Numerical Modeling of Heat Transfer Around An Aluminum Reduction Pot Shell
Numerical Modeling of Heat Transfer Around An Aluminum Reduction Pot Shell
Numerical Modeling of Heat Transfer Around An Aluminum Reduction Pot Shell
Keywords: Numerical modeling, Ventilation, Natural convection, Radiation, Aluminum reduction pot shell
The use of numerical modeling allows evaluation of working 4
hconvection S (Twall Tf ) VH S (Twall Tf4 ) (1)
conditions and ventilation of electrolytic pots in the aluminum
industry. But particular attention has to be paid to the correct
analysis of all physical phenomena. A numerical 2D-model which with:
integrates natural convection and radiation in order to describe S area exposed to ambient air [m2]
heat transfer phenomena around an aluminum reduction pot shell, Twall temperature of the wall [K]
was developed with the commercial code FLUENT®. The Tf temperature of the ambient air [K]
temperature gradient between pot shell walls and ambient air V Stefan-Boltzmann constant [Wm-2K-4]
generates a velocity field. The induced turbulent flow requires the H emissivity of the wall [.]
use of a turbulence model associated to a wall function. The hconvection heat transfer coefficient due to natural and
objectives of this work are to determine the best adapted models forced convection [Wm-2K-1]
for both natural convection and radiation, and to consolidate
results through different numerical tests. The numerical results are Natural convection
compared to correlations and measurements on pot. A good Natural convection is due to a temperature gradient between pot
agreement is found. shell walls and ambient air. When the air gets warmer, its density
decreases and the air rises up. An ascending flow is created. Let
Introduction us consider a vertical wall at an imposed temperature Twall (Figure
In the aluminum industry, potroom ventilation becomes a subject 1). From dimensionless analysis, a characteristic velocity UNC of
more and more complex with the increase of the amperage and this phenomenon is obtained:
associated thermal power released by the pots and the building
cost constraints. The ventilation is all the more major since it has 1/ 2
U NC | g E'TL (2)
an impact on the process operation itself and, last but not least, on
the working conditions of operators around the pot. with:
UNC characteristic velocity [ms-1]
Numerical modeling allows to study all the physical phenomena
of ventilation. Nevertheless, this tool has to be used really 'T=(Twall-Tf) characteristic temperature difference [K]
carefully and the results obtained must be validated very L characteristic length [m]
rigorously. g gravity [ms-2]
E volume expansion coefficient [K-1]
A numerical 2D-model was developed with the commercial code
FLUENT® to calculate heat transfer around an aluminum For an important temperature gradient or a large characteristic
reduction pot shell. In this article, the model integrates only length, the flow becomes turbulent. Then the boundary layer
natural convection and radiation even if forced convection (wind thickness (G) increases significantly (Figure 1). The transition
or air lances) could be important. This will be taken into account from the laminar regime to the turbulent regime is determined by
later. the critical Grashof number, ratio between buoyancy forces and
viscous forces:
Results obtained by FLUENT® are first validated by correlations. g E'TL3
Then different floor materials have been tested to evaluate their Grc | 10 9 , knowing that Gr (3)
impact on heat transfer. Finally, heat transfer due to natural Q2
convection has been compared to the one due to radiation. with Q: kinematic viscosity [m2s-1].
one, the main part of the flowrate goes outside this boundary
layer. So, particular care has to be paid to correctly describe the
regions near the walls, especially for numerical modeling. For air,
the Prandtl number (Pr = Q/D with D the thermal diffusivity)
which represents in our case the ratio between the kinematic and
the thermal boundary layer thicknesses (respectively GQ and Gth), is
of order O(1), so:
U NC G | G th | GQ (6)
g Moreover, for a laminar regime:
G | LGr 1/ 4 (7)
Laminar G
Numerical modeling
FLUENT®, a finite-volume commercial code, is used to solve the
Ambient air turbulent Navier-Stokes and energy equations. For turbulence, an
Twall RNG k-H model has been chosen, as it is less diffusive than a
Tf standard model. A particular care is brought to the near-wall
modeling when natural convection is present. Since the
y temperature variation is large, it is necessary to take into account
the variation of viscosity and conductivity versus temperature.
Figure 1. Description of natural convection on a vertical wall. Sutherland and kinetic laws are used to describe respectively
viscosity and conductivity variations. The incompressible ideal
The heat transfer coefficient h can be deduced from the Nusselt gas hypothesis is also preferred to the Boussinesq’s approximation
number, ratio between the convective heat flux and the conductive as E'T | 0.5 is not small compared to one. An unsteady approach
heat flux, by: is always used to confirm results obtained with a steady model.
Wind has not been taken into account.
hL => NuO
Nu h (4) Natural convection modeling validation
We first validate the natural convection modeling on a vertical
wall at an imposed temperature (Figure 2). There is neither forced
with O: thermal conductivity [Wm-1K-1]. convection nor radiation.
Forced convection
The forced convection is generated in a mechanical way (blowing
by fans, etc.). We can consider at the pot shell scale that wind is Adiabatic wall loutlet = 0.3 m
forced convection. When natural and forced convection are
present, the Richardson number (Ri) compares the importance of
these two phenomena: Outlet
Ri 2 (5) Twall = 500 K
U FC Re 2
with: UFC a characteristic velocity of forced convection.
When Ri << 1, the forced convection is dominant but when Ri >> L=2 m
1, it becomes negligible compared to the natural convection. In
our case, both of them have to be taken into account.
)& y
Radiation g
Every body emits electromagnetic radiation. This energy emission Adiabatic wall
is done to the detriment of its internal energy. The radiation is a
heat flux emitted by the body, which varies as T4 (Equation 1).
The radiation of pot shell walls can be predominant in several Inlet : 1 bar, Tinlet = 303 K
places in comparison with natural and forced convection, so it is
very important to have a good description of this phenomenon. Figure 2. Description of the validation case.
subdivided into a viscosity-affected region and a fully-turbulent A 30 % maximum difference between these correlations is
region. In the first one, the one-equation model of Wolfstein [5] is noticed.
employed while, in the second one, the k-H model is used. The
demarcation of the two regions is determined by a wall-distance- Figure 4 reports the heat flux profiles along the wall obtained
based, turbulent Reynolds number, Rey, defined as: numerically with a standard wall function (and several first mesh
sizes), a two-layer-model and correlations. In the laminar regime,
ky the standard wall function fails to predict the correct heat flux
Re y (8)
Q even if several first mesh sizes are tried. In all cases, fluxes
where y is the normal distance from the wall at the cell centers. depend on the mesh. In the turbulent regime, heat fluxes are
overestimated although the dependency on the mesh decreases.
The main disadvantages of the two-layer model are a thinner mesh
(because the first mesh size has to be close to the viscosity- The two-layer model gives fluxes closer to the McAdams
affected region thickness) and therefore a larger computing time. correlation in the laminar regime. In the turbulent one, heat fluxes
That is why the error due to the use of a standard wall function in are in the variation range of the other correlations (10), (11), (12)
comparison with a two-layer model and different experimental and (13). Contrary to the wall function approach, there exists a
results for vertical plates was evaluated. These are used to first mesh size, on the order of 1 mm, from which heat fluxes
establish a heat transfer variation range (Figure 3): become mesh independent (Figure 4).
- [1] and [3] use the correlation of McAdams for laminar flow In both cases, the transition to the turbulent regime occurs faster
(104 < Ra < 109): (x | 0.2 or 0.3 m) than that predicted by theory (x | 0.65 m).
2 1600
§ 0.387 Ra1 / 6 ·
Nu ¨ 0.825 ¸ (10)
1 (0.492 / Pr)9 / 16
8 / 27 ¸
Heat flux variation
- [3] uses the correlation of Eckert and Jackson for turbulent flow range in turbulent
700 regime given by
(109 < Ra < 1013): correlations
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2
Nu 0.021Ra 2 / 5 Length x [m]
Figure 4. Heat flux comparison between correlations and different
- [3] and [4] use the correlation of Bayley for turbulent flow and numerical approaches of the near-wall region (standard wall
functions and two-layer model).
Pr | 1 (2 x 109 < Ra < 1012):
To correctly model natural convection, a two-layer model has to
Nu 0.10 Ra1/ 3 (12) be used. It is the only way to ensure that results are mesh
independent and that fluxes are coherent with correlations in
- [4] uses the correlation of Bayley for turbulent flow and Pr | 1 laminar and turbulent regimes, even though the transition is
(2 x 109 < Ra < 1015): anticipated.
analytical solution can be obtained. In this case, heat fluxes and
200 temperature are in very good agreement with theory (error < 1%).
downstream from the conductor (Figure 5). The total heat flux Ambient air at
varies only slightly with time on the top wall (') | 3%) and the T = 318 K and P = 1bar
flow induced by buoyancy forces is of secondary importance in Adiabatic
comparison with the flow around the pot shell. So, a steady-state concrete floor
model is considered to be sufficient to correctly describe heat Pot shell walls at imposed
transfer phenomena around conductors. temperature profile
Boundary layers are very thin near the pot shell walls and the
velocity is maximum (V | 1.1 m/s) at the outlet. It is in good Table I. Comparison of the floor temperature versus different
agreement with experimental measurements. The flow generated boundary conditions.
by the conductor has a small influence on the flow around the pot Adiabatic h = 4 Wm-2K-1
shell. A maximum difference of 20% has been found on heat Boundary conditions conditions T = 303 K
fluxes between calculation and correlations, knowing that on the floor H = 0.9 H = 0.06 H = 0.9 H = 0.06
correlations do not take into account interactions between walls.
Temperature under
the floor (°C) 155 84 130 51