Write For Us - OpenGlobalRights
Write For Us - OpenGlobalRights
Write For Us - OpenGlobalRights
Available in:
Español (https://www.openglobalrights.org/write-for-openglobalrights/?lang=Spanish) | Français
(https://www.openglobalrights.org/write-for-openglobalrights/?lang=French) | اﻟﻌﺮﺑﯿﺔ
(https://www.openglobalrights.org/write-for-openglobalrights/?lang=Arabic) | English
OpenGlobalRights (OGR) publishes short articles on human rights strategies, data, scholarship, and dilemmas. It
cultivates an international, multicultural and cross-disciplinary discussion that welcomes viewpoints from any
orientation. We consider submissions from any author interested in human rights research, advocacy, and strategy.
1. Submit a Query
To begin, have a look at our previously published articles, and note our accessible, op-ed style of writing. Next, send us
a one-paragraph pitch describing your idea, so that we can ensure it fits our mandate. Check if your idea belongs to one
of our ongoing series (https://www.openglobalrights.org/topics/) or if would be a better fit with the OpenPage
Submission Languages
Our main operating language is English, but we accept submissions in any language. If you submit in a language we
can't read, we will find someone to describe the piece to us, so that we can see if it fits our mission. If it does, we'll
either edit an English-translated version and then back-translate, or work directly in your submission language.
Note: OGR launched as a section of openDemocracy in June 2013. This current site
hosts half our articles, but the full archive remains available on openDemocracy.
2. Writing Guidelines
OGR articles are aimed at a general and global audience; we often translate into
multiple languages. Please keep these guidelines in mind when drafting your
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What is the main idea or argument that What are the three main points
you would like readers to consider, in supporting your main idea?
one sentence?
We often send a second version back, as we take the writing and editing process very seriously. Our goal is to make
your piece as polished and compelling as possible. Please be patient. The more time we spend editing, the broader your
audience will be.
4. Article Dissemination
When your piece is published, we will notify you and ask you to disseminate through your own networks and social
media. We will do the same through our multi-lingual Facebook and Twitter channels, and through our weekly
5. Cross Publishing
OGR articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Photos,
images, and logos are excepted from this license, except where noted. Once your piece appears on our website, you are
welcome to publish elsewhere, provided that the other venue provides a hyperlink back to the original publication and
notes that “this piece was originally published on [date] on OpenGlobalRights.” Please let us know about the cross
publishing, so that we can help promote it through our networks and track for learning and reporting.
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