Haggis Exercise - Prosper - Updated 2007
Haggis Exercise - Prosper - Updated 2007
Haggis Exercise - Prosper - Updated 2007
The Haggis field was discovered in June 1994 in the UK sector of the North Sea in a water depth of
300 ft. The field was developed using 5 wells and reached peak production in 1996. Since then, oil
production has decreased rapidly due to increased water production.
Reservoir Properties:
The Haggis sand was deposited in a turbidite environment. It is quite homogeneous with an average
porosity and permeability of 22% and 200 mD, respectively. The reservoir sand, however, is
anisotropic vertically with a Kv/Kh ratio of 0.1. Horizontal anisotropy is 1. The top of the sand was
encountered at 6400 ft TVDSS, and the oil-water contact is at 6500 ft TVDSS.
The reservoir is normally pressured with an initial reservoir pressure of 3300 psia and little or no
aquifer support. Reservoir pressure has declined with production to 2800 psia at present. Pressure
maintenance was not considered when the field was being developed.
Table 1 lists the PVT data for the Haggis fluids at current reservoir conditions.
Haggis wells:
The Haggis field wells have an economical limit of 1500 STB Oil/d/well; i.e. producing at lower rates
is not economically feasible.
Haggis-3 was drilled in May 1995. It is taken to be the case study for this field as it has average
parameters for Haggis wells. Figure 1 is the completion diagram for Haggis-3. Above the wellhead,
the well was completed with the same 5 1/2" OD production tubing encased in a mud line (no
insulation). The mud line connects the wellhead (on the sea-bed) to the Xmas tree on the platform.
14/10/21 Class Exercise1
The Haggis Field____________________________________________________________Prosper Version
Haggis-3's well parameters, and results from both well testing and production logging are summarised
in Table 3. Table 3 also contains data on Haggis-1. Haggis-3 and Haggis-1 are essentially twin wells,
except that completion damage has resulted in Haggis-1 being considered the worst well in the field.
Haggis-3 Haggis-1
Oil Prod. Rate 4770 4120 STB/d
Water Cut 30 28 %
WH Flowing Temp. 65 65 °F
Press. at X-tree 445 psia
Skin (Well Test)
2.93 6.9
Relative. Damaged
Zone Perm. 50% 40%
Damage Zone
Thickness 12 Inches
Crushed Zone Perm 64 mD
Area of Block
NB: Well Located in 1153 acres
the Centre of a Block
Table 3: Well Data
Water Oil
Residual Saturation .25 0.3
End Point Relative
0.5 1
Corey Exponent 1 1
The Scenario:
The rate of oil production decline in the Haggis field is alarming, and if no action is taken, Haggis will
become uneconomical by the end of this year. The Operators of the field, Big Kahuna Oil Inc., did not
accept this situation and have fired the field's former team leader for improper management of the field.
Big Kahuna has hired you to improve production from the Haggis field.
Your Mission:
Big Kahuna Oil Inc. has asked you to study the field’s potential and submit your report to Heriot-Watt
University. The report shall outline A) the model you have used for your study, B) the potential of the
base case scenario, C) your assessment of production enhancement proposals from the Haggis
engineers, and D) your recommendation for a project which will enhance production from Haggis.
Include all relevant calculations and graphs in clearly labelled appendices.
Save all your well models.
The paragraphs below are an elaboration on the sections of the report you will submit to management.
14/10/21 Class Exercise2
The Haggis Field____________________________________________________________Prosper Version
that you can use it to fulfil tasks B and C. Determine how detailed the model should be. Unnecessary
detail means longer computing time and higher costs making you inefficient in managing resources.
1) Identify and list the major components contributing significant pressure drops along Haggis-3’s
completion string. Include only these components in your model.
2) Determine the best flow correlation model for Haggis-3 and state the reasons for your choice.
[6 %]
B) Base Case Analysis:
As a good manager, the first thing you have to do is evaluate the potential of what you have in hand at
the moment. To achieve that, you must determine what effect the decline in reservoir pressure and the
increase in water cut will have on Haggis-3's production if nothing is done to improve its production.
In other words, determine the reservoir pressure and the water cut at which Haggis-3 becomes
uneconomical to produce under the current setup. In IPR definition, N.B. Big Kahuna uses Darcy’s
reservoir model with Locke correlation for mechanical/geometrical for skin definition. Deviation and
partial penetration skin is defined with Cinco and Martin Bronz model.
2800 2700 2600 2500 Psia
30% 4770
Table B.1: Haggis-3 Production Forecast
You discuss these figures with the field’s engineers. Since artificial lift can not be supported at present
by the production facilities on the Haggis platform, you all agree that you have to start a water injection
scheme to maintain the reservoir pressure at 2800 psia. Determine the production improvements from
the Haggis field with this scheme in place in terms of the maximum water-cut at which Haggis-3 can
produce economically. This will be considered as the base case scenario for this study.
You realise that with water injection, you should expect higher water production from the well, and
thus a shorter field life. To overcome this problem, operators often plug the "watered out" perforations.
14/10/21 Class Exercise3
The Haggis Field____________________________________________________________Prosper Version
a) Determine the benefit from acidising Haggis-3 in terms of the maximum water cut at which the
acidised Haggis-3 will sustain economic production if acidising restores the original rock permeability.
(Use this result to compare the benefits from this project to the other proposed projects, and as a basis
for your recommendations in section D).
b) Would your answer to a) be different if Haggis-1 was the well in question. What are the implications
of this on the way this project might be carried out if all Haggis wells are to be acidised.
b) Which of these two approaches (horizontal & deviated well) will give a better result and why?
c) How long (to the nearest 50 ft) would the horizontal section have to be to match the benefits of the
deviated well?
d) Given the engineering and economic factors and assumptions below, design the optimum horizontal
well (to the nearest 500 ft) to side-track Haggis-3 to.
14/10/21 Class Exercise4
The Haggis Field____________________________________________________________Prosper Version
e) Determine the benefit from side-tracking Haggis-3 in terms of the maximum water cut you can
economically produce the well with if it was side-tracked to the optimal horizontal length determined
(Use this result to compare the benefits from this project to the other proposed projects, and as a basis
for your recommendations in section D).
Note: The horizontal well is placed in the middle of the reservoir.
Given the current conditions choose the optimum pump for Haggis-3 given the details and engineering
assumptions below,
14/10/21 Class Exercise5
The Haggis Field____________________________________________________________Prosper Version
b) As water production is the limiting factor, the production technologist suggests halting water
injection and allowing the reservoir pressure to drop. Determine which pump would be suitable in these
conditions. Table C.3 is designed to assist you with that determination.
2800 2600 2400 2200 Psia
GC 10000
HC 9000
HC 12000
KC 12000
Table C.3: Haggis-3 Production Forecast with ESP installed,
** denotes rate outwith the operating range of the pump.
c) Using your choice of pump from part b), determine the benefit from installing an ESP in Haggis-3 in
terms of the maximum water-cut at which the optimised pump will sustain economic production prior
to suspending water injection (i.e. no depletion, reservoir pressure 2800psia).
(Use this result to compare the benefits from this project to the other proposed projects, and as a basis
for your recommendations in section D).
Save this well model as Haggis-C3a.out.
14/10/21 Class Exercise6
The Haggis Field____________________________________________________________Prosper Version
Show the gas lift design plot in your report, determine the required gas injection rate for the design
production rate and explain briefly the different roles of valves in your design. State the depths of your
valves. Should the unloading valves be open or closed when assessing gas lift capabilities?
b) Plot the Gas lift performance curves and determine the technical optimum injection rate as the
reservoir pressure declines and summarise the results in Table C.4 (Answer Form).
2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 Psia
injection rate
Why are technical optimum injection rates not applicable in practice? What other possible factors have
you considered in completing the table C.4? Explain to management the reason why greater gas
injection rates do not result in greater production as the reservoir declines.
c) Redesign the Gas Lift scheme using the optimum gas injection rate for 2800 psia. Determine the
benefit from installing Gas Lift in Haggis-3 in terms of the maximum water-cut at which the optimised
injection rate will sustain economic production.
(Use this result to compare the benefits from this project to the other proposed projects, and as a basis
for your recommendations in section D).
Save this well model as Haggis-C3b.out.
a) Evaluate the benefits from lowering the Xmas tree pressure, in terms of the maximum water-cut
you can economically produce Haggis-3 with, after lowering the Xmas tree pressure to 100 psia.
(Use this result to compare the benefits from this project to the other proposed projects, and as a basis
for your recommendations in section D).
Save this well model as Haggis-C4.out.
14/10/21 Class Exercise7
The Haggis Field____________________________________________________________Prosper Version
D) Recommendations to Management:
1) Assess the production enhancement projects proposed by the Haggis field engineers in section C above
and compare them to one another and to the base case scenario. Put in mind that Big Kahuna Inc. has
set the ranking criteria for these projects to be the maximum water-cut at which Haggis-3 can sustain
economic production (i.e. > 1500 STB oil/d).
Identify three major risks that have not been included in this assessment. Briefly explain how each one
could add to the uncertainty of this assessment, and prescribe the necessary steps that need to be taken
to account for their effects.
14/10/21 Class Exercise8
The Haggis Field____________________________________________________________Prosper Version
Further Instructions on The Haggis Field Exercise
Please read and follow the following instructions when carrying out the Haggis Field exercise.
• Read the exercise carefully and fill-out the missing data in Figure 2. With the aid of this appendix,
attempt to carry-out this exercise.
• In most sections of this exercise you have more information than you need. This is to help you verify
that the model you are using is correct.
Option Summary
In option summary set well to producer with no artificial system in your base case model.
• Enter the reservoir Fluid Parameters. Decide which, if any, of the correlation model fluid parameters
should be matched to the actual fluid parameters. Check that the reservoir fluid model calculates fluid
parameters' values that conform (more or less) to the actual reservoir fluid parameters.
• In IPR data, select Darcy Model type to define layer parameters. Use input data to define parameters
for skin and skin calculation. Make sure that the calculated skin matches the one obtained from the
well test.
Nodal Analysis:
• In Calculation Summary
Gradient match your pressure data and choose the appropriate out flow correlation.
Ensure your correlation with tuned parameters is used in your future work.
You now have a tuned model that you can use as a base case throughout the exercise.
14/10/21 Class Exercise9
The Haggis Field____________________________________________________________Prosper Version
2700 2695
0 RKB / Xmas Tree
Riser/Mud Line
Seabed / Wellhead
Top of Reservoir
14/10/21 Class Exercise11