Horizontal Boring Specification - 02315 PDF

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A. General: The CONTRACTOR shall perform horizontal boring in accordance with the provisions of
this Section. Horizontal boring is defined as trenchless construction techniques that do not involve
personnel entry into the bored excavation for the carrier pipe and casing pipes. The CONTRACTOR
shall determine the best method to employ for horizontal boring. The following factors shall be
considered by the CONTRACTOR in selection of the horizontal boring method:

1. Types of soils anticipated including the percentages of gravels, cobbles, and boulders.
2. Presence of groundwater.
3. Length of the bore.
3. Proximity of existing utilities.
4. Possible impacts on traffic.
5. Space availability for operation of equipment and staging.
6. Required grade and alignment accuracy.
7. Environment conditions and the impact of the method selected on those conditions.
8. Possibility or probability of obstacles in the planned alignment.
9. The type and size of the carrier pipe or casing to be installed.


A. Auger Method: A variation of pipe jacking in which torque transmission to a cutting head and spoil
removal is accomplished by a continuous flight auger. Piping is jacked into the bore behind the
cutting face.

B. Microtunneling: A variation of pipe jacking in which a remotely operated microtunnel boring machine
(MTBM) performs the excavation of the bore hole. The MTBM is articulated, laser guided and
maintains full cutting face control. Piping is continuously jacked behind the MTBM and accurate
grade and alignment are achieved.

C. Horizontal Directional Drilling: A steerable drilling method using pressurized drilling fluid to operate
drill bits via a motor at the head of a drill string. The position of the drill is monitored to excavate the
path of a pilot hole which is subsequently reamed to large diameters for the final process pipe which
is typically pulled into the bore hole.

D. Compaction/Pipe Ramming: Pipe installation methods that use pneumatically-operated moles to

punch through the soil to create a bore hole, or ramming the pipe or casing through the soil for direct

E. Full Face Control: Complete mechanical support of the excavated face at all times.

F. Earth Pressure Balance: Pressure applied to the cutting face equals the pressure of the earth against
the cutting face.

G. Drill String: A series of joined individual pipes which is used to advance the excavation equipment.


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H. Annular Space: The void between the outside diameter of the installed casing pipe and the outer limits
of the bore being excavated for the casing pipe. The annular space also refers to the space between
the casing pipe and the smaller diameter carrier pipe installed within the casing.

I. Pullback: Method of installing piping by pulling it back through a borehole, usually following a drill
string and a reamer to open the bore to a sufficient diameter to accept the pipe.

J. Hydraulic Fracturing: Fractures produced by pressurized drilling fluids or grout in weak or

unconsolidated areas of the soil matrix resulting in excessive fluid loss or upwelling of fluid to the


A. The Work of the following Sections applies to the Work of this Section. Other Sections, not
referenced below, shall also apply to the extent required for proper performance of this Work.

1. Section 02140 Dewatering

2. Section 02200 Earthwork
3. Section 02340 Boring and Jacking
4. Section 02650 Steel Pipe, Lined and Coated
5. Section 02666 Water Pipeline Testing and Disinfection


A. Except as otherwise indicated in this Section, the CONTRACTOR shall comply with the latest
adopted edition of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (SSPWC).

B. CONTRACTOR shall comply with the requirements of the California Administrative Code.

C. Except as otherwise indicated, the current editions of the following commercial standards apply to the
Work of this Section:

1. ANSI/AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code

2. ANSI/AWWA C200 Steel Water Pipe 6 Inches and Larger

3. ASTM A 283 Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength

Carbon Steel Plates

4. ASTM C 150 Specification for Portland Cement

5. ASTM C 869 Specification for Foaming Agents Used in Making

Preformed Foam for Cellular Concrete

6. ASTM D 422 Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils

7. ASTM D 1556 Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place
by the Sand-Cone Method


PAGE 02315-2
8. ASTM D 1586 Test Method for Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling
of Soils

9. ASTM D 2166 Test Method for Unconfined Compressive Strength of

Cohesive Soil

10. ASTM D 2216 Test Method for Laboratory Determination of Water

(Moisture Content of Soil and Rock)

11. ASTM D 2434 Test Method for Permeability of Granular Soils (Constant

12. ASTM D 2487 Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified

Soil Classification System)

13. ASTM D 2937 Test Method for Density of Soil In-Place by the Drive-
Cylinder Method

14. ASTM D 3017 Test Method for Water Content of Soil and Rock in Place
by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth)

15. ASTM D 3080 Test Method for Direct Shear Test of Soils Under
Consolidated Drained Conditions

16. ASTM D 4564 Test Method for Density of Soil in Place by the Sleeve

17. ASTM D 4643 Test Methods for Determination of Water (Moisture) Content
of Soil by the Microwave Oven Method

18. ASTM D 4767 Test Method for Consolidated-Underground Triaxial

Compression Test of Cohesive Soils

19. ASTM D 4829 Test Method for Expansion Index of Soils

20. ASTM D 4944 Test Method for Field Determination of Water (Moisture)
Content of Soil by the Calcium Carbide, Gas Pressure Test

21. ASTM D 4959 Test Method for Determination of Water (Moisture) Content
of Soil by Direct Heating Method

22. ASTM D 5195 Test Method for Density of Soil and Rock In-Place at Depths
Below the Surface by Nuclear Methods

23. ASTM D 5220 Test Method for Water Content of Soil and Rock In-Place
by the Neutron depth Probe Method

24. AWWA C 213 Fusion-Bonded Epoxy Coating for the Interior and Exterior
of Steel Water Pipelines


PAGE 02315-3

A. General: The CONTRACTOR shall submit shop drawings in accordance with the project requirements
and the following. Submittals shall include the following, as applicable:

1. Carrier pipe and casing materials, including the diameter, wall thickness, specifications, relevant
data, and pipe class.

2. Installation schedules for excavation, pipe installation, backfill, grouting, and related horizontal
boring operations.

3. Data on lubricants proposed for installation.

4. Locations, dimensions, and shoring plans and sections for boring and receiving shafts, including
the method of excavating, shoring, bracing the shaft and thrust block design.

5. Manufacturersdata sheets and specifications describing in detail the system to be used.

6. Layout plans.

B. Permits: The CONTRACTOR shall obtain necessary permits from governing agencies having
jurisdiction and furnish two copies to the CITYs designated representative before the start of the

C. Insurance: The CONTRACTOR shall obtain additional insurance that may be required by permits.
Evidence of the insurance coverage shall be submitted to the CITY.

D. Certifications: The CONTRACTOR shall furnish a certified affidavit of compliance for all pipe and
other products or materials furnished under this Section, including physical and chemical properties
of all steel. All expenses incurred in making samples for certification of tests shall be borne by the

E. Qualifications: Horizontal boring shall be performed by a qualified Contractor. The Contractor shall
have successfully completed at least 5 previous horizontal boring operations of similar length and
diameter. The CONTRACTOR shall provide descriptions of similar projects, including references,
where contractor responsible for horizontal boring has successfully used the proposed horizontal
boring system.

F. Submittals for Microtunneling and Auger Boring: The CONTRACTOR shall submit the following
items. Approval of the following submittals shall be obtained before ordering pipe materials or
starting operations:

1. Spoil disposal method, including other materials encountered in the construction and
maintenance of shafts.

2. Maximum anticipated jacking loads and supporting calculations.

3. Methods to control and dispose of groundwater.


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4. Grade and alignment control systems.

5. Intermediate jacking station locations and design.

6. Lubrication and/or grouting system.

7. Plans for monitoring ground surface movement (settlement or heave) due to construction. The
plan shall address the method and frequency of survey measurement. At minimum, the plan
shall measure the ground movement of all structures, roadways, parking lots, and any other areas
of concern within 25 feet on both sides of all microtunneling pipelines at a maximum spacing
of 100 feet along the pipeline route, or as required by the CITY.

8. Annular space grouting plan.

9. Contingency plans for correction of the following potential conditions:

a. Damage to pipeline structural integrity and repair.

b. Loss and return to line and grade.

c. Loss of ground.

10. Procedures to meet all applicable OSHA requirements. These procedures shall be submitted for
a record purposes only and will not be subject to approval by the CITY. At a minimum,
CONTRACTOR shall provide the following:

a. Protection against soil instability and groundwater inflow.

b. Safety for shaft access and exit, including ladders, stairs, walkways, and hoists.

c. Protection against mechanical and hydraulic equipment operations, and for lifting and
hoisting equipment and material.

d. Ventilation and lighting.

e. Monitoring for hazardous gases.

f. Protection against flooding and means for emergency evacuation.

g. Protection of shaft, including traffic barriers, accidental or unauthorized entry, and falling

h. Emergency protection equipment.

i. Safety supervising responsibilities.

G. Submittals for Directional Drilling: The CONTRACTOR shall submit the following items. Approval
of the following submittals shall be obtained before ordering pipe materials or starting operations:


PAGE 02315-5
1. Manufacturersdata sheets and specifications describing in detail the directional drilling system
to be used.

2. Description of similar projects with references on which the proposed system had been
successfully used by contractor/operator.

3. Description of method to contain drilling fluids and to separate and dispose of spoils.

4. Maximum anticipated pulling loads and supporting calculations.

5. Pipe design data and specifications. Include design calculations to account for bending and
pulling stresses expected during construction.

6. Grade and alignment control systems.

7. Contingency plans for correction of the following potential conditions:

a. Inability to complete the pilot hole.

b. Excessive fluid loss or hydraulic fracturing.

c. Inability to pull the pipe.

8. Procedures to meet all applicable OSHA requirements. These procedures shall be submitted for
a record purpose only and will not be subject to approval by the CITY. At a minimum,
CONTRACTOR shall provide the following:

a. Protection against mechanical and hydraulic equipment operations, and for lifting and
hoisting equipment and material.

b. Emergency protection equipment.

c. Safety supervising responsibilities.

H. Submittals for Compaction/Pipe Ramming: The CONTRACTOR shall submit the following items.
Approval of the following submittals shall be obtained before ordering pipe materials or starting

1. Description of method to remove and dispose of spoil.

2. Maximum anticipated jacking loads or impact forces and supporting calculations.

3. Description of methods to control and dispose of groundwater and other materials encountered
in the construction and maintenance of shafts.

4. Shaft dimensions, locations, surface construction profile, depth, method of excavating, shoring,
bracing, and thrust block design.

5. Grade and alignment control equipment.

6. Lubrication and/or grouting system.


PAGE 02315-6
7. Plan for monitoring ground surface movement (settlement or heave) due to the pipe jacking
operation. The plan shall address the method and frequency of survey measurement. At
minimum, the plan shall measure the ground movement of all structures, roadways, parking lots,
and any other areas of concern within 25 feet on both sides of the pipeline alignment at a
maximum spacing of 100 feet along the pipeline route, or as required by the CITY.

8. Contingency plans for correction of the following potential conditions:,

a. Damage to pipeline structural integrity and repair of the pipe.

b. Line and grade outside of tolerance limits.

c. Excessive heave or settlement.

9. Procedures to meet all applicable OSHA requirements. These procedures shall be submitted for
a record purpose only and will not be subject to approval by the CITY. At a minimum,
CONTRACTOR shall provide the following:

a. Protection against soil instability and groundwater inflow.

b. Safety for shaft access and exit, including ladders, stairs, walkways, and hoists.

c. Protection against mechanical and hydraulic equipment operations, and for lifting and
hoisting equipment and material.

d. Ventilation and lighting.

e. Monitoring for hazardous gases.

f. Protection against flooding and means for emergency evacuation.

g. Protection of shaft, including traffic barriers, accidental or unauthorized entry, and falling

h. Emergency protection equipment.

i. Safety supervising responsibilities.

10. Annular space grouting plan.


A. Notification: The CONTRACTOR shall provide a minimum of 3 days advance notice before the start
of excavation or boring operations. No work shall be performed without prior approval from the

B. Welding Requirements: All welding procedures used to fabricate steel casings shall be prequalified
under the provisions of ANSI/AWS D1.1. Welding procedures shall be required for, but not
necessarily limited to, longitudinal and girth or special welds for pipe cylinders, casing joint welds,


PAGE 02315-7
reinforcing plates and grout coupling connections. All welding shall be done by skilled welders,
welding operators, and tackers who have had adequate experience in the type of materials to be used.
Welders shall be qualified under the provisions of ANSI/AWS D1.1 by an independent local,
approved testing agency not more than 6 months before starting work on the casing or pipeline.
Machines and electrodes similar to those used in the Work shall be used in qualification tests. Furnish
all material and bear the expense of qualifying welders.

C. Superintendent: The CONTRACTOR shall also provide an experienced onsite superintendent to

direct the Work. The superintendent shall be onsite throughout the operations and shall have directed
work on at least two previous equivalent installations.


A. Tunnel Classification: Proposed tunnels and bores, in the State of California, of 30-inch diameter
or larger casing pipe must be classified as to their potential of encountering explosive or flammable
gases. The CONTRACTOR shall obtain a preliminary underground classification permit from the
Mine Safety Training Unit of Cal OSHA. Information regarding the classification requirement may
be obtained from the Mine Safety Training Unit.

B. Safety: The CONTRACTORs attention is directed to the safety requirements in the California
Administration Code, Title 8, Chapter 4, Subchapter 20, Tunnel Safety Orders.


A. Subsurface Conditions: The CITY will make available to the CONTRACTOR existing subsurface
information. Additional subsurface investigations deemed necessary by the CONTRACTOR to
complete horizontal boring work shall be conducted at no additional cost to the CITY. Copies of all
additional subsurface reports obtained by the CONTRACTOR shall be provided to the CITY.

B. Subsurface Data: The following subsurface information will affect equipment selection and the
progress and practicality of trenchless excavation. The actual test data required will vary depending
upon the scope of the project soil conditions encountered and trenchless method proposed. Testing
may include but not be limited to the following:

1. Particle-size analysis (ASTM D 422)

2. Soil Classification (ASTM D 2487)
3. Plastic limit (ASTM D 4318)
4. Liquid limits (ASTM D 4318)
5. Plasticity index (ASTM D 4318)
6. Expansion index (ASTM D 4829)
7. Density (ASTM D 1556, D 2937, D 5195, D 4564)
8. Water (moisture) content (ASTM D 4959, D 2216, D 5220, D 3017, D 4643, D 4944)
9. Shear strength: Direct (ASTM D 3080) and Triaxial, C.U. (ASTM D 4767)
10. Unconfined compressive strength (ASTM D 2166)
11. Permeability (ASTM D 2434)
12. Apparent or unconfined soil cohesion.
13. Standard penetration test (ASTM D 1586)
14. Water table depth
15. Nature of fill material
16. Nature of pollutants


PAGE 02315-8
17. Rock type and color
18. Fracture index
19. Rock quality designation (RQD)
20. Core recovery, TCR.

C. Subsurface Test Samples: The CONTRACTOR shall collect subsurface test samples within 20 feet
horizontally of the centerline of the proposed conduit location when practicable. Subsurface samples
shall be collected to a minimum depth of one pipe diameter below the proposed conduit invert
elevation. Test samples shall be collected at a maximum of 300 feet intervals.

D. Utilities: The CONTRACTOR shall conduct an investigation to identify and locate all underground
utilities within 20 feet of each side of centerline of the proposed conduit alignment. Utility location
and depth shall be positively verified by potholing. The CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary
precautions to prevent damage to existing utilities which could result from trenchless excavation
activities. The CONTRACTOR shall give special consideration to gas lines or electric cables by
submitting a report acknowledging the proximity of these utilities and actions to be taken to avoid
damage to them. The CONTRACTOR shall repair, replace, or compensate the respective owners for
any damage to permanent facilities due to negligence or lack of adequate protection. These facilities
include utilities, structures, trees, shrubs and other permanent objects.



A. Steel Carrier Pipe: Except as otherwise specified, steel pipe shall conform to the requirements of
Section 02650 - Steel Pipe, Lined and Coated. The pipe wall thickness and joints shall be designed
to withstand jacking or pulling forces during installation as well as internal and external forces
expected once in service. The pipe shall be round, smooth, and with flush-jointed outer surfaces. The
ends of the pipe shall be perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the pipe with a maximum deviation
of no more than 1/16-inch per foot of pipe diameter, with a maximum of 1/4-inch. Pipe ends shall be
square and smooth so that jacking loads are evenly distributed against the pipe end faces without point
loads when the pipe is jacked.

Carrier pipe for directional drilling shall be lined and coated with fusion-bonded epoxy in accordance
with the requirements of AWWA C213. The coating thickness shall be 12-15 mils.

B. Steel Casing: The steel casing pipe shall be in accordance with ASTM A 283, Grade C, unless
indicated otherwise. The minimum casing inside diameter shall be at least 4-inches larger than
maximum outside diameter of the carrier pipe. The casing wall thickness shall be designed to
accommodate the maximum jacking load allowed, as well as expected earth and live loads. Thickness
shall be no less than 3/8-inch and the CONTRACTOR shall be fully responsible for the sufficiency
of the casing provided. Casing section joints shall be of the interlocking type or butt welded, lap
welded, or welded using butt straps in the field. Each end of the casing shall be prepared by providing
1/4-inch by 45-degree chamfer on the outside edges for butt welding.

C. Grout: Grout shall be used to completely fill any annular space between the bore and installed casing
pipe. Grout shall consist of one part portland cement, three parts sand and the minimum amount of
water necessary to obtain the desired consistency; and, all grout mixtures shall contain 2% of bentonite
by weight of the cement. Portland cement, water and sand shall conform to the applicable
requirements of SSPWC, except that sand to be used shall be of such fineness that 100% will pass a


PAGE 02315-9
Standard No. 8 sieve and at least 45%, by weight, will pass a Standard No. 40 sieve. Bentonite shall
be a commercial-processed powdered bentonite, Wyoming type, such as Imacco-gel, Black Hills, or

D. Lubricants: Water shall be used as a lubricant for jacking operations and may contain clay based
and/or polymer additives to reduce the skin friction of the installed pipe.

E. Casing End Seals: Seals shall be standard wrap around end seals, made of synthetic rubber, with self-
curing rubber sealing strips and provided with Type 316 stainless steel bands and clamps. End seals
shall be manufactured by Pipeline Seal and Insulator Inc., Model(s) S, C, or W, Advance Products &
Systems Inc. Model(s) AC or AW, or equal.

F. Backfill between the Casing and Carrier Pipe: Backfill between the casing and carrier pipe shall be
either cellular concrete or sand.

1. Cellular Concrete Backfill: Concrete backfill shall have minimum 7- and 28-day compressive
strengths of 300 and 500 psi, respectively. Cellular concrete shall use type 2 low alkali cement
conforming to ASTM C150 with water free of organic materials or other impurities that might
reduce the strength durability or other qualities of the concrete. Foaming agents shall meet the
requirements of ASTM C869.

2. Annular Sand Backfill: Sand shall be clean and 100% shall pass a Standard No. 30 sieve.



A. General Requirements: The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the lawful requirements of affected
railway companies, California Department of Transportation, public agencies, public utilities, and
other entities. Trenches, shafts or pits in public streets shall not be open for extended periods of time.

B. Traffic Control: Excavation within the public right-of-way shall be limited to one traffic lane, or the
CONTRACTOR shall maintain a minimum of one lane of traffic in each direction. The CITY may
specify a larger or smaller zone if circumstances warrant.

C. Boring and Receiving Pits: The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the provisions of Sub-Part P,
Section 1926.652 of the OSHA Safety and Health Standards for Construction for the protection of
employees in excavations.

D. Line and Grade: The CONTRACTOR shall maintain the specified line and grade of the pipe. The
CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain instrumentation to monitor the borehole position at all
times and shall maintain a record of the installation process. The CITY shall have access to the
instrumentation and records at all times.

E. Settlement: The CONTRACTOR shall prevent settlement of overlying structures or other damage due
to the boring operations.

F. Countermeasures: Appropriate equipment shall be provided to counter conditions which can cause
delay such as groundwater, running sand, boulders, etc. The CONTRACTOR shall develop and


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submit an acceptable contingency plan to address such conditions. The CONTRACTOR shall be alert
at all times to abnormalities in the installation process. The CITY shall be notified immediately if
anomalies are encountered.

G. Permits: The CONTRACTOR shall abide by all permit conditions.

H. Field Testing and Disinfection: Upon completion of the installation, the pipe shall be field tested and
disinfected in accordance with Section 02660 - Water Pipeline Testing and Disinfection.


A. Sheeting, Shoring and Bracing: Shafts shall be constructed to accommodate boring equipment and
provide safe working space around the equipment as recommended by the equipment manufacturer.
Sheeting, shoring, and bracing for boring and receiving shafts shall conform to the requirements of
Section 02200 - Earthwork. Shafts shall have adequate shoring to prevent wall collapse or ground
movement in the vicinity of the shaft.

B. Safety Measures: All shafts shall conform to Title 8, California Administrative Code, Chapter 4,
Subchapter 4, Construction Safety Orders, Article 6, Excavations, Trenches, Earthwork, Section
1542, Shafts. Personnel shall not be in receiving pits when entry of the boring device is expected.
Shafts shall also be equipped with barriers at grade to provide fall protection.

C. Dewatering: When installed below the water table, waterproof sheet piles or a dewatering system shall
be employed to keep the shaft dry at all times. Dewatering shall conform to the requirements of
Section 02140 - Dewatering. Measures shall be taken to prevent surface runoff from entering the

D. Foundation: Boring pits shall have a foundation of crushed stone or equal to provide a base for
support and alignment of the boring equipment. Thrust blocks shall be perpendicular to the proposed
bore alignment and be designed to support the maximum jacking pressure of the proposed jacking
system. If concrete thrust block or treated soil is used as the jacking restraint, no jacking shall be
performed until the required strength has been attained. Jacking forces shall be distributed evenly over
the thrust blocks. Bearing blocks of timber or structural steel shall also be used to distribute jacking
forces evenly around the perimeter of installed piping or casings.

E. Backfilling Shafts: All shafts shall be backfilled upon completion of operations in accordance with
the requirements of Section 02200 - Earthwork. All equipment, shoring, bracing and rubbish shall
be removed from the job site.


A. The following requirements apply to the use of drilling fluids and their additives.

21i Drilling fluid pressures shall be limited to those necessary and shall be controlled to avoid or
minimize hydraulic fracturing or over excavation. If hydraulic fracturing or excessive loss of
fluid is discovered, the process shall be halted until actions are taken to control the losses.

22i Drilling fluids and cuttings shall be recovered, separated and the drilling fluid reused. Direct
disposal of drilling fluids may be permitted with approval from the CITY. The CONTRACTOR
shall be responsible for the disposal of excavated material as well as excess drilling fluid, water,


PAGE 02315-11
trash, and waste. Containment barriers shall be used to prevent drilling fluid runoff from the
construction site and frequent inspections along the bore path for upwelling drilling fluid shall
be conducted. Cleanup of any inadvertent returns shall be performed in a timely manner.


A. Depth of Cover: The minimum depth of cover to the top of the installed pipe or casing shall be 1.5
to 3 times the outside diameter of the pipe or casing being installed.

B. Settlement or Heave: Settlement or heave at the ground surface during and after construction along
the centerline of the conduit installed shall not exceed 1/2- inch unless otherwise specified.

C. Auger Boring Machine: The auger boring machine selected shall be sized with torque and thrust
capacities compatible with the size of pipe or casing to be installed and expected soil and geotechnical
conditions. Separate thrust jacks shall be used for advancing the cutter face and advancing the
installed pipe. The maximum allowed thrust force of the installed pipe shall not be exceeded.

D. Casing and Auger: The auger casing diameter shall be sized in conjunction with the cutter face such
that the annular space between the installed pipe and bored shaft does not exceed 1-inch. The casing
shall be equipped to prevent or correct rolling. The auger shall be sized to transmit the required torque
and thrust to the cutting face and transport spoils back to the bore shaft for removal. Additives may
be employed to condition the spoils for transport. When operating below the groundwater level , the
auger system shall be capable of adjustments required to maintain face stability and prevent loss of
soil or uncontrolled groundwater inflow.

E. Cutter Head: The cutter face shall be selected based on the soil conditions expected and shall be
capable of supporting the full excavation face. The cutter face shall be capable of slight steering
adjustments to maintain line and grade of the installed pipe.

F. Support Bedding and Reaction Blocks: An adequately designed and constructed foundation and thrust
reaction structure shall be provided. Special attention shall be given to the shaft foundation to ensure
it is secure. A concrete slab shall be used in unstable conditions, and crushed stone or equivalent shall
be used as a minimum. When thrust reaction blocks are used, care shall be taken to ensure they are
perpendicular with the required line and grade.

G. Excavation Controls: All machine operations shall be monitored and controlled from a central point
either in the shaft at the auger boring machine or remotely from the surface. Control equipment shall
integrate excavation spoil removal and installation of pipe. Operations shall be stopped when they
result in pipe damage or surface disruption.

H. Monitoring Equipment: Equipment shall be provided to continuously monitor auger thrust and torque,
pipe jacking thrust, and advance rate. These parameters shall be recorded and available at all times
for review by the CITY. Line and grade shall be continuously monitored by referencing the casing
to a design reference. If continuous referencing is not possible due to equipment design limitations,
line and grade shall be verified by other suitable means at every 50-feet of advancement. The line and
grade tolerances of pipe installed shall be 2-inches on grade and 3-inches on line between shafts,
unless otherwise specified. The rate of return to line and grade shall not exceed 1:1500 unless
otherwise specified.
I. Intermediate Shafts: If an intermediate shaft is requested, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain a written
approval from the CITY. The intermediate shaft shall not be located in areas prohibited and as


PAGE 02315-12
directed by the CITY. The CONTRACTORs request shall include all necessary permits and
approvals, minimize public inconvenience and minimize impacting existing facilities.

J. Annular Space Grouting. The annular space created by the overcut of the auger face in excess of 3/4-
inch shall be filled with an approved material, unless otherwise specified. When grouting is specified,
pressure-injected grout shall fill voids outside the limits of the excavation created by caving or
collapse of earth cover over the excavation. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and operate suitable
equipment for any required grouting operations depending on the condition of the application. The
grouting operation shall not damage adjacent utilities or other properties. Grout shall be injected at
a pressure that will not distort or imperil any portion of the work or existing installations or structures.

K. Piping: The pipe manufacturers design jacking loads shall not be exceeded during the installation
process. The pipe shall be designed to take full account of all temporary installation loads.

L. Repair or Replacement of Damaged Pipe: Damaged pipe shall be jacked through to the reception shaft
and removed. Other methods of repairing the damaged conduit may be used as recommended by the
manufacturer and approved by the CITY.


A. General: Unless otherwise indicated, the minimum depth of cover to the top of the installed pipe or
casing shall be 1.5 times the outside diameter of the pipe or casing being installed or 6-feet, whichever
is greater. The minimum depth of cover may be reduced with permission from the CITY.

B. Settlement: Settlement or heave at the ground surface during and after construction along the
centerline of the conduit installed shall not exceed 1/2- inch unless otherwise specified.

C. Equipment: The MTBM shall be capable of installing the pipe while being compatible with the
anticipated soil and geotechnical conditions. The MTBM cutter face shall at all times be capable of
supporting the full excavated area without the use of ground stabilization and have the capability of
measuring the earth pressure at the face a setting a calculated earth balancing pressure. The maximum
radial annular space shall not exceed 1-inch, unless otherwise specified. The MTBM shall be capable
of controlling shield rotation by means of a bi-directional drive on the cutter head or by use of
mechanical fins or grippers. The MTBM shall be mechanically articulated to enable remotely
controlled steering of the shield. The MTBM shall control groundwater during excavation without
the use of external dewatering equipment. The measuring and balancing of earth and groundwater
pressure shall be achieved by use of a slurry or cased auger system. The system shall be capable of
incremental adjustments to maintain face stability for the soil conditions encountered.

D. Jacking Equipment: The main jacks shall be mounted in a jacking frame and located in the jacking
shaft. The MTBM shall be moved forward by the jacks advancing a successive string of connected
pipes toward a receiving shaft. Intermediate jacking stations may be used for long drives where
frictional forces would cause exceedance of the maximum allowable jacking force. The intermediate
jacking station shall employ a steel jacket or other suitable means to prevent soil intrusion into the
conduit. Jacking forces at the intermediate jacking station shall be continuously monitored during
jacking operations. The maximum jacking capacity used shall not exceed the allowable jacking
capacity of the pipe that has a minimum factor of safety of 2.5.

E. Excavation Controls: The control equipment shall integrate the method of excavation and removal
of soil and its simultaneous replacement by a pipe. As each pipe section is jacked forward, the control


PAGE 02315-13
system shall synchronize spoils removal, excavation, and jacking speeds. Operations shall be stopped
when they result in pipe damage or any surface disruption. The CONTRACTOR shall propose
immediate action for review and approval by the CITY to remedy the problem at no additional cost.

F. Automated Spoils Transportation: The MTBM shall include one of the following:

23i Slurry System: The system shall be capable of measuring earth and groundwater pressure and
making the adjustments required to counter-balance the earth and groundwater pressure to
prevent loss of slurry or uncontrolled soil and groundwater inflow.

j. The slurry pressure at the excavation face shall be controlled by use of slurry pumps.

k. A slurry bypass method shall be included to allow for a change in direction of flow to be
made and/or isolated.

l. A separation process shall be provided, properly sized for the tunnel being constructed,
the soil type being excavated, and the workspace available at each area. Separate the
spoil from the slurry so that slurry may be returned to the cutting face for reuse.

m. The composition of the slurry shall be monitored to maintain the slurry density and
viscosity limits as approved in the submittals.

24 Cased Auger System: The cased auger system shall monitor and continuously balance the soil
and groundwater pressure. The system shall be capable of adjustments required to maintain face
stability for the particular soil condition to be encountered to prevent loss of soil or uncontrolled
groundwater inflow.

a. The system shall maintain the pressure at the excavation face by controlling the volume
of spoil removal with respect to the advance rate. The system shall monitor the speed of
the rotation of the auger and the amount of water added.

b. The CONTRACTOR shall submit an evaluation of equipments ability to balance earth

and water pressure at the face, stability of the soils, and the significance of the
groundwater present.

G. Active Steering Controls: A remotely controlled steering mechanism shall be provided that allows
for the operation of the system without the need for personnel to enter the microtunnel. The steering
information shall be monitored and transmitted to the operation console. The minimum steering
information available to the operator on the control console shall include the position of the shield
relative to the design reference, roll, inclination, attitude, rate of advance, installed length, thrust force,
and cutter head torque.

H. Guidance/Monitoring Equipment: The MTBM display equipment shall continuously show and
automatically record the position of the shield with respect to the project design line and grade. The
automated recording system shall include real time information such as earth and ground pressure,
roll, pitch, attitude, rate of advance, installed length, cutter head torque, jacking loads, slurry pressure,
slurry flow, and slurry valve positions. Line and grade adjustments of the MTBM shall be controlled
by an operator or by an automated guidance system at the discretion of the CONTRACTOR. The
actual position of the MTBM shall be continuously related to a design reference (e.g., by a laser beam
transmitted from the jacking shaft along the line of the pipe to a target mounted in the shield). The


PAGE 02315-14
line and grade tolerances of pipe installed shall be 1-inch on grade and 1.5-inches in line between
shafts, unless otherwise specified or approved by the CITY. The rate of return to line and grade shall
not exceed 1:3000, unless otherwise specified.

I. Intermediate Shafts: If an intermediate shaft is requested, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain a written
approval from the CITY. The intermediate shaft shall not be located in areas prohibited or as directed
by the CITY. The CONTRACTORs request shall include all necessary permits and approvals,
minimize public inconvenience and minimize impacting existing facilities.

J. Annular Space Grouting: The annular space created by the overcut of the MTBM in excess of 3/4-
inch shall be filled with an approved material, unless otherwise specified. When grouting is specified,
pressure-injected grout shall fill voids outside the limits of the excavation created by caving or
collapse of earth cover over the excavation. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish and operate suitable
equipment for any required grouting operations depending on the condition of the application. The
grouting operation shall not damage adjacent utilities or other properties. Grout shall be injected at
a pressure that will not distort or imperil any portion of the work or existing installations or structures.

K. Piping: The pipe manufacturers design jacking loads shall not be exceeded during the installation
process. The pipe shall be designed to take full account of all temporary installation loads. Damaged
pipe shall be jacked through to the reception shaft and be removed. Other methods of repairing the
damaged conduit may be used, as recommended by the manufacturer and approved by the CITY.

L. Field Testing: Two hydrostatic tests shall be performed: on at the surface after pipeline fabrication,
and the other after the pipe has been placed in its final position.


A. Drilling/Pulling Equipment: The equipment used to drill the pilot hole, back ream and pull the
product pipe in place shall be adequately sized and compatible to the expected ground conditions. It
shall be equipped with instrumentation to accurately located the alignment and grade of the pilot hole
to monitor drilling fluid flow and pressure and measure pulling force applied to the product pipe.
Steering information of the drill string, pressures, and pulling forces shall be continuously monitored
during operations. The equipment shall be capable of using mechanical and/or hydraulic means to
change the boring course. Equipment shall also be used to recover and separate drilling fluids and soil
cuttings and subsequent reuse of drilling fluids. Direct disposal of contained drilling fluids may be
permitted with prior approval of the CITY.

B. Pilot Hole: The CONTRACTOR shall drill the pilot hole along the path shown in the Contract
Drawings to within the tolerance limits specified. The exit point of the drill string shall also meet
specified tolerance limits. At the completion of the pilot hole, the CONTRACTOR shall provide an
as-built survey consisting of a three dimensional coordinate tabulation accurately referencing the pilot
hole to the drilled entry point. Drilling must be accomplished with fluid assisted mechanical cutting.
Uncontrolled jetting (where fluid force is the primary means for creation of the final bore hold
diameter) is prohibited. The minimum pressure and flow of drilling fluids practicable shall be used
during drilling operations.

C. Ream and Pull Back: The number of reaming passes to expand the pilot hole for product pipe
installation is left to the discretion of the CONTRACTOR. The maximum allowable tensile load of
the product pipe shall not be exceeded during pullback operations or when pre-reaming and pullback
are performed simultaneously. A swivel connection shall be used between the reaming device and


PAGE 02315-15
the product pipe to minimize torsional stress on the pulled pipe. The pulled pipe shall be supported
in such a fashion that it moves freely during pullback with no damage done to any corrosion coatings
or linings. When staging area is limited, shorter lengths of pipe may be stockpiled then connected and
pulled in segments. The pipe shall be pulled back such that at lest one joint at the lead end completely
clears the bore so that piping and joint can be inspected. The pipe installed shall be tested in
accordance with Section 02660 - Water Pipeline Testing and Disinfection.

D. Loss of Fluid: At installations below bodies of water, the CONTRACTOR shall be diligent to detect
drilling fluid losses below the water surface. Operations shall be stopped when they result in any pipe
damage or surface disruption. The CONTRACTOR shall propose immediate action for review and
approval by the CITY to resolve the problem. Remedial action shall be at no additional expense to
the CITY.

E. Clean-Up: The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the removal and disposal of excavated
material and excess drilling fluid in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations.

F. Welding: Welding of steel pipe used for pullback shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWS D1.1. All
welds shall be radiographically inspected.


A. Driving Pipe: Pipes shall be driven with an open face. The leading edge shall be equipped with a
cutting band for reinforcement and to open a slightly larger path through the soil to reduce the skin
friction of the following pipe. The overcut shall not exceed 1-inch from the outer surface of the pipe.
The pipe shall be driven in one segment when working space is available. The pipe shall be
supported and positioned by adjustable bearing stands to achieve proper line and grade alignment.
The pipe shall be collared to the embankment to maintain alignment during installation. Line and
grade shall be verified at the completion of installation and shall be within 3-inches on grade and 5-
inches on line.

B. Driving Operations: Driving force to install the carrier pipe may be delivered through a conventional
hydraulic jacking system or pneumatically powered percussion tools. In either case, the driving force
shall be evenly transmitted using pressure plates or other types of adapters. Jacking forces shall be
continuously monitored and recorded during installation. The maximum allowable jacking forces
shall not be exceeded. Pneumatic tools shall be adequately sized to prevent damage to the pipe from
excessive impact forces.

C. Lubrication: Water or bentonite slurry may be applied to the pipe for lubrication at the
CONTRACTORs option. Lubricant slurries shall be contained on site and excesses shall be properly
disposed of by the CONTRACTOR.

D. Spoil: Spoil shall be removed from the installed pipe by reaming, augering, or water flushing. If
flushing is employed, the slurry shall be contained and properly disposed of by the CONTRACTOR.
The pipe shall be cleaned after soil removal by flushing or using pressure driven cleanout plugs.

E. Settlement Monitoring: When the pipeline is in sandy or cohesionless soils, the CONTRACTOR shall
monitor the soil surface above the pipe alignment for settlement during the installation. Settlement
shall not exceed 1-inch or as specified.


PAGE 02315-16
F. Intermediate Shafts: If intermediate shafts are requested, the CONTRACTOR shall obtain a written
approval from the CITY. Intermediate shafts shall not be located in areas prohibited or as directed
by the CITY. The CONTRACTORs request shall include all necessary permits and approvals, shall
minimize public inconvenience, and shall minimize impacts on existing facilities.

G. Grouting: If the annular space between the casing pipe and outside soil or rock is in excess of 3/4-inch
is created by the cutting band, it shall be grouted in accordance with the provisions in this Section for
grouting of microtunnels.



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