Tolukuma Topo
Tolukuma Topo
Tolukuma Topo
DRD recently took some analysts and media to their Tolukuma operation in Papua New Guinea.
Left: The group travelled by helicopter, the only mode of transport to and from the mine.
Right: The harbour at Port Moresby, the main port of call for visitors to the island.
Maybe it was the jet lag but Tolukuma Gold Mine chief geologist Brett Duck's blanketed by dense forest nurtured by the
description of Papua New Guinea (PNG) as "elephant country" really amused me. rainfall which averages three metres annually.
He is, of course, correct. "If you want to hunt elephants you have to look in elephant There are no roads. Everything Tolukuma
country" is classic exploration geology philosophy. If you want to make a major requires is flown in by helicopter - a hulking
strike you need to look in the parts of the world where those kind of deposits are Russian Mil 8 - which is chartered at US dollar
most likely to be found. So far, four extensive gold and base metal finds have been rates and which easily uplifted the entire party
made in PNG making it indisputably "elephant country." But this image popped of visiting Australian analysts, South African
unbidden into my mind of an African Elephant taking a long, disbelieving look journalists and DRD/Tolukuma executives.
at the PNG topography. Tolukuma sits just one hundred kilometres inland from Tolukuma has just signed an A$4,2m loan
PNG's seaside capital of Port Moresby but at an altitude of 1600m. The land soars agreement to pay for the equipment needed
from the narrow coastal plain to reach that height in a series of jagged, abrupt to push its gold output from the 64,000oz just
ridges sloping at angles between 45 and 70 degrees. Much of the ground is produced in the year to June to around
116,000oz/year by financial 2005 but Duck,
like all good "geos", is looking longer-term.
at a glance
• Reserves of 0.8 million oz
He reckons decisions by various mining majors
- most recently BHP/Billiton - to pull out of
PNG have put DRD in a powerful position
regarding future exploration developments
provided management allocates the necessary
• Resources of 2.4 million oz
funds. And, of course, continues to employ the
• An estimated mine life of more than 5 years kind of geos prepared to work in what has to
be one of the world's most difficult
• Annual production of some 120 000 oz
environments. This includes Port Moresby
• Costs (based on Q1 F2002 figures) of US$189/oz which enjoys a reputation for violent crime
• Highly encouraging grades at both the Saki & Kunda prospects that makes Johannesburg sound safe
by comparison.
DRD helps American relief effort DRD in November
New York
Durban Roodepoort DeepLtd lit up Times
Auction for America is a joint effort of
Square in New York with its first quarter results
eBay and Nasdaq to raise funds for those last month, as it took these to our US
affected by the September 11 attacks shareholders. With two thirds of our shares now
in the United States. DRD is pleased to in the hands of ADR holders, and three quarters
be one of the first companies to of our turnover being transacted on NASDAQ,
participate, and has contributed a 1- the U.S markets are very important to us. It was
largely in recognition of this, that we decided
kilogram gold bar in an effort to lend
to donate a special commemorative DRD gold
assistance to the families of the victims
bar to the disaster relief fund for the benefit of
of the tragedy. the victims’ families. I am pleased to be able to
report that this was auctioned on-line for a
Wellesley-Wood acknowledges that healthy premium over the gold content.
South Africa is DRD’s home market, but
“we rely heavily on Nasdaq for our Nevertheless, passing Ground Zero, just outside
the studio in Lower Manhattan where we had
liquidity and trading, and the Twin
presented our First Quarter results, was a
Towers tragedy has shocked us all. I
sobering moment. The size of the gap created
hope that what we have done makes a by the missing towers in both a physical and
difference to the lives of people affected spiritual sense is truly enormous. Yet, just a few
by the disaster, and that other blocks away the vibrancy of the marketplace is
companies and individuals will follow already returning with trading volumes and
our example,” he said. prices beginning to creep up. The scar may be
beginning to heal already.