Quiz On Vit and Minerals

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Quiz B) Pneumonia

C) Tetany
1. True or False. Vitamins yield energy when D) Cri du Chat
metabolized by the body. E) NOTA
2. 1 RE is equal to how many beta carotene? 18. The effect of increased concentration of Magnesium
3. Main function of Vitamin D? in Skeletal muscles could be reversed by the
4. Type of vitamin E which is maintained by the administration of:
body A) Chloride
5. Give the best food source of vitamin K B) Calcium
6. Deficiency in Vitamin B3 causes C) Water
a) Pellagra D) More Magnesium
b) Beriberi 19. Body’s principal intracellular Cation?
A) Calcium
c) Hartnup Disease
B) Chloride
d) A and C
C) Potassium
e) All of the Above D) Stratified Squamous non
7. All of the following diseases are related to 20. Inhibits the activation of Vit. D therefore lowering
Vitamin B1 Deficiency EXCEPT? blood Calcium levels
a) Wernicke Encephalopathy A) Calcium
b) Beriberi B) Calcitonin
c) Korsakoff Psychosis C) Cryotherapy
d) Wet Beriberi D) Phil Younghusband
e) None of the above 21. IODINE is essential for the formation of what
8. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF BERIBERI? hormone/hormones?
a) Weakness a. thyroxine
b) Super weak I’cant b. triiodothyronine
c. both
c) I cannot
d. neither
d) I can’t. I can’t
22. What trace element is an integral part of Carbonic
e) OMG I can’t anhydrase enzyme?
9. These are Enzymes activated by Vitamin B2. a. copper
a) Folic Acid b. zinc
b) Pyrophosphate c. iron
c) Vitamin B6 d. cobalt
d) A and C 23. Fluorosis in mild state
e) All of the Above a. mottled teeth
10. TRUE OR FALSE Vitamin C is Water Soluble b. enlarged bones
11. What vitamin causes Pernicious anemia? c. dental carries
12. Also known as Pteroylglutamic acid d. osteoporosis
13. Exists as Pyridoxal phosphate e. two of the above
f. none of the above
14. Incorporated in the body as CoA
24. Wilson's disease
15. Functions in the development of RBC and
a. deficiency of ceruloplasmin
treatment of anemia b. increase in copper serum level
16. What is the Patient’s principal cation in his c. both
extracellular fluid? d. neither of the two
A) Chloride 25. KESHAN’S DISEASE (select all possible answers)
B) Sodium a. Juvenile cardiomyopathy
C) Potassium b. Chondrodystrophy
D) Magnesium c. Due to increased oxidation
d. Due to increased reduction
17. Blood Calcium below normal levels cause? e. Selenium toxicity
f. Selenium deficiency
A) Whooping Cough

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