Grand Case Pres FDAR
Grand Case Pres FDAR
Grand Case Pres FDAR
1st DAY
9:25 AM Excess Fluid D: “Nanmamanas it akon mga tiil ngan bagat gin
Volume kukurian ako pag ginhawa,” as verbalized. BP: 150/90
mmHg, PR: 72 bpm, RR: 23 cpm, Temperature -
37.2°C. Difficulty of breathing and body malaise
present. Crackles upon lung auscultation noted.
Presence of Grade 2 bipedal edema, urine output of
200 mL per urination. Hematocrit - 28.3%, Hemoglobin
- 9.3 g/dL, Serum Creatinine - 10.4 mg/dL, BUN - 16.2
mmol/L. ————————————— GrC
A: Placed in semi-Fowler’s position. Elevated
9:30 AM edematous extremities, and handled with care.
Loosened restrictive clothing. Continuously monitored
vital signs. Noted presence, quality of central and
peripheral pulses. Auscultated heart and lung sounds.
: Administered O2 inhalation via face mask at 2 L/min.
9:40 AM ———————————————— GrC
Monitored reports or evidence of extreme fatigue,
intolerance for activity, sudden or progressive weight
gain, swelling of extremities, and progressive
shortness of breath. Monitored weight then instructed
to weigh daily using the same scale and preferably at
the same time of the day wearing the same clothing.
Applied warm compress on edematous areas.
Assisted with repositioning every 2 hours. Monitored
laboratory and diagnostic studies. ———— GrC
: Started IVF with PLR 1L using G 18 needle inserted
at the left metacarpal vein infusing well and regulated
9:45 AM at 20 cc/hr. ————————GrC
: Documented BP prior to administration of
Furosemide. ————————————— GrC
9:48 AM
: Administered Furosemide 40 mg now IVTT. —
Instructed accurate I&O and noted decreased urinary
10:00 AM
output and positive fluid balance on 24-hour
calculations. Restricted fluid intake as indicated,
spacing allowed fluids throughout a 24-hour period.
Advised to avoid consuming too much sodium.
Educated on stress management, deep breathing
exercises,and relaxation techniques.
————————— GrC
R: Presence of grade 2 bipedal edema still noted. BP-
11:00 AM 150/80, PR - 71 bpm, RR - 23 cpm, Temperature -
37.1˚C. Improved breathing pattern.Post-furosemide
urine output . Urine output improved from 200 mL to
250 mL per urination. Crackles upon auscultation still
2nd DAY
4th DAY
11:30 am