Journal of Thermal Biology: A.S. Desai, R.K. Singh
Journal of Thermal Biology: A.S. Desai, R.K. Singh
Journal of Thermal Biology: A.S. Desai, R.K. Singh
The effects of water temperature and ration size on growth and body
composition of fry of common carp, Cyprinus carpio
A.S. Desai, R.K. Singh
Taraporevala Marine Biological Research Station, New Administrative Building, 3rd Floor, Government Colony, Bandra (East), Mumbai 400051, India
a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Experiment was conducted with the aim of determining the effect of varying water temperature and
Received 6 January 2009 ration size on growth and body composition of fry of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio. Common carp
Accepted 16 March 2009 fry with an initial body weight (BW) of 0.86 g were fed a diet (34.9% protein, 18.3 KJ/g diet) at four ration
sizes 4%, 5%, 6% and 7% of their body weight per day and reared at two water temperatures 28 and 32 1C
Keywords: for 60 days. Fry fed with 6% ration showed the highest mean final body weight at 28 1C. Final body
Cyprinus carpio fry weight was significantly (Po0.05) affected by ration and temperature. Cyprinus carpio fry raised at 28 1C
Temperature had higher feed efficiency (FE) (44.36%) than the fry reared at 32 1C (40.98%) with 4% ration. Further,
Ration feed efficiency decreased with increase in ration levels in both temperatures. Protein efficiency ratio
(PER) was higher (1.26) at 28 1C than at 32 1C (1.17). At 6% ration, common carp fry showed highest
Body composition
specific growth rate (SGR) (3.82%/day) at 28 1C as compared with at 32 1C (3.57%/day). A linear increase
in protein and lipid contents was evident with increasing ration levels up to 6% body weight at both
temperatures 28 and 32 1C. Second-order polynomial regression analysis of weight gain and SGR
indicated the breakpoints at ration level 6.04% and 6.08% body weight per day at 28 and 32 1C.
Hepatosomatic index (HSI) not affected by temperature and ration size while, viscerosomatic index
(VSI) influenced (Po0.05) by ration size and temperature. Based on the above results, it may be
concluded that 6% BW/day ration is optimal for growth of Cyprinus carpio fry at both the temperatures
28 and 32 1C.
& 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0306-4565/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.S. Desai, R.K. Singh / Journal of Thermal Biology 34 (2009) 276–280 277
710 L capacity for 1 week and fed a mixture of groundnut oil cake (VSI), respectively. The moisture, crude protein, lipid and ash
and rice bran (1:1) to satiation. The average water temperature in contents of the diet and fishes were determined by AOAC (1990).
the tank was 28 1C. Daily removal of 25% water from plastic tank
and experimental glass aquaria was done to remove uneaten food 2.4. Growth parameters
and excreta and replenishment of same volume of fresh water.
Experiment was conducted in glass aquaria (24 numbers) of 40.5 L
(1) Daily weight gain (g) ¼ [mean final body weightmean initial
capacity with 20 fry in each aquarium. The mean initial weight of
body weight]/number of days.
common carp fry at the time of stocking in each treatment is
(2) Weight gain (%) ¼ [final body weightinitial body weight]/
depicted in Table 2. Two experimental temperatures, 28 and 32 1C,
initial body weight 100.
were adjusted by using thermostatic water heaters (Resun, range In W 1 100
(3) Specific growth rate ðSGRÞ ð%=dayÞ ¼ In W 2 ,
16–32 1C) in 12 tanks each. Four ration sizes of same diet were T
tested at each temperature having three replicates. The fry were where W2 – final weight, W1 – initial weight and T –
acclimated for 1 week at each temperature before the start of duration in days.
experiment. The experiment conducted for 60 days. (4) Feed conversion efficiency (FCE) (%) ¼ [wet weight gain/dry
weight of feed (g)] 100.
2.2. Diet preparation and feeding trail (5) Protein efficiency ratio (PER) ¼ increment in body weight (g)/
protein intake (g).
The formulation and proximate composition of the experi- (6) Hepatosomatic index ¼ [weight of liver/total weight of
mental diet is shown in Table 1. Feed was provided at 4%, 5%, 6% fish] 100.
and 7% of body weight per day to randomly assigned triplicate (7) Viscerosomatic index ¼ [weight of viscera/total weight of
groups of fish. Fishes were given their daily rations divided into fish] 100.
two equal meals per day at 9:00 and 17:00 h. The ingredients of
diet were mixed thoroughly and an aliquot of water were added to
the mixture. The resulting dough was cooked for 15 min in a
pressure cooker. After cooling, the dough was pelletized by using a 2.5. Analysis of data
hand pelletizer. Pellets of 1 mm size were dried at 40 1C. The dried
diet was then stored in airtight plastic bottles. Diet with varying Statistical evaluation of these results was done by two-way
ration rates was tested on fry kept at two different temperatures analysis of variance (Snedecor and Cochran, 1967). Significant
with three replicates each. After every 15 days, all fishes from each difference among means was determined by Duncan’s multiple
aquarium were weighed individually for recording weight. range test (Duncan, 1955). Second-degree polynomial fitting
(Y ¼ a+bX+cX2) was used as presented by Sancheti and Kapoor
2.3. Body composition analysis (1981).
Table 2
Mean body weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion efficiency (FCE), protein efficiency ratio (PER) of Cyprinus carpio fry fed different levels of ration at two
water temperatures.
Temperature 28 1C 32 1C
Ration (wt%/day) 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7
Initial body weight (g) 0.8670.02 0.8670.02 0.8670.02 0.8670.02 0.8670.02 0.8670.02 0.8670.02 0.8670.02
Final body weight (g) 4.4070.1a 6.7570.1b 8.5570.1c 7.0670.2d 3.1070.1a 5.6070.1b 7.3670.2c 6.4670.1d
Mean weight gain (g) 3.5470.2a 5.8970.2b 7.6970.1c 6.2070.3d 2.2470.1a 4.7470.2b 6.6570.2c 5.6070.1d
Average daily growth (g) 0.05970.03a 0.09870.03b 0.12870.02c 0.10370.05d 0.03770.03a 0.07970.03b 1.1170.04c 0.09370.04d
Weight gain (%)1 41177.9a 68475.9b 89479.4c 720710.9d 26074.7a 551714.5b 756715.4c 651717.3d
SGR (%/day)2 2.7270.02a 3.4370.03b 3.8270.04c 3.5070.02c 2.1370.02a 3.1270.03b 3.5770.02a 3.3670.04c
PER3 1.2670.06a 1.1570.05a 1.0270.03b 0.6670.01c 1.1770.01a 1.1370.02a 1.0570.01b 0.6570.02c
FCE (%)4 44.3670.80a 40.3770.35b 35.8170.29c 23.2370.23d 40.9871.75a 39.7570.28a 36.9070.29b 22.6070.23c
Survival (%) 9875.65a 9875.90a 9975.90a 9975.90a 9775.45a 9875.90a 9875.90a 987 5.90a
*Results are mean of triplicate estimations 7S.E. Means in the same row with different superscripts are significantly (Po0.05) different.
9 50
6.04 4
6.08 35
2 25 28°C
1 32°C
3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 20
RATION SIZE (%weight/day)
Fig. 1. Second-order polynomial fitting of mean weight gain to ration size of 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5
Cyprinus carpio fry at 28 and 32 1C water temperatures.
RATION SIZE (%weight/day)
3.5 28°C
During the experiment period, the water pH was found to be in
32°C the range of 7.1–7.2, dissolved oxygen content ranged from 6.0 to
3 6.4 mg/L and total alkalinity was in the range of 61–63 mg/L.
Fig. 2. Second-order polynomial fitting of growth rate to ration size of Cyprinus 4. Discussion
carpio fry at 28 and 32 1C water temperatures.
Table 3
Proximate composition (in % body weight), Hepatosomatic index (HSI), viscerosomatic index (VSI) of Cyprinus carpio fry.
Temperature 28 1C 32 1C
Moisture 73.6070.41 73.1570.31a 73.3570.45a 73.2570.56a 73.5570.91a 73.1270.16a 73.3970.42a 73.3470.99a 73.3070.28a
Protein 12.4070.29 13.7570.17a 14.7070.47b 15.9070.35c 13.6070.45a 12.6070.15a 12.9070.25a 12.4570.35a 13.0570.53b
Lipid 10.3570.51 11.1070.24a 11.9570.39b 12.0570.31c 10.9570.50d 10.4270.49a 10.5070.51a 10.9070.35b 10.7070.45a
Ash 1.9570.15 1.9570.02a 1.9670.08a 1.9570.06a 1.9670.12a 1.9570.17a 1.9670.08a 1.9470.15a 1.9670.08a
HSI 0.3070.02 0.4070.06a 0.4570.01a 0.3970.02a 0.3570.01a 0.3470.02a 0.4070.01a 0.4570.02a 0.3570.02a
VSI 1.9570.27 2.2070.72a 2.9170.21b 3.1070.86c 3.4571.36d 2.1270.56a 2.7670.69b 3.0970.75c 3.2571.25d
*Results are mean of triplicate estimations 7S.E. Means in the same row with different superscripts are significantly (Po0.05) different.
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