Poor Polydori Index

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Abernethy, John, 86, 87 Arezzo, 3,128

Abraham (Biblical patriarch), 19, 25, Aristotle, 39, 123, 147
27, 28, 29, 211 Arno, River, 131
Absalom (prince of Israel), 269 n74 Arrow, Eliza, 43, 210; letter to
Agg, Mrs (schoolmistress), 11 Polidori, 43-4
Aix-la-Chapelle, 63-4 Arrow, Jane, 5
Albany, Louisa, Countess of, 3-4, Athos, Mount, 159
127-8, 133 Austria, 21; political repression, 116,
Aldiss, Brian: Frankenstein Unbound, 117,119,120-4,127
240 Automatism, 85; and Byron, 77, 95;
Alfieri, Vittorio, 3-4, 118, 128; and nationality, 20-1, 84, 247 n24;
Memoirs, 4, 213; Myrrha, 213, 222 and vampirism, 192. See also
Alien Bill, 80, 136 Somnambulism
Ambivalence, 283 n51. See also under Avenches, 67
Byron, George Gordon; Polidori,
John William Bachardy, Don, 240
America, 165 Bastille, 4,132
Ampleforth Abbey, 6, 175 Baudelaire, Charles: 'Metamorphoses
Ampleforth College, 6, 7, 8-9, 11,12, of the Vampire,' 200
14, 237 Beatenberg, 204
Angeli, Helen Rossetti, 244 n5 Beauharnais, Eugene de, 21
Angeli-Dennis collection, 244 n5 Beaumont, Francis, and John
Anorexia, 283 n51. See also under Fletcher: A King and No King, 213
Byron, George Gordon Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana, Marchese
Anti-Catholicism, 5, 6, 12-13, 46-7, di: On Crimes and Punishments, 47-
151, 169, 193 50, 118
Antwerp, 64, 66, 67 Beckford, William: Vathek, 95
Anxiety of influence, ix-x, 157, 167, Bentham, Jeremy, 48
224, 260 n30, 285 n2 Bentinck, Lord William, 21
Appleton, Fr Anselm, 245 n22 Berger (Byron's servant), 56, 76
Ardennes, forest of, 160Brought to you by | UCL (MmeCollege
- University Brelaz's lover), 118
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Beyle de Stendhal, Marie-Henri, 117— Broughton, John Cam Hobhouse,

18,123; inaccuracy, 118,120,121-2; first Baron. See Hobhouse, John
Red and Black, 118 Cam
Bianchi (Gaetano's acquaintance), 33 Brown, Charles Brockden: Edgar
Bichat, Xavier, 86 Huntly, 37; Wieland, 27
Bientina, 3,131 Bruce, Catherine, Countess, 81, 94,
Bingen, 65 96-7,178
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 150, Bruce, James Daniel, 259 n66
177 Bruch, Hilde, 54
Blake, William, 228, 233; The Four Bruges, 64
Zoas, 233 Bruno, Francesco, 103, 240
Blessington, Marguerite, Countess: Brussels, 63
Conversations of Lord Byron, 4,137 Brutus, 19, 22,138
Boatswain (Byron's dog), 275 n8 Bubna, Graf von, 122
Boccaccio, 125,131 Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, comte
Boerhaave, Hermann, 39, 86 de, 87
Boethius, 159 Burger, Gottfried August: 'Lenore,'
Bologna, 125-6 34
Bolton, Fr Anselm, 6 Burgess, Fr Thomas: letter to
Bonaparte, Lucien, 139 Polidori, 175-6
Bonaparte, Napoleon. See Napoleon Burke, Edmund: Philosophical
Bonivard, Francois, 206 Enquiry, 6, 65,153,154
Bordeaux, archbishop of, 38, 40, 41 Burns, Robert, 193
Borrow, George: Lavengro, 35 Butler, Charles, 175
Borsieri, Pietro, 117, 120,121 Byron, Allegra, 162, 273 n57
Boucicault, Dion: The Phantom, 194 Byron, Anne Isabella (nee Milbanke),
Baroness, 48, 53-4, 57
Bradshaw's railway guide, 196
Byron, Augusta Ada (later Countess
Brazil, 133-4
of Lovelace), 162
Brelaz, Clementine, 94
Byron, George Gordon Noel, sixth
Brelaz, Madame (of Geneva), 94, 97,
Baron: and Alfieri, 4; ambivalence,
104,109,114,118,178 103,123,134-5,140,160-5, 253
Breme, Cavalier di (Ludovico's nl7; anorexia, 53-5, 71,100,147-8,
brother), 117 197; bisexuality, 95,162, 240; and
Breme, Ludovico di, 79-80,114-15, the Carbonari, 124; coldness, 74,
118,122,129,151, 266 n46; as a 77, 78, 95,109; and Coleridge, 92;
father-figure for Polidori, 114; death, 136,139, 240; disbelief in
Italian patriotism, 116; letters, 79- ghosts, 99; and dogs, 275 n8; as a
80,115,123,127-8 father-figure for Polidori, x, 59, 71,
Brenton, Howard: Bloody Poetry, 240 102; feelings about Clairmont, 99;
Bridgens, R.: Sketches, 137-8,174 feelings about Polidori, ix, 61, 72,
Brighton, 235 94,100,102-3,153, 239; fires
Broglie, Albertine, Duchesse de, 81- Polidori, 100,102-3; health, ix, 53-
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Universityhomophobia, 140; jokes,
College London
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ix, 71, 73, 77, 95,35-6,139,140, 149; 'Fragment of a Novel,' 88, 89-
143, 148; kindness to Polidori, 78, 90, 97-8,185,198; The Giaour, 27,
84, 102,103,118,121, 268 n38; last 90-1,191,193,197,198, 230-1, 276
impressions of Polidori, 140-1; n4; The Island, 197; Lara, 97,197,
letters to Davies, 135-6, 139, 140-1; 225; 'Lines Inscribed upon a Cup
letter to Galignani's Messenger, 89, Formed from a Skull,' 98; 'Lines to
184; letters to Hobhouse, 61, 63, 71, a Lady Weeping,' 188; Manfred, 90,
72, 94,140,185-6; letter to 99,111-12,148, 212, 214, 217, 220,
Kinnaird, 184; letters to Leigh, 66, 230, 231, 234, 248 n4, 264 nl7, 282
67, 95,100, 119,20,123; letters to n27; Marino Faliero, 213; Mazeppa,
Milbanke, 197, 253 nl7; letters to 185; 'Ode from the French,' 188;
Moore, 79, 117,20,123,136, 264 'An Ode to the Framers of the
nl7; letters to Murray, 83, 94, 95, Frame Bill,' 188; Parisina, 213, 214,
96,02-3,121,132,134-5,140-1, 222; The Prisoner of Chillon, 94,
143, 148, 150, 153, 185; letter to 159, 206, 272 n25; The Siege of
Noel, 55; letter to Polidori, 55; as a Corinth, 97,197; 'A Sketch,' 57, 58,
libertine, 62, 64, 70,198-9; 149; 'Stanzas to Augusta,' 218; The
melancholia, 55; misattributions to, Two Foscari, 197; The Waltz, 81;
96, 137, 177-92; mobility, x, 54, 'Windsor Poetics,' 193-4
197, 208; notoriety, 95-6, 108,129,
130, 139,142,143,182; orientalism, Calais, 45
210; as portrayed in Polidori's Calmet, Dom Augustin: Traite sur les
works, 98, 192, 199, 207, 208-9; apparitions, 89
and Prometheus, 54, 90; as a Camillus (Roman hero), 22
sentimental father, 96; separation, Cancellieri, Francesco Girolamo, 168,
48, 53-5, 58; sexism, 79,139,161- 170
2; and Mary Shelley, 83; and Percy Cantor, Paul A., 285 n2
Shelley, 94; and suicide, 55, 264 Capital punishment, 47-50, 139,150,
nl7; and the theatre, 84, 147; and 225
vampires, 89, 90-1, 96, 98 Carbonari, 124,143, 206
- Works: Beppo, 88, 119, 156, 197; Carlo Borromeo, St, 116
The Bride of Abydos, 213, 214, 217, Carlsruhe, 72
221, 283 n42; Cain, 90, 218, 226, Caroline, Princess of Wales, 267 n29
228, 231, 233-4; Childe Harold's Carter, Angela, 203
Pilgrimage, 27, 61, 68, 69, 94, 96, Cary, H.F., 168,169-70
137, 149, 156, 157-65,166-7,190, Castlereagh, Robert Stewart,
197, 209, 226, 272 nn25, 42; Viscount, 21
'Churchill's Grave,' 58; The Catherine the Great (empress of
Corsair, 70,197; 'Dear Doctor - I Russia), 139
have read your play,' 147-8, 149- Catholic Emancipation, 150,169,175
50; The Deformed Transformed, 197, Cato, 22
232; Don Juan, x, 54, 62, 88,116, Chamounix, 73, 99,137
119, 158,182, 186,189, 190,197, Charles i (king of England): as a
252 n21; 'Fare Thee Well,' 57, 58, vampire, 193-4
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Charlotte, Princess, 162 Davies, Scrope Berdmore, 55, 58, 99-

Chateau du Lac, 64, 68 100, 240
Chateaubriand, Francois-Rene de, Davies, William, 236
188; 'Rene,' 219 Day, William Patrick, 203, 244 n4,
Chiarenza, Marguerite, 249 n7 279 n45, 281 nn4, 96
Chillon, Chateau de, 94, 206 Deagostini, John, 143-4,146,153,
Christison, Robert, 16-17, 32, 38 235-7; letters to Polidori, 145
Churchill, Charles, 58 Debats, Les, 37
Cicero, 138,156 Dejean (hotelier of Geneva), 73
Clairmont, Claire, 62, 94, 99,185; D'Eril, Francesco Melzi, 21
feelings about Polidori, 74,103; Descartes, Rene, 230
journals, 118-19,132; letters to Dhiman, Dr S.P., 268 n58
Byron, 73-4,103, 273 n57 Dickens, Charles: Little Dorrit, 37
Clermont, Mary Anne, 57 Diderot, Denis: Ency dope die, 38-9,
Colburn, Henry, 96,166,172-3,177- 193
84,185,186-8,192, 240 Diodati, Villa, 74, 78, 83, 92,154,
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: Biographia 182; ghost story project, 83, 87-9,
Literaria, 153-4, 'Christabel,' 91, 90,221-2
92; Christabel: Kubla Khan, A Donne, John, 28; Biathanatos, 28-9
Vision; The Pains of Sleep, 92; 'The Dover, 58, 60
Destiny of Nations,' 264 nl5; 'Fire, Drury Lane Theatre, 33, 84,147,173
Famine, and Slaughter,' 91-2; Dumas, Alexandre (pere), 194
'Kubla Khan,' 154; and vitalism, 86 Duncan, Andrew, 16
Coliseum, 159
Cologne, 63, 64, 67
East India Company, 210
Copeland, Thomas, 237, 240
Ecclesiastes, 138,175-6
Coppet, 79
Eclectic Review, 150-1,169-70
Costessy, 152-3 Edinburgh, 33
Covent Garden Chambers, 168,172 Edinburgh Monthly Review, reviews of
Cowper, Peter Leopold, fifth Earl, Polidori, 188-9, 212, 222, 223
and Amelia, Countess of, 108 Edinburgh Review, 87,136
Cowper, William, 28-9 Elijah (biblical prophet), 229
Cullen, William, 35-6, 37-8, 42, 250 Elizabeth i (queen of England), 6
n29 Ellis, John, 87
Elliston, Robert William, 173
Dallas, R.C., 163 England: political repression, 136-7,
Dante Alighieri, 168,169-70; Inferno, 155-6,165
5,227 Epictetus, 166
Darius (emperor of Persia), 158 Eton College, 75
Darwin, Charles, 100 European Magazine: reviews of
Darwin, Erasmus, 85, 87, 250 n29, Polidori, 172, 223
251 n46; The Loves of the Plants, 36, Excommunication, 89-90,143
37 Eyries, Jean-Baptiste-Benoit, 259 n2;
David (king of Israel), 19 Fantasmagoriana, 83, 91
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Fabricius (Roman hero), 22 Gibbon, Edward: The Decline and Fall

Ferdinando iv (king of Sicily), 21 of the Roman Empire, 94,150,163,
Filicide, 28 190
Fitzgerald, Colonel (in Milan), 122 Gifford, William, 150
Fletcher, John, 213 Gilbert, William Schwenck:
Fletcher, William, 56 Ruddigore, 194
Florence, 127,129,131,137 Giusto, Olindo (Danish consul to
Flying Dutchman, 96, 199 Brazil), 133,134
Forbes, Dom James, 245 n22 Glasgow, 33
Ford, John: 'Tis Pity She's a Whore, Gleckner, Robert F., 283 n42
216-17, 218, 221 Gnosticism, 225
Foscolo, Ugo, 79, 151; Jacopo Ortis, Gobinet, Charles, The Instruction of
119 Youth in Christian Piety, 11,12-13
Foucault, Michel, 36 Godwin, Mary Jane, 185
France, 62-3 Godwin, William, 75, 94, 181,185
Frayling, Christopher, 201 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 190;
Fredeman, W.E., 244 n5 'The Bride of Corinth,' 192,194,
Freemasonry, 143,192, 196 196,198; Faust, 99, 210; The
Freud, Sigmund, 212; 'Family Sufferings of Young Werther, 81,119,
Romances,' 229; Group Psychology 202, 258 n63, 264 nl7
and the Analysis of the Ego, 215; The Goldsmith, Oliver: The Citizen of the
Interpretation of Dreams, 216; World, 193
'Mourning and Melancholia,' 27, Gooch, Robert, 46, 55, 57,150
215; 'On the Universal Tendency Gordon, Mrs, 68-9
to Debasement in the Sphere of Gordon, Pryse Lockhart, 68-9, 256
Love,' 202; A Special Type of nn47, 50
Choice of Object Made by Men,' Granville, Henrietta Elizabeth,
198; 'The "Uncanny," ' 198, 233 Countess, 137
Fuseli, Henry, 66; The Nightmare, 36, Grave-robbing, 15, 85
37 Great Pulteney Street, 168
Greece, 56, 103, 139, 240
Gregory, James, 16-17, 32, 41-2, 71,
Gabrini (female Italian violinist), 33 147
Galignani's Messenger, 89, 184 Grimsel Pass, 110
Gait, John: Life of Lord Byron, 121 Grove, Harriet, 75
Geneva, 62, 158, 205 Guiccioli, Conte Alessandro, 4
Geneva, Lake, 65, 74, 94 Guiccioli, Contessa Teresa, 4
Genevan Liberal Society, 80-1, 101 Guide du Voyageur en Europe, 65
Gentleman's Magazine, 193; review of Guilford, Francis North, fourth Earl
Polidori, 166 of, 135-6
George in (king of England), 47, 135 Guilford, Frederick North, fifth Earl
George, Prince Regent (of England): of, 139-40,141
as a vampire, 193-4 Guilford, Maria, Countess of (widow
Ghent, 63, 64, 66 of the fourth Earl), 139,140
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Habeas corpus, 156,165 Hope, Thomas (professor at

Hallam, Henry: View of the State of Edinburgh), 16, 41
Europe during the Middle Ages, 170 Horace, 26, 248 n2, 285 n91
Hanson, John, 48 Horner, Francis, 126,136-7, 268 n58
Harley, Lady Charlotte, 162 Horner, Leonard, 136
Harson, Robert, 173 Hotel d'Angleterre (in Geneva), 73
Hazlitt, William, 194 Houghton Library, 262 n87, 276 n4
Henry vm (king of England): as a House of Lords, 33
vampire, 193-4 Howard, Frederick (Byron's cousin),
Hervey, Elizabeth, 95 68
Highet, Gilbert, 54 Howard, the Venerable Sir William,
Hippocrates, 31, 42 175
Hobhouse, John Cam (later first Hunt, Leigh, 58,194; Lord Byron and
Baron Broughton), 117,156, 248 Some of his Contemporaries, 240
n4, 275 n8; defence of Byron, 54-5, Hunter, John, 86
57-8,182,185-6; feelings about Hutton, James, 100
Polidori, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,103, Hyde Park, 171
109,182-3; Historical Illustrations,
139,150-1,170; kindness to
Polidori, 120,121,122, 267 n29; Immortality, 29-30, 49, 80-1,163-4,
letters to Byron, 55, 96,139,182; 207, 240-1
letter to Davies, 122-3; letter to Incest: Byron and, 95,188, 211, 222;
Leigh, 100; ms diaries, 54-5, 57-8, fatality, 221; and gambling, 194-5,
60, 99-100,119,120,121,123; 208; and idealization, 215-19; in
mediocre verses, 173; radicalism, Italy, 120,132; and narcissism,
117,128; Recollections, 53, 54, 58, 219-21, 284 nn76, 81; Polidori and,
59, 81-2,103,115,117,128,182, 211; rarity, 161-2; and repression,
183,186, 240, 267 n29; sobriety, 211-15, 223, 281 n97, 282 n31, 283
54, 58, 59,115 nn42, 48; and vampirism, 90,198,
Hodgson, Francis, 55 202, 281 n97
Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Amadeus, India, 5,11,12, 43-4
83,194 Ingenhousz, Jan, 87
Hogg, James, 249 n20 Inns of Court, 174
Hogg, Thomas Jefferson, 93 Isella, 109,110
Holland, Henry Richard Vassal Fox, Isherwood, Christopher, and Don
third Baron, 45 Bachardy: Frankenstein: The True
Holmes, Richard, 74, 75, 91 Story, 240
Home, James, 16, 41 Italy, 21, 44,158
Hone, William, 57; Don Juan, 189-90,
277 n26
Hope, Charles, 137 Jerningham family, 47
Hope, Thomas (collector), 137; Jerningham, Charlotte Georgina,
Anastasius, 137; Costume of the 152-3
Ancients, 137; Household Furniture Jerningham, Lady Frances, 152,155;
and Design, 137 letter to Polidori, 165-6
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Jerningham, Lady Frances (senior), Literary Chronicle: reviews of

153 Polidori, 224, 226
Jerningham, Sir George (later Baron Literary Gazette: reviews of Polidori,
Stafford), 152,174-5 166, 208, 223
Jersey, Sarah Sophia, Countess of, Literary Panorama, 214
129 Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson,
Jones, Ernest: On the Nightmare, 197, second Earl of, 80,156
198, 261 n55 Livy, 158
Journal of Science and the Arts, 149 Lloyd (Polidori's friend), 101,118,
Juvenal, 130 122,127,131
Locatelli (Milanese physician), 116
Lodi, 122
Kean, Edmund, 33 Lombardy-Venetia, 112-13
Kemble, John Philip, 32-3 London, 13,14, 44, 46, 80,147,168,
Keppel, Maria, 58 170, 235
Kinnaird, Douglas, 45, 58, 184 London Champion, 58
Kipling, Rudyard: 'The Vampire,' 200 London Courier, 58
Knighton, Sir William, 53, 55, 253 London Examiner, 58,194
nl7 London Morning Chronicle, 58,180,
La Scala, 116, 117,118,120-2, 207 London Morning Post, 58
La Vendee, 91 London Times, 58, 146
Laity's Directory, 7 Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and
Lamb, Lady Caroline, 95, 139; Brown, 172,173, 223
Glenarvon, 96, 98, 182, 199 Louis xvi (king of France), 22
Lamb, Mrs George, 139 Lucan, 4
Lawrence, William, 86 Luddism, 80
Le Fanu, Sheridan: 'Carmilla,' 37, Lyell, Sir Charles, 100
191, 194, 195, 196, 200
Le Mann, Francis, 54 Macpherson, Jay, 248 n4, 249 n20,
Lecchini (Florentine Inspector of 285 n87
Police), 127 Mainz, 67
Leigh, Augusta, 55, 95, 100,140, 218, Malines, 64
248 n4 Manlius (Roman hero), 22
Leigh, Chandos, 173 Mannheim, 71
Leven, Alexander Melville, seventh Marathon, 68, 256 n47
Earl of, 33 Marchand, Leslie A., 277 n26
Lewis, Matthew Gregory, 99; The Marcus Aurelius, 166
Monk, 169, 216, 219 Marschner, Heinrich August: Der
Liege, 63 Vampyr, 191,194,199, 201
Lincoln's Inn, 174, 176 Marsh, Fr Richard, 14
Linnaeus, 36 Martineau, Elizabeth, 47
Lion (Byron's dog), 275 n8 Martineau, Harriet, 34-5, 46-7,153,
Lipstadt, 65 239
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Martineau, Mr (physician of Monro, Alexander i, 15-16

Norwich), 46 Monro, Alexander m, 15-16, 32, 38,
Marx, Karl: Capital, 194 41,86
Mason, James, 240 Montboyon, 109
Massey, Mr (in Geneva), 94 Montevarchi, 131
Materialism: 86-7 Monthly Magazine, 34,177; review of
Maturin, Charles: Melmoth the Polidori, 189
Wanderer, 169,191, 217 Monthly Review, 34; reviews of
McDowall, Mrs (Polidori's landlady), Polidori, 166-7,172,189,192,196,
44-5, 57 222, 223
McGrath, Kathleen, 244 n3 Monti, Vincenzo, 117,118,119,122
Medical Journal, 53 Moore, Doris Langley, 273 n5 7
Medical Society (Edinburgh), 17 Moore: Thomas, Life of Lord Byron,
Medwin, Thomas: Conversations of 70, 71, 76, 77, 78, 83-4, 85, 94,
Lord Byron, 28, 70,102,143,147, 101-2, 259 n7
185, 239-40; inaccuracy, 71, 88, Morel, 109
185; Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Murat, Gioacchino, 21
152-3 Murray, John: as Byron's publisher,
Menelaus, 269 n74 140,182,183-4,185; as Coleridge's
Menninger, Karl, x publisher, 92; as a conservative,
Menuret de Chambaud, Jean-Jacques, 135,150; letters to Byron, 147,148,
38-9, 40 182,183-4, 239; as Polidori's non-
Mer de Glace, 99 publisher, 56,134,147-50,169,
Merimee, Prosper, 194 260 n30
Merivale, John Herman, 169; 'The
Dead Men of Pest,' 89,192,196, Names, xii, 73, 152,176, 217, 234,
198, 201 244 n6
Milan, 114, 206 Naples, 21,138
Milbanke, Anne Isabella. See Byron, Napoleon: as a hero, 21, 54-5, 58, 64,
Anne Isabella 67-8,114,117,122,123; as a tyrant,
Milton, John, 4,108; Comus, 169; 'II 21-2, 32,165, 278 n35
Penseroso,' 169, 233-4; 'L'Allegro,' New Monthly Magazine, 177-8,186;
169; 'Lycidas,' 169, 229; Paradise review of Polidori, 173
Lost, 218, 221, 224-5, 233-4, 287 Newstead Abbey, 98
n68 Nightmare, 35-7, 42, 84; and
Missolonghi, 136 vampirism, 194,198
Mitford, John, 178,181,183,184,190, Nodier, Charles, 37,194, 278 n35
262 n87, 276 nn3, 4 Noel, Lady Judith, 55, 96
Mitford, William: History of Greece, Noel, Sir Ralph, 55
170 Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, 143
Mithradates vi (king of Pontus), 239, Norfolk Chronicle and Norwich
288 nl8 Gazette, 152,167
Mitylene, 178,184,188 North, Frederick, second Earl of
Modena, 125 Guilford, 135
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Norwich, 35, 44, 45-6, 143, 147,152, Po, River, 158

204, 239 Polidori, Agostino Ansano
Norwich Philosophical Society, 35, (grandfather), 3; Osteologia, 3, 5,
143, 156 131
Polidori, Anna Maria (mother, nee
Odier, Dr (of Geneva), 78, 81, 87-8 Pierce), xii, 5, 34, 45, 57,144
Oedipus: xi, 198, 212, 213. See also Polidori, Charlotte (sister), 11, 57, 60,
under Sophocles 81, 254 n2
Old St Pancras Churchyard, 237 Polidori, Eliza (sister), 57
Opie, Amelia: Father and Daughter, Polidori, Frances Maria Lavinia
(sister, later Frances Rossetti), xii,
3,11, 43, 57, 211, 238-9
Orality: anxiety, 111; confusion of
Polidori, Gaetano (father): and
identities, 93; masochism, 66, 93,
Alfieri, 3-4; appropriation of
157-8; sadism, 92, 93, 158,170, 215
Polidori, 108,145-7, 237-8; and
Orbach, Susie, 197
the Bible, 9, 145; coldness, 18;
Ostend, 62, 198-9
criticisms of Polidori, 9-10, 22-3,
56, 80,108,126,130-1,144-5,
Paer, Ferdinando: Agnese, 126 166; dictionary, 74; 'Directions,'
Pamphleteer, 56 7-8, 10,18; on discipline, 7; as
Paole, Arnold (vampire), 193, 200 domineering, 5; education, 3;
Paris, 4 egotism, 11, 23; English patriotism,
Parma, 125 4, 9-10, 56, 80; expectations for
Passer, Ivan: Haunted Summer, 240 Polidori, 5,11,13, 238; fear of
Paterson, Wilma, 54 madness, 23,126, 238; feelings
Peacock, Thomas Love, 94; about Byron, 55,108; financial
Nightmare Abbey, 95, 97 support of Polidori, 130,144-5;
Peel, Robert, 48 and the French Revolution, 4, 6,
Pellico, Silvio, 121 22; 'Gaetano Polidori a Giovanni
Penal Laws, 6, 175 suo figlio Epistola,' 166; as an
Perry, James, 180-1, 186 Italian teacher, 4, 14, 32,152;
Persius, 158 jealousy, 146; letter to Thomas
Peter the Great (emperor of Russia), De Ocheda, 235, 238; letters to
259 n66 Polidori, 6-7, 9, 22-3, 80,108,131-
Petrarch, 116 2, 144-7; letters to Luigi Polidori,
Pictet (of Geneva), 78 56; marriage, 5; parsimony, 9, 127;
Pierce, Frederick (uncle), 5, 11, 43, as portrayed in Polidori's works,
44-5 28, 60,172, 209, 211; as a
Pierce, William (grandfather), 5 publisher, 4-5; suspicions of
Pisa, 131,136,137 Polidori, 8,14,18,130-1; as a
Pitt, William, the Younger, 91-2 translator, 4,169
Planche, James Robinson: The Polidori, Henry (brother), 57,147,
Vampire, 191,194, 199-200 245 n31
Plato, 166; Phaedo, 28, 48, 225, 248 Polidori, John William: accidents, 62,
nl3; Phaedrus, 225; Republic, 225 64, 77, 83-4, 152, 236; aesthetics,
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6, 65-6; ambition, 13-14, 20, 25-6, 235; influence of Byron on, 21, 48,
59, 84, 90,103,115, 247 n23; 50, 57, 60, 69, 79,170,173, 223;
ambivalence, 13-14,19, 21, 34, 48, ingratitude, 84, 268 n38; inversion
67, 87,161-2,165-6, 205, 214, in the works of, 27, 29, 59, 98, 140,
228-9; Anglophobia, 20-1, 81; and 172, 230; Italian patriotism, 10,11,
anti-Catholicism, 6,12, 47; and 19-22, 32, 48, 56, 79, 80,104,110,
anti-Italian prejudice, 46, 55,143, 112-13,120-4,126,127,129,138,
152,176,182; bibliomania, 62, 63, 164-5,168; jealousy of Byron, 69-
64,116-17,125,144,147; as a butt 71, 78; knowledge of Italian, 14, 32,
of humour, ix, 12,17, 59, 71, 84, 95, 46, 76, 249 n7; and law, x, 47-50,
134; as Byron's physician, ix, 3, 47, 17.4,180,188; letters to Byron, 109,
71, 76; as Byron's secretary, 65, 76; 110,126-7,128,132-4,137; letter
and Catholicism, 5, 6,12-14,15, to Colburn, 179; letters to Frances,
47, 65,143,152,168-9; classicism, 31-2, 32-3, 34, 35, 41, 44-5, 56,
6-7,19, 67,117,138,154, 204, 209, 69-70,150,170-1,173,190, 223;
247 n30; closeness to his mother, letters to Gaetano, 9,10-11,11-14,
xii, 34, 41, 44-5,176; confession in 18-21, 31, 68, 76, 79, 80,102,104,
the works of, 60, 208; and 107,129; letter to Hobhouse, 68,
damnation, 29, 49, 225, 239, 241; 71; letter to Lady Frances
and dogs, 109,128,129,131,171-2; Jerningham, 155; letter to Sir
duels, attempted, 101-2,121; George Jerningham, 174-5; letter
ecclesiastical vocation, x, 11,13-14, to the Morning Chronicle, 186-8,
164,176; English patriotism, 48, 276 n5; letters to Murray, 68, 76,
140; extravagance, 78,130,144; 80, 92,143,147,149-50,168-9,
feelings about Byron, 102; feelings 270 n25; letter to the New Monthly
about Hobhouse, 100,151; feelings Magazine, 181; letters to Sherwood,
about Percy Shelley, 75,101; filial Neely, and Jones, 180; letters to
anxiety, 5-6,11,14,18, 20, 27-8, Taylor, 56, 79,101,102,107-8; and
41,107-8,149, 230; filial literature, x, 25-6, 57, 59, 69-70,
obedience, 11-12,13-14,18-19, 34, 84, 90,138,144,147,168,174;
107, 157-9; filial pedantry, 114, 151; loneliness, 18, 20-1, 94,109-10,
filial rebellion, 10,14,19, 20, 23-4, 170-2,174; love affairs, 43, 47, 60,
28, 29, 34, 57, 59, 71,102,126, 74, 94,152-3; and medicine, x, 13,
160-4,169,176, 211, 233, 238, 268 17,18, 20, 26, 31-2, 35-42, 71-2,
n38; filial submission, 13-14, 24, 76, 84, 93,100-1,132-6,142-3,
129; finances, 44, 45, 56, 63,103, 144,147,168, 239; melancholia, 11,
108,117,118,122,127,131,133, 208, 212; military prospects, 11,12,
142,144,147,186-7, 268 n38; and 22-3 mobility, x, 3, 6, 25, 26, 48,
gambling, 47,130,194-5, 208, 235, 100,126; on narcissism, 29-30,
237; and the Gothic, 6, 9,15, 37, 225-6; as a national stereotype,
207; health, 62, 72,149,152-3, 121,124,152,166; and orientalism,
170, 236-7; on hygiene, 62, 63, 82, 27, 210; on perjury, 50,190-1;
109,127; independence, desire for, pessimism, 17,138,154,160-5; and
107,142,149,159-60,169, 211, philosophy, x, 38-41, 153-67;
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plagiarism, 27, 97; and politics, x, 21; 'Sonnet: On Leaving Italy for
21, 48, 67-9, 79-80,101,112-13, England,' 140; 'Sonnet. To my
128, 150,155-6,164-5,170, 281 n4; Book,' 172; 'Sonnet. To Wm.
'Poor Polidori,' 72, 88, 103,166, Taylor, Jun. of Norwich,' 47;
239; quarrels, 70-1, 77, 101-2, 120- 'Sonnet: Written in the Album, at
2; and scenery, 6, 65, 110,126-7; Costessy,' 152; 'To Italy,' 112; To
and sex, 38, 60, 62, 63-5, 81-2; Mrs. —. Presenting her a copy of
sexism, 4, 64, 81-2, 85,118,127, my "Essay on Pleasure," ' 155; The
128, 133,161-2, 199; on Vampyre, ix, 3, 37, 47, 55, 77-8, 88,
somnambulism, 35-41, 78, 85; split 89, 93, 97-8,130,143,170,173,
personality, 48, 80, 150; and 177-93,194-8,199, 201-3, 207,
suicide, x, 6, 28-30, 47, 50,102, 208, 211, 221-2, 276 n4; 'The
111-12, 130, 235-41, 247 n30, 264 Wreath,' 110-12; 'Written at the
nl7; suspicions of Gaetano, 57, Grimsel,' 110, 264 nl7; Ximenes,
133, 134; tactlessness, 33,104,128; 25-30, 43, 48-9, 59, 84,116,134,
on vitalism, 40, 84-5, 86-7; will, 147-9,164,198, 211, 224, 230, 239,
57 248 n4, 260 n30; Ximenes, The
Lost Works: Boadicea, 59-60, 84, Wreath, and Other Poems, 25-6,
148; Cajetan, 60, 84, 148; The Duke 172-3
of Athens, 134,148; Italian medical Polidori, Luigi Eustachio (uncle), 3,
journal, 134-5,149 11, 38, 40, 55, 128,131,146; letter
Works: 'Chatterton to his Sister,' to Gaetano, 129-30
197, 202; Diary, 56, 58-9, 60-1, 62- Polidori, Margaret (sister), 11, 57
9, 71-2, 73-9, 81-2, 83-8, 91-5, Polidori, Robert (brother), 10,11, 57,
101, 104, 109-10, 112, 114-24, 125- 147, 245 n31
9, 131-2, 134, 137, 182, 183,185, Pollent (Flemish artist), 65
205-6, 254 n38, 267 nl7; Pontelli, Cavalier (of Florence), 127,
Disputatio Medica Inauguralis, xi, 131
35-41, 42, 45, 78; 'The dog Carlos, Popular Tales and Romances of the
and Miss Emma,' 171-2; Ernestus Northern Nations, 278 n41
Berchtold, x, xi, 30, 57, 60, 88, 89, Prussia, 63,128
91, 109-10, 116,120,130, 132,139, Prussian, the (Polidori's friend), 125,
162, 164, 169, 173, 180, 195, 204- 126, 127,128
12, 214-19, 221-3, 230, 235, 248 Pulci, Luigi, 3, 169
n4, 260 n30, 282 n27; An Essay
upon the Source of Positive Pleasure,
7, 17, 20, 152-67, 172, 215, 227, Quarterly Review, 86,168,169
272 n42; The Fall of the Angels, 164,
174,175, 224-34; 'My Dream,' 110- Radcliffe, Ann: The Italian, 169
12, 251 n2, 264 nl7; 'On the Reaumur, Rene-Antoine Ferchault
Punishment of Death,' 47-50, 56- de, 87
7,118,139, 190-1; 'On Woman,' Reductionism, 39-40
161; reviews, 150-1, 168-9; Reed, Charlotte, 236-7, 240
Sketches, 125, 138, 174, 234; 'Song,' Regulus (Roman hero), 22
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326 Index

Repression: of authorship, x-xi; of Royal Institution, 149

Byron's memoirs, 276 n3; in Rubens, Peter Paul, 65-6
Coleridge, 93; of Polidori's Diary, Rushton, Robert, 56,100
57, 60, 81, 254 n2; and Ruskin, John, 160
homosexuality, 162; and incest, Russell, Ken: Gothic, 240
211-15, 222, 281 n97, 282 n31, 283 Rutherford, Daniel, 16, 32
nn42, 48; and the Masonic oath of Rymer, James Malcolm: Varney, the
secrecy, 143,192, 278 n35; in Scott, Vampyre, 37, 38,191,195,196,199,
278 n40, 284 n76; and sexuality, 200-1
64; and Shelley, 76, 99,103; and
suicide, 235, 237-8; and tuber-
culosis, 285 n88; and vampirism, 'S.A.' (anonymous poet), 274 n75;
190-1, 203, 281 n97 'To the Author of an Essay on the
Revolution, French, 4, 6, 45, 79, 91-2, Source of —,' 167
164-5,191-2 St Bernard, Mount, 110
Revolution, Glorious, 175 St Juliers, 64
Revolution Society (Norwich), 45 St Laurence, monastery of, 6, 7
Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, St Nicholas in Carcere, church of, 159
6,11, 22, 34, 46, 48, 66-7,156,165, Saladin, M. (of Geneva), 78
204-5 Saladin, Madame (of Geneva), 94
Rhine, River, 65, 67 Sanguinetto, stream, 158
Rice, Anne, 203 Sappho, 139
Richardson, Br Terence, 245 nn26, 31 Sauvages, Francois Boissier de, 36,
Rieger, James, x 39; Nosologia Methodica, 38
Rigby, Dr (of Norwich), 46 Schiller, Friedrich: The Bride of
Robberds, J.W., 156,159 Messina, 222; Don Carlos, 213, 217,
Robberds, May, 155 221, 222
Roche, Dr de (of Geneva), 78, 79 Scipio, 22,138
Rogers, Samuel, 150 Scott, Walter: on Byron, 166; and
Rome, 129,138-9 Coleridge, 92; The Field of Waterloo,
Romilly, Sir Samuel, 48, 49-50, 252 68-9, 256 n49; Guy Mannering, 278
n21 n40, 284 n76; 'William and Helen,'
Rossetti, Christina, 5 34
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 5,130, 211, Secheron, 73
237 Second World War, 244 n5
Rossetti, Gabriele, 3 Senf, Carol A., 279 n45
Rossetti, William Michael: as an Serpentine, the, 171
editor, 59-60, 81, 209, 247 n24, Sgricci, Tommaso, 118-20
254 n2, 268 n66; as a family Shakespeare, William: Hamlet, 27,
historian, 43,143, 237; as a 30; Measure for Measure, 27, 30;
spiritualist, 240-1 Merchant of Venice, 33; Romeo and
Rossi, Pellegrino, 81, 94 Juliet, 88
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 94,189-90 Sharp, Michael William, 35,137; 'An
Royal College of Physicians Essay on Gesture,' 35
(London), 37, 46 Shelley, Harriet, 73, 75, 93,192
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Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (nee Shelley, William, 76

Godwin), 62, 77, 93, 94, 237; on Sherlock, William: A Practical
Byron's works, 88; and Coleridge, Discourse concerning Death, 239
91; as an editor, 214; feelings about Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 177,
Polidori, ix, 71, 76, 85; inaccuracy, 179,180-1
83, 84, 87, 88, 91, 209, 259 n7; Sicily, 21
letters, 88; notoriety, 181, 185; and Slaney, Mrs (of Geneva), 82
vitalism, 85, 118-19 Small, Christopher, 91
- Works: The English in Italy,' 119; Smith, Adam, 15
Frankenstein, 71, 83, 84-7, 88, 91, Smith, Horace, 227
99, 180,189,198, 209, 225-6, 240, Socrates, 28,163
259 n7, 260 n30, 273 n57; The Last Somerstown, 6
Man, 207, 227; Mathilda, 221 Somnambulism, 35-41, 42, 78; and
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 62, 77, 237; automatism, 85; and vampirism,
abandoned ghost story, 88, 91; 37, 38, 92
atheism, 73, 75, 132; belief in Sontag, Susan, 285 n88
ghosts, 99; and Byron, 74, 77, 94; Sophocles: conception of fate, 3;
death, 240; feelings about Polidori, Oedipus Tyrannus, 213, 222, 223
75, 101-2, 103; finances, 75, 93-4; Sours, John A., 283 n51
and Frankenstein, 84-5,189; and Southey, Robert, 46, 62,185, 248
free love, 93; health, 74-5, 103, nl6; Thalaba the Destroyer, 192,
132; letter to Byron, 103; letter to 194,196,198
Maria Gisborne, 217; and non- Spall, Timothy, 240
violence, 93, 102; notoriety, 76; Spontaneous generation, 87
panic, 91, 93; pantheism, 163; Spurzheim, Johann Christoph, 253
Platonism, 118; unreliable nl7
confessions, 74-6, 93-4; as a Stael, Germaine de, 79-80, 95-6,
vampire, 192 104,129; Reflexions sur le suicide,
- Works: Alastor, 111, 219, 226; The 103, 159
Cenex, 198, 214, 217, 218, 221, 222; Stagg, John: 'The Vampyre,' 192,194,
A Defense of Poetry, 154; 196, 198, 200
'Epipsychidion,' 268 n66; 'Hymn Stahl, Georg Ernst, 86
to Intellectual Beauty,' 94; Laon and Stationers' Hall, 177,180
Cythna, 214, 217, 220, 221; 'Mont Stendhal. See Beyle de Stendhal,
Blanc,' 99; 'Ode to the West Wind,' Marie-Henri
227; 'On Love,' 220; 'Ozymandias,' Stewart, Charles Edward, the Young
227; Prometheus Unbound, 228, Pretender, 3, 128
233; A Proposal for Putting Stewart, Dugald: Elements of the
Reform to a Vote Throughout the Philosophy of the Human Mind, 154,
Kingdom,' 45; Queen Mab, 75; The 272 n28
Revolt of Islam, 214; St. Irvyne, 219- Stoker, Bram: Dracula, 37, 38, 86,
20; The Witch of Atlas,' 93; 191,194,195-6,197, 201-3, 259-60
Zastrozzi, 75 nl8, 281 n94
Shelley, Percy Florence, 132 Straub, Peter, 83
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328 Index

Suicide, 28-9, 34, 35, 50, 288 n7. See Vampirism: and automatism, 192;
also under Polidori, John William Byron on, 89, 90-1, 96, 98;
Summers, Montague, 203 Coleridge and, 92; and contagion,
Suvorov (governor of Milan), 116, 200-1; and decomposition, 89-90;
122,124 exploitation as, 94,194-5; and
Swann, Gregory, 245 n31 gambling, 195; and identity, 192-3,
Swift, Jonathan, 155 279 n45; and incest, 90,198, 202,
Switzerland, 204-5 281 n97; medicine as, 16; and
misogyny, 199-200, 280 n87; and
mobility, 196-7, 208, 234; and
Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles- moonlight, 278-9 n41; and
Maurice de, 205 nightmare, 37,194,198; and
Tasso, Torquato, 76 nympholepsy, 285 n87; and
Taylor, William, 47, 55, 57,156; orality, 158,170, 215; plagiarism as,
criticisms of Polidori, 142-3; as a 27, 97; and politics, 165,193-6;
father-figure for Polidori, 34-5; and repression, 190-1, 203, 281
Historic Survey of German Poetry, n97; and seduction, 197-203; and
34; letters to Polidori, 35, 38, 44, Percy Shelley, 94,192; and
45-6, 85,142-3; letter to Southey, somnambulism, 37, 38, 92; and
46; radicalism, 45,101 vitalism, 86, 92
Thackeray, William Makepeace: Vandyke, Sir Anthony, 66
Memorials of Gormandizing, 54 Veeder, William, 93, 244 n6
Thrasimene, battle of, 158,160 Venereal disease, 42, 60,133, 201
Thun, 107,109 Venice, 140
Thunersee, 204 'Verax' (anonymous enemy of 'S.A.'),
Tieck, Ludwig: 'Wake Not the Dead,' 274 n75
194, 278 n41 Vergil, 116
Timoleon, 19 Vidoni, Robert, 249 n7
Tissot, Samuel-Auguste-Andre- Viets, Henry R., 237, 259 n66, 276-7
David, 254 n47 n7
Torrington, John Byng, Viscount, 66 Vitalism, 40, 86-7, 92
Trelawny, Edward John, 70, 273 n5 7 Viviani, Emilia, 268 n66
Twitchell, James B., 247 n24, 280 Viviani, Governatore (of Pisa), 268
n78, 281 n95, 282 n23 n66
Vlad the Impaler, 194
University of Edinburgh, 11,13,14, Voltaire, Francois-Marie Arouet de,
15-18, 31-2, 36, 41-2, 55, 85,154 190,193
University of Leyden, 15-16, 86
Wagner, Richard: The Flying
University of Pisa, 3, 45,132
Dutchman, 199; Goiterdammerung,
221; Parsifal, 202; Tannhauser, 202
Vacca Berlinghieri, Andrea, 129,131- Waller, Gregory A., 279 n45
3,134,135,136; as a father-figure Walpole, Horace: The Castle of
for Polidori, 108,132 Otranto, 217; The Mysterious
Vacca, Sofia, 131-2,133 Mother, 213, 216, 219, 221, 223
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Index 329

Wasserman, Earl R., 283 n48, 284 Wohlbriick, Wilhelm August: Der
n81 Vampyr, 191,194,199, 201. See also
Waterloo, 58, 67, 160, 256 n47 Marschner, Heinrich August
Watkins, John, 177 Wollstonecraft, Mary, 185, 237
Watts, Alaric, 177-80, 183-4, 186, Wood, Robin, 203
187, 276 n4 Wordsworth, William, 163
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, first Wright, Dr (of Norwich), 46
Duke of, 80
Wells, H.G.: The War of the Worlds, Xerxes (emperor of Persia), 190
Werner, Abraham Gottlob, 100 Yarmouth, 166
West, Paul: Lord Byron's Doctor, 240 Yeats, William Butler, 273 n5 7
Westmorland, Jane, Countess of, 104, York, 6
129,133,139, 141 Young, Edward: Love of Fame, 20
Wiene, Robert: The Cabinet of Dr.
Caligari, 37 Zaharuk, Dr D.I. Macdonald, 268 n58
Williams, Edward, 70-1 Zimmermann, Johann Georg, 170-1

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