Demographic Characteristics of Region IV-A: CALABARZON: Charl Andrew P. Bautista

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Demographic Characteristics of Region IV-A: CALABARZON

Charl Andrew P. Bautista

Introduction Demographic Structure and Population Composition Urbanization and Migration

19,607 35,741
27,870 64,070 24,220 52,443 80 above
80 above 80 above
2500 2420
22,456 33,448 2337
39,042 65,764 31,274 52,710 75 - 79
75 - 79 75 - 79
37,632 49,460 1963
62,497 90,276 55,610 80,503 70 - 74 2000
70 - 74 70 - 74

65 - 69
116,370 145,800
65 - 69
80,418 104,033 65 - 69
57,388 70,574 1583
Image 1. Map of Region IV-A
1500 1392

60 - 64
185,643 209,828
60 - 64
138,032 158,279 60 - 64
85,421 96,789 Population Density (Pop’n per
252,980 265,073 200,180 211,404 55 - 59
105,471 111,840 1000
864, by Province and Census
55 - 59 55 - 59
Source: DENR Physical and 317,755 321,818 270,232 274,032 50 - 54
160,878 161,088
50 - 54 50 - 54
Socio-Economic Profile 394,909 391,821 328,076 326,899 45 - 49
214,808 207,433 185 219 234
45 - 49 45 - 49
274,758 264,154
448,371 436,157 396,135 393,087 40 - 44 CALABARZON Cavite Laguna Batangas Rizal Quezon + Lucena
40 - 44 40 - 44 City
322,456 312,178
533,933 527,646 440,426 436,190 35 - 39 2000 2010 2015
35 - 39 35 - 39
368,548 365,672
568,979 569,411 504,776 512,465 30 - 34
30 - 34

622,823 625,614
30 - 34

529,750 550,237
390,926 393,264 Population Density in CALABARZON has been increasing. The
25 - 29
Region IV-A CALABARZON, formerly known as Southern Tagalog 25 - 29

693,398 689,727
25 - 29

568,296 581,063
439,749 460,735 provinces with the highest increase are Cavite, Rizal and Laguna all
20 - 24
Region, is one of the biggest regions in the country in terms of 20 - 24

723,168 696,999
20 - 24

630,650 625,119 15 - 19
462,935 469,226 of which are in close proximity to Metro Manila.
15 - 19 15 - 19 100.0
population size with 14,414,774 people. The region is composed of 730,685 685,507 683,643 646,219 10 - 14
508,941 491,753

90.0 86.8
92.793.6 90.892.5
10 - 14 10 - 14 83.5
5 Provinces: Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal and Quezon; and one 5-9
749,125 701,025
701,953 653,789 5-9
578,876 549,882 80.0

(1) highly-urbanized city (HUC): Lucena City which is locate within Under 5
753,940 706,750
Under 5
709,922 657,738 Under 5
615,441 581,101

61.2 63.1

Quezon Province. Within the 5 provinces, there are also 18 15 10 5 0

% of the Population
5 10 15 15 10 5 0
% of the Population
5 10 15
15 10 5 0
% of the Population
5 10 15
Figure 5. CALABARZON % of 50.0 44.3

component cities the most populous of which is Antipolo City. Males Females Males Females
Males Females
Population Living in Urban 40.0

32.7 31.329.4

(POPCOM 2015). Located in Southern Luzon, it’s close proximity to Areas by Province and
Figure 2. CALABARZON Population Pyramid using data from 2000, 2010, and 2015 Census 20.0

Census Year
Metro Manila has spurn rapid development in the region, especially 10.0


in areas near the NCR. (NEDA 2011) For each succeeding census round, it can be seen that the base of the population pyramid has narrowed down relative to other age CALABARZON Cavite Laguna


2010 2015
Rizal Quezon Lucena City

groups which is indicative of a declining fertility rate in the region. The peak of the pyramid has also begun to widen in each succeeding age
There is a significant drop in the percentage of people residing in
group probably indicative of a declining mortality rate in the region.
Population Growth urban areas from 2000 to 2010 which is due to the change in the
2015 2010 2000 definition of urban areas in a PSA Board Resolution on October 13,
16,000,000 Pop 0 to 14 4,327,032 4,053,264 3,325,994 2003 (PSA 2011). The population density has increased from 2010 to
2015, 14,414,774 Pop 15 to 64 9,476,053 8,075,328 5,668,329 Table 2. CALABARZON Age Dependency
2015 which is the more likely trend. As with the population density, it
2015, 12,877,253 Pop Over 65+ 611,689 481,211 326,306 Ratios
2015, 11,218,177
Age Dependency Ratio 52.12 56.15 64.43
is the provinces that are closer to NCR that has more people residing
in urban areas.
Total Population

Young Age Dependency Ratio 45.66 50.19 58.68
8,000,000 IV-A
Old Age Dependency Ratio 6.46 5.96 5.76
The shifting demographic structure has resulted in a decrease in age dependency ratios across the 3 censuses from 64.43 in 2000 to
52.12 in 2015. However, comparing the young and old age dependency ratios, it can be seen that the primary driver for the decrease in the
dependency ratio has been on the young – whilst the old age dependency ratio has increased. This might be indicative that the population of
Figure 6. Inter-regional Migration
1960 1970 1975 1980 1990 1995 2000 2007 2010 2015
CALABARZON has begun to transition, with indication of declining fertility and mortality leading to a bigger working age population.
Census Year Streams . Source: 2018 National
Migration Survey
Figure 1. Total Population Per Year of Regions with the Highest Population Size
Growth Rates
Fertility Trends Mortality Trends
Census Total Intercensal Ave. Annual Doubling CALABARZON Philippines
140 30.00
Year Census Date Population Years Pop’n Increase Arith Geo Exp Time** Ischaemic heart diseases 104.05
Ischaemic heart diseases 80.96
120 25.00 Cerebrovascular diseases 63.50 Cerebrovascular diseases 63.52
Malignant Neoplasms 57.22 Malignant Neoplasms 56.84
2000 01-May-00 9,320,629* Diabetes Mellitus 40.01 Pneumonia 48.24
Births per 1,000 Women

100 Pneumonia 39.33 Hypertensive diseases 37.10

Second only to NCR, Region IV-A is one of the largest receivers of
Percent Difference

20.00 Respiratory Tuberculosis 36.07 Respiratory Tuberculosis 34.09

Hypertensive diseases 34.74 Diabetes Mellitus 33.24
2010 01-May-10 12,609,803 10.01 328,737 3.00 3.07 3.02 22.95 15.00
Chronic lower respiratory diseases
Other heart diseases
Chronic lower respiratory diseases
Other heart diseases
32.24 inter-regional migrants in the country (PSA and UPPI 2018). This
Remainder of disease of the genitourinary system
*** per 100,000 population
22.20 Remainder of disease of the genitourinary system 21.21
Table 3. . 2015 Top 10
2015 01-Aug-15 14,414,774 5.25 343,490 2.54 2.58 2.55 27.23 10.00 Malignant Neoplasms
63.10 Malignant Neoplasms 59.66 Cause Specific Mortality may be due to its close proximity to NCR and the increasing
economic opportunities in the region.
Ischaemic heart diseases 60.59 Ischaemic heart diseases 54.75
Table 1. CALABARZON Annual Growth Rates 5.00
Cerebrovascular diseases
Cerebrovascular diseases
Rates by Sex
Diabetes Mellitus 39.27 Diabetes Mellitus 34.31
Hypertensive diseases 28.69 Hypertensive diseases 31.27 (CALABARZON vs.
- - Other heart diseases 26.44 Other heart diseases 30.67
Region IV-A is one of the fastest growing region in the 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49
Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and Philippines)
laboratory findings not elsewhere classified 20.26 laboratory findings not elsewhere classified 18.61

country. From a population of 9.3 million in 2010 – it has increased Age Group Respiratory Tuberculosis 14.95 Chronic lower respiratory diseases 14.61
Remainder of disease of the genitourinary system 14.67 Respiratory Tuberculosis 14.57
*** per 100,000 population
2012 2016 Percent Difference
by almost 50% to 14.4 million in 2015. The region’s population has Legend

increased by more than 300 thousand people per year on average Figure 3. 2012 & 2016 CALABARZON Age Specific Fertility Rate Non Communicable
Communicable/Infectious POPCOM (2015). Regional Socio-Demographic Profile, CALABARZON. Accessed from:
from 2000 to 2015. This translates to a growth rate of around 3.00 Across all age groups, the Age Specific Fertility Rate
(Arithmetic), 3.07 (Geometric), and 3.02 (Exponential) growth rate (ASFR) in CALABARZON has significantly decreased from 2012
NEDA (2011). CALABARZON Regional Development Plan. Accessed from:
The top causes of death in both sexes has been primarily
from the year 2000 to 2010; and 2.54 (Arithmetic), 2.58 and 2016. The difference when comparing the ASFR between the non-communicable diseases . Comparing males and females
(Geometric), and 2.55 (Exponential) Growth Rate between the 2010 two years is more pronounced in the younger age groups, and is
Philippine Statistics Authority (2018). Causes of Deaths in the Philippines 2006 – 2015. Quezon
however, it can be seen that males are more prone to die from City, Philippines.
and 2015 census. CALABARZON’s growth rate is significantly less significant in the older age group. cardiovascular and other life style related diseases compared to
higher than that of the Philippine’s overall growth rate of 1.90 from Philippine Statistics Authority (2018). 2015 Vital Statistics Report. Quezon City, Philippines.
females, while females on the other hand are more likely to die
2000 – 2010 and 1.72 from 2010 to 2015 (PSA 2016). The relatively CALABARZON’s total fertility rate (TFR) on the other hand from cancers. For communicable diseases, pneumonia and Philippine Statistics Authority (2018). Vital Statistics Report 2010 - 2012. Quezon City,
high growth rate of the region might due to either to in migration or noted to decrease from 2.3 children per woman of reproductive Philippines.
tuberculosis remain to be the most common causes of deaths.
the urban sprawl coming from the NCR or the in-migration due to age in 2012 to 2.0 in 2016. The 2017 NDHS TFR of Comparing the top causes of death between CALABARZON and Philippine Statistics Authority (2011). 2010 Census of Population and Housing Explanatory Text.
increasing economic opportunities in the region over the past CALABARZON at 2.6 is slightly lower than that of the national TFR Quezon City, Philippines. Accessed from:
the Philippines – the top causes are almost the same, however
decade. It is expected from the computed doubling time that the of 2.7. This is still above the replacement rate where the goal is for there are some minor difference, such as diabetes being a more
region will double its population (if it is able to maintain the current each woman on average to bear 2.1 children during her Philippine Statistics Authority (2018). 2017 Vital Statistics Report. Quezon City, Philippines.
common cause of death in CALABARZON compared to the rest of
growth rate) in 27 years (or by 2042). reproductive years. the country. Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA) and University of the Philippines Population
Institute (UPPI). 2019. 2018 National Migration Survey. Quezon City, Philippines: PSA
and UPPI.

This is an academic poster submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course DEMOGRAPHY 211 (Techniques of Demographic Analysis I). The information in this poster are estimations made by the student and is not intended to be used as substitute for official data

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