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GSR, Serial Number

GSR, Serial Number Restoration Restoration & Trace

& Trace Metal Detection Metal Detection

According to the National Institute for In this section you

Justice (NIJ), 467,321 persons were will find reagents and
victims of a crime committed with a
firearm in 2011. The impact felt by equipment for:
communities where explosive devices • Detection and collection
were used to commit crimes can be of firearms discharge and
immeasurable. Criminals try to stay one
gunpowder particles
step ahead of the law by attempting to
remove the serial numbers from the • Explosive nitrate residue
weapons they have used or the items screening
they have stolen. Law enforcement
officers need reliable, high quality • Detection of trace metal
tools that help them to investigate contact
those especially heinous crimes where • Restoration of erased or
guns, explosives, weapons, or loss of
property were involved.
destroyed serial numbers
and ID marks
Sirchie provides reliable tests for gun
shot and explosives residue, serial
number restoration, and trace metal
detection to aid the investigator in the
pursuit of justice.

We offer a 40-hr, onsite course
that teaches law enforcement
professionals the essentials of
the collection, processing, and
preservation of evidence.

For more information see

the Training Section of this
catalog or visit our website at
Phone: +1.919.554.2244 Fax: +1.919.554.2266 277
GSR, Serial Number
Restoration & Trace Firearms Discharge
Metal Detection Residue Analysis
DISCHARGE RESIDUE When a weapon is fired, gunpowder residues are propelled toward the target.
Primer and gunpowder residues are also blown back in the direction of the
shooter. In most cases, trace amounts of these residues are
deposited on the shooter’s firing hand. The detection
of these trace residues can give valuable
information regarding whether or not
a particular individual has recently
fired a weapon. The collection of
primer residues deposited on the
hand of the shooter—normally on the
thumb web and the back of the hand holding the
weapon, is accomplished through sampling for SEM
or AAA analysis. Determining whether or not a person
1. Swab the entire palm surface of
has fired a weapon is normally accomplished by measuring the
suspect’s hand for any residue. amount of barium, lead, and antimony on the suspect’s hands. Atomic
absorption spectrophotometry analysis has proven to be very successful in
identifying these trace residues.


Atomic Absorption Analysis is considered to be a highly
sensitive method for the detection of firearm discharge
residue on the skin or clothing of a suspect. The AAA
process has been accepted in federal and state courts as
admissable evidence in
numerous cases.
The AAA process
2. Swab back side of suspect’s detects the presence
hand for residue.
of barium, antimony,
copper, and lead.
SUMMARY OF AAA100 Barium and
TESTING RESULTS* antimony are
MICROGRAMS present in the
primers of
5% HNO (6 drops) 0.00 0.00
Cotton Swab** 0.02 0.00
most United
*Testing performed by the forensic staff
of the national office laboratory. and some
**Average of 5 analyses.
“From the above values, the materials
brands of
are quite pure and will be ideal for use in ammunition, while copper and lead particles
production-run kits.” originate from cartridge cases and projectiles. Upon detonation of a
cartridge, these elements are deposited on the shooter’s hands. The AAA100
kits are used to swab the entire surface of the suspect’s hands or clothing (see
AAA100 CONTENTS: photos on left). The samples taken are then submitted for laboratory analysis.
(10 Tests Containing)
Due to the extreme sensitivity of atomic absorption analysis, the swabs,
1- KCP123 Dispenser, 5% Nitric Acid w/ preservation tubes, nitric acid solution, and container must be free from
Controlled Flow Applicator and Cap, 3ml
6- AAA1001-AAA1006 Vials, Contaminant-
Free w/12mm Polypropylene Closures w/ The AAA100 kit contains 10 individual test kits and the components of
Polyethylene Specimen Swabs, 2.5” (6.3cm) each are handled under controlled conditions to ensure absolute minimum
1- EIL021 Police Seal Warning Label contamination.
1- SF00761 Latex, Powder Free Glove Pair
1- KCP120 Case, Molded Styrene;
Dimensions: 4.625” x 3.5” x .875”
(11.7cm x 8.9cm x 2.2cm) CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION PRICE
AAA100 Atomic Absorption Analysis Test Kit/10 Test Kits

278 SIRCHIE ® Products • Vehicles • Training •

GSR, Serial Number
Primer Residue Collection Kits Restoration & Trace
Metal Detection

Unique Numbered
Studs Available!

Technician collects residue for scanning

electron microscopy.
1- GRA202 Gunshot Residue Collection Vial,
Right Palm
1- GRA203 Gunshot Residue Collection Vial,
Left Palm
1- GRA204 Gunshot Residue Collection Vial,
Right Back
KIT FOR ANALYSIS BY SCANNING ELECTRON 1- GRA205 Gunshot Residue Collection Vial,
Left Back
MICROSCOPY (SEM) 1- GRA201 Test Data Label
This trace residue collection kit contains all the necessary items for the 1- Instruction Sheet
uniform recovery of primer residue from a suspected shooter’s hand. Access 2- KCP118 Integrity Seals
to a (SEM) scanning electron microscope is the only prerequisite. 1- SF00761 Latex, Powder-Free Glove Pair
1- KCP223 Plastic Box, 7” x 3.5” x 1”
(17.8cm x 8.9cm x 2.5cm)
GRA200 Primer Residue Collection Kit for SEM
GRA200S Primer Residue Collection Kit for SEM with Numbered Studs

Technician collects residue for scanning

electron microscopy.
Unique Numbered
Studs Available!

1- GRA101 Gunshot Residue Collection Vial,
Right Palm
1- GRA102 Gunshot Residue Collection Vial,
Left Palm
1- GRA104 Gunshot Residue Collection Vial,
Specifically designed for those departments with access to scanning electron 1- KCP124 Vial, Left Back, Contaminant Free
microscopy and atomic absorption analysis. The GRA series gunshot residue 1- KCP125 Vial, Right Back, Contaminant Free
analysis kits feature special alloy aluminum specimen mounts containing only 1- KCP126 Vial, Left Palm, Contaminant Free
1- KCP127 Vial, Right Palm, Contaminant Free
trace levels of barium, lead or antimony—the most common constituents in 1- KCP128 Vial, Cartridge Case,
primers. Simply remove the cap with carbon-covered metal stud, apply to the Contaminant Free
questioned hand area and return the metal stud to its original location in the 1- KCP129 Vial, Control, Contaminant Free
holder. Specific and sensitive collection for gunshot residue in an economical 1- SF00761 Latex, Powder Free Glove Pair,
and uncomplicated kit. Also included in the GRA100 are all the necessary Ambidextrous
1- KCP123 Polyethylene Dispenser, 5% Nitric
components to collect primer residue for atomic absorption analysis. Acid w/Controlled Flow Applicator and
Molded Protective Cap, 3ml
2- KCP118 Integrity Seals
6.5” x 3.25” x 1.25” (16.5cm x 8.2cm x
GRA100 Primer Residue Collection Kit for SEM and AAA 3.2cm) w/Attached Integrity Seals
GRA100S Primer Residue Collection Kit for SEM and AAA with Numbered Studs 1- Instruction Sheet

Phone: +1.919.554.2244 Fax: +1.919.554.2266 279

GSR, Serial Number
Restoration & Trace Firearms Discharge
Metal Detection Residue Analysis
1 - Factory sealed, tamper-evident Kit Envelope, KIT FOR SEM (2 STUB)
6" x 9"
The GRA300 is designed for use
1 - Instruction Sheet
by departments that anticipate
1 - GRA Information Form
submitting evidence for Scanning
1 - Pair, Disposable Latex Gloves
1 - Right Hand Vial with SEM Stud
Electron Microscopy (SEM). The Unique Numbered
Studs Available!
1 - Left Hand Vial with SEM Stud
GRA series kits feature special alloy
1 - Evidence Seal to insure Kit Integrity after
aluminum specimen mounts that
Evidence Collection contain only trace levels of barium,
antimony, or lead—the most
DETECTING RESIDUE common constituents in cartridge
ON CLOTHING WITH residue. GRA tests are specific and
GPD100 sensitive for collection of gunshot
residue using SEM techniques, are
economical, and are not complex.


GRA300 Primer Residue Collection Kit for SEM, 2 Stud
GRA300S Primer Residue Collection Kit for SEM, 2 Stud with Numbered Studs

1. Spray prepared reagent solution over entire GUNPOWDER PARTICLE DETECTION KIT
surface of gunpowder detection contact paper The distance of a firearm discharge is an important factor in crime scenes.
and place directly over the area of clothing to The close range firing in a
be tested. suicide, murder, or other
crime involving firearms
can be determined by
the detection of powder
particles. A study of the
scorching, blackening,
and powder patterns on
the object or victim at
the crime scene can tell
2. Place sheet of untreated contact paper on much about the distance
top of treated sheet and apply pressure over and angle of firing. Dark
entire area of sheet.
rings around the bullet
hole due to abrasion or
dirt can be confused with
charring and blackening resulting from discharge. Small gunpowder particles,
however, may go unnoticed if a sensitive method is not used. Therefore, a
chemical test for the nitrate (burned) particles of gunpowder is very useful in
a study of crime scenes involving firearm discharges—both on the victim and
the criminal.
3. Positive test results for nitrate is indicated
The two-step reaction involved in the formation of orange dye is known as
by the appearance of orange specks within 2 diazotization and coupling. It is this combination of reactions that is specific
minutes of application. for nitrate ions. The GPD100 kit provides a sensitive and specific method for
the detection of nitrite particles at the crime scene. The sensitivity of the test
GPD100 CONTENTS: eliminates the possibility of omission and error attending visual examination
6- GPD01 Gunpowder Particle Reagent A,
1/6 dram (0.6ml)
of the crime scene. By utilizing this kit, it is possible to distinguish between
6- GPD02 Gunpowder Particle Reagent B,
close-range and distant firearm discharge. Close-range firing and approximate
1 oz. (30ml) distances can be determined by the powder tattooing on the body or clothing
12- GPD03 Gunpowder Detection Paper of the victim. After the development of nitrate particles, test paper should be
1- SB4 Spray Bottle, 4 oz. (118ml) photographed for a permanent record of particle dispersion.
12- GPD05 Gunpowder Particle Removers
1- GPD100C Molded Copolymer Case
w/Molded Plastic Inserts; Dimensions: CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION PRICE
12.125” x 7.25” x 4.5” (30.8cm x 18.4cm
x 11.4cm); Weight: 3.25 lbs. (1.5kg) GPD100 Gunpowder Particle Detection Kit

280 SIRCHIE ® Products • Vehicles • Training •

GSR, Serial Number
Firearms and Trace Metal Restoration & Trace
Detection Metal Detection

MASTER FIREARMS Firearms Discharge Tests

DETECTION KIT included in the MFD200 are:
This is a necessary kit • Atomic Absorption Analysis
for the investigation of (AAA)
any crime involving the • Scanning Electron Microscopy
use of firearms. Specific (SEM) to test for: Barium,
detection of primer antimony, copper, and lead
residues (antimony • Trace Metal Detection Technique
and barium) and the (TMDT) to test for: All metals
determination of contact
with a weapon (trace MFD200 CONTENTS:
metal) can be performed. 4- AAA10 Atomic Absorption Analysis Kits
All the components are 4- SF00761 Latex, Powder-Free Disposable
Glove Pairs, Ambidextrous
pre-measured, packaged,
4- KCP230 AA-Cell Batteries, Alkaline
and contaminant-free
1- SB4 Spray Bottle, 4 oz. (118ml)
for excellent sensitivity
1- SWL100 Shortwave UV Light Source,
and unlimited laboratory 6V DC, 4-watt Bulb
testing. 3- TMDT01 Trace Metal Reagents, 1 oz. (30ml)
1- GRA200 (SEM) Scanning Electron Micros-
copy Collection Kit
1- MFD2001 Carrying Case, Molded Co-
polymer with Molded Plastic Inserts;
Dimensions: 17.5” x 10.25” x 8.625”
CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION PRICE (44.4cm x 26cm x 21.9cm);
Weight: 6 lbs. (2.7kg)
MFD200 Master Firearms Detection Kit
MFD200R Consumable Refill Pack (in Red)

DETECTION KIT Suspect's hand before the
The trace metal reagent application.
detection technique
(TMDT) makes metal
trace patterns visible on
skin and clothing that
has been treated with a
test solution and then
illuminated by shortwave
ultraviolet (254nm) light.
After reagent application and
Examination allows an shortwave UV exposure, trace
investigator to determine metal is detected.
whether or not a suspect
has been in contact with TMDT100 CONTENTS:
certain metal objects. 12- FPT1 Super Cleaner Towelettes
4- KCP230 AA-Cell Batteries, Alkaline
1- SB4 Spray Bottle, 4 oz. (118ml)
1- SWL100 Shortwave Ultraviolet Light
Source, 6V DC, 4-watt bulb
4- TMDT01 Trace Metal Reagents,
1 oz. (30ml)
1- TMDT1001 Carrying Case, Molded Copoly-
CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION PRICE mer w/Machined Plastic Insert;
Dimensions: 12.125” x 7.25” x 5.5”
TMDT100 Trace Metal Detection Kit (30.8cm x 18.4cm x 14cm);
TMDT100R Consumable Refill Pack (in Red) Weight: 3 lbs. (1.4kg)

Phone: +1.919.554.2244 Fax: +1.919.554.2266 281

GSR, Serial Number
Restoration & Trace Explosives Residue and
Metal Detection Gunpowder Testing
This kit provides rapid
screening for explosive
residue to verify the
presence of nitrates. Due
to improvements in testing
technique, the process is
extremely sensitive and
1. A grain of suspect material is added ideal for field or lab use.
to an extract retention vial. Tests have been performed
with debris the size of
a grain of salt—while
not conclusive for the
presence of explosives, it
is an effective screening
tool for pinpointing “hot”

2. Enough ER1 extract reagent is transferred

to cover the material.


ERTT10 Explosives Residue Test Kit


3. 290P2 reagent will turn blue or black if
The BlueView™ Gunpowder Particle Test Kit is
suspect material tests positive.
a fast, reliable field test for detection of trace
ERTT10 CONTENTS: nitrates found in gunpowder. When a weapon
20- 288DP Pipettes, Disposable, w/ Capillary is fired, gunpowder is blown back in the
and 3ml Bulb direction of the shooter and trace amounts of
10- 290P2 P2 Color Developing Reagent, these residues are deposited on the shooter’s
Ampoules, 2ml firing hand or clothing. Detection of these trace
1- ACN2 Acid Neutralizer, 2 oz (59ml) residues can give valuable
3- EIL011 Evidence Identification Labels,
“Crime Evidence”
information regarding
10- ER1 Extract Reagent 1, Ampoules, 1ml
whether or not a
1- KCP139 Tweezers, Plastic, 4.75" (12.1cm)
particular person
1- KCP140 Spatula, Stainless, Micro may have recently
3- KCP173 Vial, Glass, 1/2 oz. w/Closure fired a weapon.
10- KCP174 TLC Plates, Silica Gel 60A, SIRCHIE ® offers this presumptive
250µm Layer, 5cm x 10cm field test kit in a simple-to-use pouch
1- KCP191 Box of 100 capillaries and holder format that can be deployed without any
15- KCP217 Cotton Balls specialized training or equipment and results appear in seconds. This format
10- KCP171 Vials, Glass, w/Closure, 1/2 dram will allow for presumptive on-the-spot testing at crime scenes or anywhere a
1- SF00771 Latex Powdered Glove Pair, suspect may be apprehended. Simply press the special collection lifter against
Ambidextrous, .005" thick, Lg. the back and palm surfaces of both the suspect’s hands or clothing. Place
1- ERTT101 Carrying Case, Molded Copoly- the included ampoule in the center of the lifter and return to the pouch. Fold
mer, w/Latch; Dimensions: 16.25" x 7.25"
x 8.625" (41.6cm x 21.9cm x 17.8cm); over the top of the pouch, replace the clip and crush the ampoule. Shake well.
Weight: 4 lbs. (1.8kg) If gunpowder particles are present, blue specks and/or smears will appear
within a few seconds.
10- Gunpowder Particle Collection Lifters
1- Straight handle magnifier BV100 BlueView™ Gunpowder Particle Test Kit/Box of 10 Tests

282 SIRCHIE ® Products • Vehicles • Training •

GSR, Serial Number
Serial Number Restoration Restoration & Trace
Metal Detection


RESTOR-A-GEL™ enables investigators to perform restoration in the
field on metal surfaces. The gel consistency of the reagent permits
application with a spatula to either a vertical or horizontal surface. No
damming or tear-down of engine is required; applies just like grease.
Gel reagents have 50% more concentration for minimum etching time;
also can be used with our 284A Accelerator.


RAG1001 Restoration Gel for Steel, 1 oz., (30ml)
RAG2001 Restoration Gel for Aluminum, 1 oz., (30ml)
RAG3001 Restoration Gel for Copper, 1 oz., (30ml)
NIA Serial Number Restoration Liquid, Aluminum, 0.25 oz. (4ml) RESTOR-A-GEL™ FEATURES:
NIC Serial Number Restoration Liquid, Copper, 0.25 oz. (4ml) • Gels for aluminum, copper, and steel
• Increased concentration
NIS Serial Number Restoration Liquid, Steel, 0.25 oz. (4ml) • Simplified application
• Use on horizontal or vertical surfaces
RESTOR-A-GEL™ NUMBER RESTORATION KIT • Apply to surfaces previously impossible to
This is a complete kit containing the necessary reagents to restore serial etch
numbers and other identifying characteristics that have been destroyed— • Relatively inexpensive compared to liquid
leaving no visible tracks. Obliterated marks on ferrous and non-ferrous metals etching solutions
can be restored to visibility with RESTOR-A-GEL™ compounds.
1- ACN2 Acid Neutralizer, 2 oz. (59ml)
6- KCP163 Emory Papers, 2” x 3”
(5.1cm x 7.6cm)
1- KCP207 Vial, Amber, w/Snap-On Cap, 30
6- KCP209 Stirrers, Wood
15- KCP217 Cotton Balls
2- RAG1001 RESTOR-A-GEL™ for Steel,
1 oz. (30ml)
2- RAG2001 RESTOR-A-GEL™ for Aluminum,
1 oz. (30ml)
2- RAG3001 RESTOR-A-GEL™ for Copper,
1 oz. (30ml)
1- RAG5003 Metal Surfacing Solution,
2 oz. (59ml)
1- RAG5004 Aluminum Surfacing Solution,
2 oz. (59ml)
1- SF00771 Latex Powered Glove Pair,
1- KCP168 Bastard File
RAG500 RESTOR-A-GEL™ Number Restoration Kit
1- RAG500C Molded Copolymer Case
RAG500R Consumable Refill Pack (in Red) w/Molded Plastic Inserts; Dimensions:
12.125” x 7.25” x 4.5” (30.8cm x 18.4cm
x 11.4cm); Weight: 3.25 lbs. (1.5kg)
Restore the original manufacturer’s stamped serial numbers on most
commercially available plastics, including items such as TVs and stereo
equipment with RESTO-PLAS™. Just apply the special reagent
to the surface, air dry, then apply direct heat with a hot air
dryer. Ground off numbers pop up for easy recording and
photographing. Each reagent test unit includes 4 ml of plastic
etching reagent in a resealable glass vial and four cotton-tip
applicator swabs.
RPR1006 Restoration Reagents for Plastic, 6 pk.

Phone: +1.919.554.2244 Fax: +1.919.554.2266 283

GSR, Serial Number
Restoration & Trace Serial Number Restoration
Metal Detection


• Battery-operated for convenience and RESTORATION
• Variable current (use MIN for copper,
aluminum and other soft metals; use MAX This electrolytic-acid etching
for steel, iron and all very hard metals) accelerator is for use in restoring
• Use with liquid or “gel” reagents obliterated serial numbers and
284A SPECIFICATIONS: other identifying marks that
• Housing: Black, ABS injection molded have been removed by filing
• Power Source: 4 “D” alkaline batteries or grinding. It operates from
• Probe Cord: 3 ft. (91.4cm) Cord, one phone self-contained dry cell 1.5 volt
plug, one alligator clip “D” batteries for maximum
• Probe, Large: 2"L x .5"W (2.5cm x 1.3cm) portability and flexibility. This
brass electrode, phone plug adapter compact, lightweight model is
• Probe, Small: 1"L x .5"W (2.5cm x 1.3cm) ideal for field or lab use.
brass electrode, phone plug adapter
• Dimensions: 6.5"W x 4.25"D x 2.5"H
(16.5cm x 10.8cm x 6.3cm)
• Weight (w/out batteries): .96 lbs. (.4kg)
284A Field and Lab Restoration Accelerator w/ Batteries


1- 284A Field Model Restoration Accelerator This is a complete kit for use in the field or lab and permits the use of
1- KCP168 File, Bastard liquid etching reagents in resealable glass ampoules or the RESTOR-A-
4- KCP235 D-Cell Batteries, Alkaline GEL® reagents. It includes all the necessary support equipment and the
3- 288DP Pipettes, Disposable, w/capillary 284A restoration accelerator. Identifying marks on iron, steel, aluminum,
and 3ml Bulb copper, and their alloys may be restored with ease using this kit. Complete
1- ACN2 Acid Neutralizer, 2 oz. (59ml) instructions with application recommendations are included.
6- KCP163 Emory Papers, 2” x 3”
(5.1cm x 7.6cm)
1- KCP197 Jar, 8 oz. (237ml) Polystyrene,
6- KCP209 Stirrers, Wood
15- KCP217 Cotton Balls
2- NIA Restoration Reagent for Aluminum,
1/8 oz. (3.7ml)
2- NIC Restoration Reagent for Copper,
1/8 oz. (3.7ml)
2- NIS Restoration Reagent for Steel,
1/8 oz. (3.7ml)
2- RAG1001 RESTOR-A-GEL® for Steel,
1 oz. (30ml)
2- RAG2001 RESTOR-A-GEL® for Aluminum,
1 oz. (30ml)
2- RAG3001 RESTOR-A-GEL® for Copper,
1 oz. (30ml)
1- RAG5003 Metal Surfacing Solution, 2 oz.
1- RAG5004 Aluminum Surfacing Solution,
2 oz. (59ml)
1- SF00771 Latex Powdered Glove Pair,
1- STM1003 Modeling Clay, 1/4 lb. (93g)
1- MNR100C Molded Copolymer Carrying
Case with Molded Plastic Inserts CATALOG NO. DESCRIPTION PRICE
Dimensions: 17.5” x 10.25: x 8.625”
(44.4cm x 26cm x 21.9cm); MNR100 Master Number Restoration Kit
Weight: 11.1 lbs. (5kg) MNR100R Consumable Refill Pack (in Red)

284 SIRCHIE ® Products • Vehicles • Training •

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