41-Article Text-385-1-10-20210727
41-Article Text-385-1-10-20210727
41-Article Text-385-1-10-20210727
Herlia Nursyahrina1*
Lady H. Retami2
Rika Pratama3
Syahla Putri Salsabil4
Muhammad Taufik Ihsan5
Departement of English Education, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia
[email protected]*)
[email protected])
[email protected])
[email protected])
[email protected])
The Covid-19 pandemic requires almost all human activity to move to digital media, including education
services. Recently, education services must adapt to online learning methods. In response to these
changes, many states, institutions, and organizations have been working on strategic plans to implement
online education. The objective of this paper was to describe the usage of google classroom in the
English teaching and learning process at the senior high school level. The method used in writing this
paper was literature-based by collecting data and information that related to Google Classroom as a
media for learning the English language. The results indicated that there are many advantages of using
Google Classroom in implementing education in Indonesia are to enhance teachers' and students' ability
to use technology wisely, particularly for learning processes, to save time, to be environmentally
conscious, to overcome the distance of residence, to increase collaboration among students, to provide
timeless communication, and to serve as secure document storage.
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1. Introduction
When questioned about essential items in his life, a student stated, "Technology is a part
of my life." Most of the students agreed with this notion when they finally expressed how
technology had sparked their interest. They typically used it for recreational purposes, such as
playing online games, conversing on social media, surfing information, and other enjoyable
This occurrence, which primarily occurs in certain parts of the world, cannot be
dismissed, especially given how far technology has advanced in recent years. Students are
clearly surrounded and aided by computers, the internet, smartphones, and other types of
technology, all of which have an impact on their social and scholastic lives (Simuforosa, 2013).
Their dependency on technology alters their learning practices, causing them to become
bored easily when a teacher just talks without using visual pictures or supplies them with printed
materials. Given this situation, there is a significant chance to alter the teaching style away from
traditional methods and toward technological integration.
Technology has been shown to improve students' active involvement and learning
results, according to Kuh & Hu (2001). In contrast to the traditional strategy, which requires
students to become passive learners, students become more active to participate in the learning
activity. Lately, there have been many applications that are easy to use for teachers and students.
Teachers and students, as well as school stakeholders, recognize the value of learning
technology (Stošić, 2015).
Google Classroom has become one of the most widely utilized teaching platforms
among professors and students. Over 30 million assignments had been uploaded by professors
and students to Google Classroom. It suggests that this program could be a useful tool for
teaching and learning in our educational system (Iftakhar, 2016).
Google Classroom is a web-based course management system (CMS). It provides a
setting for instructional delivery and learning procedures in which students gain knowledge
through conversation, interaction, and discussion. Teachers can use this platform to offer their
courses, and students can be assigned to upload tasks and other assignments. In this way, Google
Classroom helps teachers and lecturers to create and organize assignments, comments, and
communicate with their classes. (Shaharanee, Jamil, & Rodzi, 2016b).
2. Methodology
This article is literature-based in which the data and information were gathered from the
book, internet postings, journal, etc. Literature studies in research, according to Arikunto
(2006), are a means of gathering data by searching for material in books, newspapers,
periodicals, and other forms of literature in order to provide a theoretical foundation. Along
with this opinion, according to Nazir (1988), A literature study is a data collection approach that
involves performing study studies of books, literature, records, and reports that have to do with
problems solved. There are some points that will be discussed in this article. The first one is
about Google Classroom's Definition. All about the definition of Google Classroom will be
analyzed through journal articles that can be accessed online. Furthermore, the second issue
that is carried out was the process of teaching and learning by using Google Classroom. All
relevant articles are used to analyze this issue. Moreover, The Use of Google Classroom to
Assist the Teaching and Learning Process is discussed in this article. In order to get a clearer
explanation related to these topics, the researcher also analyzes some related documents that
can be used to explain these issues.
3. Discussion
a. Definition of Google Classroom
Google describes Google Classroom as "mission control for your classroom,"
which might be the easiest way to think about it. Google Classroom is a free, internet-based
collaboration tool developed by Google as part of G Suite for Education for creating,
distributing, and grading assignments. With a Google account, educators can use the platform
to create a virtual classroom, invite students to attend live instruction and record students’
Google Classroom is a free online classroom application that allows students and
teachers to collaborate. Teachers may also create and deliver assignments to students (Beal,
2017). This application is very easy to use, takes up little space on the smartphone's memory,
and assists both the teacher and the student in staying on track with the lesson. This application
allows teachers to easily create groups in which they may share assignments and
Google Classroom has the potential to turn students into active participants. According
to Nagele (2017), teachers may utilize Google Classroom to create active lessons that are
student-centered, collaborative, and memorable since it offers simple learning elements and
allows students of various types to collaborate.
Google Classroom is beneficial to all types of learners, even adults. Google classroom
is flexible in use. Google Classroom can be accessed anywhere and anytime as long as there is
an internet connection. Users can access it when they are at home, even on the way because
mobile phones facilitate them to operate this tool. Having Google Classroom for learning can
build social integration. When the students use Google Classroom, they communicate with the
teacher and another student online through Google Classroom.
Google Classroom is environmentally friendly. Since technology is an online tool, it
helps teachers to manage the creation and collection of student assignments in a paperless
setting. Google Classroom is utilized not only for online learning but also for supporting media
to aid teachers in delivering assignments or tasks (Sholah, 2020). Here, teachers and students
can upload the file. Then, the files are organized well. All submitted files are online and
organized in Google Classroom safely. Then, teachers can give feedback on the students' work.
It is extremely advantageous to both teachers and students due to its ease of usage.
According to S. Iftakhar, Google Classroom allows teachers to spend more time with
their students and less time on paperwork, and it is now even better. Google Classroom has
gained new features as a result of Google's latest announcement. The option to add more than
one teacher, as well as the option to prepare for classes in advance, are all part of the new
capabilities. (2016, p. 12-13)
As M. Janzen points out below, Google Classroom is a simple application to use: The
instructional interface and methods for delivering and tracking assignments are purposely
streamlined in Google Classroom; communication with the entire course or individuals is
likewise simplified through announcements, email, and push notification (2017).
One of Google Classroom's biggest strengths is that it is easy to access and promotes
communication with students and teachers. Teachers will create a class and list education tasks
with just a few taps, such as assignments. Created assignments can be posted immediately,
saved as a draft, or scheduled to post later. Students receive an email notification when new
assignments are created, complete the assignment, then submit it. Students can also attach
additional documents from the Drive to the assignment. Google Classroom also allows the
teacher to see which students have completed their assignments and the teacher can provide
direct, real-time feedback and grades. Google Classroom essentially puts all of your
assignments, announcements, and student work right in one place.
Google Classroom has numerous facilities, including: (1) User friendly: It is very easy
to use, (2) Cloud-based: Google Classroom offers more professional and authentic technology
to use in a learning environment, (3) Cost-free: It does not require any cost to use it, (4) Cell
phone friendly: It is convenient to be used on any mobile device, (5) Time-saving: Google
Classroom saves time both in teachers’ and students’ parts, (6) Vast range of resources: Google
Classroom could be connected to a vast range of learning portals on the internet, and (7)
Centralized Data Storage: With Google Classroom, all participants including students and
lecturers are located in one centralized location.
Despite various advantages, there are some limitations of Google Classroom, including:
(1) Limited integration options, (2) Too “googlish”: It is equipped with several buttons which
are familiar to Google users only, (3) No automated updates: Google Classroom does not take
the update on activity-feeds automatically. (4) Difficult learner sharing: Sharing a document
with other classmates is impossible if a student does not become the owner of a document, (5)
Editing problems: After creating and distributing assignments, learners become owners of the
document. As an owner, they are given the authority to edit it. Eventually, they can delete any
part of the assignment if they want, (6) No automated quizzes and tests: Google Classroom has
no provision for automated quizzes and tests, and (7) Impersonal: there is no way to have a live
chat in Google Classroom; at least, not yet.
Google Classroom is very easy to use, the first thing the teacher needs to do is of course
open the Google Classroom application on their device (classroom.google.com). Then, to create
your first class, click the "+" button. This "+" button is located next to your email address. Then
select "Create Class" from the drop-down menu. Then, Include a class name and a section, such
as "EFL Instruction and Multimedia - 6F Class". On the "About" page, you may enter
information about your class. You can provide a description of the class as well as for
instructions for the students. Students can now enter the classroom. Request that they use their
personal Google accounts to access Google Classroom. They must click the "+" button, which
will prompt them for a class code. Find your class code under the "Stream" page and provide it
to your students so they may join your class.
b. Teaching and Learning Process
Google Classroom allows users, both instructors and students, to exchange resources,
assignments, quiz questions, and even connect to one another. From his or her smartphone, the
instructor may simply control the class. There is no longer a need for paper for assignments,
notes, or tests. Students can complete the assignment and submit it in the application to the
folder supplied by the teacher.
The teacher can make an announcement and offer a Google Classroom task for the class
to complete. The file formats that may be supplied in this application are likewise diverse. Any
file format is acceptable, including doc, pdf, ppt, xl, jpg, mp3, and even mp4. This service is
very beneficial for language classes. Language classes cover both verbal and written
communication abilities. As a result, Google Classroom is an excellent choice since it allows
teachers to provide material and assignments, particularly audio and visual ones.
It is also effective in terms of time consumption. Unlike traditional classes, which
required the teacher and students to gather in a classroom at a specific time, this program may
be used at any time and from any location. There is no need to be in a specific classroom to
conduct a lesson. All users require is a smartphone with an internet connection.
This program has a calendar system that allows users to keep track of class activities.
The teacher may set the deadline for submitting the assignment and get notifications when
students submit on time, late, or miss the deadline. This type of system is very useful for
4. Conclusion
Google Classroom is a component of Google Apps for Education (GAFE), a suite of
productivity apps designed to assist instructors and students in learning and online
collaboration. Google Classroom can be accessed via Google Chrome on any computer or from
any mobile device, regardless of platform. On Google Drive, all files uploaded by teachers and
students are saved in a Classroom folder. The classroom can be Google Classroom is a
component of Google Apps for Education (GAFE), a suite of productivity apps designed to
assist instructors and students in learning and online collaboration. Google Classroom can be
accessed via Google Chrome on any computer or from any mobile device, regardless of
platform. On Google Drive, all files uploaded by teachers and students are saved in a Classroom
folder. The classroom can be accessed at any time and from any location.
The advantages of using Google Classroom in implementing education in Senior High
School level Indonesia are to enhance teachers' and students' ability to use technology wisely,
particularly for learning processes, to save time, to be environmentally conscious, to overcome
the distance of residence, to increase collaboration among students, to provide timeless
communication, and to serve as secure document storage.
In the teaching and learning process, Google Classroom allows students to collaborate
in a variety of ways. Within the Classroom, teachers can organize online dialogues between
students and create group projects. Additionally, students can collaborate on Google Docs that
the teacher has shared. Teachers may also effortlessly differentiate education for students using
Google Classroom. When generating an assignment on the Classwork page, assigning lessons
to the entire class, individual students, or groups of students takes only a few simple steps.
Furthermore, providing meaningful feedback to students using Google
Classroom is an important aspect of all learning. Teachers can offer feedback on tasks to each
student using Classroom's grading function. Within the grading tool, you may also build a
comment bank for future reference. The Classroom mobile app also allows users to annotate
their work accessed at any time and from any location.
The advantages of using Google Classroom in implementing education in Senior High
School level Indonesia are to enhance teachers' and students' ability to use technology wisely,
particularly for learning processes, to save time, to be environmentally conscious, to overcome
the distance of residence, to increase collaboration among students, to provide timeless
communication, and to serve as secure document storage.
In the teaching and learning process, Google Classroom allows students to collaborate
in a variety of ways. Within the Classroom, teachers can organize online dialogues between
students and create group projects. Additionally, students can collaborate on Google Docs that
the teacher has shared. Teachers may also effortlessly differentiate education for students using
Google Classroom. When generating an assignment on the Classwork page, assigning lessons
to the entire class, individual students, or groups of students takes only a few simple steps.
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