Key Housing Agencies
Key Housing Agencies
Key Housing Agencies
The establishment of the Department of Human
Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) as the
lead agency in implementing The National Shelter
Program, it had already absorb the duties and functiond
of HUDCC and HLURB in performing its mandate to
provide decent and affordable housing to Filipino
families. As the lead agency on housing , it also
responsible for the management and monitoring of the
different KSA's attached to its office to make sure that
they are alligned with the Housing programs of the
National Government.
The HUDCC Council has the authority and responsibility to establish
national housing and urban development objectives, devise broad
strategies for achieving these goals and determine the participation and
coordination of key government housing agencies in the national
housing program. It can monitor, review, and evaluate how well these
agencies perform their assigned responsibilities, as well as aid in
maximizing private sector participation in all aspects of housing and
urban development. It makes recommendations for new legislation and
adjustments to current laws that may be required to meet the
government's housing goals.