1 s2.0 S0735193323005547 Main
1 s2.0 S0735193323005547 Main
1 s2.0 S0735193323005547 Main
Keywords: Optimization of the energy efficiency and reduction of the greenhouse gas emission for the heat pump system is
Falling film evaporation imperative to meet the net-zero goals at 2050. Chillers with falling film evaporator design not only possess better
Nucleate boiling system performance but also contain less refrigerant inventory. Hence, accurate prediction of the evaporator
Mist flow heat transfer
performance is pivotal especially when charged with low-GWP refrigerant. The present study reviews the cor
Bundle effect
relations for falling film evaporator with a horizontal tube bundle configuration. The major efforts of this study
Enhanced tube include four tasks: (a) literature review of the experimental studies and available empirical correlations; (b)
comprehensive discussion of the falling film evaporation heat transfer mechanism; (c) development of a new
rationally based correlation based on available literature; and (d) comparison of different correlations based on
the existing data. The collected data includes 4114 data points from 8 sources, 6 refrigerants (R-600a, R-290, R-
245fa, R-134a, R-1234ze(E), R-123), 5 types of the tubes (Plain, Turbo-GII-HP, GEWA-B, Low-fin, High-Flux),
liquid Weber number from 2.2 × 10− 6 to 0.7, imposed vapor Weber number from 0 to 37.2, heat flux from 2.5 to
151.5 kW/m2, and film Reynolds number from 1 to 3159.8. The new correlation gives a MAD of 28.3%, and an
R2 of 0.86. Yet, the developed correlation considers various heat transfer mechanisms, including the transition
point from falling film evaporation to the nucleate boiling, local evaporation, dry-out, mist flow, imposed flow,
and enhanced tube effects.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (C.-C. Wang).
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
employ high-GWP refrigerants, such as R-134a, in their systems. Using the Rohsenow-Nusselt expression to axisymmetric bodies, including
these high-GWP refrigerants in the flooded evaporators that demand cylindrical and rectangular geometries. They included the variable
huge refrigerant inventories may lead to serious concerns in global gravity effects in terms of effective gravity and the influence of the body
warming issues. Hence, the industry is recently moving toward compact shape in their expression, which made the modified Rohsenow-Nusselt
evaporators that can minimize the refrigerant inventory [9] in associa expression more suitable to different body shapes, including horizon
tion with the low-GWP refrigerants [10–13] to achieve net-zero goals in tal cylinders, vertical plates, rotating plates, cones, and spheres.
2050. The falling film evaporators are regarded as a potential replace Similarly, semi-analytical models were developed in the past to
ment for the flooded evaporators because of their reduced refrigerant predict the heat transfer performance of falling film evaporators. Lorenz
charge inventory and superior heat transfer performance. In fact, the and Yung [21] introduced a model that included the effects of thermally
studies showed that the falling film evaporators could minimize the developing and fully developed regions. However, it was found that the
refrigerant charge by around 30% as compared with the flooded evap length of the thermally developing region was miscalculated in their
orators [14]. Moreover, in addition to the applications of refrigeration model. Similarly, Cerza and Sernas [22] introduced an analytical model
system, water is also widely used in the falling film evaporators are for the thermally developing region of falling film evaporation on a
widely utilized in other applications such as nucleate reactor cooling vertical plate. Note that these models do not account for the heat
[15], and desalination [16]. However, the aim of this study stresses on transfer enhancements caused by the jet impingement of liquid film.
the literature regarding refrigeration applications only. Parken and Fletcher’s [23] model included the effects of heat transfer
Although falling film evaporators offer superior heat transfer per augmentation by the jet impingement of liquid film around the apex of
formance than that of flooded evaporators, the liquid film flow and heat the tube. Additionally, Sabin and Poppendiek [24] and Nakazatomi and
transfer behavior are much more complex with the falling film evapo Bergles [25] proposed a falling film evaporation model in the thermally
rators. Moreover, the falling film evaporators are susceptible to dry-out fully developed region based on Nusselt’s theory.
issues if they are not properly designed. Mechanism-based design tools Chyu and Bergles [26] found that the above models could lead to an
(i.e., empirical correlations in this case) are imperative upon designing erroneous result because they were developed without or partially
the performance of falling film evaporators. However, the correlations considering the effects of: (1) convection heat transfer at higher film
available in the open literature are derived mainly based on specific flow rates; (2) jet impingement at the apex of the tube; and (3) a ther
design conditions, such as tube type (smooth or enhanced), tube size, mally developing region and a fully developed region. Moreover, most
operational condition, and type of refrigerant. Extrapolation of the of the models were derived based on the assumption of pure conduction
correlations outside its database is uncertain. The subsequent review of along the liquid film, which is true only for thin films but not for rela
the existing correlations about their predictive ability will be addressed tively thicker films. Chyu and Bergles [26] developed a model that ac
thoroughly. And it will be shown shortly that the applicability of these counts for the effects of stagnation, jet impingement, thermally
correlations are quite limited. Yet, all the available correlations lack the developing region, and fully developed region. They derived two
database of low-GWP refrigerants (e.g., hydrofluoroolefins (HFO)). Note models, and the first one used the assumption of the pure conduction
that according to the Paris agreement, HFO refrigerants are the major based on the Nusselt’s theory and the second model adopted the Chun
potential replacement for hydrofluorocarbons (HFC), as shown in Fig. 2. and Seban [27] correlation in a fully developed region. Their results
In essence, the major efforts of this study include four tasks: (a) showed that the second model results were well matched with the
literature review of the experimental studies and assessment of the experimental results, whereas the first model, based on the pure con
available empirical correlations; (b) comprehensive discussion of the duction assumption, underpredicted the heat transfer coefficients.
falling film evaporation heat transfer mechanism; (c) development of a
new rationally based correlation based on available literature; and (d)
comparison of different correlations based on the existing data. 1.3. Falling film heat transfer mechanism
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
transfer mechanisms associated with the falling film heat transfer. The falling film heat transfer correlations for full wetting and partial dry-out
correlations related to falling film heat transfer are listed in Table 1. conditions, which were constructed using different refrigerant data such
Chen and Seban [28] were the first to introduce the heat transfer cor as R-134a, R-1234ze(E), R-32, R-600a, and R-290. It should be
relations for vertically falling film. They developed the correlation in emphasized that the above developed correlations were based on their
terms of the Reynolds number and the Prandtl number. They also own experimental data. Recently, based on the above studies experi
observed a sudden reduction in wall temperature at the bottom of the mental data bank, Shah [37–39] constructed a general correlation that is
tube under certain operating conditions, indicating a nucleate boiling applicable for a wider range of operating conditions and different re
phenomenon in falling film evaporation. The correlation developed by frigerants, such as isobutane, propane, ammonia, water, R-11, R-123, R-
Chun and Seban [28] may not be suitable for fluids with a Prandtl 1234ze(E), R-134a, R-245fa, and R-32.
number >5. Hence, Alhusseini et al. [1] developed a correlation that can
cover the Prandtl number range of 1.73–46.6. Their correlation for wavy 1.3.2. Droplet entrainment effect
laminar film contained the Reynolds number and Kapitza number, while As aforementioned, most of the correlations for falling film heat
they employed the semi-empirical correlation approach for turbulent transfer were developed based on the nucleate boiling or falling film
regions. evaporation heat transfer mechanisms, which are considered to be the
Similar to Chun and Seban [28], Lorenz and Yung [21] observed a primary heat transfer mechanisms in falling film heat transfer. However,
nucleate boiling phenomenon in addition to the falling film evaporation; in addition to nucleate boiling and film evaporation, the droplet
hence, they added the nucleate boiling term (in addition to the falling entrainment effect could also contribute to the enhancement of falling
film evaporation) into their model. Roques and Roques and Thome [3,4] film heat transfer. The liquid film can be superheated under certain
observed that there is barely any variation of heat transfer coefficients operating conditions when it flows along the tubes. When it is super
when Reynolds number exceeds certain threshold value (referred to as a heated, it may detach from the tube and form a group of tiny droplets.
threshold Reynolds number), indicating an intensive nucleate boiling in Then, evaporation can occur on the surface of those superheated tiny
falling film heat transfer. Upon well above the threshold Reynolds liquid droplets. If the detached tiny droplets are not fully evaporated,
number, the heat transfer coefficients dramatically reduced due to wall they may rejoin the liquid film when their temperature reaches satura
dry-out. This observation by Roques and Thome [3,4] confirmed the tion. The cyclic detachment, tiny droplet formation, and rejoining
impacts of nucleate boiling on falling film heat transfer. Consequently, phenomena is referred to as the droplet entrainment effect. With the
Chien and Cheng [29] used the superposition model to determine the droplet entrainment, the falling film heat transfer can be significantly
heat transfer coefficients that combine the influence of nucleate boiling enhanced due to the evaporation of a considerable number of tiny
and falling film evaporation heat transfer, which is basically derived droplets.
from the superposition principle used by Chen [30] for convective Zadrazil et al. [40] conducted a flow visualization experiment to
boiling heat transfer coefficients. Following the superposition principle, examine the droplet entrainment effect in the vertical tube. The co-
Chien and Tsai [31] and Chien and Chen [32] proposed the empirical current flow of water and air on a vertical tube was observed using
correlations for R-254fa and R-134a, respectively. Similar method is also particle tracking velocimetry and laser-induced fluorescence tech
suggested in Lin et al.’s [33] correlation, their correlation is available for niques. The smooth liquid film turned into a wavy liquid film when the
R-245fa, R-1234ze(E), R-123, R-32, R-410 A, R-290, R-600a. Alterna liquid velocity was higher than that of the gas velocity. The transition of
tively, Jige et al. [34] used the power law to combine the convective and smooth film into wavy film is mainly caused by interfacial shear stress
nucleate boiling heat transfer in falling film. Zhao et al. [35] developed and flow instability. The wavy films can cause the droplet entrainment
the correlations based on R-134a data, and the correlation can satis effect as shown in Fig. 3. Additionally, the bubble (i.e., gas phase) that
factorily predict the falling film heat transfer under both full wetting and was trapped in the liquid film may rupture the liquid interface and burst
partial dry-out conditions. Similarly, Jin et al. [36] introduced the into the vapor phase due to the flow instability and the pressure
Fig. 1. Schematic of (a) flooded evaporator and (b) falling film evaporator.
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
difference between the inside and outside of the bubble. This bubble stationary dry patch in the falling film. Followed Based on the similar
burst phenomenon could also lead to a droplet entrainment effect in the concepts of Zuber and Staub [49], He et al. [50] had accounted for the
falling film. Fujita et al. [41–43] studied the droplet entrainment effect curvature effect. They developed a two-dimensional model to predict
and concluded it was caused by bubble bursting. They showed that the the growth of the dry patch in the falling liquid film over the horizon
droplet entrainment effect strongly depends on the evaporation rate, tally heated tubes.
vapor flow and the film thickness. Gogonin [44] extended Fujita et al. In addition to the analytical approach, various empirical correlations
[41–43] ‘s experimental work, and he bridged the heat transfer were proposed to predict the dry-out of falling film evaporation. The
enhancement to the entrainment of liquid by the Weber number and the criteria were either based on the morphological change through the
vapor-to-liquid density ratio. Gao and Li [45] showed that liquid visualization or the transition point of heat transfer coefficient. Roques
splashing could occur at the apex of the tube due to liquid crown for and Thome [3,4] experimentally investigated the falling film heat
mation. Guo et al. [46] and Bao et al. [47] conducted the numerical and transfer of R-134a on a vertical array for four types of horizontal tubes
experimental study regarding the droplets impact on a thin liquid film including plain, Turbo-BII HP, GEWA-B, and High-Flux tubes. They
which contains bubbles via boiling. They showed the droplets would proposed using a threshold Reynolds number to determine the onset of
disturb the collision of the bubbles and further enhance the liquid crown dry patch which is a strongly related to heat flux. However, the empir
formation. Inoue and Maeda [46] theoretically analyzed the droplet ical constants in the formula vary with the test fluid and tube, which
entrainment from the flat liquid film and also attributed the entrainment limits the application of this method. Habert and Thome [51,52]
is originated from the shear stress. Zhao et al. [47] reviewed the vapor developed a quite general method for prediction of the onset of dryout
flow effect on falling film evaporation under various operating on plain and enhanced tubes subject to falling film conditions. They
conditions. further defined a single set of dimensionless number to predict the
threshold Reynolds number, which reduces the empirical constants
1.3.3. Dry-out required for the model. Marcel and Thome [5,6] based on the above
Falling film evaporation is able to keep the tube wall at low tem method and proposed an additional geometric factor to consider the
perature while the wall is covered with liquid film. As the heat flux in effect of enhanced tubes. Shah [39] comprehensively reviewed the dry-
creases or film flow rate decreases to a critical level, the film starts out of falling film on a horizontal plain tube in open literature and
breaking up and leads to a dry area. The heat transfer within the dry developed a correlation that is applicable for a wide range of data. Seven
patch relies on the vapor-phase convection, and thus the overall heat fluids including R-11, R-123, R-134a, R-236fa, R-410 A, isobutane, and
transfer coefficient significantly decreases. In essence, dry-out signifi propane from eight sources were used for validation. Table 2 summa
cantly jeopardizes the heat transfer process of the falling film evapora rizes the empirical correlations for predicting the dry-out of the falling
tion and should be averted. Hence, reliable prediction of the occurrence film.
of dry out is essential.
To predict and further avoid the formation of the dry patch in the 2. Methodology
falling film, many researchers had conducted in-depth studies and pro
posed various theoretical models. Hartley and Murgatroyd [48] From the literature review, it is understood that a comprehensive
analyzed a thin liquid film flowing over a solid surface and derive the universal correlation for falling film heat transfer in a horizontal tube
criteria for the occurrence of dry patch. It was assumed that a continuous bundle is still not available. Therefore, this study aimed to develop an
liquid stream will breakdown into individual rivulets if the flow rate is updated rationally based correlation which includes various heat
reduced to a critical value. The force balances between gravity, liquid transfer mechanisms for falling film heat transfer on tube bundles. The
viscosity, and surface tension in association with the minimum energy correlation was developed using a much larger data bank available in
analysis were conducted to predict the minimum wetting rate and film the open literature, and the following assumptions were considered for
thickness. Zuber and Staub [49] extended the work of Hartley and the development of correlation:
Murgatroyd [48] and considered the thermal effects due to the thermo-
capillary force and evaporation thrust for the heated wall. The derived (1) A shell-and-tube evaporator configuration with a horizontal tube
criteria can predict the minimum film thickness, the minimum flow rate arrangement was considered.
and minimum surface shear that can be maintained without forming a
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
Table 1
Empirical correlation for falling film evaporation HTC.
Authors Refrigerant Reff Heat flux, Tube type Correlation
( )
Roques and Thome R-134a <3000 19.1-73.9 Tube bundle; hff Reff
Kff = = Kff,plateau
[3,4] Smooth, hnb Reff,threshold
Turbo-BII HP, hff = Co qn
Gewa-B, ( )[
tp ( q ) ( q )2 ]
High-Flux Kff,plateau = 1 + b1 b2 + b3 + b4
tpmin CHF CHF
qcrit,nb = 0.131ρ0.5
v ilv (gσ(ρl − ρv ) )
( )
Reff,threshold = 2 cqplateau + d
( ) ( )
q q0 2
qplateau 2 − 2c qplateau − 2d =0
Reff Reff
Marcel and Thome R-236fa, 0-12,000 20-80 Tube bundle; hff D
= 9.623 × 104 (π0 )0.0328 G1.2449 F
[5,6] R-134a Turbo-Bii HP, kl t
Gewa-B, q2 D(ρl − ρv )
High-Flux, π0 =
ilv 5/2 μl
Turbo-EDE2, Gewa- ( )
B4, Reff
F = min 1,
Turbo-B5, Reff,threshold
Gewa-B5 ( )
qD 1.04 0.175
Reff,threshold = 20.721 Gt
ilv μl
( )
Chien and Cheng R-11, 157- 2-100 Single, Smooth; hff = 0.4 + 3737.648Weff 0.5896 Reff − 0.20327 Boff − 0.7433
hnb + hcv
[29] R-123, 2500 Turbo-B (
hcv = hlam 5 + htur 5
( )
Chien and Tsai R-245fa 115-372 4.5-48.5 Single; Smooth hff = 0.0152Weff 0.2833 Reff 1.2536 Boff 1.1789 hnb + hcv
[31] [( )1/3 ]
hcv = 0.0386Reff 0.09 Pr0.986 / /k
hnb = 537P0.12−
0.2log10 (Roughness)
( − log10 (Pr ) )0.55 M− 0.5 q0.67
( )
Chien and Chen R-134a 165-750 4.5-48.5 Single; Smooth hff = 56.13Weff 0.5878 Reff 0.2457 Boff − 0.1798 hnb + hcv
[32] ( ) 1/5
hcv = hlam 5 + htur 5
hnb = 537P0.12−
0.2log10 (Roughness)
( − log10 (Pr ) )0.55 M− 0.5 0.67
Zhao et al. [35] R-134a 579- 10-168 Single; Smooth Nufull− wetting = 0.00464Reff Boff 0.43 Pr0.15 Weff − 0.45
2702 Nupartial− wetting = 3.58 × 10− 9 Reff 2.89 Boff 0.37 Pr0.2 Weff − 1.13
Lin et al. [33] R-245fa, 83–3500 2.5–168 Single; Smooth Nucomb = SNunb + ENucv
R-1234ze(E), ( ρ )-1 ( q )0.99
S = Prl 0.474 Reff 0.968 2Boff Kaff 0.565 Gabubble 1 Pr -0.037 π0 -0.883 l
( )1
R-123, ρv qcri
R-32, ( ρ )1 ( q )− 1
Kaff − 0.242 Gabubble -1 Pr -0.253 π0 0.418 l
( )0.46
R-410 A, E = Prl − 0.465 Reff 0.642 2Boff
ρv qcri
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
(2) A liquid distributor was assumed to be at the top of the shell The appropriate independent variables X and the relationship F were
chamber, which distributes a uniform and steady liquid film flow selected based on the trend of experiment data. MAD (mean absolute
alongside the tube bundle film without splashing. The whole deviation) and R2 [54] values are used in the present study to evaluate
liquid film from the distributor must fall on the top tube. the agreement between the experimental data and predictions. MAD
(3) The vapor exhaust was considered to be at either the top or represents the average of the percentage difference between the exper
bottom of the shell chamber, and the uniform and stable vapor imental data and predicted values, as shown in Eq. (2).
flow prevailed.
(4) A liquid level controller was considered to be at the bottom of the MAD = AD (2)
shell chamber to avoid flooding.
(5) The tube bundle arrangement can be either inline or staggered. ⃒ ⃒
⃒y − ̂
y ⃒⃒
(6) Uniform heat flux was considered on the tube surface in both the AD = ⃒⃒ (3)
y ⃒
circumferential and longitudinal directions.
where Nis the number of samples, y and ̂ y represent the experiment and
predicted value, respectively. The coefficient of determination, R2, is
2.1. Regression method employed for further assessment, which establishes a relationship be
tween the SSE (sum of squared error) and the SSTO (sum of squared
Regression analysis is a process for establishing the mathematical total), as shown in Eqs. (4)–(6). An R2 value of 1 represents the perfect
relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent prediction, while a value lower than 1 indicates the deviation between
variables. The following iterative process was developed to establish the the prediction and experimental data. It should be noted that R2 does not
HTC correlation: necessarily have to be a positive value. A negative value of R2 indicates
that the prediction is simply worse than the mean value of all data.
(1) Collect the dependent variable Y (i.e., from the available exper
imental HTC). R2 = 1 − ,R ≤ 1 (4)
(2) Choose the independent variables X. SSTO
(3) Assume a formula F for describing the relationship between the where
independent variables X, the dependent variable Y, and the un ∑
known parameters b. SSE = y )2
(y − ̂ (5)
Y = F(X, b) (1) ∑
SSTO = (y − y)2 (6)
(4) Find the unknown parameter set b using the non-linear least
2.2. Collection and processing of experimental data
squares method.
(5) Conduct the analysis to ensure the prediction agrees with the
2.2.1. Range of the experimental data
experimental data (i.e., HTC). If the predictive deviation is out of
A total of 4114 experimental data were collected and details of the
the tolerance, iterative analysis repeats from step (2).
test data are listed in Table 3. The test data covers a wide range of design
and operating conditions, including 6 refrigerants (R-600a, R-290, R-
245fa, R-134a, R-1234ze(E), and R-123), 5 types of tubes (plain, Turbo-
GII-HP, GEWA-B, Low-fin, and High-Flux), liquid Weber number
ranging from 2.2 × 10− 6 to 0.7, imposed vapor Weber number of 0–37.2,
heat flux in the range of 2.5–151.5 kWm− 2, and film Reynolds number of
1–3159.8. The large data bank ensures that the proposed correlation
incorporates the complex heat transfer and the flow behavior effects in
the falling film evaporators.
Upon organizing the collected data, the self-designed enhanced tubes
were also classified within the commercial tube category. For instance,
the self-designed 3D structured tube used by Zhao et al. [43,44] was
treated as GEWA-B tube in this study.
(1) Estimate the flowrate (single side local mass flow rate per unit
length) for both liquid ΓLiq and vapor ΓVap :
The liquid and vapor flowrate interact through the evaporated
mass, ΓEvap , which is calculated by Eq. (7). Note that only half of
the surface area is considered because only one side of the tube is
taken into consideration due to symmetry.
( )
q πD
ΓEvap = (7)
ilv 2
Fig. 3. Droplet entrainment caused by breaking wavy film and bursting bub
bles [40].
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
Table 2
Correlations for estimation of onset of dry-out.
Authors Refrigerant Tube type Equations
Hartley and Murgatroyd [48] Not specified Smooth (vertical plate) (μ ρ )1/5
Γcri = 1.69[σ(1 − cosθ) ]3/5 l l
Zuber and Staub [49] Not specified Smooth (vertical plate) [
ρl g(ρl − ρv )
]2 [
3Γcri μl
σ(1 − cosθ) ∂σ q
=[ ]1/3 + cosθ
15 μl g(ρl − ρv )ρl 3Γcri μl ∂T kl
g(ρl − ρv )ρl
[ ]1/5
q (ρl − ρv ) 2
+ρl cos θ
ρl ilv ρl
Braines et al. [53] Water, Smooth (vertical plate) ( 6c )1/3 ( σ )1/3 ( ρ )2/3
2 l l
R-113 CHF = ρv ilv Ul
c c c ρl Ul L ρv
(1 3 4 )
Roques and Thome [3,4] R-134a Smooth, Reff,threshold = 2 cqplateau + d
Turbo-BII HP,
( ) ( )
Gewa-B, q0 q0 2
qplateau 2 − 2c qplateau − 2d =0
High-Flux Rff Reff
R-134a, Gewa-C + LW, ( qD )b
Habert [51,52] Reff,threshold = a
R-236fa Turbo-EDE2, μl ilv
Zhao et al. [35] R-134a Smooth Reff,threshold = 53600Boff 0.0045 Pr− 0.52 Weff 0.5
( )
He et al. [50] Water Smooth ∂δ ρg ∂δ
= l 3δ2 sinθ + δ3 cosθ − Js
∂t 2μl R ∂θ
R-134a, ))
( ( qD
Shah [39] R-236fa, Smooth Reff,threshold = 938 1 − exp − 0.055
μl ilv
R-410 A,
Fig. 4 illustrates the interaction among liquid flow, evaporated The minimum distance between tubes, Dmin , is adopted for the
vapor flow and accumulated vapor flow in a tube bundle. The characteristic length, as shown in Fig. 7. The superficial velocities
mass flowrate of liquid (ΓLiq ) decreases in the downstream due to of liquid and vapor phases are expressed in Eqs. (11) and (12),
the evaporation, and it can be expressed from Eq. (8). respectively.
ΓLiq,k = ΓLiq,k− 1 − ΓEvap,k− (8) ΓLiq
jLiq = (11)
ρl Dmin
jVap = (12)
Note that the vapor flowrate increases at the downstream of vapor ρv Dmin
flow direction as a result of vapor accumulation, and the direction of
vapor flow depends on the location of the vapor outlet. The vapor outlet
can be installed in three ways: at the top only, at the bottom only, or at
the both top and bottom of the evaporator, as illustrated in Fig. 5. The (3) Weber number:
cumulative vapor flowrate for each tube can be calculated using Eq. (9). Weber number is a crucial dimensionless number to assess the
droplet entrainment phenomenon in two-phase flow, which
∑ represents the ratio of the inertial force to cohesion force. The
ΓVap,acc,k = Γevap,s (9)
s=0 role of the Weber number on the droplet entrainment will be
discussed in the Section 2.3.3 (Mist flow effect). In Eqs. (13) and
In the equation, the index k represents the tube index alongside the
(14), the superficial velocity is employed as the characteristic
vapor flow direction (i.e., based on the vapor outlet location), and the
velocity for calculating the Weber number.
cumulative vapor flowrate for the kth tube is obtained by summing the
vapor flow rate from the beginning of the vapor stream (s = 0) to the kth ρl j2Liq Dmin
Wej,Liq = (13)
tube (s = ks). σ
Besides the evaporated vapor flow, additional vapor flow can be
imposed through liquid distributor in an actual falling film evaporator, ρv j2Vap Dmin
Wej,Vap = (14)
as shown in Fig. 6. The reason causes the imposed vapor flow will be σ
illustrated in Section 2.3.4 (Imposed vapor flow effect). Thus, the
imposed vapor flow ΓVap,imposed should be also considered when calcu
(4) Film Reynolds number:
lating the effective vapor flow ΓVap , as expressed in Eq. (10).
Reynolds number is a dimensionless number that characterizes
ΓVap,k = ΓVap,acc,k + ΓVap,imposed (10) the ratio of inertia force to viscous force. Film Reynolds number is
used to determine the liquid film thickness upon calculating the
HTC of falling film.
(2) Superficial velocity:
Superficial velocity is a commonly used parameter in two- 4ΓLiq
Reff = (15)
phase flow analysis, it averages the volumetric flow rate of the μl
liquid phase and vapor phase by the total cross-section area of the
channel. Zadrazil et al. [40] pointed out that the high liquid and
vapor superficial velocity leads to the onset of the droplet (5) Boiling number:
entrainment. Superficial velocity is obtained by dividing the Boiling number is a dimensionless number that quantifies the
volumetric flowrate of each phase by the total cross-section area.
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
ratio of heating power to the latent heat of the liquid flow, which (7) Nucleate boiling Nusselt number for smooth tube:
plays a key role in determining the onset of dry-out. The nucleate boiling Nusselt number for the smooth tube
( ) Nunb,smooth is calculated by Jung et al. [59] correlation, as shown
q˝ πD
Boff = (16) in Eqs. (22) to (25). Jung et al. [59] correlation was developed
ΓLiq ilv 2
based on the horizontal tube of 19 mm outer diameter and the
different refrigerants data, including R-123, R-11, R-142b, R-
134a, R-12, R-22, R-125, and R-32. The experiment data con
(6) Falling film evaporation Nusselt number:
ducted by Jung et al. [59] are close to the present collected falling
The falling film evaporation Nusselt number Nucv is the com
film heat transfer data, especially the tube diameter and
bination of laminar film Nusselt number (Nulam,δ ) and turbulent
film Nusselt number (Nutur,δ ) [58] with the fifth-order power law
suggested by Alhusseini et al. [1], as shown in Eqs. (17)–(19). hnb D
Nunb = (22)
( )1/5 kl
Nucv,δ = Nu5lam,δ + Nu5tur,δ (17) [ ]a
kl qDbubble
hnb,smooth = 10 Pr 0.1 (1 − Tr )− 1.4
(Prl )− 0.25
where Dbubble kl Tsat
( )0.309
Nulam,δ = 2.65Reff − 0.158
Kaff 0.0563 (18) ρ
a = 0.855 v Pr − 0.437
Nutur,δ = 0.03Reff 0.2
Pr 0.7
Nucv,D = Nucv,δ (20)
δ (8) Nucleate boiling Nusselt number for enhanced tube:
The nucleate boiling Nusselt number for the enhanced tube is
( 2 )1/3
ν calculated by the empirical correlation proposed by Roques and
δ= (21)
g Thome [3,4], as shown in Eqs. (26)–(27) and Table 4. Note that
the smooth tube experiment conducted by Roques and Thome
[3,4] is also calculated by Eqs. (26) to (27), rather than from the
Jung et al. [59] correlation. This is because the tube roughness in
Table 3
The conditions of collected experiment data.
Authors and Fluid Tube type Tube Channel Heat flux, Reff Wevap Wevap,imposed Tsat , Uncertainty of
year diameter, mm diameter, mm kWm-2 C HTC, %
Roques and R-134a Smooth, 18.84–18.91 25.04–25.08 19.1–73.9 1.4–2989.2 0.0018–0.687 0 4.85 ±22%
Thome, GEWA-BII-
2007 [3] HP, GEWA-B,
High Flux
Chien and R-123, Smooth, 19 23 5.6–48.3 160.5–392 3.3 × 10− 4- 0 2–20 Smooth:
Tsai, 2011 R-245fa Low-fin 0.304 ±14%;
[31] Low-fin:
Chien and R-134a Smooth, 19 23 4.2–48.5 94.8–668.5 9.06 × 10− 5- 0 2–26 Smooth: ±8%;
Chen, Low-fin 0.0984 Low-fin:
2012 [32] ±25%
Zhao et al., R-134a Smooth 16–25.35 21.23–21.7 10.2–168.6 577.9–2702.9 6.12 × 10− 6- 0 6–16 ±20%
2016 [35] 0.0167
Zhao et al., R-134a GEWA-B 19.05 3.4 20–40 42.1–1569.6 0.01–60.7 0–37.2 6 ±28%
2018 [55]
Zhao et al., R-134a GEWA-B 19.05 3.4 1.2–39.3 1.7–3159.8 0.013–11.489 0 6–16 ±25%
2018 [56]
− 6
Jin et al., R-600a, Smooth 19.05 215 5–151.5 189.9–2136.5 6.8 × 10 - 0 6–10 ±25%
2019 [36] R-134a, 0.012
Jige et al., R-245fa, Smooth 19.05 60.48 2.5–20 107.4–897.3 1.61 × 10− 5- 0 10–20 ±20%
2019 [34] R-1234ze 0.0015
Total R-245fa, Smooth, 18.84–19.05 3.4–215 1.2–73.9 1.4–3159.8 6.8 × 10− 6- 0–37.2 2–26 ±14–44.3%
R-1234ze Low-fin, 60.7
R-123, HP, GEWA-B,
R-134a, High Flux
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
(9) Boiling HTC enhancement ratio:
⎧ ( ) ⎫ It represents the ratio of enhanced tube boiling HTC to the
⎪ πD Pfin − δfin ⎪
ALow− fin− tube
1 ⎨ +π( D + lfin )δfin
⎬ smooth tube boiling HTC, as expressed in Eq. (32).
= (30)
Asmooth− tube πDPfin ⎪
⎪ [( ] ⎪
⎪ hnb,enhanced
⎪ )
⎩ +2 × π D + lfin 2 − D2 ⎪
⎭ Fnb = (32)
4 hnb,smooth
where Pfin , δfin , and lfin represents fin pitch, fin thickness, and fin height,
respectively. Note that D denotes for the outer diameter at the fin base.
Fin efficiency [60] is expressed in Eq. (31). 2.3. The developed correlation
Fig. 4. Schematic of the liquid flowrate reduction along the tube bundle.
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
Fig. 5. Vapor flow affected by exhauster location. (a) Top, (b) Bottom, (c) Top and bottom.
transfer involves various effects, and a schematic showing the resultant (1) Falling film HTC is higher than that of the nucleate boiling HTC in
HTC subject to various influential parameters is illustrated in their the low heat flux region, which occurs when falling film evapo
relationship is depicted in Fig. 8. Falling film heat transfer comprises of ration dominates over the nucleate boiling.
falling film evaporation and nucleate boiling heat transfer, and these (2) Falling film HTC is higher than the nucleate boiling HTC in the
two mechanisms are influenced by the bundle effect. The bundle effect high heat flux regime, which is caused by the mist flow.
can cause local dry-out issue and mist flow heat transfer. Both the dry- (3) Falling film HTC is lower than that of nucleate boiling, which is
out and mist flow phenomena are strongly influenced by the liquid due to the dry-out phenomenon.
and vapor flowrates. In addition to these effects, the enhanced tubes also
significantly influence the nucleate boiling behavior. These deviations provide insights into the complex interaction be
Fig. 9 depicts the measured falling film HTCs in comparison with the tween the falling film evaporation, nucleate boiling, mist flow heat
calculation using the nucleate boiling correlation. The majority of the transfer, and dry-out phenomena. Subsequent sections will provide
data points that comes closer with the dash line, indicating the falling further insights into the phenomena.
film HTC can be described by the nucleate boiling HTC. However, there
are three types of departures of the falling film HTC with nucleate 2.3.1. Dominant heat transfer mechanism
boiling HTC that are clearly seen and can be categorized as: Falling film heat transfer is dominated by nucleate boiling at high
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
Fig. 6. Difference between evaporated vapor flow and imposed vapor flow.
heat flux while falling film evaporation takes control at low heat fluxes. (1) Beyond the critical heat flux, the liquid film could detach from
This is because the nucleate boiling HTC generally increases with the the heated surface [61] and lead to a dry-out. The effect of liquid
rise of heat flux until it attains the critical heat flux (CHF) [59]. In flowrate is negligible where the dry-out is caused by the critical
contrast, the falling film evaporation HTC is relatively independent of heat flux.
the heat flux [1]. Therefore, there exists a transition heat flux at which
the heat transfer mechanism is dominated by nucleate boiling. The
Table 4
transition heat flux of 10 kWm− 2 was observed by Jige et al. [34], as
Nucleate boiling HTC coefficients for enhanced tube [3,4].
depicted in Fig. 10.
Type of tube C n
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
(2) When the film Reynolds number is below the threshold film
Reynolds number, the uniform liquid film could split into a group
of rivulet liquid film which cannot cover the whole heated surface
[48] and results in a dry-out patch. he dry-out effects caused by
the liquid flowrate (i.e., film Reynolds number) are minimally
impacted by heat flux.
When both the Reynolds number and heat flux reach the dry-out
condition, the dominant factor leading to the dry-out is the detach
ment of liquid film for reaching close to the critical heat flux. The impact
of dry-out on the HTC is presented in Fig. 12, and the boiling number is
adopted to compare the influence of the heat flux and Reynolds number.
The deviation between falling film HTC and nucleate boiling HTC will be
presented as HTC ratio in the following analysis. For the film Reynolds
number of 800 and 1600, a significant decline of HTC is observed when
heat flux exceeds 109 kW m− 2. For heat flux ranging from 40 to 60
kWm− 2, the decline of HTC is observed at the film Reynolds number of
700. Moreover, it can be observed that Reynolds number influences the
HTC ratio even when the dry-out does not occur. This is because the
liquid entrainment rate is proportional to the liquid film flowrate [43],
and liquid entrainment is the cause of the mist flow heat transfer. Mist
flow heat transfer mechanism will be discussed in the subsequent
(1) As shown in upper part of Fig. 3, the strong vapor flow or liquid
flow forces turns the smooth liquid film into the solitary wavy
film which subsequently ruptures into a group of suspension
droplets. The suspension droplets finally form a mist flow pattern.
(2) In lower part of Fig. 3, the bursting nucleation bubbles would
break the liquid film into a group of suspension droplets. The
suspension droplets form a mist flow pattern.
Fig. 9. Comparison between experiment falling film HTC and nucleate boiling
HTC, grouped by (a) type of tube and (b) working fluid.
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
Fig. 12. Comparison between experiment HTC ratio and Boiling number (Heat flux: 5–160 kWm− 2, Reff : 200–2200, experiment: Jin et al. [36]).
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
Fig. 14. Comparison between experiment HTC ratio with (a) Boiling number Fig. 15. Comparison between experiment HTC ratio with (a) Boiling number
and (b) vapor Weber number (Heat flux: 20 kWm− 2, Reff : 2–2684, experiment: and (b) vapor Weber number (Heat flux: 20.3 kWm− 2, Reff : 1–2822, experi
Zhao et al. [56]). ment: Roques and Thome [3]).
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
To derive the correlation, the first step is the selection of the domi
nant heat transfer as expressed in Eq. (33). The calculation chooses the
higher HTC between falling film evaporation and nucleate boiling, and
times a mist flow enhancement factor.
NuTubeBundle = Max(Nunb , Nucv )Emist (33)
The falling film and boiling Nusselt number are calculated by the Eq.
(17) and (22), respectively. Eq. (34) represents the effective mist flow
enhancement factor which include four terms to represent the liquid
flow effect, dry-out effect, evaporated vapor flow effect, and saturated
temperature effect, respectively. The imposed vapor flow effect in
fluences the dry-out and evaporated vapor flow effects.
⎡ [ ( ) ] ⎤
a0 Ntube tanh ) Liq − a2
[ a1( ln We ]
⎢ +a3 tanh a4 ln Boff − FVap,imposed,1 + a5 ⎥
Emist = exp⎢ [ ( ) ]⎥
⎣ ×tanh a6 ln WeVap,evap − FVap,imposed,2 + a7 ⎦ (34)
+(a8 Treduced + a9 )
By the regression analysis, the mist flow enhancement factor Emist can
be obtained. The coefficients of the mist flow enhancement factor
depend on the dominant heat transfer mechanism, as shown in Eqs. (35)
to (37).
Emist,nb , Nu = Nunb
Emist = (35)
Emist,cv , Nu = Nucv
⎡ [ ( ) ] ⎤
− 0.03Ntube[tanh 5.06ln
( )WeLiq − 4.96 ]
⎢ +1.63tanh 0.88ln Boff − FVap,imposed,1 − 0.18 ⎥
Emist,nb = exp⎢ [ ( ) ]⎥
⎣ ×tanh 0.23ln WeVap,evap − FVap,imposed,2 − 0.51 ⎦ (36)
+( − 1.92Treduced − 0.1)
⎡ [ ( ) ] ⎤
0.1Ntube tanh
[ − 2.87ln
( )WeLiq − 0.43 ]
⎢ +0.26tanh 2.16ln Boff − FVap,imposed,1 + 3.64 ⎥
Emist,cv = exp⎢ [ ( )
⎣ ×tanh 8.51ln WeVap,evap − FVap,imposed,2 − 0.5
] ⎥
⎦ (37)
+( − 1.86Treduced + 0.93)
The imposed downward vapor flow effect FVap,imposed,1 and FVap,imposed,2
are expressed by the same formula as shown in Eq. (38). The coefficients
depend on the dominant heat transfer mechanism as shown in Eqs. (39)
to (42).
⎧ ( )
⎨ c0 + c1 ln WeVap,imposed − c2 , WeVap,imposed > 0
FVap,imposed = 1 + e− [c1 ln(WeVap,imposed )− c2 ] (38)
0, WeVap,imposed = 0
⎧ ( )
⎨ − 3.97 + − 0.22ln WeVap,imposed + 3.98, WeVap,imposed > 0
FVap,imposed,1,nb =
⎪ 1 + e− [− 0.22ln(WeVap,imposed )+3.98 ]
0, WeVap,imposed = 0
⎧ ( )
⎨ 1.19 + − 0.37ln WeVap,imposed + 1.06, WeVap,imposed > 0
⎪ Fig. 16. Experimental HTC ratio subject to (a) imposed vapor flow Weber
FVap,imposed,1,cv = 1 + e− [− 0.37ln(WeVap,imposed )+1.06 ] number and (b) Boiling number (Heat flux: 30 kWm− 2, Reff : 117–566,
0, WeVap,imposed = 0 Wevap,imposed : 0–37.2, experiment: Zhao et al. [55]).
⎧ ( )
⎧ ( ) ⎨ − 0.36 + − 0.21ln WeVap,imposed − 0.15, WeVap,imposed > 0
⎨ − 2.81 + 0.03ln WeVap,imposed + 3.17, WeVap,imposed > 0
FVap,imposed,2,cv = 1 + e− [− 0.21ln(WeVap,imposed )− 0.15 ]
FVap,imposed,2,nb = 1 + e− [0.03ln(WeVap,imposed )+3.17 ] ⎪
⎩ 0, WeVap,imposed = 0
0, WeVap,imposed = 0
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
Fig. 17. Experimental HTC ratio for various kinds of enhanced tube subject to Fnb. (includes experimental data from [55] [56] [36] [31] [3] [32] [34]).
not take into account the effects listed in Table 5, which yielded a large
3. Results and discussion
deviation against the experimental data. The present correlation in
corporates most of the important heat transfer effects in falling film
3.1. Comparison between different correlations
evaporator, featuring a MAD of 28.3% and an R2 of 0.86.
Fig. 18 compare the predicted HTC by different correlations listed in
Based on the present collected data, an overall comparison across
Table 1 against the experimental data. Further comparisons in terms of
several correlations is shown in Fig. 18 and Fig. 19. The inclusion of
refrigerants and tube types are shown in appendix (Fig. 28 and Fig. 29).
various effects into the correlation provides the least deviation against
the experimental results. However, most of the previous correlations did
Fig. 18. Overall comparison between experiment data and prediction by the proposed correlation.
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
Fig. 19. Overall comparison between the experimental data and prediction by (a) Shah [37] (b) Jin et al. [36] (c) Jige et al. [34] (d) Chien and Chen [32] (e) Roques
and Thome [3,4] (f) Lin et al. [33].
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
Table 5
The mechanism being included in the developed correlation with single tube experiment data.
Authors MAD R2 Liquid flow effect Boiling effect Dry-out correction Enhanced tube correction Vapor flow effect Bundle effect
Roques and Thome [3,4] 116.1% − 0.29 No Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Chien and Chen [32] 349.9% − 27.2 Yes Yes No No No No
Jige et al. [34] 52.7% − 0.49 Yes Yes No No No No
Jin et al. [36] 57.9% − 0.61 Yes Yes Yes No No No
Shah [37] 52.8% − 0.46 Yes Yes No No No Yes
Lin et al. [33] 40.2% − 0.01 Yes Yes Yes No No No
This study 28.3% 0.86 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fig. 20. Comparison between predicted and experimental falling film HTC and Fig. 22. Comparison between predicted and experimental HTC ratio vs. boiling
nucleate boiling HTC (Heat flux:2.5–20 kWm− 2, Reff :135–815, experimental number (Heat flux: 5–160 kWm− 2, Reff : 200–2200, experiment: Jin et al. [36]).
data: Jige et al., [34]).
3.2. Comparison between the experiment data and the proposed
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
Fig. 23. Comparison between predicted and experimental HTC ratio subject to Fig. 24. Comparison between predicted and experimental HTC ratio subject to
(a) Boiling number (b) vapor Weber number (Heat flux: 20 kWm− 2, Reff : (a) Boiling number (b) vapor Weber number (Heat flux: 20.3 kWm− 2, Reff :
2–2684, experiment: Zhao et al. [56]). 1–2822, experiment: Roques and Thome [3]).
predicted HTC shows an appreciable increase initially, followed by a 3.2.5. Enhanced tube effect
moderate decline, and finally the HTC drops more sharply on the bottom Compared to Fig. 17, the prediction also shows only the HTC of
tubes. smooth and low-fin tubes is significantly higher than other enhanced
tubes, as presented in Fig. 26. This phenomenon is explained earlier due
to the nucleation sites are less effective upon falling film situation. For
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
Fig. 26. Predicted HTC ratio compared to the boiling enhancement ratio (in
cludes experiment data from [55] [56] [36] [31] [3] [32] [34]).
4. Conclusions
The present study reviews the correlations for falling film evaporator
with a horizontal tube bundle configuration. Detailed literature review
of the experimental studies and available empirical correlations are
made available and comprehensive discussion on the heat transfer
mechanism is also conducted. Based on the discussed mechanisms, the
authors propose a new rationally based correlation based on the existing
Fig. 25. Predicted and experimental HTC ratio compared to the (a) imposed data and elaborate comparison of different correlations and the pro
vapor flow Weber number and (b) Boiling number (Heat flux: 30 kWm− 2, Reff : posed correlation are also addressed. The collected data includes 4114
117–566, Wevap,imposed : 0–37.2, experiment: Zhao et al. [55]). data points from 8 sources, 6 refrigerants (R600a, R290, R245fa, R134a,
R1234ze(E), R123), 5 types of the tubes (Smooth, Turbo-GII-HP, GEWA-
B, Low-fin, High-Flux), liquid Weber number from 2.2 × 10− 6 to 0.7,
smooth tube, when compared to enhanced tube and integral tube, the imposed vapor Weber number from 0 to37.2, heat flux from 2.5 to 151.5
falling film onto the tube surface may incur more pronounced splashing kW/m2, and film Reynolds number from 1 to 3159.8. Based on the
phenomenon and produced more entrainment droplets to facilitate more foregoing discussions, the following conclusions are made.
evaporation. In this regard, falling film imposes significantly heat
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
Fig. 27. Heat transfer mechanism (a) Liquid film impacts on the tubes (b) Liquid film detached from the tubes (c) Static pressure effect of the nucleate boiling.
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
(1) A new correlation is proposed to predict the falling film evapo Authorship statement
ration. The correlation yield a MAD of 28.3% and R2 of 0.86. It
covers all the essential mechanisms, including the transition Hao-Yu Lin: Conceptualization, conducting numerical works, and
point from falling film evaporation to the nucleate boiling, local writing the original drafts.
evaporation effect, dry-out effect, mist flow effect, imposed flow M Muneeshwaran: Conceptualization, supervision, reviewing and
effect, and enhanced tube effect. revising.
(2) The onset of dry-out is referred to two mechanisms: non-uniform Cheng-Min Yang: Conceptualization, supervision, reviewing and
liquid film caused by low flowrate and detached liquid film revising.
caused by the high heat flux. If the dry-out is not reached, the Kashif Nawaz: Conceptualization, supervision, reviewing and
evaporated vapor flow effect dominates tube bundle effect and revising.
the imposed vapor flow enhances the heat transfer. Chi-Chuan Wang: Conceptualization, supervision, reviewing and
(3) The major heat transfer enhancement in falling film evaporation revising.
is attributed to the mist flow heat transfer. The liquid entrainment
rate is crucial, and it can be estimated by superficial vapor Declaration of Competing Interest
(4) The smooth, enhanced, and low fin tube reveals quite distinct None.
heat transfer performance in response to falling film evaporation.
Upon falling film, more pronounced splashing phenomenon may Data availability
occur for smooth tube and additional surface tension force may
assist the formation liquid entrainment for the low fin tube, Data will be made available on request.
thereby improving the heat transfer performance significantly.
For conventional enhanced tube, nucleate boiling is still the main Acknowledgements
heat transfer mechanism for its structure offers the effective
liquid reentrance via cavity. The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from Na
tional Science and Technology Council Taiwan under the contract NSTC
Appendix A. Appendix
Fig. 28. Overall comparison between experiment and prediction by present equation.
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
H.-Y. Lin et al. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2024) 107165
Fig. 29. Overall comparison between experiment and prediction by (a) Shah [37] (b) Jin et al. [36] (c) Jige et al. [34] (d) Chien and Chen [32] (e) Roques and
Thome [3,4] (f) Lin et al. [33].
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