02-06-18 Edition
02-06-18 Edition
02-06-18 Edition
Revamp in
co mp ut er-g en erat ed
selling Monday that
wiped out all the mar-
ket’s gains for the
year. At one point,
See page 10
day in more than six
years. The Standard & Poor’s 500 is now
down nearly 8 percent from its record high,
set a little more than a week ago.
New exterior, system improvements Market professionals warn that the sell-
ing could continue for a bit. But many are
slated for office building in San Mateo also quick to say they see no recession
By Anna Schuessler looming, and they expect the strengthen-
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF ing global economy and healthy corporate
earnings to help stock prices recover.
After more than 50 years across El REUTERS “The reasons for the increase in rates is
Camino Real from San Mateo’s downtown, A trader reacts as he watches screens on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.
the nine-story Westlake office building at See STOCKS, Page 19
520 S. El Camino Real is due for a facelift as
the real estate company headquartered there
opts to make seismic upgrades and revamp
aging systems.
By replacing a concrete facade with a
Trump hits Dems for non-support on economy
largely glass exterior, adding 6,379 square As stocks plunge, president accuses congressional Democrats of being ‘un-American’
feet of new office space to the second and By Ken Thomas and Darlene Superville for the year. Washington after the markets had closed for
third floors of the structure and reconfigur- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Trump has frequently the day.
ing the building’s current layout to make showcased the strong At its close, the Dow Jones industrial
way for amenities like two rooftop terraces, BLUE ASH, Ohio — President Donald market as a barometer of average had fallen more than 1,150 points.
Westlake Urban is hoping much-needed Trump accused congressional Democrats on his economic success White House spokeswoman Sarah
improvements will provide an opportunity Monday of being “un-American” and per- and as a boon for every- Huckabee Sanders stressed that the nation’s
to modernize the building and bring it in haps even treasonous for refusing to cheer day Americans and their long-term economic fundamentals “remain
line with active downtown uses, said devel- positive economic news during his State of retirement accounts. He exceptionally strong,” adding that Trump’s
the Union address. As he spoke, the stock did not mention the tax cuts and regulatory reforms would “fur-
See REVAMP, Page 20 market was plunging toward its largest sin- Donald Trump stock market during his ther enhance the U.S. economy and contin-
gle-day point drop ever, erasing its gains speech, or when
San Carlos officials reporters shouted questions as he returned to See TRUMP, Page 19
Pedestrian identified in cer was struck by part of the vehicle and “We made a promise to our residents and
Local briefs suffered minor injuries. to our communities that we were going to
fatal El Camino collision Johnson spent about a year in the Napa The vehicle, a 2006 BMW 325i, was later transform our police department — and
A pedestrian fatally struck by a vehicle State Hospital until he was ruled competent found unoccupied in San Francisco and partnering with Attorney General Becerra
Thursday morning in South San Francisco to stand trial. seized for evidence. will allow us to follow through on that
was identified Monday by the San Mateo His attorney Randy Hey could not imme- Police said they discovered the identities pledge,” Mayor Mark Farrell said.
County Coroner’s Office as 45-year-old diately be reached for comment. of the theft suspects with information they Becerra, who has filed a number of law-
Castro Valley man Odbayar Damdin. found inside the car. suits over Trump administration policies,
South San Francisco police initially said Man arrested on suspicion Anyone who witnessed or who has infor- said the federal government should not
that Damdin was from San Jose. mation about the events is asked to call abandon local law enforcement agencies
Officers responded at about 6:25 a.m. to a
of third DUI in last 10 years South San Francisco police at (650) 877- that reach out for support.
crash involving a pedestrian and a vehicle A man alleged to have two DUI convic- 8900 or the anonymous tip line at (650) Then-Mayor Ed Lee called for a federal
on the 100 block of El Camino Real near tions in the past 10 years was arrested on 952-2244 or send the information by email review of the San Francisco Police
Noor Avenue. suspicion of DUI early Sunday morning to [email protected]. Department in 2016, after officers
Damdin was crossing El Camino Real on after he allegedly crashed a vehicle into a exchanged racist and homophobic text
foot when the vehicle hit him. He was tree in South San Francisco, police said. San Francisco steps in after messages and 26-year-old Mario Woods
found with major injuries and was pro- At about 12:30 a.m., police were sent to Trump ends city police oversight was shot by police.
nounced dead at the scene. the 100 block of Baypark Circle after
someone called to report a crash. SAN FRANCISCO — The San Francisco UC Berkeley spent $4 million
The driver of the vehicle stayed at the Police Department will be the first in the
crash site and cooperated with investiga- Police said that when officers arrived for free speech event security
they found a vehicle had crashed into a tree. nation to voluntarily agree to state over-
tors. sight after the U.S. government ended an
A police investigation allegedly revealed SAN FRANCISCO — The University of
Obama-era program California, Berkeley spent almost $4 mil-
Man gets four years prison that 50-year-old Raj Kohli of South San
aimed at easing tensions lion on security for a month of free speech
Francisco was under the influence of alco-
for attacking officers at SFO hol and crashed the vehicle. amid fatal police shoot- events last year when the famously liberal
A Pittsburg transient was sentenced Kohli was taken to jail. ings of black men campus became a flashpoint for the coun-
Monday to four years in prison for an Police allege that Kohli is on their DUI across the country, offi- try’s political divisions.
attack that injured two police officers at Repeat Offender Hot List, which identifies cials announced The university revealed in documents
San Francisco International Airport in people with more than one DUI conviction Monday. that it spent $3.9 million to bring in out-
2015, San Mateo County prosecutors said. and/or major two-point conviction and California Attorney side police forces, pay their room, board
Jason Johnson, 42, was walking with have suspended licenses. General Xavier Becerra and overtime, have ambulances on standby,
some food in the food court at the airport’s said his office will over- rent barricades and pay other security costs
Xavier Becerra see the implementation
international terminal at 2:35 a.m. on May Officer injured in of nearly 300 reforms
for three events scheduled from Aug. 27 to
6, 2015, when a police officer stopped him attempt to stop theft suspects Sept. 27.
to talk to him. recommended by federal officials to help The university split the costs with the
Johnson was disheveled, smelled and A South San Francisco police officer was the San Francisco department rebuild com- office of UC President Janet Napolitano,
appeared to be in the food court without any injured as officers tried to stop some sus- munity trust. who oversees the 10 UC campuses, for what
purpose. Prosecutors said Johnson had pects thought to have stolen at least one At least 15 law enforcement agencies both described as unprecedented security
been arrested for trespassing in the past. item from a Walgreens early Sunday morn- nationwide had been receiving nonbinding circumstances.
Johnson reached into his pocket even ing, police said. federal advice and technical assistance to The figure was first reported Sunday by
though an officer told him not to and offi- Officers responded at 12:46 a.m. to the improve practices involving use of force, The Daily Californian after UC Berkeley
cers removed his hand. According to prose- Walgreens at 2238 Westborough Blvd. in racial bias, recruitment and other issues. Chancellor Carol Christ referenced the cost
cutors, Johnson then became enraged and Westborough Square after someone called However, the DOJ opted in September to in a speech.
attacked two officers. to report a theft in progress. stop providing resources or guidance for “We would have certainly preferred to
Police said officers spotted the suspect’s the Community Oriented Policing expend these precious resources on our aca-
A struggle ensued and Johnson choked
vehicle at a nearby gas station and tried to Services, or COPS, program. demic mission,” Christ said Monday in a
one officer nearly unconscious with the
stop it. Instead, the department announced the statement from the university.
officer’s bike helmet strap.
But shortly after the officers started talk- program would focus on tackling such
Prosecutors said officers eventually sub- But she said the university does not
ing to the suspects, the suspects sped away issues as violent crime and gangs to more
dued Johnson but not before one officer suf- regret having taken steps to ensure “free
in what was a stolen vehicle. closely reflect the Trump administration’s
fered torn ligaments and another suffered a speech and the safety of our campus com-
Police said as the car sped away, an offi- law-and-order agenda.
back injury. munity.”
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Continental teams with Broadcom raises Qualcomm that a $103 billion unsolicited flight of its new megarocket.
Business briefs acquisition offer undervalued the The Falcon Heavy is set to
NVIDIA on self-driving car bid to more than $121 billion San Diego company, and criticized become the world’s most powerful
that their system will be used for the individuals that Broadcom and rocket in use today when it blasts
DETROIT — Software maker driver-assist safety features all the SAN JOSE — Broadcom is
NVIDIA and German auto parts boosting its buyout offer for Silver Lake Partners wanted to put off from Florida’s Kennedy Space
way up to cars with no steering on its board, saying that they were Center. None of the usual, no-big-
supplier Continental are teaming wheel or pedals. NVIDIA, based in Qualcomm to more than $121 bil-
conflicted and had no incremental deal-if-it’s-destroyed launch bal-
to build a self-driving vehicle sys- Santa Clara makes computer pro- lion in cash and stock in what
skills or expertise to offer. last — like steel or concrete slabs,
tem that will hit the market in cessing units and artificial intelli- would be the largest tech deal in or mundane experiments — for
2021. gence software that reads sensors history. Broadcom Ltd. said
It’s the latest in a long string of and makes decisions for Monday that its “best and final
SpaceX bucks launch this curtain raiser.
Instead, the rocket will be haul-
tech-automaker partnerships in autonomous vehicles. offer” of $82 per Qualcomm share tradition in new rocket flight ing a red sports convertible with a
the race to get autonomous vehi- Continental makes auto parts includes $60 in cash and the rest CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — space-suited dummy at the wheel
cles on the road. including software and cameras, in Broadcom shares. SpaceX is bucking decades of and David Bowie’s “Space Oddity”
The companies said Monday radar and laser sensors. Qualcomm Inc. previously said launch tradition for the first test on the soundtrack.
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