We Will Meet On Zoom Twice Monthly Until Further Notice.: Serving Kids in Waycross For Over 100 Years
We Will Meet On Zoom Twice Monthly Until Further Notice.: Serving Kids in Waycross For Over 100 Years
We Will Meet On Zoom Twice Monthly Until Further Notice.: Serving Kids in Waycross For Over 100 Years
We accomplished a range of community ser- Allie Dixon was our guest speaker on
vice goals in this pandemic year, October 1, September 24th in her capacity as
2020 to September 30, 2021. Board member at OATH - The Okefe-
nokee Alliance for The Homeless. We
We started the Kiwanis year last October
learned about a transitional house; 4
by donating school supplies to the middle
bedrooms, 3 bathrooms; for women and
schools in our community for Kiwanis One
their children needing temporary ac-
Day of service.
commodation for up to 90 days.
We donated food items to 11 families for
Renovation of the house, donated by
Thanksgiving with the help of First Chris-
River of Life Church, should be com-
tian Church. We rang the bell for Salvation
pleted by January 1, 2022. How can
Army at Kroger in December.
our Kiwanis club help? The plan is to
We provided snacks to nursing and janitori- join our resources with Rotary Club of
al staff at Satilla Rehab, during Random Waycross to help furnish at least one
Acts of Kindness Week, where John Con- room in the house as part of our Cele-
ger was a patient. brate Community Initiative.
We organized a Shoe Drive to assist GHC Allie, Marketing and Public Relations
Hospice Foundation with its fundraiser. We Coordinator at Unison Behavioral
donated bags, books, toiletries and more to Health, was also our QPR (Question,
children going into foster care and donated Persuade, Refer) Suicide Prevention
school supplies to Center Elementary, one trainer on World Suicide Prevention
of our BUG (Bring Up Grades) schools. Day, September 10, 2021.
We read to children online in collaboration
with our public library and participated in
Poetry Month.
We ended the Kiwanis year in September Invite friends, family mem-
by donating unsold clothing items from our
bers, coworkers to serve
Yard Sale Fundraiser to the Magnolia
House; shelter for women and children. with us.