Rggupta Chapter 1 To 3
Rggupta Chapter 1 To 3
Rggupta Chapter 1 To 3
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Principles & Troubleshooting
R G Gupta
This edilion can be uponed from IlIdia only b)I the publishm.
Tu. ~cGraw-Hili PIlbli.hing Comp8Dy_Limiled
ISBN (I-07-462141l-8
Had becII • .. hnr 0112 papcro. out oIwbkh OIIC " " " the State Award
(197..7S) and the otbcr 1ETE A.......d (1987) .
Has bc:cn " """;'6,. orith IIw: IE'll!. oi.J>Ce 1970 and was Chairman,
I .... know Ccntu for 1978-79 and Jaipur Centre for 1980-81. W as usocialcd
with the Board ol Techeje' l pd ...., , : ' -• Delhi from 1989 10 1995• and hal
Wotb tile wide apread we 01 audio IDd video eqQil 'n'''' he ca, the
ruiject _ introduced ia c~i, 'ias diplom' 1Dd" GJ"'" k¥cl WIU_ by
tile Boards 01 T ... hnica' pd,.,,;.. aDd UIIivcniho&, Thill boot ocm:n tile
qoIIabus of 'ADdio IDd v...... SyltCIIII', '&olcrtaiamcat FIr, "onic.' and
'ComwDcr m....rooUa' of tile diplom· and the d wot: IcYcI councL The
book abo expIaiDs tile ~ piCJiCc,lore 'II'itb tile help ollJow-.dwb
IDd poe. the COITcctive m'jnknl"'" "bIN for service enginee.. and
It is hoped that the book WOI!ld pi<m: iIclpCullo the 1l1Mien($ P"'puiag
for diploma. aDd bOot: enminllion•• wcl1. to tbe ",rvi<:c engillUf$ and
'cchen·. c~ in Iroubld"""ill& and repair of ~ widely used
<:Oft$wner equip- I
R.G. (;UI'V.
A hqw !M A wlw iy
I"f/ac, •
Cupter 1
No! u.., o(Sollnd.. J
1.2 P.=ur~and Im.rW!yof Sound Wa''C.O ...... ... ... ... ... ..... .3
1.3 SeD$i\ivily of H um;m.J;.;u for SooDd .... ... ............ ... ... ... ...5
I4 J Omlnr« a nd Phon S
] 'i SOJlC . .... .. ..... .. 7
Cbllpttr 2
Characteristics or Mir.opbooe........................ ... ... ... .... 18 "
22 RcquisiJ .. of a Goud Mic. opboac .... ..................... ... .... 22
2.3 Moving Coil Micropbone ............................................... 23
2,4 Ribbon MiaI>JlhQlle ..... ,.. ,.. ,.. " .. ,.. ,26
o .. , .. .. .. , ..,,,,, .... , .. , ..
2.6 Con<ka$C. (or Capacitor) Micropbone .. ... ... ...... ... ... ...33
27 Elca.e! MicfOphOf>C ............... ,.. ,............... ,.. ,.................35
3.I Characte. istics of UJud,poah n .................................. .45
3.2 M",';ag Coil Cone Type J ....d.pea);e ... _._._ ................47
3.3 Ek<1'Cl-d)ltl.llmir L;md<rx:al«: . ......................................50
] .4 Horn Type UJudspcak ~ ..... _..... ...................... .............. 52
3.5 Compariwn Between Cone Type and
Hom 1)pc Speake ..... ... ... ... .... ...... ................... ... ... ... ... ..55
16 B.!Drs and Fado'!"'"
3.7 Multi·way Speake, S\'Io!cm· Woof... and ~e .. _. ..62
] 8 CffiM''''''' Nc] wm l;. 64
... 3.9
O".." ..... jon olCutler Stylus._ .. __ .. __ ........ _..........81
N.- dlet .......... _................................................82
or Piclr.·u UIliU _._ .. ___ ._._ ... _._ .... _.• _... _.84
•. 10 ia Disc Rea>rdilWP\ajbacl;; System< .... Jf1
53 Need £or
.... _........ _._ .............. _........ _......... __ .. 96
.. _._.n. __ ....•.. _.. __ .......... N ................ . . n.......91
Partl olTape Recorder _._._.. __ .. _.. __ .. _._ .................. 98
... •• ••
6,5 Opi;cal RerordinM 011 Di..,., .. ,......... ,.. ,.. ,...... _. ,.. ,.. ,...... IM
M PlIoybad PrnuM ., .......... .. ,.. ,.. ,............ ,............... ,.. ,.... .. 124
6.1 Comra,""" of Compact and eo.",,".in ....1 0;",,_ ... 126
CIaII,*r 7
II S Disrorrjcm
TIP'" of Di.l.l.onKm ... ".. ,.. ,.. ,.. .... ,.. ............. ,.. ,........ ".. ,.. IOV,
Clulpkr ')
Mclh<..J., of Redu.cing o;5I OIlio,," ............ ,.. ,.. ,.. ,......... I (~ )
10.5 Practical Slcrco ,y:uem ''' ''' ,... ,.. ,'' ''' '" .. " '" .... ,, ,............. 172
10.6 Q uadTllphllflie Sou...! SY:Ucm ...... ,,, .......... ,,, ................. 174
10.7 Ste, ewh""is; RC<1"din8 ,," Di<c _nd Rcr>rodu"ion 174
10.8 Stereo R~ "" Tape and Reproduction .......... 177
10.9 Tape: Cutrid" ud c ...·peT.pc .............................178
10.10 H i-fi Ste reo Rc produc:iD& Syotem .. _.....__ .__ ........... 180
10 11 Stcu!! Conrrt!l. " " " 181
Cbapter 11
Nwl . nd UK ""
" un •
. .
12.6 Growth ud Decay of Sow>d '" lOll Pn cl ""itC .... __ ... .206
127 .",,,,'ie.1 Fe""''''' of Aw1j'orinm . 208
... .
13. I~ ... ...
n IS IV I [l n.mi"er and RraDr'
1316 Vidro M on ilon
\3.\7 TV SUndard. ... _._ ..... _.... _.................................. _........ 2<43
13.18 Need ol . T V Slanda,d .......... _._ . ~_ .. ___ ._.~_.~ ........ 243
13.19 Rcasoft$ of TV Standard. Beina Oi«...,II! ................243
13.20 Oilfcrclll. T{! Standard ................... _........................ _..244
13.21 Dc:taiLW Specifications of CCl R 8
Standard Adopted by India ._._........... __ ._.................245
13 n IV ChnDe], I ['cd i8 (n.t!;.
13.23 H iKb Dc:fillition TV S!"1CIll .__ ._. ___ ._mm_,.,247
. . ...
. ...
... .. . . ..
14.10 I'riDcipk of Reproduction of Video Sip'" .. VCR 263
14.11 Block Dilctam olVCR _ .__ .. 264
14.12 Vl<ko~n c P111J"1" (VC!,) ._ .. ____ ._. __ ._ ... _ .269
14 16 VHS
" 14.17 Bet"mal " . . . " . 271
1418 yw~moo zu
14.19 The Spodfical;(IIl< <.>l Thr~c VCR S)'SIcm ................ ,m
14.20 V·Mj!lic """",,"""" ,,' " """' " "" " "" .. 274
14.21 Ekaronic Nc"'~ Galhcrin~ ( ENG) .. ................ ... "..... ,21S
Un VC R Nomc nrlaw.c
(In "VCR. 3/4 ' VCR and \ ' VCR) ...,........' ...... ' m ... ':n~
14,23 VCR CO!!Lr'~S. ,,!1(j
]4,29 Oplica! Memory Oi'"' ,.. ... .... ............. ....................... ...... 286
ClulplU IS
G..,.ul T'OIIbk Shooting Pr~u~ .. _........... _._._..:9J
1 " , ... .
on on ••
u.s I nle . millt!!! nulla .. " " ' 9 " .. .. . . . " " M""" " .. " ",,'" ". ". ".301
15.9 Dclc.mjn;uion of l be Ooll'C f auk or )()I
15.10 Rep.oi. ......................... _.. _..... _.......... ,..................."•..•...302
15.11 Servio;ing ........... "..... "................. " •. _ .•. _ ._._" ... __ ._ ..J03
"'.12 Cbc:<:king Specification. ....... ... ".)()3
M ..............._ . .." ...
15.13 Mairucn.!lCC .....""...."",,,,, .. .... "' .... "" .. "•.• "..",,, ....lO4
"'.14 T'QIIl:>lcdl~ills in Pllblic AcldtCM S)'5Iem" ........... ".)06
15.15 T roublesbooJinc in Stereo Amplifoer: .•" "..... _ ..._.. " .)08
Tape Reoorden .,, _ __ ..... _"._ ....... "...... .313 M h . . .. ..." "....
" •
1-- . . .. ......... I em 1""""" Ii""
'11 "", - -•
T .
, ( L1 )
PbaK i»dic.U:1I tbc IUIC ol!llQfioa al a partitular in"a"1 relative 1<> OOIIIC ref-
erclloCC. II is czprca.ed ;" l=ns of ugLe, prulllllin& lbal OIIC complele cyck is
equ.allo ph..C diffcrence 01. J60 degreu. II CID aIao be Upreoscd in hadioa
01-..: length,)., or of u- period, T_Phase differcncc oIa quattCt cyck CID
iI.o be mentioned as phase differc""",, equal to 9lr or JJ4 or T/4 .
Velodl1 "'Call'lhc diuano: "avelled ill one second. So\lnd wavca move in .i.
wiIb a velocity of 344 metres per seCOl>d at 1ifC (degree «Willi) or m
metrc.o pc. lOCO""
al O"c. Eq, 1.2 giyco lbe .elatlombip bctweca vekx:ity and
Thc length 01 opaa: cove •• d by one cycle of variation is calkd _ft .. n..... and
is . cprcsclllcd ill mctre1. Eq. 13 gives rc1atioruhip bet ... een frequency,
wavelength .... d velocity,
v _ dist~ _ J.Jr _ fA (13)
V _ vclocily in 1I1.lre" per ,""nd,
f _ frC<jucncy in H z, andA _ """Ive Icugt..b ill mclru.
Velocity ollOUllo<! ill air is 344 mil, in atu~ 5500 m/s and in ....,.,.J., J500 mi. II
.oom lemperalltrC.
Example U
Ir velocity ollOUllo<! at adegree «Willi (C) is J32 mil, calcu1ate~ (a) velocity 01
2O'C, (b) .... velellf!l.h for 5IIUl>d 01400 Hz It (i) 2O"C and (ii) II"c
101og-l (1 .4)
T he ",unti pres., ures .nd inton!ilies between In'c>hold of hea'ing and p.i n
:ore !Ii"en in Tabk I,!.
Example 1.2
PrC5Sure and In1crW1y of ""uod of an aU1omobile arc 20 x 10" P. and 60 dB
respc:cti'-cly. Calculatc (i) Prtssure of onuDd foo- thresho!ol of hearing: (ii)
Pressure of ""und fur DUTmal oon\l<:rsa1iun level (74 dB).
20 x 10'"
'. - .,
20)( 10"
'. - W'
Therefore Po
-- 20 )( 10" /10'
20 )( 10-" Pa
(u) 60 dB OOfTCipoilds to 20 )( 10-' Pa
'Therefore, 80 dB will t<lrI'CIp04IIlo:2(J )( 10-' Pa _ 0.2 Pa
RedUdion in prCi&ur~ ol6 dB haMs lhe vallie
Therefore, 14 dB • 0.112 Pa _ 0.1 Pa
FIclcber IDd M'm'OD stl!dicd Iovd""" kvds II audl'bit frcqueodes IIId pve
graplUc ICJH ,.ulatjon of equal JooIvt""q for diffCI'CIII frequeodes IDd intCll'
, .it;.., The typical F1c!cbcr M,"pOO" cvrvea ~..,.... in trig. 12.
;lUOS i"I
n<[~.:IJ 'f'!1i'O. pan", :>ql ""'''J plQ\O\O JO aO!J:>:IJ!j) :)1[1 ~n[ 'lI!~ ~ .~
"1'''''''' ,~~ "'II ~ punos '''P''o[ ~ "t
'!"'W "'J III' E pIN 'punos AI""'I' 10j "'"
~l .\q ~!~JI!P XI "II:> lX1P~ [ ... """I ... JO """:IJ~JJ!P Al!""'I"! "(
"( na~rs.(s: Supnpoxl:IJ
ptnI iu!p.ux>:I' II! 1KI!I"'l"!!' JO :>d.{\ _ _ 'II'! $II) 1l1!~ :)ql.(q \J~J XI
osr- """ punot :><1m :)ql'11'! I H .0 JO IPI!d JO 1KI!lII!J1IA "ZH ( n MOl
.. :>:>u~nJJ!P k>I<~b~uJ '!i!'" 'Panos Q~~XI qt!l1Iu!1V!p Ur.> rJT3 "l
"panos JO ;):l,nOS ~)O lKI!~!p :)\[1 -nlpn!...., rJT3 "\
:~lI! lI!~ :)\[1 JO ~"'!'~I:""V~~ IIIVl-lOdW! ""110 2IIIOS
"ZH ron:
0\ dn ~J!.,,,,,:IJ. 1.11"0 '."'up~'P .... ~l$iuno.( "') ZH OCUlI poohq
pIN ~[d~ PI" "'j ZH IlXl'> puoA:>q ~=p "'" :)\[1 JO A\!'o!J!IU:>S "t
'! ,,",,~J~:><[1 '\l""OS)O ~"'" [OII um!p:)W 1'''' MOl .KIJ) ZH 00!t ""'I:>q
"""""'~ ~~J n ,-xe~D~ dv IP .(0) lI!~ "II JO ,\jJA!I~ "t
~do:ld PI" "'J -'lUO "l[-11lXl'> 0121'1 IllS"
IIIWJ lnq ..... ~rSl:!UnOO .oj ZH 00001 01 IH 00!t UKUJ .\lJA!1!ftDS pool
nq A'3 '~:laIrnJ ~~ JOJ ~1111 ~J!M ~ ,n "'!lJOA1!,-!1!1U:>S "l
T.I8I It- JO)ZH'[ t OJ2 H~ ( llIOJJ '"!I!"""" _ S! Jr.i "r
"""Il«l ~a:xa ~"'1['>!qII\ .... ~ """"q
JO ""!I'!'~~IP \1I.).I()dW! IY.'II:)'\'~' .(poll' S!'I.L ~ ao """"I"':Id~ ,!:)ql
pal $[:I.'o:)[ ~ JO Apnl'l ':I<[IJ"l ~PIW")I"O '.uoI'"""l""1 1~1(d IV",,!l'!N
£'I3l dw \n3
L _""'!JS!.'n>OnIO
KDUlioa prooueed by HXXl Ht_1Id of 40 dB (ie. 40 phoo) is calted 1 sooc.
Increue iD lODe value Po dB is given by (P - 40) log 2, where P is lbe \oudneu;
iD phtvI. RelltinDs~ip be\llleC1l KJDeI (L) and ph<w>. (P) is giYe>I by Eq. 1.6
For maintainin& b;p articulation efficicocy (about 75 pc. cenl), """'" Wln"C$
of bighet frequellci« up 10 U kHz Uo\Ild III)( be IUPJlfc"td If walU
beyood 3.4 kHx are IUpprcs&ed, the artituIatioft efficic:1IC)' would be about
80%. The ......". bel"", LS kHz c:u be I UppreiKd withoul aay appreciable
.edu<:tioa ;n iIIteifigibility Of articulalloD. Thus inlclli&ibility is mostly oon-
taiaod;n l.s to U kHz range of ,udio freqUoCncle.s.. Based on tbeoe result ..
the frC<!UoCI>CY .ang. 01 300 - 3400 Hz is conUde.ed quite adequat. for
lelcphoDc: speech. This range cor>tam. abow 80% or lbe 100al energy and
gives aboul 80% effocicllC)' of O1tict.Ilatioa. Howeve., speech tran.minion for
entertainment pU.rpOSea requira a baQdwidtb of !r) to 8(0) H~ and for high
fodc:lily (Hi. Fi) <'At<rllliDmclll. prograrem-., a pnaical haudwidth 01 811eu1
40 10 l.5CIXl Hz is desirable.
Cllar><l,ri>lin of Sound 9
Ie) __________ __ _
.. .. . -----
m ,
", ,,,•
" ,
,• •
,, ",.. ..
'" ,
I'ia. I . ~ I" "q".~i>o ~;"r'ob.r"'" of '""'11"" i."nisib,lj" in """ ...
(. ) ortot. to".,. <f!"",<"'Y ~ "W' ""oil' 1""1"""" (.hi<\: .."")
(h) ."",,1,,_ .rroci<"" ..._r " ' -'''''I'''''Y (,hOt ",...)
rf) ~"' .. ,.,oIf /t<q'"''''Y{....'-'<I "',...)
<1,<'11' .... opper
(. ) .... ,.j ''''''II' .... _. ' ''ofl l""l'.""}' ("""'" ,.".,,)
Example 1.4
From F;g. 1.3. dderm inc pc. ccnl"8" "f a. liculal;on and pcrccnlag~ enc'I!Y
for frequency range "f 1 kH" 10 S kH,
The pmhkm indicale. that range of frcqucl>CK:s ;. 1 kHr. to S kH l. Hence
cu""" (a) al\tl (e) give <JO% arlie"lotion errICiency a1\tl93% energy .cspee·
,i,,,ly, and "Urve< (h) ~nd (d.) give!!S% articulali.on effieio""" and 15% ener ·
gy, rc'pc<1iwly.
The nel e(feci i, 10 gel the I,,,,,,,,,, ,.. lue, i.e. we .hall get!!S% articulation ef·
licicncy and 15% cne.!:y.
. ~(::) (1.7)
II_Ollie II ... 1o.!'Itr ..II" bclooua twa ~q""IOCI... n.c,e is a clear dis-
~i""lion between octave. and hannonia. For cumplc, with rc'pectlo ]00 Hz,
• ff<'qucllC)' of 200 H~ wiU be 2nd barlOOnic, bu! in tc ...... of octcl.-cs, iI will be
one octa"" ""'<k. Similarly, • r."",,,,,ncr of 400 Hz will be 4th harmonic, but iI
wiI1 be two octave...;.de. The barmoDia arc alwaY" integer IDultipl"l of. fUll.
damenlal f'e<juency. but odave can be in fractiom also. For exampk, 1.40 H ~
rdati'te \0 100 J-b; wiU be 0-'1 oct."" (beca1lSe log, 1401100 .. 0.5).
The lerm OYCrtODC describer; all rrequcacics bighu than lbe fundamental, m-
cl,,,ling ~ The car judst:o ilItcoYah (ie. fre<jucncy ratio) ami DOl the ac-
tual dift'erenco in frcq""""". For example, • rh". fr.... ~ to 1!iOO Hz will be
f<'mgnieed to be the: ......... ch·.
from 2IlXIIO 6000 lb, .!though the dit·
fwUItC in the lint CI5e illOCl) Hzonly, while in the IICCODd CI.E it ;'400) Hx.
ExalDple 1.5
CakulaIC itllcrvai, oda\U md harmonics for freqllC""Y r.... ~ of 62.5 Hz \0
Enmple 1.6
CaIcIIbte intCl'lal ami bannoaic frequency for frequencies 01 SO fu and
1.9 Pilch
Pilch is • clwactcn.tic of IOOnd IrWDIy related 10 frequency. When the
oound ron' ;'" of • pure lone: (DO hanaonia), pitch is dei.,.,.,incd by
frC'!u.ou.cy alooc. Bw in opcech and mllSiot, plch of sound del"'nds alii only on
f"'qu.o""Y buI on inlensity as ...,11. 1k unil of plch i$ ' MEL'. OJloC mel is a
tone of 1000 Hz and 40 dB iAtc.wty (Le. ;"'Ie.wly of I ..,,,,,). The rtlalio<l>hip
between pitch and fTequeu.cy is not 1iDear. 1k reason for t.hi.! non·linear~y is
that the ear ne.tda higher i,ue.wty at low sound f.cqueocW than al high
sound f,C'!!Jtocito 10 give the ..,.... lion 01 cqu.olloudnet.s.
Relat;'" ph .... of component toaeo oIa compla wave do not afTe<:t I~ ear',
petccpOOa or qua1ity or liIIIbrt. Hence it Clan be .aid lhal the buman car ill in·
..,.wl;'" 10 pIwc: cha'W'.
TbU&. alll"''''''dUtg clectrocbt:a has now calered the world of mWlle by making
artirocial music (or eLectronic mWlk) pouiblc immit.ting any muaical instru-
ment Of e""n orchc~'. or illSltumutlL Virt....uy, any audio ....;11.\01" (having
a periodic fWlctio:r» can he used as. 5OIII>d IOIUCC oimply by feedi,,& iii out-
put to a Ioudsl"'alcr. All dcaroalc: "";1I>t<>< can be set to prod,,", a variety
of musical pilchca 10 give a mconingful m>Uical p<!Tformance. The j"""nlioas
Qf transistor and integrated ci,cuit ( Ie) ha..: made cay the <>the"""", COm·
pie;< meth<><l, <Jf ...,und gcneraliQn and .yntlla;'.
There "'l>< ~
hTeakthrQugh in $001>(\ $ynti>es;. in mid .ightces when r.oun<l
~mpling "'3.5 introdUoCtd, aU<lWing digitisalion (If sound. which could be
pr,)ttO$ed "nd ront.olled by microproccuolS. Delay un al", be e."ily intr.,.
duted in digital i)"lem. giving the appropriate re'~rberat ion to make the
electronic sound rich and reali<.tic to .. Woe more pIc .... ing .ffeel. The whole
proec,"" ii ~n in I b.uic form in the block diagram, ''3.1 .4.
I Audio os<.
I di,;....•""". - ,~.
Doloy ok ..
The "".rl of ea.ly mtWc .ynlhesis ....... a volt~ controUed O!.cillator (VCO).
It, pitch w... determined by ''l>ryin8Ihe input voluJe wilh the help of a clulin
of 'e,iOloU connected 10 I • .,ilable key board, or Iny <>tber mtWcal device.
The <redil '" dcrnonstuling Ihe r,,,,, mtWc ')'nl h•• itt" ba..c:d on vollagc ron·
trolled dcc\.onic IUnc" '"""S 10 Dr. Robert Moog.
In an ~I«tronk IUMl' the frequency of "" ...all",,,,, or the centre frequency
of. band J>a'S r,ller is COIlllollcd br varying the d.e. voltII&<' <lilly. eon""nli.on.
al lu""" arc of elec\r.,."",chanical Iypc: which vary the capacitance of •
capacilor m""hilllically by moving the """,able plotes rela(i"" 10 $Iati. ploteo.
1'lIc.", cannOi be ,,<Cd in electronic music where f, cql>Cnc;"$ ha"" (0 be regu·
laled by (ouch bUlIon , wilche •. Modern IU ....... which are operaled by touch
bun"., ,,,ilches. change Ibe \TIh~e IlCfOO$ l ,-araclOl diode lu chan~ ;1'
Clpacitance. The value of other UlaIJlCllCIIU (like ruislon in W>ea BriodF
,.,...;n.lon aDd ooils in fillers and RF ""';DUon) CIII be reduced by thorti1I&
wiLb a forward biased diode, or CIII be iAcn:ued by "'.......... (be slIoortiDa
bias and usim& r CVl'rIC IX-. E\cc:<ronll; t lJllCl'S ~ widely IISCd ill DOdem TV
receivers and the same techniques have beca used for ch'''&ing the valuu of
comJICIICIIU ia. .....;11 .. 00'$ and filIcrs ia IOUIId I)'fllhesia aDd filtcrins ')'iIcnu.
S..und: II i. " kmgilud in"1 '",ye m(~i"n ~~""i<l ing of a ""« ,,cncc of
c"nl p'~"i"n' "nd .~.cf~Cli"n' 1.",,,lIing wilh a w io<:ily in " medium " I"
Ir"nsmi~",. II> velocily j, 332 mi. al eft: arwl frequency range i, 16 Ht 10 21l
kill, lnICn,il\'. of sound , ..,,"" f"""
20 dB 0"" 1 pW. for wlli' f'Cr 10 120 dB
for In.. d Rod 'n' R,~I 00"'1. Inlcn,ily of 1:10 dB ;,. called Ihrcohold "f pain.
K"nd,,'i dIIL " f "" u,..j wa'''. arc:
(I) F", le kphOlU: 'f'Cnh: 31~·llu.l4l1O H7.
(Z) Fur nmmal proWa mmes: 110 It, fn_1 H1.
(J) Fur high fotldily: .j() h,l :;'U) H>
It h'l> Ioccn cMHbli,hcd ,II",high fre'l"""';'" <(In,,,in I,,,,' cnc'gy hu, high in_
IdTigihiTil)', and ...... f""I".:n.,;.·, cOnl:. in high cnc,"!;y hu, """ in' clligibili, y,
Fr<'<jucne "" "f " " men 's ",ice 'ore high.·, ,h"n Ih"", of ",,·n .
I::Hr: It , ,,n,'crl S s<.und f''''-'-'u," "", i"l iun, i"hl clcclrio;al <;gnab wh ich a. c
fed In 'he brain Ih",ugh audit",)' ne'"e •. The b..in inlc. po-els the sW>al' inl o
\\'h,,' We hear, Ea, ', . e'ponse to ",und ;,. io'l:'lfithmic,
s("'~: lo"dness """«I,;':'" proth,ttd "r lOOt) H>. ~.und of '"' dB (i.c . .j1J phon)
;, c .. lbl I '"nC, E,-.:: ry incr,-.'" of .\ dj, in 'he "."" ""1,,,' ,., k",dnc,,-' "m"un',
In an inc real<: .)f 1ft rhon.
In' .....·al ;, Ihe ,at i" of 2 f'"'1u< n.i~, An inter..-"I of 1:2 i. ""lkd one ''''1~''•.
II""",,,,...,;: These: arc imcb",r mu lliples of. f.nd,menlal frcq lltt><·y, Sou nd
of all mu,ical ;~""menl' conI"" of fundamen' al ood iti hrm<mi",-
0. ...... "".. F«qutn<i •• his!>or lh.n li>c fundamon'al fr.quen,·;., arc .~)ltd
(""nones. Thu" ow.lones indude ha.moniu al"', Cunl(lO$ilinn of fun-
damcnlal and ha'mon ics in • ,ound gi", ind;"; du:.lily h . Ihe sound. and Ih"
q ual ily is h own a, Y,lnb...
Mu,ical ""~k,, Th • •e are tcn musica l seale .. Eoch scale is one OC1 a,,, wide
and con";>!. of . igh' nOle. "f <t1 ".1 ;m e ..... l, (8:9) .
Souqd .,..,lheab: SoIuKI tal> ~ .ymbr·i....J dcwoakaUy by ,.".rating .I>dio
freq ... ncy.;pa1s., miIing!hem aDd muoduciD£ delay, Electro"ic luneR arc
used MUch can change the &cqucDcio.s by varyiD£ lhe voItagu. Elcdrootic
I"",,", II$C varaclor diodr. 10 ch.,,1" the ~pao;:il"na:i Resislana:s aDd coill
can be introdUCC<l for band chlng;nB by changiag diodr biases.
QUes tlOD S
L. DdillC ampiill.;!e,~, P'*t. wr.ocleaph for .....nd 101M. Wl>al • IIIe
....1ionIItip bot ...., """*Y, fm!umty 0Dd ......1enJIlL
2. IklIIIo 'pborI'. DrIw FleUfIor ..... MulllOll 0.. ..... aI>Il diocull tho I<IfOlcr.:c:s
wtIich _ be 41."" from Ibex ' 'oJ a<I'U. •
3. PII lain """ iDtoJli.&lbilily aI>Il .... Ob' <O!\t<liocd III • _..:I wave arc .. latc<! 10 "'"
1req\Icncy. ~!n \bat • J. ... I"ldtb ot .... tIwl • Ulz illUllicl<nllor tdepllone..
•. --
WTlto -.. bAIodoridtloI .... td or""'" Of T h. IIOI'IMI proa:racn:nes aI>Il bi&h
ExpI"in tho ~,lumopaUioln,to_nd.
3.11.. " ... ,;- •." - -
2.Ort · ·...
5. TImton: 6. l'itm
7. lbraIooIo:I olllearVt, 8. 1'1:ta/o;lkI olpain
5. DiocuIs_..:I1j'N1 I I..:IF!Ia'ItIoIIotarlillcialmusit.
6. WtitOl1ban notc <XI 'cIcct1'tXlio:: tuncr'.
7. Wtitolban ""'.. <XI II.. 1olkJoooWtg:
(I) QIanc:tcIiIIlcJ otbuman oar
(1.) Mo.cW:ai Q)e
(J) 11 ..... 000 cffco:l. .. tranId ........ related 10_..:1
Numtrh:al questions
\. Ihclu:ity of .... nd ;. 332 1M at O"C, Ibj itt ..... lot 773"C. (46.'i m.I»
2. ~1n<I 1110 .......ImJIII "r ....
n(! ct 1000 III prauming ju, ·J:1,. i'l' to bee J.4<I mil
(34 .• an)
1 Inlemil)' 0I ....11d 1'" "'J"e 0120" 111"' Pa il 0 dB. "'bat wiD be ill inlensily for
""........,010.1 P"(14<10)
•• In q,.. 'I .... No.3. O&Icul3le.,.,"" "" ...... ~ lor lI,u"",," ......... In1cmiI)' il 100 dB.
5. Wha. will bee IliC loud ..... level in pilon at 100 III lor ...,"" 01 i'"'mit, 110 dB
wbi<:b pes tbee oamt _ _ .. .,.,"" 0(40 dB a 1000 Ill? (-40 phon)
6. WIa iI tile .oo.eofbA "" inn1e Iorqo ._..., NoH (I ..,.,.)
1. cu:utat. """"'" .,1aYlIi wiIlt tUj*1 to 100 liz IiJr \be ~ IOUrA fnoqI , ie.
ISO Hz,;m Hz, JOO IIz,IIOO liz, lOOX1It. (U. 1. 1, 8, 100)
8. Ok"I ... _ _ ilqo .... No.7 (Lcc> I.5. 1. q,1,1,q,100)
9. Calcula .. harmonb In q'7rion No.7. (Nil, 2Dd.lrd. 8<lt. l00th)
10. In I m\lllk:al ....1e """ not"" an: 0( 16 mil 18 H1... rapeclively. Calcullte inlet\1ll
1iCt"","" the twO nota. (8:9)
(Some manufatturC!'S qllOte the scasjlMly ill ICIlIiI of dBltI. i.e. pcI'<I'er OUtput
in dB below 1 milliwatt. )
Examplt Z.l
ScAlitivity "fa microphone is 120 dB below I V, calculate ill OUlplll.
20 log..!.. ~ 120
Therefore, ~ • 10', or Eo - 10"' volt - ] /IV
Output or the arboa mitroplror>e is 100 mV wiI.b "",nd pre&&UU 0( l,..bar. la
the ~ ............ of IOtPl>d, the output redlKrA to 10 mY. C.lorlote '-V'I to P>Oiae
r ... q~ _poaH: The frequ.c..cy:-capoaae of. mitropbooe is rkfmed by
Ibe baadwidl.lr cl aucOO frequencies in tbc output of mk:ropIrone wilJUa ::1:1
dB of the OIIIpUI ar: 1000 Hz. All ..... ,&!: tbe complete I\:diblc freqPlCJ>Cy rar:rgc
of OOUPId wr.'CII is 16 10 2fWl Hz, • mkropbollC MUcb lives nar: rupo!lle
wilbin ::I: 1 dB f!ll freqPICncies 40 10 15000 Hz is considered good for bigb
f>delity audio ,ystems.. I..ower barrdwidtb 0( 80 10 8IXXJ Hz is aca:plable for
MMS of the vibratin,g system and iI.s wmplia ...... are equioalc:nl 10 elearical
iod"c"""" and c:apacilUlCC, ~y. Mass c:auoe& Rlteoulnoo al bigb
aad complj'5I(:(: at low IPIdio freqPICDCie. Also, due 10 m<J"o"abIe parts there;'
• ".Iura! resona.nP frequcp>cy for. mitropbo<le and 'ip'l is boo&ted lillie
reoonaal frtqUCJ>C)'. Hi&Ir boau empha,kCI tbe problem 01 f«d bad:: f,{PIII
Ioudspeo1er 10 microplrotreo in PA &)'Ilem.
",", ... J" ..
• ,
• ,
I I- •
",;.c",. ~.'"
I •
•, - • •
, •
> • 0
• l- 0
"S "-';1
m",*, .>ho ...
l- •
"r-A'" '"I I I
II I ;$.l
'I I I
'" ~ 320 MO IK loS K Sk
fmIucn<y in lb. - ..
I ~K 21) 1(
microphonefi a' e U$W C3.wng rclalM: palh difference from Ihe ".,urcc of
DirwtJ~lty: The d:rtC1i';l~ of a mieropbonc is defined with the help of a 1",lar
diagram. The angle for half power points in a p,,;"J diagram Jc p,c""nls
JiJ~ctivi!l' of ft mi",opbonc, as . hown in Fig. 2.2.
naif POW«!"i'"
lIi-<li""" itoooal
Canlioid or
'" '"
_ ·' ,,1, '
All pr~un: micropho:1 haw 1;>e<i(:.11y omnidir:dioaal patten>. , ..
Omnldirection.ol mic:rophoDco, .ocuw.i wavt:I off tbe main am
belId roullll dllC
10 diffrKlioa and ouike 1be di.ophrqm. Pr ...",: gr..ne", Dr ""Ioc:iiy
mkrophooe. ha."" figure rA cigbt pattern. Cardioid plttcrn is obI_jllCd by
oombiaiag .., onmi<llrectioaa1 miaopho<oe wiLb • figure: rA eight pattern
tnitrophone in aeries.. Sharp dircctioa CIJI be obI_;"..! by combiruotioo rA
mu.ltipk miaopboaes..
The OUIpul or • ~ micropboqe .. 0.3 ",V, when tM 0II1pui or ...
DfDfIi<Iiruticx micropI>onc placed ut>der idelll.ical coaditioa with rC<P'X'IIO
sour"" ;. only 31'V. Calculate direQMty ofl.hc lWO lllicropboDcs dB. u.
O.3mV .. 3OOI'V
.. 20 log 300
Mia'1 . ":0
The main componelll.l oIa IIY<l"o'ing roil micropbooc are ::nagnc:1, diaphragm
...d coil, Th"", are """- in Fill- 24,
The ""'&7'ct is a pcr:ssancnt magnet of POT type with a cenlr;zl pole pi.ca:
(Sooth pole) and the periplw:r;zl pole ~ (North pole), This type ofmagncl
giva a uniform sugDeti.c: field iD Ihe go.p belween the pole ~
Diapbragm is • lhin circular r.bect of nocsmagactic: maleri;zl and i. of light
weight, It is oIightly domed for ext.. . igidity, 11 is rlXed 10 the body of lbe
magnet with the help of springs. T1se springs provide compliance (equivalent
II) electrical capacitance) to !be motion ol diaphrogm, MHIT of lhe
diaphragm and coil a.sembly provide inductM: effect,
Coil is wound 00 • cardOOard cylinder wbich is attached to Ihe diaphragm,
The coil is &i.ngle layered thin enamcUed wire.
A P<OtcdM ctM:r (a 5JIC:Ial grill) is used lo ...ve the delicate diaphragm and
coil HlSCmbly from being mishandled. A &ill; cloth partition is used 10 separate
tbe upper chamber from the Lowcrehamber.A smail lube is used iD lbe Lower
cJwnber 10 give aa;e .. to lbe free atmosphere.
The 1110$< of the diIopingm rcstricu tbe high audio freqllCYIC)' outpIYt, and lhe
Sl iffllC5$ (a~citive ructance) eoused by the 1prU!cs' compliance, re.<lricts
, ",
, ,
I \"'pk~" -+
1 - 1_ _ _ _ _0
t'"ncllonln g
When soolld waves lolr jke Ihe diaphragm. i! rI\O\U and hence, coil moves in
and out in ,he mag""li, r.cld. This m.,.ion cltang<'$ (he nllI through Ihe coil
" 'h ich " suh. in e.mJ. being induced in the coil due 10 ckClromagnc:(ic
,,,duel;o". The value of c.mJ. depends on thoe rale of chaD~ of nux and hence
"" the motion of the coil. The displacement of the coil depends on tbe
pIOMo.e of sound wavel; on lhe diaphragm. ThU$, it is a pre .. ure microphone.
The induced vollage, c, a<:.OM ll,e coil of microphone is given by Eq. 2.2.
If B is lhe fill' denUly in 1<:$1& (or Wb.'m'J, ~ lhe length of coil in metrc,
", the v.:locity of diaphragm (ud benee coil) in mI.. then
e ., .!r. .. B "
• OIangc of an:. per ....on<!
. 'reqHIIQ' ""Sp"""": 60 Hz I" 1o:Xl1lz for :2: I dB. (Law f""'l""lIC)' ",' P"'''' is
further iml""'Cd lip 1040Hz by usina • ...wI lube in the ~ chamber rL tho
miaopbmc 10 gM N' ' I,,!be [r"" atmoophcrc). It has. natural raoaanee
be!"lottn3 and 4 kHz. Thetefore it is more proae (Q ""'"" and fc:edback.
Output ImpedaD<-e: Its outpul impedance is Quile low and i< nboul 2S Q/tm.
Hence, to matcb I line <lf200 "hm, a step up Iranslonner or
.bout 3:IIU""
.atiQ is buill in the microphone case. This iOCJC:&seI the oulput 'o'OItagc 10
. ,.
HJJ fl'
The main pa'l< Qf a ribbon micropi>u.'\e. r.hown in rlJl. 27, ate: l. permanent
magnet. and 2. ribbon co..duaor.
TIM: permanef\! magnet is a specially designed I>or",-.hoc magnet "ith
CJlJcnded pole piece .. It providc$ '.!rong mag ... ti. field.
T be ribbon is ~ liglli alumin ium foil. II is corrugated at 'ight ang~ to its
lengtll to p,O\'i<.le greate, '.'(4"" ""' •. The main leotu,e ;. lightnc.o.s 0( the
'ibbon, which .. only about 0.2 "'3 in weight, I few mic,,,,,-, thick and about
3 mm wide , H is .uspended in I"" magnetic rICk! of lhe pe,maDeDI magnel
aDd lhe wffne"" ol .... pellSion is &mall.
The ",hole unil is cDCIoocd in a ci,cula, 0< ,"",angular bame. The , h.1'" of
lhe bame is l>1li J'U.ely ci,eula, Of .e"langula" bUI ;" 'alhe' i' '''gula' ond
~Dds oa lhe SlrtldW"e of Ibe magnet.
Wo rkil1l prlndple
When lhe ribbon (aD elearic co!>doctor), placed in I mllP'clic field. is mad.:
10 move al righl anglc.o 10 Ihe milgl\Clic field by lhe f",a: of ><lund pi"cssure,
Ihore" a cllange of magnetic n""lhrough {he ' ibbon conduclor. Due 10 Ihi,
change of m.gnc1ic nuX, an e.mJ. is induced ",;rD!.S tbe ribbon. Th" e_mJ...
I'l"Oportionollo the rale of ch.nw: of RllIgDctic n"" wbicb .. ptopor1ionallo
lhe ro.o:: or ...... "" wa"-'S ", ,-;ling {be "bbon.
,~ -
1 1i~·': ,
7-" , "·.\. I~
i ,
I , -
- - -- ---1«
llXOl lI ,.
Mklql,",= 19
Other fn tuR'S
1. The ribbon, bciq: very li&ht. is deijcale alld CIl1 be eas;1y da~ by
droppO"II. He""" it uquirtl careful bmdling. Ribboa migophonc:,
when 5ubjCded \0 any mecliaaical oboek, CIl1lutrcr from. displaced
ribboa whicIo willll1b 1m the mognetic poIe~. The rCJulI is IhiD
2. A d.c. cum:ut through ribbon from I baUery 01. meier can Iolrain
lhe ribbon. Hence rcoistll>CC or CODlinuity of ribboa should IIOt be
mcuured with 1 meter. It 1obooJd be checked by visual i .... pectioo.
). A ribbon miaopboae .booM 10 bc bLwn mlO. It will causc stnUa ;.,
the n"bbon. 1\ is ...... itive to the _ a t of air ae." it and to the ohocIo::
vibration< It is aloo sensitiYe 10 breathing. It IhoIIJd, lherefou, be kept
abow; 50 em or more away from the IOUI"CC 01 0!lWIIi N ~ disaimiaat""
against '-kgrouoo ""'"" by • £adO< 013, the spcal<cn caoI stand .1 1.7
lime!. the dist'nce pI"eiCribcd for prasllfC mictopbolles. From I
di<I""", of SO em., ';gnll 10 noise ratio cJ this micropbonc will be !he
same as from """"r dist3llCCO for mO'o"i!lg roil Iypc. s... OUlpUt is
in<:rUKd if the _peal ... is cIooe to !he mitropboo:oe
4. Slightelol wind cau"", rumble ooisc in the output.
S. It bas excellenl transieat reaponsc.
6. II doe.o IIOt Deed eXlema! biu.
7. Its COOI.;' hig!>.
'VI ate
II if ¥U)' 1'''obIt fof dum. lu lipre r;I eipI polar di·S am aIIooo1_ to
I.llt 10 fKe wiIiclI iI_1WUnII tlt.u.a',, " C aide br oicIe.. f't&rtIoer, doc
two dud .... ia. tjlio"" . . "i~'lH ~ III iIapr'CC;M 01 !up "P"'"
bcauae ¥Oice of • penoa . , .ti. ia the dQd area, nao quite dole 10 the
..uc.",. T, will _ be pd..... lip dDoctIy, but ,.;0 rudt. lite miool'Oo .,
I h r . rdledio:.s from It.: . . ....us and hence wilIlClWXI Wtllll.
pr ......... Oac: 10 prw1ia 11y _;p'les' ,Uq . ,.iI siva the: bat I "il,.;u,
;''''.n",,",,' i' to the minute chv • ia 11M: _pIic.oIcd Wl"Cfona alladl
f ulld.lolllaa
Wh.e!> \here"'1<1WI<I "'a~ of compraoion, it CQDlpreMtllbe Q)'Slal. In cue
of .arefac:tiotl, COiD~"" tHe. place and Ihe cryoIai is wended and is under
te"",,",. D~ to thio compreYioa and ate"""", , varying poteftlia! differell«
is gene.""" "'hklI ir. propoc1i<>llalto t be mccb.lnical pre ...... e applied to the
cryolal by the iOIIIWl_vu. (It i&, thererore, 'pressure micrnpbone').
3: "_,, Vld<o En.!:i",n.,:SyI!=-
~ crysI.ol e1emCllIS arc COMected ;" IIICh a ""'y that the potential
diffcrcllCCll d C"odoped in the e1e!llC41S arc added up Illld we get a good
voltage output (about 50 mV) for feeding to the ampIif'IC •.
OtMr features
I. Not as rugged as moving coil ODe, but more rugged tban ribboo type.
1. CaD be spoken into al close range.
l. Ito high impedan<::e reql1irco relat.ivl::ly sbort leads 10 the input circuit
of the amplifier to prevent 100.0 of high.. .I.udio frequencies, or pick
up o f bum. The leads muSC be wdl sbicldc:d .nd IlOl more than about
6 m«rcslong.
4. Mixer circuit MIl load it and call!<: $CV(:'e 10M o f bass. Hence it
cannot be...e..t in multi·micropbone >)'IIem.
5. Unlike IIKl\>ing coi.I miaopbonc .... d ribboo micropb~ it h .. no
frequency di=imination with direaion.
6. It does DOt need. bias supply.
1. It should IlOl be txpo5ed to diru:I sun light for long time.
S. II. cos.t is low.
It is used for t be following purposes
1. Home r ecording -')'5Icms
1. AmatCIlt communication
3. M obile oommunication
l.6 Capadtor (or CoDdeDser) MkrophoDt
When capacitance of I capacitor changeo, the c:Iwge 011 tho: capacitor tends
to '''''''in tbe WIle, and bellCe 'IObage Mangel in aceordlllCe with Eq. 2.3.
will ·
Equation 2.3.00... that if C iJ>creua V will deerease and if C deer_aw, V
Diaphrlpl of tho: mic:ropbooc acts loS one plate of the capacitor. The other
plate, called bad: plate, is. rl%ed. WJ.c,,, IOWld prusurc move$ tbe diapbrq:m
in, tbe capacitaaa: inc:reasca, and when it IIKrVCI out, tbe capacitaaa:
dcaeaseL The Gange in cap"';t.1ICe rcoWt.o in cb'''''' in ooItage. The
capacitor mic:ropbODe iI a presourc miaopbone, loS sooud """"_ oomin!l from
all oldcs strike tbe diaphragm oa tbe f.oat &ide only.
Tbc plates an: ncar eacb otlx:r and form a capacitance of a row picof.....ts. A
fixd de.¥OItogc of.rout 50 to]OO ¥OIt" applicd bet.....,n tbe backplate and
lhc """",bIc plale. n..
diapbragm is in W'etcbed condition as it remaiM
attached 10 lbe wPJMll1in3 rlll\utQ wilb the belp of spider spriDgs. 1'Ix I"",
pial" an: insulated from eacb otlx: •. Capacitanc:e oflhis mlcrophooIt is
When sound .... _ 5lril:;e tbe diaphragm., il IEIOVU. Compr.woa ina ........
capacitana:, and rarcfaai"" deere ..... it. Change in coopacilar>a: .Qults in
duoage in mltlgc ""'.... lbe coo","cilo., as ohown in Eq. 2.4 Let C be the
capociunce oflbe microphone plaIa, V, lhc vo~ acr .... lbe plale., I:, tbe
dieLectric <XIMWl\ 01. 1M medium between lite plaIa, d., the diuantc
between them, A, tboi. area, ed 0, tbe cbargc beld by the capacitor, Iben
kA 0
C- d ,and V - C'
Q Od
lhcrdore. V - k AId .. k A
M"",oIw: p.l5
OtJMor Seatara
1, It 'lCCdI CIItrlIIl d.c. biassupply.
2. [ t is de\lcate bea...... of tile narl"QlPo' "parat"", betv..:co tbe mQ'o"ing
plate (di.phragm)..-d tbe rIXed b.ck plate.
3. It eoOIlQl "';tb't,nd cwo!! ive he, t. Moisture is .uo barmfu[ IS the
ooade ..... tiCla eo....,. crKklins ooond.
4. It iI 005I.Iy bea....., of the ""ceuity of d.c. bias.
Carbon MleropllOtlof
Wbca rme CIIJ'hon IP'llDules cnckwcd in a case IrC lubjected \0 variations of
prcIIure, tk ' = ;"lI,,« of 8'IlDules cb'''IV'" When ouch device of carboa
IP'llDules io con......,ed ill ..,rico with a Io.d through • de. IUppIy, the """,,nt
through the Io.d will vary in _dtaa: Vl'itb pressure vuj.\ jc"" 011 lbe
"""" ..,
1>1;'." I _'" 31
CoIIItz ..duM
Wbea ,"",M __ IIIrike the diaphnpI, it IIIOI'CI 10 and fco. Durirc
" "'1" ' )h condiricc. it pruICI the cuboa fIJ*I',\et II>d duriQs rard¥'ion, it
Iogy=m tbcmEWbea <.alb pMuIca arc p"' ....... the ouiIl_ dr:aeaoeo and
•• e , \be _. u lt thrcugh \be ciraoit btcnMCS. Wbea cuboa .anukll!:loloD,
\be , . '._ iou "M, cIea-euirI8 the C\II'Tt:III throu&h the cirwit. I .. the
. . ._ d ~, • 5Ic.dy CIIrTmI 110M, Thill '0""" IotIIYCl supcrinlpDIC a
..".,.. c;um:D1, ..... udio curreat 011 the .. cady cLe. cum:at.
Tbe<kw~ , . '. ,It u"',gr V aa-oul Do:! .e = ....... Ro.ia illulrMed ill rog. 2.14.
• , '.
"-,1.14 "".,'_ ' . , _ ..... _ . . . .,.' _
If E;' ~uery voIt~e and Rl. ;' Ihe load ruistancc, R.., + R,. i. represented
by R, IIlW.I the R~dy currenl '. iI equal 10 E/Ro, lhen lbe <:II/'TCnl I in R,. wiU
be given by Eq. 2.6.
1_ E _E( I+ 2..!)-'
R +dr R R
nus cbnagc in current, and hener: "hang<: in ...... hage I ..... Ihe load i,
Pl"Oportio<W to the chaag<: in ,e,im..,.,. of carbon granules.
1.IO Special Microphones
LaVIIlkr IIIkTophoH
A......u Iramducer IwpeD<led 011 ~ chc.u by """..... or II chord around lhe
neck .. callesl LavaIicr .ruaopbooe. II is a small """UIs <:Oil ~, spcciaUy
deaisnW 10 work as Laval;". microphor>e. II Iw iu applicabilily wherc
mobilily is D«("ury, for e.>:ampk, for a ledurer.
TkH:lip rakTopbollf
II is an Elcctrellypc liay micr~ whlcb aD be clipped"" 10 a ' ie, lapel
or ;myothe. """",ruenl part of ~ clothiDg. An a1er,w amplif... mad. "" a
liay chip of ,~icoo is ...w iNide the microphone. E ¥CD with t;ny amplirICr
and its cc:1I, iI .. very liglu.
Mkroplo.... ;,. • Iramd""", whi<:b ""...... ru IOUnd 1"== variationo iato
electrical signab. of the ....... f.eque..cy and phase Ind of amplitude.< in lbe
... me po""", tion as in Oficinal prcs.sure variation<. A good m;otopllonc
Mould have bigh ",... i!i';ty, high signal 10 noise ratio, IIat fteq ..."" '''PO''"''
for .I>diblc beqUCl>ciu, low ru.tortion, ","leJUne im("'dance """ direaivily as
per .equit~Dl.
M~4 1
C"nd~a ""r micro ph ..... , II, "",.king is based on the prinei""" thai V - OJC.
Wbcn C chang:c$ dill' 10 5O.lU nd p<= urc "",ialions on the mOV"dblc plat e of a
""pae~'''', V a1", change.<, Hence, il give, OU!p<ll vollogo co.n::'flonding 10
change o[ capa<itance ond henre, chango in pr .... u.e ,,,.ialions.
It has lbe: be:M frequency . c.o;ponsc (40 H, to 15 kH/). 40 dB r.ignal 10 noise
ratio. low diM"",,,". I(j() Mil impcdane<;. It, «:n, iti"';!y is ""I')' low and hence,
an amplit",. is in-btl ill ",'!lien gi""" an outpul of SO db bel..... t "ule. Dirccti';1y
p.o.llern " omnidi.ectional. II is w;cd OS .. anda.d for calihralil)ns and al"" in
pI'()f",,,,ional high qualily reco.di,,!!, 115 main di.. dvlOntagc is !hal it needs d,c.
volt"", ()f aboul 200 volts 10 eha,!!e Ihc capacilo.,
A_he. "" ... il)n of conden"". microphone is H '''I'''1 Mkrophnn., ....hieh ha,
in·huHI eh~'gc and her><:<:: doc. I>Ol need en ernal bauel')'. It$ charaC!clis liG
a.e l.imilar 10 Ihat of <. mden .. , micr""honc, It is u§cd in ~mal1 PA 'j'SIe m. as
in club&. II is also u5<:d as Tie I;Jlp Mi(ropb"" •.
C.rbooo IIIIcrepb..... : WMn fir>e carbon gunule. ore enclosed in a etiC and
!tlbject~ 10 va. iation! ot preMU.C, 1M ,wo.lana: otlt..: granu1.,.. changeo.
When a lIIWl ballo.y is conllCCled in ..ric.< wilh lhe mic, op/>onc and load ,
the varying current th.ough tbe load &ives Ug:nal OIIlpul.
II has m. higbc:<l suWtivily (20 dB below 1 mil). Signal 10 ..we .01;" i, poor.
F."'Iuc""Y .espon .. ;. 200 10 SlXXl H~ only. Oio.lOflion ;. high. imJ>Cdan<x: ;.
about 100 n. Oi=1Mty pilUcrn ;. ornn;.u;n:c1ional. It is "-'Cd iII tclcphtKlC\o.
1. Expa.. ,I>< paramele .. 0fI _ quality of a mia<>P''''~ <li<pcn<ls. IJiw: III<
vaIua "'I""",, ....amele .. IOf """'"'g <Oil, ribl>on, ct)'IaI, conde"",. a nd cartlon
miaopl ........
1. F~ tl>< ....-ting principle "" """'"'& wil microphone ..ith the hell' of. no.al
y",,:lI. OM: typical values or .. poramtlUS and menllOn iu &ppIications.
1. Wrth lhe I><Ip of neat "'otell txpIain the principle 01 WI"kiong '" • riht>Oo
oru<n>p\"oIt. Why io it k.....ll .. ""*'>ciIy mia<>P'lWC? EzpIa" the <Iin:tIjyjty
potte.n "t ribbOfI microphont and <Iiocu .. _ cardioid pattern can he 001_.
Ment'" ill ~pplications.
4. W~h til< ~ "t a neat ike,"", aplain ,I>< functiollinB of I <t)Olal miu""""""
G;.e . . lues of il. parame-t ... and .. ,.......tions. I;';J:pIoin .. Ity <lCnIrrUc ct)'Iai io
" " " ... itabIe lhan """""~ uK ayoIat
S. ,-,pain tl>< ""lfUIB ", I c<l<Idcnou mOcpl>anc ";lh the 1><11' of a neal diavam,
Wbat .. it. main """"""'tall" and how is it climwuod t". clt<:tm mtCn""",,,
Draw~. f""luer><)' rarome ""'" and mention jill O",*""lions.
6. l)eocribe 'be """""""... '" a ... bon mi<:rophoo .. ,.f[h ttl< help of ....31 rigu..,.
0 .... iupanmt"'" and app6atiano
7, Write""," ...... !III the IoIk";"g
(I )UviI'" mia<>P' .....
(2) Tk clip~ ...
(3) Wifc_mX> ' ...... '"
(4) Noi:se <atK>CUinB mkI'lJllOo ..
canpan: ttl< ptll"3Il"oOIC" of mLWing <Oil, ribbon, <t)'Iolal, conde""" 000 "" bon
~. llIe .. alc .... nl II»' the m<lU<>."tl "'~Iall" In • ",,,..iIll cuil "'i<rtJphun< iIII • Illi (D, I
and i 11:>\" """,I ..... nin!?) iIII _ (IrUc. lahe)
6. All rru<TqlI"IC .... <-""pi _ a", "",,",,,'" microphones (1lXIVinJI <:Oil • • ibN.,.
nywl"'.,d,".............. .,)
7. High f""l""1I<)' n:>p(lII'C of ribN., m,cmp"""c is lban nKI'Iing ",., I'IJ'C
due .0 ""'" _ 0( lhe """,,1:>10 port (won<. heuer. oomphan<e. """"'. ftic1ioo)
8. m"lop ' ' ' ' ;,. catlod ~Y m""" ..... ., ( M<>VinS roil. Ribl:oJn. Cl)"laI,
CorxIo ........ QlrtIon).
9. P, ..... ,. """",,01 1)'pO micrnpIlonc is rnicmphone (!I'IINinK roil. <ibN., •
..,...aI. _ ..... r. catron).
10. n..... <ljO>I"d.,·. dim:tMIy poIiern is hi-dir<:ct ....1'" lIgu,," of eiPo' ( M"'""8
<oil Ribbon. CryUaI. Condemer. Clrbon).
11. Ilibbon mi<roplxlne is more ",~ablo for <Itamas II»" IUl)' Oilier mitropIIooe
becJ"", "I ita 1:Ii-dim:tiooal pollern.llIe "."menl iIII (I",e, folK)
12. Impo<lan<e of I ibbAl mi<ropIIone 10 lhe 0( a n "*"opII<-..a IIn<l is _ _
(l.owc>I, IliJVoe>l, Ieio titan I a. 100 0, l000D,! Mil, )
13. "rni=lpIIunr: ~ "" pi-",rlcetril: dket . <2lIed _ mia ul'''nllc (IIIIMIlg
mil. ribbon, ..,... ....... ok"",,,,_)
14. Roellelk Sa~ 01)0I&I iIII noIused in otySIal miuoplOlleS becJu", il is st»ttplil:lle 10
and canDOI ";,mu.r>CI (IIiJh ,.m!"'!';"u,,". "",""un:. pi ....."")
1~. 1bc: crystal iIII lbe: bosI lox crystal miaopkA>OS, becJu", it lias !>igh
pkroek:<:lric erft<:l and iIII "'" "'''''plihit 10 rno<Itu", (q..... ,,~ <tramie:,
lOIIl11\1>linc, ~I)
16. Impedance 0( {be:..,...aI ."...... """.0_., .. aboo{ _ M u . (. L. I. 10. 1(0).
17. micrq>l><Jnc: IIaa lhe bosI ffalUenc:y raponoc """ "'" II'Ir: """"
( M<MnACOil. Ribbon •..,...&I, CorxIo ....... carbon)
18. 1Il;;'VJh>r" twa lbe: hIlill in "",~f\e. (Mavin, n,;l Riblur. Oyst.'.
C"I'I "'. earbon)
19. 1bc: rr..... op ....... ..1i<:tI need memaL d.e. "'PM ..... _ anO _ (moving
<OiL, ribbon, cryst&l, _ ....... carbon)
20. Ctooo"",, rr,;;'op... " """"" does DOl "'"' mernal d.c. """"" is callo<l ___
mir;ropt1uno (cal""'or. tie<l"" , crystal, carbon)
21. Micruphon<: u&cd in Idcphonca ill _ miu.....
"'_ ••• (e""'ret, <:r}.... ,.
m... op ..... ".,. u.. hi",... oensjlMty "'" u.. ,........ f""l""nc:y range
N UIMrkal q uesliull§
L StmitMl)" of I rr,ia rlJA ...... is 80 dB below 1 >Ull for ..... oo 1""""'" ufOo I "PI.
r iOO wI ill ""tPl" in micrQ<,u!11 (100 I' V)
2- I'rQu"""i linear r"'ali<m/>;p, cal<ula •• "'nsiliYiIy <If <he abOve mien'phone ro, 1
I'a Jlf<1OUf<_ (1 mV)
3. 'n.. ,"'lpul or direct;... f1oiuop.'>ono ill , .... bc.1I ~i=lioo is I mY, .."hen .he
''''lpu'o( an ......,; ... """'imal mia'opllono pIi><W un<ler Klcntieal ";Ih
~ 10 IIOUrte is ''''I)' 100 I'V. (".<l1eu1a10 III< <lircCl;""y of the dl~"'"
miaOjli ...... , (20d U)
C. 1\ miuopt..... pIIIcI:<I al H) m<:1m; from a oou= ..."'icIo is radial;n, 1 ""II. si'-n
m;";m"m ""'pOll. WlIon <Iiroclioo 0( micropllone ;, cII.ln~ bj' '1(/', 1110 P"""" or
,he IIOUrte ..... to be j~ '0 10 .."II '0 gel .be """" ""'PO' fn"" ,h.
mkrophone. Cllwlat. mkrophone'. directivity in d ll in (~imum dircC1ion v.ilh
'"P"'" to 9(f [rom IIx: optimum. ( + 10 an)
S. RW$lana: of "",boo mi<rophon<: changes by so D by ,lie incklcnl .... oo ".,.",.
DC ~ Ilr tbe mkrophone and k)8d art 150 D ~1I<l 10,000 U. • ...",.,.M:Iy.
1la1l01)' _age ;. I voU. O>l<ulate I"'"~ to I"'a~ .u<lin ou'PU' in milli "'~'" ('>.7
'I' ate
For iastallalims, reqlliriDH km& loads, a filed line veil. is 'P""if...o ror !be
i)'It=. It is 100 'odt in Indio (ill ¥Ok in USA). It meaas lhailbc ampli6cr at
the peak OOIru power will 8M 100 '<lit 10 the lo"d'pcakcr Iinc !"O!! ....... ed ro
iI. Impcdaaoc eX !be loudspeaker is kIw , aad !bercfore \be IiDc voIt~ is
reduced by ';"11 step .so..... transformer ti the loudspeaker end. This
-moo reducc.s 10M eX p<JWU in kq leads. ImpW"""" R ohm eX !be
am!iifoc:r,!P>iaspeak outPUI~eX P _tt ca.nbe calculated by Eq. 1.1.
R .. 100)( 100
F'md!he ' csWmtt ohhe ...,p~r"" if2!i w oulput powoc. gnu 100 V or! !he
ioudsPCHor Iiae. Whal will be Il>c: pc... nl .eduaion at 10M in line if the ~""
, coisIAdce is 1 0, and the Iou<kI"'HCr "";,,.nce is 16 O.
R _ 1(0)(100
I...0oI in I 0 ~"" in 100 V .)'Item .. O.06W
J '" ' , •• " . ,
F • Bli.ma (3,2)
""'re ,,
F •
rOfa: in newton, B _F1I1l11Icn&i1yin
Length of the coil....m in metre
• Current in a.mpc:re
• • Angk betwun the"';l and the rleld
Normally, a • <f, ,.,...., P _ B~
When motion of the coil is omoll,;1 will remain within the region of uniform
flux density, Th"", fOO' r.m.alI motion of the coil, tbe output is liDc:ar.
(When coil II>O't'CS in the magnetic rlcld, Ncl: e.mJ'. is produced due to
clcdrOlDagntlic ir>d1lCtioD. This makes III(I(ion the coil ilClOdy).
CoaslructiOIl '" a CODe type lIIO'Iing coil LouWpc:uer is obown in Hg. 3,1
The moving coiIloudspc'''''' coDloim or a """"" coil (single boycr "';n<ti"8 o f fioc
"".melled wire), .....,..,..j 01:1 a cardboard 00' fibre cyliodc:r. Audio current is fed 10
it tbroogh IWO tcrminak Tho coil is pi"""" in a ......ir roeLd.
The mag ..... is a pat type pcnII&DCDt magnet ..nicb hal; • ~ pole (South
pole) aDd a peripheral 1>'* (NMJ> 1>'*), The map::1 ;. made '" higb grade
magactic ttI3I.eria~ like alnico (comp?"~ion '" .loico is a1wninl"", 10%, nicid
IS%, cobaIl U%, wwer 6% and iron 54%) whicl> .... al ... the magnrti ....
r.wemely "",,0. Tho magnet ;. "" obapcd 1& 10 give WOPJ ladial m.gn=:it ficld in
the """ular .pace bc:tIro.:en the ceotral aad pc:ripberal".,.. .. The W>ia: coil is Cree
... AucIjoA _ " " II...... 5):11_
- / - - PO.,... <0IIt
to move in tbe ......Illar ipIICC' IIavinc S\l'OIIIi aJId lUlil'orm. m.apelic r",1d,
Bccausc r:J. tbc ...., r:J. perm ..... m mlgncl, iI is also calkd 'permueDl ~
type .pedcr'.
The coil is allached 10 • COIIic&l diaphragm, IIlIdc r:J. paper Of puc:bm:<lII. II is
C· 11ed 'Pa;Jel' CoDe'. The cone is corrugated hmna; circular ~ A
fIcziblc otrip r:J. rubber round its periphery is uscd 10 IlIppon it. The spKlcr
sprin&!! arc uscd 10 IIIppon me oomplctc diapbngm aJId ako proW;\e lhe
rcqWred stiff.... " 10 1'CIIrw. tbc molioD. The IpKIc ... also keep the ceil
eealcrod, 5(1 1Iw tbc COOC IIIO¥CI forward aJId backward only.
Leads from the voioc coil arc c:cmcated 10 tbc <:ODe lurf_From thcr~ tbcK
~ bron"" 10 the Iwnin·tllllOllftled 011 tbc mctal rr.- or b'S\cI.
Whu audio CW'1'CaI flows thmuP tbc voice coil placed ilia magKli:c foeld, •
rarc:c cqll&110 Bli _011 ICU 011 the coil aJId II>OYCS it 10 ud fro. The paper
cooc .lIvhcd 10 tbc coil also II>OYCS aIId callKa oompreuioa ar>d rartllK:lion
cyclco in tbc air. Thus.udio ClllTe1I1 is rmally cotrYttIcd mlOIO\lftd waYC.I. The
cquivalclll circuil: r:J. the cooc lpeaqr is """"" in Fig. 3.2.
'There ~ two lr....ronD.lions: 0.... is dct:lrom«hnical and the other is
", , ..... ..,
'· 1~ '.
r---:'•" .... ...
" •
- -, SOl tc
, •
,..12 Ilqol "·,_of,.. __ I e'"
'l1Ie wtde pII"'" ill a;IK type foodsp".k ... IICU • • dilj"",- ud ....m ..
p' :un nriM* , ....... ill die ..!Ie........ &rea. Hence if: iI rolled ·dD .....
nctiMq type bw'sp-'ker.
.•,. r--~
.,. "':"'_,"oo-·",,~_...
"'~~=- 2000 4(lOO SOOO
lOOO H. :::;.;::;:;;_
,~ ~
... u , ,_d . JG<LI""""'·
' Lq~,." ...
•• " " ..
ClIantc'kristiai of tlIe oo~type speaku
EftIcieaQ: The efflCicllCJ' of • ron<: speaker is quite low, ,bout S ]Xl ccnt
""Iy. The poor dfocien<;y is due to the flotl that it acti as a dired radiator,
and "" there is complete ml,m'lch betwun the low aooustic: load
prCKntcd by tbe: large ¥Ill""", of aU ad the hi«h ",eCbanical load
prCKntcd by lhe voice coil and eooe assembly.
SlpJl lo 'lOile notlo: It is 30 dB or bette •.
FrequcIOC3' rapINIH: II is . CSlrictcd to mi.d frequc:Dciu ooIy. Frequeocy
rupotIX drop!. at low and lIigh ludio frequeodes for Iypi.cal
looo.peaker. HOWC"o'Cf, mauivc loudspeaker (called .........er) for low
frequcnci.ci and ""alllizc i peaker {....dled tweeter} for high frequeocies
Call be dc'ignrd F.equc:ncy . e""""", of. typical ipeaker io 200 Hz 10
!iOOJ H>;. Low fre'l""""Y woofer opcakc.. witb hUllca wiU give f. eql>Cn<;y
response lip to 40 Hz. High £rcqUCJ>C)' lweet .." extend tbe: fteqllC>\C)'
respoo'e 10 10 kHz or ~o higher.
DbtortlOll: Non·liJw:ar distortion due 10 _·W1iformity '" the mlgJlCtic
nlD" dcMity CI\ISeS severe dUtortlon up 10.bout 10%.
DUectlollJ': B"icilly the hod'pe ' ker is oami·directioo.>l. BUI baIlIcs and
.ncloolll"cs modify Ibe directmty so that moot of lhe power is in the fron\.
H""",,ver, high all(\;o freqUCDcies are ron«ntratcd '" • nan""" CODe
.bout the uii of the radiator.
1m", 'oil«: The effective i.ftIpcdoncc tlkina into J(:COunI the m«hanltaI
and aoo!,sJ;col loads varies f.om 2 0 10 3Z 0 .. The common impc-
danc:a in comme. cial "!'Cake.. arc 4, 8 or 16 0 . (200 10 ](Xl 0 impc-
d"""". arc obtained in clCdIodY"°mie type (:OfH! .peo1:e.).
FOlIa" b... dll,. a ptldty: Power range: of speuen ~es between • rew
milli...lIl1O (for 2 ClIO speaker) to about 2'i wan for large: &izc Jpeo1:erL
(Elearod)"lWDi<: . peake .. am witN.tand a few h""dred _III of input
3.3 Ele<:trodynamle Loudspeaker
To provkle vel}' $U0Gg magnetic r..k! for high _111# speakers, electro-
magoct is uw:I ilwead of perm.aneot m'gncl. The """'kioJi principle 01 an
cJc<,trodynamic opcaker is the ........ tbal of permanent magnet type. It.
cooWruction is ahown in FJg. 3.4.
1 ""dspeakc •• of more l h"" 2'i wall and up to a f..... hundred ""'1<1 are of
electrod)'Jlamie Iype.
The wong and $Icad~ magnetic field is prodllCed by a large r.. ld eoi.I
wrapped around _ core. The ,bape of lhe magnet i< poIlype with south pote
1 00 ' ; , . ... 51
ill !.he centre"'" North pole ill the pcripllery. The 'peri'];.hape of the core
.uows rnapetie nil>' to remain ~aled ill the ..... uLar pp between pole
The yoke coil is 1II<>IIlId oa fibre or alnminilUlJ (to keep it Ii&bt weight). II is
placed ill lbe ..... uLar pp. Thc .udio .....: I'TOOII the .... pli6er'1 OIItplll
1f..w0l1ll:U if. applied to IlK voice coil. This sign,1 CII· ... a ¥V)'ia& m'gnetic:
foeld. The re.ult .... mtc,.....jM b(tweeu the two mlptic IieId& (<me due 10
electromognr\ UK! tloe other due 10 audio Cll./TeQ\ ill the voice coil) prOOIlCU
mechanic:al vibrations (lDOIor .aioa) iIIlbe coil ,",cmbly, whiclt corrcspond
10 the audio !ip·ls.
The vibratioos of the coil arc Ifansmitted 10 the attlthed roDe which cmote
iOUnd wave. in lhe air in li$teaen' area, eel hcDOC radioie oound energy
... ~-
I. Higher """",. caD be~.
2. FrequcllC)' ,u P""1e if. betic.,
I. P~r ,uWly is nceded for fick! coil.
2. Heav>c r in weight fo r the same "m"unt of m.gndic f,eld.
3. Col.l li" •.
A horn typc Ioodspca kc. ""'. a m<n;nS coil placed in a maSnelic field
(simi la, 10 !"Iper cone Iype), bUI in>!cad of .,..l ialins acouSlie !""'"t. di rectly
in ope" SpIO<" of li"cn~ ..' . ru, Ihe 1"""" i, fi,.,,1 dcli\"t. ed I" Ihe air trapped
in rued non·';!)raling laPl"'rcd or Oared hmn, al\tl f, om there to the air in the
li"eoen;' arca . Thu .. it ,adiates """"d powe. to Ihe air in .• pace hOi direclly
from the diaph'agm bUI in<ii'''''tly th",ugh lbe horn . Tht . I. 110.... as.... "j,y
110, hom I)'.... I.... d' pr""". I..... 1I.d ' di.....·1 lI~di"tlng LnudS.....~"".M. Th,
loom 0.1".. .cOlOSl in ll,. ,, 1'"1 II,. co',,. 0.1 ,,,,, n,,,,,hunlo.lly. The harn &<t •• ~ an
":o""i, 'ransf",m.r. Thi• •110\0, /)cHer impedance. match be,"""en low
impedance of Ihe free ai, and the high impedance of Inc vibraling ,,,ice coil
a<htmbly. Th •• r,,>ult. in ;ncr~"",d dHdcncy. T he effociency of a horn I )l'"
.peake. i. 3(1.5(1<... "" again>! only S% dlicicng "r cone lyre Ipco ke•.
The horn is a I. ppe rcd enc!osure who." diamele. incrus<:. f'om a . maU
va lue 01 one end (called 'THROAr) 10 a large , .. Iue at lhe othc . end, «(ailed
.MOUTH'). There is an air cloamber Irapped belwccn IhrOOI and Jiaphrapa
The chamber ;'I;nod wilh «lund al!w.rbing m.leriallike lorn.c felt. The d.i,·e.
; i)i>phrwn
.--0 ,
lini' V- n-
unil is ,imi"', It, dinx:l ,a<!i".ing I)TC ""-"pi Ib..i Ihc f"iI'W" alOe;" mt I""'<nI. A
h;,."" h".n (calcd OXJl"f'o"nlia1 h"rn) I)TC 'I"'<'''''r ;,. ~ ...n in FIg.:U.
The c.",,,,,,nl;'J I>..., n i, • 'I,aighr circular lube ",",,<>,"e Cr.-.<$ '<Celion.1 a'c "
;nc,c."" I"sa,ilhmically .Iong iu lenglh from 1i>C Ih"'.l """..rru.
The ],."n ""I, a. a high 1"'''' fille, . The cuI o rr frequcncy f, i, si"'" hy Etj. 3.4.
, ., A"
2" V
C - Velocity uhound.
A _ Area of eros. ""'Iioo of Ih",.t
'M V _ Volume of air chamber trapped belwccn ,h",a, and
diaplr rogm
In terms of diameter oi the mouth, tl>e lowe.t frequency ...·hiell can be
reproduced by h.orn t)'pC . peaker is given by Sq. 3.5.
At high freque"d" ... dislantU of different point, o n the diaphragm f",m the
I>orn will r>OI be equal, causing ph...., difference and !>o;r>cc result."r
cancellalion. To O'\'Uconle Ibi, difficulty, spccial chambers haw betn
developc:d .. iUow.aled iD F"IS- 3.6.
Fr,.. l.'
Spc<"" <h. mb.. 'Q"""I"OU" 'Q, '-I.. r ..... O«o uf '"1''''''''''' d"ph"J'"
v ,
_ 0
1- _ 0
1- _ 0
- 0
- 0
<1im<:Mions for. hun aft """"';':k!y, IIId hence loon ....lIttwe is folded bKk
;,. iu d f 10 ronw:fYC ph)'Sical ' pa<c ( ..... f' e<!""1>CJ '-: POO " ;. impr"..,d br
",ide: mouth and high frequency ,="""" "" unalIlh.oatj.
A low r.tq..:-I'IC)' horn for H;·fi .)5Icm" shmo'II in "''8- 3.7. 11 oontain5 . cone
Ioud:!pcakcr IOiIh l hoom. TIM: froot rI the: woe f.aca away from tt.: audience, buI.
the c"" ...... .., 011"" WIIC and the "'poncfllillJ t.om Ire 50 placed that lbe output
;. d inxu:IlIO'WlU'<h the Iscr>cn. Such l t.om QQ be placed ia the ",..-..;, of a
roo", 10 ...., (he two .... 11< .. the Ulcnded sidu d , he .......
I'riNipk <If ",<.<luring (n'<''''' ..... b<'''~..,n In,<"I'II<lioo bel ..... " I"",
drMn, fQr"" 'IOU ""'f."<,1t r....... IM"",.ic fltld<
(ml;O".....<I""') (motor ....."' )
I.igh' <!"pnrasm "f lignl d.. pnra"" of
aI\Im,",um ,,'hi<fl OS aluminlun •. No !,1pt' <flOl< .
Cl'Cn<lctl in ltlc (ll,m
of f"lp:' cone.
Tn""''' of mCC!Wlica, TtIc p,'",,' ""'. Mechanica! energy of
~"'r!)' ,n 1ft< 'J< In 'ft< <1,,,,,,'1)' . ",~fcrl. I, d.'pn",,,,, is tf"lI$krrffl '0
lioI .... n· a ... a in ,lie 'Orm 01 ;,., 'II<", lor•• c:lI!cd Itle Ihroa'lh""'g/1.m
acou!olic ..... ,gy (01 "",nd ) <1;""" r",fultng r""mbcr and ,""n III ,""
~p:~-.' . hom""" (IM!I)' 10 ,110 air.
M ...:IIlr1.K n>c<:hlInil>d No m;)I",""go f' is M 3I<IIing is 1Idl~ . Low
impcdaDOOof dlaphrn"" to .....,pk,. mi$m;llrn. impcdafICC of lreo air ;,
, .... OOOU!olic impedarxe IMlctted ";Ih hi",
impedofICC of diap'''''''''.
56 ...-a VId.:oP .
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IlipI flaI. .... teriallllCd 10 m -ec! the "y_ of. 'otodoopc·kcc a.r.;' coIIc4
1;>.f!Ic'1 II jUb,v'ill .... 191
The. ICCIII \!efDe ;. ..............Iy IISCd fer • ploK ..mace.. A bafDc i.ausea the
clI~ Iac:t" of the KOO,ric'I IniD<1II 1 ' ion plitt. bet .. ""the froo>! aDd Ihe
bad<: of the todioter.
N«onlll)' tlo brJIIt: There .. oir oa botIIlideI of the COIle, \lie frQIII • ,.d as
\lie back. H _ the CODe ra"iatcslOll<id &om betb - . . Hcwcvu, \Io'hem the:
_ ".--.,. r... ,.<lid, thctc II """'1* riM of \lie air .. \lie frolll, but rord'action
M \lie t-ck. WhaI the <XIIIC ........ boekIo.........iij • ."I)Il .. \lie b.:t ud
'00'1 ', .. 57
1"\1. J.J A __
rardadioll ill :.he frOM 00CIIr1.. ThIlS:be IOUIId ...._ produced m:be relf air
arc Or tIj)p06ite phuc (Le.. ph"c dilJereace if 18)" ... ' :;:,e EO lire ocmnd _
producaI ill lire froal). n.: pro _a from !he .... Ok or ~ round:he
oidcr. and meet: tile ......... _ ill :he &ort. H !he I*h dilll'CI'CIIOt ill III'IIl •
mn'I!!I!'ed toA!2, :he i'IIIO _ will ......... '71"'1 ea;dr odrcr C'IIrPag' I' • .., <I.
':he <p'ua EO dr~ oII sbarpty, Whea !he &tq KJ rJ nrdiaIed 'MIiCS ill bw', !he
~;, iI W. and hmoe !he I*h di&t x bet" ' .... and froru. oicks;'
~e SIIIaI i I _ <I.;'. ThiI...m aIbw bw' ftequmc:y _ EO Irffle from .... EO
lire froru. - 1 _ I!IT ora <I. phm, ....,.;.1Ire 00 ..... eIICQD' P.... 'j""Y, To
....., tb: bw' frcqumcicr; from Itlct'"otior, ~ ill 'HO 5')' iO inauz tb: I*h
diffUCDCC by...mg. pIrpi-al bou:."', tb: boIIIr (At!rip.udio frcqoll"...,!c.,. bIfIIc
is 11<1 "'&' b=arr... " ;" ' ... II1II""""'" II'C Yn"1 cbcly 11*00 and
CKQII' irr. quick p. I i u;."" uxI .... _ :bcre is 110 & . , Ii ' Fa'Mim),
The bafllu arc !IlIrdc of • good IOIIlId inlubtirla ....:e.w, The .... IC.w is ooft
10 cbecl: r. :Uc. sot: wood or xlJo(eJ; arc good.. 1'1Ie ape,ker IIIII&t be lllCUrely
fiKd 10 !he baf&. The blffk is aIIo rigidly ......,... 011 to ~ ... ,.nle IOIIlId.
lallallle bafI'It: All ideal illfmile baffle is !he Oftc: wIlk:h bas ilIl'mi!e laIeral
dime.wo.... SIICb I baffle will DOl be feasible. HO'We'o'er, if bafllc dimc~
are 10 large that !he frequency at ...t.lcII t~ path k"3lh isAn, is far below 1.be
lowest frcqueacy 10 ~ uocd, ouch I baftlc C&.II be caDM 'iafU!il:c baffle'. For
example, let I speaker "" riled ill • hole ill !he wall or I bOUlC:. AI the
dimenw"" or the wall arc quile Large, the wall will at! as IWIlraI buricr for
I~ rear souad to rome ill froat d.!he speaker. TIle wall will ace as ;".rmite
A praceir.! illfut.ite baffle will Uve buge dimeo' ion , Several de';"" have
bee>! dcYclopcd 10 reduee the w.e. ODe ouch de'ign is to """" the bafllc bad:
II!~ " " " as showoI ill Frg. 3.10.
feclCII_: Wbca llourkpcake, is mounted ill. med boor wi1.b III opertirtc
ill the frOllI (to eDablr: the c:ooc 10 IJ'an,mjt ill vibrlti.oDr. to the air ill frOIII),
I"" boor iCn<CS tDe purpose d. ilt.fiftile b&flle bccalliC the wave~ from thc bad:
of the CCIDC will IlOl be able to QldIC to the fl'Ollt lide. SIICb I clooed box is
called III e!lclo&ure, &lid is .......... ill Frg. 1.11.
.,.1" P "-'b.rn.
The: best DWeriaI for CllclOIUtCI it; about 18 111m thi<:t pi)'NIIO<l or ~
board. Solid timber it; IIOl sood bccalliC !he limber grain C&.II prod"....
re ............ II. ccrtairr &equc..cico willWl!he uscfuI.udi.o frcqueacy range. Tbe