Nursing Care Plan: Priority No. 2
Nursing Care Plan: Priority No. 2
Nursing Care Plan: Priority No. 2
Priority No. 2
Subjective: Ineffective Short Term Goal: INDEPENDENT: Short Term
“Saya biasanya tissue After 30 minutes of Elevate feet when Minimizes interruption Goal:
mengalami sensasi mati perfusion, nursing intervention, up in a chair. of blood flow and After 30 minutes
rasa dan kesemutan di peripheral r/t the patient will be able Avoid putting the reduces venous pooling. of nursing
kaki saya (I usually decreased to: feet in a intervention,
experience numbness arterial flow as promote tissue dependent the patient was
and tingling sensation evidenced by perfusion to the position. able to:
on my feet)”, as numbness and affected area - promote tissue
verbalized by the patient tingling of the Assess for signs of Glycosuria may result perfusion to
feet verbalize dehydration. in dehydration with the affected
Objective: understanding of the Monitor I&O and consequent reduction of area
BP: 130/80 mmHg relationship encourage oral circulating volume. - verbalize
(+) Diabetes Mellitus between diabetes fluids. understanding
Type 2 and circulatory of the
changes Reinforce safety Heat increases relationship
precautions metabolic demands on between
demonstrate regarding use of compromised tissues. diabetes and
awareness of safety heating pads, hot Vascular insufficiency circulatory
factors and foot care water bottles, and alters pain sensation, changes
soaks increasing risk of - demonstrate
Long Term Goal: injury. awareness of
After 2 days of nursing safety factors
intervention, the patient Instruct client to Compromised and foot care
will be able to: avoid constricting circulation and Goal was met.
keep tissue clothing, socks and decreased pain
perfusion adequate ill-fitting shoes sensation promote
tissue breakdown
maintain adequate Discuss Promote patient Long Term
level of hydration to complications of knowledge and Goal:
maximize perfusion the disease that cooperation After 2 days of
result from nursing
vascular changes intervention, the
patient was able
Administer Taking care of the - keep tissue
Antidiabetics as underlying disease will perfusion
ordered by help alleviate the adequate
physician effects - maintain
adequate level
of hydration to
Goal was met.