine Kahn Rosen and Ronald
Rosen, MD Lance H. Sieger, MD Tapper, MD Gisela Weis and Konrad M. Weis, PhD
Louisa S. Rosenthal Susan Siems Barry S. Tatar, MD Arlene P. Weisman and Richard A.
Marcia J. Taub Weisman, MD
Cynthia L. Roth Judy A. Sigal
Ronald H. Taub Laura Stevenson Weiss and Kurt R.
Diane D. Rowe and Clifford R. Laura Jean Sill and David C. Sill, MD
Weiss, MD
Rowe Jr. Benjamin Silverman Esther F. Teplitz Trust
Marilyn B. and Norman B.
John P. Rumschik Virginia C. Simmons and Richard P. Robert G. Terreberry
Timothy G. Rupert Simmons, Trustee Joyce and Vincent Tese
Patience D. Wessel
Jane Curle Rust and James O. Rust Karen Rebecca Simon, MD Harold D. Thomas Jr., MD
Joan Wheeler
Richard J. Saab, MD Gurmukh Singh, MD, PhD, MBA Ann E. Thompson, MD
Nancy E. Wheeler
Karl William Salatka, MD Sheila Small and Dr. Bernard E. Small Sara B. Thompson
R. James White III, MD, PhD
E. Ronald Salvitti, MD Walter C. Smith Diane S. Thompson, MD, and
Marina V. N. Whitman, PhD, and
Pablo Jose Sanchez, MD Edgar M. Snyder, Esq. Todd Thompson, MD
Robert F. Whitman, PhD
Athena Sarris Sally M. and Lee F. Snyder John A. Thonet
Dr. Alan L. Whitney
Belinda Savage-Edwards, MD Sandy Gerson Snyder Arlyn Thorson
Margaret and James E. Wilkes
Robert A. Savarino Judith Soberman, MD Susan Mitchell Dunmire, MD, and
Gloria Kohl Wilkins and Robert H.
Samuel Aaron Tisherman, MD
Marion Weinman Schafer and Lenette M. Solano and Francis X. Wilkins, MD
Irwin A. Schafer, MD Solano Jr., MD Leigh Tison Charitable Trust
Sheila Duignan and Michael I. Wilkins
Michael J. Scheel, MD Therese and Gene A. Solomon Janet Gillespie Titus, MD
Charles C. Williams Jr., MD
Mikell Schenck and A. William Salvador Somaza, MD Laura Tomko
Valerie Trott-Williams and John P.
Schenck III Emily M. and Nicholas A. Kathy P. Tosh and Joseph N. Williams, MD
Nancy Bernstein and Robert E. Soonthornchai Tosh III, Esq.
John S. Williamson Jr.
Schoen, MD, MPH Kenneth J. Spangler Richard T. Trackler, MD
James Arthur Wilson, MD
Seth E. Schofield Jeffrey W. Spear, Esq. Michael Tranovich, MD
Libby F. Wilson, MD
Kimberly B. Schriver Elaine Specter, Esq., and Thomas J. Tredici, MD
Robert R. Winter
Daniel G. Schultz, MD Howard Alan Specter, Esq. Estate of Alma N. Trench
F. Thomas Witomski, MD
Joel S. Schuman, MD Dr. Thallam Srinivasan Barbara B. Troianos and
Charles L. Wood Jr.
Glen E. Schumann Jack Stabile Christopher A. Troianos, MD
Jennifer E. Woodward, PhD
Thomas A. Schwab Valerie J. Stabile Priscilla Tsao, MD
Emma Jane Griffith Woolley, MD
Allan G. Scott, MD Karen Staley and John A. Staley V Jalit Tuchinda, MD
Eleanore G. Wyckoff
Evelyn Steranka Scott, MD, and Marisa S. Steele, MD Jacqueline Peterson Tulsky, MD
Helen M. Wyckoff and Francis J.
Craig H. Scott, MD Adam Steinfurth Eli Ungar
Wyckoff, MD
Marilyn Scott James Steinfurth Robert v.d. Luft
Linda Darby Yankes and Joseph
Bonnie Seaton Richard A. Steinman, MD, PhD Thomas C. Valenza, MD Robert Yankes Jr., MD
Johnette M. Seecof and Richard Susan L. Stepchuk Victoria M. Woshner and Bennett Stephen Yeonas
Mark Seecof, MD Van Houten
Deborah Shapira and Barry Perry W. Younger, MD
Tracy and Evan J. Segal Stern, PhD Bethann Vanscoy and Gordon J.
Betty Lou Yount Trust
Susan L. Seigel and Charles J. Vanscoy, PharmD, MBA, CACP
Rebecca A. and Lawrence D. Stern A. Williams Yousem, MD, and
Seigel, MD Laura Vassallo
Samuel A. Yousem, MD
major gift from William G. and Sue Gin Institutes of Health, and National Science Foundation.
McGowan launched one of the first In 2005, the McGowan Fund challenged other funders to
regenerative medicine institutes in the match its 10-year, $7.5 million pledgea strategy that has
world. Established in 1992 as the McGowan led to millions more for regenerative medicine research.
Center for Artificial Organ Development, The fund and the institute grew up together, and we
the center became the McGowan are grateful for all the help we have received from the
Institute for Regenerative Medicine in 2001. University to become a strategic grant maker, said Diana
The McGowans were drawn to the entrepreneurial Spencer, executive director of the McGowan Charitable
spirit of the original venture: to exploit new technologies Fund since 2006.
and recent scientific advances to develop innovative Initially, Bill was a grateful patient who had a strong
therapies such as artificial hearts for patients with heart relationship with his surgeons, said Sue Gin, president of
failure. Their initial investment has been combined with the McGowan Fund. Over time, as we interacted with the
generous ongoing support from the William G. McGowan scientific leadership at Pitt, we developed a deep belief in
Charitable Fund to enable clinicians, engineers, and their vision of how regenerative medicine could radically
scientists working in the areas of tissue engineering, improve therapies for some patients.
cellular therapies, and artificial and biohybrid organ
devices to translate scientific discoveries from the
[As this report was being prepared for publication, we were
laboratory to the clinic. In addition to the artificial heart saddened to learn of the death of Sue Gin, president of the William G.
program, clinical procedures pioneered at the McGowan McGowan Charitable Fund.]
Institute include regenerative therapies for burns and
traumatic tissue loss.
The McGowan Charitable Fund provides financial
support to organizations that reflect the visions, concerns,
and life experiences of its benefactor, Bill McGowan, a
risk-taking industrialist and the driving force behind the
success of the telecommunications giant MCI. Mr. McGowan
died in 1992 after a six-year fight against heart disease that
included a heart transplant at UPMC, but the continued
support of the fund has enabled the institute that bears
his name to thrive and garner additional research funding
from agencies like the Department of Defense, National
aving a conversation with Lawrence and The great part about being involved with Pitt is this
Rebecca Stern of the Stern Family Foundation ability to work with people who are leaders in the field,
is like talking to bench scientists: The Sterns who are both creative and team-oriented, says Mr. Stern.
know firsthand how science and research can Theyre looking not just for our support but for our
help save peoples lives. Mr. Stern, a chemical mindshare.
engineer, ran a biotech company called Talecris That team includes Arthur S. Levine, MD, senior vice
Biotherapeutics (now owned by global health care company chancellor for the health sciences and Petersen Dean of
Grifols). The company produced lifesaving plasma therapeu- Medicine; Jeremy M. Berg, PhD, associate senior vice
tics for patients with rare genetic diseases and disorders, chancellor for science strategy and planning, health
including hemophilia, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, and sciences, professor of computational and systems biology,
primary immunodeficiency. School of Medicine, Pittsburgh Foundation Professor and
It was a great thing to be involved in the health care Director, Institute for Personalized Medicine; A. Everette
side of business where we felt we were saving lives, James, JD, MBA, associate vice chancellor for health policy
says Mr. Stern. and planning for the health sciences, M. Allen Pond
Through their philanthropy, they want to define and Professor of Health Policy and Management, Graduate
pilot best practices for the evolution of health, education, School of Public Health, and executive director of Pitts
and welfare programs. Mrs. Stern, a teacher for many Health Policy Institute; and Robert M. Arnold, MD, professor
years, now uses her background in special education for a of medicine and Leo H. Creip Professor of Patient Care.
nonprofit she created, Yes, You Can Dance, which provides An initial meeting with Dr. Levine and a tour of the School
ballroom and social dance experiences for adults with of Medicines key initiatives in personalized medicine,
special needs, older adults, and other populations. She pharmacogenomics, palliative care, and health policy
leverages world-class talent on her board, which includes impressed the Sterns. They asked Dr. Levine to use their
Anthony Delitto, PhD, professor of physical therapy support to fund projects he knows will create value but are
and associate dean for research, School of Health and difficult to get funding for through normal grant processes.
Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS), and Ronna Delitto, MS, Take what Dr. Levine has done to make the School of
adjunct assistant professor of physical therapy, SHRS, Medicine a powerhouse of innovation, says Mr. Stern. Its
to develop research that measures the benefits people as impressive as anything Ive seen around the country, and
receive when they get involved with social dance. Ive seen a lot. Some support from Becky and me can help
The Sterns describe themselves as involved philanthro- launch initiatives that we hope will help attract additional
pists and enjoy learning the complexities, execution plans, capital and investment to further put Pitt on the map.
and interim results from the research they support at Pitt.
Since moving to Pittsburgh in 2000, theyve created a
team-like relationship with the University.
Lin Zhang, MD, and Jian Yu, PhD American College of Surgeons Binational Science Foundation College of American Pathologists
Jian-Min Yuan American Diabetes Association bio Theranostics Inc. The Community Foundation for
Deborah E. Yudes and Alfred E. American Federation for Aging The Birmingham Foundation Greater Atlanta
Yudes Jr. Research Bison Baseball Inc. Community Foundation of Western
Kimberly Sue YunKun American Foundation for Suicide PA & Eastern OH
BJALCF Foundation
Fr. Kenneth Zaccagnini Prevention Community Human Services
BK Medical
American Geriatrics Society Corporation
Ornella Zarour and Hassane M. Blue Devil Enterprises
Zarour, MD Incorporated Comptec Inc.
Blue Marlin Systems Inc.
Kathryn H. Zavadak and Daniel G. American Heart Association Inc. Condron Partnership Ltd.
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals
Zavadak, MD American Liver Foundation ConMed Linvatec
Zella Zeigler, MD American Lung Association John B. Conomos Inc.
Bombardier Transportation, USA Inc.
William B. Zeiler, MD The American Orthopaedic Society Nancy T. and William S. Conover II
Bond Schoeneck & King PLLC
Robin C. and Gary J. Zentner for Sports Medicine Fund
Boston Scientific Cardiac Rhythm
Anne Lewis and C. James Zeszutek American Parkinson Disease Constellation Energy Group
Association Inc. Foundation Inc.
Min Sun, MD, and Wen Zhu, MD Boston Scientific Corporation
The American Physiological Society Continental Real Estate Company
Margaret R. Zinsky and Paul J. Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Zinsky, MD American Psychiatric Association Cook Group Incorporated
Eli and Edythe L. Broad Foundation
Suzanne D. Zitelli and Basil John American Society for Gastrointestinal Corcept Therapeutics
Endoscopy Bronder Technical Services
Zitelli, MD Cost Company
American Society of Maxillofacial The Brooklyn Brothers LLC
Thomas R. Zugger, CLU, CHRC The Cottrell Foundation
Surgeons Brookville Equipment Corp.
Wallace H. Coulter Foundation
American Society of Nephrology Philip V. & Anna S. Brown Foundation
Council of Three Rivers American
American Society of Transplantation The William Brown Foundation Inc. Indian Center Inc.
American Surgical Association Buffalo Bills Inc. Covidien
Foundation The Jack Buncher Foundation
& ORGANIZATIONS Crawford Consulting Services
American Textile Company The Burroughs Wellcome Fund S.M. Cristall Company Inc.
Anchor Seals Inc. Butterfly Bandits Crohns and Colitis Foundation of
A Glimmer of Hope Foundation ANH Refractories Company Cadence Pharmaceuticals America
A.C. Dellovade Inc. Anonymous The Ann & Frank Cahouet Foundation CSL Behring LLC
AAA East Central The Anspach Effort Inc. Calgon Carbon Corporation Cubist Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Abbott Laboratories Aptalis Pharma US Inc. CareFusion Corporation CullenDykman LLP
AbbVie Inc. ARCS Foundation, Pittsburgh Chapter Carl Zeiss Meditech Inc. Curbell
Accenture LLP Arthritis Foundation Carnegie Mellon University Cyert Family Foundation
ACell Inc. ArthroCare Corporation Caroselli, Beachler, McTiernan, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Active Media Services Inc. Arthur Vining Davis Foundations Conboy Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Ethel & Philip Adelman Charitable Association of American Medical Carr Textile Corporation Therapeutics Incorporated
Foundation Inc. Colleges Carson City Saloon Dana Foundation
AdrenoMed AG Astellas Pharma US Incorporated Caruso Chiropractic & Rehab. Inc. Doni Darling Foundation
AEC Group Inc. AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP Catherine Beth Designs LLC dck worldwide LLC
Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation Athersys Inc. Celgene Corporation Delaware Community Foundation
AK Sales Inc. Autism Speaks Inc. Central Indiana Community Delaware North Companies Inc.
Alcatel-Lucent AVI Foodsystems Inc. Foundation Deloitte Services LP
Alcon Laboratories Inc. Avon Foundation for Women Century Steel Erectors Dendreon Corporatoin
Alcon Research Ltd. The Ayco Charitable Foundation CET Training LLC Denises People
William C. Alexander & Company B & R Pools & Swim Shop Champalimaud Foundation P.J. Dick/Trumbull
Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc. B. Braun Medical Inc. Champs Sports Dickie, McCamey & Chilcote PC
Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation The Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia & Chapman Properties J&M DiDonato Family Foundation
Allegheny County Health Parkinson Foundation Inc. CHDI Foundation Inc. The Dow Chemical Company
Department Staff Bank of America Foundation The Chicago Community Foundation Foundation
Allegheny Technologies Inc. Bank of America NA Chris4Life Colon Cancer Foundation Dow Chemical Company PAC
Allergan Medical The Bank of New York Mellon Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DSF Charitable Foundation
Alleva LLC Corporation Disease Foundation Inc. Duquesne University
Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy BNY Mellon Foundation of CIM Investment Management Inc. Easley & Rivers Inc.
Altoona Ophthalmology Associates PC Southwestern Pennsylvania
CJL Engineering Eatn Park Hospitality Group Inc.
ALung Technologies Inc. BNY Mellon Wealth Management
Clean Fun Promotional Eisai Inc.
AMAG Pharmaceuticals Inc. Bassi, McCune & Vreeland PC Marketing LLC
Eli Lilly and Company
American Bridge Company Baxter Healthcare Corporation The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Elliott Ebara Group
American Cancer Society The Breast Cancer Research The Cleveland Foundation
Foundation The Ellison Medical Foundation
Incorporated Climatech Inc.
Beckwith Family Foundation Emergency Medicine Foundation
American College of Laboratory CNS Therapeutics Inc.
Medicine Foundation Bee Cee Enterprises Endo Pharmaceuticals
Cohen & Grigsby PC
American College of Medical BG Books Endocrine Fellows Foundation
Cohen Placitella & Roth PC
Toxicology BGI Millwork The Paul Esposito Foundation for
Colgate-Palmolive Company Bile Duct & Liver Cancer
American College of Rheumatology BHNT Architects PC
Ethicon Endo-Surgery The Gordon Foundation International Mental Health Research Lung Cancer Research Foundation
Ethicon Inc. W.L. Gore & Associates Organization Marc Lustgarten Pancreatic Cancer
EV3 Inc. Goya Foods Great Lakes International Society for the Study of Foundation
the Lumbar Spine Lymphoma Research Foundation
Evans Bank Gray Matters
International Society of Arthroscopy, The M & T Charitable Foundation
Evans City Elementary and Graycor Industrial Constructors Inc.
Knee Surgery
Middle Schools Greater Pittsburgh Mustang Club M & T Bank
Intuitive Surgical Operations Inc.
Export Fuel Co. Inc. Greentree Rotary Club M & T Insurance Agency Inc.
Jacobs Foundation
Eye & Ear Foundation Greer Laboratories Inc. Major League Baseball
Jaeckle Fleischmann & Mugel LLP
Eyemaginations Inc. Guttman Oil Company H. Mak Inc.
James Services
Fanconi Anemia Research Fund Inc. Hackers for Hope Malignant Hyperthermia Association
Janssen Biotech Inc. of the United States
Fayette Regional Health System Hadley Exhibits Inc.
Jentoe Corporation Edward Mallinckrodt Jr. Foundation
Federated Investors Incorporated Haleski Foundation
Jewish Federation of Greater Maquet Cardiovascular US Sales LLC
FedEx Trade Networks Transport Inc. The Hartwell Foundation Pittsburgh
The Fashion Footwear Charitable March of Dimes Foundation
Hatch Associates Consultants Inc. Jewish Healthcare Foundation
Foundation of New York Inc. Marstine Family Foundation
The Hawksglen Foundation of Pittsburgh
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mascaro Construction Company LP
Health Research Inc. Johnnies
The Fine Foundation Massachusetts Medical Society
HealthNow New York Inc. Roy F. Johns Jr. Associates
Fingertip Formulary Mataya Family Foundation
Hearing Health Foundation Jones Day
Fire Cracker 250 Tractor Pull G. Harold & Leila Y. Mathers
H.J. Heinz Company Foundation Juvenile Diabetes Research
First Commonwealth Bank Charitable Foundation
The Heinz Endowments Foundation
FISA Foundation Mauna Kea Technologies
Henderson Brothers Incorporated Max Kade Foundation Inc.
Fiserv Inc. McGladrey LLP
Heritage Valley Medical Group Kadmon Pharmaceuticals LLC
Foot Locker Inc. James & Frances G. McGlothlin
C. William Hetzer Inc. Kaneka North America LLC
Foundation for Accelerated Karl Storz Endoscopy-America Inc.
Hibiscus Biotherapeutics Inc. The McKamish Family Foundation
Vascular Research
The Hillman Company Edward & Bethel Kean Charitable
Foundation for Anesthesia Education MedAssets
& Research The Matthew Hillman Fisher MEDRAD Inc.
Foundation Inc. Kennametal Foundation
The Foundation for Jewish Medtronic Inc.
The Audrey Hillman Fisher Kennametal Inc.
Philanthropies Mellam Family Foundation
Foundation Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Fountainhead Foundation Menasha Corporation Foundation
Hillman Foundation The Gloria and Thomas R. Kitchen
Michael J. Fox Foundation for Menlo Worldwide Logistics
Henry L. Hillman Foundation Memorial Foundation
Parkinsons Research
The Lenore and Howard Klein Merck & Company Incorporated
Francis Family Foundation William Talbott Hillman Foundation
Foundation Inc. Michael Baker Corporation
Fraternal Order of Eagles PA State The Hinchman Foundation
KLS-Martin LP Migraine Research Foundation Inc.
Auxiliary Hockey Western New York LLC
KPMG LLP Miles Against Melanoma PA
Fraydun Foundation Inc. Emma Clyde Hodge Memorial Fund
Kvaerner North American Millennium Pharmaceuticals
Freight Management Plus Inc. Hologic Inc.
Construction Incorporated
Henry Clay Frick Rodgers Trust Homebuilding Community
L.B. Foster Company Milliken & Company
Fundacion MCHB Foundation
Ladies Auxiliary Department of Mohawk Global Logistics
Wayne Fusaro Pancreatic Cancer Hoops for Hudes
Pennsylvania Moniteau School District
Research Fund Hospira Inc.
Ladies Auxiliary Post 764 Moody Associates Inc.
Gabes Collision Howard Hanna Real Estate Services
The Laerdal Foundation for Acute Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC
Shawn Gaertner Foundation Howard Hughes Medical Institute Medicine
Multiple Myeloma Research
Gailliot Family Foundation The Roy A. Hunt Foundation Landau Building Company Foundation
Gambro Renal Products Inc. The IAC Foundation Inc. Laniere De Picardie Inc. Musculoskeletal Transplant
Scott A. Garet Memorial Foundation IBEW Local Union No. 5 LANXESS Corporation Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation IBM Corporation Dorothy L. Lappin Foundation Musella Foundation
Gateway Financial Group Inc. IBM Employee Services Center Lawley Service Insurance NARSAD Research Institute Inc.
GE Foundation IBM International Foundation H. Lazar & Son Inc. National Basketball Association
Genentech Incorporated IITC Life Science Inc. Lee Industries Inc. National Football League Players
General Nutrition Centers Inc. Ikaria The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Incorporated
Genomic Health Incorporated Industry-Railway Suppliers Inc. Levin Furniture Inc. National Hockey League Foundation
Genzyme Corporation Inferno Baseball Inc. LIA Agency Inc. National PKU Alliance
Law Office of Michael C. George Institute for Innovative Technology Liberty Mutual Insurance The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation
Georgiades Surgical Associates in Medical Education The Nemeroff Law Firm
Life Raft Group
The Gerber Foundation The Institute for Transfusion Medicine New Age Media of Tallahassee LLC
Get Noticed Promotions Inc. InStore Displays & Packaging New Era Cap Company Inc.
Lifelong Vision Foundation
John J. Ghaznavi Foundation Inc. Integra LifeSciences New Pig
Lippes Mathias Wexler Friedman LLP
Gibraltar Industries Intermodal Air Inc. The New York Mets Foundation Inc.
Little League Baseball Incorporated
Gilead Sciences Incorporated InterMune Incorporated New York Yankees
Logix Guru LLC
Given Imaging Inc. International Association for NFL Foundation
Love Family Foundation
the Study of Pain
Goldman Sachs & Company Jim Ludtka Sporting Goods Inc. NFL Ventures LP
International Continence Society
Gordon Food Service Luitpold Pharmaceuticals Inc. Nico Corporation
erry Blechman and her husband, Donald, During those five and a half years, the cancer returned
were eating dinner in an Italian restaurant in at times. Dr. Luketich and colleagues formed a treatment
Pittsburgh. The seating area was small, and plan, and the Blechmans returned regularly to Pittsburgh for
they overheard a conversation at the next table. medical care. Their experiences solidified Pittsburgh as their
A couple was discussing which hospital they medical home. Mrs. Blechman still comes here for her own
should go to for a particular treatment, and health care.
none they listed was in Pittsburgh. Mrs. Blechman says her I cant begin to tell you how impressed I am,
husband never stuck his nose in other peoples business, Mrs. Blechman says. Everyone has such concern, such
but he said to them, Why go somewhere else? Dont you heart, and skill. Its the kind of care everyone hopes for
know you have the best hospitals in the country right here? when theyre sick.
The Blechmans had good reason to have such faith in Eventually, Mr. Blechmans treatments stopped
Pittsburgh. In their hometown of Miami Beach, Fla., working, and he died in 2010after 53 years of marriage
Mr. Blechman had received a grim diagnosis: He had to Mrs. Blechman, two children, and four grandchildren.
esophageal cancer and six weeks to live. He was told there Because she was so grateful for the time and quality of life
was nothing to do, other than to get his affairs in order. he had in his final years, Mrs. Blechman established the
But, soon after, a stunned Mrs. Blechman received a friends Donald Blechman Lecture in Surgical Oncology. Attending
recommendation to call James D. Luketich, MD, the Henry T. the yearly lecture makes her optimistic.
Bahnson Professor and chair, Department of Cardiothoracic I go to the lectures, which are filled with all these
Surgery at Pitts School of Medicine. Mrs. Blechman says people in white coats, and think, One of these days,
they didnt know anyone in Pittsburgh and had never been someone in here is going to have a light bulb go off,
there, but they went for tests, consultation, and surgery says Mrs. Blechman. Someones going to find the answer
the week after speaking to Dr. Luketich. were all looking for.
We didnt accept six weeks, says Mrs. Blechman. Mrs. Blechman doesnt regret the decision to come
We fell in love with Dr. Luketich right away because neither to Pittsburgh sight unseen and has recommended it to
did he. He knew what he was doing. other people looking for world-class health care.
Six weeks turned into five and a half good, quality She says, You have to have faith that what youre doing
years, as Mrs. Blechman describes them. The couple took a is right and not be afraid to do it. We were never afraid.
six-week cruise to Vancouver via the Panama Canal, enjoyed And I got five more good years with my husband.
grandchildrens high school and college graduations, and
traveled regularly to the Bahamas so Mr. Blechman could
fly fish.
Donald never looked sick, Mrs. Blechman recalls.
He thought his hair would fall out, so he shaved his head.
But it never fell out! We knew how it was going to end, but
we didnt dwell on it. We couldnt live like that. Donald
could cope, so that made it possible for me to cope.
NLMK USA Plum Running Mustangs Scleroderma Foundation of The TJX Companies Inc.
Norfolk Southern Corporation Alumni Assn. Inc. Greater Washington D.C. Truist
Normandy Industries Inc. PNC Charitable Trust Scoliosis Research Society Tube City IMS LLC
North American Refractories Co. PNC Financial Services Group Search Services LLC UB Foundation Activities Inc.
Incorporated Select Services Inc.
The Northeastern Section of the UCB Inc.
American Urological Assn. The PNC Foundation Shadyside Hospital Foundation Uniland Development Corporation
Norwin Elks Lodge No. 2313 Power Piping Company Sheldon Gantt Inc. Union Real Estate Company
Novartis The T. Rowe Price Program for Shire Pharmaceuticals Inc. Uniontown Hospital
Charitable Giving
Novo Nordisk Inc. Shirlie and Owen Siegel Foundation United Business Systems Inc.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Novogradac Rivers Foundation Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals Inc. United Negro College Fund
The Procter & Gamble Fund
Obesity Society Silk Road Medical Inc. United Parcel Service
Prometheus Laboratories Inc.
OBlock Jr. High School Ben Silverman Foundation Inc. United States Steel Corporation
Oc Business Services Inc. Simmons Mesothelioma Foundation United States Steel Foundation Inc.
The Prudential Foundation
Olde Line Tattoo Gallery LLC The Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds United Steelworkers
Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation Foundation Inc.
Olympus United Way of Allegheny County
Pyrotechnic Management Inc. Simons Foundation
OMI Refractories LLC United Way of Butler County
Quaker Capital Management Sisterson & Company LLP
On LLC United Way of Greater Philadelphia
Quality IT Partners Smith & Nephew Inc.
Orbital Engineering Inc. and Southern New Jersey
Quest Diagnostics Incorporated SML Group
Owens-Illinois United Way of Midland County
Questcor Pharmaceuticals The William I. and Patrica S.
Oxford Development Company UPMC
Incorporated Snyder Foundation
Pajunk Medical Systems LP Urology Care Foundation
Radelet McCarthy Polletta Inc. Society for Academic Emergency
Michael J. Parada Walkathon The V Foundation for Cancer
The Rainwater Charitable Foundation Medicine
Paragon Wholesale Foods Research
Reed Smith LLP Society for Vascular Surgery
Paralyzed Veterans of America Vandebilt Catholic High School
John Nesbit Rees and Sarah Henne Solot Family Foundation
Parkinsons Action Network Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Rees Charitable Foundation Solving Kids Cancer
Parkinsons Disease Foundation Verizon Foundation
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. Songer Steel Services Inc.
Frank J. & Sylvia T. Pasquerilla Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated
Rehabilitation & Neurological SonoSite
Foundation Services LLC The Ethel Vincent Charitable Trust
South Fayette Track & Field
Joseph A. Patrick Foundation Inc. Relevent Wabtec Foundation
T.D. Patrinos Painting & Contracting Renaissance Charitable Walsh Construction Co.
Southwest PA AHEC
Company Foundation Inc. Weavertown Transport Leasing Inc.
The Frank E. Rath Spang & Company
Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler Rensch Electrical & Home West Herr Automotive Group
Charitable Trust
PB Foundation Inc. Improvement LLC Westmoreland Country Club
Charles F. Spang Foundation
Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of Research to Prevent Blindness Inc. Wheeler Family Charitable
Speed Motor Express of W.N.Y. Inc.
North America Ri.MED Foundation Foundation
The Spencer Foundation
Pennsylvania Breast Riggs Family Foundation Whemco Inc.
Cancer Coalition Spend a Day at the Keys
Rita Allen Foundation Whitehall Foundation Incorporated
Pennsylvania Interscholastic Splash Water Sports Inc.
Robertshaw Charitable Foundation William G. McGowan Charitable
Hockey League St. Jude Medical Inc.
Sanford N. and Judith Robinson Fund Inc.
Pennsylvania Lions Hearing The Stanley Medical Research
Family Foundation Hilda M. Willis Foundation
Research Foundation Institute
Roche Organ Transplantation Willowbrook Country Club
Peoples Natural Gas Co. LLC Stanley Research Foundation
Research Foundation Wilson Family Foundation
Performance Dynamics Inc. Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
RockTenn Phillip H. and Betty L. Wimmer
Perlow Family Foundation State Street Foundation
Ross Stores Inc. Family Foundation
Pezzone Gastroenterology Sterling Mets LP
RSNA Research & Education Samuel and Emma Winters
Associates PC Lawrence and Rebecca Stern
Foundation Foundation
The Pfizer Foundation Inc. Family Foundation Inc.
RTI International Metals Inc. Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
PGT Trucking Inc. Stork Foundation
Running for Parkinsons WNED
Philips Healthcare Stryker Corporation
Sage Products Inc. Woodings Industrial Corporation
The Philadelphia Phillies Stryker Endoscopy
SAI Consulting Engineers Inc. World Wide Technology Inc.
Phillips Lytle LLP Support Technology Inc.
Saint Baldricks Foundation WPH Airport Associates
Pittsburgh Cure Sarcoma Synthes USA
Saint Clair Hospital Stephen G. Yeonas Company
Pittsburgh Emergency Medicine The Nancy Taylor Foundation for
Salix Pharmaceuticals Inc. Yough HS Cheerleaders
Foundation Chronic Diseases Inc.
H. Glenn Sample Jr. MD Youngstown Area Jewish Federation
The Pittsburgh Foundation Teva Neuroscience Inc.
Memorial Fund Z Custom Homes Inc.
Pittsburgh Pirates TEVA Pharmaceuticals
Sam-Son Distribution Center Inc. William & Sylvia Zale Foundation
Pittsburgh Plastic Surgery Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sauer Corporate Services LLC Zissu Family Foundation
Alumni Society Thompson Hine LLP
Savient Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Pittsburgh Steelers LLC Thompson Public School
Scaife Family Foundation
Plastic Surgery Educational District No. 61
Foundation Schulze & Burch Biscuit Co.
Thoratec Corporation
Platsky Company Inc. Schwab Charitable Fund
The Tippins Foundation
Plum Borough School District Tissue Source LLC
Clinical ResearchJacques E. Chelly, MD, CHAIR: Cecilia Lo, PhD CHAIR: Robert M. Friedlander, MD
EducationRita M. Patel, MD Academic AffairsIan F. Pollack, MD
Faculty DevelopmentAndrew Herlich, DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE ResearchC. Edward Dixon, PhD
Pain MedicineAjay D. Wasan, MD, MSc David J. Bissonette, PA-C, MBA
EXECUTIVE VICE CHAIR: Clifton W. Callaway,
Clinical OperationsCharissa B. Pacella, MD CHAIR: Lawrence R. Wechsler, MD
CHAIR: Michael J. Becich, MD, PhD
Graduate EducationAllan B. Wolfson, MD VICE CHAIRS:
VICE CHAIR: Gregory F. Cooper, MD, PhD
Patient Safety and QualityPaul E. Academic AffairsJ. Timothy Greenamyre,
Phrampus, MD MD, PhD
DEPARTMENT OF ResearchSteven H. Graham, MD, PhD
DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY MEDICINE Veterans AffairsPaula R. Clemens, MD
CHAIR: James D. Luketich, MD
CHAIR: Jeannette E. South-Paul, MD
Victor O. Morell, MD
Academic Affairs SCIENCES
Jonathan DCunha, MD, PhD CHAIR: Mark J. Shlomchik, MD, PhD
CHAIR: W. Allen Hogge, MD
Clinical AffairsInderpal Sarkaria, MD VICE CHAIR: Dario A.A. Vignali, PhD
CHAIR: David H. Perlmutter, MD CHAIR: David A. Lewis, MD
Freddie H. Fu, MD, DSci (Hon),
DPs (Hon)
Basic ResearchGary A. Silverman, MD, PhD Clinical AffairsKenneth C. Nash, MD, MMM
Clinical AffairsA. Kim Ritchey, MD
Clinical ServicesJames D. Kang, MD
Clinical ResearchAlejandro Hoberman, MD DEPARTMENT OF RADIATION
Orthopaedic ResearchRocky S. Tuan, PhD
Postgraduate EducationMark E. Lowe, ONCOLOGY
MD, PhD CHAIR: Joel S. Greenberger, MD
Assistant Residency Program Director
MaCalus V. Hogan, MD
DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY Clinical AffairsDwight E. Heron, MD
Community OutreachMark E. Baratz, MD
AND CHEMICAL BIOLOGY ResearchMelvin Deutsch, MD
Education/Residency Program Director
CHAIR: Bruce A. Freeman, PhD
Vincent F. Deeney, MD
Musculoskeletal Cellular Therapeutics DEPARTMENT OF RADIOLOGY
Johnny Huard, PhD AcademicsPeter Friedman, PhD
CHAIR: Jules Sumkin, DO
Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery EducationDonald B. DeFranco, PhD
W. Timothy Ward, MD Graduate EducationPatrick Pagano, PhD
DIRECTOR: Regulatory AffairsQiming Jane Wang, PhD BIOLOGY
Clinical TrialsJames Irrgang, PhD ResearchEdwin Levitan, PhD CHAIR: Angela Gronenborn, PhD
Director of Academic Programs Riccardo Vecchio, page 52
oss Musgrave, Class
Chuck Staresinic Linda Wallen, page 72 of 43, spent 60 years with
Director of Communications Pitts School of Medicine,
from student to resident to
STAFF Page 8: HOK JV Distinguished Clinical Professor
Deb Anderson, JD, MPH Page 9: Perkins+Will of Surgery. He also served on
Michele Baum Page 20: UPMC the med schools Board of Visitors
and as executive director of the
Brittany Boyd Page 22: Michael Giordano
Medical Alumni Association for
Keith Gillogly Pages 3233: Long Shot Factory 12 years. Musgrave trained 125
Nathan Kosub Pages 40, 41, 46: Robert surgeons; he himself was the
Brandon Millward Friedlander second resident to graduate from
Page 43: Project Tycho Pitts plastic surgery program.
Maureen Passmore, MA, MFA
Page 47: Bennett Van Houten During his long and distin-
Teekie Smith, MSW
guished career, he was governor of
Wendy Spigle Page 56: Amanda King
the American College of Surgeons,
Cathy Steinitz Page 63: William G. McGowan president of the American Cleft
Charitable Fund Palate-Craniofacial Association,
Carol Tatrai
Page 67: Shadyside Hospital president of the American Society
Special production assistance Foundation of Plastic Surgeons, and director
provided by Sandra Honick and of the American Board of Plastic
Lindsay Evanish, Office of Faculty The following articles
Surgery. The school continues
Affairs, School of Medicine, were reprinted from Pitt Med
to honor Musgrave through
University of Pittsburgh, and magazine: Emergency
the annual Ross H. Musgrave
Beth Ann Conway and Mary Kate Preservation and Resuscitation
(page 8) and Inaugural Lectureship, as well as the newly
MacKenzie, Medical and Health named Ross H. Musgrave Chair
Sciences Foundation, University Deanship (page 19), both by
Robyn K. Coggins, Summer 2014; in Pediatric Plastic Surgery. A new
of Pittsburgh and UPMC.
What a Wonderful World namesake award for medical
University of Pittsburgh (page 21), by Chuck Staresinic, student excellence is also in
School of Medicine Fall 2014; Code Black (page 32), the works.
401 Scaife Hall by Jenelle Pifer, Spring 2014;
3550 Terrace Street The History of Disease, in Color
Pittsburgh, PA 15261 (page 42), by Brett Murphy,
Spring 2014
www.medschool.pitt.edu Designed by Landesberg Design,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
The University of Pittsburgh
is an affirmative action, The report is printed on
equal opportunity institution. environmentally responsible,
FSC-certified Domtar Cougar
opaque paper. Printing by
Broudy Printing, Pittsburgh, Pa.
BOARD OF VISITORS (as of September 30, 2014)
Robert J. Alpern, MD
Dean and Ensign Professor of Medicine, Yale School of Medicine
Karen H. Antman, MD
Provost, Boston University Medical Campus; Dean, Boston University School of Medicine
Jordan J. Cohen, MD
President Emeritus, Association of American Medical Colleges
Jonathan D. Gitlin, MD
Senior Scientist, Marine Biological Laboratory
William K. Lieberman
President, The Lieberman Companies
James L. Madara, MD
Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, American Medical Association
Henry J. Mankin, MD
Edith M. Ashley Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Emeritus, Harvard Medical School
Jack D. Smith, MD
Director of Orthopedics, Excela Health
Chair, Excela Health Orthopedic Surgery
Allen M. Spiegel, MD
Marilyn and Stanley M. Katz Dean, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University