Strength of Materials Ii: Section 6-B

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STRENGTH OF 6.5 Further Discussion of the Distribution of Stresses in
MATERIALS II a Narrow Rectangular Beam

SECTION 6-b 6.6 Longitudinal Shear on a Beam Element of Arbitrary


BEAMS and THIN-WALLED 6.7 Shearing Stresses in Thin-Walled Members


Asst. Prof. Özden İŞBİLİR

Asst. Prof.
Özden İŞBİLİR Strength of Materials II 2

Further Discussion of the Distribution of Stresses in a Further Discussion of the Distribution of Stresses in a
Narrow Rectangular Beam Narrow Rectangular Beam

• Consider a narrow rectangular cantilever beam The validity of the both equations depends upon the end
subjected to load P at its free end: conditions of the beam.

3 P  y 2  • The load P must be distributed parabolically over the

τ xy = 1−
2 A  c 2  free-end section.
• The fixed-end support must allow the type of shear
deformation as shown in Fig. 6.19
• Shearing stresses are independent of the distance
from the point of application of the load.
Pxy The resulting model (Fig. 6.19) is highly unlikely to be
σx = + encountered in practice. According to Saint-Venant’s
principle, for other modes of application of the load and
for other types of fixed end supports, both equations still
• Normal strains and normal stresses are unaffected by provide the correct distribution of stresses, except close
the shearing stresses. to either end of the beam.

Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof.

Özden İŞBİLİR Strength of Materials II 3 Özden İŞBİLİR Strength of Materials II 4

Further Discussion of the Distribution of Stresses in a
Narrow Rectangular Beam
Example 6.4

• When a beam of rectangular cross section is

subjected to several concentrated loads, the SOLUTION:
principle of superposition can be used to determine
the normal and shearing stresses in sections located • Develop shear and bending moment
between the points of application of the loads. diagrams. Identify the maximums.

• Determine the beam depth based on

• From Saint-Venant’s principle, effects of the load allowable normal stress.
application mode are negligible except in A timber beam is to support the three
• Determine the beam depth based on
immediate vicinity of load application points. concentrated loads shown. Knowing
allowable shear stress.
that for the grade of timber used,
σ all = 1800 psi τ all = 120 psi • Required beam depth is equal to the
larger of the two depths found.
• Stress/strain deviations for distributed loads are determine the minimum required depth
negligible for typical beam sections of interest. d of the beam.

Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof.

Strength of Materials II 5 Özden İŞBİLİR Strength of Materials II 6

Solution 6.4 Solution 6.4

SOLUTION: • Determine the beam depth based on allowable
normal stress.
Develop shear and bending moment
M max
diagrams. Identify the maximums. σ all =
Vmax = 3 kips 90 × 103 lb ⋅ in.
1800 psi =
M max = 7.5 kip ⋅ ft = 90 kip ⋅ in (0.5833 in.) d 2
d = 9.26 in.
1 bd3
I = 12 • Determine the beam depth based on allowable
I shear stress.
S = = 16 b d 2 3 Vmax
c τ all =
1 (3.5 in.)d 2 2 A
= 6 3 3000 lb
120 psi =
= (0.5833 in.)d 2 2 (3.5 in.) d
d = 10.71in.

• Required beam depth is equal to the larger of the two.

d = 10.71in.
Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof.
Strength of Materials II 7 Özden İŞBİLİR
Strength of Materials II 8

Longitudinal Shear on a Beam Element Longitudinal Shear on a Beam Element
of Arbitrary Shape of Arbitrary Shape

• We have examined the distribution of

the vertical components τxy on a • Consider prismatic beam with an
transverse section of a beam. We now element defined by the curved surface
wish to consider the horizontal CDD’C’.
components τxz of the stresses. ∑ Fx = 0 = ∆H + ∫ (σ D − σ C )dA
• Except for the differences in
integration areas, this is the same
result obtained before which led to
∆H = ∆x q= =
I ∆x I

Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof.

Strength of Materials II 9 Özden İŞBİLİR Strength of Materials II 10

Example 6.5 Solution 6.5

SOLUTION: • Determine the shear force per unit
length along each edge of the upper
• Determine the shear force per unit
length along each edge of the upper
plank. q= =
VQ (600 lb ) 4.22 in 3)= 92.3
I 27.42 in 4 in
• Based on the spacing between nails, q lb
determine the shear force in each f = = 46.15
2 in
nail. For the upper plank, = edge force per unit length
Q = A′y = (0.75in.)(3 in.)(1.875 in.)
A square box beam is constructed from • Based on the spacing between nails,
four planks as shown. Knowing that the = 4.22 in 3
determine the shear force in each
spacing between nails is 1.75 in. and the nail.
beam is subjected to a vertical shear of For the overall beam cross-section,
 lb 
magnitude V = 600 lb, determine the F = f l =  46.15 (1.75 in )
I = 121 (4.5 in ) − 121 (3 in )
4 4
 in 
shearing force in each nail.
= 27.42 in 4 F = 80.8 lb
Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof.
Strength of Materials II 11 Özden İŞBİLİR
Strength of Materials II 12

Shearing Stresses in Thin-Walled Members Shearing Stresses in Thin-Walled Members
• Consider a segment of a wide-flange
beam subjected to the vertical shear V. • The variation of shear flow across the
section depends only on the variation of
• The longitudinal shear force on the the first moment.
element is VQ
q =τt =
∆H = ∆x
• For a box beam, q grows smoothly from
• The corresponding shear stress is
zero at A to a maximum at C and C’ and
τ zx = τ xz ≈ = then decreases back to zero at E.
t ∆x It

• Previously found a similar expression • The sense of q in the horizontal portions

for the shearing stress in the web of the section may be deduced from the
VQ sense in the vertical portions or the
τ xy =
It sense of the shear V.
• NOTE: τ xy ≈ 0 in the flanges
τ xz ≈ 0 in the web
Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof.
Özden İŞBİLİR Strength of Materials II 13 Özden İŞBİLİR Strength of Materials II 14

Shearing Stresses in Thin-Walled Members Example 6.6

• For a wide-flange beam, the shear flow

increases symmetrically from zero at A
and A’, reaches a maximum at C and the
decreases to zero at E and E’.

• The continuity of the variation in q and

the merging of q from section branches
suggests an analogy to fluid flow.

Knowing that the vertical shear is 50 kips in a W10x68 rolled-steel beam,

determine the horizontal shearing stress in the top flange at the point a.

Asst. Prof. Asst. Prof.

Strength of Materials II 15 Özden İŞBİLİR
Strength of Materials II 16

Solution 6.6 Solution 6.6

• For the shaded area,

Q = (4.31in )(0.770 in )(4.815 in )

= 15.98 in 3

• The shear stress at a,

VQ (50 kips ) 15.98 in 3
It ( )
394 in 4 (0.770 in )
τ = 2.63 ksi

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