The Magician Tarot

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The document provides an introduction to and overview of the Magician Tarot deck, including descriptions of the major arcana cards and four of the suits.

The document discusses the suit of Questioning in the Magician Tarot deck, relating it to the element of fire and the theme of creativity.

Some of the major themes explored include intuition, femininity, collaboration, energy, motivation, and achievement.

The Tar rho of the Mage

Dese enhos De estin

Designed po or Nicky Rea and Jackie Cassad Art of John Cobb, Larry M MacDougall,
A n Sheikman Alex, Dan Smith, Larry L Snelly and Joshua Gabriel Timbrook
Page 1

Production and Writings: Nicky Rea and Jackie Cassava Additional Materials: From
Concept Stewart MacWilliam Original Image by: Richard Thomas and Sam Chuppa Dev
elopment: Phil Brucato Edition: Cynthia Summers Art Director: Richard Thomas Art
ists: Joshua Gabriel Timbrook (Arcana) Alex Sheikman (Suit of questioning), John
Cobb (Suit of primordial), Larry MacDougall (Suit of dynamism), and Dan Smith (
Suit Pattern) colored: Larry Snelly, Joshua Gabriel Timbrook Layout Paper Packag
ing & Production: Aileen E . Miles
Dedications Authors:
Call now for makers of strong images, that they come to us carrying their feathe
rs and their blades sharpened What to paint, hurt their arms and to draw. - Neil
Gaiman, "The Song of the Audience"
Joan Friedman of the summer in Berkeley when all come out in Intuitive Tarot rea
dings and Herman M. Cass, Jr. for giving me my first deck of Tarot and open my e
yes to the possibilities of that. Special Thanks to the wonderful artists whose
talents made immediate and stunning images, going beyond what we had designed. F
or Stewart MacWilliam for their insights and suggestions and for N. J. bargle, f
or their inspiring contributions. Chuppa For Sam and Phil Brucato the encouragem
ent and guidance. For people in Seventh Heaven whose assistance and help with th
e Tarot have been incalculable. Holalr For Carla, Matt Steele and Beth Bostic fo
r sharing with us our first feats in his account with the Tarot. Thank you all.
Page 2

Introduction ................................................. .................
................................. ..............................................
.... ..................... 4 Chapter One: Using the Letters ....................
.. .................................................. ..........................
........................ ................ 7 Chapter Two: The Major Arcana ......
..................... .................................................. .......
........................................... .... 18 Chapter Three: Questioning .
........................................ .......................................
........... ............................................. 41 Chapter Four: primo
rdialism .................................................. ....................
.............................. .................................. 56 Chapter Fiv
e: Dynamic ........... .................................................. ......
............................................ ...................................
71 Chapter Six: Standard .......... ...........................................
....... .................................................. .....................
..................... 86 Appendix: Charts and Colored Packaging for printing ...
.............................................. .................................
.......... 101
Page 3

Dance is ... everything ... You'll see. Earth, air, fire, water - and the Major
Arcana. There is a path to all knowledge and prophecy, when the letters and they
are placed side by side. - Charles Williams, The Major Arcana.
For those seeking a greater awareness of their place in the universe, the Tarot
is considered by some as a bridge between conscious awareness and the conscious
wisdom. The Magician Tarot is a deck of destination. Within the field of 78 card
s is a Trail when i sleep Avigiar1. His symbols are the signs that mark the soul
's journey through the World of Darkness toward a higher realm of possibilities.
A Little Common Sense, Please
Although its symbolism coincides with many traditional forms of images and assoc
iations of the Tarot, this deck is a deck of initiation for aspiring magicians,
it is simply an accessory item. Tarot Cards, whether traditional or modern, are
not toys. Although we expect you find use for them as a tool for exciting and in
spiring narratives,Tarot traditionally serves as a tool for self-directed. Many
accounts credit glimpses beyond perceptions of "normal" for Tarot readings, othe
rs say the cards simply allow you to get access to those parts of the subconscio
us that we ignore in our daily lives. Whatever be true (assuming there is only o
ne truth), not recommend the use of a deck of playing cards for real-life issues
, nor endorse the use of instruments for those who do not know what they are doi
ng. Believing or not, have some of respect and common sense. Please.
History of Tarot
Although the Tarot decks have first appeared in the fourteenth century, the idea
s and symbols that they embody extend well over the past in history, encompassin
g the knowledge and philosophies of ancient Egypt, Greece, China, and the beginn
ings of Roman church and the teachings of Talmudic scholars. The striking images
of the Tarot served as a media independent of the barriers of language and cult
ure, so that researchers from the hidden truths could share their findings throu
gh an understanding that transcends cultural barriers. Tarot cards have gone thr
ough many permutations over the centuries. Used by Gypsies as tools to make pred
ictions across Europe in the late Middle Ages, letters appealing and tempting it
ems soon became popular in the homes of nobles. The French have transformed the
Tarot in playing cards, discarding the Major Arcana and changing suits of Rods,
Cups, Swords and Pentacles to suit most familiar of spades, hearts, diamonds and
clubs of the modern deck of 52 cards. Although some students of esoteric knowle
dge has utilized the Tarot as a mnemonic tool for preserving the ancient truths,
it was only in the nineteenth century that a resurgence of interest in theosoph
ical studies led to the rediscovery of letters and an attempt to restore its ori
ginal purpose. Eliphas Levi, Israel Regardie, Helena P. Blavatsky, William Butle
r Yeats and Aleister Crowley did, they all made important contributions to moder
n Tarot. But they were just the first wave. Page 4
Waking, Awakening. In common with the English awake from a PIE root * weg-'force
', the Latin vigil, Ilis 'that never sleeps, watching, sailing, who is alert, aw
ake, alert, vigilant'
The deck of Rider-Waite Tarot, designed by Arthur Edward Waite and William Rider
and illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith, is by far the most popular and inspira
tional Tarot decks standards in use in modern times. In recent years, interest i
n Tarot gave rise to a wide variety of decks, reinterpreting the ancient symbols
to adapt them in feminist paradigms, holistic and multicultural. Most of the pi
ctures survived the translation, being a witness to the flexibility of the under
lying truths that the letters cover.
The Magician Tarot is intended primarily for use with games set in World of Dark
ness. Our purpose is not to teach you how to use the tarot (you can learn it wit
h any deck), but instead provide you with a deck that reflects the imagery of ou
r world of dark fantasy. Several possible uses are discussed later in the game.
Although the slope Mage: The Ascension, this deck can be used with any of the ga
mes system Narrative of the White Wolf.
Many of the symbols familiar to aficionados can be found in the Tarot deck, but
several have been upgraded or replaced by more Punk-Gothic counterpart. Although
the cards can be used for readings in themselves, they become even more signifi
cant when compared to a traditional deck as the Rider-Waite.
The Text
Each card has several meanings related to it for both normal and reversed positi
ons, and each has one or more paragraphs of text with comments on the letter.Unl
ike more traditional decks, the paragraph does not describe the letter and provi
des a possible interpretation, instead, it creates a climate or illustrate a ref
lected image of the World of Darkness. Some feature characters from various book
s of Mage: The Ascension. These resources can provide more references to the use
r, but are not essential to understanding the letters.
The Suits
Although they are similar to suits of Wands, Swords, Cups and Pentacles Tarot no
rmal, the suits of the Tarot Magician correspond to various types of essences th
at dye Avatars mystics. Each Essence turn is associated with one of the four fac
tions of the society of magicians . Thus, the suits have the following matches:
Suit (Essence) Questioning ii primordialism Dynamism Standard Faction Traditions
Nephandi Marausa 2 iii Technocracy Element Fire Water Air Earth Rods Cups Tarot
Suit of Swords Pentacles
Suggested Reading
Books on Tarot are abundant, sometimes occupies entire shelves in bookshops and
the occult. The titles below represent a sample of the various approaches on the
subject Tarot. Consider it a starting point.
masculine noun a person despicable, despicable, two rogue rogue individual, full
of expedients; dodgy diachronism 3: old. confessor priest who aided the nuns of
the Order of St. Bernard From Fr. maraud (c1480) 'beggar, thief', (1580 ) "pers
on who does not merit consideration 'by prov. orig.onom. in reference to the pur
ring cat; f.hist. sXVII Marao
Page 5
The Tarot: Key to the Wisdom of the Ages by Paul Foster Case. This essay extende
r on the Major Arcana provides rich detail about the symbolism of the Trumps Maj
or. Tarot Lays: Reflective Patterns of the Tarot (Salamander Series No. 2). This
thin pamphlet presents several unusual runs in the exploration of the relations
hip between Tarot cards. Tarot for Your Self by Mary K. Greer. A guide easy to u
se (though somewhat superficial) to the basic symbolism and the use of Tarot. In
cludes quote of several different modern decks as well as the more traditional.
Page 6

Chapter One: Using the Letters

Shall not cease from exploration And the end of all exploring Will be to arrive
where we started And know the place first. T. S. Eliot, "Little Gidding"
Through the centuries, the Tarot decks have become popular tools to predict the
future, and in many ways the two are intrinsically linked. The serious-minded st
udents despise the use of Tarot cards to targets as low as the prediction of fut
ures up or decay in love, business and other personal matters. Scramble and rand
omly distribute the cosmic secrets contained in the letters close to blasphemy.
To these aficionados, the Tarot is a key to unlock the universal truths hidden d
eep in the subconscious. Da very same way a magician seeks within himself the de
finitions of reality that mark their progress towards Ascension. The Tarot decks
are made to be used. His own way - letters arranged in a distinct hierarchy of
needs in relationship to each other - states its use in visual provisions as the
best method to study its contents. The letters, like the books can be read. Eac
h arrangement of the letters reveal a new perception of the meanings of the imag
es. When you rearrange the letters, either randomly or intentionally the very fu
ndamental basis of reality are reordered. The world around us, reflected in the
letters, becomes a very different place. Trying to understand the meaning of the
se pieces reassembled possibility is the true work of seers, philosophers, magic
ians and storytellers.
Reading Prints
Tarot readings typically involve the placement of the letters in arrangements ca
lled runs. Before doing a reading,a card in the deck should be chosen to represe
nt the person or question for consideration. It is common to use the "Letters Cu
t" of the Minor Arcana to represent the subject of reading, but any card that se
ems appropriate can be chosen. This letter should be removed from the deck befor
e it was scrambled.
The Celtic Cross
The most popular edition of the Tarot, called the Celtic Cross, consists of 10 c
ards, and focuses on past and future near and far from the target of reading. Mo
st of the guides to the Tarot contains instructions for use of this draft. Altho
ugh recommended that the full deck is used in a print run of 10 cards, you can a
lso use only the Major Arcana for this purpose.
Page 7

The character of Joel is a young man named Angelo Verbena. In a previous game, A
ngelo found other waking beings (vampires, orphans iv virilobos 3 and 4) the fir
st time. At the time he felt he needed to cooperate with them to fulfill their m
ission, but Since then questions whether he acted properly and what to do in the
future. Your question is "How do I proceed when dealing with other beings wakin
g 5 v, especially when at times we may wonder?" The Narrator, in the role of men
tor to Angelo, Crispin, the head of his Chantra, he reads to him. The initial le
tter, which is not reckoned with the rest, is placed in the center of circulatio
n. This, so-called letter from the consultant representing the investigator aski
ng the question. Since Traditionally it is a young magician, Angelo choose Page
of Inquiry to represent him. The first card is placed over the letter of the ask
er, this covers the researcher and represents the forces that are ongoing in the
life consultant. The letter is The Hanged Man. Crispin says Angelo, "You are fa
cing a situation that could potentially ruin all of your preconceptions. You're
hanging in a moment of choice to accept or reject the opportunities presented to
you." The second card is placed across to the asker and cover letters, forming
a cross. This letter, The Magician, represents conflict. Crispin says, "The Magi
cian's will. This will, which makes him a magician, and insists that mold realit
y to your vision may represent an obstacle both for you and for creatures whose
existence you have discovered. "The word" faerie "comes from Fata, the name of t
he Roman goddess of fado (fate). The word" fey "comes from a Middle English word
which means "fated to die." Humankind can see, the "fae", an unpleasant and pos
sibly inevitable end. Fairy comes from the same source that fae: lat. fata, ae '
the goddess of fate, Fate'; see fa-; And there is a collective term formed as En
glish faerie, which would fadária (o), although there is a magical adjective: fr
. féerique (1828) "of or pertaining to the world of the fairies', der. fr. fée (
1140) 'fairy', lat. fata, ae 'parka, fairy,' der. of Fate, t 'prediction, target
' Faerie comes from Middle English faierie, fairie fairyland, fairy people, char
m, from Old French faerie, faierie of fee, feie, Faye fairy (from Latin Fata god
dess of fate, Fate of fado (fate)) +-erie-ery in English. And the element compos
ition that is common to all three languages (Portuguese, French and English) is
the fa - root word fado and the verb talk: antepositivo of is a Pharisee,
fátus sum, fari (Rep.) 'talk, have the power and the use of speech, say, explai
n, confess, declare' , where a few goes. in lat. infans like, antis 'who does no
t speak, who has a young age, kids', Fatuma, í 'prediction, prediction, prophecy
, oracle,' fandus 'that can be said' (and their opposites Nefandus infandus and,
hence nefandurìus' that is relative to what can not be said '), fable, ae' conv
ersation, the subject of conversation, story; "fame, ae 'what is said of someone
, renown, reputation, good or bad' (hence fámósus, see the infamous, the, the ad
j. infamy, and,the subst. infamy, as well as see diffámo, as), and finally the l
at cultism. FamiGeste rare and see the infamous, and the fámigerátor The element
composition-ery comes from Middle English-erie, from Old French - ier (in Engli
sh-er) +-ie (English-y) indicates: qualities collectively, art, practice, trade,
place of activity, storing, creating, sales (the thing specified) collection, c
ondition, condition. The corresponding to the element composition of the Portugu
ese-aria: reassemble it to two sources, would (do) e-eiro (see), where this resu
lted-eria and-aria, and-eria both may have had form. port . internal (and the an
alogy sometimes influence esp.-eria and fr.-erie), as may have been competing si
nce the beginning of the aria-mentioned influences, the suff. thus formed almost
completely preserved the integrity of pal . deriving (why synchronic identifica
tion is easy and obvious to the user its fecundity), created substantive names (
in turn, substantial and / or adjectives) and sometimes verbs, having been origi
nally connection between agent and action (knight: knight, potter, pottery, hat:
hat); brief, this relationship extended into the notion of set or collection (m
ade possible by the outcome of agent on the action). Getting to the roots would
have to relate to the word fae fey and the words do and FAO to faerie and the wo
rd we, for the group as a noun or adjective "relative to the orphans." Bibliogra
phy: Concise Oxford, Merriam-Webster, Ultralingua Latin-Português-Latin Dictiona
ry,. All in version digital. 4 Although "lycanthrope" follow better the origin o
f the English word werewolf, already exists in English the word lycanthropy, whi
ch would then be translated as lycanthropy. Another way of reconstruction is the
Latin, with the elements come (i) - "man" and lob (o) -, lup (i) - or lupine (i
) - "wolf." Because both are antepositivos, whatever the choice of who will be f
irst, therefore, is more interesting to use the term to come (i) - before, since
the reconstruction will be more like the original werewolf. virilobo chosen the
n the form (a). 5 Singular waking, that is awake, awake
Page 9
The next card is placed below the cross. Gaia is reversed. "This forms the basis
or the near past," he says. "Indicates that you had a bad basic understanding o
f the world around them." The fourth letter, Six of primordial, and placed above
the cross. "This crown you," announces Crispin. "Represents their immediate fut
ure and it means an end to an old way of thinking. The primordial nature of the
suit indicates that you should get your answer in the depths of their passions,
their instincts and your unconscious mind. "The reveler is placed to the right o
f the letters crossed." This is the recent past. It refers to things that happen
ed recently. It is a possibility that the letter has been translated into action
. You ventured recently. The position in relation to her letter from the consult
ant indicates that you, the Cosmic reveler who you are, just took that step that
is indicated in the position of the figure. "The sixth letter, Ginearca of Dyna
mism, is positioned to left of the Crusades. "This is your distant future. With
the exception of the final draft of the letter, this is probably the most import
ant indicator of the draft. You keep an open mind with continuous incursions Awa
ke creatures. The association dynamics of the suit means that the its future wil
l be subject to unpredictable change. It may be that a specific person, a mentor
or a seer, perhaps a woman, or even a Marau, open your eyes. "The next card is
inside their concerns, their fears and concerns . It forms the basis of a row of
four cards that will arise next to the FAO. This is the Three of questioning. T
his indicates that their deepest concerns are that you in any way compromise the
ir objective, that these beings can fend waking him from his path to Ascension.
"The following are the outside influences, friends and society. The letter is pl
aced above the previous one.This is the Knight primordialism reversed. Many peop
le enxergarão you like someone disguised. His fellow magicians may think you act
against them when doing business with other creatures Awake. "The ninth letter
goes up Knight's Primordial: The Hermit, reversed. "This reveals their hopes and
ideals, what you want from all this. It seems that what you want is no guide, b
ut be guided. You are expected to remain in an immature, childish, do not you wi
ll not have to take the responsibility for forging a new path. "Finally, we arri
ve at the total result of reading." He puts the final card on the Hermit. "This
is Luna, and indicates a meeting with his subconscious. His track is to follow t
he call of nature interior, to hear the voice of your Avatar. Do what you think
is right. "
The Circular Circulation
Another possible printing involves placing a predetermined number of cards in a
circle around a central letter. A circle of 12 cards could be used to suggest a
course of action or a mental state that will cover the space of a year, while a
circle of seven letters could indicate a week.
The cards are arranged in a circle around the letter from the consultant. Crispi
n chooses the progenitor of Inquiry to represent himself, as he leads the Chantr
a. He puts seven cards (to represent one week) with the face down and begin with
the letter top right for Sunday.
Page 10

In order, the cards are: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturda
y The re Torr, inverted Qua atro of Questi ionamento The Gine earcar of The Thre
e Ques stionamento s Standard Six Dinamism s mo, invert the Two Standard, is The
invert of Nov've Pattern Page 11
Interpretation of this security eu threshing floor mane: The Tower nTip in a cri
s is disunity potentials ialmente From letter to letter to Chan NTRI interp affe
cts all. Q ca Four signific the crisis can not last long, or that there's a reas
on for eat to live, despite the crisis. Ginearca indicates that an ati itude is
the tomad, perhaps in response to cris r if, and it may even involve the physica
l es strutura's own HANTRAIS Ch. The bus sca for a solution is made m in the mat
erial world. Six fal s invert it in a jorn nothing beyond the boundary of the ph
ysical world f, perhaps by the need to move some aspect of air Chantry laughed,
and obst cles or delays that occur if a com ow many attempts p solve problems. T
he two inverted D indicates a p r real possibility of failure to m as the m s si
tuation is less clear. F Finally, co owever, the Nov ve indicates the pos ssibil
idade restabelecim tion of order m , m including getting some material from an n
terior difficulty. Resum inating, that an ever week of clashes with aa chance an
d failed, but with a chance to ma s success in fin nal. mado in a story that put
s c from some a way aa Chantra in danger and causes m This could be transform s
des scobrir need a creative way m va to save it. characters
The Drew Linear m
Line runs eares are useful for s s determ undermine the courses of action long t
erm or progressive s s influences that affect the individual n d a period of tim
e. In lin ma drawing near, the cards are arranjad s in the straight line r . rta
Each car is withdrawn and used to clarify or p to the letter comments on air be
fore erior. The reading can continu until uar ta anto requires the entity as a c
onsultant and and feel that a satisfactory response t was obtained, or until u n
enh human action that produces posterior r r appears to be leaving. Norm mally,
the letters c colocad the left of or above the letter of ind vidual signific the
event the path ahead, while those qu ue hollowed neck or down to tell if ita re
fer to events in the past. ing a variation of this method, the pull of three car
t tas m, divides itself with significant reading on the l color rpo, and mind an
d spirit. This usually involves the co and North of the letter in three mon efor
e and pick a car ha rta m of each of them to be placed on a line s s s squerda t
racking right.The first letter represents al anto ta ome thing about the physica
l aspect of the individual or about his past, and sets ccording to the mind or t
he state acts of al things, suggests aa third spirit, or the ambitions and futur
e plans them. These are good tiragen ns pa ara give you suggestions for Nov sues
personage ens. r By applying the meaning of the letter to al ome aspect of life
, The Art or the character of rsonalidade per m r a player or Storyteller can ga
ther the clues that aa shape.

The character of Carla, M Mika, is a jo ovem Adept Virtualidad of the d, which i
s torn nou fascinated by the various new technologies. Contu udo, she fears she
may be the victim of the eductors and proposals to Te ecnocracia vis sto it reli
es on Ormala Demai is on the other lovers of co omputação. And she makes a law i
tur to see if this is prob unlikely.
Page 12
She takes four cards and think you've got the answer he sought. The letters are
placed from right to left, indicating that she wants a vision for the future if
she was interested in past events, she put the letters from left to right. In or
der, the cards are: The Standard Three, Five of primordialism, Strength and The
Devil, reversed. This reading indicates that the potential for flirtation with T
echnocracy definitely there, and their contacts with them will play on their vul
nerabilities to As she hopes she can win something with them. She has to confron
t his tormentor or antithesis, and need to rely on their own inner resources to
overcome the challenge. The end result will be some kind of liberating experienc
e, or perhaps a move to out of a state of pre-conceptions self-imposed.
Ideas for Use of the Letters
These cards can be used in various ways to improve your game. Some of these are
of greater use to the Narrator, but many are useful for players as well.
Character Creation
These cards can be used to assist in character creation. Players and Storyteller
s can draw a card at random from the deck and use the text, the meaning or image
to suggest an idea for the character. Anything from its appearance to its conce
pt, Background, Magic balls, Merits and Flaws, your Track to Rise, skills or eve
n his likely destination can be built up based on anything found in the letter.
Any of the above runs divination can be used for character creation, although a
draft linear three letters usually work better.
Jim wants an interesting character, with a past. He takes the Knight of the rand
omly paced and gets the following ideas from its meaning and its image: The char
acter is a young magician with a core dynamics. He has dark brown hair and eyes
dark (associated with your suit), and comes from a wealthy family (the plants sh
own on the chart). He was a very powerful magician, but is very impulsive (meani
ng of the letter). Once, he held a highly vulgar in effect front of Sleeping. Wh
en a spirit of paradox confronted him, he entered into a long silence. He recent
ly regained his health and returned to the mundane world, yet most of their prev
ious memories, including his knowledge of magic was lost. He went back to square
one and must begin again. However, old friends and enemies may well remember hi
m, making his new life interesting. Although he is brave, he has a tempestuous n
ature. Impulsivity and Its Defects include amnesia. He can be good with weapons.
• Narrator Wendy wants to create a character in the control group for it, she d
oes not want this "extra" overshadow the magicians of his players, so she decide
s to leave the concept of the character at random. A draft linear three-card res
ults in the following: The Star, the Seven of questioning, and the Page of primo
rdialism reversed. Of these letters, she gets these ideas:
Page 13
The draft suggests a female character - two letters have female dominant images;
and the third contains a womb, albeit corrupted. The letter from the body, Star,
means vitality, charisma, creativity and insight. The new acolyte of Wendy (she
does not want the character to be a magician - she will leave that to the playe
rs!) is young, magnetic, enthusiastic, and probably very attractive and in shape
physically. However, it has a very strange month - this card has another supern
atural essence itself. The Seven of questioning bears the image of the autumn br
eeze, this letter suggests courage and value. Wendy decides to make his acolyte
a martial artist, advanced enough to fend for herself in a violent fight. The ho
od damaging the embryo of a Page casts a shadow over the character, even reverse
d, is a scare card. The significance indicates
ssível slide and some pon ent of the truck ho. anduse Nephi One may or may not b
e involved, but un betrayal, lies and a post something in the future of this aco
lyte en nvolverá try traiçã action or will. Following his instincts us, W Wendy
s christens its new pers Sonagi C Cassandra. j The players come dev be advised t
o keep an ol him on it. Sure, this may very suspect ita the lead Cassan nádraí t
o Entire est with ca des sconfiança shaken by them, and this can lead to ressent
iment her to betray them later ... ma s
Character gens No-Jo ogadores
Just as a letter can help a sclarecer es pe c concept ersonagem, and she also po
i ode provide inspiration for a pe ersonalidade in nstantânea e m non-player ch
aracter A. If you prec cisa a con NTAT of Tech nocracia For example, rather mple
smente Standing egue the suit of the Standard and d and choose a ca arta. Natura
lm mind, you can choose to ta ambém er use any other card and it considers most
appropriate riada, or let air that gives you a chance hand and get a letter at r
andom. p You can even pray TOTALLY ignored the image you ee the suit, school olh
endo, the nvés in addition, focus on the meaning of the letter or number in clim
ate criad of the text.
• Wen ndy needs and another NPC pa ara temper his game. She picks a random e rta
car gets the Seven and Prim mordialismo. I This suggests a Nephandus m, s, f bo
th mascu Ulin as female, which is a figure Umbria somewhat sound, but that and a
ppears t times when you EMPOS for you entar characters with p promises, riq Quez
ada, honeycomb ores, s sexual pleasures or co Do you know of, all hoping to corr
upt them and recruit them and p for Nep phandi.
Later, she needs an agent of the Technocracy and the demand po or an idea in the
suit of Pa ADRA. She Six schools look to be the ba ase loved his age, he is a y
oung philanthropic rópico m jealous and Attention , who believe that the edits w
ere being Ma wings need of protection and guidance of Technocracy d a. He is a c
a avalheiro the blonde, the dark clothes in a tailor-made s, who works with an e
fficient viewer benef ins stitution in pe eriferias levan ndo helping the poor.
Wend dy calls him and Brother Joshua. The Standing ersonagens po di odem confuse
s it with a magician the Celestial Choir - he's right mind wandering and the ste
reotypical Tecnomante!
And the plots and subplots
You can us the letters p sar to suggest itineraries and subt plots, to be the on
ly draw cards and cons Siderar im mages and their meanings or putting a pattern
and a direction of adivinhand pa ara his rote eiro. If ima Agens , the symbol an
d meaning are not the n q that you want already, try sar pens in terms of the le
tters and numbers and no suits. If you take the Fourth of Dynamism, or example p
o, po rec u can u use both Siderar ilustrad act of persona, using a mere four, P
age 14
Marausa relate to or emphasize a script that deals with air. Any or all of these
elements can be mined for nuggets of story ideas.
For examples of more elaborate scripts, see the linear and circular runs given u
p. Using a single card drawn at random to suggest plots and subplots for you, th
e Narrator takes the Page of Default. Possible developments suggested in this le
tter include: • • • The characters meet and interact with one Tecnomante woman.I
t can be an engineer of the Void, possibly by Karen Brewster (see B-Null in The
Book of chantries). A woman who the characters are introduced to a new kingdom o
r manipulate them to get in Null-B or some type of Construct technocracy, where
they are captured. The characters are placed in a position that allows them to h
elp rescue an engineer Vacuum unhappy with it and escape into space.
These ideas are more obvious. Others may lead to the Globe in your hands. It cou
ld be some strange new weapon Technocratic • A surveillance system? A United Umb
ral trapped in the crystal and brought to Earth? How about the meteor? Really ju
st a shooting star, or Marausa came here? Let your imagination flow without cont
Unexpected Developments
Likewise, the cards can provide instant inspiration to deal with developments in
the history snapshots. They can suggest places where the characters can go, or
a person who the characters are about an item or information they obtained. This
may lead to the chronic a totally new direction or allow a brief interlude, and
then a return to the main plot.
• You thought, sure, they steal the limousine that was parked at the curb. They
did that and now are stuck in an alley facing six NA sights seen. "At the top, a
team of Technocracy waits in his helicopter to see if the NA Miras will do the
trick. The whole scene is becoming the biggest fiasco. What do you do? You invok
e the unexpected. A letter taken Unveils Five Pattern.
The obvious scenario suggested by this letter is to transform a scene of capture
. For some reason, the Technocrats want the characters alive. In custody, they c
an learn something important, or know a non-player character useful. They can al
ways try to escape. Another interpretation could be that someone very powerful i
s protecting the rear of them, that someone will make a maneuver to help them wh
en all seems lost. But it may nevertheless require some service in return.
Spirits & Effects
Let the cards provide you with ideas for creating spirits, family and residents
of the Umbra. Let the pictures determine how NPCs react to various characters, e
specially if the characters simulate some behavior. Realms doors turning may see
m like the scenarios of standard letters or can contain these scenes within them
. The images, symbols and meanings need not be taken literally. Feel free to pla
y with them and combine them in different ways. Page 15
Looking for a spirit Umbral, Wendy takes a random card to give you inspiration.
She gets the progenitor of the Standard, which features a man named Montego Diaz
-Quetzalcoatl. She decides that the Umbróide be some kind of spirit that resembl
es the Mesoamerican Quetzalcoatl and lives in a Kingdom of abundant crops. Becau
se of
nature and meaning of the letter, spirit probably would do so paternalistic and
authoritarian with the characters.
Unpredictable elements
The Magi live in a constant state of unpredictability. Let the letters to create
unpredictable effects for them. They can suggest ideas for the manifestation of
a reaction Paradox, or as the spirit of paradox looks or whatever. The cards ca
n be used as templates for construction of episodes of Silence, or as means to e
scape or overcome Kingdoms Paradoxes Silence.
• The character Simone, Jane, too blatantly used the Sphere of Forces as a weapo
n, and, moreover, in front of Sleeping. A spirit of paradox appears to take her
to a United Paradox. Looking for inspiration for both the spirit and to the King
dom, Wendy takes the Five of dynamism. It describes the spirit as a biker big, t
ough, wiry, with a terrible club with nails. Simone is dragged into a kingdom wh
ere she must flee from enemies who always excel, no matter as they appear weak.
They are always brutal and direct,chasing her for dead-end-scary. Simone should
find that you need subtlety, even of tricks to defeat them. The direct combat ne
ver free.
Effects Coincident
This advanced option is best applied to groups very experienced. The cards can b
e used by both the Narrator and the players to create opportunities for magical
effects coincide. Using a card drawn by the Narrator or delivered to the player
early in the session, the character could take the meaning or the image of the c
ard and use that element as a model for a point more coincidental. Literally, it
would be as if the magician "launch it," fishing ideas on how to do spells less
obvious to create a scenario where the magic seems coincidental because it fits
the image of the letter. This option is more difficult to achieve than others b
ecause it requires cooperation between players and the Storyteller to create the
opportunity illustrated by the letter. The Storytellers should feel free to ban
such effects or consider them vulgar if the player is too far. Example: • Fleei
ng from agents of Technocracy through the streets of New Orleans, Kathryn, a you
ng Verbena, is running out of options. The Sleepers are everywhere, and she can
not stop to draw blood or use any magic effective against their persecutors with
out having dozens of witnesses non-Awake. Still, she must do something. She asks
the narrator whether there is something going on nearby that could help her. We
ndy takes a letter, the Six of primordialism. It turns out that this card can ac
tually be helpful. Wendy announced that later on in the park on Bayou St. John,
Kathryn can see a big voodoo ritual in progress. Fortunately, Kathryn runs up th
ere, get a skull full of blood and begins to deliver the music. The agents rush
to her. She plays the blood in their eyes and utilizes Sphere of Life to let the
m blind for some time.
To have used the guise of playing blood in their eyes under circumstances where
Sleepers expect some strange events, the crowd had an explanation for why agents
are blind - if not even noticed what happened in the middle of the wild ritual.
The spirits did it, or was it just something really terrible in the blood? Anyw
ay, Katrhyn succeeded blindness-with matching blood as magic (instead of a commo
n effect of "I move my hand, and they are blind), and facilitates his escape.
Rites of Passage
The Tarot is essentially a tool for learning where we discover things about ours
elves. When a mage wants to increase its value to Arete, he must go through some
type of ordinance. The cards can be very
Page 16
useful in providing ideas for ordinances, rites of passage, Searches, learning e
xperiences, and other journeys of self-knowledge. Complete Prints are recommende
d when using the cards for this purpose.
• 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To mount a search, Wendy uses a circulation of Celtic Cross as
inspiration. The inquirer is the Knight of the Standard because the character is
a young Progenitor of black hair. In order, the cards are: Covering: Three Patt
ern - The search will involve persistence to get something. It can be physical,
but not necessarily. Cross: The Wizard - The wizard can be your worst enemy, or
someone may be hindering your spiritual advancement. This hurdle must be overcom
e. Base: Standard Eight - The reason for the search for the magician. He may fee
l inadequate or unable to progress, and is fighting it. Near Future: Nine of Inq
uiry - The magician should be alert and anticipate the challenges that face. Rec
ent past: Ginearca of primordialism, inverted - This influence can mean a last l
etter motivating and leading cross the future. It may be the cause of the opposi
tion, or it may represent the very perversity within the magician and the fear o
f committing to the search. Far Future: progenitor of Inquiry - A meeting with a
uthority is indicated. Some sort of ruler or leader is an obstacle to be overcom
e.Personal fears: The Devil, reversed - There are two levels here. Fears persona
l involve not recognize the time to act, be paralyzed by indecision. Or, on anot
her level, the magician fears the forces arrayed against him, probably Nephandi.
External Influences: Justice - Friends or society may require the magician to a
ct appropriately and make the right decisions, and justifying their choices. The
y can judge what the magician does. In another sense, they may be potential mate
s, the letter suggests that a Brother Akashic can become an ally. Ideals and Obj
ectives: The Emperor, reversed - The magician hopes to meet in some way to searc
h without assuming the responsibilities to which he does not consider itself pre
pared. He may have to overcome someone in authority, perhaps dethrone him to obt
ain wisdom. upshot: The Fool reversed - The end result is a loss of innocence of
the magician and a free spirit as the price for growth in wisdom. To gain some
dreams, you must sacrifice another.
6. 7.
The reading indicates some direct conflict with the Nephandi. Its influence corr
upts someone with authority over the magician. The Construct of the magician or
the Convention may disagree with their actions, and may even undermine what he's
trying to do. In the end, he must have the courage to remove the authority of h
is way - possibly a teacher or mentor, someone he trusted in the past - and in s
o doing, gain wisdom, but lose their innocence.
Page 17

Chapter Two: The Major Arcana

O ye wise men of God in the holy fire, As in a golden mosaic mural, Teach me to
sing, yet letting the fire, bolt upright in turn. - W. B. Yeats, "Sailing to Byz
The 22 letters that make up the Major Arcana are the heart of the Tarot. Togethe
r, the letters illustrate the passage of the soul of unformed possibility for co
nsciousness informed. The richness of these letters contain symbols that creates
a visual plot threads woven by the unconscious collective. strangely familiar i
conography of the cards talks to the imaginations of poets, dreamers, storytelle
rs, craftspeople, the will and truth seekers.
Page 18

The reveler 0 6
Meaning: Possibility Courage, Ex Ecstasy, expressed at Creative, The ssume risks
, Trust, Es scolha, adven ura Inverted: Es stagnação, Exc centricity, Folly, d L
ack of Attention, In ndiscrição Association: The Marausa FAOS: Cob with berto v
vests expe eriência dead al conscia ence and spirituality al, d the child's drea
m is and balances on the edge of the area alidade physics, angencies open to ope
n to the possibility oda ade. Your sword will repo manifested in his bold tranqü
ilamen nte om mbro because the m and moment of choice has not arrived yet.
6 The English fo ool, lat. Fol Llisa, is 'bellows (of fire and blow the f) the b
ellows of the forge; ada cushions or beams sseiro wind' in the sense of "head-to
-d wind" .
Page 19
I The Magician
Significance: Will the communication, Inherent Ability, Mem ory, the clarity of
pensame ents and sensation, organizing action, invention, originality and Invert
ed: Fr raqueza, Indec split Association: The Fans Virtu hat "What else is mounte
d into a vo the projection of power n the world of m matter? "With an act of m p
c conscious thought, Dante takes aa wand Q Prime, fec Chando and the link betwe
en the energy that gives the the power of acting and the ma fuckin Releases on t
he table before him n the world. The basic ver es based on their esejos - the Es
s sences Primor rdial, Question nator, dynamics and P Standard - account itself
as the magic eight balls and Restany efore, the key p for cement conhec opens th
em all. The infinite hovers, crowned above it. The Re ealidade, virtu ual or not
, eg ertence him.
Page 20

II The High P presbytera 7

Meaning: Intuition Lighting, Sen nsatez, Indep RENDS, Med dictation, Growth Rate
action, knowing ence, Mystery, the Interior Lighting Inverted: Do you know of C
o F False, Superfici confidentiality,Arro ogância Mae Roberts s, the guardian of
the secret trail ta, sits to the side of the Agu uas conscia ence. To us their
feet, the reflex xo moon recalls the truths of s occupied ultas visible only to
their s inter view in on oneself. Abraçand of the symbol d of cosmic memory, it
saves the country ssagem between light and to blacken uridão the dream and the r
7 Priest, i in English, derived u prob., Lat presbyter tim r, i.
Page 21

III Impe eratriz

Meaning: Fertility Wisdom, M-Mother Earth, Pro ofecia, d Love of Nature and Esse
nce Spires ritual, healing, Cu ultivo, Emotion, Creation, Cycles, Equilibrium c,
Fe ertilidade, Con ntentamento Inverted: Es sterile, obrez Po, the inaction, th
e Disruption, Destruction Association: Verbena
vii Heasha eira Dawn Clare v feels the flux xo ital saw the magic in it. It incl
udes aa river water d of life, blood on their lives and the liquid in the calder
a uid nascim shall treat ment and reborn cement. Sent Tada on the throne under t
he tree-of-world growth f ro odeada fertile and m thick jungle of the mind ive o
nsciente, it opens you see through the wand the moon for the the female principl
e of the cyclical movement íclico. Through their açõe s es , life emerges respla
nde ecent in their variety.

Page 22

IV Impe erador
Meaning: Government Leadership, oder Po, s Decisions, Action, Nego ociação, Insp
ir rations and Motivation of the other, Strength, Resp chest Foundation will, se
lf-assertion, P Fatherhood, M Mastery, right in Reverse: Im maturity, Su ubordin
ação, Tyranny Association: Order of Her rmes Lord of reason, Caeron n Müstair, s
afety blade ura q symbolizing the power of su ua tion at will, walk commands the
forces of nature's physical and prays an nimal. Relentlessly ble against darkne
ss, the light of its integrated electo heats the solid mo ontanhas logic that er
vem like I b battle field.
Page 23

V The Hiero Ofanto 8

Meaning: Morality Learning, Education, Teaching, Edora know, the Holy rado, Init
iator r, Challenge, With mpromisso, In ntenção, Focus, Spirit, Memory, m resolut
ion, The Guidance, Co ouncil, ormidade Conf, Soc ety, orthodox orthodoxy Inverte
d: redulidade Cr, Na to-orthodoxy, not-cocky tional Association: Heavenly Choir
l Dress ritualized rently only the traditions and pres s orthodox faith of the r
uler oo convince tion reflects the secrets of the cosmic mind d f in forms palat
able ables. Sitting on the throne at the point of balance between opposites to l
l tos, or revealed the secret to the conheciment pos ssui keys for eres can thin
k of mind acquainted loved and unconsciously aware.
8 gr. Hier OS, or bone, ón '' sacred, sant to, divine '
Page 24

VI Lib The entities 9

Meaning: The Attraction then we relate (est tar is being referenced), the Curios
idad, Loyalty, C Comprometim ment, Passion, Union, Dual age, Yin / Yang, Sin nce
ridade, Fra anqueza, sensitivity, Inte egração, Equal ldade, Roman nce, the Inve
rted Harmony: Re epulsa Membership: Cult of Ecstasy bathe and emanaçõ s a m grea
ter cosmic power, aquecid rgias of the radiant energy of sunlight es r revitaliz
ing, they seek the union of the opposites. oo I and other, al carnival and spiri
tual, mystery and d conheciment to bear fruit only in the intim ardim ja sa amor
os ance. Unveiled the one to the other, Ama before walking the path of the sense
s to the harmonious interior onia e exterior.
Of the nine English lover, who re andmounted in the P * Leuba "to impose PIE bh-
rtar, desire, love," which derives from the Portuguese and the po et (et libe la
ter), and libuit lubìtum est, lub bere not have desired ejo of, er pleased, plea
sing, 'ee-do antepositivo libid impes. nte lube "that shows good po mount
ed into tud in the making, the affable, kind el" how the cultism Liben
Page 25

VII Carr Ruages

Meaning: Triumph Change, M Movement, Cre escimento,Ev volution, Progr resonant,
timely, Community, Explor ration, Travel m, Stimulation, Activity, Promotion, C
Conquest, For rtaleza against temptation Inverted: From Errota, Collapse so, Rev
enge Association: Sons of Ether r In m-celestial chariot pria and prop creation,
created atr raves union of science with a magic m unificad of all, the Boy-Fogu
uete takes place entr s re explorad the pain of possible stable. The triumph of
mind under bre matter, will on the inside and the outside world, think pod der
ment about the limits of re s ealidade conse ensual - all these things are s and
t in the expression of co ocheiro work, the eternal wheel travels d of telluriu
m. It controls the for Orcas adas balances of all worlds.
Page 26

VIII Force
Meaning: Strength Passion, creative ness, Assum mir Risks, Ca Arismar, Radian sh
ow, Regeneration, are Express, Dons, Don mini, overcome fears, Simplicity, and s
trong faith, Con nfiança in pr róprias skilled activities, Trust NCA uncondition
ality , Int institution, Domin nation, Harmony. Inverted: Fr raqueza, Abuse, Dis
cord, C Corruption Fú Uria The Virilobo: Buoyed by their passions F s, m confide
nt in his spiritual power and he faces it ados e bestial corrupt natur your pray
ers, bringing them to the full with his harmon nia I super ior. What is wild and
ee unconscious and becomes the source of his creative mind u hugs and gentle, e
ven when the roses fade caved in through m to decay . The audacity brings freedo
m and and confidence and on their own es sary skills.
Page 27

IX Erem mita
Meaning: Fullness Guidance, Insight, C Contemplation,, Experience, Detail, Reve
elation, Integr authority, relating ito, Leadership, Transitions, Discovery, S W
isdom, Ins struction, Ment I open Color mirage, Search Inverted: Im maturity, To
olic Association: The Halos 10 v viii Wearing the robes expl lorador, he egura
aloft the light of verda ade, lighting the way for others to see the travelers t
hrough the bitter OITE d ignorance. . He walked the trail to u pa c wisdom in si
lence and contemplation. . Now he's ready to lead the mighty p towards the un co
mfortable exchang ing the ade with wisdom.
10 Empty, hollow them.
Page 28

X Circle of the Fortuna

Meaning: Target of Opportunity, a plot twist, of Prosperidad, abundance would, E
xpansion, Flexibility, Originality, Pioneer, Fortune, and the Challenge, Sync ch
ronicity, D Fate, Chance,, Luck, Inverted Cycles: Az Zar Association: The Wheel
turns Euthanatos . The chambers revolve st. Life and death to its exec cutam dan
ce movements; ment u in perpetual progress only towards Ascension. Po or behind
the mask of evil perso aquifer, the eternal expatriate and I walk her limited it
es seeking forms ma s high, the more perfect. Cause and made efe m become a cycl
e in the circunstance tions of the existence ncia.
Page 29

XI a Justiça
Meaning: the J Justice Alignment, Balance, the R Realignment, Truth, Cl larity,
Simp plification, Ord dem, Authenticity, View, Seeing i atr raves of lies and il
lusions, Inverted Harmony: Inj justice, Partnership ality, unjust age, prejudice
d cept Association: Brotherhood Ak káshica Framed trip inside the septic mind yo
u, body and esp pyrite, Ferocious Eagle F raises the dua and sword blades of Jus
tice. Guided by knowledge of the balance, the master of the mind seeks first ve
the erdade integer or from which his actions flow.
Page 30

XII Cun nctado 11

Meaning: Perspective rendering, Qu uebra gos of old patterns, R Resolution, Lib
bertação lim mitações the self-imposed budget Fo-vital unlimited ITAD, and Stand
ing Postures ROSPECTS diff ifferent, Avig necessarily privileges, the spiritual
wisdom rofunda pr, creative tivity , Intelligent igência, Profe ECIA Inverted: P
r reoccupation, arrogance, Ab bsorção, Indec split Membership: The Paradox Appea
rance: He is suspected enso front of the gates that separate the m and d physica
l world of the Shadowlands of the soul. Private the all touch with the cont ma s
tick,he did not conform more with the limitations of his existence and went. Onl
y desvencilhan ing debris from s de identidad he can discover the pro ofundezas
the knowledge of c which surg turn your new default, and t become transcendent.
the cunctor, Aris, ATUS sum, arid 'te emporizar, tar rdar, linger, hesita
te,' just hang the origin of English, and that ed, tar entities of "su uspender,
hang, hold so also be the direction of er, "VSR form ae hange cunct here is on
to hang himself.
Page 31

XII Death and

Meaning: Renewal Liberation, D Desprendimen nt (more prec cisely detachment), Tr
ans sformação, Es ssence espirit tual blameless, s awareness and expanded in mer
gence, Pa arto, Restruct URATION Cycles, s, Rebirth, Change Inverted: Iné Erci,
Transfo ormation Association: Vampire; Avig necessarily privileges Game of Death
and the vid is played and draws the curtain of mystery that conceals the joint
q Do you know of past and future. Among the plays she adores, the rose of desire
sur rge . The renewal has mu uitas tion forms; both the seductive call of the u
ndead d imortai is as po oder transform Märklin Avig necessarily privileges the
emerging m sea investigation ieto vel and insatiable spirit.
Page 32

XIV Temp perança

Meaning: The Adaptation Integration, Synergy S, White Balance Librio between pa
aradox, marriage to, would experience, Conflict resolution, Symmetry S, Combinat
ions, m Alchemy, Temperament,, Dream, the Vision, Implementation, Adaptation, C
Coordination, Reverse Self-Control : Co ompetição, Mutation Association: Technoc
racy Golconda: El le point lies in equ uilíbrio between the peaks of SAB and Bed
ore and understanding, in the end - or not at the beginning - the track. ulot Sa
u transcend all and gave litantes conflicting emotions, integ grating ible and t
he invisible visible, l, s hitting the synthesis of past and future, es spirit a
nd matter. ncia Tempe erandi the essences of life c with the flow of the vision
and being conscia unconscious, he resolves to ny PARAD doxos.
Page 33

XV Diab bo
Meaning: the Slavery Materialism, Fetters, If ensação, Conf merger will Tentaçã,
will Degradation, Dominaçã will Inverted: En ntendimento, Healing, Freedom, Ind
ecision,, Joy, Hedon agency, Centra ality, Sensuality, Sexuality, Resonance uu,,
Power Association: The Worm 12; Nephandi Those who serve the esp and pyrite fro
m corru uption aquel les combatants who tie their influ uence penetrates ante ig
u ualmente are caught in the tentacles s destructive selves. Both natur prays an
imal qu ow many Intelig human vergence ments are subject to the myriad temptatio
ns t, pre esos us the limitations of his own esejos. Penetrates Sun air in your
determination on the illusory world is the pr IRST step toward the release of it
s domain and Others
From 12 wyrm, c c common origin with the verm me.
Page 34

XVI The Tor rre

Meaning: Purification Ambition, Res stauração, Re enovação Mu hange, Reestr rutu
ração, Avigiar, Healing, Ex xpansão, Aute entice, Construction, Design, Align in
ation Inverted: the Rev. prison, Conflict, Ca catastrophic damage, Rom mpimento,
Worry Association: AA Chantra ix No To orre constructed based on actions bear f
alse po pa ode energy brut ta tion of purification. fortalez za The ivory intell
igence cia, the pride and ambition of Chantra sa, c citadel lone aria side and I
isol cons struct pa apel world mate erial m become targets for destruction pa.
Played in J i d dimensions of uncertainty, aquatic ueles who lived in ignorance
must face a new one with r I measure.
Page 35

XVII The Star

Meaning: Inspiration Confidence, Self Esteem, T Talent, Orient tation Express ar
e the Innovation, Creativity, and Radiance, M Manifestation, charisma, the magne
tism, Instinct, Rea Demoralization, White Balance Librio internal spontaneity ad
e, Vitalidad of, Nature, And Hope, Int trospecção, Inverted Importance: Te eimos
ia, poor mismo, Doubt,Excess Association: Meditation Umbra: Ce arket Umbral r ra
diant energy, the maiden erna d ete pour the waters of the GAC to inspire the fe
ed into the well of inspiration, the spills ee es ssence of cin n nco senses in
the body of Te Land, revitalizes walk much matter quan ent spirit. The Phoenix M
edit nic, but the dam stint ins and alm indestructible ma ble, d rises manifesta
tions of will of Nature za vital, spontaneous, towards the illusion of uminação
heavenly light l su uperior.
Page 36
XVIII in Lun
Meaning: Intuition and femininity, of Receptividad, Reflection, Mystery, Enig GM
AS, ce Romance, Madness, A Revelation of Fins n verd nature Inverted: En nganaçã
o, Per rigo, Insanidad of, Illusion Association: Silence; Apre endizado inter ri
or She nte surrenders completely to the charm of being unconsciously. d The real
m of dreams and makes a personal sadelo. Drowning in the blood of beasts wo su i
nte eriores she af founded in silent bliss of insanity d e. Or is she and emergi
ng, re Enova by its plunge into the depths sixteen viewing the imaginary v turni
ng the trails are double criad of the blades of the matter and spirit toward the
higher consciousness aa vada?
Page 37

XIX The Sun l

Meaning: Release Collaboration,, m working in a team, Parc ceria, cooperate acti
on, Energy Unlimited, For RCA-vital Gera action will Motivation, Incentives, Exu
berance,, the Organization, Visions shared comp, Ex xploração, Renovation, Build
ing C , innovation tion, the Achievement, Success, Achievement Inverted: Re etro
cesso, Exa austão, Empties ning, weakening warming Association: The Sun Rise: Gl
lorificado on his conscience de ce newly scoberta, esp Pirithous iluminad of m
has no more need ade of old symbols of tradition or t s toys that had marked his
progre am esso through it the world mat rial. As the sunflowers they saw su wo
faces to the sun that gives life, the child is naked levan nta without med's and
full of joy, jard in dim light eternal.
Page 38

XX Judge ment
Meaning: Meeting Avigiar, Cons ness, Disco ernimento, Jul lgamento, Per rcepção,
Intro ospecção, Evaluation, Integration, Demonstration of the Inverted: M Death
, will Desilusã, Loss, Crít tica, Mania and Judging Association: Avatar The Apoc
alypse: L and released from their desente Ventures is EPAR, the s sons of Gai wo
uld unite and transform t. transcendent li ndo all imitations, the spirit and pe
rception ptivo reaches aa eternity. Called a new pair ra Avigiar, they ascend in
the mystery v , tor rnando become one with the cons CIENCE univer al.
Page 39

XXI Gaia
Meaning: Achievement Reward, Freedom, Fullness P, Tota ality, Holism, Completion
, Integration, Unification, Awareness, Vision, Mode CV Environment Inverted: Pr
reguiça, inconclusive, Limitation tion, Constraint,, Association Disclaimer: The
tellurium Vision became reality. Centered within the constituencies ulo d all q
u ue is the cosmic dance creates as much defines itself. Gaia is endless, always
mutd hazel, the mirror of self-consciousness cia perce EBID all the inside and
outside the Her. The promise is fulfilled, and and the world is torn nou m ateri
als with the spiritual one.
Page 40

Chapter Three: Questioning (Sticks / Traditions / Fire)

The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.
Surely some revelation is at hand - W. B. Yeats, "The Second Coming"
Questioner Essence embodies the quest for perfection. The association of this su
it with the traditions and their tracks toward Ascension decided reflects the fo
cus of individual letters. In traditional Tarot, this is the suit of Wands, symb
olic of the creative ability of the magician to transform reality according to h
is inner vision. His elemental attribute is Fire, the definitive source of trans
mutation and purification. Virtue: Creativity, Energy, Diversity Addiction: Cari
ng, Pride, Obsession Element: Fire (seen by some as Air) Season: spring
Page 41

Ace of questioning and n

Meaning: Birth Creativity, Self-realization tion, questioning, Green Community,F
orce saw ital po ode not be contained, Avigiar, "Being" d S Inverted: Fa Also be
ginning, The Gap sas All things are born from the flames of imagination. For the
norm formally ski uecidos s Tradition mages lost, Esf union of beasts, the crea
tion of the united ade and the dance of the Standing erpétua fo orcas are opposi
ng points of doctrine, not of n assumption. incan ndescente OO bush, the phoenix
f r always refreshing and the explosion that sin ce elestial vidualised the pri
nciple of the solar system r are just rando reverb and echoes the spirit of the
flames or Investigated.
Page 42

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