Pev102 Verbal Ability-Ii

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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code Course Title Course Planner Lectures Tutorials Practicals Credits
PEV102 VERBAL ABILITY-II 13778::Vani Khurana 1 2 0 2
Course Weightage ATT: 15 CA: 30 MTT: 15 ETT: 40 Exam Category: 11: Mid Term Exam: All MCQ – End Term Exam: All MCQ

Reference Books ( R )
Sr No Title Author Publisher Name

Relevant Websites ( RW )
Sr No (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) Salient Features
RW-1 Students will learn Essay writing

RW-2 Students will learn Critical Reasoning

RW-3 Vocabulary tests are available

RW-4 Subject verb agreement concepts will be cleared

RW-5 Analogies practice

RW-6 Baic concepts of Sentence correction will be cleared

RW-7 Basic concepts of Sentence completion will be cleared

RW-8 Basic concepts of Analogy will be cleared

RW-9 Basic concepts of Para JUmbles will be cleared

RW-10 Exercises available on Active passive

RW-11 Exercises on narration

An instruction plan is a tentative plan only and a teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
LTP week distribution: (LTP Weeks)
Weeks before MTE 7
Weeks After MTE 7
Spill Over (Lecture) 3

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Lecture Broad Topic(Sub Topic) Chapters/Sections of Other Readings, Lecture Description Learning Outcomes Pedagogical Tool Live Examples
Number Number Text/reference Relevant Websites, Demonstration/
books Audio Visual Aids, Case Study /
software and Virtual Images /
Labs animation / ppt
etc. Planned
Week 1 Lecture 1 Subject- Verb agreement R-2 RW-4 Acquainting with basic Learning subject-verb Whiteboard, PPT
(subject, verbs, singular and grammar concept of agreement and
plural nouns and verbs, rules subject and verb and its constructing
of subject-verb agreement) agreement with suitable sentences using right
examples forms.
Week 2 Lecture 2 Sentence correction RW-6 Familiarizing common Comprehending Woksheets, PPT
(modifiers, parallelism, types of errors that sentence correction
pronoun-antecedent error, feature in a placement questions.
verb-time sequence error, paper and its correction
comparison error)
Week 3 Lecture 3 Sentence completion(types RW-7 Illustrating the verbal Learning concepts on PPT
of questions- single and and logical cues to solve sentence completion
double blanks, eliminating sentence completion
options using verbal clues) questions
Week 4 Lecture 4 Active Passive Voice(active R-2 RW-10 Training on voices and Understanding voices Whiteboard, PPT
and passive voice, speech including the and speech and to
conversion of one voice to conversion of one form answer questions
another) to another based on it.
Week 5 Lecture 5 Para-jumbles(types of Para- RW-9 Explaining verbal and Analyzing para and Worksheet
Jumbles- fixed and moving logical cues to solve learning coherence
para-jumbles, verbal clues to para-jumbles
solve para-jumbles, logical
clues to solve para-jumbles)
Week 6 Lecture 6 Narration(direct and indirect R-2 RW-11 Training on speech Understanding PPT
speech, conversion of one including the conversion speech and to answer
speech to another) of one form to another questions based on it.

Week 7 Lecture 7 Spill Over


An instruction plan is a tentative plan only and a teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Week 8 Lecture 8 Critical Reasoning(concepts RW-2 Building the basics to Solving questions Whiteboard, PPT
- premise, assumption, solve questions on critical reasoning
conclusion, strengthening critical reasoning. The
statement, weakening teacher also enables the
statement, types and patterns student to decode
of questions, indicators to difficult questions on the
identify basic concepts of same topic.
critical reasoning)
Week 9 Lecture 9 Email writing(parts of an Writing a formal email Comprehending PPT
email - writing a subject, and elaborates on email writing
salutation, body of the sentence structure etiquette
email, dos and donts)
Week 10 Lecture 10 Reading Comprehension Introducing techniques Learning to attempt Worksheet,PPT
(techniques for smart to read smarter and questions on reading
reading -skimming, scanning answer questions comprehension
and summarizing, types of efficiently
Week 11 Lecture 11 Essay Writing(writing an RW-1 Introducing techniques Writing logical PPT,worksheet
introduction, logical to write an essay sequencing of ideas,
sequencing of ideas, generation of points
generating points or to write an essay
supporting ideas and
examples. concluding the
Week 12 Lecture 12 Miscellaneous Exercises R-2 RW-3 Practicing mix exercises Understanding and Worksheets
(combined exercises) RW-5 of grammatical inputs clarity about different
given grammar topics
Week 13 Lecture 13 Analogy(analogy questions, RW-8 Revision of already Revising discussed Worksheets
pattern of questions, discussed concepts and concepts
common trick questions, miscellaneous exercises
eliminating options in

Week 14 Lecture 14 Spill Over
Week 15 Lecture 15 Spill Over

Scheme for CA:

CA Category of this Course Code is:A0404 (4 out of 4)

Component Weightage
Test 25
Test 25

An instruction plan is a tentative plan only and a teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Test 25
Test 25

Details of Academic Task(s)

Academic Task Objective Detail of Academic Task Nature of Academic Academic Task Marks Allottment /
Task Mode submission
(group/individuals) Week
Test 1 To acquaint Subject- Verb agreement,Sentence correction,Sentence Individual Online 30 3 / 4
students to topics completion
that are common
in placement
Test 2 To acquaint Active passive,Para jumbles,Narration Individual Online 30 5 / 6
students to topics
that are common
in placement
Test 3 To acquaint Narration, Critical Reasoning Individual Online 30 10 / 11
students to topics
that are common
in placement
Test 4 To acquaint Reading comprehension, Email writing, Essay Writing Individual Offline 30 12 / 13
students to topics
that are common
in placement

Plan for Tutorial: (Please do not use these time slots for syllabus coverage)
Tutorial No. Lecture Topic Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned
(case analysis,problem solving test,role play,business game etc)

Tutorial1 Subject- Verb agreement Worksheet

Tutorial2 Subject- Verb agreement Worksheet
Tutorial3 Sentence correction Worksheet
Tutorial4 Sentence correction Worksheet
Tutorial5 Sentence completion Worksheet

An instruction plan is a tentative plan only and a teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.
Tutorial6 Sentence completion Worksheet
Tutorial7 CA Test,MCQ-30MARKS
Tutorial8 Active passive Worksheet
Tutorial9 Para jumbles Worksheet
Tutorial10 Para jumbles Worksheet
Tutorial11 Narration Worksheet
Tutorial12 CA MCQ-30MARKS
Tutorial13 Narration Worksheet
Tutorial14 Revision Worksheet

After Mid-Term
Tutorial15 Critical reasoning Worksheet
Tutorial16 Critical reasoning Worksheet
Tutorial17 Email writing Worksheet
Tutorial18 Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Tutorial19 Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Tutorial20 Essay Writing Worksheet
Tutorial21 CA MCQ-30MARKS
Tutorial22 Essay Writing Worksheet
Tutorial23 Analogy Worksheet
Tutorial24 Analogy Worksheet
Tutorial25 CA Test,MCQ+Subjective
Tutorial26 Miscellaneous Exercises Worksheet
Tutorial27 Miscellaneous Exercises Worksheet
Tutorial28 Revision

An instruction plan is a tentative plan only and a teacher may make some changes in his/her teaching plan. The students are advised to use syllabus for preparation of all examinations. The students are expected to keep themselves
updated on the contemporary issues related to the course. Upto 20% of the questions in any examination/Academic tasks can be asked from such issues even if not explicitly mentioned in the instruction plan.

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