Circuit Analysis 1 (EEEB 113)
Circuit Analysis 1 (EEEB 113)
Circuit Analysis 1 (EEEB 113)
Course Description : This course introduces the basic knowledge and understanding of
electrical D.C. resistive circuits, circuit analysis techniques, ideal
operational amplifier (op-amp) and transient and step responses
for first and second orders circuits.
Course Outcomes PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
a b c a b a b C a b c a b a b a b a b c a b
1. Able to identify basic circuit
elements and quantities, and X
understand the fundamental
circuit laws (KVL, KCL, Ohms
Law, Voltage and Current
2. Able to apply the
fundamental circuit laws in X
solving circuit problems
3. Able to identify nodal
analysis and mesh analysis
4. Able to apply nodal analysis
and mesh analysis in solving X
circuit problems
5. Able to apply circuit
theorems (Superposition,
Source Transformation,
Thevenins Theorem, Nortons X
Theorem and Maximum Power
Transfer) in solving circuit
6. Able to understand the
basic principle of an ideal op-
amp and apply the X
characteristics in solving op-
amp circuit problems
7. Able to distinguish between
first order (RC and RL) and X
second order (RLC) circuits
8. Able to determine the
response of first order and X
second order D.C. circuits
Course Outcomes:
Assessment-Course Outcomes Matrix:
No Assessments 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
. CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO5 CO6 CO7 CO8
1 Test 1 X X X X
2 Test 2 X X
3 Assignments / X X X X
4 Final Exam X X X X X X
PO Emphasis:
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 Total
Current Coverage (%) 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100
Bloom's Coverage:
Program Outcomes
PO Students graduating from the Bachelor of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (BEEE) and
No. Bachelor of Electrical Power Engineering (BEPE) and Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
(BME) programmes will have the ability to:
PO Statements Sub-attributes
Apply fundamental knowledge of a) Comprehend the fundamental knowledge of
mathematics, science and mathematics, science and electrical/computer &
electrical/computer & communication communication engineering (C1,C2)
engineering principles in solving complex b) Apply fundamental knowledge of mathematics, science
problems and electrical/computer & communication engineering
WA1 (WK1-WK4) principles in solving engineering problems (C3, C4)
c) Solve complex engineering problems by
relating/incorporating fundamental knowledge of
mathematics, science and electrical/computer &
communication engineering principles. (C5,C6)
Identify, formulate, analyse and solve a) Identify, formulate and solve electrical/computer &
complex electrical/computer & communication engineering problems (C3, C4)
PO2 communication engineering problems b) Evaluate and synthesize the solution to complex
WA2 (WK1-WK4) electrical/computer & communication engineering
problems (C5,C6)
Program Outcomes
Design solutions for complex a) Illustrate solutions for electrical/computer &
electrical/computer & communication communication engineering problems with appropriate
engineering problems that meet specific consideration for public health and safety. (C3, C4)
needs with appropriate consideration for b) Illustrate solutions for electrical/computer &
PO public health and safety, culture, society, communication engineering problems with appropriate
PO3 and environment. consideration for culture, society, and environment.
WA3 (WK5) (C3, C4)
c) Propose solutions for complex electrical/computer &
communication engineering problems that meet specific
needs with appropriate consideration for public health
and safety, culture, society, and environment. (C5,C6)
Conduct investigations, interpret data a) Use research methods for collecting data (C1, C2)
and provide conclusions in investigating b) Analyse and interpret data using engineering
complex problems related to principles and appropriate techniques (C3,C4)
PO4 electrical/computer & communication c) Design & evaluate solutions to complex engineering
engineering problems by employing research methods and data
WA4 (WK8) interpretation skills (C5,C6)
Create appropriate techniques, select a) Usage of modern tools to execute electrical/computer &
resources, and apply modern engineering communication engineering activities (P1,P2)
PO5 tools to execute complex engineering b) Manipulation of modern tool to execute complex
activities engineering activities (P3,P4)
WA5 (WK6)
Apply reasoning in assessing societal, a) Apply reasoning in assessing societal, legal and
health, safety, legal and cultural issues cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice (C3, C4)
relevant to professional engineering b) Apply reasoning in assessing health and safety issues
PO6 practice and the consequent responsibilities relevant to
WA6 (WK7) professional engineering practice (C3, C4)