Quidos QA Standards For Retrofit Assessors
Quidos QA Standards For Retrofit Assessors
Quidos QA Standards For Retrofit Assessors
Ref: 16.13
Issue: v.1.1
Issued By: Billy Say Date: 26/01/2021
Approved By: David Jones Date: 28/01/2021
Revision History
Issue Issued Approved Reviewed
1.0 17/10/2019 20/10/2019
1.1 26/01/2021 28/01/2021
This document shall apply to all accredited Retrofit Assessors, regardless of National registration,
and supersede any previous copies.
These Standards shall be read in conjunction with the Quidos Code of Conduct and the TrustMark
Framework Operating requirements Annex C.
1. Overview
As an Accreditation Scheme, we are responsible for ensuring that the quality of work carried
out by our members is of a consistently high standard. In an evolving sector, it is important
that high standards are established and maintained throughout every strand of the industry.
This will help create the credibility of a Retrofit Assessment as an important part of the
Retrofit Project that will result in the cutting of carbon emissions reducing energy
consumption and saving money on fuel costs. It is vital that these high standards are
implemented; both by us as an Accreditation Scheme, and you as an accredited Retrofit
• At least 2% of all Retrofit Assessments lodged through the Scheme are audited;
• Each Retrofit Assessor will have their first Assessment audited for each risk path;
• Each Retrofit Assessor will be placed on 5% auditing for the first month or a minimum
of 5 reports (whichever is achieved first);
• Where the assessor has achieved 5 successful consecutive audit ‘pass’ outcomes,
they shall be placed on a minimum 2% auditing rate;
• Each Retrofit Assessor will be subject to further follow-on audits should these audits
The retrofit assessment will be audited as per PAS 2035 – Section 8. This will be dependent
on the Risk Path for the project.
Quidos will use the results of assessment visits, previous audits and dispute investigation
(complaints) to inform a risk rating, sample size and frequency of the ongoing audit regime
for each accredited Retrofit assessor.
• Customer complaints.
In addition to these requirements, we also undertake auditing on those lodgements that have
been re-lodged following a surveillance auditing failure.
If you wouldn’t be able to, the auditor almost certainly wouldn’t either.
In this respect, the most important evidence that you can collect are your site notes. These
give you an opportunity to record your thought process, reasoning for assumptions, and
highlight any limitations or issues whilst carrying out an assessment.
The full details of the required evidence which can be provided for surveillance auditing can
be found in Appendix B of this document.
The report to be audited will appear in your Control Panel in iQ-Energy with a link to upload.
Alternatively, evidence may be uploaded manually using the Upload Files button in the
Control Panel menu. Just search for the requested report information and upload your files.
Using the Upload Files option is also handy if you need to add further evidence to your
evidence pack after your initial confirmation.
It’s really important that Retrofit Assessors double- and triple-check all files before pressing
the Confirm QA Upload button. Once you press this button, you are confirming that all of the
evidence you have uploaded are sufficient for the auditor to compete the audit. If this is not
the case, it is likely that your audit will fail.
Photographic evidence is of particular importance; ensuring that they are clear and in
context for the purposes required. We request that photographic evidence be uploaded as
separate files, and not pasted into a single document. This enables the surveillance auditors
to check each image thoroughly.
All photographic evidence must include a date-stamp within the image or retain the
associated metadata created by the camera when taking the photograph. You should ensure
that, if using an image resizing program to aid in image uploading for audit, the metadata
(EXIF) is maintained.
As detailed in the Quidos Code of Conduct, it is essential that Retrofit Assessors keep the
records of each Retrofit Assessment both secure and readily accessible. We will not accept
excuses related to missing QA information.
An audit shall be marked as a fail where 5 or more single minor non-conformities and/or any
single major non-conformity have been identified.
The Scheme will consider the following factors when reviewing the impact of the non-
Fail (Technical)
The audit fails on a technical basis. This will relate to an unacceptable number of minor
and/or major non-conformities in the report.
Where the number of minor non-conformities is 5 or more, the report, or the defective parts
of the report, must be replaced by the Retrofit Assessor.
Where a major non-conformity is present, the Retrofit Assessor shall have their accreditation
immediate suspended until such time as the matter is rectified.
Fail (Evidence)
The audit fails on the basis that the evidence is not supplied, or not sufficient in quality to
allow the audit to be completed. This may cover all or part of the report.
Where evidence is missing/poor quality but available, this shall be supplied by the
Auditor following feedback and the audit can be reviewed. This evidence must then
be passed onto the Coordinator following audit completion.
Where evidence is missing and cannot be supplied, the audit remains a fail.
Where evidence is not sufficient in quality and cannot be supplemented by quality
evidence, the audit remains a fail.
All evidence errors must be acknowledged by the Retrofit Assessor and not replicated in
future reports.
6. Audit Appeals
If you genuinely believe that a Retrofit Assessment has been incorrectly audited against the
evidence supplied, you have the opportunity of lodging an appeal against the decision. Within
the ‘Evidence’ section for the assessment, you will see an Appeal button.
By giving your reasons for appeal, we can review the auditor’s decision and make a
judgement. Audit appeals are never considered by the Surveillance Auditor that completed
the audit. A member of the QA team who was not involved in the audit will consider the
When considering an appeal, we will always look at the audit as a whole and review all
evidence and data inputs. This moderates the work of the Surveillance Auditor, and ensures
that the Retrofit Assessor is provided with the best possible feedback. This can mean that
errors which were not initially noted by the Surveillance Auditor could contribute to a
possible failure.
We would strongly advise Retrofit Assessors to make appeals within 5-working days of the
audit feedback.
Once your appeal has been submitted, we will aim to resolve the appeal within 5 working
days, however we will always prioritise appeals following the failure of follow-on audits.
The appeal feedback is the final and binding decision of the QA Team and will not be reconsidered
unless compelling additional evidence is provided. Auditing appeals will not be taken further once
a response has been given.
7. Failure Consequences
7.1 Resolving an audit failure
7.1.1 Relodgement
In the event that the Retrofit Assessment is declared defective, it will need to be cancelled
and re-lodged. They must also inform the Retrofit Coordinator so the Data Warehouse can
be updated with the correct information within 5 working days – Retrofit Assessor must also
confirm this action with the Scheme. The onus is on the Retrofit Assessor themselves to do
this, using the audit feedback summary as guidance.
Cancellations shall be processed through iQ-Energy, giving the Scheme Reference Number
to be cancelled, the Scheme Reference number of the replacement Retrofit Assessment, and
the reason for cancellation. The QA team will occasionally process cancellations following
audit failure, but the expectation shall always be on the Retrofit Assessor to cancel.
Although this might seem harsh, we expect Retrofit Assessors to be professional in their
operation, particularly in ensuring the collection of sufficient evidence to prove the Retrofit
Assessment to be an accurate reflection of the dwelling. If this is not the case, we cannot
turn a blind eye and are obliged to use a follow-on audit as a sanction.
From the date of failure, Retrofit Assessors will also have 5-working days within which to
appeal against the audit decision.
7.2 Follow-on Auditing
Should a Retrofit Assessor fail an audit, they will be subject to an additional follow-on audit.
This is to be confident that the Retrofit Assessor is following all the requirements of the
PAS2035 methodology.
Where a Retrofit Assessor passes the follow-on audit, they will continue on the 5%
requirement until they have reach 5 consecutive passes.
If the Retrofit Assessor fails the follow-on audit, they will be subject to a suspension pending
the completion of remedial action. Once the remedial action is completed, the Retrofit
assessor will have their suspension lifted but be subject to 5% heightened QA for 6 months.
The remedial action will be in the form of a questionnaire, which will be selected by the QA
team based on the issues which has caused the Retrofit Assessor fail their audits.
Should a Retrofit Assessor continually fail audits and be seen to not taking the advice of
Quidos, a site visit audit made be necessary.
If the failures persist after this, Quidos shall have to take further disciplinary action, which
may include revocation of accreditation.
The best way to contact the QA team is through the Quidos Support Log. This can be found
by logging onto http://support.quidos.co.uk; alternatively, you can send an email which will
log a support ticket to [email protected].
The telephone helpdesk service should only be used for URGENT telephone queries, such as
an assessor on-site with a complex query which requires resolving.
The overuse of support channels may lead us to question your competency as a Retrofit
Assessor, requiring additional auditing.
APPENDIX A: Auditing Time Limits
Max. Time
From: To: Exceptions Sanctions
Follow-on audit Where a follow-on audit fails, the Retrofit Assessor shall be suspended
feedback immediately pending the completion of remedial action.
Where a surveillance audit is uploaded after the specified timescale without extension or a ‘reasonable or compelling’ reason for late
upload, the surveillance audit will be reviewed as normal for errors, but will fail automatically for insufficient evidence.
Follow-on audits from random failures will be selected from the next month’s audit selections.
Follow-on audits are requested for upload within 5 working days in order to quickly follow up on a previous auditing failure.
APPENDIX B: Evidence Collection Guidance
For audit, Retrofit Assessors are required to supply sufficient evidence for the auditor to be
able to replicate the Assessment without question.
The following list is suggested guidance for what Retrofit Assessors should be collecting
whilst on-site undertaking an assessment. The provision of a detailed floorplan and detailed
set of site notes and data collection forms can give more detail than a single photo out of
Leakage Photographic/Documentary
Ventilation Photographic/Documentary
Heating Photographic/Documentary
Building Services
Elevation Photographic/Documentary
Site Constraints
Exposure Photographic/Documentary
Access Photographic/Documentary
Remember the Auditor needs to be able to repeat this process using the photographic and
documentary evidence provided.