Biochemistry Quiz Day 1
Biochemistry Quiz Day 1
Biochemistry Quiz Day 1
2. Certain nucleoside analogs inhibit DNA synthesis 11. Which of the following apoproteins is an activator
because they lack which of the follow- ing properties of lipoprotein lipase?
required for normal DNA polymerization? a) Apo A
A. A 5’-phosphate b) Apo B
B. A 3’-hydroxyl c) Apo C-II
C. A 7-methyl G modification d) Apo D
D. A poly(A) tail
12. The major carriers of triacylglycerols are which of
3. The genetic basis of Huntington disease is best the following?
described as which of the following? a) Chylomicrons and VLDL
A. Triple repeat expansion b) IDL and LDL
B. Nucleotide deletion c) VLDL and LDL
C. Point mutation d) HDL and LDL
D. Transposition of genetic material
13. Which of the following state- ments best describes
4.Rifampin inhibits which one of the following types of HDL?
enzymes? A. It is produced in skeletal muscle.
a) DNA-dependent DNA polymerase B. It scavenges cholesterol from cell membranes.
b) DNA-dependent RNA polymerase C. Its major protein is apo E.
c) RNA-dependent DNA polymerase D. It is formed when VLDL is digested by lipo- protein lipase.
d) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
14. Statins are com- petitive inhibitors of HMG-CoA
5. Inhibition of which enzyme or process explains the reductase, which converts HMG-CoA to which of the
clinical manifestations of a-amanitin poisoning seen following?
in these patients? a) Mevalonate
a) RNA polymerase II b) Isopentenyl pyrophosphate
b) RNA polymerase I c) Geranyl pyrophosphate
c) RNA splicing d) Farnesyl pyrophosphate
d) RNA polyadenylation
15. Which of the fol- lowing statements correctly
6. Quinolone antibiotics inhibit which one of the describes bile salts?
following enzymes? a) They can act as detergents, aiding in lipid digestion
a) Eukaryotic topoisomerase b) They are stored in the intestines.
b) Helicase c) Ninety-five percent of bile salts are excreted in the feces,
c) Primase and 5% are recycled back to the liver.
d) Gyrase d) Bile salts are synthesized in the intestines.
7. Which of the following statements best explains 16. High serum HDL levels are pro- tective against the
mitochondrial DNA( mtDNA) ? development of atherosclero- sis because HDL does
a) It is inherited equally from both parents. which of the following?
b) It is replicated with increased fidelity with respect to a) Brings cholesterol esters back to the liver
nuclear DNA. b) Inhibits HMG-CoA reductase
c) It shares the same genetic code as nuclear DNA c) Increases VLDL productionI
d) It is a double-stranded circular DNA d) Increases LDL production
8. The absorption of which one of the fol- lowing 17. Which of the following statements best describes
vitamins may be affected with pancreatitis? patients with type II familial hypercholesterolemia?
a) Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) A. After LDL binds to the LDL receptor, the LDL is degraded
b) Folic acid extracellularly.
c) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) B. The number of LDL receptors on the sur- face of
d) Vitamin D hepatocytes increases.
C. Cholesterol synthesis by hepatocytes increases.
9. Impaired memory, diarrhea, and a rash on the face, D. Excessive cholesterol is released by LDL.
neck, and dorsum of the hands. Which vitamin
deficiency do these symptoms represent?
a) Niacin
b) Cobalamin
c) Folic acid
d) Vitamin C
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18. Which of the following would result in type II familial
hypercholesterolemia ?
(A) Cellular HMG-CoA reductase activity is not inhibited.
(B) The triglycerides in chylomicrons cannot be degraded.
(C) The VLDL level in the serum increases.
(D) The HDL level in the serum increases.
Every day Monday –Friday 5:00 pm -8:00 pm, Saturday – online Subject test and
Discussion 5 pm -8pm Sunday – Full Scale online NEET PG Grand test and Live
Discussion 12:00 -3:00 pm Call to enroll today : 09000868356 , 09505948391