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Received: September 18, 2019 Revised: October 25, 2019 Accepted: November 15, 2019
This research aims to investigate the students’ interest in learning English towards the
use of Quipper School. In this study, 45-eighth-grade students from three classes at Lab
SMP School Unismuh Makassar responded to 20-items of questionnaire about the use of
Quipper School in learning English. The data were then analyzed by means of a
descriptive quantitative method followed by the random sampling technique to take the
sample. The response of this questionnaire was concluded to answer the research
question.The results show that most of the students were interested in Quipper School as
a medium of learning English in the class. Some of the most appealing features of
Quipper School encompassed self-evaluation, cognitive training, accessibility and
updated material. These made them to be comfortable with learning English which
motivated them to study in order to enhance their English skill. Thus, the use of Quipper
School was likely to be an effective medium of instruction, and English Teachers should
consider incorporating its use in their classrooms. Eventually, it ensured that they would
be prepared to communicate with English as a common language used in the
globalization era.
for a big influence on the quality of learning, which can influence the lack of
student learning outcomes. With regard to English subject, the level of difficulty
is quite high and the amount of material content in this subject makes student-
learning motivation become low. Problems such as those mentioned above require
a solution that is not easy to do.
It is expected that the presence of elearning that has been widely used and
utilized by various schools ranging from elementary school to upper level, and in
various universities, both public and private will increase the level of student
motivation in mastering the English skills. According to Liaw (2007), the main
constructs that have made elearning the most promising educational technology
include service, cost, quality, and speed.
Besides, E-learning is designed for online learning where the role of the
teacher still has an important role in creating more pleasant learning conditions
and students still get more information they need. It is expected that the
application of electronic and technology-based media is able to support students in
the teaching and learning process, especially when it is in school.
One of the innovative elearning that is developed by scientist is Quipper
School. The use of Quipper School aims to revolutionize the way people learn and
share knowledge, by leveraging the mobile internet (Morron, 2015). It can be a
support tool for teachers and students in the process of teaching and learning
activities in schools and can facilitate communication between teachers and
By using Quipper School, it is expected to increase the effectiveness and
efficiency of learning and can be a supporting media for learning that is fun for
teachers and students. Besides these activities can be fun, there are problems that
can appear, where many of the students’ experience confusion and difficulties
when using it and accessing it. In addition, there is also the lack of understanding
given by the teacher to students regarding the use of Quipper School. At present,
Quipper School is still considered as a new e-learning media. so that these
phenomena make researcher interested in reviewing the use of Quipper School
among high school students as a means of supporting the learning process in
school. Thus considering the reality the researcher wants to study the phenomenon
about the use of Quipper School that is used in Lab School SMP Unismuh
Makassar during learning activity.
Example of E-learning
1. Youtube
YouTube is a database platform on the internet that can be used by users to
upload, share and watch videos. In education, You-Tube can be used as an e-
learning platform that allows teachers and students to publish videos that
demonstrate an understanding of a topic creating a social and digital community
that specializes in a skill. Watching an educational video on YouTube allows the
flexibility to learn things procedurally, which will increase students'
understanding of the knowledge and skills that are being learned. Snyder & Burke
(2008) found that students who watch learning videos on YouTube will improve
their understanding of the subject matter.
2. Google Classroom
Google Classroom is a network-based platform that integrates a G- Suite for
Education account with all G-Suite services like Google Docs, Gmail, and
Calendar. Teachers can create a virtual classroom with Google Classroom as an
online learning medium. With Google Classroom, teachers are able to share study
materials, announcements, quizzes or questions, tasks and task assessments and
feedback for students online. The use of Google Classroom in learning enables
teachers to be more effective in presenting content or online learning materials for
students, controlling online learning assignments to be more organized, and
facilitating indirect communication with students. Cox (2009) stated that
implementing classroom technology in school is needed because it can help
students to prepare for the future and the digital era which we live in now has to
know how to use it properly.
Sukawatie (Vol.2; 2018) stated that there are various features of Quipper
School that can affect students’ learning. The ‘creation’ feature deals with setting
up the learning classroom, the materials and the student participants. The
‘assessment’ feature facilitates teachers’ use of the learning materials (lessons and
quizzes) and assigning them to students. Learners then access these learning
materials on the ‘learning’ feature. Through this learning feature, students are
expected to sharpen their understanding towards the lesson.
The ‘teacher role’ enables teachers to access to ‘overview’,
‘assignments’,‘curriculum’,‘messageand ‘manage’ menus. The ‘overview’ menu
provides brief information about active assignments submitted by the students
(‘overview sub-menu’), and students’ individual performances (‘performance sub-
menu’). The ‘assignment’ menu allows teachers to create new assignments,
distribute them to students and monitor their progress. Employed in teaching and
learning. It includes hardware like blackboard, radio, television, tape recorders,
video tapes and recorders and projects; and software like transparences, films,
slides, and teachers made- diagrams, real objects, cartoons, models, maps and
e. Teacher and Students can discuss a lesson through Internet since Quipper
School has message feature that allows them to do so.
f. It transforms learning activity from being passive to active.
along with the objective of this study to identify students’ learning Interest by
doing observation and distributing 20 questionaries to collect the data. These
questionaires used Likert Scale to assess the result of the data. Thus, students
chose the answer from the questionaires with 5 score (Strongly Agree), 4 (If
Agree), 3 (Moderate), 2 (Disagree), and 1 (Strongly Disgaree). This research was
conducted in the eighth grade students of Lab School SMP Muhammadiyah
Makassar in academic year of 2018-2019. The subjects of this research were 50%
of population from three classes namely VIII-A, VIII-B, and VIII-C which totally
consisted of 45 students.
The result of the data which answered the reasearch problem were 82
categorized Interested. Thus, it indicated that students were interested in learning
English towards the use of Quipper School. Moreover, there included some of the
most appealing features, which indicated strongly Agree or Interested, of Quipper
School which encompassed self-evaluation, cognitive training, its accessibility
and updated material.
This is related to the previous finding by Saptani in 2017 stated that the
participants commonly agree on and encourage the use of Quipper School in
teaching since it provides a great amount of alternative material, promote
interactions and increase students’ motivation. Moreover, this is also supported by
the research conducted by Sari in 2016 who stated that Quipper School was
suitable for the use in the learning process because it was categorized as "Strongly
Interested" and had the potential to increase students' motivation and cognitive
learning outcomes. Thus, Student learning motivation has increased from the
category "Medium" to "Very Good".
Although the difference between the previous researches above and this
research relies upon the method, which apply the implementation of Quipper
School, and this research solely sees the reaction of students when they learn
through Quipper School. Eventually, the similarity of these researches show that
students give positive response when the learning process implements Quipper
School and thus, it can be concluded that Quipper School is an effective learning
tool to be used in order to participate students in learning activity.
School because they are able to know the progress of their English skill. Thus, it
can be concluded that Quipper School can become a great learning tool to explore
various knowledge, which makes students develop more about their cognitive
Extract of Statement number 5 : Students will learn English routinely if teacher
uses Quipper School in class.
From the data above, it showed that the mean score of statement number 5
was categorized Interested because the result of the data was 81. It indicated that
the students were interested in learning English routinely if teacher uses Quipper
School in class. Thus, it can be concluded that Quipper School can become a great
learning tool for teacher to use routinely during learning activity because it can
motivate them to improve their English skill.
Extract of Statement number 6 : Students are interested in doing Quizzes on
Quipper School feature in order to increase their cognitive skill.
From the data above, it showed that the mean score of statement number 6
was categorized strongly interested because the result of the data was 86. It
indicated that the students were strongly interested in doing Quizzes on Quipper
School feature in order to increase their cognitive skill. Thus, it can be concluded
that Quipper School can become a great learning tool to explore various
knowledge through doing quizzes, which makes students develop more about
their cognitive skill.
Extract of Statement number 7 :
Students often ask in learning activity if teacher uses Quipper School as a
platform of learning.
From the data above, it showed that the mean score of statement number 7
was categorized Interested because the result of the data was 81. It indicated that
the students were interested to often ask in learning activity if teacher uses
Quipper School as a platform of learning. Thus, it can be concluded that Quipper
School can trigger students’ thought and participate actively during learning
activity when teacher uses Quipper School in class. This participation contributes
to the development of students’ English skill.
The researcher concluded that the most students had the same opinion or
showed the same interest toward Quipper School as a medium of learning tool
that could increase the students’ standard of English by way of motivating them to
learn English, improving their various English skill, and helping them understand
more of English latest version in textbook or in article. It could be seen from the
classification score in which the number of answers divided by the number of
students that have been multiplied by number of items and the highest score was
82 categorized Interested. This survey also proved that Quipper School was
effective as a medium of learning tool because from the perspective of students it
triggered their interest to learn English more and to communicate with it.
However, the researcher might suggest to the Teacher that Teacher should
employ give more the understanding towards the use of Quipper School to
students and always see the progress of students’ skill through Quipper School.
Eventually, it can make students to be comfortable with learning English, and
motivate them to study in order to enhance their English skill. Having utilized
Quipper School as a learning tool to improve students’ English skill ensures that
they will be prepared to communicate with English as a common language used in
the globalization era. Eventually, they can deal with the demand of that era.
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