Video Debate
Video Debate
Video Debate
--Research Bilingual Education and English Only. Identify 3 pros for each, and 3 cons for each.
1. Bilingual education can confuse a student switching back and forth between languages.
3. The focus will be on learning the language rather than learning the subject matter.
1. By being submerged in a classroom where English is the only language that is being
used, students will pick up the language at a quicker pace and leave each day with some
2. By using English all day, the students will catch on to real-life English, meaning they
will quickly understand basic everyday greetings, mannerisms, and simple but necessary
questions. These will eventually come very naturally to the student because these sorts of
3. The English only approach promotes better engagement because for students to
understand the activity taking place, they must concentrate and focus on what is being
said. Along with paying close attention, students are required to share their thoughts,
feelings, and desires in English so they must contemplate and think before speaking in a
1. Time efficiency can be a problem because you often must explain things more than once
and give students more time to think and process during activities.
2. May create frustration and resentment in students who struggle to understand. This can
--Identify 3 key points you will discuss in your opening for Bilingual Education. Briefly
describe why you believe the key points are relevant/appropriate for the debate. Do the same for
English only.
1. Bilingual education makes for a well-rounded student, they are able to communicate
better with other students since they are learning a language that the rest of them know.
2. A student who is learning a bilingual education develops a better memory as they are
learning another language their brain is forced to adapt to things those other students
3. If students are learning another language alongside the other language, they already know
exposed to the English language constantly and complete each school day with some sort
2. These classrooms create incredible problem-solving growth within students because they
are required to use the English language to ask questions and communicate with their
3. Lastly, these classrooms are easy to manage because teachers can lead conversations. It
will ultimately create an environment where children are learning English at a quicker
--Create 3 questions the English Only side will ask the Bilingual Education side during the cross
1. How is a child supposed to string together a bunch of random vocabulary words from
3. Doesn’t it take more time for them to learn the new language if they do not have the
opportunity to listen to someone speak it all the time and have many opportunities to
1. How is English only considered time efficient when it takes a while to teach grammar as
it is and the student might not even understand any of what you are saying?
2. How can English only help students make clear sentences with vocabulary learned,
3. How do you stop students' frustration when they cannot understand English only?
--Identify 3 key points you will address in your closing statements for both English Only and
Bilingual Education.
1. Bilingual education offers students more help in the transition from their L1 to L2.
2. Bilingual education helps the student to learn how to make clear grammatical sentences
3. Letting students use their L1’s helps lessen frustration when they are not understanding
them to learn English fluently without having the student piece together different
2. Using English only will allow the student to learn from exposure to the language.
Similarly, to when someone goes to another language speaking country for a period of
3. Every single day the student will be able to pick up something new from listening to
English only and will be able to make connections to other words and phrases they have
heard being said in the classroom. They will be able to speak clearly and without
confusion because they will be using muscle memory to remember exactly how the
teacher said the phrase or sentence. This can be especially helpful with learning tenses.