Ideas of Constructivism in Philosophy of Education: From Ontology To Phenomenology
Ideas of Constructivism in Philosophy of Education: From Ontology To Phenomenology
Ideas of Constructivism in Philosophy of Education: From Ontology To Phenomenology
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1 author:
Sergey Borisov
South Ural State University
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Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University, Lenin Avenue, 69, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia
Abstract. On the basis of education we understand, we interpret the world, but we don’t feel education, itself getting
used to follow the standards and rules which have no sufficient proof. Education is not that the person knows, but
something that really influences his behavior. Education is a dynamic system of interaction between designs of
consciousness and environment. Education “designs” the person.
[Borisov S.V. Ideas of constructivism in philosophy of education: from ontology to phenomenology. Life Sci J
2014;11(11):399-402] (ISSN:1097-8135). 67
native language defines a way of perception of the M. Polanyi notes that though we clearly
world and cognitive features. Actually, it is a understand the volume and specifics of our
question of aprioristic forms of consciousness as knowledge, we hardly imagine it in details.
basic designs on which all further cognitive Understanding of these details happens in case we
experience of the person is constructed. seize all subject domains which they enter as part.
So, designing of reality happens by the help This feeling by the nature is similar to not articulated
of aprioristic forms of sensual experience and mind knowledge, helping to find a way in a difficult
(I. Kant). The person learns the world, proceeding situation; however it has wider sphere of application
from aprioristic structures of consciousness. thanks to participation in it linguistic indexes. Their
Aprioristic forms of consciousness can be considered ability to adapt allows us to keep constantly in the
in quality of “hereditary working hypotheses” (G. field of vision the huge volume of skilled data and to
Vollmer) [3] which passed evolutionary natural keep confidence that these uncountable data if it is
selection (adaptation). Adaptive congenital structures required, can be at our disposal [8]. Thus, education
correspond to reality so as far as provide an organism is a latent knowledge.
survival. Adaptation is an ability to reveal regularities But why our knowledge is for us of such of
of the world and on the basis of it to predict the great importance in spite of the fact that their bases
future (E. von Glasersfeld) [4]. The live system remain obscure? Polanyi’s answer to this question is
possesses a certain set of operations (H. Maturana, F. similar to the Hume’s answer: because we believe
Varela) [5] therefore cognitive processes are already that rationality, congenital from them, is guarantee of
predetermined by feature of the organization and compliance of reality. We recognize the knowledge
system functioning. power because we see in them instructions
Congenital mechanisms (“the closed concerning reality, and it serves as a guarantee, of
programs”), are structures for organism adaptation. their use in the future. At the heart of this process our
They are necessary for perception and process personal conviction that knowledge is connected with
information necessary for a survival. They precede reality. Thus, we not simply establish for ourselves
experience and are prerequisites of knowledge of the standards, we thus believe in the ability to learn
world. For example, “archetypes” (K.G. Jung) are objective reality and to make on it our influence.
unconsciousness structures; “universal structures of Only thanks to our education (on its basis) we
consciousness” (K. Lévi-Strauss) define behavior of understand the world though education remains
the person. The person is so biologically arranged. hidden for us. We got used to follow norms or rules
Ability of the person to get and accumulate without sufficient basis.
information on the world (“the open program”), From the constructivist point of view
though it isn’t concluded in a genome, but is carried education plays a fundamental role in development of
out on the basis of congenital cognitive structures. the individual – provides his survival, adaptation. It is
Knowledge from past experience – “action schemes” cultural process, instead of biological. There is a
(J. Piaget) – designs new knowledge. Thanks to transformation “the person natural” into “the person
“cognitive balance” all contradictions with past cultural”. Education purpose: is expansion from the
experience are eliminated. It promotes training. sphere of consciousness to level of “Absolute
Training happens to the help of two processes – thought”. This thought exists irrespective of
assimilations and accommodations. Assimilation is environment, but environment stimulates its activity.
an accession of new objects or new situations to The thought has its own laws, conducts its own life.
cognitive schemes. Accommodation is an adaptation Brain is the thought’s tool, his servant, but not the
of cognitive schemes to new conditions. owner. The thought can be explained by means of the
Accommodation finishes process of “cognitive analysis of its creations. The teacher tries to induce
balance” [6]. his students’ thought by means of his own example.
The belief in the facts on which any Its task: “to set in motion thought train”. The same
knowledge of the world is based, is based on any we can say about a person responsibility which isn’t
object from memory or perception, and on its created in the person, but is waken in him. For the
habitual connection with any other object. Such person the moral is a choice which provides for
belief with need arises when mind is put in similar freedom. Therefore education is a formation of
conditions. All this is “natural instincts” which can’t freedom, understanding by the individual of the
be result of process of reasoning. L. Wittgenstein freedom and opportunity to make the choice, a
wrote: “What kind of grounds have I for trusting text- responsible act. All the other in education are means
books of experimental physics? I have no grounds for for achievement of this main goal. It is impossible to
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