Using Google Classroom On Inquiry Based Learning To Improve Students' Learning Participation

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Abd. Ghofur
Email: [email protected]

The purpose of this study is to increase student learning participation in the learning
process, because Google Classroom has a wide and unlimited discussion space, where
educators can create collaborative classes in interactive relationships with other
students. Google Classroom has several features that can be used in the learning process,
including the main page that can display the assignments of students, compilation of
classes in accordance with the wishes of educators, storage on Google Drive, accessible
via smartphone, can accommodate all types of files, and can add images profile. Apart
from that there are other features that educators can use in developing material namely
Reusost, Createquestion, Create assignment, and Createannouncement. In addition,
Google Classroom is one of the learning media based on inquiry learning methods,
because Google Classroom can involve students’ abilities to the maximum in finding,
understanding, investigating, analyzing and formulating learning outcomes. The research
method used is a qualitative research method in the form of field research. The results
of the use of Google Classroom media were applied to the design of lectures on learning
strategy courses which consisted of two aspects namely lecture material and lecture
methods. Lecture material is presented in an organized and structured manner, while the
lecture method developed is divided into two, namely group and individual. The results
of this study are an increase of 80% of student participation as measured by the Likert
Keywords: Google Classroom, Inquiry

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan partisipasi belajar peserta didik dalam
proses belajar, karena Google Classroom memiliki ruang diskusi yang cukup luas dan
tanpa batas, dimana pendidik dapat menciptakan kelas kolaboratif dalam hubungan
interaktif dengan peserta didikyang lain. Google Classroom memiliki beberapa fitur
yang dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran antara lain halam utama yang dapat
menampilkan tugas peserta didik, penyusunan kelas yang sesuai dengan keinginan
pendidik, penyimpanan di Google Drive, dapat diakses melalui smartphone, dapat
menampung semua jenis file, dan dapat menambahkan gambar profil. Selain itu ada fitur
lain yang dapat digunakan pendidik dalam mengembangkan materi yaitu Reusepost,
Createquestion, Createassignment, dan Createannouncement. Selain itu Google Classroom
merupakan salah satu media pembelajaran yang berbasis metode pembelajaran inkuiri,
karena Google Classroom dapat melibatkan kemampuan peserta didik secara maksimal
dalam mencari, memahami, menyelidiki, menganalisis dan merumuskan hasil belajar.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dalam bentuk

1504 Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Volume 10, Nomor 2, Desember 2018, hlm. 1503-1509

penelitian lapangan. Hasil pemanfaatan media Google Classroom diaplikasikan ke

dalam desain perkuliahan mata kuliah strategi pembelajaran yang terdiri dari dua aspek
yaitu materi perkuliahan dan metode perkuliahan. Materi perkuliahan yang disajikan
secara terorganisir dan terstruktur, sedangkan metode perkuliahan yang dikembangkan
terbagi menjadi dua yaitu secara kelompok dan individu. Hasil penelitian ini adalah
meningkatnya partisipasi peserta didik sebanyak 80% yang diukur menggunakan skala
Kata kunci: Google Classroom, Inkuiri

Education is the most important part of Drive (Google, 2019). Google Classroom is also
life, because education is a long-term investment very useful for education in the face of advances
that is able to improve the quality of human in technology. The ease of activation process of
resources (HR). Improving the quality of human Google Classroom is by visiting the site https://
resources in education in addition to doing the
learning process in the classroom can also be done The benefits of Google Classroom for
outside the classroom or outside the study hours, educators are that they can be prepared easily,
for example students can study in city parks, in can save time and paper, can manage better,
libraries, even students can learn through the can improve communication and input, can
internet. In the field of education, the internet function with applications that are educative to
is established as a learning media that supports use, affordable and safe (Classroom, 2019). The
the school curriculum system (Statistics, 2017). presence of Google Classroom has a positive
The internet is established as a support for impact on education because the application
the school curriculum because the internet is one has several features that can be used to actively
of the learning media whose learning process can help students learn more actively and are very
help educators to develop and improve students’ organized in the storage of learning documents.
competencies. The Central Bureau of Statistics Based on the results of the preliminary
conducted a survey of productive age, as many study conducted in the student learning process
as 40.96 percent of students aged 5-24 years for the 2017 class of learning strategy subjects,
who accessed the internet during the last three it was found that there were enough obstacles to
months were relatively high (Statistics, 2017). hinder the teaching and learning process in the
in the classroom. classroom. The constraints in question are the
Limitations of space and time of learning lack of participation of students in the learning
can be overcome by utilizing applications process. The intended participation is when
that are on the internet, one of which is an students are doing the learning process, there are
application provided by Google. There are still many students who feel insecure to discuss
several applications provided by Google in the directly with educators.
field of education, including Google Drive, The course of learning strategy is a
Google Translated and Google Classroom. theoretical subject. This course requires a
Google Classroom is a set of free productivity deeper understanding of the theory, as well as
tools that includes email, documents and storage the practice of applying learning strategies
(Google, 2019). Google Classroom is specifically in various classroom situations and active
designed and collaborative with educators to discussions. The process of understanding the
help educators save time, organize classes and application of learning strategies can be done in
improve communication with students. the classroom according to the time specified,
Google Classroom is one of the learning but when the implementation process takes place
media that can create class groups for each class then there will be discussion between educators
and sub group for several groups in the class, and students. This discussion process requires
making assignments, creating quizzes, discussion a separate space that has no time limit when
rooms, assessment, and copies of material and students express their opinions.
tasks that are automatically stored in Google
Abd. Ghofur, Using Google Classroom ... 1505

Based on the problems that occur in the hours if the discussion time is determined to be
learning process, a solution is needed that can lacking.
increase student participation when learning. Each class is divided into 4 (four) groups
The solution presented was the use of Google of 5 (five) students. Each group will be given
Classroom media based on inquiry learning in different assignments in the process of applying
learning strategy courses. The reason for choosing learning strategies. The course of learning
the Google Classroom media is in accordance strategies is a theoretical subject. To test the
with the benefits of Google Classroom, which theory that exists in the course, students need
states that there is an unlimited discussion space, direct observation in the field, so that each group
where educators can create collaborative classes will first reset according to the task given. There
in interactive relationships with students. are four groups with four different tasks.
The second reason is that Google
Classroom is one of the learning media based RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
on inquiry learning methods, because Google
The use of Google Classroom media
Classroom can involve students’ abilities
in the learning process has been designed by
to the maximum in finding, understanding,
educators according to the needs of students.
investigating, analyzing and formulating
Google Classroom is an application that gives
learning outcomes. Basically inquiry learning
educators the freedom to explore students
method is a process of instilling the basics of
according to their knowledge. Educators are also
thinking scientifically in students, and placing
more flexible in providing group assignments
students in a role that requires initiative to find
and independent assignments to all students. In
important things for themselves.
addition, educators can also open a discussion
Iru & Arihi (2012) argue that inquiry
room for students online, so that students are
contains higher-level mental processes and is
more flexible in expressing their opinions.
student-centered. Maximum involvement of
Google Classroom is an application that
students in the process of learning activities,
requires internet access, because all Google
and directional activities to the maximum in
Classroom processes are done online. Only
the learning process and students can develop
students who are members of the Google
an attitude of trust in themselves about what is
Classroom can use this application. Classes
found in the inquiry process (Kurniasih & Sani,
at the Google Classroom are real classes in
2015). Educators in the inquiry learning process
lectures. Google Classroom combines gmail,
only act as administrators who are responsible
documents and google drives to help educators
for all learning activities in the classroom.
in creating virtual classes that are more efficient,
RESEARCH METHODS fast and easy. Herman (2014) explains that this
application uses classes available to anyone who
The research method used is a qualitative has Google Apps for Education, a series of free
research method in the form of field research. productivity tools including gmail, documents
The learning strategy courses in the lecture and drives (Garczynski, 2014).
process are carried out by utilizing Google Google Classroom is an environmentally
Classroom media by two classes namely the friendly media because it does not need paper in the
economic education study program class and learning process and the task collection process.
the PKn education study program at the STKIP The technique of using the Google Classroom is
PGRI Lamongan. The teaching and learning fairly easy because in addition to this application
process consists of 10 meetings using Google it can be accessed through computers and laptops
Classroom four times in class presentations and also through an Android-based smartphone.
two meetings for UTS and UAS. Each meeting Google Classroom has a feature in the form of a
at Google Classroom requires an active learning Home that contains notifications from educators
time of 2 hours 45 minutes, but there is still free relating to lecture material, besides that there
time for discussion outside the specified learning are deadline assignment features that can be
determined by educators so that students are
1506 Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Volume 10, Nomor 2, Desember 2018, hlm. 1503-1509

more disciplined in collecting assignments and The subject matter of the learning strategy
educators can provide values ​​directly by using is presented in an organized and structured
your work feature. manner, where the educator starts the lecture by:
In addition to time discipline in the 1. Deliver the semester lecture plan to
learning process Google Classroom can also students for one semester with the
improve communication between educators and allocation of 10 meetings and 4 face-to-
students better, this means that students will face meetings in class.
be more active in understanding the material 2. Educators divide students into each group
provided by educators. There are two lecture consisting of 4 groups each class and each
designs for learning strategy courses using group contains 5 (five) people.
Google Classroom, namely: 3. Educators as well as dividing groups also
provide individual assignments to each
Lecture Materials student.
this application uses classes available to anyone who has Google Apps for Education, a series 4. Every meeting conducted through Google
of free productivityThe use ofgmail,
tools including thedocuments
Google Classroom
and drives (Garczynski, in the
Google Classroom is an environmentally friendly media because it does not need Classroom media, students in groups or
paper in course
the learningofprocess
learning and the strategies is considered
task collection process. The technique veryof using the
Google Classroom
this application usesisclasses
fairly available
easy because in addition
to anyone who hasto Google
this application
Apps for it can be accessed
Education, a series individuals will report assignments and
effective andbecause allthrough
learning objectives can
through computerstools
of free productivity laptops gmail,
including also documents anandAndroid-based
drives smartphone.
(Garczynski, Google present them both directly and online
Classroom presented
has Classroom
Google a feature in and
isthe delivered
an form of a Home to
environmentally that the
friendly maximum.
media notifications
because it from But
does educators
not need
paper intothelecture material,
learning process besides
and thethattask
there are deadline
collection assignment
process. featuresofthat
The technique can the
using be through the application.
by educators
Google Classroom also
so that
is fairly still
easy need
because in real
are more
addition face-to-face
disciplined meetings
in collecting
to this application it assignments and
can be accessed
educators can provideand
through computers values directlyalso
laptops by using
through your an
work feature.
Android-based smartphone. Google 5. EducatorsFigure will alsoMaterials
2. Lecture provide quizzes and
Classroom haseducators
addition to time
a feature inform
the order
in discipline tolearning
ofin athe
Home present process
that containstheGoogle
notifications can also
from educators
improve to
relating communication
lecture material, between
that there andarestudents better,
deadline this means
assignment that students
features that canwill
be assignments
The subject matter of the learningat each
strategy of inthese
is presented meetings
an organized and structured

be more they in have done according byto intheir duties. manner, where the educator starts the lecture by:
determined active understanding
by educators so that the material
students provided
are more educators.
disciplined There
collecting are two lecture
assignments and aimed at testing the level of understanding
1. Deliver the semester lecture plan to students for one semester with the allocation of 10
educators According
designs for learning
can provide strategyto
values Rozak
directly using
by using&
work feature. (2018)
namely: the use meetings and 4 face-to-face meetings in class.
In addition to time discipline in the learning process Google Classroom can also of students
2. Educators divide in group
students into each receiving
consisting oflecture material.
4 groups each class and each
improve of
Lecture the internet
communication has provided
between educators a new
and students better, concept
this means to will
that students group contains 5 (five) people.
be moreThe use in
active of understanding
the Google Classroomthe material in the course by
provided of educators.
learning strategies
There areis two
lecture Educators as well as dividing groups also provide individual assignments to each student.
designs cooperate
for because
learning with
strategy each
courses otherClassroom,
using Google caninbecombiningnamely: and various
presented delivered to the 4. Every meeting conducted through Google Classroom media, students in groups or
Lecture Method
individuals will report assignments and present them both directly and online through the
maximum. But students also still need real face-to-face meetings by educators in order to application.
present the
resources, infrastructure, and capital to &
observations they have done according to their duties. According to Rozak 5. Educators will also provide quizzes and assignments at each of these meetings aimed at
Albantani enable
The (2018)
use ofthethethe
use of creation
Google theClassroom
internet hasin ofprovided
a new of strategies
of learning tounlimited
cooperate Design
with each testing the level
is considered theof students
of understanding lecture method
in receiving on Google
lecture material.
other in
very combining
effective various
because allhuman resources,
learning objectivesinfrastructure, and capitaland
can be presented to enable the creation
delivered to the
maximum. exposure.
of a culture of unlimited
But students exposure.
also still need real face-to-face meetings by educators in order Lecture to Classroom
Method learning strategy courses in the form
present the observations they have done according to their duties. According to Rozak & Design the lecture method on Google Classroom learning strategy courses in the form
Albantani (2018) the use of the internet has provided a new concept to cooperate with each of discussion.
of discussion.
other in combining various human resources, infrastructure, and capital to enable the creation
of a culture of unlimited exposure.

Figure 1. The Google Classroom main page

Figure 1. The Google Classroom main page Figure 3.Figure
3. Discussion ofof material
material discussion discussion
Google Classroom is a learning system that gives educators the freedom to design and
deliver material according to their wishes.
Google Classroom is a learning system
Figure 1. The Google Classroom main page
The discussion starts from the discussion of the results of the material report for each
The discussion starts from the discussion
group that has received the task at the beginning of the lecture contract. Before the discussion
that gives educators the freedom to design and isGoogle
Google Classroom is a learning system that gives educators the freedom to design and
conducted, each group is obliged to upload the results of the group (material) into the
of Classroom
the resultsno later thanof thehours
3 (three) material report
before the discussion for
begins. The each
aim is so
deliver material material
according according to their wishes.
to their wishes. that other students can read in advance about the material to be discussed and the discussion
willgroup that
feel more alive and has
active. received the task at the beginning
The learning process of students in Google Classroom is a learning strategy course
of the lecture contract. Before the discussion is
based on inquiry, where educators technically will apply the learning process to individual

conducted, each group is obliged to upload the

results of the group (material) into the Google
Classroom no later than 3 (three) hours before
the discussion begins. The aim is so that other
students can read in advance about the material
to be discussed and the discussion will feel more
alive and active.
The learning process of students in Google
Figure 2. Lecture Materials
Classroom is a learning strategy course based on
The fourth stage is collecting data, the data in question is data relating to existing
problems and the data will be used to support the problem solving. The fifth stage is to test
the hypothesis where students will determine the answers that are in accordance with existing
data and can be justified. The sixth stage is formulating conclusions where students together
with educators form conclusions based on hypotheses and existing data.
While the inquiry process in groups is divided into four stages, namely the group
formation stage that has been determined by the educator or in accordance with mutual
agreement, the introduction of the problem topic to all groups formed, the stage of making
Abd. Ghofur, Using Google Classroom ... 1507
policies or special rules relating to the topic of the problem that will discussed and the stage
of formulating problems according to related topics. In addition to the implementation of the
inquiry learning process in the learning strategy course, the educator also disciplines the
collection of tasks.
inquiry, where educators technically will apply
the learning process to individual and group
inquiry models based on Kurniasih & Sani
(2015). The learning process individually has 6
(six) stages, namely the first stage is conducting
an orientation where the educator will provide
an understanding of the topic, objectives and
learning outcomes that must be achieved by
the students and provide an understanding of
the main activities to be carried out by students
to achieve the goals and educators also give Figure 4.4.Task
Figure Gathering
Task Gathering of Students
of Students

motivation to students. Collection

Collection of tasks of tasks
also have time deadlines that theyalso havethis time
have to upload, will be able
The second stage is learning to formulate to train students to be more disciplined in doing the task and facilitate educators to directly
deadlines that they have to upload, this will be
correct the results of the assignments of students and immediately provide value. The value
a problem, where students will be given able
that students to attrain
will get the endstudents
of the lectureto be from
comes morea setdisciplined inbeen
of values that have
accumulated before.
assignments in the form of small scale resets. The doing the task and facilitate educators to directly
assignment given will challenge students to be correct the results of the assignments of students
more active in collecting some evidence related and immediately provide value. The value that
to the reset. The third stage is to formulate a students will get at the end of the lecture comes
hypothesis. The hypothesis is a temporary from a set of values that have been accumulated
answer to a problem being studied. Because the before.
hypothesis is a provisional conjecture, it must
be tested by inviting students to a discussion of
the problem which later students can find and
conclude by themselves.
The fourth stage is collecting data, the
data in question is data relating to existing
problems and the data will be used to support
the problem solving. The fifth stage is to test
the hypothesis where students will determine
the answers that are in accordance with existing
data and can be justified. The sixth stage is Figure
Figure 4.4. Assessment
Assessment techniquetechnique
using Google using
formulating conclusions where students together The value comes from attendance Classroom
(on-offline), activeness of students when
with educators form conclusions baseddiscussion, on reporting assignmentsThe value
in the formcomes from
of PPT, video, and docattendance
also become one of the
educator's considerations in providing value. Attendance value can be calculated through two
hypotheses and existing data. methods, namely(on-offline),
the manual method activeness of students
for real class attendance and the methodwhen
of using the
While the inquiry process in groups AISis(Academic Information System) application by integrating Google Classroom
discussion, reporting
applications for virtual class attendance. While assignments in the
the value of assignments form can be
and quizzes
divided into four stages, namely the group obtained by using a classroom test to test the level of understanding of students in
of PPT, video, and doc also become one of the
formation stage that has been determinedunderstanding
by Googlethe material.
Classroom is anconsiderations
application that has many in providing
features that canvalue.
be used in the
the educator or in accordance with mutual learning process to be more effective, namely:
1. Reuse postAttendance value can be calculated through
agreement, the introduction of the problem Used to retweet existing posts, the lecturer can add questions and edit them, also can be
topic to all groups formed, the stage of making twowith
directly shared methods,
the class group namely the manual method for
to be addressed.

policies or special rules relating to the topic Create

of questionrealisclass
2. Create question attendance and the method of using
a feature that is used to provide questions to students, so they can more
the problem that will discussed and the stage educators
of the AIS (Academic
easily access questions and upload answers Information
according to the due System)
date determined by
in effective and efficient learning strategy courses which do not waste paper that
formulating problems according to related topics.can polluteapplication
the environment and byreduce
forested forestGoogle
, also can manage time.
3. Create assignment
In addition to the implementation of the inquiry applications for virtual class attendance.
Create assignments are features used in assigning tasks, which can be attached to a file.
learning process in the learning strategy course, While
With this feature, it isthe value
expected of assignments
that educators and and
can more easily access
be given to students by using technology and utilizing this google classroom-based
upload tasks to

the educator also disciplines the collection technology

of can
in thebe
createobtained by using a classroom test to
assignment feature.
4. Create announcement
tasks. test theislevel
Create announcement a featureof understanding
used to make announcements. of Educators
students inhave to
do not
meet students directly. Simply Create announcement on the Google Classroom
understanding the material.
announcement can be conveyed thoroughly.
Google Classroom is an application that
The use of Google Classroom media is one of the media developments in the world of
has many
learning, especially features
in the field of online that can
learning. be used
Learning mediainis the learning
a messenger technology
that can be to
learningeffective, namely:
purposes (Schramm, 1977). Learning media that
are utilized is one form of online learning, where educators and students can access electronic
1508 Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, Volume 10, Nomor 2, Desember 2018, hlm. 1503-1509

1. Reuse post felt themselves more interactive and able to

Used to retweet existing posts, the express their opinions with confidence when
lecturer can add questions and edit them, the learning process took place. Questionnaires
also can be directly shared with the class developed according to Riduwan (2011) are
group to be addressed. measured by a Likert scale which states that
2. Create question the score assessment from very positive to
Create question is a feature that is used very negative, which will be described in the
to provide questions to students, so they following table:
can more easily access questions and
Assessment Score
upload answers according to the due date
determined by educators in effective and Strongly agree 5
efficient learning strategy courses which agree 4
do not waste paper that can pollute the Simply Agree 3
environment and reduce forested forest Disagree 2
populations , also can manage time. Strongly Disagree 1
3. Create assignment The results of the Likert scale will be
Create assignments are features used in calculated using the percentage formula as
assigning tasks, which can be attached follows:
to a file. With this feature, it is expected
that educators can more easily access and
upload tasks to be given to students by
using technology and utilizing this google information
classroom-based technology in the create F = total score
assignment feature. N = the highest score
4. Create announcement I = number of questions
Create announcement is a feature used R = number of respondents (Riduwan, 2011)
to make announcements. Educators
do not have to meet students directly. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION
Simply Create announcement on the
Google Classroom announcement can be CONCLUSION
conveyed thoroughly. The use of Google Classroom media based
The use of Google Classroom media is on inquiry learning can be used as an alternative
one of the media developments in the world of in increasing student learning participation.
learning, especially in the field of online learning. The use of Google Classroom media is one
Learning media is a messenger technology of the modern learning processes that is very
(information) that can be used for learning supportive and provides new insights for
purposes (Schramm, 1977). Learning media that educators and can motivate students to be more
are utilized is one form of online learning, where active while learning. In addition to activating
educators and students can access electronic Google Classroom students also makes students
documents to enrich their studies (Smaldino, more courageous to continue to explore and
Lowther, & Russell, 2008). Students can actively experiment with lecture material, this means
participate because online learning provides a that students feel happy and comfortable when
more interactive learning environment. using Google Classroom.
The use of Google Classroom media has SUGGESTION
many positive impacts on students, especially Based on these conclusions, this study can
the increasing participation of students when be developed the influence of the application
expressing opinions during joint discussions. of Google Classroom on learning outcomes. In
Increased student participation can be measured addition, the use of Google Classroom can also
by a questionnaire in the form of a questionnaire. be integrated with other applications to support
The results of the questionnaire shared with the learning activities in the virtual class more varied
students stated that more than 80% of students and optimal.
Abd. Ghofur, Using Google Classroom ... 1509

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