Classroom Worksheet Chapter 6 Food and Humans

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Classroom worksheet

Chapter 6 Food and humans

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6.1 Humans as heterotrophs

 All organisms require food for energy and nutrients to stay alive.

 Plants make their own food by photosynthesis. They are autotrophs.

 Humans cannot make their own food. They feed on organic matter. They are
(1) (異養生物). This type of nutrition is called (2)

6.2 Food requirements of humans

A. The importance of food

 Food provides

➢ (3) to keep our body warm and support daily activities;

➢ raw materials for growth and repair of body tissues; and

➢ substances that keep us healthy.

B. What substances does food contain?

 There are seven types of food substances:

 carbohydrates (碳水化合物)

 lipids (脂質)

 proteins (蛋白質)

 water (水)

 vitamins (維生素)

 minerals (礦物質)

 dietary fibre (食用纖維)

HKDSE BIOLOGY: Connecting Concepts
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Classroom worksheet 6 Food and humans

1. Carbohydrates

Types  Monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides

Food sources  Glucose and fructose: fruits

 Sucrose: sugar cane, table sugar

 Lactose: milk

 Starch: cereals, maize, potatoes, taros

Functions  As a main source of energy

 (4) acts as an energy storage in the liver and skeletal


 Cellulose is a source of (5)

In excess  Stored as glycogen in the liver and skeletal muscles or converted to

situation (6)

 Recall from…
Do you remember how carbohydrates are broken down in the body? (See Chapter 2)

maltose + water __________ + __________

sucrose + water __________ + __________

lactose + water __________ + __________

starch + water __________

HKDSE BIOLOGY: Connecting Concepts

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Classroom worksheet 6 Food and humans

2. Lipids

Type  (7) fats, which come mainly from animal sources, tend to
be solid at room temperature

 (8) fats, which come mainly from plants and fish, tend to
be oily at room temperature

Food sources  Fatty meat, egg yolk, nuts, dairy products, butter, plant oils

Functions  As an energy reserve

 Subcutaneous fat acts as an (9) layer to reduce heat loss

 Adipose tissues around internal organs act as a (10)

for protection

 As a component of (11) and certain


 Involved in transporting and storing (12) vitamins

In excess  Stored as subcutaneous fat under the skin and adipose tissue around some
situation internal organs

 Recall from…
Do you remember how triglycerides are broken down by hydrolysis? (See Chapter 2)

triglyceride + water __________ + __________

HKDSE BIOLOGY: Connecting Concepts

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Classroom worksheet 6 Food and humans

3. Proteins

Types of  (13) amino acids (非必需氨基酸), which can be made

amino acids using other compounds in the human body

 (14) amino acids (必需氨基酸), which cannot be made in

the human body and must be included in the diet

Food sources  Meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, peas and soya beans

Functions  For growth and repair of body tissues

 Form enzymes, (15) and some hormones

 As a source of energy when the body is short of carbohydrates and lipids

In excess  Excess amino acids are broken down in the liver through
situation (16) (脫氨作用)

 Recall from…
Do you remember how polypeptides are broken down and synthesized? (See Chapter 2)

polypeptide + __________ __________ ________

4. Vitamins

 Vitamins are (17) food substances. They have no energy value, but they
helps regulate various metabolic reactions in the body.

 The human body requires only small amounts of vitamins to stay healthy. However, a lack of
vitamins causes deficiency diseases (營養缺乏病).

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Classroom worksheet 6 Food and humans

Deficiency symptoms /
Food sources Functions
Vitamin A Liver, fish-liver  For the formation of  (20)

(fat-soluble) oil, milk, cheese, (18)

eggs, green in the retina (夜盲症)
vegetables,  Maintains the healthy state of  Thickening of the
carrots the (19) of cornea
the eyes, the skin, and the  Dry skin and an
lining of the alimentary canal increased risk of
and the respiratory system infection of the
respiratory system

Vitamin C Fruits and green  For the formation and repair of  (22)

(water- vegetables (21) tissues (壞血病)

soluble)  Helps heal wounds

 Maintains healthy gums, teeth

and skin

Vitamin D Liver, fish-liver  Helps the absorption of calcium  (23)

(fat-soluble) oil, milk, cheese, and phosphate ions from the (佝僂病)
egg yolk intestine  (24)

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Classroom worksheet 6 Food and humans

5. Minerals

 Minerals are (25) substances. They also have no energy value and are
needed in small amounts.

Deficiency symptoms /
Food sources Functions
Calcium Milk, cheese,  For the formation of  Rickets
other dairy (26) and  Osteoporosis
products, green teeth

vegetables  For blood clotting and muscle


Iron Liver, beef, eggs,  For the formation of  (27)

green leafy haemoglobin (貧血)

6. Dietary fibre

 Dietary fibre consists mainly of cellulose from plant cell walls. It stimulates peristalsis and
makes faeces pass out of the body more easily. Insufficient dietary fibre may cause
(28) .

7. Water

 Water has the following functions in our body:

➢ Water acts as a solvent and provides a medium for chemical reactions to take place.

➢ It is a reactant in certain metabolic reactions.

➢ Water in blood transports substances around the body.

➢ Water also helps regulate body temperature.

HKDSE BIOLOGY: Connecting Concepts

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Classroom worksheet 6 Food and humans

Challenge yourself

Students W, X and Y suffer from deficiency diseases. Determine what food substances each of

them lacks, and which foods can help alleviate their symptoms.

Food substance Food

A. Vitamin A (i) Fish-liver oil
B. Vitamin C (ii) Fresh fruits
C. Vitamin D (iii) Liver
D. Calcium (iv) Soya beans
E. Iron

(a) Student W has scurvy. He lacks . He should eat more .

(b) Student X has poor vision in dim night. This may be caused by deficiency of .

She should eat more .

(c) Student Y is anaemic. He lacks . He should eat more .

 Checkpoint (Coursebook p.6-17)
 5-minute quiz: Ch 6, Quiz 1

6.3 Food tests

 The test for various food substances and the positive results:

Food substance Test Positive result

Glucose Using glucose test strips A distinctive colour change will be observed.

Reducing sugars (29) (30) precipitate forms.


Starch (31) Iodine solution changes from (32)

test to (33) .

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Classroom worksheet 6 Food and humans

Food substance Test Positive result

Lipids (34) A (35) spot is left, which

test disappears after adding an (36)

Proteins Using protein test strips A distinctive colour change will be observed.

Vitamin C Using DCPIP solution DCPIP solution is (37) .

Practical 6.1 Test for vitamin C using DCPIP solution

Refer to Coursebook p.6-19 and SBA Practical Workbook p.6-1.

Results and discussion

 When vitamin C solution is added to DCPIP solution, the DCPIP solution is (38) .
In this reaction, DCPIP is (39) oxidized / reduced by vitamin C.

 (40) does not decolourize DCPIP solution. It serves as a control.

Practical 6.2 Investigation of the food substances present in common foodstuffs

Refer to Coursebook p.6-20 and SBA Practical Workbook p.6-4.

Practical 6.3 Designing an investigation to compare the amount of vitamin C in

different fruits and vegetables
Refer to Coursebook p.6-21 and SBA Practical Workbook p.6-9.

 Checkpoint (Coursebook p.6-21)

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Classroom worksheet 6 Food and humans

6.4 Balanced diet

A. What is a balanced diet?

 A balanced diet (均衡膳食) contains all the food substances in the right (41)
and (42) . It provides us with enough energy and nutrients for body functions
and daily activities.

 The (43) (食物金字塔) is a guide to help us achieve a

balanced diet.

 A food pyramid for adolescents

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Classroom worksheet 6 Food and humans

B. Factors affecting our dietary requirements

The exact amounts of energy and nutrients required, i.e. dietary requirement, vary from person to
person. It depends on a number of factors:

1. Age

 Children have a larger surface area to volume ratio than

adults. They have a higher energy requirement per unit
body mass.

 Their diet should include relatively large amounts of

energy-rich foods such as (44) ;
more (45) to form new body cells; more
calcium and (46) to form strong bones
and teeth; and more (47) to form red
blood cells.

2. Gender and body size

 Males generally have a larger body size, more muscle mass and a higher metabolic rate
than females, so they need more energy and proteins than females.

 Females need more iron to compensate for the iron lost each month in (48)

3. Level of physical activity

 People who perform heavy physical activities (e.g. a construction worker or a professional
athlete) need a diet rich in (49) to provide enough energy for muscle
contractions, and (50) for building muscles.

4. Body status

 Pregnant women need more carbohydrates, proteins, and a range of vitamins and minerals to
support the growth and development of the foetus.

 Breast-feeding mothers also need more nutrients for (51) .

HKDSE BIOLOGY: Connecting Concepts

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Classroom worksheet 6 Food and humans

C. Health problems caused by an improper diet

An improper diet can result in (52) (營養不良) which causes many health

1. Undernutrition (營養不足)

 If our energy intake from food is less than our energy output, the glycogen and fat stored in
our body will be used. This causes (53) weight loss / weight gain.

 With prolonged starvation and the absence of fat reserves, the body starts using muscle
proteins as a source of energy.

 Severe protein deficiency can lead to (54) (蛋白缺乏病). Children with this
disorder suffer from stunted growth, anaemia, hair loss, and have a swollen belly because
(55) accumulates in the abdomen.

2. Overnutrition (營養過剩)

 If we eat too much or lack sufficient physical activity, our energy intake from food will be
greater than our energy output. The excess energy will be stored as (56) in
our body, causing (57) weight loss / weight gain.

 Serious condition of overweight is called (58) (肥胖症). Obesity can lead to

high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes mellitus, gallstones and serious damage to the

Challenge yourself

Write ‘T’ for a true statement or ‘F’ for a false statement in each box provided.

(a) In order to achieve a balanced diet, we should avoid the intake of all fats. □
(b) Two persons having the same body mass. Their dietary requirement must be the same. □
(c) In prolonged starvation, our body will break down the stored glycogen, fats and then protein
tissues. □
(d) We will gain weight if our energy output is greater than our energy intake. □

 Checkpoint (Coursebook p.6-29)
 5-minute quiz: Ch 6, Quiz 2

HKDSE BIOLOGY: Connecting Concepts

© 2019 Aristo Educational Press Ltd. 6-11

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