Fdar Handle

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Admitted a case of name, age, sex, GP from address due to labor pains/premature

rupture of membranes/ pre-eclampsia/ eclampsia/ severe bleeding/ intrauterine

fetal death/ placenta previa/ transit delivery.
F: Labor pains/Altered comfort

D: grimaced face noted, kept on massaging her back, strong regular contractions
observed, profuse perspiration noted, full cervical dilatation and effacement noted,
increased respirations noted.

A: ushered to delivey room, mounted on the delivery table, positioned in lithotomy

position, perineal preparation done, aseptically placed leggings and baby's receiver
on mother's abdomen, coached on how to bear down properly, assisted resident on
duty during episiotomy, supported perineum properly, delivered an alive baby
gender at time, delivered the placenta in Duncan/Schultz mechanism at time,
assisted resident on duty on the manual exploration of the uterus, postpartum BP
taken:reading (admistered Methergine 1 amp IM as ordered), put on a diaper and
clean duster, encourage
to breastfeed baby, placed ice pack over hypogastrium, monitor vital signs.

R: with well contracted uterus and slight vaginal bleeding, still for continuous
postpartum care

One of the strategic thrusts of the Maternal Health Program in the Philippines
includes the launch and implementation of the Basic Emergency Obstetric care or
BEMOC in coordination with the DOH. The BEMOC strategy entails the establishment
of facilities that provide emergency obstetric care for every 125,000 population and
which are located strategically. The strategy calls for families and communities to
plan for families and communities to plan for childbirth and the upgrading of
technical capabilities of local health providers.

4 Essential Newborn Care

1. Immediate and thorough drying to stimulate breathing after delivery of the

2. Provision of appropriate thermal care through mother and newborn skin-to
skin contact maintaining a delivery room temperature of 25-28 degrees
centigrade and wrapping the newborn with clean, dry cloth.
3. Properly timed clamping and cutting of the umbilical cord, (1-3 minutes or
until cord pulsation stops)
4. Non-separation of the newborn and mother for early breast-feeding.
Immediate latching on and initiation of breastfeeding within first hour after birth.

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