Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and Oil & Gas Revenue in Nigeria
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and Oil & Gas Revenue in Nigeria
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and Oil & Gas Revenue in Nigeria
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions And Oil & Gas Revenue In Nigeria
Rehanet Isa
Department of Business Education
Federal College of Education, Zaria, Kaduna State,Nigeria
This paper is an empirical analysis of the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on the oil & gas revenue in Nigeria for the period
of 1981-2010. The population of the study is the upstream sector of the Nigerian oil & gas industry. The study adopted multiple
regression techniques and data were collected from secondary source from the World Bank database and the central bank of
Nigeria statistical bulletin. The findings reveal that gas flaring and gas venting is positively, strongly and significantly influencing
the oil & gas revenue in Nigeria, It is recommended among others that, the Nigerian government should utilize revenue derived
from the flaring and venting of gas to cater for the environs affected by the unnecessary and deliberate flaring and venting of
greenhouse gas. Also, the Nigerian government should increase the amount charged as penalty to control gas emissions
hence, reducing the amount expended on control measure.
Keywords: oil & gas revenue, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Gas flaring, Gas venting, green accounting.
1. Introduction
The Nigerian oil and gas industry accounts for vast revenue from the various sectors within its span, ranging from the
upstream, midstream and downstream activities. The upstream activities of the oil and gas industry which deals with the
exploration (searching for crude oil either onshore or offshore), development, and production to a large extent midstream
(exportation of crude oil) and the downstream sector comprises of refineries, transportation and the marketing of various
petroleum products. The key players in these sectors are the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and
Independent Oil Companies (IOCs). Collectively, the IOCs contribute about 94% of total production in the industry.
The production of oil and oil related products undergoes various processes in the upstream sector of the industry.
Such that associated natural gas which is a byproduct of the extractive phase is considered more as a waste product
than an economic resource due to the costly nature of converting associated gas into commercial gas. For this reason, In
order to enhance cost effectiveness, excess gas from drilling associated with natural gas or oil is burned or flared off,
releasing carbon dioxide emission (CO2), into the atmosphere conversely venting of the gas without burning, releases
methane emission (CH4). Together, and crudely, these gases make up about 80% of greenhouse gases associated with
oil & Gas to date.
Over reliance on petroleum has been known to be extremely exigent for countries (e.g. Nigeria) that lack diverse
economies, such that vast amounts of resources are capitalized in the production of oil related products. The production
of oil related products like fuels, gas result in environmental pollution in terms of greenhouse gases (such as carbon
dioxide and methane) that are emitted into the earth’s atmosphere as a result of either gas been flared or vented during
the production process.
Climate change in the words of Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA, 2009) is now a serious and long-term
threat that has the potential to affect every part of the globe. The impacts of climate change are already being felt in many
sectors, and significant harm from it is already occurring. Because of the resultant disruption of economic activities,
climate change is no longer just an environmental issue but a developmental issue. It has become a major threat to the
sustainable development of developed and developing countries like Nigeria. In a world where technology and
environmental threats are changing industries and society so rapidly, the need to evolve with new counter measures
becomes ideal, the challenge now is to keep climate change from reversing all the development gains accumulated in the
last few decades and with the oil and gas industry been more competitive than ever before, these greenhouse gases that
are emitted constitute an economic, social and environmental waste of valuable natural resources which would have
otherwise generate more revenue.
Gas flaring and Gas venting which emanates from the production of petroleum products constitute an economical
E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 3 No 7
ISSN 2281-3993 MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy November2014
and financial waste of valuable natural resources and with the persistent increase in the world energy demand for
petroleum products, it has further necessitated the rise in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions which leads to adverse
effects to the economy and climate at large. Based on the inadequacy and inconsistency of data judging from the volatile
nature of the elements relating to Green Accounting, there are only a couple handful researches in Nigeria and Africa
Consequently, studies that enclose Green House Gas Emissions as it relates to the petroleum sector restricted
their analysis to theoretical frameworks as in Mohammed (2002), Matthew, Anup & Christopher (2009) and Ayoola
(2011). While among the few that conducted empirical works are robin, Murray, Cameron, John & Michael (2006), Peter
(1990),David (2011) Ochuko (2011), Gbajumo (2011), Asaolu, Agboola, Ayoola and Salawu (2011), Birnur, Robert &
Donald (2010), Akabom (2012), Oruba (2005) and Nasiru (2011). In all, empirical studies on Green House Gas Emission
as it relates to oil & gas revenue seem to have received little attention in Nigeria. At the moment, only a handful
researches are conducted in Nigeria. It therefore goes to show that Dearth of studies in this area clearly indicates a gap
and leaves a vacuum within the literature that needs to be filled. This study therefore fills these gaps by extending its
analysis to both empirical and also widening the green house gas variables to include carbon dioxide, methane emissions
to proxy GHG’s as it relates to gas flared and vented in the economy.
Based on the foregoing paragraph, the following questions are raised; does Greenhouse Gas emissions have any
effect on the Oil & Gas revenue generated by Nigeria? How much effect, if any does Greenhouse Gas emissions have on
the Oil & Gas revenue generated by Nigeria and is it enough to cause a stir? It is in view of the issues surrounding the
subject matter; this study is carried out in order to get answers to the above questions and also to fill the gap in literature.
The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of Greenhouse Gas Emissions on Oil & Gas revenue in Nigeria.
Other specific objectives are:
1. To examine the impact of gas flaring on Oil & Gas revenue in Nigeria.
2. To examine the impact of gas venting on Oil & Gas revenue in Nigeria.
In view of the main objective of the study, the study thereby hypothesizes in null form that:
H01: Gas Flaring has no significant impact on Oil & Gas revenue in Nigeria.
H02: Gas Venting has no significant impact on Oil & Gas revenue in Nigeria.
In other to accomplish the stated objective, this paper is organized into five sections, with this section being the
introduction, section two dwells on review of related literature, section three is devoted to the methodology of the study,
section four presents and discusses the results of the data analysis, section five concludes the study by highlighting the
findings and their recommendations.
Petroleum covers both naturally occurring unprocessed crude oil and petroleum products that are made up of refined
crude oil. Petroleum is recovered mostly through oil drilling (Guerriero 2012). It is refined and separated, most easily by
boiling point, into a large number of consumer products, from gasoline (petrol) and kerosene to asphalt and chemical
reagents used to make plastics and pharmaceuticals. Petroleum is used in manufacturing a wide variety of materials, and
it is estimated that the world consumes about 90 million barrels each day. The use of fossil fuels such as petroleum has a
negative impact on Earth's biosphere as when burned, petroleum releases greenhouse gases into the air which in turn
damages ecosystems through events such as oil spills, pollution among others (The Hindu, 2011).
According to Ogbonna & Appah (2012), the major sources of petroleum income are sale of crude oil and gas (oil
revenue), Petroleum profits tax and royalties, licensing fees and other incidentals as shown in CBN Statistical Bulletin.
The main focus of Petroleum Profits Tax (PPT) is the upstream sector of the Petroleum industry, which deals with oil
exploration, prospecting, development and production (EPDP).
In the upstream sector of the Nigerian oil & gas industry, petroleum income from the sale of crude oil and gas (oil
revenue) is generated as a result of various agreements in terms of contractual framework within which the NNPC on
behalf of the Nigerian government and the IOCs conduct operations in the industry. These include the Joint Operating
Agreement (JOA), Production Sharing Contract (PSC) and Service Contract (SC). The revenue generated in these
various forms of agreements is shared between the NNPC and the IOC’s in a profit sharing formula. The amount accrued
to the NNPC (NOC) is that which is reflected in CBN statistical bulletin. That goes to show that this study is restricting its
analysis to the revenue generated by the NOC’s. Foreign companies operating in joint ventures (JVs) or production
sharing contracts (PSCs) with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) include ExxonMobil, Chevron, Total,
Eni/Agip, Addax Petroleum (recently acquired by Sinopec of China), ConocoPhillips, Petrobras, StatoilHydro and others.
E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 3 No 7
ISSN 2281-3993 MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy November2014
The production of oil and oil related products undergoes various processes in the upstream sector of the industry.
Such that associated natural gas which is a byproduct of the extractive phase is considered more as a waste product
than an economic resource due to the costly nature of converting associated gas into commercial gas. For this reason, In
order to enhance cost effectiveness, excess gas from drilling associated with natural gas or oil is deliberately burned off,
releasing carbon dioxide emission (CO2), into the atmosphere conversely venting of the gas without burning, releases
methane emission (CH4). Together, and crudely, these gases make up about 80% of greenhouse gases associated with
oil & Gas to date. A Greenhouse Gas (sometimes abbreviated GHG) is a gas in an atmosphere that absorbs and emits
radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect (IPCC 2008).
The most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,
and ozone.
Gas flaring is a process in which excess gas from drilling associated with natural gas or oil is deliberately burned
off, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Because many of Nigeria's oil fields lack the infrastructure to produce
and market associated natural gas, it is often flared. The CO2 emissions can be split into two sources: emissions that
originate from the combustion of fossil fuels which include carbon dioxide produced during consumption of solid, liquid,
and gas fuels and gas flaring and emissions that originate from the decomposition of limestone (not included in the
Subsequently, gas venting is the deliberate release of associated gas as gas, rather than burning, This usually
occur from leaks in pipeline either due to vandalization or during the production phase. Associated gas is the raw natural
gas that emanates from oil wells and it’s commonly a mixture of methane and other hydro carbons. In view of the fact that
methane is a major component of associated gas, the direct venting of associated gas gives rise to methane and volatile
organic compound emissions. Shindell and Drew (2005) argue that the contribution to climate change from methane is at
least double previous estimates as a result of this effect. Other sources of greenhouse gas emission such as oil spillage,
blow outs, among others which could occur accidental during the production process are not included in the analysis of
this study.
Studies that reflected on Greenhouse Gas Emissions as it relates to the petroleum sector include among others
the works of Mohammed (2002), researched for a theoretical framework for Environmental Accounting application on the
Egyptian petroleum Sector in which different concepts and terminology associated with Environmental Accounting were
discussed and clarification as to why Environmental Accounting was besieged paramount was highlighted. The research
introduced a system for Environmental Accounting at various levels within the Egyptian petroleum sector that evaluated
environmental issues such as petroleum reserve, emission trading among others. The limitation to this study relies on the
fact that it studied the petroleum sector of Egypt, thou an African country but it can’t be compared to the petroleum sector
in Nigeria.
Ayoola (2011) examines the theoretical framework for gas flaring and its implication for environmental accounting
in the Nigerian Petroleum Industry. Data were sourced from the annual reports of companies involved in gas flaring in the
oil and gas industry and the result revealed that the issue plaguing environmental accounting disclosures relate to lack of
a standardized requirement for disclosure, political will for legislation, enforcement and the allocation of environmental
costs. The limitation to this study relies on the fact that it studied the petroleum sector of Nigerian but from a theoretical
Furthermore, Nasiru (2011) conducted an empirical research on the impact of gas flaring on Nigeria crude oil
revenue and tax abatement measures by the Nigerian government. By the use of multiple regression analysis, the study
revealed that gas flaring has a negative impact on Nigerian crude oil revenue and tax abatement measures reduced gas
flaring but not significantly. The limitation to this study was the time frame adopted. For a times series data study which
should be a minimum of 30 years, the study only adopted 10 years.
David (2011) examined the Capping of Carbon and Methane Emissions in Nigeria. The study suggested how to
cap two of the emissions that are prone to Nigeria as a nation. According to the study, Carbon emissions are released
from burning fossil fuels that are used to power vehicles, generators while Methane gas is also produced from
decomposed waste products of ruminant animals. The study revealed that safety systems such as liners, covers, gas and
liquid extraction and monitoring wells to detect contamination can aid in capping Carbon and Methane Emissions in
Nigeria. Also, the planting of Fast Growing Malaysian tree (Albizzia falcata), Candlenut, will help assimilate CO2 to make
their own food when combined with light and water. Since their growth is rapid, they are able to absorb CO2 during growth
and at maturity thereby reducing Carbon and Methane Emissions in Nigeria. The limitation to this study was the domain
adopted in the study. The study viewed emissions from the agricultural sector of the Nigerian economy.
Finally, Birnur, Robert & Donald (2010) analyzed gas flaring and venting; extents, impacts and remedies as it
E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 3 No 7
ISSN 2281-3993 MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy November2014
relates to various countries. Based on their study, it was discovered that in Nigeria although flared volumes have
decreased, the majority of the decrease is mainly due to decrease in oil production caused by civil unrest. Both regulatory
enforcements and financial incentives are proving insufficient in Nigeria. Also, the methodologies used in estimating gas
flaring and venting have to be updated, improved and made consistent worldwide. The limitation to this study was the fact
that the study was conducted for a vast range of countries which could not necessarily compared to a case study.
There are various theories in the field of environmental accounting that could be adopted for the study. These
include; Political cost theory which explains how groups external to the firm might be able to impose political cost on the
firm as a result of political actions such as pollution, emissions and carbon footprints disclosure made by a firm in relation
to their positive or negative impacts on their physical environment (Watts & Zimmerman 1978). Also, positive accounting
theory which predicts that all people are driven by self-interest. As such, particular social and environmental activities and
their related disclosures would only occur if they have positive wealth implications for the management involved (Watts &
Zimmerman, 1986). Another theory is the legitimacy theory, Mathews (1993) provides a good definition of legitimacy as
Organisations seek to establish congruence between the social values associated with or implied by their activities and
the norms of acceptable behaviour in the larger social system in which they are a part. In so far as these two value
systems are congruent we can speak of organizational legitimacy. When an actual or potential disparity exists between
the two value systems there will be a threat to organizational legitimacy. This study adopted the legitimacy and political
cost theory to underpin the work on the impact of greenhouse gas on oil & gas revenue in Nigeria.
The study adopted the causal comparative/ex post facto research design. The choice of this research design is informed
by the main objective of the study. In this context, the design will be used to determine the impact of Greenhouse Gas
Emissions on Oil & Gas revenue of Nigeria. The study is centered on the Nigerian oil and gas upstream Sector. The
study used Secondary data, mainly unbalanced time series data from the World Bank database and Central Bank of
Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin. The data will be restricted to Oil revenue generated from records in the CBN statistical
bulletin and Greenhouse gas emissions in Nigeria from records in the World Bank database for each year covered by the
study. The study will cover a period of thirty (30) years from 1981 – 2010 and adopted multiple regressions as a
technique for analysis.
The study adopted the regression analysis model. The model tends to examine the impact of GHG emissions on
Nigeria’s Oil & Gas revenue, where Oil & Gas revenue which is proxied as the total petroleum revenue generated by the
NNPC (NOC) in Nigeria is the dependent variable and GHG emissions which are proxied as gas flaring (CO2) and gas
venting (CH4) are the independent variables. For the purpose of proper analysis, Carbon Dioxide emissions (CO2) and
Methane (CH4) emissions are the proxies that will be used as gas flaring and gas venting respectively. The model was
however formulated to test the hypothesis that GHG emissions have no significant impact on Nigeria’s Oil & Gas
In general, the regression model is described as
Y1 = F (a + bx1) + e1 …………………………….. Therefore:
PREV1 = F (a + b1GHG) + e1 ……………………eqn. 1
PREV1 = F (a + b1CO2 + b2CH4 ) + e ………. eqn 2.
PREV = Oil & Gas revenue
a = Constant
b = Co-efficient of independent variable
C02 = Carbon monoxide Emissions
CH4 = Methane Emissions
e1 = Term Error
Varialbes Specifications Measurements
Oil & Gas revenue (NOC’s petroleum revenue) PREV $ ( US dollars)
Gas flaring (Carbon monoxide emissions) CO2 Qty * price of CO2
Gas venting (Methane emissions) CH4 Qty * price of CO2
E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 3 No 7
ISSN 2281-3993 MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy November2014
This section presents the result of data analysis and tests of hypotheses formulated earlier in the paper. The summary of
the Regression Result are presented and analyzed, and then policy implications and Recommendation will be drawn and
made from the findings of the study.
Table 1: Regression Results: Oil & Gas Revenue and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
The cumulative R2 (0.6449) which is the multiple coefficient of determination gives the proportion or percentage of the
total variation in the dependent variable explained by the explanatory variables jointly. Hence, it signifies 64% of the total
variation in oil and gas revenue in Nigeria is caused by greenhouse gas emissions (Gas Flaring and Gas Venting). This
indicates that the Model is fit and the explanatory variable are properly selected and used. The F-statistic value of 24.52
shows that the model of the study is well fitted; this is further substantiated by the significant value of 1%.
The paper investigates the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on oil & gas revenue in Nigeria. Gas flaring and gas
venting constitute the determinants factors, while the oil & gas revenue represent the dependent variable of the study. It
was found that gas flaring and gas venting has a positive and significant influence on oil & gas revenue generated in
Nigeria at 1% level of significance. Therefore the result implies that IOC’s in Nigeria find it cost effective to flare and vent
gas not minding the environmental and financial cost implication on the government of Nigeria. It is recommended that
E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 3 No 7
ISSN 2281-3993 MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy November2014
the Nigerian government should utilize revenue derived from the flaring and venting of gas to cater for the environs
affected by the unnecessary and deliberate flaring and venting of greenhouse gas. Also, the Nigerian government should
increase the amount charged as penalty to control gas emissions hence, reducing the amount expended on control
measures of unnecessary and deliberate flaring and venting of gas.
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