BEE Course CLOs-2k16

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Course Number and Title: EN- 115 Basic Electronic Engineering.

Credit Hours: 3+1

Pre Requisite Basic Electronic Engineering
Instructor (s): Engr. Muhammad Faraz
Lab Engineer: Engr. Soma Qureshi
Compulsory/Elective: Compulsory
If Elective: Depth Core/ Engg. Foundation
Breadth Core:

Course Schedule: Lecture: 3 hours/week

Lab: 3 hours/week
Office hours: 2 hours/week

Course Assessment: Assignments: 4

Quizzes: 4
Course project: 1
Lab work: 14 Experiments
Exams: Mid-Semester and Final

Grading Policy: Quizzes: 20%

Mid-Semester: 30%
End-Semester: 50%

Text Book: Thomas Floyd, “Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices, and Applications,”
Seventh Edition, 2005, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131278274.

Reference Book(s): Albert Malvino and David J Bates, “Electronic Principles,” Seventh Edition,
2007, Mcgraw-Hill, ISBN: 9780070634244.

Robert Paynter, “Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits: Electron Flow

Version,” Seventh Edition, 2006, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131716395.

Course Objective: Introduce the basic concepts of electronics and electronic devices including
diodes, transistors, transistor biasing, rectifiers, and amplifiers.

Course Learning Outcome CLO Statement PLO Bloom

CLO-1: To disseminate the basic concepts of electronics , P-N
PLO-1 C1
Junction and its working principles
CLO-2: To develop the understanding of electronic devices and their
PLO-2 C2

Topics covered in the  Introduction to semiconductor devices 3 hours

course and level of  Types of diodes. 3 hours
coverage:  Applications of diodes. 3 hours
 Bipolar junction transistor. 9 hours
 Transistor biasing configurations. 9 hours
 Field-effect transistor. 9 hours
 Detailed Contents CLO PLO
Program learning outcomes Introduction to semiconductor devices (the P-N junction) CLO-1 PLO-1
and how they are covered Types of diodes: Schottky diode, Zener diode, Tunnel diode, CLO-1 PLO-1
by specific course Varactor diode, LED, Laser diode.
outcomes: Applications of diodes: Half- and Full waver rectifiers, CLO-1 PLO-1
clipper and clamper circuits, voltage multipliers
Operation of transistor, NPN and PNP transistors, unbiased CLO-2 PLO-2
Transistor biasing configurations: Common Emitter, CLO-2 PLO-2
Common Base, Common Collector.
DC biasing of a transistor, static characteristics, DC circuit CLO-2 PLO-2
analysis, load line, operating point and bias stabilization.
Transistor as an amplifier.
FET biasing techniques: Common Drain, Common Source CLO-2 PLO-2
and Common Gate, Fixed bias and Self-bias configurations,
Voltage divider biasing
Universal JFET bias curve CLO-2 PLO-2
Darlington pair CLO-2 PLO-2

Mapping of CLOs with PLOs and Bloom’s Taxonomy Cognitive Levels:

PLO 1 2
CLO-1 C1
CLO-2 C2

Mapping of CLOs with Assessment Methods:

CLOs/Assessment CLO-1 CLO-2
Quizzes: √ √
Mid-Semester: √
End-Semester: √

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