Poor Polydori Index
Poor Polydori Index
Poor Polydori Index
ix, 71, 73, 77, 95,35-6,139,140, 149; 'Fragment of a Novel,' 88, 89-
143, 148; kindness to Polidori, 78, 90, 97-8,185,198; The Giaour, 27,
84, 102,103,118,121, 268 n38; last 90-1,191,193,197,198, 230-1, 276
impressions of Polidori, 140-1; n4; The Island, 197; Lara, 97,197,
letters to Davies, 135-6, 139, 140-1; 225; 'Lines Inscribed upon a Cup
letter to Galignani's Messenger, 89, Formed from a Skull,' 98; 'Lines to
184; letters to Hobhouse, 61, 63, 71, a Lady Weeping,' 188; Manfred, 90,
72, 94,140,185-6; letter to 99,111-12,148, 212, 214, 217, 220,
Kinnaird, 184; letters to Leigh, 66, 230, 231, 234, 248 n4, 264 nl7, 282
67, 95,100, 119,20,123; letters to n27; Marino Faliero, 213; Mazeppa,
Milbanke, 197, 253 nl7; letters to 185; 'Ode from the French,' 188;
Moore, 79, 117,20,123,136, 264 'An Ode to the Framers of the
nl7; letters to Murray, 83, 94, 95, Frame Bill,' 188; Parisina, 213, 214,
96,02-3,121,132,134-5,140-1, 222; The Prisoner of Chillon, 94,
143, 148, 150, 153, 185; letter to 159, 206, 272 n25; The Siege of
Noel, 55; letter to Polidori, 55; as a Corinth, 97,197; 'A Sketch,' 57, 58,
libertine, 62, 64, 70,198-9; 149; 'Stanzas to Augusta,' 218; The
melancholia, 55; misattributions to, Two Foscari, 197; The Waltz, 81;
96, 137, 177-92; mobility, x, 54, 'Windsor Poetics,' 193-4
197, 208; notoriety, 95-6, 108,129,
130, 139,142,143,182; orientalism, Calais, 45
210; as portrayed in Polidori's Calmet, Dom Augustin: Traite sur les
works, 98, 192, 199, 207, 208-9; apparitions, 89
and Prometheus, 54, 90; as a Camillus (Roman hero), 22
sentimental father, 96; separation, Cancellieri, Francesco Girolamo, 168,
48, 53-5, 58; sexism, 79,139,161- 170
2; and Mary Shelley, 83; and Percy Cantor, Paul A., 285 n2
Shelley, 94; and suicide, 55, 264 Capital punishment, 47-50, 139,150,
nl7; and the theatre, 84, 147; and 225
vampires, 89, 90-1, 96, 98 Carbonari, 124,143, 206
- Works: Beppo, 88, 119, 156, 197; Carlo Borromeo, St, 116
The Bride of Abydos, 213, 214, 217, Carlsruhe, 72
221, 283 n42; Cain, 90, 218, 226, Caroline, Princess of Wales, 267 n29
228, 231, 233-4; Childe Harold's Carter, Angela, 203
Pilgrimage, 27, 61, 68, 69, 94, 96, Cary, H.F., 168,169-70
137, 149, 156, 157-65,166-7,190, Castlereagh, Robert Stewart,
197, 209, 226, 272 nn25, 42; Viscount, 21
'Churchill's Grave,' 58; The Catherine the Great (empress of
Corsair, 70,197; 'Dear Doctor - I Russia), 139
have read your play,' 147-8, 149- Catholic Emancipation, 150,169,175
50; The Deformed Transformed, 197, Cato, 22
232; Don Juan, x, 54, 62, 88,116, Chamounix, 73, 99,137
119, 158,182, 186,189, 190,197, Charles i (king of England): as a
252 n21; 'Fare Thee Well,' 57, 58, vampire, 193-4
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318 Index
6, 65-6; ambition, 13-14, 20, 25-6, 235; influence of Byron on, 21, 48,
59, 84, 90,103,115, 247 n23; 50, 57, 60, 69, 79,170,173, 223;
ambivalence, 13-14,19, 21, 34, 48, ingratitude, 84, 268 n38; inversion
67, 87,161-2,165-6, 205, 214, in the works of, 27, 29, 59, 98, 140,
228-9; Anglophobia, 20-1, 81; and 172, 230; Italian patriotism, 10,11,
anti-Catholicism, 6,12, 47; and 19-22, 32, 48, 56, 79, 80,104,110,
anti-Italian prejudice, 46, 55,143, 112-13,120-4,126,127,129,138,
152,176,182; bibliomania, 62, 63, 164-5,168; jealousy of Byron, 69-
64,116-17,125,144,147; as a butt 71, 78; knowledge of Italian, 14, 32,
of humour, ix, 12,17, 59, 71, 84, 95, 46, 76, 249 n7; and law, x, 47-50,
134; as Byron's physician, ix, 3, 47, 17.4,180,188; letters to Byron, 109,
71, 76; as Byron's secretary, 65, 76; 110,126-7,128,132-4,137; letter
and Catholicism, 5, 6,12-14,15, to Colburn, 179; letters to Frances,
47, 65,143,152,168-9; classicism, 31-2, 32-3, 34, 35, 41, 44-5, 56,
6-7,19, 67,117,138,154, 204, 209, 69-70,150,170-1,173,190, 223;
247 n30; closeness to his mother, letters to Gaetano, 9,10-11,11-14,
xii, 34, 41, 44-5,176; confession in 18-21, 31, 68, 76, 79, 80,102,104,
the works of, 60, 208; and 107,129; letter to Hobhouse, 68,
damnation, 29, 49, 225, 239, 241; 71; letter to Lady Frances
and dogs, 109,128,129,131,171-2; Jerningham, 155; letter to Sir
duels, attempted, 101-2,121; George Jerningham, 174-5; letter
ecclesiastical vocation, x, 11,13-14, to the Morning Chronicle, 186-8,
164,176; English patriotism, 48, 276 n5; letters to Murray, 68, 76,
140; extravagance, 78,130,144; 80, 92,143,147,149-50,168-9,
feelings about Byron, 102; feelings 270 n25; letter to the New Monthly
about Hobhouse, 100,151; feelings Magazine, 181; letters to Sherwood,
about Percy Shelley, 75,101; filial Neely, and Jones, 180; letters to
anxiety, 5-6,11,14,18, 20, 27-8, Taylor, 56, 79,101,102,107-8; and
41,107-8,149, 230; filial literature, x, 25-6, 57, 59, 69-70,
obedience, 11-12,13-14,18-19, 34, 84, 90,138,144,147,168,174;
107, 157-9; filial pedantry, 114, 151; loneliness, 18, 20-1, 94,109-10,
filial rebellion, 10,14,19, 20, 23-4, 170-2,174; love affairs, 43, 47, 60,
28, 29, 34, 57, 59, 71,102,126, 74, 94,152-3; and medicine, x, 13,
160-4,169,176, 211, 233, 238, 268 17,18, 20, 26, 31-2, 35-42, 71-2,
n38; filial submission, 13-14, 24, 76, 84, 93,100-1,132-6,142-3,
129; finances, 44, 45, 56, 63,103, 144,147,168, 239; melancholia, 11,
108,117,118,122,127,131,133, 208, 212; military prospects, 11,12,
142,144,147,186-7, 268 n38; and 22-3 mobility, x, 3, 6, 25, 26, 48,
gambling, 47,130,194-5, 208, 235, 100,126; on narcissism, 29-30,
237; and the Gothic, 6, 9,15, 37, 225-6; as a national stereotype,
207; health, 62, 72,149,152-3, 121,124,152,166; and orientalism,
170, 236-7; on hygiene, 62, 63, 82, 27, 210; on perjury, 50,190-1;
109,127; independence, desire for, pessimism, 17,138,154,160-5; and
107,142,149,159-60,169, 211, philosophy, x, 38-41, 153-67;
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Index 325
plagiarism, 27, 97; and politics, x, 21; 'Sonnet: On Leaving Italy for
21, 48, 67-9, 79-80,101,112-13, England,' 140; 'Sonnet. To my
128, 150,155-6,164-5,170, 281 n4; Book,' 172; 'Sonnet. To Wm.
'Poor Polidori,' 72, 88, 103,166, Taylor, Jun. of Norwich,' 47;
239; quarrels, 70-1, 77, 101-2, 120- 'Sonnet: Written in the Album, at
2; and scenery, 6, 65, 110,126-7; Costessy,' 152; 'To Italy,' 112; To
and sex, 38, 60, 62, 63-5, 81-2; Mrs. —. Presenting her a copy of
sexism, 4, 64, 81-2, 85,118,127, my "Essay on Pleasure," ' 155; The
128, 133,161-2, 199; on Vampyre, ix, 3, 37, 47, 55, 77-8, 88,
somnambulism, 35-41, 78, 85; split 89, 93, 97-8,130,143,170,173,
personality, 48, 80, 150; and 177-93,194-8,199, 201-3, 207,
suicide, x, 6, 28-30, 47, 50,102, 208, 211, 221-2, 276 n4; 'The
111-12, 130, 235-41, 247 n30, 264 Wreath,' 110-12; 'Written at the
nl7; suspicions of Gaetano, 57, Grimsel,' 110, 264 nl7; Ximenes,
133, 134; tactlessness, 33,104,128; 25-30, 43, 48-9, 59, 84,116,134,
on vitalism, 40, 84-5, 86-7; will, 147-9,164,198, 211, 224, 230, 239,
57 248 n4, 260 n30; Ximenes, The
Lost Works: Boadicea, 59-60, 84, Wreath, and Other Poems, 25-6,
148; Cajetan, 60, 84, 148; The Duke 172-3
of Athens, 134,148; Italian medical Polidori, Luigi Eustachio (uncle), 3,
journal, 134-5,149 11, 38, 40, 55, 128,131,146; letter
Works: 'Chatterton to his Sister,' to Gaetano, 129-30
197, 202; Diary, 56, 58-9, 60-1, 62- Polidori, Margaret (sister), 11, 57
9, 71-2, 73-9, 81-2, 83-8, 91-5, Polidori, Robert (brother), 10,11, 57,
101, 104, 109-10, 112, 114-24, 125- 147, 245 n31
9, 131-2, 134, 137, 182, 183,185, Pollent (Flemish artist), 65
205-6, 254 n38, 267 nl7; Pontelli, Cavalier (of Florence), 127,
Disputatio Medica Inauguralis, xi, 131
35-41, 42, 45, 78; 'The dog Carlos, Popular Tales and Romances of the
and Miss Emma,' 171-2; Ernestus Northern Nations, 278 n41
Berchtold, x, xi, 30, 57, 60, 88, 89, Prussia, 63,128
91, 109-10, 116,120,130, 132,139, Prussian, the (Polidori's friend), 125,
162, 164, 169, 173, 180, 195, 204- 126, 127,128
12, 214-19, 221-3, 230, 235, 248 Pulci, Luigi, 3, 169
n4, 260 n30, 282 n27; An Essay
upon the Source of Positive Pleasure,
7, 17, 20, 152-67, 172, 215, 227, Quarterly Review, 86,168,169
272 n42; The Fall of the Angels, 164,
174,175, 224-34; 'My Dream,' 110- Radcliffe, Ann: The Italian, 169
12, 251 n2, 264 nl7; 'On the Reaumur, Rene-Antoine Ferchault
Punishment of Death,' 47-50, 56- de, 87
7,118,139, 190-1; 'On Woman,' Reductionism, 39-40
161; reviews, 150-1, 168-9; Reed, Charlotte, 236-7, 240
Sketches, 125, 138, 174, 234; 'Song,' Regulus (Roman hero), 22
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326 Index
Suicide, 28-9, 34, 35, 50, 288 n7. See Vampirism: and automatism, 192;
also under Polidori, John William Byron on, 89, 90-1, 96, 98;
Summers, Montague, 203 Coleridge and, 92; and contagion,
Suvorov (governor of Milan), 116, 200-1; and decomposition, 89-90;
122,124 exploitation as, 94,194-5; and
Swann, Gregory, 245 n31 gambling, 195; and identity, 192-3,
Swift, Jonathan, 155 279 n45; and incest, 90,198, 202,
Switzerland, 204-5 281 n97; medicine as, 16; and
misogyny, 199-200, 280 n87; and
mobility, 196-7, 208, 234; and
Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles- moonlight, 278-9 n41; and
Maurice de, 205 nightmare, 37,194,198; and
Tasso, Torquato, 76 nympholepsy, 285 n87; and
Taylor, William, 47, 55, 57,156; orality, 158,170, 215; plagiarism as,
criticisms of Polidori, 142-3; as a 27, 97; and politics, 165,193-6;
father-figure for Polidori, 34-5; and repression, 190-1, 203, 281
Historic Survey of German Poetry, n97; and seduction, 197-203; and
34; letters to Polidori, 35, 38, 44, Percy Shelley, 94,192; and
45-6, 85,142-3; letter to Southey, somnambulism, 37, 38, 92; and
46; radicalism, 45,101 vitalism, 86, 92
Thackeray, William Makepeace: Vandyke, Sir Anthony, 66
Memorials of Gormandizing, 54 Veeder, William, 93, 244 n6
Thrasimene, battle of, 158,160 Venereal disease, 42, 60,133, 201
Thun, 107,109 Venice, 140
Thunersee, 204 'Verax' (anonymous enemy of 'S.A.'),
Tieck, Ludwig: 'Wake Not the Dead,' 274 n75
194, 278 n41 Vergil, 116
Timoleon, 19 Vidoni, Robert, 249 n7
Tissot, Samuel-Auguste-Andre- Viets, Henry R., 237, 259 n66, 276-7
David, 254 n47 n7
Torrington, John Byng, Viscount, 66 Vitalism, 40, 86-7, 92
Trelawny, Edward John, 70, 273 n5 7 Viviani, Emilia, 268 n66
Twitchell, James B., 247 n24, 280 Viviani, Governatore (of Pisa), 268
n78, 281 n95, 282 n23 n66
Vlad the Impaler, 194
University of Edinburgh, 11,13,14, Voltaire, Francois-Marie Arouet de,
15-18, 31-2, 36, 41-2, 55, 85,154 190,193
University of Leyden, 15-16, 86
Wagner, Richard: The Flying
University of Pisa, 3, 45,132
Dutchman, 199; Goiterdammerung,
221; Parsifal, 202; Tannhauser, 202
Vacca Berlinghieri, Andrea, 129,131- Waller, Gregory A., 279 n45
3,134,135,136; as a father-figure Walpole, Horace: The Castle of
for Polidori, 108,132 Otranto, 217; The Mysterious
Vacca, Sofia, 131-2,133 Mother, 213, 216, 219, 221, 223
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Index 329
Wasserman, Earl R., 283 n48, 284 Wohlbriick, Wilhelm August: Der
n81 Vampyr, 191,194,199, 201. See also
Waterloo, 58, 67, 160, 256 n47 Marschner, Heinrich August
Watkins, John, 177 Wollstonecraft, Mary, 185, 237
Watts, Alaric, 177-80, 183-4, 186, Wood, Robin, 203
187, 276 n4 Wordsworth, William, 163
Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, first Wright, Dr (of Norwich), 46
Duke of, 80
Wells, H.G.: The War of the Worlds, Xerxes (emperor of Persia), 190
Werner, Abraham Gottlob, 100 Yarmouth, 166
West, Paul: Lord Byron's Doctor, 240 Yeats, William Butler, 273 n5 7
Westmorland, Jane, Countess of, 104, York, 6
129,133,139, 141 Young, Edward: Love of Fame, 20
Wiene, Robert: The Cabinet of Dr.
Caligari, 37 Zaharuk, Dr D.I. Macdonald, 268 n58
Williams, Edward, 70-1 Zimmermann, Johann Georg, 170-1