Horizontal Directional Drilling
Horizontal Directional Drilling
Horizontal Directional Drilling
Are there
environmental risks?
HDD is chosen as a construction
The length of time needed for technique to reduce or avoid
drilling depends on the distance environmental impact. As with any In some unusual situations,
of the underground drill; the construction process, however, HDD attempts to complete directional
geology; the pipeline’s diameter; is not 100% risk-free. drilling may not be successful. In
and, the progress of drilling the event this occurs, Enbridge may
operations. Sometimes, drilling Normally, the drilling mixture of
need to propose and seek permits
can be completed in just a few water and bentonite clay remains
for alternative ways to cross the
weeks. Other times it may take a within the tunnel, including the
area using traditional construction
few months to complete. Advanced surface entry and exit points, as
techniques and implement
planning can provide an estimated it circulates during drilling. This
appropriate environmental
completion time for any specific maintains the tunnel’s shape.
protection measures
drill site. These timetables, However, the drilling mud can inconsultation with designated
however, can be affected by sometimes surface elsewhere environmental agencies.
unforeseen conditions. through natural cracks or voids
in subsurface soils. This is an
unintended release of drilling mud
referred to as inadvertent return.
Highly specialized construction
technicians using advanced
monitoring equipment along with
visual monitoring watch for potential
problems. Often, the bentonite
mixture itself will seal a hole,
preventing and minimizing seepage.