Industrial Uses of Volcanic Materials

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Chapter 13

Industrial uses of volcanic materials

Grant Heiken

Introduction by artisans, farmers, and road builders in devel-

oping countries; there are few publications on
Wherever there is a natural occurrence of vol- this topic except in the newsletters and publica-
canic rocks, humans have developed multiple tions of the Association of Geoscientists for Inter-
uses for these materials. These uses range from national Development.
cut slabs of tuff for construction to very fine ash
for polishing automobiles. Some volcanic mater-
ials have no immediate benefit apparent to the Pumice and ash
public, such as the bentonites used in drilling
muds. However, others provide esthetic benefits Pumice and ash resources include thick lay-
such as the cut ignimbrite blocks that were ers deposited by fallout from explosive eruption
used to create the Spanish colonial cathedral in plumes (pumice or ash fallout), zones of pumi-
Guadalajara, Mexico. ceous lava in silicic (rhyolite and dacite) lava flows
This chapter is a summary of uses for volcanic and domes, and deposits left by horizontally mov-
materials, which have, for clarity, been grouped ing hot density currents of ash and pumice called
as (1) pumice and ash, (2) pozzolan, (3) quarried pyroclastic flows and pyroclastic surges.
tuff, (4) perlite, (5) basaltic scoria and lava, and One of the oldest known construction mater-
(6) volcanic clays and zeolites. For complete cov- ials, pumice, was used along with pozzolana
erage of resources, mining and processing tech- (fine-grained or zeolitized ash) by the Romans as
nologies, and environmental and public-health lightweight aggregate in concrete. Pumice contin-
problems associated with that mining, the reader ues to serve as a source of lightweight aggregate
should begin by consulting the series Industrial for construction, either in poured concrete or in
Minerals and Rocks, which is updated on a regu- ‘‘pumice” or ‘‘cinder” blocks. In 1995, 763 000 tons
lar basis by the Society of Mining, Metallurgy, of pumice were consumed in the USA; 63% of
and Exploration, Inc. In addition to an exten- that (488 320 tons) was used to make building-
sive literature, there are many World Wide Web blocks, 37% was used for abrasives, concrete, laun-
pages on specific rock types and their industrial dry, and ‘‘other uses” (US Geological Survey, 1997).
uses. All domestic mining in 1995 was in open pits,
Most of what is covered in this chapter are the in relatively remote areas. Domestic production
industrial uses of volcanic materials by, for exam- of pumice in the USA in 1995 was 544 000 tons.
ple, corporations that mine bentonite to make The remaining 219 000 tons were imported from
drilling muds; there are many publications avail- Greece (67%), Zaire (8%), Turkey (7%), Ecuador
able on these topics. More difficult to character- (6%), and ‘‘other” (12%). Global production esti-
ize are the small-scale uses of volcanic materials mates are given in Table 13.1.
Volcanoes and the Environment, eds. J. Martı́ and G. G. J. Ernst. Published by
Cambridge University Press.  C Cambridge University Press 2005.

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Table 13.1 World mine production, reserves, and reserve base of pumice

Mine production
(tonnes × 103 )
1994 1995 Reservesa Reserve basea

United States of America 490 544 ‘Large’ ‘Large’

Chile 450 450 ND ND
France 500 525 ND ND
Germany 650 680 ND ND
Greece 900 1000 ND ND
Italy 5200 5200 ND ND
Spain 700 700 ND ND
Turkey 1000 1100 ND ND
Other countries 1500 1500 ND ND
World total 11 400 11 700 ND ND
ND, not determined.
Source: US Geological Survey (1997).

The uses for pumice are mostly as con- Fine pumice aggregates (<2.5 mm and
struction materials, abrasives, and absorbents >0.6 mm) are also used in plaster, which weighs
(Table 13.2). The broad spectrum of uses ranges one-third less than conventional plaster. The
from coarse pumice used for cosmetic purposes weight savings for standard gypsum hardwall
for thousands of years to the same pumice being plaster is 15 kg/m2 (Schmidt, 1956) (Table 13.3).
used today to ‘‘stone-wash” denim fabric.
Construction pumice-fall beds
Pumice concrete is appropriate in construction The most common and easily mined pyroclas-
where building weight must be minimized. If tic aggregates are pumice-fall deposits near their
pumice sources are reasonably close, the savings source vents. Most quarries are located in tuff
in cost of structural steel justify the use of pumice deposits that surround rhyolitic or dacitic domes
concrete. Within poured concrete, pumice aggre- (tuff rings) or in fallout deposits associated with
gates are uniformly distributed because they do caldera-forming eruptions (Plinian deposits). For
not sink before the concrete hardens. example, thick pumice-fall deposits are quarried
Because of its elasticity, pumice concrete near Glass Mountain, in northeastern California,
resists shock; this was demonstrated in Germany where thicknesses range from 2 to 4 m (Chester-
during World War II where houses built with man, 1956; Heiken, 1978) (Fig. 13.1). Wall and
pumice concrete resisted bombings much bet- slope stability is high, allowing open-pit quarry-
ter than those made with conventional concrete ing with little or no structure required to main-
(Schmidt, 1956). tain a vertical face. Pumice-fall deposits are easily
Pumice aggregates also increase the insulat- quarried using front-end loaders and bulldozers.
ing value of either poured concrete or masonry. Pumice products are naturally well sorted by size,
For example, the ‘‘K” factor for concrete made with median grain sizes of 1 to 10 mm; sizing
with sand and gravel aggregate is 12.5, whereas for aggregates requires little other than coarse
that for pumice aggregate is 2.4 (‘‘K” factors screening to eliminate coarser lapilli, bombs, and
are BTU/ft2 /hr/inch thickness/◦ F); the lower the blocks (a definition by size is: ash <2 mm; lapilli
‘‘K” factor, the better the insulating properties 2–64 mm; blocks and bombs >64 mm). Pumice
(Schmidt, 1956). fragments (pyroclasts) preferred for concrete
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Table 13.2 Uses for pumice

Uses Processing Properties

Lightweight aggregate
Structural concrete blocks Crushing, screening Low density, good crushing
Panels, floor decking strength, fire resistance,
Pozzolan in cement acoustical insulator,
Plaster mix moisture resistant
Grill cleaner, scouring, cosmetic Sawn and irregular blocks, Vesicle edges (bubble walls)
skin buffing coarse granular, crushing form sharp surfaces,
Stonewashing fabric and screening continually exposing new
Hand soaps, scouring compound, surfaces with usage
wood and metal finishing, striking
surfaces for matches
Potting soils, hydroponic media, cat Granular; crushing and High porosity, large surface
litter, floor sweeping compound screening; some drying area, low chemical reactivity
Acid washing, absorbent for fat and
grease drippings
Carrier for pesticides, herbicides, and
Loose fill insulation, roofing granules, Granular and sawn blocks Low density, thermal and
textured coatings acoustical insulator, fire
Decorative veneer resistance, easily shaped
In rubber, paints and plastics; mold Granular; crushed, dried, and Particle shape, cost
release compounds; brake linings screened
Filter media
Filter animal, vegetable, and mineral Granular; crushed, dried, Particle shape, expandability
oils screened, milled

Source: Geitgey (1994).

aggregate should be equant to slightly elongate scaping. Larger blocks quarried from silicic lava
and have a vesicularity (i.e., porosity) between domes have bands of coarse pumice interlay-
about 25% and 50%. Pumices containing few or ered with layers of fine pumice, obsidian, and
no minerals (phenocrysts) are preferred, minimiz- crystalline rhyolite. These low-density pumiceous
ing pyroclast densities. The pumice-fall deposits zones form by gas exsolution within slow-moving
should also have low contents of rock fragments rhyolite lava flows; the less dense zones may
(lithic clasts). rise buoyantly to the top of the flow, deform-
ing the flow surface (Fink, 1983; Fink and Man-
rhyolite and dacite flows and domes ley, 1987). The banded appearance of alternating
There is a demand for large blocks of pumice pumice and obsidian is desirable for decorative
to be used as decorative stones, mostly for land- stone. Quarrying may involve cutting with rock
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Table 13.3 Comparison of Concrete made with Pumice, Cinders, Expanded Shale, and Sand and
Gravel Aggregates

Concrete made Density Compressive Modulus of Fireproof Thermal conductivity

with g/cm3 strength (MPa) elasticity (MPa) ratings (10−3 (cal/cm)/s ◦ C)

Pumice 1.04–1.60 7.03–21.09 4219–12306 5 cm = 4 hr 1.5–3.5

10 cm = 4 hr
Cinders (scoria) 1.50–1.92 7.03–21.09 10548–17570 15 cm = 4 hr 3.5–5.0
Expanded shale 1.50–1.92 7.03–35.17 10548–17570 13 cm = 4 hr 3.0–5.0
Sand and gravel 2.32–2.48 7.03–49.23 24613–35161 10 cm = 4 hr 12.0

Source: after Schmidt (1956).

Fig. 13.1. Pumice quarry in 1360-year-old rhyolitic pumice

fallout surrounding the Glass Mountain rhyolite flow,
Medicine Lake Highlands, California. Excavation is by
bulldozer, front-end loader, and the occasional volcanologist
with a shovel.

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saws or moving large blocks from the brittle flow Since Hatmaker summarized these uses in
carapace. 1932, not a lot has changed. We are still polish-
ing objects and washing our hands with pumice
products. Pumice paste and bar hand soap (the
pyroclastic flow and surge deposits
most famous brand being ‘‘Lava” soap) are still
Although not as easily quarried as pumice-fall
in demand for mechanics and anyone who works
deposits, non-welded portions of pyroclastic flow
with grease, chemicals, or paint. Pumice soaps
deposits most distant from the vent may be quar-
are recently in demand because they are free of
ried for ash and pumice. Considerable screening
chemicals like acetone and are ‘‘environmentally
is required to separate lapilli and blocks from
friendly.” Pumice soaps are also used to prepare
the ash fractions. In most cases the main prod-
patients for medical examinations where elec-
uct will be ash (pozzolan), with the pumice lapilli
tronic sensors are attached to the body.
and blocks screened out and disposed of. Quarry-
The most recent use of pumice is to prewash
ing operations around Laacher See, Germany are
fabrics for use in clothing manufacture. Hoffer
located in flow and surge deposits; the thickest
(1996) has studied the ‘‘stone-washing” process to
deposits are found in paleovalley and overbank
understand the characteristics of pumice that are
facies and are tens of meters thick (Schumacher
most useful for this process. The stone-washing
and Schmincke, 1990).
method was initiated during 1982 and the rapidly
The Minoan Tuff, on the island of Thera,
expanding market has increased the demand for
Greece (Santorini), has been quarried for 150
pumice. Below is a summary of Hoffer’s paper:
years, mostly for the fine ash that makes up most
of the volume of the deposits (pozzolan) (Heiken Garment wet-processing of cloth uses pumice with or
and McCoy, 1984) but also for pumice fragments. without chemicals during laundering of denim
Much of the pyroclastic sequence on Thera is fabrics to soften and bleach the garments. Two
hydrovolcanic, erupted in the seventeenth cen- processes are used:
tury BC during a caldera-forming event. The (1) Pumice is impregnated with oxidizing chemicals
deposits that were quarried until a few years ago and/or bleach, then tumbled with damp denim
are a complex mixture of loosely consolidated fabric, or
fallout, surge, and mudflow. (2) pumice is tumbled with fabric and water – this
Sizing of pumice fragments for concrete varies reduces the need to dispose of the chemicals.
according to use. For monolithic (poured) con- Pumice suitable for laundry use must have the
crete, all pumice pyroclasts must be less than following qualities:
2.5 cm in diameter and 90% coarser than 150 µm.
(1) A ‘‘hard” pumice that abrades slowly.
For masonry concrete (‘‘cinder” block), the grain (2) Minimal surface fines produced by the tumbling;
size must be smaller, with median fragment sizes the resulting fine shards reduce the amount of
ranging from 0.6 to 1.2 mm. chemical absorbed by the pumice pyroclasts.
(3) The pumice purchased must be dry; wet pumice
affects the weight paid for and dilutes the amount
Abrasives of chemical absorbed by the pumice pyroclasts
Pumice, ground pumice, and crystal-free or before their use in processing.
crystal-poor silicic ash have been used for scour- (4) Absorption capacity is an average of 23.2 wt.%.
ing and polishing over thousands of years. Cut (5) Ideal apparent densities are 700–850 kg/m3 .
or smoothed pumice stones have been used (6) Abrasion loss or the rate of disintegration during
for everything from scouring griddles to cos- tumbling must be minimal.
metic removal of warts. In nearly all instances,
Abrasion loss is determined by placing several
the preferred starting material has been crystal- kilograms of pumice in a rifle machine and tumbling
free pumice (phenocrysts scratch and gouge the for 15 minutes. The tests result in categories of
material being polished or can cut skin). pumice as ‘‘hard,” ‘‘medium,” or ‘‘soft” (<25%
Hatmaker (1932) listed ground pumice uses by abrasion loss = ‘‘hard”; 26–33% = ‘‘medium”; and
size (Table 13.4). >34% = ‘‘soft”).

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Table 13.4 Uses of ground pumice

Mesh size Size (µm) Uses (in 1932)

<200 <74 Very fine polishing

−200 74 Finishing automobile bodies and certain kinds of soap
−160 80 Finishing automobile bodies and certain kinds of soap
−140 105 Finishing automobile bodies and certain kinds of soap
−100 149 Glass cutting and silverplate finishing
−80 177 Glass beveling and piano finishing
−60 250 Glass beveling and piano finishing
−50 300 Rough rubbing in piano factories; manufacture of combs,
pearl buttons, and mechanic’s soap
−48 325 Rough rubbing in piano factories; manufacture of combs,
pearl buttons, and mechanic’s soap
−40 420 Finishing pearl buttons
−30 590 Finishing pearl buttons
−000 018 to −5 1000 to 4000 Coarse rubbing of hard materials; use in tumbling barrels

Source: Hatmaker (1932).

Agricultural uses for pumice The main components for pozzolan cement
Pumice is sold in garden shops and agricul- are either fine-grained silicic volcanic ash
tural distributors as a conditioner to increase or crushed zeolitized tuffs (pumice and ash
soil porosity. Pumice mixed into soil also retains cemented with zeolite and clay minerals). Poz-
moisture and acts as a feeding regulator for liq- zolans must be fine-grained (with a lot of reactive
uid fertilizers. The agricultural applications of surface area), thus making most hydrovolcanic
pumice range from small flowerpots to commer- tuffs excellent resources, whether or not they are
cial farms and fruit groves. Pumice is also used in glassy or zeolitized. In countries without access
tanks for the hydroponic cultivation of vegetables to hydrovolcanic tuffs, pulverized fly-ash is often
in greenhouses. On a regional scale, the pumice used for pozzolanic cement.
lands of North Island, New Zealand, which man- The Roman Vitruvius specified a ratio of 1 part
tle thick soils, are ideal for the cultivation of pine lime to 3 parts of pozzolan for cement used in
trees. buildings and 1 part lime to 2 parts pozzolan
for underwater structures. The ratio for modern
structures using pozzolan cement is more or less
the same (Lechtman and Hobbs, 1987). The reac-
Pozzolan tion between the ash or zeolitized tuffs used
for pozzolan and lime is slow, but the cement
Pozzolans are natural volcanic silicates that react becomes progessively stronger and more durable
with lime in water to produce high-strength with time (Mielenz, 1950). Pozzolan cements are
concrete and are especially useful for construct- resistant to chloride-ion penetration.
ing marine structures such as breakwaters and Hydrovolcanic tuffs (volcanic ashes formed
piers. Pozzolan hydraulic cement was used by by rapid quenching of magma by water and
the Romans for the construction of public build- cemented with zeolites) from the Campi Flegrei
ings such as the Pantheon in Rome, roads, and (Phlegrean Fields), near Naples, were the main
aqueducts; the name ‘‘pozzolan” comes from the pozzolan resource for the Romans, although sim-
town of Pozzuoli in the Bay of Naples (Sersale, ilar resources were available in and near Rome.
1958). The fine-grained hydrovolcanic tuffs erupted

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during the seventeenth-century BC caldera- through interaction with water or hydrothermal

forming eruption on the island of Thera (San- steam to cement the rock with secondary miner-
torini), Greece were quarried as pozzolan during als such as clay or zeolites or by sintering of the
the mid nineteenth century AD and shipped to glass fragments while the deposit is still hot to
Egypt for cement lining the Suez Canal. Quar- form a ‘‘welded tuff.”
rying of these tuffs for pozzolan cement and Non-welded or poorly welded massive tuffs are
lightweight concrete continued until recently, commonly used throughout the world for con-
when quarrying ceased because of the greater struction of buildings (Fig. 13.2). The rock is easily
value of the island for tourism. cut and dressed into blocks of almost any shape,
Vitric hydrovolcanic ashes can be used as poz- which are resistant to weathering. The blocks are
zolan after disaggregation. Zeolitized tuffs must lighter than most stone of equivalent size, have
be crushed, then heated to 700–800 ◦ C before some insulation value, and are attractive (at least
being used in pozzolan cement. to volcanologists).
Natural pozzolan resources are not limited to In Latin America, tuffs are used frequently
fine-grained silicic or trachytic vitric tuffs. A zeoli- for construction, especially for large public build-
tized ignimbrite (the main zeolite phase being cli- ings (Fig. 13.3). Large buildings in the Peruvian
noptilolite) was mined near Tehachapi, California, city of Arequipa, known as La Ciudad Blanca
and used for pozzolanic cement in construction (‘‘the White City”) are constructed of non-welded
of the Los Angeles aqueduct (Mielenz et al., 1951). white ignimbrite altered by vapor-phase activity
Kitsopoulos and Dunham (1996) and Fragoulis et (Fenner, 1948). Blocks are cut with saws and
al. (1997) have proposed quarrying clinoptilolite-, dressed with hammer, chisel, and ax; the cool-
heulandite-, and mordenite-bearing tuff deposits ing joints in these ignimbrites are used as block
on the islands of Polyegos and Kimolos, Aegean faces when possible. These ignimbrite blocks are
Sea, Greece for industrial use in pozzolan cement. also resistant to weathering – an example is the
Mining tuffs for use in pozzolan cement minimal degradation of tuff blocks used in colo-
requires little more than a bulldozer with a nial buildings over a period of 300 years (Jenks
ripper and front-end loaders for quarrying vit- and Goldich, 1956).
ric tuffs and the same, plus crushers for zeoli- In Naples, Italy, the large-volume, partly
tized tuffs. When the quarries on Thera, Greece hydrovolcanic, fine-grained tuffs (mostly mas-
were active, cargo ships anchored next to the sive pyroclastic flow deposits) deposited during
caldera walls to transport the ash. Front-end load- caldera-forming events in the Campi Flegrei have
ers carried fine-grained hydrovolcanic ash from been a constant source of building stones for
the quarry face to the cliff edge, dumped the ash thousands of years (since Bronze Age Greek
through a screen to remove the lithic clasts, and times). The Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (12 000 years
the ash would then go down a chute directly into old) and Campanian Ignimbrite (37 000 years old),
the ship. Quarrying wasn’t always that simple; and younger tuff rings of the Campi Flegrei cover
over much of the last 100 years, quarrying of a large area within and around the city of Naples
the thick deposits was accomplished by tunnel- (Orsi et al., 1996). These tuff deposits are quar-
ing under the deposit until it collapsed into the ried today as a basic building stone of the region.
quarry; then the loose ash was carried to the cliff Massive, fine-grained zeolitized tuffs are quar-
edge to be loaded into ships. Collapsing quarry ried with large gas-driven, hydraulic rotary saws
faces and constant fine ash dust made pozzolan mounted on light rails. In the past, these tuffs
quarrying on Thera a hazardous profession. were cut with large handsaws and axes.
Not all quarried tuffs are used for public
buildings such as churches and museums. Tuffs
Quarried tuff are also used globally for the construction of pri-
vate homes and farm buildings. Meilan’s (1984)
Tuff is consolidated pumice and ash. ‘‘Solidifica- study of tuff resources, quarrying technology,
tion” occurs with time by alteration of glassy ash and cost effectiveness of cut tuff blocks vs.

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Fig. 13.2. Church of San Pietro, a Romanesque church near can be reduced by the application of waterproof-
Tuscánia Italy, constructed mostly of tuff blocks quarried from ing compounds or paints. After analyzing the
the non-welded, zeolitized Tufo Rosi e Scoria Neri. Sculpted market and transportation system of the region,
facings and rose window are marble. Public buildings and city Meilan determined that a quarry in the Toba
walls in many of the hill towns of Tuscany and Umbria have
Rosada had to produce 2000 blocks per day to
been constructed using blocks of tuff.
cost-effectively meet the demand. This assump-
tion was for 8 working hours per day and for 250
conventional concrete cinder blocks for home days per year. The tuff has to be texturally uni-
construction in western Argentina is unique. He form, massive, more or less horizontal, exposed
studied the Toba Rosada, from the Department of or covered with thin overburden, and with easy
Picunches, Neuquén Province, Argentina, where access. The tuff quarrying machines are similar
the 0.4 × 0.2 × 0.2 m tuff blocks tested were to the rotary saws used in Italian tuff quarries.
cut in open-pit quarries. The quarried stone is a Even the dust produced by quarrying has
pumiceous, non-welded, consolidated vitric tuff some value. Sersale and Frigione (1983) deter-
that contains phenocrysts of plagioclase, quartz mined that the dust generated during quarrying
and biotite. The tuff is partly devitrified and zeoli- makes up 25–30% of the quarried material. The
tized. It is easily scratched, and is easy to saw. It is dust can be used in pozzolanic cements, as mix-
abrasive, a characteristic that must be considered tures of between 10% and 40% dust mixed with
when selecting cutting tools. Portland cement.
Meilan (1984) measured physical properties Non-welded tuffs (mostly massive ignimbrites)
of the Toba Rosada, with the results given in are used as a medium for sculpting. Tuffs are
Table 13.5. Meilan concluded that the tuffs tested easily carved with basic hand tools and are
are good for house construction. There is good the basis for a market through North America
insulating quality and the tuff blocks are practi- of carved door and window frames, garden
cal for use in a harsh climate. Water absorption statues, and birdbaths. Most of the statuary is

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Fig. 13.3. Moldings and facings cut from Tertiary carved in central-western Mexico and the tuffs
ignimbrites near Guadalajara, Mexico. Non-welded to poorly are from quarries in the ignimbrites of the Sierra
welded, massive ignimbrite tuffs are used throughout Madre Occidental and the Trans-Mexican Volcanic
Guadalajara, which is located on a thick ignimbrite sequence.
Province. Monuments composed of tuff are also
found throughout Armenia and Georgia.

Table 13.5 Physical properties of the Perlite

Toba Rosada, Neuquén Province, Argentina
Most volcanologists first encounter ‘‘perlite” in
Shear strength Compression
a classes on the origins of volcanic rocks. This
Sample (kgf) strength (kgf/cm2 )
intriguing rock type is found mostly as glassy
A (dry) 2750 49 cores of rhyolite flows or as densely welded
B (dry) 2800 50 vitrophyres in ignimbrites. Arcuate to spherical
C (dry) 2800 54 microfractures cross all textural components of
D (dry) 2600 47 this glassy, hydrous volcanic rock and give its
E (dry) 2800 45 weathered surfaces the appearance of an onion
F (dry) 2800 48 skin. It is the rock’s hydrous nature and structure
G (wet) 2520 41 that give it an industrial value; perlite expands or
H (wet) 2200 37 ‘‘pops” to become a lightweight glass foam when
I (wet) 2400 38 heated quickly to plasticity, while evolving steam
(the processed product can have densities as low
Tests were made on nine samples, six dry as 32 kg/m3 ). In 1994 in the USA, there were 68
and three wet (submerged for 72 hours). plants in 34 states for expanding perlite (Bolen,

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1995); 71% of total domestic US perlite sales were polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and nylon. Coarser unex-
used in construction (insulation and acoustical panded perlite is used as aggregate for concrete
ceiling tile and cryogenic insulation of liquid-gas and plaster and as foundry slag.
storage tanks), 10% used for filters, and 19% for
agricultural markets (Barker et al., 1996). Resources
Commercial perlite is a hydrated, high-silica Globally, perlite quarries are found on rhyolitic
(72–77.5% SiO2 ) rhyolitic volcanic glass, which domes of Tertiary through Quaternary age (Bolen,
contains 2–5% water. The rock is characterized by 1995). Perlites occur as chilled dyke margins and
a spherical hydration geometry, which produces as vitrophyres associated with ignimbrites, but
the concentric fractures that are visible at many these occurrences are too limited in size to be
scales. Perlite occurrences are associated globally quarried economically.
with Tertiary through middle Quaternary conti- Rhyolite flows are often constructed of struc-
nental volcanic fields (Howell, 1974; Barker et al., turally complex, foliated bands of obsidian,
1996). In the USA, New Mexico accounts for 80% coarse pumice, and fine pumice (Fink, 1983; Fink
of the 710 000 short tons mined in 1994. Greece and Manley, 1987). Rhyolite flows overlie tephra
accounts for most of the imports to Canada and deposits and are mantled by breccia. The flow
the USA. Most perlite is shipped to expansion ‘‘core” consists of crystalline lava, which grades
plants near the end-users. outward into mixed glassy and finely pumiceous
The world’s largest perlite deposit is a 3.91 Ma zones – it is the glassy and finely vesicular
rhyolitic dome complex at Cerro No Agua, New parts of the flow where perlitic textures are
Mexico (an odd name for a volcano, considering located.
the hydrated nature of the rock). Mining is by All perlites are hydrous (Table 13.6). The hydra-
ripping with a bulldozer or by blasting. The rock tion of glassy obsidian has been interpreted by
is then crushed and dried at a temperature of 105 Jezek and Noble (1978) as a secondary process,

C, then crushed again and sized for shipping to one of slow, post-emplacement interaction with
expansion plants. meteoric water. Chamberlain and Barker (1996),
however, favor high-temperature hydration of
silica-rich lava prior to or during emplacement.
Uses of perlite
The glassy, hydrated cores of perlitic rhyolite
Expanded perlite
flows are developed most economically by open-
Expansion occurs when crushed perlite is heated
pit quarrying on the summit and slopes of the
in a furnace to temperatures of 870–1100 ◦ C;
flows. The outermost breccias, talus, and pyro-
when softened, perlite can expand to as much as
clastic materials are removed by blasting and/or
20 times its original volume (Breese and Barker,
ripping with bulldozers. In many perlite quar-
1994). Most expanded perlite (56% in 1990) is
ries, crushing and sizing is done nearby and the
used in ‘‘formed products,” which include acous-
crushed perlite is shipped to expansion plants
tic ceiling tiles, pipe insulation, and roof insula-
near the markets, usually by rail.
tion board. The second most common uses are
as a filter aid for filtering industrial effluent,
oils, and fruit juices and as a soil conditioner in
agriculture (addition of perlite aggregate reduces
Basaltic scoria and lava
soil compaction and retains moisture) (Bolen,
1995). Other uses include lightweight aggregates
Strombolian and Vulcanian eruptions form scoria
for concrete and plaster and as low-temperature
(cinder) cones of all sizes (e.g., Riedel et al., 2003).
The cones, composed of interbedded ash, lapilli
(the volcanic equivalent in size to pebbles), and
Unexpanded, ground perlite bombs (equivalent in size to cobbles and boul-
Finely ground, untreated perlite is used as an ders) of basaltic or basaltic–andesite composition,
extender in the manufacture of plastics, paint, are a resource of considerable value, especially if

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Table 13.6 Some typical perlite compositions (wt.%)

Cerro No Agua, Superior, Pioche, Big Pine, Milos,

New Mexico Arizona Nevada California Greece

SiO2 72.1 73.6 73.1 73.6 74.2

Al2 O3 13.5 12.7 12.8 13.8 12.3
Fe2 O3 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.95
TiO2 0.06 0.1 0.08 0.07 0.08
CaO 0.89 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.85
MgO 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.13
Na2 O 4.6 3.2 3.0 4.1 4.0
K2 O 4.4 5.0 4.7 4.1 4.4
H2 O (total) 3.0 3.8 3.9 3.3 2.8

Source: Kadey (1983).

the cones are located near a city or railroad. The Scoria resources
popularity of scoria as an aggregate is such that, Scoria cones are formed during alternating
for example, many of Auckland, New Zealand’s Strombolian and Vulcanian activity; a process of
scoria cones have disappeared; only the inclusion ballistic deposition and subsequent slumping or
of cones into city parks has preserved some of the avalanching provides the sloping beds of natu-
volcanic heritage of this city. rally sorted scoria (McGetchin et al., 1974; Riedel
Scoria is used mainly to build roads; both et al., 2003). These processes give the cones their
gravel and asphalt highways and railroad beds. value; the bouncing and sliding of scoria pyro-
Major quarries in scoria deposits near Flagstaff, clasts down cone slopes prevents most welding
Arizona, are there because of the coincidence of and actually causes some natural sorting. The
a railroad town with a volcanic field containing most complete study of a scoria cone is that of the
hundreds of scoria cones. Graded scoria is used Rothenberg cone, east Eifel, Germany (Houghton
mainly as a sub-base and base for roads; 46% of and Schmincke, 1989), where the outer slopes
the 970 000 tons of scoria used in the state of have the most valuable scoria resource in the
Victoria, Australia, has been used for roadbeds form of avalanche deposits and ashfall. The vent
(Guerin, 1992). However, when used as asphalt area consists of solid dykes and welded and partly
aggregate, there is excessive tire wear and scoria welded scoria and is not easily quarried.
should be used only for paved highways where
high skid resistance is desirable. Scoria is not
ideal for stock tracks, because it cuts the hooves Quarrying
of cattle (Guerin, 1992). Quarries or ‘‘scoria pits” are usually located on
It is the skid resistance that makes very fine, the lower slopes of cones, in the avalanche
ash-size scoria desirable for sanding icy roads. The deposits, where screening of large bombs and
sharp edges of vesicle walls in individual pyro- blocks is unnecessary (Fig. 13.4). Much of the sco-
clasts provide the needed traction on ice. After a ria in the lower slopes is not welded. The quarry
major snowstorm in northern New Mexico, roads headwall can be pushed toward the center of the
have a red coating from the application of oxi- cone and stopped where material is welded and
dized ash-size scoria; the scoria is quarried in cannot be easily removed. The quarrying can be
scoria cones near the city of Santa Fe. Careful done with a bulldozer, front-end loader, screens,
crushing and sieving is needed, for lapilli-size and dump trucks. In many cases, ‘‘pit run” sco-
particles are kicked up by tires and crack or pit ria can be used for roadbed construction with no
auto windows. screening required.

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Fig. 13.4. “Cinder” pit in a scoria cone, near Old Station,

north of Lassen Volcanic National Park, California.
Well-sorted scoria in avalanche beds on the outer slopes of
cinder cones are used for roadbeds in this area (base for
asphalt highways and gravel-surfaced logging roads).

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If the scoria cone is located near a town, and Wherry (1917) proposed that bentonites were
there will be concern about the visual effect of formed during alteration of volcanic ash in an
a quarry. Geologists love a good outcrop, but aqueous environment. The clay making up ben-
that desire is not shared by the public. Guerin tonite was determined to be mostly montmoril-
(1992) recommends that the quarries be kept lonite, and less commonly, beidellite (Ross and
near the base of a cone, preferably on the back- Shannon, 1926); this early work presaged the
side (away from the town) or hidden in irregular many studies of bentonites over the past 70 years.
topography. One of the most comprehensive of these studies
was that of the Mowry bentonites of Wyoming.
Other uses of scoria Most bentonites were once ash fallout, evidenced
Scoria is occasionally used as aggregate in con- by relict textures of what had been silicic shards
crete blocks, when it is the only aggregate avail- and pumice clasts (Khoury and Eberl, 1979; Wise
able. It is also used as ‘‘shading” or backfill and Weaver, 1979; Heiken and Wohletz, 1985)
around buried water pipes. Large bombs and sco- (Fig. 13.5).
ria are used as decorative rocks in gardens, espe- Ross and Shannon (1926) defined bentonite as:
cially those that are a bright red color. Scoria is a rock composed of a crystalline clay-like mineral
sold as a base in barbecues, with the dual purpose formed by devitrification and accompanying chemical
of retaining heat and absorbing grease from the alteration of a glassy igneous material, usually a tuff
meat being grilled. or volcanic ash; and it often contains variable
proportions of accessory crystal grains that were
originally phenocrysts . . . the clay-like mineral
Basaltic lava
has . . . a texture inherited from volcanic tuff or ash.
For scoria quarry owners, basaltic lava is a nui-
sance. For the Roman engineers building roads in However, within the minerals industry, most, but
Italy, basaltic and trachytic lavas were a key con- not all ‘‘bentonites” are of volcanic origin.
struction component. The roads were constructed The major mineral constituents of bentonite
of sand, masonry, and fitted lava blocks cut are the smectite clays (beidellite, montmoril-
into hexagonal shapes (the summa crusta) (Legget, lonite, nontronite, saponite, and hectorite); mont-
1973). Lava blocks were the hardest stones avail- morillonite is the most common in bentonite
able to the engineers for the road surface. Many deposits. The industrial use of bentonite depends
of these roads are still being used. upon its swelling capacity when added to
Because of the natural cooling joints and brit- water. Bentonite having sodium as the domi-
tle properties, most basaltic lava flows are useless nant exchangeable ion usually has high swelling
unless crushed to be used as aggregate. The excep- capacities and forms gel-like masses when added
tions are when there is well-developed columnar to water (Elzea and Murray, 1994). Bentonite
jointing within the lava flows. Lava columns can in which exchangeable calcium is abundant
be broken or cut and used in construction of rock has a lower swelling capacity. The best-quality
walls, buildings, and as dykes in Holland (Fisher bentonites, with high swelling capacities, are
et al., 1997). commonly found in Wyoming and adjacent
Bentonites of Cretaceous age are mined
Volcanic clays and zeolites or quarried mostly in Wyoming, USA and in
Saskatchewan, Canada. These ‘‘Western” ben-
Bentonites used for drilling muds, iron ore tonites supply nearly 70% of the US bentonite pro-
pelletizing and foundry sands duction. Reworking of ash deposits in subaerial,
The name ‘‘bentonite” was coined in 1898 for the sublacustrine, and marine environments result
clay-like material that comprised the Cretaceous- in deposit thicknesses of over 3 m. There are ben-
age Benton Formation of the Rock Creek Dis- tonitic ashfall beds interbedded with shale and
trict, Wyoming by Knight (1898). Hewitt (1917) sandstone that compose the 330-m-thick Mowry

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Uses of bentonite
Fig. 13.5. Scanning electron micrograph of Cretaceous
Mowry Formation bentonite, drillhole in the Casper Arch,
drilling mud
Wyoming. The tuffaceous origins of this rock are evident in
Drilling muds must be able to carry cuttings from
the relict textures left from pumice and shards. In this image,
bit to the surface and allow separation at the sur-
a relict pumice pyroclast is most evident in what is mostly
face. They must also cool and clean the drill bit
smectitic clay. Scale bar = 60 µm.
and reduce friction between the drill string and
sides of the holes (Castelli, 1996). Sodium ben-
tonite is the preferred drilling mud, with a yield
specification (number of barrels of 15 centipoise
Shale deposits (Wyoming Mining Association,
viscosity mud made from 1 ton of bentonite) of
1997). Although there are bentonite resources on
about 90 barrels per ton (American Petroleum
nearly every continent, most of the production
remains in the USA.
Exploration for bentonite deposits requires a
complete understanding of the geological envi- other industrial uses
ronment that favors bentonite formation (Elzea Bentonite is also used for bonding foundry sand
and Murray, 1994). A likely target for bentonite and for iron ore pelletizing. It is also utilized as
is where widespread, large-volume ashfalls were absorbent granules for oil and water.
deposited in an ocean or lake. Once identified,
the thickness and extent of deposits must be
determined, along with mineralogical characteri- cat litter
zation by X-ray diffraction (mineralogy), scanning In 1962, there were 63 million cats in the USA;
electron microscopy (SEM) and thin-section pet- this number is rising, since cats have replaced
rography (relict shard identification), and mea- dogs as America’s favorite pet. Most cats are
surement of cation-exchange capacity. kept inside in private homes and apartments,

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requiring the use of a lot of cat litter. At about (5) Dust formation. Minimal dust generation is
US$2.00 for a 10-pound (4.5-kg) bag of cat litter, it desirable, for both cats and their humans. The
has a retail value of about US$880 per metric ton. processed litter must not break down easily to
It is shipped to all continents and is expected to smaller particles during shipping.
increase. In 1994, in the UK alone, the cat litter (6) Color (marketing). Customers (not the cats)
market was £43–45 million (Austin and Mojtabai, prefer light-colored litters, which give the illu-
1996). sion of being more antiseptic.
Mineral cat-litter materials mined or quarried
from volcanic rocks include: With the increasing popularity of scoopable
litter, the producers of Wyoming bentonites
(1) Fuller’s earth. This is a common term (Cretaceous Mowry Bentonite – Slaughter and
for Ca-bentonite, acid-activated illite, and Earley, 1965) will be producing more for the litter
palygorskite/attapulgite. Because of its high market.
absorbency it has been popular as a cat lit-
ter. However, its use is decreasing because of
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(2) Na-bentonite (also known as Na-smectite,
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