How To Create A Monster PDF
How To Create A Monster PDF
How To Create A Monster PDF
1 october 2000 1
Manual uses the size categories shown
in the Monster Size Categories table.
When assigning a size to your mon-
ster, think about your monster concept.
Does the creature need to be really
strong and tough? Does it have a vora-
cious appetite? If so, it should be big. Is Its usually a good idea to develop a concept for your monster first, then
the creature sneaky, agile, and easy to pick a type that fits the concept.
overlook? If so, it should be smaller.
A creatures size will affect its ability ABERRATION: This type works best for FEY: Fey creatures include fairies and
scores and its number of Hit Dice. (See creatures that look just plain weird. most good sylvan creatures. They also
the Creature Types section below.) Aberrations with high Intelligence will include evil creatures such as the shee
have a good mix of skills and feats. and unseelie fairies.
CREATURE TYPE They have fairly good combat abilities,
A creatures type defines what the crea- but not a lot of hit points. If you want GIANT: If your creature is human-
ture is like and what it can do in much your creature to be a tough customer shaped and is at least as big as an ogre,
the same way that a characters class in combat, youll need to give it some its probably a giant, especially if it
defines the characters abilities. A crea- sort of special attack ability. For exam- doesnt have a lot of special abilities.
tures type determines the size of its Hit ple a carrion crawler has eight tentacle
Dice and how magic affects the creature; attacks that cause paralysis. HUMANOID: Anything that resembles a
for example, the hold animal spell affects human and is smaller than an ogre
only creatures of the animal type. Type, ANIMAL: This type usually wont be probably should be a humanoid.
along with size, helps determine its ability suitable for any creature youve
scores, number of Hit Dice, and damage dreamed up yourself unless youre set- MAGICAL BEAST: If your creature
ratings (as shown below). ting out to create a completely alien resembles an animal but has supernatu-
When choosing a type for your mon- ecology and you need creatures to fill ral or spell-like abilities, its probably a
ster, consider your concept and choose the same ecological niches that Earth magical beast.
the type that best matches that concept. animals do.
READING THE TYPE ENTRIES BEAST: This is a step up from a normal type for just about anything that com-
Each entry begins with a short descrip- animal. Use it for any fairly mundane bines elements of human and animal or
tion of the type. Specific information creature that doesnt have any magical monster anatomy unless it is weird
follows: abilities. Though beasts can be smarter enough to qualify as an aberration.
HIT DIE: The size of the types Hit than animals, they can have animal
Dice. Intelligence (Intelligence score of 1 or 2) OOZE: If its a mindless, amorphous
ATTACK BONUS: The types attack as well. You can use this type for real- blob, its an ooze. Otherwise, its proba-
bonus as a function of its Hit Dice world creatures that were extinct at bly an aberration.
(each Hit Die equals one level on the the dawn of recorded history, such as
appropriate column on Table 3-1 in the dinosaurs. OUTSIDER: If it comes from another
Players Handbook). plane and its not an elemental, its an
GOOD SAVING THROWS: The types CONSTRUCT: Use this type for any outsider.
saving bonus as a function of its Hit creature that was built rather than born.
Dice (each Hit Die equals one level). PLANT: If its vegetable, its a plant.
Any saving throw type listed here uses DRAGON: Use the dragon type for
the higher value on Table 3-1 in the variations on the basic dragon design (a SHAPECHANGER: Use this type for
Players Handbook. Other saving throw flying reptile with supernatural abilities). any creature whose favorite trick is
types use the lower value. This type is exceptionally powerful, turning into something or someone else.
SKILL POINTS: Calculate the creatures combining excellent saves with great
skill points according to the formula combat abilities and a wide selection of UNDEAD: If its dead, but still kicking,
given. Most creatures gain more skill skills. (The game is called DUNGEONS & its undead (although it could be a con-
points if they have more than the mini- DRAGONS, after all.) If your creature is struct if its just a collection of parts
mum number of Hit Dice for their size. essentially just a flying reptile (such as animated through an arcane process). If
(Treat a fractional Hit Die as a full Hit a pterodactyl), the beast type is proba- the creature has an energy draining or
Die when calculating skill points.) Sub- bly more suitable. ability draining ability, its more likely
tract the minimum number of Hit Dice undead than a construct.
for the creatures size category from ELEMENTAL: Use the elemental type
the creatures actual Hit Dice to deter- for any creature from the elemental VERMIN: Use this type for giant bugs
mine how many extra Hit Dice it has. planes. and other mindless invertebrates. If your
See the section on skills below for creature has an Intelligence score and
information on spending the creatures youve considered the vermin type, its
skill points. probably a beast or aberration instead.
3 october 2000 3
50% chance to ignore any damage
from a corporeal source (except for
force effects, such as magic missile, or
Beasts are vertebrates with reasonably normal anatomies
attacks made with ghost touch
and no magical abilities (an owlbear, for example).
weapons). An incorporeal creature has
no natural armor but has a deflection Hit Die................................d10
bonus equal to its Charisma modifier Attack Bonus....................As cleric
(always at least +1). Good Saving Throws.....Fortitude and Reflex
Incorporeal creatures can pass Skill Points ........................2 x Int score (+1/extra Hit Die)
through solid objects at will, but not Feats ...................................None
force effects. Their touch attacks pass Notes..................................Beasts have low-light vision and darkvision
through natural armor, armor, and with a range of 60 feet.
shields, although deflection bonuses and
force effects (such as mage armor) Slam Bite Claw Gore
Size Str Dex Con Hit Dice
work normally against them. Damage Damage Damage Damage
Incorporeal creatures move silently Fine 1 22-23 10-11 116 d10-18 d10 1 1
and cannot be heard with Listen checks Diminutive 1 20-21 10-11 18 d10-14 d10 1d2 1 1d2
if they dont wish it. They have no Tiny 2-3 18-19 10-11 14 d10-12 d10 1 1d3 1d2 1d3
Strength scores, so their Dexterity Small 6-7 16-17 10-11 12 d10-1d10 1d2 1d4 1d3 1d4
modifiers apply to both their melee and
Medium-size 10-11 14-15 12-13 1d10-2d10 1d3 1d6 1d4 1d6
ranged attacks.
Large 18-19 12-13 16-17 2d10-4d10 1d4 1d8 1d6 1d8
Huge 26-27 12-13 20-21 4d10-16d10 1d6 2d6 2d4 2d6
eral each species of humanoid is its
own subtype. For example, the type Gargantuan 34-35 10-11 24-25 16d10-32d10 1d8 2d8 2d6 2d8
entry for an elf is Humanoid (Elf). Colossal 42-43 10-11 28-29 32d10+ 2d6 4d6 2d8 4d6
5 october 2000 5
Give the creatures Armor Class for
Dragons are reptilian creatures, usually winged, with
normal combat.
magical or unusual abilities (a red dragon, for example).
All creatures start with a base Armor
Any dragon with magical abilities or breath weapons should
Class of 10, which is modified by the
include an elemental subtype (air, earth, fire, or water).
creatures size, Dexterity, and armor
(usually natural armor). Hit Die................................d12
Dont just pick an Armor Class num- Attack Bonus....................As fighter
ber out of thin air. Consider the crea- Good Saving Throws.....Fortitude, Reflex, and Will
tures anatomy and overall toughness. Skill Points ........................6/HD (Int modifier applies per Hit Die)
The table below shows some typical Feats ...................................1 (+1/4 extra Hit Dice)
values for natural armor. Notes..................................Dragons are immune to sleep and paralysis
TYPICAL NATURAL ARMOR VALUES effects. Dragons have darkvision with a
Type Bonus Example range of 60 feet and low-light vision.
Creature Slam Bite Claw Gore
Normal Skin +0 Human Size Str Dex Con Hit Dice
Damage Damage Damage Damage
Thick Skin +1 to +3 Baboon (+1) Fine 2-3 14-15 10-11 1d6-1d12 1d2 1 1
or fur Black Bear (+2) Diminutive 6-7 12-13 10-11 1d12-3d12 1d3 1d2 1d2
Shark (+3) Tiny 10-11 10-11 12-13 3d12-6d12 1d4 1d3 1d3
Tough Hide +4 to +7 Crocodile (+4) Small 12-13 10-11 12-13 4d12-9d12 1d6 1d4 1d4
Polar Bear (+5) Medium-size 14-15 10-11 14-15 7d12-13d12 1d4 1d8 1d6 1d6
Boar (+6) Large 18-19 10-11 16-17 10d12-21d12 1d6 2d6 1d8 1d8
Rhinoceros (+7) Huge 26-27 10-11 20-21 19d12-33d12 1d8 2d8 2d6 2d6
Scales +5 to +10 Dragon (varies) Gargantuan 34-35 10-11 24-25 27d12-38d12 2d6 4d6 2d8 2d8
or more Colossal 42-43 10-11 28-29 38d12+ 2d8 4d8 4d6 4d6
Dont forget to include the creatures suffer only a 2 penalty to secondary have a good reason to do so.
size modifier in your final Armor Class attacks. In general, a creature attacks once
calculation. If the creature wears armor, A monster threatens critical hits on a with each natural weapon it has. For
its natural armor value stacks with the roll of 20 unless you specify otherwise; most monsters, that will be two claws
value of its armor. For example, a cen- do not specify otherwise unless you and a bite (or the other way around).
taur is a Large creature with a Dexterity
score of 14 (+2 AC bonus) and +2 natu-
ral armor. If the centaur carries a large
shield and wears a chain shirt, its Armor
Elementals are composed of one of the four classical
Class will be 19 (1 size, +2 Dex, +2 natu-
elements (an invisible stalker, for example). All elementals
ral, +2 large shield, +4 chain shirt).
require an elemental subtype (air, earth, fire, or water).
ATTACKS Hit Die................................d8
List all the creatures physical attacks; Attack Bonus....................As cleric
natural weapon attacks first (if any), Good Saving Throws.....Varies by subtype: Reflex (Air, Fire),
followed by weapon attacks (if any). Fortitude (Earth, Water)
NATURAL WEAPONS: Give the number Skill Points ........................2 x Int score (+2/extra Hit Die)
of attacks along with the weapon used Feats ...................................Int bonus (+1/4 extra Hit Dice)
(for example: bite, 2 claws, sting) along Notes ................................Elementals are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning.
with the attack bonus and the type of Elementals have no clear front or back and are therefore not
attack (melee or ranged). The first subject to critical hits or flanking. Unless noted otherwise, they
weapon (or weapons) you list will be the have darkvision with a range of 60 feet.
creatures primary weapon. Primary A slain elemental cannot be raised or resurrected, although a
weapons use the creatures full attack wish or miracle spell can restore it to life.
bonus, no matter how many primary Slam Bite Claw Gore
weapons there are. A creatures attack Size Str Dex Con Hit Dice
Damage Damage Damage Damage
bonus depends on its type, Hit Dice, size, Fine 4-5 18-19 10-11 18 d814 d8 1 1
and Strength modifier (for melee attacks) Diminutive 6-7 16-17 10-11 14 d812 d8 1d2 1d2 1
or Dexterity modifier (for ranged Tiny 8-9 14-15 10-11 12 d81d8 1d3 1d3 1d2 1
attacks). Dont forget the size modifier. Small 10-11 12-13 10-11 1d82d8 1d4 1d4 1d3 1d2
All other natural weapons are sec- Medium-size 12-13 10-11 12-13 2d84d8 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d3
ondary. Reduce the creatures attack Large 20-21 10-11 16-17 4d88d8 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d4
bonus by 5 for all secondary weapons, Huge 24-25 8-9 20-21 8d816d8 2d6 2d6 2d4 1d6
no matter how many there are. Gargantuan 28-29 6-7 24-25 16d832d8 2d8 2d8 2d6 1d8
Creatures with the Multiattack feat Colossal 32-33 4-5 28-29 32d8+ 4d6 4d6 2d8 2d6
SPECIAL QUALITIES makes the creature no smarter than a Wisdom: Reflects the creatures level
A special quality is any ability the typical animal. Intelligence scores of 4 of perception and strength of will. A
creature can use to protect itself. The to 6 represent a limited ability to rea- creature can have a very low Intel-
special quality line is also the catch-all son and a certain low cunning. ligence score and still be very wise.
for anything the creature might do or Intelligence scores of 7 to 9 begin to Wisdom scores of 3 or less indicate a
have that does not logically go in reach into the human range. Scores of creature that is barely sentient. Scores
another line in the statistics listing. As 10 to 12 cover the human norm. Scores of 4 to 6 represent a limited ability to
with special attacks, use one or two- of 13 to 18 reflect above average to perceive the environment and react to
word descriptions. genius level Intelligence. Scores of 19 and it. Scores of 7 to 9 approach the
Brief notes on common special quali- above represent superhuman intellect. human range of perception. Scores of
ties are listed in the introduction to the
Monster Manual.
If the creature has no special quali-
Giants are humanoid creatures of great strength, usually
ties, drop this line.
of at least Large size (an ogre, for example).
SAVING THROWS Hit Die................................d8
List the creatures saving throw Attack Bonus....................As cleric
bonuses. The creatures base saving Good Saving Throws.....Fortitude
throw bonuses depend on its type and Skill Points ........................6 + Int modifier (+1/extra Hit Die)
Hit Dice. Include all adjustments that Feats ...................................1 (+1/4 extra Hit Dice)
apply to each save, provided they Notes..................................Giants have darkvision with a range of 60
apply all the time (such as ability score feet. Giants are proficient with all simple
modifiers, armor modifiers, and racial weapons and with any weapons listed in
bonuses). Conditional saving throw their entries.
bonuses should be noted on the crea- Slam Bite Claw Gore
Size Str Dex Con Hit Dice
tures special qualities line and Damage Damage Damage Damage
explained in the Combat section of the Fine 1 12-13 10-11 116 d8-18 d8 1
creatures description. Diminutive 1 12-13 10-11 18 d8-14 d8 1 1 1d2
Tiny 2-3 10-11 10-11 14 d8-12 d8 1 1d2 1d2 1d3
ABILITIES Small 6-7 10-11 10-11 12 d8-1d8 1d2 1d3 1d3 1d4
List all six of the creatures ability Medium-size 14-15 10-11 12-13 1d8-2d8 1d3 1d4 1d4 1d6
scores, in order: Str, Dex, Con, Int, Large 20-21 8-9 14-15 2d8-4d8 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d8
Wis, Cha. Huge 24-25 8-9 18-19 4d8-16d8 1d6 1d8 2d4 2d6
Gargantuan 28-29 8-9 22-23 16d8-32d8 1d8 2d6 2d6 2d8
ASSIGNING ABILITIES Colossal 32-33 6-7 26-27 32d8+ 2d6 2d8 2d8 4d6
Physical abilities such as Strength,
Dexterity, and Constitution are largely a
function of a creatures type and size.
In general, the bigger a creature gets,
Humanoids usually have two arms, two legs, and one
the better its Strength and Constitution
head, or a humanlike torso, arms, and head. They have
scores and the lower its Dexterity.
few or no supernatural or extraordinary abilities, and
Exceptions abound. The suggestions
usually are Small or Medium-size (a goblin, for example).
given on the type tables assume crea-
tures with fairly sedentary, non-preda- Hit Die................................d8
tory lifestyles. Hunting creatures need Attack Bonus....................As cleric
better Strength and Dexterity scores. Good Saving Throws.....Varies (usually Reflex)
Tree-dwelling, climbing, or swift crea- Skill Points ........................6 + Int modifier (+1/extra Hit Die)
tures need better Dexterity scores. Feat .....................................1 (+1/4 extra Hit Dice)
Tough or resilient creatures need higher Notes ................................Every humanoid has a type modifier
Constitution scores.
The remaining attributes (Intelligence, Slam Bite Claw Gore
Wisdom, and Charisma) are seldom a Size Str Dex Con Hit Dice
Damage Damage Damage Damage
function of size. Youll need to assign Fine 1 12-13 10-11 116 d8-18 d8 1
values to these abilities to match your Diminutive 1 12-13 10-11 18 d8-14 d8 1 1 1d2
concept of your creature. Tiny 2-3 10-11 10-11 14 d8-12 d8 1 1d2 1d2 1d3
Intelligence: Reflects how well the Small 6-7 10-11 10-11 14 d8-1d8 1d2 1d3 1d3 1d4
creature learns and reasons. In most Medium-size 10-11 10-11 10-11 1d8-2d8 1d3 1d4 1d4 1d6
cases, it affects how many skills and Large 14-15 8-9 14-15 2d8-4d8 1d4 1d6 1d6 1d8
feats the creature has. A creature Huge 18-19 8-9 18-19 4d8-16d8 1d6 1d8 2d4 2d6
needs an Intelligence score of at least Gargantuan 22-23 6-7 22-23 16d8-32d8 1d8 2d6 2d6 2d8
3 to speak a language; anything less Colossal 26-27 4-5 26-27 32d8+ 2d6 2d8 2d8 4d6
SKILLS the number of feats a creature can for skills. For example, spellcasting crea-
List the creatures skills in alphabetical have. Note that very weak creatures tures can benefit from Combat Casting.
order, along with each skills score; add can benefit from the Weapon Finesse Creatures that depend on their senses to
all adjustments that apply to each skill, feat, which allows the creature to use its locate prey or alert them to danger can
provided they apply all the time (such Dexterity bonus for melee attacks (very benefit from the Alertness feat. Crea
as ability score modifiers, armor modi- useful for Tiny, Small, and Diminutive tures that attack from ambush can use
fiers, and racial bonuses). Some skills creatures). Likewise, very big or strong Improved Initiative.
have additional modifiers that you must creatures can benefit from the Power
take into account (such as the Hide Attack feat, which allows them to con- CLIMATE/TERRAIN
skill, which has a size modifier). Other vert attack bonuses into extra damage. Consider where the creature lives. Use
skills might be affected by the feats you When in doubt, most creatures can ben- the terms listed below. You can list mul-
choose for the creature. If the creature efit from the feats that improve saving tiple types, but do not combine types.
has conditional ability adjustments, do throws (Great Fortitude, Lightning For example, hills or forests is okay, but
not apply them. Instead mark the skill Reflexes, and Iron Will). In general, how- hilly forests is not okay. You can substi-
score with an asterisk and note the ever, you should assign feats with your tute the word Any for a climate or ter-
conditional modifier in the Skills section creature concept in mind, just as you did rain. As in Any Mountains, Any Cold, or
of the creatures description.
ASSIGNING SKILLS: Assign whatever
skills you think the creature ought to
have. The number of skill points the
Oozes are amorphous or mutable creatures
creature has depends on its type, Hit (a gelatinous cube, for example).
Dice, and Intelligence.
Assume that any skill you choose for Hit Die................................d10
the creature is a class skill (costs 1 skill Attack Bonus....................As cleric
point per rank). Spend all the creatures Good Saving Throws.....None
skill points. When assigning Craft or Skill Points ........................None
Knowledge skills you can list Any as Feats ...................................None
the skill type, as in Craft (Any) +6. Notes..................................Oozes are immune to poison, sleep,
As always, it is useful to consider paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing.
your concept when assigning skills. They have no clear front or back and are
Creatures that live by hunting need therefore not subject to critical hits or
Hide, Spot, and Listen skills, and flanking. Oozes are blind but have the blindsight special
probably the Move Silently skill. quality. They have no Intelligence scores and are therefore
Creatures that use spells or spell-like immune to all mind-influencing effects (charms, compulsions,
abilities need the Concentration skill and phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
probably the Spellcraft skill. Creatures Oozes have no natural armor ratings, but they are
that do not have a climb or swim speed nevertheless difficult to kill because their bodies are mostly
might benefit from the Climb or Swim simple protoplasm. This is reflected by bonus hit points (in
skills. Skills such as Balance and Escape addition to those from Hit Dice and Constitution scores)
Artist can be useful for almost any according to size, as shown below.
creature. Ooze Size Bonus Hit Points
MAXIMUM SKILL RANK: The maximum Fine
rank for any skill is the creatures Hit Diminutive
Dice + 3. Tiny
SKILL BONUSES: Often a creature will Small 5
need a better skill score than its abilities Medium-size 10
and skill points allow. In such cases, its Large 15
a good idea to assign it a racial bonus Huge 20
(which works all the time), or a specific Gigantic 30
circumstance bonus. For example most Colossal 40
big cats get a bonus to Hide and Move Slam Bite Claw Gore
Silently, and even bigger conditional Size Str Dex Con Hit Dice
Damage Damage Damage Damage
Hide and Move Silently bonuses when Fine 4-5 18-19 10-11 116 d1018 d10 1 1
theyre in the right terrain. Theyd have Diminutive 6-7 16-17 10-11 18 d1014 d10 1d2 1d2 1
a hard time surviving as predators Tiny 8-9 14-15 10-11 14d1012 d10 1d3 1d3 1d2 1
without them. Small 10-11 12-13 10-11 12 d101d10 1d4 1d4 1d3 1d2
Medium-size 12-13 10-11 10-11 1d102d10 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d3
FEATS Large 20-21 10-11 14-15 2d104d10 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d4
List all the creatures feats alphabetically Huge 28-29 8-9 18-19 4d1016d10 2d6 2d6 2d4 1d6
by name. Gargantuan 32-33 6-7 22-23 16d1032d10 2d8 2d8 2d6 1d8
ASSIGNING FEATS: The charts show Colossal 36-37 4-5 26-27 32d10+ 4d6 4d6 2d8 2d6
Plant types.
method is to page through the Monster
Manual until you find a comparable Shapechanger
creature. The Challenge Rating
Guesstimator table will help you estimate These are nonamorphous creatures that can assume other
the creatures challenge rating, but youll forms (a doppelganger, for example).
need to both check the Monster Manual
Hit Die................................d8
and playtest the creature against a few
Attack Bonus....................As cleric
sample parties to arrive at an appropri-
Good Saving Throws.....Fortitude, Reflex, Will
ate challenge rating.
Skill Points ........................2 x Int score (+1/extra Hit Die)
Feats ...................................1 + Int bonus (+1/4 extra Hit Dice)
Notes..................................Shapechangers have darkvision with a
Most creatures will have no treasure
range of 60 feet.
(None) or Standard treasure. Very
intelligent creatures might have double Slam Bite Claw Gore
Size Str Dex Con Hit Dice
or triple treasure. Some creatures Damage Damage Damage Damage
might collect only certain types of 116 1
Fine 4-5 18-19 10-11 d8- 8 d8 1 1
treasure. See the Introduction to the 18 1
Diminutive 6-7 16-17 10-11 d8- 4 d8 1d2 1d2 1
Monster Manual for details. 14 1
Tiny 8-9 14-15 10-11 d8- 2 d8 1d3 1d3 1d2 1
Small 10-11 12-13 10-11 d8-1d8 1d4 1d4 1d3 1d2
ALIGNMENT Medium-size 12-13 10-11 12-13 1d8-2d8 1d6 1d6 1d4 1d3
List the alignment that the majority of Large 20-21 10-11 16-17 2d8-4d8 1d8 1d8 1d6 1d4
creatures of this type have. Use two Huge 28-29 8-9 20-21 4d8-16d8 2d6 2d6 2d4 1d6
terms: lawful, neutral, or chaotic fol- Gargantuan 32-33 6-7 24-25 16d8-32d8 2d8 2d8 2d6 1d8
lowed by good, neutral, or evil. You Colossal 36-37 4-5 28-29 32d8+ 4d6 4d6 2d8 2d6
dont have to write neutral neutral or
true neutraljust neutral will do fine. All HD. Most creatures will get larger if FIRST PARAGRAPH: This is a short
alignments have a qualifier: Always, the DM adds a lot of Hit Dice. For description of what the monster is all
Usually, or Often, as noted in the intro- example, the advancement range entry about (in other words, a more lengthy
duction to the Monster Manual. for a Large creature with 4 Hit Dice version of your basic concept). This
might read: 5 to 8 HD (Large); 9 to 12 should not exceed 30 words, no matter
ADVANCEMENT RANGE HD (Huge). See the types section for how long the monster entry is. Con-
This is a measure of how tough the guidelines on size and Hit Dice. sider this paragraph a sales pitch for
creature can get if the DM decides to why the DM should include the monster
pump it up. In general, a creature THE MONSTERS DESCRIPTION in an adventure.
should be able to gain up to three times Your monster design is not complete SUBSEQUENT PARAGRAPHS: Two or
its original Hit Dice (that is, a 4 Hit Die without some text about what the three paragraphs that briefly describe
creature should be able to go up to 12 creature is like. what the creature looks like, what it
eats, how it acts when its not fighting,
FACE/REACH BY SIZE and any other interesting tidbits you
Example Natural can dream up.
Size Creature Face1 Reach This section should say how big the
Fine Housefly 12 ft. 0 creature really is (height or length in
Diminutive Toad 1 ft. 0 feet, weight in pounds) and what lan-
Tiny Giant rat 2-12 ft. 0 guages it can speak.
Small Halfling 5 ft. 5 ft. COMBAT SECTION: Begins with a brief
Medium-size Human 5 ft. 5 ft. description of how the monster fights.
Large (tall)2 Ogre 5 ft. 10 ft. It should include notes about the crea-
Large (long)3 Horse 5 ft. by 10 ft. 5 ft. tures favorite tactics.
Huge (tall)2 Hill giant 10 ft. by 5 ft. 15 ft. SPECIAL ATTACKS SECTION: These
Huge (long)3 Bulette 10 ft. by 20 ft. 10 ft. explain everything listed in the Special
Retriever 15 ft. by 15 ft. 10 ft. Attacks line in the statistics block.
Gargantuan (tall)2 50-foot animated statue 20 ft. by 20 ft. 20 ft. Always list the special attacks in the
Gargantuan (long)3 Kraken 20 ft. by 40 ft. 10 ft. (bite) same order as they appear in the sta-
Purple worm 30 ft. by 30 ft. (coiled) 15 ft. tistics block.
Colossal (tall)2 The tarrasque 40 ft. by 40 ft. 25 ft. Special attacks are extraordinary
Colossal (long)3 Great red wyrm 40 ft. by 80 ft. 15 ft. (Ex), spell-like (Sp), or supernatural
(Su). (See Special Abilities in Chapter 10
1 Listed width by length.
of the Players Handbook.)
2 Tall creatures are those that are taller than they are long or wide. Long creatures are as long or
longer, or as wide or wider, than they are tall. Extraordinary: Extraordinary abilities
3 Long creatures can be in any of several shapes. A Huge spider fills a 10-foot-square area, but a are nonmagical, dont go away in an
Huge snake fills a space 20 feet long and 5 feet wide (unless it coils itself into a circle, in which case antimagic field, and are not subject to
it would take up a 10-foot by 10-foot space).
CALCULATING SAVING THROW DCS: The 2 2-5 5-20 20-40 40-60 61+
formula for most save DCs is 10 + 12 Brace Bevy Colony Band Battalion Army
extra Hit Dice of the creature + the rel- Pair Brood Nest Drove Cabal Nation
evant Ability Score Modifier from the Bunch Ride Flight Clan Tribe
creature using the attack. (For a spell-like Cluster Knot Flotilla Flock
ability, the formula is 10 + the spell level Company Pack Herd Horde
+ the creatures Charisma modifier.) The Covey Pod Mob Host
relevant stats are: Crew Pride Platoon Plague
Strength: Any application of force, Family Squad School Shoal
crushing, binding, or constriction. Gang Swarm Troop
Dexterity: Movement, movement String Patrol
restrictions, hitting with a missile, Team
entanglement, or webs.
Constitution: Almost anything that Include the creatures favored multi- That wraps up our monster recipe.
comes from the creatures body: poi- class. (See Multiclass Characters in Remember that you can move through
son, breath weapons. Chapter 3 of the Players Handbook.) If these sections in just about any order
Intelligence: Illusion effects. the creature is prone to worship a cer- you choose (as long as you started out
Wisdom: Mental or perception tain deity, list the domains of cleric with a good, solid monster concept).
effects except charms and compulsions; spells the deity provides. Youll probably want to choose a size,
see Charisma. type, and number of Hit Dice for your
Charisma: Anything pitting the crea- SOCIETY monster before doing anything else.
tures will against an opponent: gaze This optional section describes in detail Once youve done that, assign the
attacks, charms, compulsions, energy how the creature lives and functions in creatures ability scores and generate
drain. Also use Charisma for any DC the world. hit points, Armor Class, skills, feats,
that normally would be based on an and saving throws. Flesh out the rest
ability score the creature does not in any order you like.
have. For example, undead creatures
have no Constitution scores, so any
poison attacks they have would use
Charisma to determine DC.
This type includes insects, arachnids, arthropods, worms, and similar
Other Notes On Special Attacks: If an invertebrates (a monstrous spider, for example).
attack involves an element or form of
energy, state which form it is: Fire Hit Die................................d8
(heat, flame); Cold (ice, frost); Attack Bonus....................As cleric
Electricity (lightning, electrical current); Good Saving Throws.....Fortitude
Force (like magic missile or wall of Skill Points ........................10-12
force); Acid (any caustic substance); or Feats ...................................None
Sonic (sound, ultrasound, subsonic). Notes..................................Vermin have no Intelligence scores and are immune to all mind-
influencing effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns
SPECIAL QUALITIES and morale effects). Unless noted otherwise, vermin have
These are handled just like special darkvision with a range of 60 feet. Poisonous vermin of at least
attacks. Common special qualities are Medium-size get a bonus to the DCs for their poisons based on
described in the introduction to the their size, as shown below.
Monster Manual. Vermin Size Poison DC Bonus
Medium-size +2
SKILLS Large +4
Use this section to list a racial bonus or Huge +6
conditional bonus the creature has for Gargantuan +8
skill checks. Drop the section if the Colossal +10
creature has no special modifiers to Slam Bite Claw Gore
Size Str Dex Con Hit Dice
skills. Damage Damage Damage Damage
Fine 1 12-13 10-11 116 d818 d8 1 1
FEATS Diminutive 1 12-13 10-11
18 14
d8 d8 1d2 1 1d2
Like the skills section, this is an optional Tiny 2-3 10-11 10-11 14 d812 d8 1 1d3 1d2 1d3
section used to explain anything special Small 6-7 10-11 10-11 12 d81d8 1d2 1d4 1d3 1d4
about the creatures feats. Medium-size 10-11 10-11 10-11 1d82d8 1d3 1d6 1d4 1d6
Large 18-19 8-9 14-15 2d84d8 1d4 1d8 1d6 1d8
CHARACTERS Huge 26-27 8-9 18-19 4d816d8 1d6 2d6 2d4 2d6
This is an optional section. If the crea- Gargantuan 34-35 6-7 22-23 16d832d8 1d8 2d8 2d6 2d8
ture tends to become a member of a Colossal 42-43 6-7 26-27 32d8+ 2d6 4d6 2d8 4d6
character class, talk about that here.