Index From Political Biog of William King

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Notes: The title given for a bishop or archbishop is the last which he held. Where
a peer of the realm held more than one title mentioned in this study, the one
provided below is that by which he is best known.
Charles II, James II, William III, Mary II and George I are mentioned so
frequently throughout this text, they are not generally cited in the index. Rather,
the reader is encouraged to look for the event itself or person most involved with
that event to find the relevant pages of this study. The same is true for terms such
as ‘Dissenter’, ‘Presbyterian’, and their ilk.

Addison, Joseph, Bacon, Francis, 102, 112
Poetical Works of John Milton, 112 De augmentis scientiarum, 103
Spectator, 112, 123 Bancroft, Richard, Archbishop of Canter-
Adrian IV, 34 bury, 45
Alsop, Vincent, 107 Barclay, John, 77–8, 80, 81
Andrewes, Lancelot, Bishop of Winchester, Baxter, Richard, 107
45 Bayle, Pierre, 116, 119, 120, 134
Anne, Queen, 147, 152, 154, 157, 159 Dictionnaire, 113
Annesley, Francis, 93 on history, 120
Annesley, John, 167 on Manicheansm 115–16
Annesley, Maurice, 166–8 on Paulicians, 115
anti-Catholicism as basis for defence of Bedell, William, 101
liberty, 31–2 Belgic Confession of Faith, 101
Aristotle, 118 Berggrav, Eivind, Bishop of Oslo, 71–2
Article 6 (of the 39 Articles), 104 Berkeley, George, 88, 106, 116 , 134, 179
Article 9 (of the 39 Articles), 114, 115 Alciphron, 58–9
Article 10 (of the 39 Articles), 140 Essay towards a New Theory of Vision, 163
Article 17 (of the 39 Articles), 125, 128, ‘Of Infinities’, 178–9
129, 140, 141 ordained, 178
Ashe, St George, Bishop of Clogher, 178, Passive Obedience, 163–4
179 rebuked by William King and Peter
Attainder, Act of ( Jacobite, 1689), 41, 73 Browne, 144
Attainder, Act of (7 Will. III. Ir. C. I), 190 Treatise Concerning the Principles of
Augsburg Confession, 163 Human Knowledge, 163

– 227 –
228 A Political Biography of William King

Bermingham, Thomas, Baron Athenry, 7 Christ Church (Cathedral Church of the

Bonnell, John, 42 Holy and Undivided Trinity), 32, 34, 42,
Boulter, Hugh, Archbishop of Armagh, 160, 111, 153, 162, 178
171, 179 Seeks status as a chapel royal, 162
Boyle, Richard, Viscount Shannon, 171 Christian, John, 11, 102
Boyle, Robert, 8, 123, 137 Church of Ireland,
Boyle Lectures, 116, 177 church schools, 155
Boyne, Battle of, 49 Convocation, 13, 22, 31, 73, 164, 175
Boyse, Joseph, 108, 110, 126, 162 how Articles of Religion and canons dif-
replies to Discourse Concerning the Inven- fer from Church of England, 13
tions of Men, 107 holy days, 31
Some Impartial Reflections on D. Manby’s Irish language, use of, 101, 155
Considerations, 26–7, 29–30, passive obedience, 14, 32–3, 55, 69
Bramhall, John, Archbishop of Armagh, Claude, Jean,
179 Account of the Persecutions, 32–3
Castigations of Hobbes, 128, 129 Clarkson, David, 107
Defence of True Liberty, 128 Clavel, Robert, 110
Brehon law, 34 Comber, Thomas, Dean of Durham,
Brodrick, Alan, Viscount Midleton, 158, Companion to the Temple, 120
161, 171 Commissioners for Forfeitures, 153
lord chancellor, 159 ‘compel them to come in’ (Luke 14:23), 120

Brodrick, Thomas, 158 Comprehension Act (Scotland, 1690), 69
Brodrick family, 148–9 Confederation of Kilkenny, 2, 49, 90
Browne, Peter, Bishop of Cork and Ross, Coningsby, Thomas, 97, 99
122, 123, 142 Conolly, William, 96, 146, 159, 161, 168
criticises De origine mali, 142 Castletown House, 196
criticises ‘Of Infinities’, 178–9 Cox, Richard, Sir, 162
on the cause of sin, 114–15 Aphorisms Relating to the Kingdom of
Faith Distinguished, 142 Ireland, 86
praises Discourse Concerning the Inven- Hibernia Anglicana, 86
tions of Men, 142 Craghead, Robert, 108–9
Burnet, Gilbert, Bishop of Salisbury, 15, 149 Answer to a Late Book Intituled, 108
Burrowes, Alexander, 167 Modest Apology, 108
Butler, James, Duke of Ormonde, 14, 32, Crook, Andrew, 108, 110
96, 147
defects to Pretender’s court, 159 Danforth, Samuel,
Brief Recognition of New-Englands
Cambrensis, Giraldus [Gerald of Wales), Errand, 113
Expugnatio Hibernica, 88 Darcy, Patrick, 89
Capel, Henry, Lord, 152, 161 Declaration of Independence (1776), 62
Cartesian dualism. 119, 137 Declaratory Act (6. Geo. I, c. 5.), 6, 40, 168,
Caulfield, James, Viscount Charlemont, 7 169
Cavendish, Henry, Duke of Newcas- de Clare, Richard, Earl of Pembroke, 34
tle-upon-Tyne, 171 Derry, See of,
Chandler, Thomas Bradbury condition of, 75, 100, 109
Appeal to the Public, 182 King’s accommodations in, 75
Index 229

Descartes, René, 81, 84, 85, 118, 119, 126, Galileo, 85

137 Gassendi, Pierre, 84, 85
Meditations, 84 Ginkell, Godert de, 97, 99
Dillon, John, Earl of Roscommon, 7 Gordon, John, 42
Dionysius, the pseudo-Aeropagite, 134 Grotius, Hugo, 28–9, 77–8, 79, 80, 81, 89
Dodwell, Henry, 25
Dominion of New England, 50 Hackett, Thomas, Bishop of Down, 161
Domville, William, 89 Hammond, Henry, 78, 80
Dopping, Anthony, Bishop of Meath, 41, Harley, Robert, Earl of Oxford and Mor-
48, 71, 98, 161 timer, 149, 159, 160
appointed ‘guardian of the spiritualities’, Henry II, 34, 89, 90
42 Henry VIII, 4, 34
welcomes William III to Ireland, 51–2 Herbert, George,
Down Survey, 83, 139 A Priest to the Temple, 114
Dryden, John Hewitt, John
Absalom and Achitophel, 55 ‘The Colony’, 173
Dublin histoire raisonée, 76
Corporation of, 157 Hobbes, Thomas, 57, 84, 89
contention over lord mayor, 157, 159 Leviathan, 36, 128–9
Dublin Philosophical Society, 15, 19, 75, 83, Of Libertie and Necessity, 128
85,87, 174 Questions Concerning Liberty, 128

Honourable The Irish Society of London,
Edict of Nantes, 32, 33, 63 94–7, 111, 145, 146, 147, 153, 162, 168
Edward VI, 21 Huguenots, 32, 63–4
Ellis, Welbore, Bishop of Meath, Hume, David, 180
dispute over visitation rights, 111, 162 Humfrey, John, 107
Account of the Innovations Made by the Hutcheson, Francis, 134, 179, 180, 181
Archbishop of Dublin, 162 Essay on the Nature and Conduct of the
Episcopal Church in Scotland, 69–70, 182 Passions, 180
college bishops, 69 Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas,
Erle, Thomas, 162 180
Evans, John, Bishop of Meath, 168 Hyde, Henry, Earl of Clarendon, 14, 37

First Fruits and Twentieth Parts, 152 Irish coin, 148, 165
Fitzgerald, Gearoid Mór, Earl of Kildare, 7 Irish Roman Catholicks,
Fitzgerald, Robert, Earl of Kildare, 7, 49, 160 inveterateness of, 75
FitzRoy, Charles, Duke of Grafton, 171 Isle of Man, 91–2
Five Mile Act, 72 convocation in, 91
Flamsteed, John, 137
‘Flight of the Earls’, 34 James I,
Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de, True Lawe of Free Monarchies, 36
Entretiens sur la Pluralité des Mondes, 123 Workes of the Most High and Mighty
Foley, Samuel, Bishop of Down and Connor, Prince, James, 3
41, 42 James II,
Foy, Nathaniel, Bishop of Waterford, 98, his view on monarchy, 37
99–100, 112, 132 John, King, 34
230 A Political Biography of William King

King, William, Archbishop of Dublin, representative theory of perception,

‘Account of the manner of manuring land 137–8, 141
with sea shells’, 15, 156–7 use of fideism, 135–6, 141
Admonition, 108–10, 155 use of negative (apophatic) theology,
Advantages of Education, 154–5, 156 134–5, 141
‘angel of St Patrick’s’, 171 education, 11–13
Answer to the Consideration which elected dean, 40
Obliged Peter Manby, 20–5, 76, 175 Europe’s Deliverance, 56–63, 65, 110
appeal to English H of L, 96–7 ‘hero king’, disappointment with, 147
appointed Archbishop of Dublin, 111 his conception of God, 116
appointed Bishop of Derry, 55–6 imprisoned during Jacobite administra-
as a reader of drama, fiction, and poetry, 112 tion, 41
attendance in Irish House of Lords, 7 Ireland’s Day of Rejoycing Come, 53–5
Case of William, Lord Bishop of Derry, 110 lord justice, 157,
chaplain to Richard Butler, Earl of Arran, his concern about appointment, 158
14 opposes bill to further restrict Roman
charity schools, 156 Catholic land ownership, 148–9
Christian Humility, 153 ordained deacon, 12
confirmed into the Church of Ireland, 12 ordained a priest, 14
consistory courts used by, 104–5 on English natives transferred to Ireland, 156
criticises ‘Of Infinities’, 178–9 on Cato, 112

De origine mali, 66, 111–34, 135, 142, on learning to read, 11
154, 164, 173, 179 on passive obedience, 77, 163, 164
definition of ‘good’, 121 on the literary merits of The Drapier’s
George Berkeley’s reaction to, 163–4, Letters, 112
179 ‘On the Bogs and Loughs in Ireland’, 15,
Irish nature of, 116 173if
moral evils, 127–8 ‘Quædam vitæ meæ insignora’, 11
natural evils, 126 quality of his Latin, 114
necessity of death, 125 ‘Present State of the Church’, 44–5
Newton’s Third Law as metaphor, 130 ‘Principles of Church Government’,
non-nthropomorphism, 124 42–4, 51, 69, 72
praised by Francis Hutcheson, 180 protects Swift from treason charges, 160,
rejection of Manichean solution, 122 161
relationship of free will and happi- Second Admonition, 110–11
ness, 130 -131 Sermon Preached at Christ Church
death, 172 Dublin, 16
deprivation of Thomas Hackett, 161 ‘Some observations on the taxes pay’d by
Discourse Concerning the Inventions of Ireland’, 165–6
Men, 100–6, 146, 178 State of the Protestants of Ireland, 67,
dispute with Peter Browne, 114–15, 123, 75–6, 77–80, 85, 110, 181
142 geographic distribution of, 79
dispute with St George Ashe, 178 Stoics, debt to, 154
dispute with Welbore Ellis, 111, 162 travels to England (1705), 153–5
Divine Predestination (Sermon on Predes- Vindication of the Answer, 25
tination), 66, 114, 116, 134–44 Vindication of the Christian Religion, 25
anticipates pragmatism, 140–1 visitation workload in Derry, 145
negative integers as metaphor, 143 William Sheridan, correspondence with, 68
Index 231

Lambert, Ralph, Bishop of Meath, 156 Massachusetts, 50

language Massachusetts Bay colony, 1
cognitivist, 178 Matthews, Lemuel, 161–2
‘of gestures’, 106 Brief of the Printed Argument, 205
latitudinarianism, 120 Memmi, Albert,
Law, Edmund, Bishop of Carlisle, 122 The Colonizer and the Colonized, 174
Leibniz, Gottfried, 119, 134, 176, 177, 179 Methuen, John, 99
On De origine mali, 175 Mersenne, Marin, 84
Lhuyd, Edward, 87–8 L’Impieté des Déistes, 85
Archaeologia Britannica, 87 La Vérité des Sciences, 84
Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia, 87 Milton, John,
liberty of conscience, 33, 58 Paradise Lost, 129
Lightburn, William, 32 as a theodicy, 112–13
Lindsay, Thomas, Archbishop of Dublin,
147, 152, 157, 158, 163, 170, 171 Molesworth, Robert, Viscount, 157, 158,
Richard Mant on, 152 165
Locke, John, 29, 85, 114, 115, 116, 119, 130, Account of Denmark, 158
178, 179 Some Considerations for the Promoting of
Essay Concerning Human Understand- Agriculture, 158
ing, 130 Molyneux, Samuel, 156
‘Of Ethic in General’, 128 Molyneux, William, 86–7, 119, 130, 169,

Third Letter for Toleration, 57–8 181
Two Treatises of Government, 29 Case of Ireland … Stated, 38–9, 81,
Molyneux’s debt to Second Treatise of 85–93, 99, 151
Government, 89–90 its debt to Locke’s Second Treatise of
Londonderry, Corporation of, 94–5 Government, 89–90
Louis XIV, 60 its use of the Magna Carta, 90–1
King’s objections to, 93–4
MacCarthy, Justin Viscount Mountcashel, 39 reception of, in England, 88–9, 96
MacNeice, John Frederick, Bishop of Down reception of, in Ireland, 89
Connor and Dromore, 45, 152 ‘Molyneux’s problem’, 81, 86–7, 137, 140,
Magna Carta, 90 142, 179
Magridge, John, 95 Montgomery, Hugh, Earl of Mount Alexan-
Malebranche, Nicholas, 112–13 der, 162
‘Eclaircissement X’, 119 Mossom, Robert, Bishop of Derry, 94, 164
Traité de la nature et de la grace, 113 Mylne, William, 161
Manby, Peter, Dean of Derry, 17–27, 30–1,
46, 57, 67, 75, 76, 126, 162 Neville, Henry,
Considerations which Obliged Peter Plato Redivivus, 61
Manby, 18 New England, 50
Margrethe II, 126 New Hampshire, 51
Marsh, Narcissus, Archbishop of Dublin, 41, New Jersey, 50
42, 98, 145 New York, 50
Mather, Cotton Newton, Isaac, 8, 85, 116, 137, 177
Optanda, 50 Principia mathematica, 123–4
Marvell, Andrew, Nicolson, William, Bishop of Derry, 169,
Account of the Growth of Popery, 33, 35, 171
60–1 non-jurors, 48, 68, 69, 190, 193
232 A Political Biography of William King

O’Domhnuill, William (William Daniel), 101 Rhode Island, 1

Ó Flaithbheartaigh, Ruaidhrí (Roderic O Royal Charter (1663), 3
Flaherty), 87 Roe vs Wade, 58
Ogygia, 87 Rose, Alexander, Bishop of Edinburgh, 70
O’Kearnagh, John ( John Karney), Royal Society, 15, 19, 83, 85, 87, 117
Aibidil, 101. Rutherford, Samuel, 28–9
Oates, Titus, 60 Lex, Rex, 28
Oath of Allegiance, 67
Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy Act Sacheverell, Henry,
1688, 68 Perils of False Brethren, 148
whether civil or religious, 71 Sancroft, William, Archbishop of Canter-
Oath of Allegiance (Irish, 1689), 74 bury, 48
Occasional Conformity Act (Toleration Sarsfield, Patrick, Earl of Lucan, 97, 99
Act), 50, 100 Savile, G., Marquis of Halifax,
as practised in North America post 1689, Character of a Trimmer, 135
50–1 Seabury, Samuel, 182
Settlement, Act of, 153
Palliser, William, Archbishop of Cashel, Sharp, James, Archbishop of St Andrews, 70
161, 170 Schomberg, Meinhardt, Duke of Schomberg,
Parker, John, Archbishop of Dublin, 14, 19 40
Patriot Parliament, 8, 39–40, 90 Sheldon, Gilbert, Archbishop of Canter-

‘patriotism’ definition of a particular mind- bury, 72–3
set, 15 Sheridan, Thomas, 165
contrasted to nationalism, 16 Sheridan, William, Bishop of Kilmore and
G. K. Chesterton, Napoleon of Notting Ardagh, 5, 18–19, 68, 70, 73
Hill, 16 proposals for relief of, 68
Petty, William, 83, 139 Richard Mant on, 5
Penal Laws, 26 Sherlock, Hester, 166–8
Phipps, Constantine, Sir, 157, 158 Sidney, Algernon
Piercy, Viscount Galmoy, 97 Court Maxims, 61
Pitt, Moses, 87 Defining characteristics of Roman
Plowden, Francis, Catholicism, 61
Historical Review of the State of Ireland, 89 Simnel, Lambert, 7, 34
History of Ireland from its Union with Simson, John, 180
Great Britain, 89 Skancke, Ragnar, 71
Pope, Alexander, 181 Smith, Adam, 181
Essay on Man,176–7, 179 Theory of Moral Sentiments, 180
Porter, Charles, 97, 99 Wealth of Nations, 181
Powlett, Charles, Sir, Duke of Bolton, 170–1 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge,
Poynings’s Law, 7, 34 155
James II opposes repeal of, 40 Sodor and Man, 91
Puffendorf, Samuel von, 89 Solemn League and Covenant, 1, 4
Southwell, Edward, 149, 165
regium donum, 17 on William King’s character, 111
Report of the Lords Committees for Courts of Southwell, Robert, 83,
Justice, 167 and De origine mali, 111–12
revocation of North American colonies’ Spanish Succession, War of, 147, 160
charters (1686), 50 Spencer, Charles, Earl of Sunderland, 160
revocation of North America colonies’ Spenser, Edmund, 93
charters (1691), 91 View of the Present State of Ireland, 34
Index 233

Spinoza, Baruch, 115 Tillotson, John, Archbishop of Canterbury,

Spranger, John, 156 116, 118
Stanhope, James, 158, 159 John Dryden’s recognition of, 118
Stearne, John, Bishop of Clogher, 167, 168 Toland, John, 114, 115, 178
Sterne, Laurence, 126–7 Christianity Not Mysterious, 142
Tristram Shandy, 127 Reasons Most Humbly Offer’d, 169–70
Steele, Richard, 158 Tollett, George, 41
St John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke, 149, Townshend, Charles, 158, 159
160 Treaty of Limerick, 66, 97, 110, 145, 148
Samuel Johnson on, 176 first attempt at ratification, 98
Stillingfleet, Edward, Bishop of Worcester, ‘missing clause’, 97, 99, 132
Discourse, 114 ratification process, 1697, 99–100
Letter to a Deist, 114
Mischief of Separation, 107, 108 Uniformity, Act of, 31, 73
Succession, Act of, 147 Union, Act of (1707), 153
Swift, Jonathan, 149, 159 Union, Act of (1800), 183
author’s apology for including, 58 United Church of England and Ireland, 183
Drapier’s Letters, 112, 158 Ussher, James, Archbishop of Armagh, 13,
Importance of the Guardian, 158 24, 26, 80, 88, 140
jeopardised by package from Duchess of 1634 Convocation,13
Ormonde, 160 and ordination of Scottish licentiates, 46

Letter Concerning the Sacramental Test,
Vesey, John, Archbishop of Tuam, 160
Letter to a Young Gentleman, 103
Candide, 179
‘On Brotherly Love’, 136
‘On the Testimony of Conscience’, 58 Wake, William, Archbishop of Canterbury,
‘On False Witness’, 164–5 166, 171
receives advice from William King, 113 Walpole, Robert, 158, 159
Tale of a Tub, 113 ‘Committee of Secrecy’, 160
Sydney, Henry, 98–9 Walsh, Nicholas, 101
Synge, Edward, Archbishop of Tuam, 7, 138, Ward, Thomas, Dean of Derry, 161
161, 170 Wettenhall, Edward, Bishop of Cork and
Defence of the Establish’d Church, 105 Ross, 67, 73, 75, 78, 80
Synge, Samuel, Dean of Kildare, 55, 78, 80, 98 Case of the Irish Protestants, 67–8
on passive obedience, 76
Talbot, Peter, Roman Catholic Archbishop
on William’s status as king of Ireland, 74
of Dublin, 60
Westminster Confession, 26, 45, 79, 101
Talbot, Richard, Earl of Tyrconnell, 20, 25,
Wilde, George, Bishop of Derry, 94
26, 27, 37, 39, 41 188
Wilkins, John, Bishop of Chester, 117
frustrated by Protestant presence in
Discourse Concerning a New World, 117
Dublin, 52
Ecclesiastes or the Gift of Preaching, 117
Taylor, Jeremy, Bishop of Down Connor and
Williams, Roger, 1
Dromore, 161
Bloudy Tenent, 1, 5
Tertullian (Quintus Septimius Florens
Wool Act, 148
Tertullianus), 135
Worth, John, Dean of St Patrick’s, Dublin, 16
natural philosophy as, 102 zeal, 135, 138
Test Act, 100, 120

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