RdSAP Conventions v10.0
RdSAP Conventions v10.0
RdSAP Conventions v10.0
This document contains amended and additional conventions (v 10.0) applicable to the RdSAP 2012 version 9.92 and is aligned with the
RdSAP version 9.93. This list of conventions will be extended as appropriate.
Issue date marked with * (e.g. amended 31 Dec 2017*) Indicates that some paragraphs were deleted from a convention.
Amended and additional conventions (v10.0) are indicated by light blue background.
This edition of the Conventions supersedes all previous editions and, where any Convention is in conflict with the published SAP specification,
the Convention takes precedence.
1.04b Not self-contained If there is a separate part of the dwelling which is not self-contained but contains rooms that are used June 2016
separate part of as part of the main dwelling, e.g. bedrooms, study etc. in a large detached garage or outbuilding
dwelling converted into part of the living accommodation of a main property:
- if heated by the main heating system (as defined for the main dwelling), include in the assessment
of the main dwelling and a single EPC for the main dwelling to be issued
- otherwise omit from the assessment.
2. Measurements and geometry
2.01 Measurements State on site survey notes/plans whether the dimensions recorded are external or internal. When Sept 2009
measuring internally, measure between the finished internal surfaces of the walls bounding the amended Aug 2014
dwelling. Where that cannot be done directly (i.e. when measuring room by room) include an allowance
amended 31 Dec 2017
for the thickness of internal partitions.
Measure all perturbations (e.g. bay windows) but disregard chimney breasts unless the assessor
considers them significant e.g. large inglenook.
Lowered ceilings (e.g. in kitchens and bathrooms) are disregarded.
2.02 Precision of lengths Measure to two decimal places (0.01 m) or better. Sept 2009
amended 31 Dec 2017
If all elements of the roof room (ceiling/slope/stud/gable) have the same insulation and the U-value is
available, the default U-value can be overwritten whilst leaving the RdSAP assumed areas as is.
Detailed measurements of all elements are required only if evidence exists that the flat roof/slope/stud
wall/gable wall have different levels of insulation or their U-values are known.
Where detailed measurements are made and the floor area of the parts of the dormer windows
protruding beyond the roof-line is less than 20% of the floor area of the roof room, measure the
elements of the roof room as if the dormers were not there. Otherwise total the vertical elements of all
dormers in that building part and enter as stud wall and the flat ceiling elements as flat ceiling.
A roof room is classified as "connected" only if there is another building part of the same dwelling with
a storey (roof room or normal storey) at the same level; no assumptions are to be made about an
adjacent property.
2.07 Rooms within a A storey having non-vertical walls of at least 70 pitch constitutes a separate storey; it is not treated as March 2010
Mansard roof roof rooms. Use alternative wall if appropriate.
If there is both a sheltered wall and one with different construction type or U-value, treat the sheltered
wall as an alternative wall and split the dwelling into two parts to allow for the wall with the different
construction type or U-value.
For stone walls assess thickness at each external elevation and at each storey and use alternative wall
if the thickness varies by more than 100 mm, see also 2.22.
2.14 Definition of a A window is an opening in an external wall or roof of a building, fitted with glass or similar material, March 2010
window usually in a frame, that admits light. If it can be opened, then it is primarily to admit fresh air and not to amended Dec 2012
provide entry into the property (with the exception of patio doors).
amended April 2015
Patio doors may be treated as windows due to the high ratio of glazing in relation to the area of the
amended 31 Dec 2017
whole opening.
2.20 Garages If heated from main heating system, always include. The presence of a boiler within the garage does Oct 2010
(whether to include in not make it heated.
the assessment)
2.21 Dwelling adjacent to If a dwelling or part of a dwelling has commercial premises below record as partially heated space March 2011
commercial premises below. amended April 2015
If a dwelling or part of a dwelling has commercial premises above record as another dwelling above.
If a dwelling has commercial premises alongside it, treat the separating wall as a party wall.
2.22 Wall thickness Measure wall thickness in mm of each external wall (elevation) and any alternative wall within a January 2012
(per building part) building part. Photographic evidence is required for each different thickness. amended Dec 2012
It can be measured at door or window reveals or by internal/external measurement comparison (which amended Aug 2014
can be direct measurement or estimated by counting bricks).
amended 31 Dec 2017
Where thickness varies a little for the same construction use the average of the measured values.
For stone walls see convention 2.13.
3.02 System build type If there is a system built wall that has evidence of retro cavity fill, record as system build with internal March 2010
insulation, thickness unknown, and include Addendum 1. amended Jan 2012
See also convention 3.14 relating to high-rise system built dwellings. amended Aug 2014
Timber frame should be recorded as such and not as system build irrespective of the external cladding. amended April 2015
amended 31 Dec 2017
3.03a As built insulation Assume as-built if there is no evidence of retro-fitted insulation including: April 2015
category 1. a pitched roof with sloping ceiling or a flat roof where there is no documentary evidence. amended 31 Dec 2017
(walls, floors, roofs) 2. a roof space with rafter insulation if no evidence of retro-fitted insulation
3. roof rooms where there is no access and no documentary evidence.
3.05 Age band for For a conversion which was a change of use (e.g. barn converted to a dwelling) or where a dwelling has March 2010
conversions been sub-divided (e.g. house to flats) use the original construction date, unless there is documentary amended Dec 2012
evidence that all thermal elements have been upgraded to the building regulation standards applicable
amended Aug 2014
at the conversion date.
amended 31 Dec 2017*
3.06 Identifying internal This includes any type of internal lining that creates an airspace behind it, e.g. plasterboard on dabs, January 2012
wall lining (with an lath and plaster. Use tap test for plasterboard on dabs or on battens. amended April 2015
airspace behind) If tap test is inconclusive regard as not dry-lined. amended Aug 2016
Note. Applies only to stone, solid brick and cavity walls in age bands A to E. amended 31 Dec 2017
3.08 U-value entry (walls, The U-values of existing elements (walls/roofs/floors, etc.) must be the RdSAP default values (e.g. January 2012
roofs, floors) entered as built) and must not be overwritten unless specific documentary evidence of the thermal amended Aug 2014
conductivity of individual materials of the building element of the property being assessed is provided
amended April 2015
and was undertaken in accordance with BR 443 Conventions for U-value calculations (BRE, 2006).
amended Aug 2016
The U-value is that of the whole element, including any added insulation.
amended 31 Dec 2017*
Documentary evidence applicable to the property being assessed (see convention 9.02) must be
provided and recorded if overwriting any default U-value. This evidence shall be either:
- relevant building control approval, which both correctly defines the construction in question and
states the calculated U-value; or
- a U-value calculation produced or verified by a person with suitable expertise and experience.
Evidence of suitable expertise and experience can be demonstrated by, but is not limited to,
membership of a recognised U-value calculation competency scheme or OCDEA1 or Level 4 non-
domestic energy assessor membership, or any other process recognised by Accreditation
Schemes/Approved Organisations and Government.
Where it is known that only part of an element has been insulated use the alternative wall if possible for
the insulated part, or use extensions.
In Scotland, membership of an Approved Organisation scheme for EPCs for new domestic buildings
Applicable from 31 December 2017 (v10.0) Page 13 of 30
# Topic Conventions Issue date
3.09 External doors An external door is a door that forms part of the heat loss perimeter of the dwelling. See 2.14 for January 2012
treatment of highly glazed doors. amended Dec 2012
A multiple door should be recorded as such, e.g. a double door should be counted as 2 doors. amended April 2015
A door to a heated access corridor is not included in the door count. amended 31 Dec 2017
A door to an unheated access corridor is part of the sheltered wall. If there is a second external door in
the property it is directly to the outside.
It is possible for a property to have no external door in the RdSAP data set (when any entrance to the
property is via patio doors with more than 60% glazing which are counted as windows in SAP, or via a
heated corridor).
A door is counted as insulated only if documentary evidence is provided, which must include a U-value
or manufacturer reference enabling the assessor to ascertain the U-value from the manufacturer. If
there is more than one insulated door and they have different U-values, enter the average U-value.
See also 2.25.
3.10 Windows (U-values Default U-values and g-values can be overwritten and known data specified only if documentary January 2012
and g-values) evidence is provided, which can be either a Window Energy Rating certificate (as defined by BFRC) or amended 31 Dec 2017
manufacturers data.
The U-value is for whole window, not centre pane.
3.11 Draught proofing If the state of the draught proofing cannot be determined then take triple, double or secondary glazed January 2012
(of external windows as being draught proofed, and single glazed windows and doors as not draught proofed unless there is amended Dec 2012
and doors) a contrary evidence of draught-proofing.
amended 31 Dec 2017*
Include glazing in a non-separated conservatory.
4.04 Micro-CHP not listed If micro-CHP cannot be found in the database enter as condensing boiler and include Addendum 5. Sept 2009
in PCDB amended Mar 2011
amended 31 Dec 2017
4.05 Definition of A system in which a heat generator provides heat and/or hot water to more than one premises. Sept 2009
community heating Each dwelling to be assessed individually. amended April 2015
If the heat generator is in the dwelling, it is the heating system for that dwelling.
If the heat generator is not in the dwelling treat as community heating
4.06 Heat sources and fuel Where the community scheme can be identified in the community network database, it is to be Sept 2009
used by community selected. If there is more than one data record, only the current record can be used. amended April 2015
heating Otherwise try to find out what the fuel is. If it cannot be ascertained select mains gas.
4.12 Straw bales and other For straw bales and other types of biomass fuel that are not available in RdSAP, select wood logs and December 2012
biomass include addendum 12.
4.13 TRVs Include when TRVs present on 50% or more of the radiators. For this purpose include all radiators August 2014
including those not in a habitable room (e.g. in a hallway). amended April 2015
amended Aug 2016
amended 31 Dec 2017
4.14 Electric heating Treat electric underfloor heating mats and infra-red heaters as electric panel heaters April 2015
appliances amended Aug 2016
4.15 Electric CPSU An electric CPSU uses 10-hour or 18-hour tariff. If on 7-hour tariff treat as water storage boiler. If on April 2015
single tariff record as direct-acting electric boiler.
Electric focal point fires are included even if not wired by fixed spur. Secondary heaters in non-
habitable rooms are still counted as a secondary heater.
5.02 Open fire as a heating An open fire is to be considered in the heating assessment if a fire-place is capable of supporting an March 2010
source open fire (that includes having a grate suitable for holding fuel), even if no fuel is present. amended Oct 2010
The number of open fire-places is specified and used in the calculations as the number of open amended April 2015
chimneys (for ventilation).
amended 31 Dec 2017
5.03 Fuels for solid fuel If it can burn only one fuel, specify that fuel (includes exempted appliances burning wood in Smoke Oct 2010
fires and room heaters Control Areas). Otherwise:
Smoke control area: Open fire smokeless fuel; closed heater anthracite
Not smoke control area: Open fire dual fuel; closed heater wood logs if capable otherwise
6. Water heating
6.03 Dual immersion hot Enter as a single immersion and include Addendum 6. Oct 2010
water cylinder with amended Mar 2011
single electricity tariff
amended 31 Dec 2017
6.04 Separate boiler or heat Sometimes there is a separate boiler or heat pump providing DHW only. March 2011
pump for DHW amended April 2015
Specify the two main heating systems as follows:
- main system 1 is the one providing space heating (100% of heat is from main system 1); amended 31 Dec 2017*
- main system 2 is the one providing DHW (0% of heat from main system 2);
If both main heating systems supply space heating only, a generic DHW-only boiler can be selected
from the water heating options.
6.08 Instantaneous water Disregard a small water storage volume. June 2016
heater A small volume means less than or equal to 55 litres;
If the storage volume exceeds 55 litres, it is specified as an electric immersion or gas boiler for water
heating only.
6.09 Electric shower If the only water heater is an electric shower, specify as electric instant water heating June 2016
7. Lights
7.01 Lights Consider all fixed fittings within the dwelling. Include fixed under-cupboard kitchen lights. Sept 2009
amended Aug 2014
The number of light fittings is counted (not the number of bulbs, e.g. a chandelier is one fitting). amended Aug 2016
LEDs are considered as low energy lights. amended 31 Dec 2017
Where there are 4 or more recessed down lighters / ceiling lights divide the light fitting count by 2.
If no lamp is present: do not treat as a low energy outlet unless it can be fitted only with a low energy
9.02 Documentary Acceptable documentary evidence includes, but is not limited to, official letters from the applicable March 2010
evidence Registered Social Landlord (RSL) or certificates, warranties, guarantees. The assessor must be amended Aug 2014
confident, and able to demonstrate, that any documentation relates to the actual property being
amended Aug 2016
assessed and that there is no physical evidence to the contrary.
Evidence of intent to install does not qualify as acceptable documentary evidence.
9.03 Lodgement of If you lodge an EPC in error and lodge a corrected EPC, inform your accreditation scheme so that the March 2010
incorrect EPC erroneous one can be marked not for issue.
9.04 Cooling system Include fixed systems only. Do not include reversible heat pumps. March 2011
9.14 Park homes For the purposes of RdSAP a park home is a pre-fabricated dwelling of modular lightweight August 2014
construction without its own foundations (although it may sit upon a concrete base) and which is amended April 2015
capable of being moved from one place to another.
amended 31 Dec 2017
Convention 3.08 applies to U-values. For U-values of existing park homes, documentation obtained
from the manufacturer can be used.
Park homes have their own set of age bands in SAP Appendix S.