18 August
18 August
18 August
September, 2017
This Epistle is coming your way on the Labor Day weekend. All of us in the
Diaconate wish you a joyous, safe and relaxing holiday.
Behind the scenes, Labor Day is also a very busy one for so many of us kids
climbing up those steep steps onto the school bus, college bound children waving
as they drive themselves away, teachers putting last minute touches on classroom
walls, parents taking a deep breath of gratitude as they head off to work,
grandparents eagerly sharing out grandkid photos on social media, merchants
trading out everything summer for everything autumn, advertisers daring to be the
first with Christmas commercials, loggers delivering cord wood, heating oil trucks
going non-stop, boat owners planning on that one last launch of the year,
homeowners thinking about the screen doors and storm windows, choir directors
thumbing through stacks of anthems, and all of us scratching our heads and
wondering, Where did the summer go?!
Of course, as we give attention to summer drifting its way into Fall, it's appropriate
to also remind ourselves of our Labor the work that is such a large portion of
our lives.
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In her blog this week, author Tiffany Manning noted, Gods desire is to be woven
into every part of our lives, including our work. Whether we work inside or outside
the church walls, God sees all that we do and appreciates when we work to
maintain and provide for Gods creation. By demonstrating Gods love and
characteristics through our words and deeds and service of others, we bring glory
to God in our work. As you rest from your labor on this Labor Day, thank God for
the privilege of honoring God through work.
And this Labor Day, we pray for those hit by Hurricane Harvey. There will be little
if any joy for them. And we feel helpless in the wake of their suffering. Yet, the
last Sunday of August there was an alternate Lectionary reading, Psalm 124. Its
optimistic and strengthening words are a perfect prayer of thanks now for the
(see page 3 for the United Church of Christ flyer on how to help). Also, check our
website for up-to-date information on the relief efforts.
Reminder: we are making sure your pulpit is filled each Sunday with supply
ministers who preach the Word to all ages, spread the Joy, and advance the Love.
To see who and when, check out our website Church News page. And to read the
sermons you missed check out the Past Sermons page.
Sept. 3 Rev. Michael Caldwell (communion gluten free option also served)
Sept. 10 Rev. Jeffrey Long-Middleton
Sept. 17 Rev. David Pruitt
(you can check the link above for pulpit supply after the 17th)
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Below is the insert provided by the United Church of Christ for the
September 3rd worship bulletins. It indicates the link for
information on monetary donations to the UCC Hurricane Harvey
fund as well as a link for the disaster kits which can be made.
We do this by being nimble and adaptable in each disaster which allows us to fill gaps in services
through provisions of spiritual care, community organizing, repair and reconstruction of homes,
tools, building materials and volunteer coordination.
Please pray for continued strength and resolve for those whose lives have been impacted by
Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey.
Please also pray for the First Responders, disaster coordinators, and many volunteers who are
working tirelessly to provide relief after Harvey, now and in the days, months, and years to
Assemble CWS Clean-up Kits. The UCC has matching grants available, even
if you previously assembled kits in 2017: click on
www.ucc.org/disaster_2017_matching_grants_for_cws_kits_home_page to learn about the kits
that are needed.
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We're wondering if there's any interest in an
occasional workbee....perhaps at church, or at
someone's home...a chance to finish up an
unfinished project, to learn a new skill. or just to
visit? We have access to some fabric, and
would like to make quilts for a good cause, but
don't know of a placeholder to take them. All
ideas welcome. We look forward to hearing
from you.
With the return of Lora Chatfield, from Memphis, we began organizing a fund raising dinner for
Help Kids India. Their organization is located in East Corinth, Vermont with a focus on
supporting five creches in India. Crche is a term used in India for a simple day nursery or
preschool for young children.
The crches we fund go way beyond simple: the needs of the children we serve are too great and
too immediate. Our crches are an intervention program free to poverty stricken children. Safety,
nutrition, hygiene and health care must be in place before learning is possible. While all this is
occurring, theyre getting a developmentally appropriate education in a nurturing, caring,
structured environment. The crche concept in India springs from the work of Maria Montessori,
whose ideas on education, especially as a way of educating Indias poor, had caught on in India
decades before she came there in 1939 to work.
Today the Montessori model is followed in our crches. The head teachers are experienced
educators with specialized training in the method, with its emphasis on independence, freedom
within limits, and respect for a childs psychological, physical, and social development. ( taken
from their website: http://www.helpkidsindia.org/)
We are grateful to the owners of the Asian Super Store in Lebanon, Rajesh and Sheena Arora
who donated not only many food items but their time and labor in preparation of the delicious
meal. Along with Sheena was her daughter Taniya and friends Nicelita Hardan, Bani Sharma,
and Swarna Manthena.
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Food donations came from Hannaford, Taj-E-India Catering and Take-Out, The Jewel of India
Restaurant, Piersons Farm Stand, Sweet Cow Yogurt, and Ben and Jerrys. Members of the
Board of HKI and the BMSA set up, cooked, served and cleaned up a most delicious dinner
served to 110 guests.
Nearly $4,000.00 was raised to help maintain the wonderful work of HKI. Thank you to all the
folks who pitched in to make this happen.
In the fall please be on the look out for an announcement of the next book we would like to read
together and Book Group Brunch. We are also talking about some new fundraising on a very
local level so please consider joining us when we work out the details.
Candy table- fudge, brittle, bark, treats. Please label your items if they DO HAVE nuts.
Food table- breads, cookies, jellies, pickles, and other baked goods. Please label your
baked goods if they DO HAVE nuts.
Craft table- knitted and hand made items of any kind. some examples are socks, scarves,
aprons, hats, mittens, quilts, jewelry
Attic collectibles table- any gently used items that someone may find as a collectible.
New addition this year, All Holidays Table! - if you have anything holiday related that
we could sell, for example pre-owned ornaments or decorations, hand made holiday
items. All holidays welcome: Any season!
Luncheon is from 11-1 and will be chili and cornbread with apple crisp and cider. Please contact
Maribeth if you could work in the kitchen.
Date 10/14/17
Time 9am-2pm
Luncheon Time 11-1
Please bring items in beginning Thursday 10/12 and Friday 10/13. Please bring food
items on Friday. Church will be unlocked.
Thank you!
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Prayer requests may be emailed
our prayer group
It is our privilege to pray for you and those you care about.
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We are in the ministerial profile-reading stage right now. As candidates submit
their profiles, we enter into a prayerful consideration of them. This involves
reading them individually and then coming together as a committee to read them
again. Then we enter into a lengthy discussion period because every candidate
deserves our full attention. We firmly believe that God has a minister for us and we
need to be open to discovering who that is!
We do want you to know that all churches in our conference (and perhaps in all
New England) are experiencing a slow influx of interest from ministers. This is not
abnormal. Sometimes there may be a trickle of profiles submitted, followed by
times when it's all we can do to keep up. Right now it's trickle time.
What can we do to assist our neighbors in Texas and other Gulf Coast cities and towns?
First, we need to refrain from sending things that have not been asked for like clothing,
stuffed animals and food. While our intentions are good, these things often do not get to
the people who need help and in fact can impede those who are working to bring relief
and aid to victims. The best way we can help is to make a financial contribution. There
are many funds that have been established. Our UCC has launched an emergency appeal,
the Emergency USA Fund. Please mark your check for "Hurricane Harvey."
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What else can we do? We can support those who have lost homes and loved ones and
cherished belongings by surrounding them with our prayers. Further, we can remember
that while the need is currently acute, there will be need for assistance for years in
recovering from this devastation. We can not abandon the survivors when the news turns
all too quickly to other concerns. Down the road, after the focus of helpers turns from
rescue to recovery there will be opportunities to help rebuild.
In peace,
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Lectionary Readings September (Year A)
September 3
Exodus 3:1-15 (the burning bush)
Romans 12:9-21 (Paul lists how we need to conduct ourselves)
Matthew 16:21-28 (a rebuke leads to a discipleship lesson)
Psalm 105:1-6,23-26, 45c (remember, it was God that sent Moses)
theme hymn: The Church's One Foundation
September 10
Exodus 12:1-14 (the Passover festival)
Romans 13:8-14 (live as the people of light)
Matthew 18:15-20 (strive for reconciliation first)
Psalm 149 (The Lord takes pleasure in His people)
theme hymn: Draw Us in the Spirit's Tether
September 17
Exodus 14:19-31 (God parts the sea)
Romans 14:1-12 (Serve God, not a series of rules)
Matthew 18:21-35 (the parable of the unforgiving servant)
Psalm 114 (Tremble, O Earth, at the presence of the Lord)
theme hymn: When God Delivered Israel
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September 24
Exodus 16:2-15 (manna from heaven)
Philippians 1:21-30 (be obedient to Christ)
Matthew 20:1-16 (parable of the vineyard laborers)
Psalm 105:1-6,37-45 (God is faithful to Israel)
theme hymn: Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
October 1
Exodus 17: 1-7 (rock of ages cleft for the Israelites!)
Philippians 2:1-13 (he took on human form)
Matthew 21:23-32 (2 sons and vineyard work to be done)
Psalm 78:1-4,12-16 (Incline your ears to God's teaching)
theme hymn: At the Name of Jesus
October 8
Exodus 20:1-4,7-9,12-20 (the Mosaic covenant)
Philippians 3:4b-14 (to be in Christ)
Matthew 21:33-46 (parable of the wicked tenants)
Psalm 19 (the heavens tell the glory of God)
theme hymn: Be Thou My Vision
The theme hymns listed with the Lectionary reading lists are found in our
Pilgrim hymnal and/or the Hymn folders and are listed here only as lyrical
illustrations of the week's scripture selections, so readers may carry the theme
in tune form throughout their week!
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PLEASE consider going
paperless for this monthly
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